Cha Nakya



Cha Nakya

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A person who is greedy for money can be given money and controlled. An egoistic person can be controlled by being polite. A fool can be controlled by agreeing to whatever he says An intelligent person can be kept in control by always speaking truth in front of him.

A place where rich people live, there is never a problem of earning money

Vedvyas 28 wrote MahabharatMost people know that Mahabharat was written by Vedvyas. But this is not the entire truth. This is because Vedvyas is not a name but only a post given to those who had the knowledge of Vedas. There were 27 Vedvyas before Krishnadweepayan. Krishnadweepayan was actually the 28thVedvyas, who was given this name because he had a whitish skin colour like Lord Krishna and he was born on an island.

During Mahabharat there were no sun signs. Astrologers used to depend on constellations to predict future. Rohini was in the first place of the constellation not Ashwini. But as time passed by, astrologers started predicting peoples future based on their sun and moon signs.
