Ch 19, Sec 2: WWII Begins. Europe Gives in to Hitler to Avoid War 3 reasons: – 1. European leaders...


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Ch 19, Sec 2: WWII Begins

Europe Gives in to Hitler to Avoid War• 3 reasons:– 1. European leaders did not want another world

war– 2. Believed Hitler’s ideas of unifying all German

speaking people was reasonable– 3. Nazis would stop once they got some extra


Hitler takes Austria

• Hitler needed food, supplies, soldiers, and govt jobs– Called the Anschluss or unification– Both had a common culture/language

Fight for Czechoslovakia• Hitler wanted to take over Czechoslovakia for

the Sudentenland– The Czechs were allied with France and Russia

• Britain, France, Italy, and Germany met in 1938 to make the decision

• Czechoslovakia was given to Hitler

Appeasement• The idea that you can make people happy by

giving into their demands• Hitler’s demands were met but he just wanted

more land– Attacked/took over Czechoslovakia and Slovakia

Hitler turns to Poland

• Wanted the port of Danzig– 90% German– Taken from Germany after WWI

• Wanted train access and highways to East Prussia

• Britain/France agreed to back up Poland• Poland refused to give in to Germany

Poland is attacked

• Germany signed a pact with Russia to stop a war on 2 fronts

• Sept 1, 1939 both countries attacked Poland• Britain/France declare war on Germany

Blitzkrieg• Lightening War• German warfare• Move fast with lots of troops, tanks, and

airplanes• Poland was defeated by Oct 5, 1939

French response to war

• Created the Maginot Line after WWI between France/Germany

• French waited to be attacked but never was– Cost Poland their freedom

Norway and Denmark to France

• Germany did not want the British to block iron shipments from Sweden

• Once Germany controlled both countries, they could move on France

• Britain/France had their troops in the wrong part of Belgium (trapped) allowing Hitler’s tanks to go right into France

Trapped at Dunkirk

• British/French troops stuck at the French port of Dunkirk

• Germany allowed them 3 days to evacuate without attack– 850 ships rescued 338,000 troops– French/British supplies/guns had to be left at the

port– France surrendered to Hitler

Hitler to Britain• Britain was not led by Winston Churchill– Refused to give in to Hitler’s demands

• Germany tried to attack Britain by sea-failed– Couldn’t get their army across the English Channel

• Germany forced to the air assault

Battle of Britain: Fall 1940• Started with German planes sinking British ships• German bombers also hit London– Civilian target/accident???

• Britain responded by bombing Berlin• Germany responded by continuing bombing raids

on British cities– British invention “radar” allowed citizens to hide in

tunnels before the bombings began• Germany gave up the attack on Britain


• Write down 3 things you learned today and turn it in before you leave.
