Chai Lites January 2012



Temple Israel of Greater Miami's monthly bulletin.

Citation preview






NOvEMbER 2011 / ChESvAN-KISLEv 5772 vOLuME 70 NuMbER 3



Saturday. January 14. 2012 8 pmin miami’s performing arts district

cantors, soloists and musicians performingjewish music from around the world in the

4th annual winter jewish music concert


TEMPLE ISRAEL OF GREATER MIAMI- a progressive Reform congregation -

has been celebrating its diversity indowntown Miami since 1922.

Table of ContentsMESSAGES 3-6Rabbi’s MessageScholar-in-ResidencePresidential Perspective Executive Director Notes from the CantorA Musical Interlude by Dr. Alan Mason


EDUCATION AND YOUTH 12-14, 27Notes from the ECC Religious School NewsYouth Activities


GET INVOLVED 16-17 Sisterhood Corner Dorothy Serotta Social Justice Forum

WORSHIP 18, 20January Schedule

LIFE CYCLE EVENTS 19-20, 22Mazel Tov Birthdays & Anniversaries New MembersIn MemoriamYahrzeits


JANUARY CALENDAR 25-26, 28Community Happenings

CHAI LITESPublished monthly at:

137 N.E. 19th Street Miami, FL 33132Phone: (305) 573-5900

Email: info@

Jody R. Cohen

Mitchell Chefitz

Michael Glozman

Dr. Alan Mason

Marla Towbin

Federico D’Angelo

Isabel Montoto

Iris Amador

Phyllis Littman

Linda Levin

Valeria Michanie

Melba Leiman

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rabbi

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rabbi, Scholar-in-Residence

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cantor

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director of Music

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Executive Director

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Facility Manager

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Office Manager

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bookkepeer

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant to the Clergy

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Membership and Outreach Coordinator

. . . . . . . . . . . . . Director of Education ECC and Religious School

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director of Administration ECC

Peter Bermont*Dr. Joan Bornstein*Marsha B. Elser*Martin Fine*Esta FriedmanRobert Glazier*Cynthia Sobel GoldRichard GoldbergSusann GoldbergDr. Andrew GottliebSuzanne HafkinLance HarkeDouglas HellerDouglas M. Jacobs*Jane Kahn Jacobs*John KanterLisa KatzMichelle KrinzmanGail Lewis

Jannet Dannon-MairenaArthur Marcus

Richard MilsteinCarla Neufeld

Norma A. Orovitz*Oliver Pfeffer

Harris ReibelCandace Ruskin*

Jack Schillinger*Gerald K. Schwartz*

Donna SeldesMichael A. Silver*

Peggy SilverStanley G. Tate*

Suzanne TrushinRobert Waterstone

Robert L. WaxmanHenry E. Wolff, Jr.*

*Past President

Douglas M. Jacobs, Chair*Leonard L. AbessJoAnne BanderJoe FarcusMichael Graubert, M.D.Seymour HeckerBetsy KaplanElton J. KernessNathan S. LeeLawrence LeitnerMarlin Lewis



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice President-Administration

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice President-Education. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice President-Fundraising

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice President-Real Estate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice President-Membership

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice President-Programming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer

Ben KuehneJoan L. SchaefferMerri MannEdythe KernessNeil RollnickHoward D. GoldsteinBeco LichtmanEllen Kempler RosenMichael D. Orovitz*

Budd MayerS. Ronald Pallot

Kenneth D. RosenBarton Sacher

Neil SchaffelSandra Simon

Brenda ShapiroJoni Tate

Richard WeinerJames Weinkle

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January 2012 / Tevet-Shevat Volume 70 Number 5 3



Rabbi Jody Cohen

RABBI’S MESSAGEWhat Happened to the Dream?

On August 28, 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the march onWashington for jobs and freedom and delivered his nowfamous “I Have a Dream” speech. More than 200,000 people - black and white, young and old, rich and poor - gathered that day to hear this modern day prophet’s eloquent call for justice for all our nation’s inhabitants. Dr. King shared a dream “deeply rooted in the American dream.” ThatAmerican dream of freedom, dignity, and economic justice is based on the belief that all people are created equal and “guaranteed the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and thepursuit of happiness.” Dr. King vowed not to be satisfieduntil, in the words of the prophet Amos, “justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream” for all God’s children.

Almost fifty years later, as we honor the memory of thisrenowned civil rights leader this month, we wonder, what happened to the dream? As a nation, we have come so far, and yet, there is still so much work to do to fulfill the dream of attaining freedom, dignity, and economic justice for all. Even with all the progress we have made as a society, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. A recentstudy by Stanford University reports that the middle class, which has been the stalwart of American society, is shrinking, causing the income gap between rich and poor to increase at a rapid pace. Low income neighborhoods, still inhabitedprimarily by minorities and single parent households, lackaccess to the same quality education, health care, and job opportunities as the more affluent, primarily white population.

Immigrants, especially undocumented immigrants, havebecome the modern day whipping posts as states pass harsh anti-immigration laws that are antithetical to thevalues upon which our country was founded. As in the 1960’s, Alabama is being accused of racism after passing one of the nation’s most stringent anti-immigration laws. With a sad sense of déjà vu, the powerless and vulnerable are being targeted, hunted, arrested, and deported. Families are being torn apart and children, whose parents have worked hard to provide them with better opportunities, especially education, are being penalized.

Yet, even with all this cause for despair, there is hope. Thanks to social networking, something Dr. King probably could not have envisioned, an organic movement, representing thediversity of our population, is revitalizing the call for social and

economic justice. From New York City to Oakland, California, people from all walks of life are calling upon the economicdecision makers to reign in greed and excess. The Occupy Wall Street Movement is redefining and re-energizing ageneration. Jeffrey Sachs of the New York Times calls this movement “the start of a new era in America.” Halevi, it should only be so, as my grandmother used to say!

In the tradition of Dr. King, it is time once again for people to speak up for justice. With only a 9% approval rate of Congress,we can no longer sit around and wait for, or expect, ourpoliticians to make the changes necessary for the American dream to become a reality. An organization called 1Miamirecently conducted a survey of 900 residents from LittleHavana to North Miami to determine how their lives have been impacted by the recent economic crisis and what we, as a community, need to do to help with the recovery effort. The findings indicate that to succeed economically, Miami needs to create 100,000 jobs. At the same time as largecorporations, such as Florida Power and Light and WellsFargo, have achieved record profits, and state legislatorshave upheld $850 million in tax cuts for the wealthiestFloridians, many local residents have lost their jobs and homes. 1Miami has outlined very clear and specific proposals to rectify Miami’s current economic crisis. To learn more about the findings of this important survey, check out their website at

Perhaps it’s not coincidental that the annual commemoration of the birthday and work of Dr. King coincides with the Torah reading about our people’s efforts to seek freedom from enslavement by Pharaoh in Egypt. After all, this has been the example that Dr. King, and so many other oppressed people, have used as they experienced their own movement from slavery to freedom. Just as Moses heeded God’s words to keep exhorting Pharaoh to free the Israelites, so, too, must we heed Dr. King’s words to “continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive.” That faith infreedom, dignity, and justice, which stems from our people’s experience of redemption from slavery, must continue toinform our actions in these very challenging times. Even in the most turbulent times of racial divide and brutality, Dr. King reminded us, “in spite of the difficulties and frustrationsof the moment, I still have a dream.” As we begin a newsecular year, may we honor the memory of this courageous man by working to keep that sacred dream alive.

Revisioning Our Temple Israel Community

Having rededicated our Jewish lives with the Festival of Lights atChanukah, a time to relive themiracle given to our ancestors,

our thoughts now turn to our own rededication with the same energy that propelled our ancestors to create for us ourJewish heritage that has lasted through today.

Last month, I experienced the vibrancy, enthusiasm, and power of Judaism as I attended the 71st General Assemblyof the Union for Reform Judaism in Washington, DC. You can only imagine the power and energy of the 6,000 Jewishleaders, activists, scholars, and students gathered together to study, converse, worship, and eat under one roof. OurFriday night Shabbat dinner might even have set a world record! The one constant throughout the Biennial Conference is that we are all changing, rebuilding, and revisioning our present and future as Jews in our families, our communities, and our nation. To any participant or observer, there is no doubt that ReformJudaism is here to stay, and that we will continue to speak to and satisfy the needs and desires of our communities across North America.

The highlight of the Conference was the appearance ofPresident Barack Obama as our Keynote Speaker, captivatingall in attendance with his thoughtful and exciting vision of our Nation’s future, the importance of the State of Israel as a model for democracy and freedom in the Middle East, and the values we bring as a community to maintaining ourNation as a welcoming place for all who choose to make their lives in a land of freedom and democracy. The strength of our People as role models was plainly evident in thePresident’s appreciation for our gathering. Rabbi Jody Cohen was one of the honored few who participated in a private meeting of Jewish Leaders with President Obama!

The ability to converse with and learn from other Templecommunities at the Biennial enabled our Temple Israelmembers in attendance (Rabbi Cohen, Joan Schaeffer, Alan Mason, Robert Glazier, Valeria Michanie, Lynn Kislak, andJennifer Rueben) to recognize that our Temple Israel brand is both well known and considered a leader in creating a new vision for our Temple communities. We are most certainly on the right track with our efforts to create a Center forJewish Life and Culture within the grounds of our Temple Israel Campus, just as we continue to revision our role in downtown Miami.

Ben KuehnePresident

Continued on page 21



SCHOLAR-IN-RESIDENCEReflections on Rabbi Jack Riemer

Rabbi Mitchell ChefitzScholar-in-Residence


Continued on page 20

It may be that every Jewish book published in the world goes through one set of hands for review, the hands of Rabbi Jack Riemer. Not only every Jewishbook, perhaps every Jewishnewsletter and congregational bulletin. All of this is somehow absorbed and processed. So

what does he do with it?

For one thing, since he knows about everything, those of us who know somewhat less consult him from time to time for advice and direction.

And, when he was a congregational rabbi in La Jolla or Miami(Beth David), or presenting at rabbinic gatherings andconferences, when he was traveling regularly as scholar for a Shabbat in any number of communities, that wealth of intake would be refined into ingots of golden sermons and teachings.

Jack’s not a pulpit rabbi at the moment. He still travels, not as often. The books keep coming to him, and the newsletters, and the bulletins. What comes from him now are internet communications, words of Torah that are at once readilyavailable and profound. So Jack still travels weekly, if not from community to community, then through community to community at the speed of light.

We’re fortunate each year that he manages to descend from his home in Boca Raton and visit with us, in person. This year will be Wednesday, January 18th, during our noontime learning.

Wednesday noontime learning has been a practice for me for about 30 years, my ten years here at Temple Israel, and the two decades before when I was with the Havurah of South Florida. Wednesday is sometimes called “hump day,” the day one has to get over before the weekend arrives. I consider it the opposite, the lowest point in the week, the descent from the past Shabbat bottoming before one ascends to the coming Shabbat. I like to have an hour of learning to provide a bounce, to push me forward.

The Havurah used to learn in corporate board rooms,comfortable settings for 15 – 20 people. One year we were learning Abraham Joshua Heschel’s masterpiece, God in Search of Man. Jack was in Miami then. He heard of what we were doing and asked if he might sit in. He did so, quietly, not speaking until one particular issue was raised.

Heschel quoted a rabbinic midrash, a teaching well known among those with some learning, but not easy for novices

January 2012 / Tevet-Shevat Volume 70 Number 5 5

EXECUTIVE DIRECTORMarla’s Meisele Maysele…(my little story)


lived and died in Egypt, all but the first 17 years of his life. 2 Despite his dimmed eyesight, Jacob shares with his children a vision of their future.

Unlike the soothsayers and magicians of Egypt, Jacob hasinsights from G-d that do not explain certain individualfutures, but a destiny for the whole people with each tribe performing certain functions in that prophecy.

Jacob (Genesis 48) blesses his grandchildren—and in a parallelto his own story when a dim-eyed Isaac is tricked intoblessing the younger Jacob over the older Esau—the younger Ephraim received the blessing Joseph thought should go to the older Manasseh.

It is not history repeating itself, because in this story Joseph makes Jacob aware of what he presumes is a mistake and Jacob reassures him that the younger would be the greater but that each will fulfill a destiny to become a great people.

By blessing his grandchildren as if they were his own, there is a sense that Jacob’s blessings are intended to lastthroughout the generations. By this we learn, as in synagogue life, everyone from the youngest to the oldest person has a role to play. As adults, we provide for the next generation by making it clear to our children that our heritage passes to them and then they must continue our traditions.

This idea of continuance is also of foremost importance in Jacob’s end of life blessings to his sons: where the strengths and weaknesses of each member are considered in Jacob’s assessment of their futures.

Associating his sons with character traits sometimes found in different animals, the portrayal is not the most flattering, yet each family unit had a role to play. In a synagogue our Temple families are made up of people with many different personal attributes. All of whom can contribute in some way and everyone should be encouraged to participate.

What makes us great as a synagogue is that each of those

Marla TowbinExecutive Director

The Torah portion Vayechi read on January 7th draws remarkableparallels that can be of value to us as modern Jews.

Beginning with the lines “And he lived…” Genesis 47- 50 (Vayechi)1 relates the end of life of patriarchJacob, living in Egypt the last 17 years of his life, and his son Joseph who

Continued on page 21

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Alan MasonDirector of Music and

Doctor of Musical Arts

Cantor Michael Glozman

by Dr. Alan Mason

rhythmic drive, and unique quality of sound.

Martin Bookspan To Be Special Guest on the Winter Jewish Music Concert

Martin Bookspan, the long-time host of PBS’ Live fromLincoln Center will be the special guest on The Fourth Annual Winter Jewish Music Concert on Saturday evening, January 14, 2012 at 8:00. Mr. Bookspan has a life-long love for and knowledge of Jewish music. The concert has gained attentionas one of the nation’s leading concerts of Jewish music. Each of the first three concerts sold out ahead of time and was viewed by a capacity crowd of 700 people, as well as hundreds more who watched the concert through video streaming on the internet.

The first three concerts were called “Cantorial Concerts,” but traditional Jewish cantorial music is only one of the types of music. The concert presents a wide variety of Jewish musicfrom around the world, including cantorial music, Ladinomusic, pop, classical, Yiddish, jazz and rap. We have changed the name to ‘Winter Jewish Music Concert’ so that peopleunderstand that this isn’t an old-fashioned cantorial concert.

The 2012 concert, which will be presented in the BerthaAbess Sanctuary will feature eighteen singers and sixinstrumentalists. The performers are from throughoutFlorida, as well as New York. Remaining tickets are available at 1-800-838-3006, and General admission is $18 plus a nominal service charge. Alan MasonDoctor of Musical ArtsDirector of Music

Dr. Martin Luther King Shabbat Service

Special music for our Dr. Martin Luther King Shabbat service on Friday, January 13, 2012 will be presented by the Male Ensemblefrom the Florida MemorialUniversity Ambassador Chorale. This a capella male quartet, underthe direction of J. Allen Pealer, has performed throughout Floridaand Georgia. They are known fortheir tight four-part harmony,

“I thought of eagles for a long timeand understood such a whole lot:the eagles soar above the clouds,they fly and fly and touch no one.They live on cliffs and on mountains and are intimate with water sprites,I thought a long time about eaglesbut confused them, I think, with flies.” (D. Kharms)

TIME SENSITIVITYFreedom, freedom… You open your eyes and let the current flow inside. The flow penetrates your brain, teases your senses, washing your cells and tissues, filling you with a flush of eternal energy. You hear sounds - thousands of tonelessbeats; their rhythmical pulsation infuses you with theevenness and tranquility. A weightless swing to nowhere – placeless, timeless… You perceive your being and thisperception imbues you with the absoluteness. You recognizewhat indifference is: the indifference of happiness - thehappiness of none - the none of Him. You are no longer you, but are.

You close your eyes and wake up…

Cantor Michael Glozman

January 2012 / Tevet-Shevat Volume 70 Number 5 7

Special Events and Programs.........................................................................................................................................................................................


FIRST MONDAYS AT THE TEMPLE Monday, January 9, 2012

11 amSponsored by Temple Israel Sisterhood

Join the ongoing knitting and Mah Jong groups. Bring a bag lunch, dessert and coffee will be provided.

THE CENTRAL CHAVURAH INVITES YOUTo join in a gentle mix of fellowship and scholarship as we continue our look into the

Challenges Facing Contemporary Jewish Thought. Be with us on


KAPLAN HALLWe will take up the third topic in our series:


The series represents the interests and concerns of our Chavurah members and has been

coordinated by Rabbi Larry Halpern. Other topics to be touched upon in 2012 include:




MAY 17 – POTPOURRIBe sure to mark these dates on your calendar. All Temple members and their friends are welcome to join and

participate in discussion and exchange of ideas. Refreshments and beverage are always on hand. If you need more information call Dody Raskin 305-891-5823 or


12:00 NoonBring a Bag Lunch.

Drinks and cookies provided.


Join us and get into the spirit pre-festival.Meet local Director Avital Epstein who will show her 2012

thesis narrative film from FSU entitled“Peace at Home” followed by a Q&A.

Don’t miss this opportunity to pre-screen this short, which will be shown at the MJFF at the end of January.

Free and open to the community.

Friday, February 3rd, 20126 pm

Tu B’Shevat creative serviceand seder, followed by a winetasting led by temple member

Brad Trushin.

RSVP:Phyllis Littman, 305-573-5900 ext. 405


Save the Date

Thursday, January 5th, 20126:30 pm



is proud to host


January 2012 / Tevet-Shevat Volume 70 Number 5 9

SATURDAY. JANUARY 14. 2012 8PM26cantors, soloists and musicians performing jewish music from around the world in the 4th annual winter jewish music concert

in miami’s performing arts district

PerformersEmily AronoffSusana BeharCesar BeliniskiLuis CattanMichelle Auslander CohenAlejandra CzarnyGaby Enser-TangirMichael GlozmanTanya GreenblattJulie JacobsSusan Shane LinderAlan MasonBenjamin MatisGeniene MillerZachary MondrowRachelle NelsonPaul OffenkrantzBrian PottsMargaret SchmittLisa SegalAdina Baseman SharfsteinAri SharfsteinStephen TexonAndrew Weinstein

Martin Bookspan, Special Guest

Seven hundred people gather in a historic 1926 sanctuaryin downtown Miami to hear the best of Jewish music fromaround the world:Yiddish, cantorial, Ladino, Israeli, folk,pop, classical, jazz, rap, and tango.

Tickets are $18 each atwww.WinterJewishMusicConcert.orgor 1-800-838-3006

Bertha Abess SanctuaryTemple Israel of Greater Miami137 NE 19th StreetMiami, Florida 33132

“It was truly a spiritually uplifting and cleansing experience. I left the concert feeling like this music was now somehow part of my soul.” - Manny Perez

Temple Israel’s


We will celebrate Temple Israel’s 90th Anniversary with a Reunion of all Confirmation classes!Your class confirmation year can be mailed to you simply by

emailing Edythe Kerness to request your copy

Help us invite your classmates to Temple Israel’s 90th Anniversary!

Please call Joan Bornstein (305) 271-2571 or email joanlborn@aol.comwith contact information for yourself and your classmates as soon as possible. Thank you.

90th anniversaryP l e a s e J o i n Yo u r Te m p l e F a m i l y I n C e l e b r a t i n g



Ensure that present and future generations can continue to enjoy a “slice” of Temple Israel life! A custom-designed, super-sized Anniversary Cake will be on display at every event

for all congregants and guests to see!



*Multiple cake layers, candles and congratulatory wishes may be purchased on a payment schedule.Additional information about our 90th Anniversary fundraiser and

the anniversary celebration on May 18, 2012 will be announced in the weeks to come!



January 2012 / Tevet-Shevat Volume 70 Number 5January 2012 / Tevet-Shevat Volume 70 Number 5 9

New MemberWelcome ShabbatDinner and Service

Friday, December 9, 2011Dinner begins at 6:00 PMServices begin at 7:30 PM

Complimentary for New Members$20/adult member, $25/adult non-member,

$10/children ages 5 – 12RSVP to the Temple Off ice at 305-573-5900 ext. 405or pl i t by December 7, 2011

Chicken, Fish or Vegetarian option.

The tradition returns… each December, we honor and

welcome all new members who have joined during the past year.If you’re a new member (those who have joined from

December 4, 2010 to present), dinner is freeand you’ll receive a special gift as well! After enjoying a

delicious catered Shabbat Dinner, we will continue the celebrationwith a special Shabbat Service in the lovely and historicBertha Abess Sanctuary. If you joined Temple Israel prior

to this year, please plan to attend so that youcan welcome and get to know our newest members!

TEMPLE ISRAEL CELEBRATES 90!An Ever-Changing Tapestry:

Temple Israel and Miami AmidNinety Years of Dynamism!

TEMPLE ISRAEL AT 90!A Celebration in Celluloid

Graciously sponsored by Henry E. Wolff, Jr.

Complimentary but Reservations Required: Please call Phyllis Littman, at 305.573.5900, ext. 405

or email plittman @templeisrael.netor email plittman

Graciously sponsored by Norma and Michael Orovitz

Complimentary but Reservations Required: Please call Phyllis Littman, at 305.573.5900, ext. 405

or email plittman @templeisrael.netor email plittman

90th anniversary

Dr. Paul George Marcia Zerivitz

Dr. Kurt Stone


Education and Youth...................................................................................................................................................................................


Melba LeimanDirector of Administration ECC

Valeria MichanieDirector of Education ECC



“How can Jewish knowledge guide us in our mission forhappiness and a more sustainable lifestyle?” “What is Jewish environmental justice?” and “How does our school embody Jewish environmental values?”

Sensory Garden, where gardening and exploring is a fun and learning experience!

One of the many new endeavors we have recently initiated in our school is the inauguration of our Sensory Garden. This is a special project that consists of removable boxes where children can plant different types of seeds and also interact with different materials.

The garden was one of the many challenges we faced in our Center. When children were asked where apples come from and the answer was, “from the store,” we started wondering how to create a real experience that will help them understand where vegetables and fruits come from. The answer was in front of us: build a garden in the middle of Downtown Miami.

This was an ambitious plan that was completed after much research, and in conjunction with the Miami Fairchild Tropical Gardens and our Parents of Preschoolers Organization.

Giving our children the opportunity to connect with nature, and be part of the growing process of the vegetables and fruits they eat every day, was a dream.

During the past National Recycling Day, our dream came true. We finally celebrated as a community the inauguration of our Sensory Garden, and children and adults came to plant the first seeds. From parsley to tomatoes, from playing with dirt to exploring different types of seeds, the garden wasimmediately a success!

If you pass by The Joni and Stanley Tate ECC in Downtown Miami, stop by and get a sense of nature and connect with the earth!

Valeria MichanieDirector of Education

January 2012 / Tevet-Shevat Volume 70 Number 5 13


RELIGIOUS SCHOOL NEWSChai Lites Articles from 4th-5th grade

Ms. Wendy’s and Ms. Bulbin’s class



Wouldn’t that be refreshing? Good news? Heartwarming thoughts of generosity, faith, kindness, and appreciation for what we have. You are invited to share in the positivefeedback we received when we asked our students…Tell us 10 things you are grateful for. Enjoy!

Ms. Wendy Saltzburg

Julian Michanie:1. I am grateful for my sister and my brother who I love.2. I am grateful for the soldiers who are serving wars. 3. Friends are one of the grateful things that I think isimportant.4. I am grateful for the hospitals that take care of us.5. I am grateful for the beautiful trees that give us airto breath.6. Buildings to give us protection and shelter. 7. The military is another thing I am grateful for because they protect us.8. Living in the United States.9. Living life in the world.10. My family who gives me everything I need, for my mom and my dad…they are the best!

Julian Enriquez: I am thankful for…1. My family who have helped in tough times and have taken care of me when I was sick.2. My friends from school and other places who have kept me company and all of the laughs we had together.3. All the food people have provided me with or else I wouldn’t be alive.4. All the water people provided me with or else I would not be writing this right now.5. My home, school, and other sheltered places or else I would be living under the highway.6. My education whom my parents buy for me.7. All the sports I play whom keep me busy which my parents purchase for me.8. Homeless shelters which keep homeless people safe and healthy.9. Jobs which provide people with shelter, food, water, and money.10. The creation of the world which brought everything into existence.

Fiona Leiman:I am thankful for…

1. My gorgeous family because they are so loving.2. Food or I wouldn’t be living right now!3. Water so I wouldn’t be dead.4. Homeless centers so people less fortunate than us can feel at home even though they don’t have one.5. Shelter so we could feel at home.6. School so we can learn and have a good job when we grow up.7. Music so when I feel sad or bad I feel better or if I have something to do I can dance to it!8. Sunlight so we can see.9. Ground so we can walk on something.10. Books so we can learn enjoy, etc.

Steven Becker:1. I am grateful for my family and friends because they are always there for me.2. I am grateful for food and water because some people don’t have it.3. I am grateful for my clothes because some people don’t have money to buy it.4. I am grateful for shelter because it protects me fromdangerous weather.5. I am grateful for animals because they are what keep us alive.6. I am grateful for school because that’s how childrenbecome smarter.7. I am grateful for doctors because they keep me alive.8. I am grateful for sports because without them I don’t know what I would do.9. I am grateful for music because it makes me feel better when I am sad.10. I am grateful for plants because they keep us alive by making food and air.

Emma Berzofsky:1. I am thankful for the solders because they help. 2. I am thankful for my family because they love me.3. I am thankful for god because he makes me stronger.4. I am thankful for my teacher because she helps me when I need it.5. I am thankful for my friends because they cheer me up.6. I am thankful for what I have because other people don’t have it.7. I am thankful for homeless shelters because they are like public homes for people in need.8. I am thankful for living in the United States.9. I am thankful for engineers and builders because they build everything we have.10. I am thankful for the ground because it supplies us with more than we think.

Remy Cross:1. I’m thankful for my family because they will do everything

Continued on page 27



YOUTH ACTIVITIESMelissa Orth is the first “graduate” of the Hollander Collection Museum Curatorship Training program—a new curriculum at Temple Israel’s Sunday school. Once our students celebrate their b’nai mitzvahs, the next major milestone in their lives (apart from obtaining a Florida driver’s license) is the collegeapplication process. The goal of the Hollander program is to teach our teens how to preserve, catalogue, label, anddisplay historical artifacts for the museum setting. In this case, all of the artifacts relate, directly or indirectly to the Jewish experience. The knowledge that the students acquire toward this end is a terrific complement to their collegeapplications. As this process becomes increasingly competitive from year to year, the Hollander Program offers our Sunday school students an advantage. The teens can demonstrate to the various admissions departments their ability to work continuously, with dedication on this project, in Melissa’s case for three years. Most college applicants, however, are able to say, at best, that they have spent one summer, or one semester on a similar project.

Furthermore, the Hollander project engenders within the students a deeper affinity and connection to their Jewish heritage.

Ms. Orth has already been admitted to many of the universities to which she has applied, and is waiting to hear from others.

Sababa SHABBATTemple Israel of Greater Miami137 NE 19TH STREET, MIAMI, FL 33132

Friday, January 20th 5:45PM



Join us for a special Shabbat led byRabbi Jody, our song leader Mallie Duboff,

and Valeria Michanie.

5:45 pm - We will welcome Shabbat withblessings and prayers…we will sing anddance fun, upbeat Shabbat songs andread our favorite PJ book of the month.

6:30 pm - Family-friendly dinner$15.00 per adult and $5.00 per child.

Please R.S.V.P by January 18th toPhyllis Littman at 305-573-5900, ext. 405

or email

January 2012 / Tevet-Shevat Volume 70 Number 5





-TROPE-The Art of Cantillation

withCantor Michael Glozman

For more informationplease contact

Cantor Michael Glozmanat 305-573-5900 ext. 409




MODERN MIDRASHThursdays, January 5th and 19th

12pm – 1 pm

ADULT HEBREWPlease contact Rabbi Jodyfor fur ther in format ion .


withR a b b i C h e f i t z

J a n u a r y 4 t h , 1 1 t h , 1 8 t h a n d 2 5 t hW e a r e r e a d i n g :

A Passion for TruthBy Abraham Joshua Heschel

Abraham Joshua Heschel, one of the most beloved religious leaders of our time, delivered this book to his publisher a few weeks before his death.

Reprinted by Jewish Lights, available through any bookseller. “Probably the best book on Hasidism to appear in the English Language.” -

Library Journal



Get Involved.........................................................................................................................................................................................



Gail Lewis Donna Seldes Susie GoldbergSisterhood Co-Presidents

Time is fast approaching for our annual “Rite of Women” Rosh Hodesh event; an experience we all look forward to and always enjoy! This year, we are all headed to Temple Israel on Wednesday, January 25, 2012, l Shevat, beginning at 5:30 p.m. with a delicious Potluck get-together! Please bring an easy to eat, no-heat, beautiful food and come at 5:30 p.m. to set-up; we want to enjoy each others company and still have time to experience our program.

This year’s theme: Sisterhood presents BEAUTY in the four worlds – Physical – Emotional – Intellectual – Spiritual.

We will be discovering secrets of BEAUTY and how weconnect to our UNIVERSE. Our committee, Walli Chefitz, EllenKempler and Gail Lewis, have been brainstorming andputting our program together for months. Each of the four worlds will have an activity: our secrets to appreciating our appearance; exploring the tone and the sound of our voices in emotional context and in music and speech; how beauty in art, architecture and everyday objects affect how we see our world. Wear a beautiful piece of jewelry that you feelenhances your body and mind. We will reflect with aninnovating spiritual exercise that may stop us in our tracks, take our breath away and have a lasting effect on our soul.

That same evening at 8:00 p.m., Next at 19th Street presents Susana Behar, famed Miami based singer. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to attend her concert in the courtyard after our program. Please dress beautifully; in Rosh Hodesh history, women wore new clothes for this holiday.

RSVP to Phyllis Littman by email at or by phone at 305.573.5900 ext. 405.

BE A RADIO SPONSORWe are now in a position to offer Temple members anopportunity to honor or memorialize a loved one by

sponsoring an hour of our Friday Evening service on the Radio and on the Internet. This will also include the

sponsorship of the Oneg Shabbat on that particular Friday evening. Temple Israel has been providing Shabbat Services for people who are unable to travel to Temple and who look

forward to listening to our wonderful, spiritual service.

The cost is only $500, for the Radio, Internet and Oneg. It is a wonderful and meaningful way to create a very special

evening of recognition both within the Temple, through Chai Lights and Friday evening handouts, and on the Radio and

Internet. Your message of caring will certainly be heard and seen by many, many people throughout the community. We

hope you will help Temple Israel continue to bring Shabbat to so many people.

If you are interested please contact Phyllis Littman,

at the Temple, 305-573-5900 ext 405

Edythe Kerness, Vice President of Fundraising

Have Your NextA F F A I R H E R E

We are conveniently locatedin the downtown

Miami Performing Arts district.For rates and more information contact

Federico D’AngeloFacility Manager (305) 573-5900

Photo by Freddy Rozen

January 2012 / Tevet-Shevat Volume 70 Number 5 17


Social Justice ForumDOROTHY SEROTTA

Gary Brown

GARDEN VOLUNTEERSVolunteers needed for Edible Garden

The garden is in full bloom. The seeds planted inOctober are up. We are harvesting green beans, radishesand collard greens. Tomato plants have buds on the vine.

Come participate Sunday morning between 8:30 amand 10:00 am, regular volunteers are needed.

All produce is donated to Lotus House.

Weekday volunteers by special arrangement.

Contact David Galler:(617) 365-2728 or

Join us as we celebrate Martin Luther King’s birthday ON FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 2012.

Our guest that evening will be theRevered Canon Richard Livingston Marquess-Barry.

Father Barry was born and reared in Miami, Florida. He is the offspring of Bahamian immigrants. A product of the Miami-Dade County Public School System, he graduated from Miami Northwestern Senior High School in 1958 where his portrait hangs in the school’s Hall of Fame. At Virginia Theological Seminary, he was the only black student enrolled during his three years of study (1965-68). Canon Marquess-Barry has taught on both the secondary and collegiate levels.

Father Barry is an ordained priest of the Episcopal Church (Anglican Communion) and has served as a priest for over 40 years. He was invested as an Honorary Canon of theAfrican Orthodox Church in 1995 and invested as an Honorary Canon of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Miami, FL in 2001. In 1977, Father Barry was called to lead Saint Agnes’ Episcopal Church, the largest and oldest black Episcopal congregation in Miami. Under his leadership, Saint Agnes’ Episcopal Church adopted a HUD project, Rainbow Village Housing Development and forced the Miami-Dade Housing Agency to completely renovate the complex. He combined the tenant council of Rainbow Village and the Vestry of this parish to form theSaint Agnes’ Rainbow Village Community DevelopmentCorporation. Through this organization, eighty two-story, three and four bedroom single family homes for ownership have been built for low and moderate income families in the Overtown community adjacent to the Historic Saint Agnes.

The result of three years of painstaking research,

THE LIGHT BULB CONSPIRACYtravels to the US, Germany, France, Spain and Ghana, and uses rare archive material and hitherto unseen internal company documents to separate fact fromurban legend. It shows the terrible environmental consequences of Planned Obsolescence - like the

immense cemeteries for electronic waste, which have appeared in countries such as Ghana - and presents anumber of hands-on ideas from thinkers, designers,

businessmen, as well as rebellious consumers, all working on saving the modern economy

and the planet.

All Funds Raised are to Benefit“The Greening of Temple Israel”

Sponsored by:The Dorothy Serotta Forum on Social Justice

and The Environmental Action Committeeof Temple Israel

Sunday, January 29, 2012 4:00 PM

Kahn Social HallSuggested Donation: $10 / per person (includes light refreshments)

R.S.V.P. to Phyllis Littmanat or 305. 573-5900 ext. 405




Worship and Spirituality.........................................................................................................................................................................................


JANUARY 67:30 pm Shabbat Service in the Bertha

Abess Sanctuary followed by an Oneg


JOIN US:on Shabbat mornings

January Schedule

JANUARY 205:45 pm Sababa Shabbat

7:30 pm Hebrew Naming Shabbat Service

in the Bertha Abess Sanctuary followed by

an Oneg Shabbat

.10:30 am – 12:30 pm: Joseph’s TableWeaving Torah texts of the great Jewish spiritual masters into a fabric of many colors and shades. Our friend and mentorJoseph Grosbard is no longer with us, but his presence remains around the tables.

Feel inspired as you rejoice in Shabbat and connect with our welcoming community in the Bertha Abess Sanctuary. Our Shabbat service is a gentle mix of traditional and spontaneous song and prayer. Can’t join us in person? Connect with us either by tuning into 880 AM radio, or you will find us streaming on the web at: or

JANUARY 137:30 pm Social Justice Shabbat Service

(Annual Interfaith Service to honor Dr.

Martin Luther King, Jr.) in the Bertha Abess

Sanctuary followed by an Oneg Shabbat

JANUARY 277:30 pm Shabbat Service in the Bertha

Abess Sanctuary followed by an Oneg


Saturday MorningSpiritual

Awakeningwith Cantor

Michael Glozman



9:30 am In the Sophie and Nathan Gumenick Chapel. Everyone

is invited and welcome to experience Shabbat.

Draw closer and connect to the divine through prayer, song and niggunim. Kol HaN’shamah Tehalel Yah –Every soul praises the Eternal One.


January 2012 / Tevet-Shevat Volume 70 Number 5 17

Worship and Spirituality.........................................................................................................................................................................................


DECEmbEr 27:30 pm Social Justice Shabbat Service with speaker Patricia Robbins (Farm Share) in the Bertha Abess Sanctuary followed by an Oneg Shabbat.

Join US:on Shabbat mornings

January Schedule

DECEmbEr 167:30 pm Shabbat Service in the Bertha Abess Sanctuary followed by an Oneg Shabbat.

.10:30 am – 12:30 pm: Joseph’s TableWeaving Torah texts of the great Jewish spiritual masters into a fabric of many colors and shades. Our friend and mentorJoseph Grosbard is no longer with us, but his presence remains around the tables.

Friday, December 9th6:00 pm

New members ComplimentaryAdult Members $20; Non-Members $30;

Children under 12 $10R.S.V.P. to Phyllis Littman, ext. 405


nEw mEmbErShabbat DinnEr

Feel inspired as you rejoice in Shabbat and connect with our welcoming community in the world renowned Sophie andNathan Gumenick Chapel. Our Shabbat service is a gentle mix of traditional and spontaneous song and prayer. Can’t join us in person? Connect with us either by tuning into 880 AM radio, or you will find us streaming on the web at: or

DECEmbEr 97:30 pm New Member Shabbat Service in the Bertha Abess Sanctuary followed by an Oneg Shabbat.

DECEmbEr 237:30 pm Chanukah Shabbat Service in the Bertha Abess Sanctuary followed by an Oneg Shabbat.

Saturday MorningSpiritual

Awakeningwith Cantor

Michael Glozman


anEw VoiCE

9:30 am In the Sophie and Nathan Gumenick Chapel. Everyone

is invited and welcome to experience Shabbat.

Draw closer and connect to the divine through prayer, song and niggunim. Kol HaN’shamah Tehalel Yah –Every soul praises the Eternal One.

Join US on FriDay EVEningS DECEmbEr 307:30 pm Shabbat Service in the Bertha Abess Sanctuary followed by an Oneg Shabbat.

January 2012 / Tevet-Shevat Volume 70 Number 5 19


Life Cycle Events

JoAnne BanderOrlee BushmanAbigail BushmanLauren HellerJulie OppenheimerJenni PersonDeborah Sherman-GorelickEric HankinJayme BerezdivinTony RodriguezAlexander BokorMyriam GersteinJoshua TarkoffPeter BermontHerbert KleinHenry MairenaRobert CseteDaniel GoldsteinRichard AltshulerYuki DenmarkAlec RosenPhyllis WickmanAlan MishaelKevin LeimanMarshall SteinConstanza del PossoDavid LitterRachel CollerHarriet SingerJonathan GoldbergMichael Graubert

OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHYOn behalf of Temple Israel’s Board of Trustees,

Rabbis, Cantor and Administration we extend ourcondolences to the entire inmediate and

extended family and friends of:MARILYN COHEN ELLIS

May her memory be for a blessing and may Godcomfort all who mourn her loss.

Chaim LieberPersonKathleen WeilMichael GainesMichael GlozmanLarry PrimakAdam BeckerGary BrownJennifer GibbsNatanya TrazenfeldMortimer FriedShelly GottliebNancy SchaffelDaniela ZaidenbergArnold WilponOliver PfefferElton KernessJoseph McElweeHoward RukeyserMacAdam GlinnStaci KanterJennifer RuebenLillian ScherJulian GorelickStephen HertzDorothy OrenMarcy LewisLea PitchonJacob HarkeRuth NeinkenKatherine SaundersElise Silver

January Birthdays

SIMCHA CORNERSue and Alan RapperportCraig and Leslie CollerHope Wine and Mary PradosValeria and Yosi MichanieJulie Oppenheimer and Joshua SpectorNatalie and Jeffrey SnyderPaul and Bernice GoldmanLissette Mendez and Oscar MusibayBeco and Eric LichtmanKenneth and Helyne Treister

January Anniversaries4121718192021293131

Please email us your simchas so that as a community we can celebrate together. We need to celebrate life together and share in each other’s moments of joy. Please email your Births, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Engagements,Weddings, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Graduations to:

Please put simcha corner on the subject line. We will do our best to include submissions received prior to noon on Wednesday in the current week’s e-bulletin as well as the next edition of the Chai Lites. We look forward to hearing from you.




We value our Members. If you know ofsomeone who may be interested in finding out more about Temple Israel of Greater Miami, please contact Linda Levin, Membership and Outreach Coordinator

at ext. 414. Thank you.

WELCOME TOOUR NEWEST MEMBERS January 2012 / Tevet-Shevat Volume 70 Number 5 19

This is the title of the course ourScholar-in-Residence, Rabbi Mitch Chefitz,

presented at the National Havurah Institute this summer:

He’s offering it again here at Temple Israel

Sunday, January 8, 201210:00 aM

Here’s how the course was describedin the Institute catalog:

“The most profound, complete text concerning Jewishspirituality, Jewish mysticism, or the Kabbalah is . . . the siddur. The prayerbook. Within the siddur, the morning prayer service is the most complete. It contains both the reading of the Sh’ma and

the Amidah. In it you will find a profound series of spiritualexercises to take you through the Four Worlds of Jewish spirituality.

“But what happens when we put the prayer book down? Without the substance of the book to block our line of sight, we see the

Holy One who is always visible. Much as the early rabbis built the prayer service upon the order of sacrificial offerings, we’ll review

the order of prayer in the morning service and build . . .as deeply as we dare.”

The course was received well at the Institute by veterans andnovices alike. We expect it will be received as well at Temple Israel.

No reservations necessary.Friends are welcome.

September 2011 / Elul 5771-Tishri 5772 Volume 70 Number 1 17



Experience the High Holy Days at Temple IsraelPlease note the following dates and times. All members in good standing will receive a Guide to the High Holy Days which will include an Admittance Card Request form. When you receive the Guide, please review it and completeand return the pertinent forms by return mail. This will ensure that you will receive your Admittance Cards in a timely manner.

CEMETERY MEMORIAL SERVICESSunday, October 210:00 am Mt. Nebo (Miami) Cemetery, RichterMausoleum11:30 am Lakeside Cemetery, Garden of HeroesMausoleum12:30 pm Graceland Cemetery, Gravesite of Cantor Bornstein

KOL NIDREFriday, October 7

6:00 PM Dinner (RSVP Required) 7:30 PM Kol Nidre Service

YOM KIPPURSaturday, October 8

9:45 AM Children’s Program10:00 AM Morning Service12:30 PM Afternoon Programs 4:30 PM Yizkor memorial Service followed by Neila Closing Service and Sisterhood Break-the-Fast (RSVP required)

EREV SUKKOTFriday, October 14

6:00 PM “Sukkot under the Stars,” dinner and service in the Sukkah followed by interactive programs and Oneg Shabbat

SIMCHAT TORAHFriday, October 21

6:00 PM Dinner (RSVP required) 7:30 PM Simchat Torah Celebration including Yizkor

KOL NIDREFriday, October 76:00 pm Dinner (RSVP Required)7:30 pm Kol Nidre Service

YOM KIPPURSaturday, October 89:45 am Children’s Program10:00 am Morning Service12:30 pm Afternoon Programs4:30 pm Yizkor memorial Service followed by Neila Closing Service and Sisterhood Break-the-Fast (RSVP required)

EREV SUKKOTFriday, October 146:00 pm “Sukkot under the Stars,” dinner andservice in the Sukkah followed by interactiveprograms and Oneg Shabbat (RSVP required)

SIMCHAT TORAHFriday, October 216:00 pm Dinner (RSVP required)7:30 pm Simchat Torah Celebration includingYizkor


Worship and SpiritualityContinued from page 17


You and the Holy One withNo Book Betwesen


Continued from page 4

Scholar-in-reSidenceReflections on Rabbi Jack Riemerto understand. So, I explained it. “You know,” one of theparticipants said, “Heschel should have had some readers go through his manuscript to pick things like this up. Anotherparagraph or two of explanation would have been welcome.”

That’s when Jack spoke. He said, “Would you be kind enough to turn to page 427?”




PHOEBE WEINBERG on being called to the Torah as a B’nai Mitzvah

STUART JACOBS on his induction into the Miami Beach Senior

High School Hall of Fame

DR. ALAN MASON for being the Musical Director and a presenter at the 71st URJ Biennial in Washington, D.C.

ALEC ROSEN AND HIS FIRM, AJR & PARTNERS for receiving 3 prestigious Platinum and Gold

awards for international marketingcommunications excellence:

Marcom 2011-

LENNY COHEN on being named Hubert O. Sibley Elementary

School’s Teacher of the Year



AND DEBBY SCHWARTZ for proofing Chai Lites

To our front office greeters: AVI FLASHENBURG, SARA LEVITEN, GAIL LEWIS,



Continued on page 21

Continued from page 4


You and the Holy One with No Book Between

Continued from page 18

January 2012 / Tevet-Shevat Volume 70 Number 5 21www.templeisrael.net20


Presidential PerspectiveMarla’s Meisele Maysele...(my little story)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

MessagesContinued from pages 4 and 20

Page 427 is the last page of the book, titled Acknowledgment.Heschel writes, “For valuable suggestions, the author is grateful to Professor Maurice Friedman, to Professor Fritz Kaufmann, and to Rabbi Jacob Riemer who have read all or parts of the manuscript.”

We had an editor of God in Search of Man at the table and didn’t even know it. We know it now. Rabbi Riemer will be with us again January 18th at noon.

Scholar-in-reSidenceReflections on Rabbi Jack Riemer

One ingredient in that revisioning process, as we have long understood but were reminded through the Biennial’seducational programming, is a commitment to improvingand expanding our highly regarded Joni and Stanley Tate Early Childhood Center. Not only does our ECC provide a safe,nurturing, and educational environment for children, but the religious and cultural values instilled by the ECC staff willprepare the children to become leaders of tomorrow. To provide the ECC with even more resources to fulfill itsmission, it is vital that the ECC be assisted by a group ofdedicated leaders from our Temple, our community, andparents to identify goals and set policies for the future course of the ECC. In other words, the ECC is too valuable a community resource to merely be an adjunct of the Temple.

So, too, must we repurpose our cultural offerings toencourage the continued commitment to high-qualityprogramming within a framework that is responsive to our community’s needs and desires. The Temple Israel Campusremains an inviting place. We have the ability to invite so many more to our facilities through exciting, vibrant, though-provoking, and relevant programming. Just listen to theexcitement among the conversations of the 600-plusattendees at our standing room only Winter Jewish Music Concert on January 14 and you will know there is a hunger in our midst for provocative, entertaining, and interesting programs. To better accomplish that goal, we must identifythose people both within and outside our Temple who can create the vision and policies to make a self-sustainingcultural center a reality.

Our inviting physical campus - to be newly refreshed with the addition of beautiful oak trees to our campus incoordination with Tu B’Shevat in February - continues to draw the attention of both Temple Israel members andpeople from the community. With the success of BridgepointAcademy, our facilities are seen and used by an ever

in our Temple community has a place in the unity of our vi-sion as a people. Finding opportunities that capitalize on everyone’s individual talents may not take the greatness of a Jacob---maybe it just takes willingness on the part of our Temple family to come forward and to offer their strengths. It is our responsibility to help each member to find a role to play in creating and sustaining our Temple community. In our 90th year, more than ever it is important that we be count-ed among those who make a difference at Temple Israel of Greater Miami.

More than just the desire to be returned to the land of prom-ise to be buried with his family, Jacob sets an example for Jo-seph that always the hope of return to the land is the dream that needs to live beyond their years. Joseph dies at the end and though his funeral march back to Canaan is delayed, he makes his family promise to take his bones out of Egypt.

Despite all of life’s diversions the eye on the prize is always for our patriarchs a remembrance that we must return to the source of our strength --the holy land-- and that as people of the promise, we must start out to make the jour-ney to freedom.

As this ends the book of Genesis we recite: Chazak Chazak v’Nischazeik “Be strong, be strong, and gather strength.” And so may Temple Israel of Greater Miami go from strength to strength.

To learn more about how you can be involved in our 90th an-niversary events contact V.P Fundraising- Edythe Kerness at: Thank you.

1Vayechi—12th weekly Torah portion last book of genesis 47:28-50:26

2. According to article by Rav Meir of Bar Ilan according to the commentaries

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

widening array of people. The continued revitalization and upkeep of our buildings, perhaps even the addition of otherfacilities, requires careful oversight by knowledgeableprofessionals. Thus, the creation of an oversight group to monitor, preserve, and coordinate our physical plant, with an understanding of the financial needs to keep our campus and our doors always open, is in process.

Throughout our revisioning, Temple Israel will remain true to the principles on which it was founded. In a manner worthy of our community today, we will continue to be the center of progressive Jewish Miami. I ask you to find that level of time, energy, and resources to help grow our Temple as a place for beauty, creativity, and spirituality in perpetuity.

Shalom Aleinu.

Ben Kuehne, President

Continued from pages 4 and 20

in our Temple community has a place in the unity of ourvision as a people. Finding opportunities that capitalize on everyone’s individual talents may not take the greatness of a Jacob—maybe it just takes willingness on the part of our Temple family to come forward and to offer their strengths. It is our responsibility to help each member to find a role to play in creating and sustaining our Temple community. In our 90th year, more than ever it is important that we becounted among those who make a difference at TempleIsrael of Greater Miami.

More than just the desire to be returned to the land ofpromise to be buried with his family, Jacob sets an example for Joseph that always the hope of return to the land is the dream that needs to live beyond their years. Joseph dies at the end and though his funeral march back to Canaan isdelayed, he makes his family promise to take his bones out of Egypt.

Despite all of life’s diversions the eye on the prize is always for our patriarchs a remembrance that we must return to the source of our strength —the holy land— and that aspeople of the promise, we must start out to make the journey to freedom.

As this ends the book of Genesis we recite: Chazak Chazak v’Nischazeik “Be strong, be strong, and gather strength.” And so may Temple Israel of Greater Miami go from strength to strength.

To learn more about how you can be involved in our 90thanniversary events contact V.P. Fundraising - EdytheKerness at: Thank you.

1. Vayechi—12th weekly Torah portion last book of genesis 47:28-50:26

2. According to article by Rav Meir of Bar Ilan according to the commentaries.

Marla’s Meisele Maysele...(my little story)



KaddishMay God’s name be exalted and hallowed throughout the world that He created, as is God’s wish. May God’s sovereignty

soon be accepted, during our life and the life of all Israel. And let us say: Amen.May God’s great name be praised throughout all time. Glorified and celebrated, lauded and worshiped,exalted and honored, extolled and acclaimed may the Holy One be, praised beyond all song and psalm,

beyond all tributes that mortals can utter. And let us say: Amen.Let there be abundant peace from heaven, with life’s goodness for us and for all Israel. And let us say: Amen.

May the One who brings peace to His universe bring peace to us and to all Israel. And let us say: Amen.Zichrona L’vracha, May their memory be for a blessing.


JANUARY 6:Harry AlbertLynn BellerRuth BlumDavid BlumbergTheodore Benjamin ChertokLena ColemanEllard G. ConnMinnie DeinMinnie EisenbergCharles EliasJohn Albert EngelAda May EppsteinHyman FeldmanMinnie FeldmanFlorence FlaydermanRosabel Hoffman FreedRae S. GluckRobert GolinHarry GrangerCarl N. HagemanSamuel HirschensohnDavid I. JosephArthur S. KahnJacob H. KaplanMolly Leah KoftoffMyrtle KollerLaurence LandowMichael Arthur LeveneIsabel LevkoffHattie MaasAbe MannFelix MetzgerEthel Blumer OlitzkyRose OlsonEmily E. OsovskayaRuth ReaderDavid E. ReinwaldJoseph RuzowJennie Behrend SalomonNorbert SalterLeopold L. SchwartzFrank SeidenJacob M. SeidenbergRose Levy SimpsonEsther SmilowHerbert SobelJess H. Speyer

Freda Yubas WolkowskyLeo ZeltnerJANUARY 13:Emil AvrackClara BlumbergJennie BrookmierPhilip CaminitiPaul Ivan CarpAbraham L. CarsonJoseph CooperIrving CracovanerRobert EisenbergJesse Eugene FarberMilton L. Farber, Sr.Dr. Milton FeidelmanAndrew W. FisherLouis FrancisBen FreedenbergJeanne FriedmanElsie GetzugJose B. GildredLee H. GoldmanBessie GoldsteinEleanor A. GoodAlan W. GorovskyRuth Marx GraffMorris “Pat” GreeneJulius A. GreenhouseBarry C. GrossA.J. HarrisJames Mane HaysRae HurwitzAlbert L. KahnAdele Hoffman KaplanAlbert KaplanLeonard S. KatzPhilip LefkowitzJoseph A. LevensonRandy B. Lewis-BerzollaFlorence LomaskinLouis MeiselEmma MeyerRita MillerMatthew H. PaytonLeonard Mark PriceFelice L. RichJesse RiesnerSolomon Riesner

Isaac Leon RiffMorris SchonwaldViolet SchwartzIda StolarVictor L. SussbergSarah TaicherRobert S. ToddAbraham WeinerWilliam WertchafterJANUARY 20:Lawrence AdlerLillian ArnoldDavid W. BaskerElizabeth BerelJoseph BergLouis W. CohenCharles C. DaweAbram EnglerCharles FoxMinnie FriedmanJames F. FurlongFrancine Caminiti GonyeaLillian GutmanBetty HoffmanRosalie HoffmanHarold M. KaiserHyman KaplanDorothy W. KauffmanAbe KohnEvelyn KohnHannah LevinRuth LevyLeon M. LundyPauline (Peppi) MarksSamuel MatzFannie MendelsonLena MillerBernard PalleyLouis E. PallotCarrie RosenBetty Hilda RosenthalNellie E. RudolphLester A. RussinMay G. SchiffGraycie SeidenRebecca SiegelSamuel L. SmithLeo Stein

Morris VigdorJulia WeinerIsabelle M. WolfsteinEdna WolkowskyIsrael ZilberJANUARY 27:Louis AdlerGertrude BarishSimmie BarnettJeff BeckIsidore BenderEsther BlattnerBenjamin Joel BronstonConrad J. CharmakIsidor CohenLeonard EpsteinJoseph FieldRita GellisMary GitelmanLena C. GoldsteinMax GreenSamuel GrossmanDorothy Hirsh JacobsJeanette JacobyZalman Aron JosubGertrude Plaut KallenSol KarpNettie Marshall KleinFlorence KovnerMinnie LangsamEthel LeeJennie D. LionEsther MendelsonShepard N. NelsonMax OrovitzMax PepperMax ReigelLouis RossRobert H. SaltmanEva SawitzSydney SchachterHoward SchaefferSelma SegalMonte SeligAlfred SiegelHyman SmithIsabel WeinbergEdwin WeinerMitchell Wolfson*Names listed denote deceased whose plaque is in the Bertha Abess Sanctuary.

January 2012 / Tevet-Shevat Volume 70 Number 5 23



We appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who supportTemple Israel of Greater Miami by remembering and honoring

their friends and loved ones through their generous contributions.


OR AN ONEG SHABBAT: Bimah flowers

enhance our Shabbat experience.Sponsoring the bimah flowers is a lovelyway to remember or honor a loved one.

Celebrating an anniversary, birthday orother simcha and need a gift?

Why not sponsor an Oneg Shabbat tocommemorate the occasion?

And the great thing is: one size fits all!

As a sponsor of the bimah flowers or Oneg Shabbat, your name will appear in the

Shabbat bulletin and in Chai Lites.For more information or to sponsor,

please contact Phyllis Littman at305-573-5900 ext. 405



Adult B’nei Mitzvah Class-Judith Landy, Eric Lichtman, David Rigg

and Phoebe WeinbergAntolin Carbonell

in honor of the birthday of Gary Brown

MEMORIAL FUNDBunny Greenberg in memory of Jacob GreenbergJulie and Jerome Moskowitz in memory of Ann MoskowitzJeffrey Lefcourt in memory of Miriam LefcourtSandra Goldstein in memory of Harry SimonLen and Judy Linton in memory of Harry MayAlec Rosen and Family in memory of Ruth KargmanPhyllis Nabat and Family in memory of George EllensteinLois Dolgoff in memory of Herbert DolgoffLois Siegel in memory of Jay SiegelNancy K. Novell and Family in memory of Dr. Howard NovellUrsula Metzger-Wellisch in memory of Edith Margolius, Hans MargoliusStephen R. Brenner in memory of Georgia Roth BrennerCharles Stuzin in memory of David StuzinEsta Friedman in memory of Richard Friedman, Israel GitelmanBob Waterstone in memory of Harold ZagonAlexander Glenn in memory of Larry AndersAlbie Hohauser in memory of Leo HohauserHelen C. Cowen in memory of Edward L. CowenReva Wiseman in memory of Arthur SchwartzRADIO-INTERNET FUNDMortimer and Joy Fried in memory of Meyer FineJoan Schaeffer in memory of Anna SchaefferYuki and Larry Denmark in memory of Robert D. Grossman, Sr.Joan Getz and Family in memory of Walter Lavigne, Archie Brick, Clara Brick, Bertha BrickDr and Mrs. Jerome Moskowitz, Scott, Hilary and Gregg in memory of Herbert TenenbomAmy and Leonard Stolar in memory of Allen BernsteinLinda Brickman and Stanley Krieger in memory of Leon Kaplan, Irving KriegerJulie and Jerome Moskowitz in memory of Ann MoskowitzMichelle and Richard Krinzman in memory of Frankie, wife of Harry Ryttenberg, Lois Kandell’s fatherDena Glazer in memory of Rosaline JaffePat Randolph in memory of Robert, son of Eleanor SelikSandy Brawer Koplon in memory of Joseph BrawerEsther Reckles in memory of Lena PetersRichard and Susie Goldberg in honor of the 80th birthday of Marlin LewisEve Pinder in honor of Rabbi Jody CohenEdythe and Elton Kerness in honor of Stu Jacobs being inducted into the Miami Beach Senior High School Hall of FameEdythe and Elton Kerness in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of David Rigg


...................................................................................................................................................................................Contributions continued

ONEG SHABBAT:Adult B’nei MitzvahClass-Judith Landy,

Eric Lichtman, David Rigg and Phoebe Weinberg

Antolin Carbonellin honor of the birthday of

Gary Brown

Tillie G. Brandes donationRADIO GUILDMarilyn and Irving KreisbergLila and Harold KleinIN APPRECIATION OF CLERGYPhoebe Weinberg in honor of Rabbi Jody CohenJOSEPH R. NAROT ENDOWMENT FUNDRichard and Bradley Bermont in memory of Phyllis NewmanEthel and Al Solomon in memory of Emanuel GoldweberTHE JONI AND STANELY TATE EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTERJoni and Stanley Tate in memory of Morton GreenwoodJoni and Stanley Tate in honor of the 98th birthday of Harold MenowitzFLOWER FUNDMichelle and Richard Krinzman in memory of Suzanne Peck’s motherShirley Feidelman and Family in memory of Anne FeinbergHarriett Bulbin in memory of Joseph BulbinDOROTHY SEROTTA SOCIAL JUSTICE FORUMDr. Maurice Serotta in memory of Robert Levin, David Serotta, Louis Serotta, Dorothy SerottaFrances Siegel in memory of Ruth Lillian SiegelJudy Smigel in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of David RiggCHARLES HELD, JR. MEMORIAL FUND TO FEED THE HUNGRYKrinzman Family in memory of Allen BernsteinPat Randolph in memory of Robert, husband of Lois AuerbachBen Bush donationTHE DENMARK LIBRARYYuki and Lawrence J. Denmark in memory of Evelyn Denmark, Irving DenmarkLEARNING PROJECTBob Waterstone in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of David RiggJACOBY TORAHPaula and Arnold Berkins in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of David RiggBORNSTEIN MEMORIAL FUNDIn Honor of Ben Giller’s 90th Birthday:Michelle and Richard Krinzman, Richard Milstein and Eric Hankin, Annette Eisenberg, Peter and Kerrin Bermont, Dody and Ken Raskin, Debra and Gerald Schwartz, Esta Friedman, Yvon JolyB. B. AND GRACE GOLDSTEIN MUSIC FUNDNancy and Neil Schaffel in memory of Muriel RosenPhoebe Weinberg in honor of Cantor Michael GlozmanRABBI COLMAN A. ZWITMAN RELIGIOUS SCHOOLElyn E. Silverman Homs in memory of Raymond HomsHarriett Bulbin in memory of Frederick BulbinJoan Schaeffer in memory of Marilyn EllisLarry and Brandy Primak in memory of Marilyn EllisSusan and Ed Goldberg in memory of Marilyn EllisIsabel and Jose Montoto in memory of Marilyn EllisJoan Schaeffer in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Ari MairenaMARJORIE SCHILLINGER RELIGIOUS SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP FUNDJack Schillinger and Lynn Schillinger in memory of Marjorie Schillinger, Harvey KahnTEMPLE ISRAELDr. Mark Walker and the Walker Family Charitable Trust donation to the Recycling ProgramJoseph and Benita Schwartz donation


Sara Levitenin honor of her birthday

January 2012 / Tevet-Shevat Volume 70 Number 5 25

January 2012.........................................................................................................................................................................................


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday




14 13



12 11


5 4

25 26 27 28

29 30

9:30 AM: Shabbat Service (Chapel)10:30 AM: Joseph’s Table (Board Room)9:00 PM: Heebster Chaiku (Next) (Brown Patio)

9:15 AM:Religious School10:00 AM: Praying Naked10:30 PM: Cooking Class (Kahn)

11:00 AM: Sisterhood FirstMondays

12:00 PM:Noon Learningwith Rabbi Chefitz7:00 PM: New Sanhedrin (Next) (Kaplan)

7:30 PM:MLK ShabbatService and Oneg (Sanctuary)

9:30 AM: Shabbat Service (Chapel)10:30 AM: Joseph’s Table (Board Room)10:30 AM: Text & Togetherness (Next) (Chapel)8:00 PM: Winter Jewish Music Concert (Sanctuary)

No Religious School

Martin LutherKing Day -ECC and Temple Closed

12:00 PM:Noon Learningwith Rabbi Mitch / Rabbi Riemer (Board Room)

12:00 PM:ModernMidrash with Rabbi Jody5:30 PM: Social Justice Committee Meeting (Staff Kitchen)7:00 PM: CentralHavurah Meeting (Board Room)

5:45 PM:SababaShabbat (Kaplan)7:30 PM: Shabbat Service and Oneg (Sanctuary)

9:30 AM:ShabbatService (Chapel)10:30 AM: Joseph’s Table (Board Room)8:00 PM: GuavaRugelach Lounge (Next) (Brown Patio)

9:15 AM:ReligiousSchool

5:00 PM:ExecutiveBoard Meeting (ED’s office)6:00 PM: Board of Trustees Meeting (Board Room)

12:00 PM:Noon Learningwith Rabbi Mitch (Board Room)5:30 PM: Rosh Chodesh (Kaplan)8:00 PM: GuavaRugelach Lounge (Next) (Brown Patio)

12:00 PM:Great BooksSeries (Board Room)

7:30 PM:ShabbatService and Oneg (Sanctuary)

9:30 AM:ShabbatService (Chapel)10:30 PM: Joseph’s Table (Board Room)

9:15 AM:ReligiousSchool

312:00 PM: Noon Learning withRabbi Mitch (Board Room)

12:00 PM:Modern Midrashwith Rabbi Cohen6:30 PM: Jewish Film Festival (Wolfson)

7:30 PM: Shabbat Service and Oneg (Sanctuary)


1 2ECC and Temple Closed

6:00 PM:Programming Committee Meeting (Board Room)



Community HappeningsThe







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The PJ Library presentsRick Recht in conceRtSunday, January 15, 2012 • 1PMTemple Emanu-El 1701 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach For more information, call 305.576.4000, ext. 621Tickets are $5 each or $18 for 4 ticketsAmple parking available in 2 public garages: On the corner of 17th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue.




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Over 400 parents and grandparents were in attendance for Bridgepoint Academy’s fabulous holiday program at Temple Israel.

January 2012 / Tevet-Shevat Volume 70 Number 5 27www.templeisrael.net26


Education and Youth

for me.2. I’m thankful for my friends because they keep mehappy when I’m bored.3. I’m thankful for all the soldiers that protect us because if we didn’t have them, I woudnt be writing this.4. I’m thankful for food and water because I’m lucky enough to have them.5. I’m thankful for my teachers because they keep meeducated.6. I’m thankful for clothing because some people aren’t as fortunate.7. I’m thankful for my pets because they keep me company.8. I’m thankful for music because it gives me something to do.9. I’m thankful for doctors because they keep me healthy.10. I’m thankful for sports because they keep me active

Robert Csete:1. Food2. Water3. Family4. Sisters5. Toys6. Homes7. School

Religious school NewsContinued from pages 12

8. Freedom9. Music10. CarsAll these things they keep me happy.I’m thankful for my family because they put me first before themselves.

Zev Pilshaw1. I am thankful for food because some people have no food.2. Family because people have no family.3. Home because some people need shelter.4. Bed because people sleep on the floor.5. Friends because some kids don’t have friends.6. I am thankful for living in America.7. I am thankful for school because some people have no money for school. 8. I am thankful for blankets because some people get cold.9. I am thankful for books because they teach you stuff.10. I am thankful for clean water

Nick Futernick1. My family because they always cheer me up2. My animals because she sleeps with me3. My friends because they play with me4. My house because it gives me shelter5. My school6. My health7. My life8. A safe world9. Freedom10. My teachers


HigHligHts for CHai litEsAdvertising can be a highlight for our Temple Israel Chai Lites which is a well read

and information monthly bulletin that reaches out to all our members as well as other peoplethroughout greater Miami-Dade and Broward Counties.

If you can reach out to potential advertisers such as restaurants that you frequent, cleaners thatyou use, beauty salons and barber shops and any other business that you deal with, you will be

helping us ensure that Chai Lite can continue to be a beautiful four-color bulletin that we all enjoy.Please consider taking some time to see if you can entice some owners into becoming

advertisers in our Chai Lites bulletin.If you are in business we hope you will consider an ad in Chai Lites.

Our prices are extremely reasonable and reach an audience that has great financial capacity. We will also, for a $1,000 payment, offer a full page ad as well as a space that will announce that this monthly issue is dedicated

by the particular advertiser. This can be a business ad or a dedication in honor of a life cycle event.When you solicit an ad, I would suggest you bring a copy of our Chai Lites so the advertiser

will realize the lovely publication we send.If you have any questions or require more copies of the ad rates and Chai Lites,

please call Marla Towbin at the Temple office, 305-573-5900, ext. 404.

We look forward to hearing from you and, hopefully, having you tell us that you have beensuccessful and we have some new advertisers.

Sincerely,Edythe Kerness

Vice President – Fundraising



Continued from page 13



Education and Youth

for me.2. I’m thankful for my friends because they keep mehappy when I’m bored.3. I’m thankful for all the soldiers that protect us because if we didn’t have them, I woudnt be writing this.4. I’m thankful for food and water because I’m lucky enough to have them.5. I’m thankful for my teachers because they keep meeducated.6. I’m thankful for clothing because some people aren’t as fortunate.7. I’m thankful for my pets because they keep me company.8. I’m thankful for music because it gives me something to do.9. I’m thankful for doctors because they keep me healthy.10. I’m thankful for sports because they keep me active

Robert Csete:1. Food2. Water3. Family4. Sisters5. Toys6. Homes7. School

Religious school NewsContinued from pages 12

8. Freedom9. Music10. CarsAll these things they keep me happy.I’m thankful for my family because they put me first before themselves.

Zev Pilshaw1. I am thankful for food because some people have no food.2. Family because people have no family.3. Home because some people need shelter.4. Bed because people sleep on the floor.5. Friends because some kids don’t have friends.6. I am thankful for living in America.7. I am thankful for school because some people have no money for school. 8. I am thankful for blankets because some people get cold.9. I am thankful for books because they teach you stuff.10. I am thankful for clean water

Nick Futernick1. My family because they always cheer me up2. My animals because she sleeps with me3. My friends because they play with me4. My house because it gives me shelter5. My school6. My health7. My life8. A safe world9. Freedom10. My teachers


HigHligHts for CHai litEsAdvertising can be a highlight for our Temple Israel Chai Lites which is a well read

and information monthly bulletin that reaches out to all our members as well as other peoplethroughout greater Miami-Dade and Broward Counties.

If you can reach out to potential advertisers such as restaurants that you frequent, cleaners thatyou use, beauty salons and barber shops and any other business that you deal with, you will be

helping us ensure that Chai Lite can continue to be a beautiful four-color bulletin that we all enjoy.Please consider taking some time to see if you can entice some owners into becoming

advertisers in our Chai Lites bulletin.If you are in business we hope you will consider an ad in Chai Lites.

Our prices are extremely reasonable and reach an audience that has great financial capacity. We will also, for a $1,000 payment, offer a full page ad as well as a space that will announce that this monthly issue is dedicated

by the particular advertiser. This can be a business ad or a dedication in honor of a life cycle event.When you solicit an ad, I would suggest you bring a copy of our Chai Lites so the advertiser

will realize the lovely publication we send.If you have any questions or require more copies of the ad rates and Chai Lites,

please call Marla Towbin at the Temple office, 305-573-5900, ext. 404.

We look forward to hearing from you and, hopefully, having you tell us that you have beensuccessful and we have some new advertisers.

Sincerely,Edythe Kerness

Vice President – Fundraising

DECEMBER-JUNE: Bloomingdale’s Ultimate Prize Raffle

JANUARY 14: Annual Winter Jewish Music Concert

FEBRUARY 26: Marcia Zerivitz and Dr. Paul George...An Ever-changing Tapestry:

Temple Israel and Miami Amid 90 Years of Dynamism

MARCH 18: Dr. Kurt Stone Temple Israel at 90!A Celebration in Celluloid

MARCH 31: Confirmand Reunion

MAY 6: Renewal of Vows/Commitments

MAY 18: 90th Gala “Birthday” Party

MAY 18: Publication ofTemple Israel Times - 90 years of News

JUNE 15: 90th Annual Meeting,Election and Ultimate Raffle Prize

90 th AnniversaryCelebrations



Education and Youth

for me.2. I’m thankful for my friends because they keep mehappy when I’m bored.3. I’m thankful for all the soldiers that protect us because if we didn’t have them, I woudnt be writing this.4. I’m thankful for food and water because I’m lucky enough to have them.5. I’m thankful for my teachers because they keep meeducated.6. I’m thankful for clothing because some people aren’t as fortunate.7. I’m thankful for my pets because they keep me company.8. I’m thankful for music because it gives me something to do.9. I’m thankful for doctors because they keep me healthy.10. I’m thankful for sports because they keep me active

Robert Csete:1. Food2. Water3. Family4. Sisters5. Toys6. Homes7. School

Religious school NewsContinued from pages 12

8. Freedom9. Music10. CarsAll these things they keep me happy.I’m thankful for my family because they put me first before themselves.

Zev Pilshaw1. I am thankful for food because some people have no food.2. Family because people have no family.3. Home because some people need shelter.4. Bed because people sleep on the floor.5. Friends because some kids don’t have friends.6. I am thankful for living in America.7. I am thankful for school because some people have no money for school. 8. I am thankful for blankets because some people get cold.9. I am thankful for books because they teach you stuff.10. I am thankful for clean water

Nick Futernick1. My family because they always cheer me up2. My animals because she sleeps with me3. My friends because they play with me4. My house because it gives me shelter5. My school6. My health7. My life8. A safe world9. Freedom10. My teachers


HigHligHts for CHai litEsAdvertising can be a highlight for our Temple Israel Chai Lites which is a well read

and information monthly bulletin that reaches out to all our members as well as other peoplethroughout greater Miami-Dade and Broward Counties.

If you can reach out to potential advertisers such as restaurants that you frequent, cleaners thatyou use, beauty salons and barber shops and any other business that you deal with, you will be

helping us ensure that Chai Lite can continue to be a beautiful four-color bulletin that we all enjoy.Please consider taking some time to see if you can entice some owners into becoming

advertisers in our Chai Lites bulletin.If you are in business we hope you will consider an ad in Chai Lites.

Our prices are extremely reasonable and reach an audience that has great financial capacity. We will also, for a $1,000 payment, offer a full page ad as well as a space that will announce that this monthly issue is dedicated

by the particular advertiser. This can be a business ad or a dedication in honor of a life cycle event.When you solicit an ad, I would suggest you bring a copy of our Chai Lites so the advertiser

will realize the lovely publication we send.If you have any questions or require more copies of the ad rates and Chai Lites,

please call Marla Towbin at the Temple office, 305-573-5900, ext. 404.

We look forward to hearing from you and, hopefully, having you tell us that you have beensuccessful and we have some new advertisers.

Sincerely,Edythe Kerness

Vice President – Fundraising



Wednesday, January 25, 201211:30 am

For more information contactAnnette Eisenberg (305) 757-3633


January 2012 / Tevet-Shevat Volume 70 Number 5January 2012 / Tevet-Shevat Volume 70 Number 5 27



PROFESSIONAL LISTING Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ( 4 Lines of text)

QUARTER PAGE Vertical: 3 1/2” x 4 1/2”


9 1/4” x 7 3/4”

Vertical: 2” x 3 1/2” Horizontal: 3 1/2” x 2”

Vertical 3 1/2” x 9 1/2” Horizontal: 7 1/2” x 4 1/2”

AD SPECIFICATIONS: 1) Ads submitted by the 1st of the month will be published in the following month’s edition. 2) Ads must be submitted copy ready and CMYK.


www.templeisrael.net30 www.templeisrael.net28

Full Year (11 Issues 5 Issues—9 Issues 1—4 Issues

Professional Services Directory 4 lines of text $100/year

Professional Services Directory 4 lines of text $15/month

Professional Services Directory 4 lines of text $20/month

Business Card Vertical 2” x 3 1/2” Horizontal 3 1/2” x 2” Black and white $75/month Color $85/month

Business Card Vertical 2” x 3 1/2” Horizontal 3 1/2” x 2” Black and white $85/month Color $95/month

Business Card Vertical 2” x 3 1/2” Horizontal 3 1/2” x 2” Black and white $95/month Color $105/month

Quarter Page Vertical 3 1/2” x 4 1/2” Black & white $100/month 4 color $150/month

Quarter Page Vertical 3 1/2” x 4 1/2” Black & white $115/month 4 color $165/month

Quarter Page Vertical 3 1/2” x 4 1/2” Black & white $135/month 4 color $180/month

Half Page Vertical 3 1/2” x 9 1/2” Horizontal 7 1/2” x 4 1/2” Black & white $165/month 4 color $200/month

Half Page Vertical 3 1/2” x 9 1/2” Horizontal 7 1/2” x 4 1/2” Black & white $185/month 4 color $220/month

Half Page Vertical 3 1/2” x 9 1/2” Horizontal 7 1/2” x 4 1/2” Black and white $215/month 4 color $240/month

Full Page 9 1/4” x 7 3/4” Black & white $240/month 4 color $365/month

Full Page 9 1/4” x 7 3/4” Black & white $265/month 4 color $385/month

Full Page 9 1/4” x 7 3/4” Black & white $285/month 4 color $400/month

Temple Israel of Greater Miami 2011-2012 Chai Lites Advertising Rates

PLEASE PRINT ALL INFORMATION Advertiser _______________________________________________________________________

Phone ________________________________________________Date ______________________

Address _________________________________________________________________________

City/St/Zip __________________________________ Contact Person ________________________

Ad Sold by ____________________________________________ Phone _____________________


_____One payment. I choose to pay my 2011-2012 in one payment. Receive a 10% discount. _____Quarterly payments. (July/ October/ January/ April.)

_____Monthly payments. PAYMENT TYPE: _____By check. _____By Mastercard or Visa for all payments.

CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION: I authorize Temple Israel of Greater Miami to charge my ________ Mastercard _________Visa Card #_____________________________________________________________Exp Date:______________

Cardholder’s Signature__________________________________________Date:_________________________

Ads submitted by the 1st of the month will be published in the following month’s edition. Ads must be submitted copy ready and CMYK.

January 2012 / Tevet-Shevat Volume 70 Number 5 31

annuities life

health dental

employee benefits


long term care

A Smart Investment For A Secure FutureDouglas M. Jacobs 305.944.0606


CHAI LITES IS PUBLISHED BYTEMPLE ISRAEL OF GREATER MIAMI137 NE 19th Street Miami, FL 33132Phone (305) 573-5900 Fax (305)

Member of the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ)Published Monthly except July byTemple Israel of Greater Miami (USPS538-000)POSTMASTER: Send returns to 137 NE 19th Street Miami, FL 33132


Miami, FL

Chai Lites is pubLished bytempLe israeL of Greater miami137 NE 19th Street Miami, FL 33132Phone (305) 573-5900 Fax (305)

member of the union for reform Judaism (urJ)Published Monthly except July byTemple Israel of Greater Miami (USPS538-000)PoSTMaSTEr: Send returns to 137 NE 19th Street Miami, FL 33132


Miami, FL

an ever-changing tapestry:temple israel and miami amid ninety years of dynamism

please see page 9 to learn more about all of our

fabulous 90th anniversary celebrations.

Temple Israel Turns 90!

Dr. Paul George Marcia Zerivitz

Chai Lites is pubLished bytempLe israeL of Greater miami137 NE 19th Street Miami, FL 33132Phone (305) 573-5900 Fax (305)

member of the union for reform Judaism (urJ)Published Monthly except July byTemple Israel of Greater Miami (USPS538-000)PoSTMaSTEr: Send returns to 137 NE 19th Street Miami, FL 33132


Miami, FL

an ever-changing tapestry:temple israel and miami amid ninety years of dynamism

please see page 9 to learn more about all of our

fabulous 90th anniversary celebrations.

Temple Israel Turns 90!

Chai Lites is pubLished bytempLe israeL of Greater miami137 NE 19th Street Miami, FL 33132Phone (305) 573-5900 Fax (305)

member of the union for reform Judaism (urJ)Published Monthly except July byTemple Israel of Greater Miami (USPS538-000)PoSTMaSTEr: Send returns to 137 NE 19th Street Miami, FL 33132


Miami, FL

an ever-changing tapestry:temple israel and miami amid ninety years of dynamism

please see page 9 to learn more about all of our

fabulous 90th anniversary celebrations.

Temple Israel Turns 90!

Chai Lites is pubLished bytempLe israeL of Greater miami137 NE 19th Street Miami, FL 33132Phone (305) 573-5900 Fax (305)

member of the union for reform Judaism (urJ)Published Monthly except July byTemple Israel of Greater Miami (USPS538-000)PoSTMaSTEr: Send returns to 137 NE 19th Street Miami, FL 33132


Miami, FL

an ever-changing tapestry:temple israel and miami amid ninety years of dynamism

please see page 9 to learn more about all of our

fabulous 90th anniversary celebrations.

Temple Israel Turns 90!

Chai Lites is pubLished bytempLe israeL of Greater miami137 NE 19th Street Miami, FL 33132Phone (305) 573-5900 Fax (305)

member of the union for reform Judaism (urJ)Published Monthly except July byTemple Israel of Greater Miami (USPS538-000)PoSTMaSTEr: Send returns to 137 NE 19th Street Miami, FL 33132


Miami, FL

an ever-changing tapestry:temple israel and miami amid ninety years of dynamism

please see page 9 to learn more about all of our

fabulous 90th anniversary celebrations.

Temple Israel Turns 90!

Chai Lites is pubLished bytempLe israeL of Greater miami137 NE 19th Street Miami, FL 33132Phone (305) 573-5900 Fax (305)

member of the union for reform Judaism (urJ)Published Monthly except July byTemple Israel of Greater Miami (USPS538-000)PoSTMaSTEr: Send returns to 137 NE 19th Street Miami, FL 33132


Miami, FL

an ever-changing tapestry:temple israel and miami amid ninety years of dynamism

please see page 9 to learn more about all of our

fabulous 90th anniversary celebrations.

Temple Israel Turns 90!

Sunday, February 26, 2012Please see pages 11 and 28 to learn more about all of our fabulous 90th Anniversary Celebrations.
