CERT Training Platform over the Event-Recordable Container


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CERT Training Platform over the Event-Recordable ContainerNamjun Kim∗

Sejong UniversitySeoul, Republic of Koreabunseokbot@sju.ac.kr

Chanmo Yang∗Sejong University

Seoul, Republic of Koreayanglampp@gmail.com

Daebeom ChoSejong University

Seoul, Republic of Koreatmdgns743@gmail.com

Seung Hyeon GeumSejong University

Seoul, Republic of Koreaparosproxy@gmail.com

Ki-Woong Park†Sejong University

Seoul, Republic of Koreawoongbak@sejong.ac.kr

ABSTRACTThe current COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in many changes inthe IT systems and services of institutions, which also heightenedthe concerns regarding the potential increase in intrusion inci-dents, especially when most works in institutions are performedat home. The need for pre-training against intrusion incidents hasthen become extremely necessary. Unfortunately, current learningmethods in existing studies are insufficient for application in thepresent demand because these methods were originally designedfor environments that are tailored-fit for learners and not in actualenvironments. This paper proposes a training system, namely, com-puter emergency response team (CERT), that can be specificallydesigned for learners in an institution to provide intrusion-incidentcases using a Web-based training system. CERT can easily replicatethe service or system in an institution to a honeypot environment toautomatically collect and classify intrusion incidents using diverseevaluation criteria so that learning can be achieved from differentperspectives. Hence, the institution operating service and systemcan easily be replicated. Artifacts of intrusion incidents are col-lected using the Docker container technology and event-recordablecontainer, which are analyzed using a Web browser without in-stalling a separate program. Thus, optimal learning results fromthe analysis of actual attacks are expected.

CCS CONCEPTS• Applied computing → Learning management systems; Evi-dence collection, storage and analysis; Investigation techniques.

KEYWORDSTraining Platform, Event-Recordable Container, Digital ForensicsACM Reference Format:Namjun Kim, Chanmo Yang, Daebeom Cho, Seung Hyeon Geum, and Ki-Woong Park. 2020. CERT Training Platform over the Event-Recordable

∗Both authors contributed equally to the paper.†Corresponding author.

Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal orclassroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributedfor profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citationon the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be honored.For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).ACM ICEA ’20, December 12–15, 2020, GangWon, Republic of Korea© 2020 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-8304-2/20/12.https://doi.org/10.1145/3440943.3444738

Container. In 2020 ACM International Conference on Intelligent Comput-ing and its Emerging Applications (ACM ICEA ’20), December 12–15, 2020,GangWon, Republic of Korea. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 6 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3440943.3444738

1 INTRODUCTIONRecently, a pandemic caused by COVID-19 has occurred world-wide. As of the writing of this paper, more than 35 million caseshave already been confirmed around the world, and more than onemillion people have died from COVID-19. This unprecedented pan-demic situation has resulted in many changes in the IT system andservices of organizations and companies. In particular, potentialsecurity threats have significantly increased because of the remotework of employees [1]. Accordingly, the importance of training toprevent security threats in advance and establish countermeasureswhen they occur has increasingly become important.

However, only the challenge in the environment intended forlearners was covered in the training system proposed in previousstudies [3, 6, 8, 12]. Therefore, existing studies suffer from limita-tions in that they cannot be used for intrusion-incident responsetraining for services operated by organizations or companies orfor systems that need to be introduced. The computer emergencyresponse team (CERT) training system presented in this paper eas-ily replicates the service or system operated by organizations orcompanies to a honeypot environment to automatically collect andclassify intrusion incidents.

In addition, it maximizes the learning effect by diversifying theevaluation criteria so that learning can proceed from different per-spectives. Therefore, the service and system in operation can beeasily replicated, and artifacts for intrusion incidents can be col-lected using the Docker container technology and event-recordablecontainer. In addition, the artifacts collected in this manner are an-alyzed using a Web browser without installing a separate program,and the various methods for learning the result are explained.

This paper is structured as follows: introduction of the exist-ing studies for existing intrusion-incident training method andexamination of its limitations are presented in Chapter 2. Then,an explanation of the event-recordable container used to solve theexisting limitations and the classification method of artifacts col-lected in the process are provided in Chapter 3. Presentation of anintrusion-incident training system that introduces the classifiedchallenges is made in Chapters 3 and 4. The conclusion is given inChapter 5.

ACM ICEA ’20, December 12–15, 2020, GangWon, Republic of Korea N. Kim et al.

2 RELATEDWORKSA previous study that previously proposed an intrusion-incidenteducation method using honeypot is introduced in this chapter.Romney et al. [12] proposed a method that used the environmentat the time of intrusion and the attack information collected by aninformation-collection tool called Sebek [2] in the honeypot forsecurity learning. However, freely installing the service or systemoperated by each institution in this study was difficult because thehoneypot was separately operated in each operating system. Inthe case of attack detection, it encountered a drawback in that itcould not be operated in an environment where unknown attacksexisted or where security programs could not be installed becauseit relied on the Snort rules or external security programs. Anotherlimitation of this method was that the analysis was performed onlyin a limited operating-system environment.

L. Christopher et al. [3] installed and operated previously devel-oped Dionaea [7] and Kippo [13] honeypots in specific places basedon the routine active theory [5], which is a criminology theoryused in cybercrime research, and used the collected information topropose a training model for information security-awareness edu-cation of employees. However, the education and training modelproposed in their paper suffered from the limitations in terms ofresponding and establishing preventive measures in case of actualintrusion incidents because their method only collected informationfor conducting security-awareness education. In addition, becausethe honeypot used in their model only targeted a limited environ-ment, collecting and providing security-threat information suitablefor the service or system operated by each institution were difficult.Many studies have been conducted on learning of various intrusionincidents using a honeypot.

However, most of these studies were conducted to focus on pro-viding fragments of information such as collected malicious codes,IP addresses, or domain addresses instead of using intrusion inci-dents from the perspective of education. For this reason, existingstudies suffer from the limitations in which the use of honeypot,which was confined to an already developed environment, is re-quired, and the educational information that can be provided forlearners is insufficient. Therefore, a method that maximizes thelearning effect in the educational process is proposed in the presentpaper by enabling easy replication of the service or system oper-ated by institutions in the honeypot environment and allowing thelearners to directly analyze and respond to the environment at thetime of the intrusion incident based on the collected information.

3 EVENT-RECORDABLE CONTAINERThe CERT training platform proposed in this paper operates theenvironment used by an institution by cloning it in the honeypotand provides the learner with challenges of the intrusion incidentsthat have occurred. In addition, an “event-recordable container” thatenables recording of various events such as network and file systemgenerated inside the honeypot is proposed. Fig. 1 shows a schematicdiagram of the proposed CERT training platform in which intrusion-incident training can be performed in the environment used by theinstitution.

3.1 HoneypotThe Docker-based honeypot-management console is provided, asshown in Fig. 2, to efficiently operate the honeypot that replicatesthe operating environment of each institution. Institutions caneither create a service or system in operation in a Dockerfile orcreate a honeypot using an application image in the Docker imageregistry [10]. The created honeypot is operated in an environmentthat is separate from the host server and creates a separate networkinterface for external communication.

3.2 Artifact collectionOnce the honeypot is successfully created, elements that are neededfor analysis of intrusion incidents, such as file-system events, pro-cess lists, and network packets in containers, are automaticallycollected when an event occurs. A “/var/log/wtmp” file is recordedif an external attacker successfully accesses the honeypot containerof the organization that operates in a secure shell (SSH) environ-ment, and all the contents are recorded in the network packet ifthe attacker enters a command. These artifacts, which are collectedin a certain period, are stored by an artifact-collection commandperformed at each cycle designated by the administrator. The hon-eypot container that receives the collection command stops thenew recording and saves all the artifacts recorded so far in a fileformat, as listed in Table 1.

Table 1: List of artifacts saved as files

Type Filename

File System Dump dump.tarNetwork Dump network.pcap

File System Events container.diffProcesses container.top

Container Standard Output container.log

3.3 Artifact classificationThe classification work is performed on the order shown in Fig. 3once the artifacts from several viewpoints are accumulated. Itsusability as a challenge in the classification stage is determinedbased on the events of the files collected during the classificationwork.

As a result of the data sorting of the accumulated artifacts accord-ing to the items using the aforementioned classification factors, wefind that the frequency and the total number of events are higher inthe case of an intrusion incident than those under another event, asshown in Fig. 4. According to this operation, unnecessary artifactscan be prevented from being registered in the training system, andadministrators can check the number of security threats in the in-stitution honeypot using a visibility graph. Therefore, only artifactsthat passed the artifact-classification criteria can be registered inthe training system.

From the aforementioned discussion, we selected nine applica-tion environments that are mainly used by companies or institu-tions, as listed in Table 2, and operated them from August 10, 2020to September 30, 2020 on four servers.

CERT Training Platform over the Event-Recordable Container ACM ICEA ’20, December 12–15, 2020, GangWon, Republic of Korea

Figure 1: Overview of CERT Training Platform

Figure 2: Honeypot management console

Figure 3: Artifact classification process

From the operation of the honeypot server, 2,356 artifacts werecollected in which 196 were classified as intrusion incidents andregistered in the training system. Therefore, the environment op-erated by the institution was replicated in the honeypot, and theartifacts required for the training system were automatically col-lected through the classification work.

4 TRAINING SYSTEMThe main objective of the present study is to develop a trainingsystem that can improve the ability to analyze intrusion incidentsand establish countermeasures. Therefore, the intrusion-incidenttraining system developed by our research team has been imple-mented so that learners can learn through a Web-based browser

Figure 4: Graph of the frequency and total count per event(SSH server)

Table 2: Honeypot operating-environment information

Name Location Comments

Nginx Seoul Web ServerSSH Seoul Ubuntu 18.04 with SSH Server

Wordprcess Tokyo Company WebsiteRDP Tokyo Remote Desktop

MySQL Seoul DatabaseElasticsearch Seoul Search Engine with mock account data

Redis Seoul Cache ServerCUPS Seoul Open Source Printer ServerTelnet Seoul IoT Device

without installing a separate program. The training system ismainlycomposed of a training server where the learner directly accesses

ACM ICEA ’20, December 12–15, 2020, GangWon, Republic of Korea N. Kim et al.

and performs training on a playground server that reproduces theintrusion-incident environment, as shown in Fig. 5.

4.1 Training ServerThe training server consists of learner-list management, intrusion-challenge list, and the detailed information, submitted analysisreport, and scoring function by the administrator. This server pro-vides an educational environment in the form of a Web service forlearners through continuous communication between the honeypotand playground servers. The honeypot server registers informationon the challenges determined to be a suspected intrusion incidentby the training server and discloses it to the learners. This dis-closed challenge is displayed to the learner, as shown in Fig. 6. Thechallenges of the intrusion incidents found in the environment aredisplayed when the learner selects the environment to practice,and the collected information on the challenges can be checked byselecting the desired challenges. The information provided to thelearners is shown in Fig. 7.

The learner can perform not only a static analysis based on theprovided intrusion incident information but also another analysisby directly accessing the environment where the intrusion incidentis reproduced. When the learner requests access to the reproducedenvironment from the training server, the training server requeststhe playground server to reproduce the environment of the in-trusion incident. After the reproduction is completed, the learnercan access the reproduced environment through a Web browser.In addition, the learner can download the file-system dump andpacket dump files, which can be used to analyze the environmentswhen the Internet is unavailable or to analyze the files in detail ifnecessary.

4.2 Playground serverThe playground server reproduces the intrusion-incident environ-ment to enable the learner to access the intrusion-incident envi-ronment using a Web browser. The learner can use this process toaccess and analyze the reproduced intrusion-incident environmentwithout installing a separate program, as shown in Fig. 8. In addi-tion, because a separate intrusion-incident environment is providedfor each learner, an advantage is gained in that programs requiredfor the analysis can be freely installed and used in the reproducedenvironment.

4.3 Evaluation systemAn evaluation method to determine whether a learner has properlyperformed an intrusion-incident analysis and established a coun-termeasure through the training system is presented in this section.Evaluation items such as an indicator of compromise (IoC), Snortrule coverage and incident report, and evaluation methods for eachitem are provided in this evaluation system.

4.3.1 IoC. IoC is an intrusion index for traces left by hackers af-ter intrusion attempts. IoC is responsible for ensuring that CERTmakes accurate decisions and actions. This item can be used by alearner to calculate the result in a formalized index of the analyzedintrusion incident. The OpenIOC [9] format developed by Mandi-ant was selected in the evaluation system. OpenIOC is a form ofintrusion-incident evaluation index that displays intrusion-incident

items such as IP, domain, file hash, and file name based on logicaloperations such as AND and OR. For the convenience of learners,a page similar to the OpenIOC Editor is provided in the trainingserver in this evaluation system. The learner uses this editor to an-alyze the intrusion incident and then prepares and submits the IoC.The submitted IoC calculates the consistency of the submitted IoCbased on the artifact information of the challenge in the evaluationsystem in a ratio form and provides the result for the learner.

4.3.2 Snort rule coverage. Snort is an open-source network-intrusion-prevention system [4] that can perform traffic analysis and log inthe network. The research team evaluates whether the learners cananalyze intrusion incidents and properly establish firewall policiesthat can block attacks based on the Snort rule coverage, whichprovides not only an intrusion-incident analysis but also trainingon establishing countermeasures at the firewall level. After theintrusion-incident analysis, the learner submits the Snort rule thatcan block attacks such as intrusion-incident attack. The submittedrule assesses the coverage by replaying the packet dump of theartifact in the Snort-applied environment. Therefore, the detectedrule written and submitted by the learner in the actual packet canbe numerically checked.

𝐶𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 =Detected packetsReplayed packets

∗ 100(%) (1)

4.3.3 Incident report. The intrusion-incident analysis report is a re-port that describes the countermeasure and analysis of an intrusionincident that occurred. The completion of the learner in learning theintrusion incident that occurred under a relevant challenge is finallyevaluated in this report. The report form provided by the evaluationsystem for learners can be encoded in the training server usingsome of the items in the intrusion-incident analysis report proposedby the National Institute of Standards and Technology [11]. Thelearner can develop the ability to write the analysis result of theintrusion incident in the form of a report by creating an intrusion-incident analysis report, and the evaluator can finally check thereport to identify whether the learner has correctly learned theintrusion incident using the evaluation system.

5 CONCLUSIONThis paper has proposed a method of providing a training sys-tem for intrusion incidents by operating honeypots specialized foreach institution. In the existing intrusion-incident training system,the information and analysis environment in which learners canaccess intrusion incidents are limited. To minimize these limita-tions, the training system proposed in this paper duplicates theservice operated by the institution, operates it in a honeypot, col-lects intrusion-incident information, and provides an environmentfor learners through the training system. Through this process, atraining system in which a customized intrusion-incident challengeis introduced can be operated for each institution. We expect thatthe learning effect on the learners will be maximized in the processof analyzing actual attacks.

CERT Training Platform over the Event-Recordable Container ACM ICEA ’20, December 12–15, 2020, GangWon, Republic of Korea

Figure 5: Overview of training system

Figure 6: Training server

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis work was supported by the National Research Foundation ofKorea (NRF) (NRF-2020R1A2C4002737) and the Institute for Infor-mation and Communications Technology Promotion (IITP) grantfunded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No. 2018-0-00420).

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