Ch 8 The Digestive System. Terms Pharynx- pharyng/o- transports food from the mouth to the...


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Ch 8 The Digestiv

e System

Terms Pharynx- pharyng/o-transports food from

the mouth to the esophagus Esophagus- esophag/o- transports food

from the pharynx to the stomach Stomach- gastr/o- breaks down food and

mixes it with digestive juices Small Intestines- enter/o- completes

digestion and absorption of most nutrients Large Intestines- col/o- absorbs excess

water and prepares solid waste for elimination

More Terms Rectum and Anus- an/o, proct/o,rect/o-

controls the excretion of solid waste Liver- hepat/o- secrets bile and enzymes

to aid in the digestion of fats Gallbladder- cholecyst/o- stores bile and

releases it to the small intestine Pancreas- pancreat/o- secrets digestive

juices and enzymes into small intestine as needed

Ch 8: 

THROMB/O: clotVEN/O: veinECH/OL: soundRADI/O: radiation, x-raysCHOLECYST/O: gallbladderCOL/O, COLON/O: colon, large intestineDUODEN/I, DUODEN/O: duodenumENTER/O: small intestineESOPHAG/O: esophagusGASTR/O: stomach
