CGHS: Creating a Culture of Achievement where the focus is ... · All reimbursements MUST have...


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“CGHS: Creating a Culture of Achievement where the focus is on learning and where all

students experience academic success in a positive and welcoming environment”





Cottage Grove, OR 97424 “A Place of Pride”



This handbook has been prepared as a supplement to the District Policy Handbook issued through the

superintendent's office. It is the aim of the booklet to deal specifically with policies and practices of

Cottage Grove High School not covered in the District Handbook. This handbook is prepared as a tentative

publication. Changes can and will be made as the need arises. Through a cooperative effort of staff and

administration, we can determine the best policies and practices for our school. Your suggestions are



Staff Directory ..................................................................................................................................2

Class Schedules ..................................................................................................................................3

Cottage Grove High School Mission Statement ...............................................................................3

Activities, Clubs and Extra Curricular Events ..................................................................................4-6

ASB Bookkeeping and Purchasing Procedures ................................................................................6-8

Curriculum Policies and Procedures .................................................................................................8-10

Daily Procedures ................................................................................................................................10-12

Duty Assignments ..............................................................................................................................12-13

Miscellaneous Items ..........................................................................................................................13-20

Student Supervision and Referral Policies ........................................................................................21-23

Use of School Facilities .....................................................................................................................23-25



INSTRUCTIONAL Taylor Boxberger Leilagh Boyle Maya Brachmann Michele Bradley Thomas Connor Jason Crain Sarah Cunningham Jeff Drumm Dylan Ferguson Jessica Flood Ricardo Florez Nick Garman Holly Genthner Sheila Ghelfi Michele Hilton Casie Hitt Jared Hutchins Carlan Kephart Thomas Kephart Sina Kiilsgaard Ricky Knutson

Sarah Leonard Reed Levings Joel Lindstrom Chris Medina JD Michlanski Erin Royse Kent Russo Janet Rust Kirstin Sadiq Angela Schaefer James Scoggins Krista Scoggins Jim Settelmeyer Chad Smith Shelly Swearingen Kyle Temple Brian Vollmer-Buhl Geriann Walker Chris Wells Michelle Weybright Devin Wright


Kevin Herington, Principal Halie Ketcher, Assistant Principal Matt Myers, Assistant Principal/A.D. Chris Wells, Assistant Principal/Teacher HIGH SCHOOL SUCCESS AND CURRICULUM DIRECTOR Jeremy Smith


CLASSIFIED EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANTS Kallie Black – Special Education Carol Branstetter - Special Education Lucia Cervantes - ELL Marian Dempsey – Special Education Erica Dunbar - Special Education Debbie Ferguson - ELL

CAFETERIA Barb Raum, Manager Jennifer Lambrecht Donna Martinez Caroline Strickland Shannon Taylor Briana Ross Pamela McReynolds





SECRETARIAL Tina Crivello Casey Horn Lindsay Laycock Kathie Flagg CUSTODIAL Brian Anderson Manuel Garibay Jennifer McCown Rick Neeley Steve Sanchez




Class Schedule




8:15-9:04 Period 1


Period 2

9:09-9:58 Period 2



9:58-10:05 PRIDE BREAK


Period 3

10:10-10:59 Period 3


Period 4

11:04-11:53 Period 4



11:53-12:28 ENRICHMENT


Period 5

12:33-1:22 Period 5


Period 6

1:27-2:16 LUNCH


Period 7

2:21-3:10 Period 6


Period 7


Mission Statement

CGHS: Creating a Culture of Achievement where the focus is on learning and all

students experience academic success in a positive and welcoming environment.




Assemblies should be both entertaining and educational. Inappropriate or improper

behavior by students attending or involved with the assemblies will not be tolerated.

A. Assemblies will be presented in the cafetorium or the gym.

B. All assembly programs should be placed on the school calendar.

C. Advisors and members of the sponsoring organization are responsible for the

preparation of the assembly.

D. Staff will be required to accompany students to and attend assemblies and rallies,

unless an alternate duty has been assigned.

E. Students who choose not to go to the assembly must report to the library or any other

designated area.

F. At least one advisor must be present at all gatherings for any purpose.

G. Students are not to be released from classes for assembly preparation without

administrative approval.


Class, club or student body sponsored activities planned for off campus may not be held

except with the approval of the administration.

A. All such activities must be entered on the master school calendar.

B. Advanced planning is necessary.


The organization of new clubs and organizations is permissible according to the following


A. The club shall be organized to further the total education program of the school.

The sponsors of the club shall prepare and present a written constitution that

includes a statement of purpose and a statement of the qualifications and

requirements of membership. This constitution must be approved by the student

council, the executive committee and the principal.

B. The constitution must be placed on file with the student body office.


All contests and surveys in which teachers or students wish to participate must be submitted

to the principal as an official request. No questionnaire or opinionating may be given to

students without approval of content and procedure by the administration. All surveys

whether it’s from staff, students or an outside agency MUST be approved by

administration before being given to students.


A. All contracts and arrangements for music must be submitted and reviewed by

administration. Student officers and advisors may make recommendations or

requests for a particular group, but the activities director will be the only contracting

agent for the school.


B. All expenses of dances or other activities will be paid by school check only. All

cash received at the door will be appropriately accounted for and deposited.

C. Students attending a dance may not leave the dance and then return without

administrative approval.

D. No person will be admitted who does not meet the standards of dress and conduct set

for the activity.

E. If it ever becomes necessary to remove or exclude a student from a dance activity

because of improper conduct, that student’s name will be reported to the

administration. That student may be excluded from future events if deemed

necessary by administration.


The requirements for determining the eligibility of a student to participate in athletics or

activities are found in the Student/Parent Handbook.


Adult guidance, leadership and supervision are essential for successful operation of any

activity by any school group.

A. Advisors should work very closely with student leaders and officers to make certain

that an active, interesting and reasonable program is carried out through the school


B. An advisor should be in attendance at all committee, group, club or class meetings.

C. Advisors or an appropriate substitute should carefully weigh all plans and actions

proposed by student groups. The student leaders and sponsors should discuss

questions regarding uncertainty or advisability of a specific activity or procedure

with the activity advisor.

D. Advisors are expected to be present at all evening activities of their group.

E. No fundraising activities may be undertaken or fees assessed to student members

without prior approval and scheduling with Mr. Myers.


Faculty members and their immediate family are admitted to all school events at CGHS

without charge. This privilege is not transferable. Faculty members are asked to

accompany their children to all events. Teachers, while attending school functions, should

assist with problems when a need arises.


No student can be required, as a part of any program, to take part in a survey, analysis, or

evaluation about certain topics including political affiliation, psychological problems, or

critical appraisal of others, and certain related topics.


A. An advisor assigned to a group sponsoring an activity must be in attendance.

B. No night activity should extend beyond 11:30pm without administrative approval.

Activities, rehearsals, decorating, etc. must be planned so that the building is

completely vacated by 10:00pm on nights where school follows the next morning.



Teachers are expected to consult with the principal before making arrangements for any

school activity. All activities must be scheduled through the administration and placed on

the school calendar. School activities are to be held on school grounds unless other

arrangements are approved in advance by the administration.


The advisor/teacher should submit a transportation request online at least two weeks prior

to the trip. The principal will approve all field or activity trips via an e-mail that will be sent

automatically after the request is submitted. Before leaving on your field trip, a list of

student names MUST be submitted to attendance. School busses will be used at all times

unless written approval is obtained from administration.



The student body maintains a central financing system where all organization money is

deposited and where it is disbursed. The intent of the centralized system is not an attempt

by anyone to control the finances of any organization, but rather to protect funds and staff,

since this matter of handling public funds can be a serious one. CGHS student body

accounts are audited annually by South Lane School District and the State of Oregon.

ASB accounting will align with our district guidelines (controllable department money).

Checks will be issued on the 10th and 25

th of each month for payments and for

reimbursements. If check requests are not turned in by the cut-off dates, they will be issued

in the next check run. If you need to request a check earlier than the scheduled time, you

will be required to fill out an Exception Request For Payment form and have this approved

by the principal.

All reimbursements MUST have receipts attached and be turned in 60-days from the date of

purchase. If a credit card was used for the purchase, the statement showing the purchase is

also required.

1. All funds from any school organization MUST be deposited in the student body

treasury in the Student Office as soon as they are received. Receipts will be issued

for all deposits.

2. Disbursements of these funds will be through the following procedures:

A. Whenever an organization plans to spend some of its funds, it must first have

the approval of the advisor. All funds spent MUST be directly student


B. The advisor must initiate documentation for payment through Mrs. Laycock.

3. Information on account balances are available from Mrs. Laycock upon request.


This method gives organizations the protection of a bank account and provides the Student

Council and administration with a system whereby all bills will be accounted for and

properly charged. It also centralizes our bookkeeping system so an auditor may obtain at

any time the information needed about any or all student body accounts.

This system does not mean that each organization should not keep its own set of books.

Each month the school bookkeeper will issue a statement indicating the balance in each

student body account. Every organization should check its balance carefully to be sure that it

is correct or to ascertain the reason if there seems to be a difference.


Additional funds are always needed by departments and activity groups. This necessitates

some special fund raising programs and activities. The following policies are necessary to

hold the number and scope of these activities within reason:

A. All projects and activities must be approved by the administrator in charge of the

district calendar.

B. No business, home or community contacts may be made without prior approval.

C. All fundraisers of any kind must be scheduled through an administrator.

D. Advisors are responsible for the supervision of fundraising activities and the

accounting of all materials and funds involved.

E. All money collected should be turned in to Mrs. Laycock in a timely manner. No

money should be in possession of a staff member for longer than necessary. Funds

raised should be deposited within the next school day following the fundraising



All district expenditures, with few exceptions, require a purchase order. The procedures for

each are:

Purchase Order

1. Purchase order request forms must be completed providing vendor name and

address, item description, quantity, and prices (including shipping charges). Use

stock number, catalog number, model number, size and color.

2. All purchase order requests must be approved by department heads.

3. The district will pay for properly authorized purchases only. Failure to follow

district purchasing policy may result in the staff member being held responsible for


4. Upon receipt of merchandise ordered, the school principal or his representative will

verify receipt of goods or services by signing the receiving copy of the purchase

order and forwarding it to the district office.




All student fees and fines are to be paid and receipted through Mrs. Laycock in the main

office unless prior arrangements have been made with an administrator.



Fines should be issued on textbooks, unpaid projects/materials, non-returned items/gear, or

outstanding fees:

A. When staff/teacher receive notice that a student has withdrawn any time during the

school year, fines must be issued within one week of the notice. A letter is sent out

in an attempt to recover these fees or materials.

B. Fines should be submitted in a timely manner after deadlines are made (fundraisers,

sports, etc.)

C. Fines should be applied at the end of each trimester or minimally at the end of a

school year when applicable.

Fine slips are located in the office; they must be filled out completely and returned to Mrs.

Laycock. Once a fine has been issued, all books must be returned and fees paid to Mrs.

Laycock in the office to insure the fine is removed. If the book or items are returned to the

staff person who issued it, Mrs. Laycock needs to be informed so the fine can be removed.



At times you may get requests for information about students. Please remember that

student records are protected by Federal Law and we only give out information about

students to appropriate individuals identified by Law. It is not legal to post grades by

student name or any method that allows other students to figure out which grade belongs

to which student, including alphabetically by student #. Please post all grades sorted by

score and using student #. If you have a question, see the principal.


Meetings are intended to provide for discussion of school programs, inservice, study and

evaluation. These meetings will be called as needed.


Teachers must obtain prior approval from administration before making arrangements to

have guest speakers in their classroom.


Homework is an extension of class work and should reinforce and/or extend skills learned in

the classroom. Homework is a means of teaching students to learn independently and shall

not be used for disciplinary reasons.


If a student is suspended, teachers need to respond to homework requests within a day of

the request. Timeliness is important.


Once all required subject areas have been met, students may request to take one elective

course per term as Pass/No Pass.


Students may make this request at any time during the trimester, but no later than 2

weeks before the last day of the trimester. Once made, this designation cannot be

reversed. A student meeting the course standards for a passing mark shall be given a grade

of "P" (Pass), but if he/she fails to meet the minimum standards, a "NP" (No Pass) shall be

recorded. The mark will not be included in the computation of grade point average in either



An email will be sent to all staff 2 days before grades are due, as a reminder. Typically,

you will have the weekend to enter your grades but please know that eSchool does

“program updates” on weekends and isn’t always available. If grades are due on a

Friday, the grading application will be disabled on Monday morning at 7:00am. If your

grades are missing, your Administrator will be notified. All final grades (Report Cards)

are due by 4:00 pm on Inservice Day. There may be occasions where grades are due

prior to a weekend. You will be notified if this happens.

Sept. 27th

- Gradebook up to date (Athletic eligibility. Only athletes will take

grade slips to teachers to fill out)

Oct. 4th

- Progress Reports due (Mailed home for Parent Teacher Conferences)

Nov. 8th

- Progress Reports due (In house)

Dec. 2nd

- Final Grades (Mailed home)

Dec. 19th

- Progress Reports due (In house)

Jan. 24th

- Progress Reports due (Mailed home for Parent Teacher Conferences)

Feb. 21st - Progress Reports due (In house)

Mar. 16th

- Final Grades (Mailed home)

Apr. 10th

- Progress Reports due (In house)

May 1st - Progress Reports due (In house)

May 15th

- Progress Reports due (Mailed home)

June 12th

- Final Grades (Mailed home)


Letter grades of A, B, C, D, and F, and Pass/No Pass are used to indicate student

performance. Letter grades may include + (plus) or – (minus) to more accurately reflect

student progress and performance.

1. Pass/No Pass: All TA and study hall credits are pass/no pass. Once core

requirements are completed, one elective course per trimester may be selected as


2. It is the teacher’s responsibility to continually monitor, update and inform students

of their progress in class. The Teacher Access Center (TAC) grading system is used

to track progress. Teachers may not post grades by name or in any manner that

allows students to identify grades other than their own grade. When students fail to

make adequate progress, the teacher should make an attempt to contact parents

and/or the appropriate counselor.


3. Interim Progress Reports (IPRs) are to be issued throughout the term (refer to annual

schedule), and gradebook updates should happen routinely – weekly is the


4. Incomplete grades are issued only with administrative approval to students who have

not been able to perform as required because of approved absences. A student who

received an incomplete grade must make up necessary work within the agreed upon

amount of time.

5. Timeline for Grade Changes – When teachers submit a grade change for a student,

these changes must be submitted on the Grade Change Form in the counseling

office. If the grade change is due to a student completing missing assignments, the

deadline to accept and honor those changes is typically three weeks. If special

arrangements are made, they need to be written and approved by administration.


1. Once a student is enrolled in a class, that student is responsible to attend and

complete work in that course. All schedule changes must be made by the

appropriate counselor/administrator.

2. A teacher, through the counselor and/or administration, may initiate a request for the

withdrawal of a student from class.

The student will continue to be assigned to that class until necessary arrangements

and paperwork can be completed and official notices sent to the teacher.


This time is designated for district/high school in-service and professional growth.

Teachers, and select staff, are required to attend per the district PD calendar from 2:15-

4:00pm. Staff is expected to report to PD sessions on time and fully participate. Absences

must be approved by the principal in advance. All unassigned time may be used for faculty

planning and individual classroom work.

This year we will be having staff meetings and professional development to help us improve

our craft as educators and support our students. The inservice schedule is posted on our

website under staff resources. Please adjust your work schedule accordingly for staff

meeting days. If you’re on a 7:30am to 3:30pm work schedule, adjust to 8am to 4pm. See

Kevin if you have questions about this.



A. Daily announcements will be read by students at the beginning of 4th


Announcements will be posted on our website and e-mailed each morning to all


B. All announcements must be written in the exact manner they are to be read, and

submitted to the main office by 3:30pm. Announcements received after 3:30pm

will not be included until the following day.

C. The public address system will be used for supplemental announcements ONLY

WHEN NECESSARY and must have administrative approval.



The regular day is from 8:15am to 3:10pm and Wednesdays from 8:15am – 2:07pm.


No teacher shall dismiss students from the classroom prior to the bell or allow students to

leave campus during regular school hours without approval of an administrator. It’s a

general rule that the instructor, not the school bell, dismiss a student from class.

Staff will not allow students to leave the room 5 minutes after class starts or 5 minutes

before class ends.

All students are expected to have a pass if they are not in the classroom. Staff are

responsible for the safety of students and must supply a pass if a student is permitted to

leave the class. Teachers must not allow students to visit other classrooms, the gym, or

other unsupervised areas during class unless approved by administration.


All staff members will remain on campus during their scheduled work time except during

the lunch period. When there is reason to leave the school campus during the workday,

administration must be consulted and permission to leave school granted. Sign out in the

main office before leaving and sign in upon your return.


Teachers are expected to check their mailboxes at least once a day for US/District mail,

and/or any other notices/publications. E-mail will be used in most cases for

communication and should also be checked regularly throughout the day.


Thunderbird and webmail are e-mail services used for communicating to staff.

OFFICE ASSISTANTS Office Assistants may request students and will attempt to deliver messages and pick up

attendance sheets for subs sometime during the 1st 10 minutes of the period or the last 10

minutes of the period. We will try to keep disruptions to a minimum, but there may be

other times students are needed by administration. Please send them immediately.


We will continue using Frontline (formerly known as AESOP) as our substitute calling

and reporting system for all staff members. Frontline is an automated system that

simplifies and streamlines the process of recording and managing absences and finding

subs. This service is available to staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Frontline will be

linked to payroll, so it is important that you report any time out of the building during

your scheduled work time. You can log onto Frontline at on your web browser address bar or type on your mobile device to create absences, manage personal

information, check absence reason balances, and more.


Staff will need their ID and PIN # to log in. New teaching staff will get trained on how to

use the system. Absences will need to be in the system by 7am at the very latest to

provide enough time to find a substitute. It’s the staff member’s responsibility to watch

and make sure the position is filled. If it isn’t filled by 7:30am, call the office manager at

school, (541) 780-2156. Staff need to be sure and set up your “preferred sub” list. You

will choose at least five preferred substitutes. If none of your preferred subs are available,

the system will default to a building preferred list and lastly to the district list.

Teachers are responsible for lesson plans, worksheets and class rosters for use by the

substitute teacher. Be sure to include any special schedule information (assemblies,

advisories or fire/emergency drills). It is expected that teachers have emergency lesson

plans available in the classroom for instances when they are unable to write plans for an

absence. In Frontline you can attach your lesson plan. If the absence is known in advance,

it would be beneficial for the teacher to confer with the assigned substitute.


1. Each teacher has the responsibility of maintaining accurate attendance records.

2. Attendance must be recorded each period utilizing Teacher Access Center (TAC) in

E-school. Attendance for each class should be recorded in TAC within 10-minutes

of the start of class.

3. Communication is important. Staff is encouraged to notify the parents, counselors

and/or administration at the first indication of an attendance problem.


Students are not to be sent on errands from the building during school hours without the

consent of the administration. At parent’s request, an "Off Grounds Pass" will be issued.

Students are not to leave campus during the school day without first signing out at the

attendance office.


Tardiness is defined as any unexcused appearance after the scheduled time a class begins or

coming to class without proper materials. All teachers are expected to consistently enforce

the school-wide tardy policy. Please mark a student tardy in TAC. After 5-minutes, a

student is considered absent.



The classroom teacher is under the general supervision of the principal or a designate, and

instructs and supervises students. The use of independent judgment and decision making is

required in many matters not having established rules, regulations, policies, or precedent.


- Identifies the needs of individual students by continual assessment of



- Writes instructional plans based upon identified students’ needs.

- Uses a variety of methods and materials to implement instructional plans.

- Manages the classroom to create the optimum learning conditions.

- Initiates, plans and carries out parent conferences, both formal and


- Participates in professional development activities.

- Plans, coordinates and supervises aides, teacher assistants and other

paraprofessional positions.

- Supervises the behavior and safety of students in the total educational


- Teaches appropriate curriculum designed to meet state standards.

- Maintains communication with students, patrons and colleagues.

- Performs other job-related duties as delegated by the administration.

- Attends scheduled student I.E.P. meetings and follow all provisions of a

student I.E.P. in the classroom.

- Participates in evaluation debriefs with the intent of improving

instructional skills.

- Signs all evaluation documentation in order to acknowledge their

participation in the discussions. The signature does not signify that staff

agrees with the content, only that they have read the documentation.


All behavior, policy, curriculum, and student expectations should meet the South Lane

School District Standards of Performance for Educators.



All occupational and student incurred injuries must be reported on an official accident

form and submitted within 24 hours to the office manager for insurance purposes and the

school district’s record.

If a staff member has an accident that requires medical attention an additional 801 form

must be completed along with a packet of information that must be taken to the doctor

with you. This is essential for protection of our staff and students and for the proper

disposition of the claims.


Teachers should be considerate of their neighbors when using AV materials and/or when

activities might interfere with others. Doors shall remain unlocked during instructional

hours, unless the room is unattended or there is an emergency.


Students should be properly supervised at all times. Students should not be released to

unsupervised areas of the school for any reason.



Teachers have access to a risograph and xerox copy machines in the copy center in the

front entry of the Health Center. James Berry will be assigned an aide who will assist

teachers with their copy needs. Only students in designated roles are allowed to use the

copy machines. Copy request forms are available in the copy center. Please fill out the

form completely and return to the copy center. Copy paper will be provided in the copy

machines. The risograph machine should be used whenever possible or when 50 or more

copies are being made. If you need less than 50 copies, please DO NOT use the


See office manager for your ID number or color copy access.


District Policy states "The aim of the copyright law is to stimulate creative work by

protecting the author's rights to that work, including the right to financial re-enumeration.

It is the intent of the South Lane School District to adhere to all the Provisions of this federal


The principal of each school is responsible for establishing practices that enforce the law.

The District will not defend employees against criminal or penal charges arising out of

violations of the copyright law."

DRESS OF TEACHERS Teachers should be neatly dressed in attire appropriate to their professional position.


Teachers and staff are responsible for knowing and adhering to the information in the

Emergency Handbook and teaching pertinent information to their students.


Employee Access Center (EAC) is an online application that allows employees to access

their own payroll and leave history as well as their personnel information. The

information that can be accessed from EAC includes:

Employee Information (address and contact information)

Salary and Benefits

Leave Information

Payroll Check History

Tax Information including W2’s

Deductions and Benefits

To log on, your user ID is your employee number. If you haven’t already changed your

password, your temporary password is your social security number, no dashes.

You can log into EAC from any computer by linking to the following address:



The cost of educational field trips will be covered at 100% by transportation until further

notice. The first step to planning a field trip is to fill out the Request For Field Trip form

to get the principal’s approval. Once approved, you will need to submit a bus request

online. If you need help with this process, see your department head. Once the bus

request has been submitted, the principal will be notified to approve. The person in

charge of the field trip will be responsible for having a permission form signed by a

parent/guardian for each student attending the activity. Request For Field Trip and

Permission forms are available on our website under staff resources or in the main office


All out-of-state travel must have prior board approval. Such approval is predicated on an

acceptable plan for travel arrangements, parental involvement, orientation of students and

supervisors and support of the appropriate administrator. Before leaving on your field trip, a

list of student names MUST be submitted to attendance.


District food service has party deals available if you would like to plan a special party.

Contact food service at the district office for planning purposes. If you suspect a student

is not getting proper nutrition, is homeless or having family difficulties, please bring this

to an administrator’s attention. It is possible they may qualify for our free/reduced

lunch/breakfast program. “This institution is an equal opportunity provider.”


If you have information you need to share with staff, get information to the office

manager by 10:00am on Friday.


Jade Chamness is SLSD's McKinney-Vento Liaison. She works with students in

temporary housing. She provides students with support and resources and helps

them navigate life so they can be successful at school. If you think a student

might qualify for the McKinney-Vento program, submit a referral to Jade through the

Google Form found on the right side of the SLSD McKinney-Vento webpage.


Jeff Wright the district courier will pick up mail daily. He will be here around 2-3pm

each day. Please DO NOT put personal or Lane ESD mail in the blue courier tub in the

main office. All CGHS and courier mail go in the blue tub in the cupboard closest to

Kevin’s office (right side), under the mailboxes. The Lane ESD gray mail tub is located

in the same cupboard on the left. Remember to use Lane ESD for all Lane, South Lane,

LCC and U of O deliveries.

All bulk mailings must be approved by the principal and paid out of your

department money. See the office manager for processing. We must give district at

least a two-day notice prior to mailing.


See the office manager for instructions to mail a package UPS. Costs will get charged to

individual budgets.


There is a red Emergency Handbook along with MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets)

handbooks located in the cupboards below the mailboxes in the main office, 2nd


right. It is essential that all staff be familiar with these handbooks and their location.

MSDS forms provide information about chemicals or potentially hazardous substances

such as art and science supplies that are in our school.


James Berry – Campus Security (Work 7:00am – 3:30pm, Lunch 12:50-1:20pm)

Behavorial Entering and Tracking Data

Campus Supervision

Create and send student notices for detention, Wednesday school, attendance, etc.

Focus Room

Guest passes for dances

In-School Suspension

Monitor student attendance and create referrals

Processing and Delivering Minor Discipline Referrals

Retrieval of homework for ill, suspended and expelled students

Safety Team Coordinator

Supervision of Copy Center

Vehicle Registration

Wednesday School Supervision

Kathie Flagg – Registrar (Work Mon.-Thurs. 7:00am - 3:30pm, Lunch 12:30-1:30pm)

Academic and Registrar State Reporting


Authorized to call in cases regarding support for Pentamation

Enroll and Withdraw Students

File and Transcript storage

Lost & Found

Maintain Home Access Center (HAC)

Maintain Transcript data

Master Schedule

Monitor Health Room and dispense medications in the absence of the Nurse

Official transcripts/immunizations to various colleges and universities

State Reporting

Print & Mail Report Cards and Interim Progress Reports

Supply leadership with reports

Teacher Access Center downloads and maintenance

Testing information transferred to transcripts (ACT, PSAT, SAT and Essential Skills on


Transcribe and Maintain Records


Tina Crivello – Attendance (Work 7:30am -4:00pm, Lunch 11:30am-12:30pm)

Attendance Reports

10 day drop letters

Admit Slips

Athletic Attendance


Back-up Kathie Flagg in Health Room

Behavioral Tracking and Correspondence

Daily Attendance

Discipline Report

Grades – Collect a hard copy of teachers grades at the end of each trimester

Guest Passes


Loiter/Trespass Letters & Lists

Off Campus Passes

Office Aides

Request homework for suspended/expelled students


Student Data Forms

Suspension Notifications

Truancy Letters

Lindsay Laycock – Athletics (Work 7:30am - 4pm, Lunch 12:30pm-1:30pm)

Accounting for Student Body and Staff Accounts (Includes receipting money, paying

bills, and reconciliations)

Athletic Grade Checks

Athletic Passes

Athletic Registration

Athletic Reserved Seats for Football

Athletic Rosters

Athletic Signups

Awards for Athletics and Activities

Coaching Staff Support

Fines/Fine Letters

Hall of Fame

Student Body Cards

Student Insurance

Train/Supervise Student Treasurers

Vehicle Registrations – Back Up to James Berry


Casey Horn – Office Mgr. (Work 7:00am – 3:30pm, Lunch 11:30-12:30pm)


Athletic and District Purchase Orders

Back-up Tina Crivello in Health Room

Bell/Time Schedules


Business Practicum Students

Copy Machines

Friday Updates



Maintain Employee Files

Monthly Calendars

Parent E-mail Lists

Parent Pipeline


Picture Distribution

Reader Board

Student/Parent, Staff and Emergency Handbooks

Student/Staff Accident Reports


Website – Updates

PAYROLL Payroll is due to district office by the 15

th of each month unless requested earlier by

district. Payday is on the 25th

of each month unless the 25th

falls on a weekend or

holiday. If the 25th

falls on Saturday, payday will be on Friday prior and if the 25th


on a Sunday, payday will be on the following Monday. Pay vouchers are sent to your e-

mail. If you have any problems or questions, contact payroll at DSC.


We must have a personnel emergency information sheet on file for all staff members.

We need to have a completed form for Teachers, Student Teachers, EA’s, Secretaries,

Custodians, Cooks and any Specialist that spend time in our building. New staff

members will be given a form to complete. Returning staff members, please see the

office manager if you need to update your form.


Phones will be answered by our business practicum students each period of the school

day. Let the office manager know if you have any problems getting messages. Long

distance access codes are established for all staff members for tracking purposes. Long

distant phone calls should NOT be made from school unless they are school related.

If you are in doubt, check with an administrator. See office manager for long distance

calling instructions and your code.


Please DO NOT change the password for your voice mail access. Your password needs

to stay the same as your extension number. Leaving your password the same as your

extension number eliminates future complications.


There are several opportunities to recognize students who are doing outstanding work.

Staff members can nominate students who exhibit pride, respect, responsibility,

achievement and /or other positive behaviors. Winners will be randomly selected

on Fridays and be awarded various prizes and recognition. The last Friday of

each month will be Pride Fridays where students and staff will celebrate what

makes CGHS a special place.


It is important that we have a current inventory of equipment and supplies in your area.

A copy of the current inventory on file for your room and a new blank form will be

distributed at the beginning of each year and needs to be turned into the office manager

before the end of September.


There is only one official school calendar. This is kept under the direction of the

administration. All activities must be registered on this calendar to be official.


It is to our advantage to keep the public informed about our educational programs. News

releases to newspapers, the local radio station and social media are now coordinated through

Chris Wells. Please suggest items or turn in information for news releases to him directly.

SEARCHES All employees must have prior permission from an administrator before conducting any type

of search.


Supplies are to be ordered by individual departments as needed throughout the year. After

approved by department head, complete a purchase order request form and give to the office

manager. Orders placed at the end of last school year will be distributed to each department



Teachers can choose Option A – 7:30 am -3:30 pm, Option B – 8:00 am – 4:00 pm, or

arrange any other options with Kevin. Please adjust your work schedule accordingly for

Wednesday staff meetings. If you’re on a 7:30am to 3:30pm work schedule, adjust to

8:00am to 4:00pm for these days. Let the office manager know whether you will be on

Option A or Option B.



All technology requests must be submitted to the Tech Help Desk on our school website. On

the upper right side of the website, click Tech Help Desk or go to Be sure to fill in the building, staff name/room #,

identify what equipment you’re having trouble with, explain issue and submit.


The school provides texts for students and requires the following:

A. All textbooks must be stamped with a school stamp inside the front and back cover.

The texts must also be numbered.

B. Departments are responsible for the textbooks. This requires good housekeeping on

the part of the department staff. Teachers should hold each student responsible for

his/her textbook. If a book is lost or damaged, a fee should be assessed. The

amount of the assessment is determined according to the condition and age of the


C. A majority of textbooks should be ordered in late spring through the principal. If a

need arises, orders may be placed during the school year if the budget allows.


All vehicles must be registered. Parking permits can be obtained from the campus

supervisor and should be displayed on the front windshield or rear view mirror.


Cottage Grove High School is visited by many adults and professional educators and by

students from other schools. To help protect student and school property and prevent

disruptive activity, school officials must know when any persons who are not members of

the staff or student body are on school property. School related visitors and guests are

welcome in school as long as their presence is not disruptive and they have secured a guest

pass from the office. Permission for a student guest pass should be obtained at least one-day



All volunteers are required to fill out a Criminal History Verification and be cleared by

District Office BEFORE supervising students. Our HR department maintains a list of

volunteers. Check with the office manager to verify if someone has been approved.


All work orders for maintenance requests must be submitted online. You can find the

Maintenance On-Line Work Order by going to our website at

under Resources/Staff. Please fill in building, room #, and select “Yes” or “No” if this is

a safety concern (do not mark “Yes” unless it truly is a safety concern, so maintenance

can prioritize urgent needs), summary, category, description and then click submit.




All student accidents resulting in any injury must be reported to the school office and the

appropriate form filled out within a 24-hour period. Appropriate forms are available in the

main office.


Any school employee who has reasonable cause or reasonable suspicion to believe that any

child with whom he/she has come in contact with has suffered abuse or neglect, as defined

in state law, or that any adult with whom he/she is in contact with has abused a child, will

immediately notify Services for Children and Families or the local law enforcement agency.

The school employee shall also immediately inform his/her supervisor or building principal

and fill out the proper form to be filed with an administrator.


Student education records containing grades, health cards, and test scores, etc. are

maintained on all students enrolled in our school. These records may be inspected by the

parents of the student or appropriate staff members. Upon request, an appointment will be

set up.


RESPONSIBILITIES OF STUDENTS. Students are responsible for their conduct in the

halls and classroom and are expected to meet school policy and the individual standards in

each teacher's classroom.

RESPONSIBILITY OF TEACHERS. It is the duty of each teacher to familiarize

himself/herself with the general rules and regulations of the school and to do what the

teacher can at all times to see that these rules and regulations are enforced. It is the

responsibility of the teacher to make students aware of the elements of proper conduct in a

given situation and to insist on its observance. A firm, positive approach to a problem

situation is most likely to generate a positive response. Take care of the problem promptly

and be consistent.

COUNSELOR RESPONSIBILITY. Counselors are resource people who are to provide

service to students and teachers where additional assistance of a non-punitive nature is

needed. Counselors will perhaps have a broader picture of a student's problem. Students

frequently have problems in a number of classroom situations, and may have gained

information concerning a student in conversing with other teachers, students, parents,

administrators, or even with the student himself/herself. The counselor can assist the teacher

by providing information or perhaps by sitting down with the student and teacher as a third

party to resolve the problem.

ADMINISTRATION RESPONSIBILITY. The role of the administration will also be to

provide service to the teacher by providing information, suggesting techniques for

handling, or assisting the teacher in coping with the problem.


HALL SUPERVISION All teachers share supervisory and disciplinary duties. Teachers should never walk away

from potential problems or problems needing some supervision.

Teachers are requested to spend time each day monitoring and moving through the halls.

The presence of teachers in these areas is usually sufficient to prevent the development of

many serious problems.

All teachers should be consistent and continuously involved in the enforcement of school


All teachers are to share in the responsibility of hall supervision. Please follow the

guidelines below:

A. Go to the door with class during change of classes, lunch and afternoon dismissal


B. Caution any violators of hall misconduct and take appropriate action when


C. Prepare a behavioral referral and turn it in to the administration if it’s a significant


D. Make passing times a chance to greet and connect with students in the halls.


Nurse information - TBD


Teachers are encouraged to make appropriate home contacts. When a parent leaves a

message for a teacher, that teacher should make every effort to contact that parent by

returning the call within 24 hours.


The best treatment for illness or accident is prevention. In the event a student becomes ill or

involved in an accident at school during the school day, the following procedure is


A. In case of illness: Have the student call home from your classroom to be picked up.

Transfer the parent/guardian to Tina Crivello, Ext. 2132 for verification. If the

student needs assistance call Kathie Flagg, Ext. 2133 and she will dispatch an

administrator to help.

B. In case of accident or injury: Notify the office immediately. Keep calm and provide

support to the injured student until more qualified help arrives. Limit care to basic

first aid procedures.

C. The supervising person is responsible for completing a student accident report

within a 24-hour period. Forms are available in the main office.

If the illness or injury occurs during a school activity outside of the regular school day, the

following procedure is suggested:


A. In case of minor accident or illness, call parents to come for the student, or arrange

for the student to be taken home. All accidents require accident report.

B. In more serious cases:

1. Provide needed basic first aid.

2. Call 911 for emergency help.

3. Contact parents.

4. Inform the administration and complete an accident report.


Medication should be given only when ordered by a physician and/or parent/guardian.

Pupils who must depend upon medication in order to stay in school should have a written

order from a physician giving specific instructions for taking medication with parental

approval. Medication will only be administered by authorized staff members.


Students are not to be released from class except on the request of an administrator,

counselor, or other staff member. Students released from class for any reason must have an

appropriate pass.

In general teachers should not retain a student after the bell for an excessive length of time

to avoid tardiness to their next class. If this does occur, please send students to their next

class with a pass.

STUDENT DRESS AND APPEARANCE Teachers are responsible to address students who are in violation of the dress code and take

the appropriate action. The student dress code is outlined in the Student/Parent Handbook.


Frequently it becomes necessary for administrators and counselors to provide current

information about the progress and status of students. The follow-up of students returning

from court, probation and suspension, or the following up of students after a grading period

ends, parent conferences, etc., requires the use of progress and status report forms. Usually

these forms need immediate attention. Teachers need to respond to requests for student

updates/progress reports in a timely manner.


Teachers are always teaching, formally or informally, in classrooms or out of classrooms.

Teachers should at all times be professionals both in and out of the class environment.



Teachers should aid the custodians by keeping their rooms neat and clean. It is teacher

responsibility to close windows and adjust shades before leaving classroom at the end of the



Please turn out lights when your room is not in use. Any situation that may endanger the

safety of a person on the school grounds should be reported to the principal.

Food and beverages in resealable containers can only be consumed in classrooms with

teacher permission.

There are some necessary operational procedures to be followed with regard to custodial


A. All communications pertaining to work of the custodial staff will be through the

principal and office manager. No directions or requests should be given directly by

teachers to the custodians.

B. Only custodians will move furniture and equipment from room to room.

C. Only custodians will move file cabinets and desks about in rooms and offices.

D. No teacher or student may enter a custodial room or closet except in the presence of

and with the permission of the custodian.

E. Dust rags, mops, etc., may be obtained from the custodians.


The following rules are essential to safeguard school facilities.

A. A facility use request form is required along with necessary deposit.

B. Student groups meeting in any activity must have a faculty advisor or sponsor in

attendance that will be responsible for the group and its activities.

C. Special arrangements must be scheduled for events held outside of regular school

hours. See Mr. Myers for scheduling.

D. All night activities will end no later than 11:30pm unless prior administrative

approval has been given.

E. All equipment must be returned to its original location. Facilities must be left in

good condition. All damage incurred and repairs made necessary through

mishandling and abuse of equipment will be charged to the group using the facilities.

F. The advisor must lock and check for security of all doors leading to the building

prior to his/her departure.

G. No school equipment and/or furniture may be taken from the school for use outside

the school or any other place in the school without prior consent from

administration. The proper form must be in place to remove any school equipment.


Teachers shall exercise careful supervision over the furniture and equipment in their rooms.

Inspect your room periodically for damages or losses.


It is very important if you enter the building during after-hours, weekends or holidays to

be sure and sign in and turn off the security alarm system. Our building has a Video

Security System in ALL areas, along with the FOB entry system. The custodians are

here Monday-Friday until 11:30pm and will secure the building. If you are here after

hours, weekends or holidays be sure to log in at the front entrance of the main and gym

buildings and secure the building before you leave. If you use the courtyard doors,


remember when you open those doors with your key, it unlocks the door even though it’s

not barred down. Also, as things begin to age in our building the doors do not completely

shut on their own. Please get in the habit of being sure the doors are shut securely before

you leave. Submit a help desk ticket to maintenance if you need a security code assigned

or can’t remember your number.

SCHOOL KEYS Each staff member must check out keys issued for his/her area. The loss of a key must be

reported immediately to the office manager. Teachers are expected to keep their keys with

them at all times. Keys should NOT be given to any other individual or student. *ONLY

students who are properly trained and have documented permission can carry/use school

keys. Only rooms where supervision is present may be open. After locking any of the

building entrance doors, double check to be sure the door is locked.

SCHOOL PROPERTY CARE A constant effort on the part of all faculty members and students is necessary to keep the

school in good condition.

A. Teachers should lock the doors and windows of instructional areas and offices

whenever they leave the area. Facilities must be locked every night.

B. Students found marring walls, seats and fixtures or damaging any school feature or

equipment should be reported to the administration.

C. Teachers should work with students to create increased pride in cleanliness and

order within the building.

D. Teachers will report to the principal all damage or liability problems they note

developing around the building.

E. Teachers are not to loan their keys at anytime to students or non-school personnel.