Ch 1-22 PERSIAN Review



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Unit I, II & III PERSIAN chart for review Chapters 1-22PoliticsPERSIAN Chart - PoliticalUnit 1Unit 2Unit 3

(Diana Lopez)Chapter 1: Before History - Cities in Neolithic villages extended their claims to authority over their hinter lands to ensure adequate food supplies Chapter 2: Early Societies in Southwest Asia and the Indo-European Migrations - E stablishment of governmental institutions to provide order and stability and to resolve disputes - institutions evolved into hereditary kinships - Sumerian government were assemblies of prominent men who made decisions on behalf of the whole community -rulers were Monarchs - Hammarabi's Code: lex talionis "law of retaliation" - Assyrians relied on administrative techniques pioneered by Babylonian predecessors Chapter 3: Early African Societies and the Bantu Migrations - political authority represented in the absolute ruler - t he pharaoh in Egypt and the King in the region of Kush (Nubia) - Egyptian Imperialism in 2nd millenium BCE : New Kingdom worked to extend Egyptian authority beyond Nile Valley - Nubia: Hierarchical society Chapter 4: Early Societies in South Asia - No evidence of Harappan political system - Regional states with kingship ( rajas ) as the most common form of government - suggestion that Harappa and Mohenjo-daro served as centers of political authority since they had city walls - power transferred through inheritance - councils of elders: principal source of authority - Brahman(priests) had most power Chapter 5: Early Societies in East Asia - hereditary monarchy during Xia Dynasty - decentralized administration in Zhou - belief in the principle that the emperor was granted the power to rule through "the mandate of heaven" - emperor(known as the son of heaven) served as a crucial link between the heavenly powers and the people on earth Chapter 6: Early Societies in the Americas and Oceania Americas - Built elaborate ceremonial centers that reflected both a complex religion and a powerful political authority Oceania - hierarchical chiefdoms -leadership passed from chief to eldest son and near relatives constituted local aristocracy

(Celeste Garcia)Persia:Had a unique government called the Achaemenid Administration which balance the government by being equal By having the Achaemenid Administration it made Persia one of the most powerful empire and established central administration

China: Had dynasties in which a family stays in power for some generations Much of the political implications were based on moral values as Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism. That created an imperial and centralized government.

India: India's politics were based mostly on religion as Buddhism and Hinduism Most of the rulers kept India with a tight and organized bureaucracy.

Persia, China, and India implemented policies which established a bureaucratic administration for each society.

ersia: Had a unique government called the Achaemenid Administration which balance the government by being equalBy having the Achaemenid Administration it made Persia one of the most powerful empire and established central administration

China:Had dynasties in which a family stays in power for some generationsMuch of the political implications were based on moral values as Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism.That created an imperial and centralized government.

India:India's politics were based mostly on religion as Buddhism and HinduismMost of the rulers kept India with a tight and organized bureaucracy.

Persia, China, and India implemented policies which established a bureaucratic administration for each society.

(Albert Eng)Chapter 131. New Byzantine capital of Constantinople built to maintain watch over Sasanid Empire and Germanic people1. Cesaropapism is a policy initiated by Constantine, where the emperor is a secular ruler that also participates in religious affairs1. Justinians Code systematized Roman law and was issued in the Corpus iuris civilis (Body of the Civil Law) (527-565 CE)1. In the 8th century, Byzantine society reorganized under the theme system, which placed a province under the supervision of a generalChapter 141. After toppling the Sasanid Dynasty, Muslim conquerors adopted Persian techniques of government to administer lands1. Abu Bakr was selected by Muhammads advisors to serve as a caliph (deputy)1. The Umayyad Dynasty (661-750 CE) was established after Alis assassination anddepended on the conquered people to give power to the authority. 1. Umayyad decline after caliphs became alienated in the early 8th century1. The Abbasid Empire (750-1258 CE) was established after Abu al-Abbas defeated the Umayyad forces. 1. The Abbasids contented themselves to administer the empire they already had rather than conquering. 1. The dynasty fell by the Mongols in 1258 CEChapter 151. The Sui Dynasty (589-618 CE) was founded by Yang Jian after the Han dynasty1. Yang Jian imposed a tight political rule over China to build a strong, centralized government1. Dynasty ended after emperors assassination1. Tang Dynasty (618-907 CE) was founded by Tang Taizong after the Sui Dynasty1. Tang Taizong (627-649) built a capital at Changan and created an era of stability, although he was a ruthless ruler1. The equal-field system ensured that people will receive equal land distribution to prevent a decline like the Han1. Government officials were recruited through ones performance on the civil service tests1. Dynasty declined due to careless leadershipChapter 161. King Harshas rule (606-648 CE) temporarily restored unified rule in northern India after fall of Gupta dynasty1. Harshas Kingdom declined because there were too many local rulers that have already established authority1. Madmud of Ghazni, leader of the Turks in Afghanistan, led 17 raiding expeditions into India (1001-1027)1. Madmuds successors established The Sultanate of Delhi (1206-1526 CE) to control access from the Punjab to the Ganges valley1. No permanent bureaucracy or administrative structure within the Sultanate of Delhi1. The Chola Kingdom (850-1267 CE) was one of two kingdoms that was located in the southern part of India1. The Kingdom of Vijayanagar (1336-1565 CE) was established by the two brothers, Harihara and Bukka, after they rejected Islam to return to HinduismChapter 171. Odoacer, a Germanic general disposed the last of the western Roman emperors (476 CE)1. Germanic Successor States (600 CE), Visigoths: Spain Franks: France Lombards: Italy Angles/Saxons: Britain 1. The Frankish Empire survived for only a short time since they oversaw the development of decentralized political institutions1. Clovis (481-511 CE) was a Frankish leader who led Frankish forces on campaigns wiped out last of Roman authority in Gaul1. The Carolingians is named after Charles Martel (Charles the Hammer), even though he never ruled as their king1. Charlemagne (768-814 CE) was Charles Martels grandson - Frankish society reached high point under Charlemagnes rule1. Missi Dominici (envoys of the lord ruler) was a group of imperial officials that travels every year to all local jurisdictions to review accounts of the local authorities1. The reign of Louis the Pious (814-840), Charlemagnes only surviving son, only succeeded in keeping the Carolingian empire together1. Carolingian empire declined immediately after Louiss death and divide into three sections1. Feudalism is a type of political system present in early medieval Europe that involved the organizing territories to maintain order in the absence of effective central authorities.(Bernardo Calderon)Chapter 18 1. "Khan"=Ruler1. Nomadic peoples - military had men on horsebacks and arrows which was an advantage in war.1. 1055 Saljuq Turks leader Tughril Beg recognized as sultan by Abbasid Caliph1. 1071 Saljuqs defeated Byzantine Army at Manzikert1. 1453 Ottoman Turks captured Byzantine Capital at Constantinople1. Ghaznavid Turks first raid sites in N.India for plunder, later asserted authority over Punjab, Gujarat, and Bengal1. Mahmud of Ghazni burned buddhist and hindu monasteries, encouraged conversion to Islam1. 1206, Temujin was given the title Chinggis Khan, by the Mongols1. Established capital at Karakorum1. Mongol Conquest of China began in 1211, by 1220 Mongols had total control over N.China. 1215 Khanbaliq became the mongol Capital of China. Later the Mongols captured Persia.1. 4 Khanates= Khanate of Chagatai, Khanate of the Golden Horde, Khanate of the Great Khan, Ilkhante of Persia1. Tamerlane created his own empire1. Ottoman created empire and captured ConstantinopleChapter 19 1. Kinship groups in early Sub Saharan Africa1. 1000 CE, kinship groups started facing challenges, and created Chiefdoms1. Kingdom of Kongo, most tightly centralized out of other Bantu Kingdoms1. Koumbi-Saleh capital of the Kingdom of Ghana,participated and really wealthy with the Gold Trade.1. Sundiata reined 1230-1255, found the Mali Empire1. Mali Empire participated in the Gold Trade1. Mansa Musa, famous pilgrimage to Mecca, threw gold on the caravan, shortly after bankrupted empire1. Swahili City-States traded across the Indian Ocean, on the East African coast.1. Kindom of Axum in Ethiopia, Christianity popular religionChapter 20 1. Otto of Saxony, crowned the Holy Roman Emperor by Pope John XII in 962,1. 1066 Duke William of Normandy conquered England1. Always conflict between the Pope and the Emperor, battle for power1. Gregory VII excommunicated Henry IV1. Frederick Barbarossa reigned 1152-1190, wanted power over the pope.1. Capetain France - Nobles elected Hugh Capet, later the monarchy became more powerful1. Christians later recommended Sicily, reconquista of Spain, took a long period of time1. Crusades to conquer the Holy land, but some went of course, and strayed away from the ideaChapter 21 1. Toltecs settled at Tula, High point 950 - 1150, irrigated maize, beans, peppers, tomatoes, chiles, cotton.1. Mexia/Aztecs, capital at Tenochtitlan, alliances with Texcoco and Tlacopan and created the Aztec Empire. Traded with conquered peoples.1. Mexica religion really played a huge role in politics, example are Human Sacrifices.1. Kingdom of Chucuito dominated around Lake Titicaca, Chimu Kingdom dominated Peruvian coast1. Inca Empire, capital at Cuzco. Pachacuti had arranged military campaigns to expand empire.1. Inca Administrative system, administers relied on Quipu to remind them of their responsibilitiesChapter 22 1. 1240s and 1250s sent people to try and convert Mongol Khans to Christianity.1. 1287 Mongol Ilkhan of Persia planned to invade SW Asia and capture Jerusalem.1. 1100 to 1500 Sufi Missionaries for conversion to Islam in their conquered lands.

Economics1. Unit 1: The Early Complex Societies, 3500-500 BCE0. Before History0. Hunting and gathering economy = no wealth and social standing based on wealth0. Permanent settlements agriculture specialization of labor wealth1. Pottery, metalworking, textile production0. Cities marketplace brisk trade and economic integration in larger scale0. Early Societies in Southwest Asia and the Indo-European Migrations1. Congregate in cities, work at other tasks than agriculture specialize in bronze, iron, wheel , shipbuilding0. Long-distance trade with Anatolia, Arabia, Lebanon, Egypt, Afghanistan, India0. Early African Societies and the bantu Migrations2. Complex, city based societies expand stock of human skills0. Bronze, iron, etc. 2. Specialized labor and the invention of efficient transportation tech development of trade networks1. Nile river, donkey caravans, cataracts1. Long distance trade with Nubia and Egypt, Mesopotamia, Lebanon, East Africa0. Early Societies in South Asia3. Domestic and foreign trade0. Ships in Arabian Sea, land over Iranian plateau0. Wealth from trade and specialization of labor3. Caste system related to urbanization and increasing economic complexity3. A productive agricultural econ complex society in Indus river Valley0. Early Society in East Asia4. Artisans and craftsmen trade in China4. Trade networks between China, southwest Asia, India, Central Asia, Mesopotamia 1. Mariners trade with oar-propelled vessels4. Agriculture foundation for large-scale social organization0. Early Societies in the Americas and Oceania5. Dependent on agriculture surplus support pop specialized labor5. Olmecs: agriculture trade in jade and obsidian 5. Maya long distance trade influence all of Mesoamerica2. Teotihuacan merchants trade all over, artisans specialize 2. Cacao beans = currency5. Trade and exchange networks integrated the highlands, central valleys, coastal regions5. Oceania hunting and gathering agriculture4. New Guinea develop agriculture4. Lapita: econ based on agriculture and animal herding1. The Formation of Classical Societies1. Long distance trade0. Encouraged economic integration within the societies since their various regions came to depend on one another for agricultural products and manufactured items0. Led to establishment of regular commerce0. Volume of trade increased when classical empires pacified large stretches of Eurasian landmass0. Common enough to establish Silk roads that linked China to Europe1. Trade networks of the Hellenistic Era1. Seleucid control land routes linking Bactria1. Ptolemies maintain land routes and paid attention to sea lanes and maritime trade1. Monsoon system2. Trade in Indian Ocean Basin0. Levy taxes wealth1. Spices, pepper, cosmetics, gems, pearls travel by caravan and ship to Hellenistic cities and ports1. Wine, olive oil, art, jewelry o Persia and Bactria1. Silk Roads2. Overland Trade Routes0. From China to the Roman Empire2. Sea Lane sand maritime Trade1. Linked the east Asian seaboard to the mainland and the islands of southeast Asia2. Trade Goods2. Silk and spices traveled west 2. Horses, wool, olive oil, gold, silver, bronze, and more traveled east1. Persia3. Agriculture = foundation0. Prosperity of realm, standardized coins, good trade routes (Persian Royal Road)1. Rome4. Agriculture = foundation4. Commercial agriculture economic specialization and integration of empire (latifundia)1. The Postclassical Era, 500 1000 CE2. Rapid economic growth0. Long distance trade increased0. Manufacturers produce for export than local consumption0. Agriculture increases devotion to trade and manufacturing2. China, India, Mediterranean textiles, ceramics, metal goods0. Trade and manufacturing invention and innovation2. The Commonwealth of Byzantium1. Constantinople center of trade0. Commercial links with central Asia, Russia, Scandinavia, northern Europe, Mediterranean0. Bezant standard currency for Mediterranean basin 0. Control of trade and levying of custom duties on merchandise wealth0. Banks and partnerships with merchants 2. Expansive Realm of Islam2. Trade over revived silk roads networks0. Camels and caravans 0. Maritime trade in Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean2. Banks lend money and served as brokers and exchanged different currencies1. Sakk leters of credit2. Improved transportation, expanded banking services, refined techniques of business organization increased long distance trade2. The Resurgence of Empire in east Asia3. Agricultural, technological, industrial, commercials developments economic powerhouse0. Porcelain, iron and steel metallurgy, gunpowder, printing, naval technology (larger ships, compass)3. Increased agricultural production, improved transportation systems, population growth, urbanization, industrial production stimulate economy 1. Flying cash, promissory notes1. Paper money2. India and the Indian Ocean Basin4. Internal trade certain regions specialize in a certain product4. Use of shows and junks trade across the Indian Ocean 4. India the natural site for emporia nand warehouses2. Principal clearinghouse4. Volume of trade increased specialized production of commodities for the commercial market2. The Foundations of Christian Society of Christian Society in Western Europe5. Heavy plows agriculture (rural society)5. Mediterranean trade maritime trade but not as prominent as others5. Norse merchant-mariners trade in Scandinavia, northern Europe, Abbasid empire, eastern Europe2. Nomadic Empires and Eurasian Integration6. Northern and central Asiaweak agricultural productivity0. Nomadic peoples domesticated animals0. If a land was depleted, the tribe would move on0. Agriculture was possible only at oases0. Produced limited pottery, leather goods, iron weapons, and tools6. Mongols ensured secure and safe trade routes2. States and Societies of Sub-Saharan Africa7. Introduction of bananas and sugarcane boomed population7. Gold in Mali traded for salt in the north7. Domestication of camels improved trade routes and increased speed of communication7. Swahili city-states specialized in maritime trade7. Slave trade prominent in Africa2. Western Europe during the High Middle Ages8. Serfs worked on noblesland0. With the heavy plow, fewer serfs were needed8. New crops came with time8. Horse collars and heavy plows reduced the need for serfs8. Domestication of sheep made wool and fertile land8. Agricultural productivity increased with population2. The Americas and Oceania9. Chinampasprominent in LakeTexcoco0. Rich, fertile muck dredged from lake0. Mexicachinampaswere plots of land used for agriculture9. Aztecs grew maize, beans, squashes, tomatoes, peppers, and chilies1. Trade between triple alliance1. Trade in Aztec Empire fueled by merchants9. Incan trade controlled by government9. Polynesian trade across distant islandstraded mostly foodstuffs2. Reaching Out: Cross-Cultural Interactions10. Food crops spread throughout Eurasia10. Many Indian Ocean trade routes10. strengthened societies in western Europe had grown and had stimulated taxes10. Slave trade between North America, Europe, and Africa10. Gunpowder traded through Europeended age of castles

Religion: Unit 1 (Ch.6-12) Ch.1 -Religion was not prominent until the settlement of villages and towns-Venus figurines were an indication of interest in fertility-The Natural world influenced Neolithic religion-Paleolithic communities honored, maybe even worshiped, Venus figurines in hopes of ensuring fertility-Neolithic villages shared same interest in fertility but they had other deities that were associated with the cycle of life, death, and regeneration Ch.2-Epic of Gilgamesh-Creation story, originated in Mesopotamia-Surrounding area affected how they thought of their gods-Mesopotamians lives in fear of their gods-Monotheistic Jews emerged -Early Hebrews recognized the same gods as the Mesopotamians (ex. The nature spirits that resided in rocks, trees, and mountains)-Moses embraced monotheism and taught them that there was only one god, Yahweh. Moses claimed that Mesopotamian deities were impostors.-Yahweh= omnipotent creator of the universe Ch.3-Mummification prominent in Egypt-Egyptians strongly believed in life after death-Polytheistic religion-Belief that deities played a prominent role in the world -Principal gods in Egypt were Amon and Re-Amon was associated with the sun, creation, fertility and reproductive forces while Re was a sun god. Eventually both gods were combined.- Egyptians believed that ruling elites would survive the graveChapter 4: Early Societies in South Asia- Harappan relgion reflects strong concern for fertility. -Gods associtated w/ creation and procreation.-Brahmins (priests) are the highest class in Varna (Inidan caste system).-Rig Veda contains Aryan values. -Chief diety: Indra.-Upanishads: contains a blend of Aryan and Dravidian values. -Brahman: Universal Soul.Chater 5: Early Society in East Asia-Mandate of Heaven. -Emerged from Zhou.-Veneration of ancestors.-Oracle bones.Chapter 6: Early Societies in the Americas and Oceania-Cermonial centers: monumental pyrimids, temples, and palaces. -At San Lorenzo for example.-Olmec heads.-Mayan priests had knowledge of calendar and maintained knowledge of writing, astronomy, and mathematics. -Solar year= 365.242 days. -Ritual year= 260 days.-Mayans: bloodletting rituals.-Mayan ball game.-South America: -Chavin Cult.-Oceania:-Public ritual observances. -Military skilled chiefs cooperated with other peoples including priests.

Religion: Unit Two (Chapter 7-12)-Zoroastrianism: -The founder was Zarathustra (7th 6th century BCE) and was a prophet of Ahura Mazda, the supreme - Avesta: holy scriptures written by the Magi. -Magi were the priest, who kept a calendar, and taught the values. -Gathas were hymns in honor of various deities and religion preserved in here. -Not strict in monotheism: Ahura Mazda (wise lord) was in cosmic conflict with the evil spirit Angra Mainyu (destructive spirit). -good words, good thoughts good deeds-Influenced Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. (China had many creations of new ideas because of their time in turmoil. One example would be the Mandate of Heaven. )-Confucianism: -teachings and sayings of Confucius found in the Analects.-did not focus on religion, but ethical values like be respectful and moral.-focus on the runnings of government: government officials should be both well educated and extraordinarily conscientious ("junzi").-Honored their ancestors. Daoism: -Founder: Laozi (developed 6th century BCE) -the Way; the way of nature/cosmos.-human beings should tailor their behavior to its passive and yielding nature.-retreat from politics and administration.Legalism: -unified China during the Period of Warring States (403-221 BCE).-good agriculture and military leads to human flourishing.Jainism: -Vardhamana Mahavira (7th ce BCE) was known as Jina or the conqueror.-practiced ahimsa, non-violence to other living things and their souls. -Did not recognize social classes, but almost impossible to follow. Buddhism: -Founder: Siddhartha Gautama (Northern India in 3rd century BCE)-Spread to Bactria and Ceylon and successful in attracting merchants as converts.-Belief in achieving Nirvana through the Eightfold Path-Four Noble Truths is the core of the Buddhas doctrine-Mahayana Buddhism was the evolved version of Buddhism. Hinduism: -Founded 1500-500 BCE in India - Was Polytheistic-Belief in a caste system which caused social segregation (Brahmins at the top, then Kshatriyas, followed by Vaishyas, and lastly, Shudras)-Belief that dharma, artha, and kama would help attain moksha.-Merchants travelling along the silk roads helped spread Hinduism in South East Asia-Books like The Epics and Bhagavad Gita were popular. -Hinduism dominated the peoples lives as seen by Women and the social classes. Greek: -Hellenistic religion with many myths on gods with supernatural powers.-Zeus was the paramount ruler of the gods.-Many cults forming that influenced society. Cult of Dionysus, Cult of Demeter- Religion was popular in dramas. -More Philosophical thinking. Roman: -Many deities and used some ideas from different societies. -Had gods and goddess for anything of importance in the society. -Some examples of minor religions:Stocism: Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BCE) help spread stoicism. -clearly reflected the political and social conditions of the Hellenistic period. Mithraism: Mirthras was a god of the sun in Zoroastrian mythology. -soldiers used him as a god of strength and many temples appeared in the empire. -Cult of Isis: -Dedicated to Anatolian mother goddess Cybele, the Egyptian Isis. Judaism: -Dissolution of Jewish Kingdom of David and Solomon in 10th century BCE.-Yahweh was their only God and was in constant conflict with the emperors. - 3rd and 1st century CE, Jews in Palestine mounted several rebellions against Seleucid and Roman over Lords. Roman forces defeated the rebels in the Jewish War of 66 to 70 CE. -Christianity: --Jesus of Nazareth, a charismatic Jewish teacher, also known as the savior. - Executed by the Romans in 30s CE. and believed to rose again. Christ: anointed one. -Paul of Tarsus spread Christianity while traveling. -The New Testament was created by many writings put together. -In 380 CE, Theodosius proclaimed Christianity as the official religion in the Roman empire.-Christian leaders instituted a hierarchy of Church officials. -all religions were spread by the trade routes. -Religions changed to fit the needs of the people.

Ch 15, 16, 18, 21 religion expert Richard Manjarres.CH15 religion in the empire in the eastConfucian and Daoist traditions did not disappear but made way for Mahayana Buddhism. Confucianism, Daoism, and cults that honored family ancestors were the most popular cultural alternatives.Confucian tradition suffered a loss of credibility after the fall of the Han. Some Chinese thought of the Buddhists as economically harmful or an inferior creed. There was some hostility to Buddhism and Zoroastrians as long as persecutions.Buddhism was the most popular religion in all of East Asia.CH16 Religion in India and the Indian ocean basinConquerors brought Islam to sind. Muslim Merchants took their faith to coastal regions in both northern and southern India. Migration and Invasions of Turkish-speaking peoples from central Asia also brought Islam.Malmut of Ghazni mounted raiding expeditions to India and destroyed many sites associated with Hindu and Buddhism. Khmers turned to Buddhism during 12th and 13th century.CH18 Nomadic empires and Eurasian integrationEarly nomadic religions revolved around shamans. Many Turkish peoples became attracted to the religious and cultural traditions they encountered when trading with peoples of settled societies. Many Turks had converted to Buddhism, Nestorian, Christianity or Manichaeism.Some Turkish invaders encouraged conversion to Islam and repressed Buddhism and Hinduism.The Mongols were usually confined to their shamanistic religion.CH21 Religion in the Americas and OceaniaMexica had a priestly class that ranked among the Mexica elite.The priests received special education in calendric studies and ritual lore.Some religious traditions of the Mexica dated from the time of the olmes.Kept a complex calendar based on a solar year off 365 days and a ritual year of 260 days.Mexica absorbed the religious beliefs common to Mesoamerica. Mexica had two principal gods, Tezatlopoca, and Quetzalcoatl.Mexica practiced ritual bloodletting as they believed that the flowing of blood set the earth in motion. Mexica warriors took Huitzilopochtli as their patron deity in the early years of the fourteenth century.Inca cult had a cult of the sun, whom they called Inti. Viracocha as the creator of the world.Oceanic peoples made religious observations to ensure continuing supplies.SOCIALUnit I1. From equal to patriarchal societies1. Began to have social distinctions through accumulating land1. -Began to have hierarchy1. Harrapans were matriarchal (women were in charge, no wars)1. In a social class, all have specific jobs.Unit II1. It becomes more patriarchal ex: In India, the Mahabrata showed women as emotional & weak victims1. Wealthy women received education1. Sparta was an exception: Respected women and gave them equal rights for giving birth to warriors.1. Ban Zhou emphasized the humility, obedience, and devotion1. A dangerously growing gap between rich & poor1. Bureaucrats began to displace warriorsUnit III1. Native North Americans were matriarchal1. Africa had equality1. Trade based on societies formingex. Swahili city coasts1. Mongols had a fluid social class1. Swahili city-states also fluid society


Unit One Education was based on religion and administrationPriests and upper classes thinkersChildren learned through parents' occupation homeschoolingNeolithic development of fires and stone tools agriculture developsDevelopment of writing: cuneiform and hieroglyphicsAdvanced mathematics, sciences, literary works scribes literate, exp. Homo-sapiensBasic knowledge of architecture ex: ziggurats, ect.Law booksUnit Two Greece had schools of philosophyPhilosophers/ thinkers: Confucius, Shang Yang, Socrates, Plato, AristotleSchools of thought Confucianism, Daoism, Legalism, BuddhismAdvancements in mathematics, literature, science, medicine, astronomy, and religion religious doctrine and ceremoniesStandardized scriptsRoads with stations for trade, transport, and communicationAdvanced forms of architecture religious temples and shrines, Roman forumsKnowledge of monsoon patterns monsoon patternsCivil service exam ChinaBureaucracy of merit, enforced by ConfuciusEstablishment of a democracy and republicUnit Three Saints set up schools Saint ScholasticaEurope is not have much complex architectureWestern Europe have advanced technology in agriculture horse collars, windmills, horse shoes, and crop rotationChinese brought back system of meritCharlemagne rebuilt educational reform

ARTSArt Unit 1 -tools made from bones - Venus figurines -cave paintings -paleolithic crafted pots -Indo European languages -elaborate tombs -The Vedas -Bronze metallurgy in Shang Dynasty -Iron mettallurgy in Zhou dynasty -oracle bones -Early chinese writing -Zhou literature- many textbooks instructing diviners in the art of fortelling -Book of songs Mesoamericans had elaborate ceremonial centers with pyramids, temples, and palaces -Traded jade and obsidiian -Maya Calendar -Mayan ballgame Unit II?Unit III Art-large buildings: built with stone or clay, ex: palaces, temples, churches, mosques-traded through Indian Ocean Basin, Mediterranean Sea, or Silk Roads-created a form of money either coins or paper-written or spoken law codes-created sculptures (shrines), painted-more protection and freedom of artisan/merchant class


The Mongol Khanates Trade with Ghana and later Mali


Spread of the Black Plague

Settlement of Oceania

The Holy Roman Empire during medieval Europe