Ch 22 PPT “The Ordeal of Reconstruction” 1865-1877


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Ch 22 PPTCh 22 PPT“The Ordeal of Reconstruction”“The Ordeal of Reconstruction”


Problems of Peace: 1865–1877 Rebel leaders given jail terms (Pres. Johnson pardoned rebel

leaders in 1868) Transportation system broke down. Banks and businesses had closed. Slave-labor system collapsed. Cotton fields with weeds. Planter aristocrats reduced to poverty. Their investment in slaves

evaporated. Radical Republicans take control of policy in 1866

(conservative white democrats regained power in each state by 1877)

TMWK CH 221. Pg 482 Picture How is being a freedmen

different from being a slave?

2. Pg 487 Picture How is this different from being in slavery?

Black CodesBlack Codes 1865: 1865: Blacks CodesBlacks Codes designed to regulate the affairs designed to regulate the affairs

of of emancipated Blacksemancipated Blacks - aimed to ensure a stable - aimed to ensure a stable and and subservient labor forcesubservient labor force..

Strong penalties for those who broke labor contracts. Had right to marry. Could not serve on jury; some barred from owning or

leasing land. Could be punished for idleness - subjected to work in

a chain gang. Many Blacks became sharecropper farmers. Response: Freedmen’s Bureau and Civil Rights Bill

Are They Truly Free? Emancipation was uneven and slow. Some Blacks attempting to move to freedom were

murdered. Some Southerners resisted/protested emancipation

until it was lawful (legally passed by the govt) Tens of thousands went in search of family members

and to test their freedom. 1878 through 1880: 25,000 Blacks from Louisiana,

Texas, and Miss. moved to Kansas. Steam boat capts. began to refuse to transport these “Exodusters” across the Miss. River.

Blacks formed own churches – became a focal point of Black community life.

Education for Blacks – societies for self improvement

Freedman’s Bureau (expired in 1872Freedman’s Bureau (expired in 1872 March 1865: Congress created March 1865: Congress created Freedmen’s Freedmen’s

BureauBureau lead by lead by Union General Oliver O. HowardUnion General Oliver O. Howard.. 1st type of 1st type of welfare programwelfare program in the U.S. in the U.S. Made to provide Made to provide foodfood, , clothingclothing, , medical caremedical care, and , and

educationeducation to both freedmen and white refugees. to both freedmen and white refugees. Greatest Greatest successsuccess was in was in educationeducation – taught – taught

Blacks how to read.Blacks how to read. Authorized to settle former slaves on Authorized to settle former slaves on 40 acres of 40 acres of

landland, but little land made it into their hands., but little land made it into their hands. However, some Blacks would be convinced to sign However, some Blacks would be convinced to sign

labor contractslabor contracts to to work for their former “masterswork for their former “masters.”.” Pres. Andrew Pres. Andrew JohnsonJohnson, who shared Southern , who shared Southern

Supremacist feelings, Supremacist feelings, tried to end Freedman’s tried to end Freedman’s BureauBureau..

Union General Oliver O. HowardUnion General Oliver O. Howard

Freedman’s BureauFreedman’s Bureau

Freedmen’s Bureau Seen Through Southern Eyes:

Freedmen’s Bureau Seen Through Southern Eyes:“Plenty to

eat and nothing to


Freedmen’s Bureau School

Freedmen’s Bureau School

TMWK3. Political Cartoon pg 488 What is the political

cartoon depicting? Is it for or against something or someone?

Johnson: “The Johnson: “The TailorTailor President” President” Came from Came from povertypoverty: was an : was an orphanorphan.. Moved to Tennessee - elected to Congress Moved to Tennessee - elected to Congress

as Democrat. Gained attention when Gained attention when he didn’t want to secedehe didn’t want to secede

along with his state of Tennessee.along with his state of Tennessee. Johnson was a Johnson was a Southern Democrat:Southern Democrat: Vice-Pres in the Vice-Pres in the

Union PartyUnion Party (but pro-slavery) as Republicans needed (but pro-slavery) as Republicans needed to to attract support from War Democratsattract support from War Democrats..

Wasn’t popular as president – Wasn’t popular as president – didn’t fit in with North didn’t fit in with North or South.or South.

Wasn’t interestedWasn’t interested in giving freedmen civil rights. in giving freedmen civil rights.

Plans for Reconstruction 1863 Lincoln’s 10% Reconstruction Plan: a state

could re-enter the Union when 10% of its voters in the presidential election of 1860 had taken an oath of allegiance to the U.S. and pledged to abide by emancipation. Next, a formal setting up of a state govt.

Republican Opposition In Congress: 1864 -Congress passed the Wade-Davis Bill which required 50% of a state’s voters take the oath of allegiance. Lincoln vetoed it.

Thus some felt rebel states should be restored to the Union simply and swiftly while others felt the South should be punished and their social structure uprooted

Johnson’s Reconstruction PlanJohnson’s Reconstruction Plan May 1865: Pres Johnson agreed with Lincoln. He May 1865: Pres Johnson agreed with Lincoln. He

passed his own passed his own Reconstruction proclamation to Reconstruction proclamation to quickly allowquickly allow Southern states to re-enter the Union. Southern states to re-enter the Union.

disenfranchised leading Confederates - including disenfranchised leading Confederates - including those with taxable property worth more than $20,000.those with taxable property worth more than $20,000.

Called for Called for special state conventionsspecial state conventions - required to - required to repealrepeal the ordinances of the ordinances of secessionsecession

ratifyratify the slave-freeing the slave-freeing 13 Amendment13 Amendment repudiate all Confederate debtsrepudiate all Confederate debtsState who complied with the plan could be readmitted State who complied with the plan could be readmitted

to the Unionto the Union

Congressional ReconstructionCongressional Reconstruction Two factionsTwo factions: : majoritymajority were moderate who sided moderate who sided

with Lincoln. with Lincoln. Minority radicalMinority radical group thought South group thought South should pay.should pay.

Republicans didn’t want to give up Republicans didn’t want to give up political political advantageadvantage to rebellious Democrats. (1861-1865 to rebellious Democrats. (1861-1865 Republicans had passed the Morrill Tariff, Pacific Republicans had passed the Morrill Tariff, Pacific Railroad Act, Homestead Act).Railroad Act, Homestead Act).

Republican concernRepublican concern: : South is stronger politicallySouth is stronger politically because blacks now count for because blacks now count for one personone person instead of instead of 3/5’s3/5’s (12 more votes in Congress, 12 more in (12 more votes in Congress, 12 more in presidential electoral votes)presidential electoral votes)

Johnson Clashes with CongressJohnson Clashes with Congress Pres. Johnson vetoed Freedmen’s Bureau Bill –

Congress re-passes it. March 1866: Congress passed Civil Rights Bill: gave

Blacks the privilege of American citizenship – Johnson vetoes it, but then Congress steamrollered over veto by 2/3 majority.

14 Amendment14 Amendment – Gave Blacks – Gave Blacks citizenshipcitizenship to make to make sure South wouldn’t be able to repeal the Civil Rights sure South wouldn’t be able to repeal the Civil Rights Bill. (reduced representation of a state if denied Blacks Bill. (reduced representation of a state if denied Blacks the ballot)the ballot)

Blacks still not given the right to vote, but Radical Republicans agreed that all states had to ratify the amendment to remain in the Union.

Republican Control of CongressRepublican Control of Congress

RadicalsRadicals: led by : led by Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Charles Sumner and Thaddeus StevensStevens - want to - want to keep South out of the Unionkeep South out of the Union as as long long as possibleas possible and to bring about a and to bring about a social and economic social and economic transformationtransformation..

Moderates:Moderates: (the majority) wanted quicker (the majority) wanted quicker reconstruction/re-unitingreconstruction/re-uniting

Both agreed upon the necessity to Both agreed upon the necessity to enfranchise Black enfranchise Black voters.voters.

They would both compromiseThey would both compromise

Charles Sumner & Thaddeus Stevens Charles Sumner & Thaddeus Stevens Senate HouseSenate House

TMWK4. Pg 491 Map During Reconstruction, how was the

South divided up?

5. Pg 491 Chart What two years were most of the South readmitted to representation in Congress? (thus gaining political power)

6. Pg 491 Chart What are “Redeemer” regimes?

Reconstruction by SwordReconstruction by Sword March 1867March 1867: Reconstruction Act: Reconstruction Act - divided the South - divided the South

into into 5 military zones5 military zones Laid Laid guidelinesguidelines for for readmission of states:readmission of states: Must acceptMust accept 14 14thth amendment: amendment: freedmen given freedmen given

citizenshipcitizenship 1515thth Amendment: Amendment: gave blacks gave blacks right to voteright to vote in 1869; in 1869;

Results in South - Black migration out of the South Results in South - Black migration out of the South and West.and West.

WomenWomen: Amendments : Amendments did notdid not give women suffrage. give women suffrage.

5 Military Districts5 Military Districts

Civil War Amendments

1313thth Amendment: Amendment: 1414th th :: 1515thth::

Civil WarCivil War AmendmentsAmendments 1313thth Amendment: Amendment: Slavery is prohibitedSlavery is prohibited in in

U.S. or any part controlled by itU.S. or any part controlled by it 1414thth:: All people born in U.S. are All people born in U.S. are citizenscitizens at at

place of their birth (place of their birth (Civil RightsCivil Rights Amendment) Amendment) 1515thth:: Citizen’s Citizen’s right to voteright to vote won’t be denied or won’t be denied or

taken away due to race, color, or previous slave taken away due to race, color, or previous slave statusstatus

Reconstruction in the SouthReconstruction in the South Having gained right to vote, Southern Black men Having gained right to vote, Southern Black men

began to began to organize politicallyorganize politically through the through the Union Union LeagueLeague..

Union LeagueUnion League: network of : network of political clubspolitical clubs that that educated members in civic duties and educated members in civic duties and campaigned campaigned for Republican candidatesfor Republican candidates..

Other purposesOther purposes: Build Black churches and schools, : Build Black churches and schools, represent Black grievances in workplace and govt, represent Black grievances in workplace and govt, recruit militias to protect Black communities from recruit militias to protect Black communities from White retaliators.White retaliators.

Black men began serving in Black men began serving in CongressCongress Southerners hated seeing former slaves hold higher Southerners hated seeing former slaves hold higher

positions than theypositions than they There was contempt for both groups in the SouthThere was contempt for both groups in the South

Black Political Participation 1868-1876: 14 Black Congressman and 2 Black

Senators served in D.C. Former slaves holding office angered plantation

owners. Southerners lashed out at White allies of the Blacks,

calling them “scalawags”- Southern Whites supporting Reconstruction & the Republican party and “carpetbaggers”-Northerners who settled in South after Civil War as Republican political appointees and for financial gain.

Steps taken to establish adequate public schools. Property rights guaranteed to women.

ScalawagsScalawags and and CarpetbaggersCarpetbaggers

Black ReconstructionBlack Reconstruction

Ku Klux Klan: Ku Klux Klan: ““Invisible Empire of Invisible Empire of the South.the South.””

Secret organizationSecret organization began 1866 in Tennessee: angry began 1866 in Tennessee: angry over Blacks being successful as legislators.over Blacks being successful as legislators.

Dedicated to scaring blacks into not voting or seeking Dedicated to scaring blacks into not voting or seeking employment.employment.

Committed ViolenceCommitted Violence: floggings, mutilations, murders.: floggings, mutilations, murders. 1870-1871: To protect voting rights Congress passed 1870-1871: To protect voting rights Congress passed

Force ActsForce Acts - - Federal troops usedFederal troops used to stamp out to stamp out violence of KKKviolence of KKK

Starting in 1890 - stopped Blacks from voting by Starting in 1890 - stopped Blacks from voting by intimidationintimidation, , fraudfraud, and imposing , and imposing literacy tests, and literacy tests, and poll tax.poll tax.

The Ku Klux KlanThe Ku Klux Klan

Secretary of War: Edwin M. StantonSecretary of War: Edwin M. Stanton

Impeachment of Andrew JohnsonImpeachment of Andrew Johnson ImpeachmentImpeachment: F: Formal process which an official is ormal process which an official is

accused of unlawful activityaccused of unlawful activity 1867 Congress passes 1867 Congress passes Tenure of Office ActTenure of Office Act: Law : Law

required Pres to required Pres to get approval of Senateget approval of Senate before he before he could removecould remove his appointees. (fire anyone) his appointees. (fire anyone)

Congress did this to Congress did this to keep keep Edwin M. StantonEdwin M. Stanton,, Secretary of War, who was a Secretary of War, who was a Republican spy in Republican spy in

1868 Johnson 1868 Johnson dismissesdismisses StantonStanton, then House of , then House of Representatives Representatives immediately voted to impeach immediately voted to impeach JohnsonJohnson for “ for “high crimes and misdemeanorshigh crimes and misdemeanors” – for ” – for violating the violating the Tenure of Office ActTenure of Office Act..

Not-Guilty Verdict for JohnsonNot-Guilty Verdict for Johnson Johnson advised not to testify by his lawyersJohnson advised not to testify by his lawyers Johnson’s counsel claimed Johnson’s counsel claimed Tenure of Office ActTenure of Office Act was was

unconstitutionalunconstitutional May 1868, Johnson May 1868, Johnson acquittedacquitted of charges of charges byby one one

votevote (7 out of 6 votes) (7 out of 6 votes) Radicals were enraged by the acquittal, but other Radicals were enraged by the acquittal, but other

politicians feared setting the politicians feared setting the precedentprecedent of removing of removing the president of office by impeachmentthe president of office by impeachment

1867 Purchase of Alaska 1867 Purchase of Alaska Secretary Secretary William H. SewardWilliam H. Seward bought Alaska from bought Alaska from

Russia for $Russia for $7.2 million7.2 million. (2 cents per acre). (2 cents per acre) People laughed at him and called it “People laughed at him and called it “Seward’s Seward’s

FollyFolly” ” Not until Not until goldgold and and oiloil were discovered were discovered was the was the

purchase of Alaska considered to be a purchase of Alaska considered to be a bargainbargain Admitted as a state in 1959.Admitted as a state in 1959. Why did Russia want to sell Alaska to the U.S.? Why did Russia want to sell Alaska to the U.S.?

They were afraid it would fall into British They were afraid it would fall into British hands.hands.

The Purchase of AlaskaThe Purchase of Alaska

The Heritage of Reconstruction The Heritage of Reconstruction (1865-1877)(1865-1877)

Many Southerners regarded reconstruction as Many Southerners regarded reconstruction as worse than the Civil Warworse than the Civil War

War War destroyed the South’s systemdestroyed the South’s system of society of society Republicans Republicans failed to improve conditions of failed to improve conditions of

the Souththe South Conditions for blacksConditions for blacks would would remain remain

difficultdifficult for at least another century until the for at least another century until the Civil Rights Movement in the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950’s & 60’s1950’s & 60’s

Post Reconstruction Era By 1877: Southern white resistance and withdrawal

of federal supervision brought about the "redemption" of the South – Redeemer governments.

African Americans were disenfranchised. The redemption measures enforced greater racial separation and increased white intimidation and violence.

President Johnson’s Plan (10%+)

President Johnson’s Plan (10%+) Offered amnesty upon simple oath to all except

Confederate civil and military officers and those with property over $20,000 (they could apply directly to Johnson)

In new constitutions, they must accept minimumconditions repudiating slavery, secession, and state debts.

Named provisional governors in Confederate states and called them to oversee elections for constitutional conventions.


1. Disenfranchised certain leading Confederates.2. Pardoned planter aristocrats brought them back to political power to control state organizations.3. Republicans were outraged that planter elite were back in power in the South!

Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. AnthonyB. Anthony