CERES News Digest Vol. 6 Week 12; April 13 - 17



CERES News Digest is a weekly publication that collects blurbs and article links of the top news headlines from 33 countries in Eurasia.

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4/13/15 – 4/17/15

Washington Post New York Times

On Wednesday, former President Abdullah Gul said that

Turkey needs a stronger parliamentary system, not a more

powerful presidency, in clear disagreement with his successor’s

drive to change the constitution and increase the power of the

presidency. Gul said, “Checks and balances should be written

down very carefully.” Current President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

has called for a constitutional change to create a U.S.-style

executive branch, though critics say that would allow Erdogan

to accumulate authoritarian powers.

Financial Times Reuters

Al Jazeera New York Times Civil Georgia Agenda.ge

At a mass commemorating the centennial of the Armenian

genocide at St. Peter’s Basilica on Sunday, Pope Francis used

the word “genocide” to describe the mass killing of Armenians

by Ottoman Turks. Francis called the event the “first genocide

of the twentieth century,” a description which Foreign Minister

Edward Nalbandian said will be of “universal value” in gaining

recognition of the event from other countries. The statement,

however, provoked ire from Turkish politicians, who refuse to

call the event a genocide.


Business Insider Yahoo! News

RFE/RL Belarus Digest

On Friday, 300 U.S. paratroopers arrived in Ukraine to train its

forces fighting pro-Russian separatists in the east. “Soldiers of

the 173rd Airborne Brigade have been arriving over the last

week,” U.S. army spokesman Donald Wrenn confirmed,

adding that the troops will be providing training to the National

Guard of Ukraine for the next six months. The National Guard

is a reservist force formed in 2014 to bring in militias under

government control. The U.S. move angered Russia, which

accuses the U.S. of destabilizing the region.

During their joint visit to Tbilisi, the foreign ministers of

Denmark, Poland, and Sweden reiterated their support of

Georgia’s European integration progress and stressed the need

for Tbilisi to continue reforms. The visit carries high

importance given the upcoming European Union’s Eastern

Partnership summit in Riga at which a decision to grant visa

free travel to Georgia and Ukraine might be made.

Moldova’s economy has suffered severely from the Russian-

imposed embargo on fruit imports from last summer. The ban

was imposed in the wake of Chisiniau’s decision to sign an

Association Agreement with the European Union. Russia has

caused around $145 million of losses for Moldova, the

economy of which largely relies on agriculture. The Moldovan

currency, the leu, has lost 30 percent of its value since the

embargo was imposed.

On Thursday, Azerbaijan sentenced a leading human rights

activist and government critic, Rasul Jafarov, to six and half

years in prison on business-related charges. Rasul Jafarov was

found guilty on charges of embezzlement, illegal

entrepreneurship, tax evasion, abuse of power and forgery.

Jafarov denied the allegations and his lawyer denounced the

verdict as politically motivated, declaring that they will appeal

the decision. More than 10 journalists, bloggers and social

media activists are in prison in Azerbaijan, one of the largest

numbers among the 57 OSCE member states.

Belarusian citizens have been drawing attention to a “social

parasite” law signed into effect earlier this month. The law is

supposed to "stimulate able-bodied citizens to engage in labor

activity," according to President Alyaksandr Lukashenka. One

unemployed man, Vital Yurchanka, whose shop recently went

bankrupt due to the economy, has vocally criticized the law,

which forces unemployed citizens to pay $240 a month in

penalties to the state. While official figures list unemployment

in Belarus at around 5.8%, this number is likely inaccurate,

since many people do not register for unemployment benefits.

President Vladimir Putin lifted a five-year ban on the sale of the

S-300 missile system to Iran on Monday. The ban was lifted

following a recent international agreement with Iran that

significantly restricts Iran’s ability to produce nuclear weapons

in exchange for removing economic sanctions. According to

Russia, the new agreement eliminates the need for the ban.

Russia and Iran signed the initial $800 million sales contract in

2007, but the deal was suspended three years later because of

US and Israeli objections. The revival of the deal has caused

Israel and the US to sharply criticize Russian actions.

VOA News Human Rights Watch

On Monday, Iranian Minister of Culture Ali Jannati announced

that Iran has suspended all Umrah pilgrimages to Mecca. The

suspension is in response to allegations that Saudi security

officials sexually assaulted two teenage Iranian boys in Jeddah

airport two weeks ago. The boys were returning to Tehran after

making the Uumrah, or lesser pilgrimage. The allegations also

sparked protests outside the Saudi embassy in Iran last week.

The situation is likely to further exacerbate tensions between the

two countries, which are already at odds over the war in Yemen.

The Guardian Reuters

On Monday, the Tajik government announced a ban on the

Hajj for citizens under 35 years of age. Tajikistan’s Committee

for Religious and Cultural Issues declared that the ban is

intended to allow older Muslims the chance to make the Hajj in

light of the limits set by Saudi Arabia, which reduced the

number of Tajik citizens allow to make the Hajj from 8,000 to

6,300 this year. However, observers believe the ban is part of

an effort to prevent younger Tajiks from becoming radicalized.

RFE/RL World Bulletin

Turkmen President Kurbanguly Berdymukhamedov met with

his South Korean counterpart President Park Geun-hye during a

four-day visit to South Korea earlier this week. The two leaders

discussed economic cooperation and signed eight agreements.

The South Korean government agreed to support the

construction of a natural gas-to-liquid (GTL) plant in

Turkmenistan and the modernization of the Türkmenbaşy’s

refinery. Daewoo International and the Industry Ministry of

Turkmenistan also signed an agreement to facilitate the

construction of a $1 billion steelmaking plant in Turkmenistan. Business Korea Azer News

Both Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu and

Hungarian President Janos Ader visited Mongolia this week. In

a meeting with Mongolian Foreign Minister Lundeg

Purevsuren, Cavusoglu promised to increase Turkish trade with

Mongolia to $250 million, up from current rates of $40 million.

Ader met with Mongolian president Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj on

Wednesday. The two discussed future avenues for economic

cooperation between the two countries, specifically in areas of

water management and farm development.

Politics.hu World Bulletin

In a report on Wednesday, Amnesty International accused the

United States and some European Union countries of turning a

blind die to “pervasive” torture in Uzbekistan, which it calls a

“defining feature” of the country’s criminal justice system. The

report is based on dozens of interviews with former detainees,

torture survivors, lawyers and officials. The human rights

groups continues that the US and EU place security and

business interests above human rights concerns, while the US

and EU have defended a policy of engagement by saying it has

led to some improvements.

Last week, Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev

participated in ceremonies to commemorate the fifth year

anniversary of the 2010 Kyrgyz revolution, which ousted

former President Kurmanbek Bakiev. He said, “Today we can

firmly say that the April revolution saved the country from

economic collapse and spiritual impoverishment. It opened

the way for the revival of Kyrgyzstan.” Five years ago,

thousands of protesters gathered on central Ala-Too Square to

protest the Bakiev government, where nearly 100 protesters

died from the police crackdown.. RFE/RL The Diplomat

EurasiaNet BBC

In the first large-scale attack so far this fighting season,

approximately 200 Taliban fighters overran military posts in the

country’s north-east province of Badakhshan on Friday. At least

18 Afghan soldiers were killed, with an additional 12 soldiers

missing after the attack. Provincial spokesman Ahmad Nawid

Froutan addressed reporters on Monday and reported that rescue

operations are underway to locate the missing soldiers. Froutan

told reporters that Afghan soldiers killed 19 Taliban fighters,

including eight foreigners.


On Monday, Kremlin officials denied the rise of a trade war

between Russia and Kazakhstan, despite mounting import

restrictions between the two countries. In early March,

Kazakhstan imposed a 45-day embargo on Russian oil products.

In late March, Kazakhstan began pulling Russian foodstuffs

from grocery store shelves citing health code violations. In

response, Russians found health code violations in Kazakh

melon and dairy products. Kazakhstan is considered a Russian

ally and a member of the Russia-led Eurasian Economic Union.

Azer News Moscow Times


Stanislav Gross, the Czech Republic’s former prime minister

and youngest premier to date, has died at the age of 45 due to

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a neurological disease that

results in the loss of muscle function. Gross was forced to

resign nine months after his inauguration due to a political

crisis, sparked by a scandal of the financing of his luxury

apartment. President Milos Zeman offered his condolences.

On Tuesday, the Hungarian Parliament voted 137-57 in favor

of a proposal to send 150 Hungarian troops to Iraq to support

United States-led anti-Islamic State efforts. The troops will

deploy in approximately five months to the Ebril training

center in Northern Iraq, where they will remain until 2017.

Estimated costs for the mission are predicted not to exceed

$71.2 million. Hungary will be the 17th country to contribute

troops to the international mission.

Plans to build Poland’s first nuclear power plant have been

delayed by at least two years after state-run utility PGE decided

in December to cancel a consultancy contract and take on

research to find a suitable site itself. Sources familiar with the

project reported to Reuters that due to lack of expertise, the

PGE will need more time to complete the studies. The current

plan envisions having the first unit in operation by 2025 and

the entire project completed by 2035. The plans for the plant,

proposed in 2009 in an effort to provide alternatives to coal-

fired power, estimate that the project will cost $10-15 billion. Global Post actmedia

On Friday, Slovak pipeline operator Eustream said that the

testing period for the new gas pipeline connecting Hungary and

Slovakia has been extended until May 31. Aimed at

diversification of gas flows in central Europe, the pipeline has

suffered number of delays. The Hungarian-Slovakian

interconnector runs for 111 kilometers and was planned to start

operating in the beginning of 2015.

Hungary Today BBJ

A two-week long NATO military exercise called “Wind Spring

15” began on Thursday in Romania. The exercise is being held

at the Mihail Kogalniceanu air base and the Smardan polygon,

and will include approximately 2,200 servicemen from

Romania, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Moldova.

According to Defense Minister Mircea Dusa, the exercise is part

of a Readiness Action Plan to safeguard the eastern flanks of

NATO and EU territory. Dusa also stated that Romania will

continue to host military exercises throughout the rest of the

year, equaling more than 340 exercises in total for the year.

Bloomberg USA Today Defense News Deutsche Welle

Latvia is hosting Georgian President Giorgi Margvelashvili for

bilateral meetings this week. At the meeting, Margvelashvili’s

Latvian counterpart Andris Berzins expressed his country’s

support for Georgia in the upcoming Riga Summit of the

Eastern Partnership. As president of the Council of the

European Union, Berzins noted that countries in the Eastern

Partnership remain a foreign policy priority for Latvia.

Baltic Course Vestnik Kavkaza

Radio Poland Reuters


Wall Street Journal Hungary Today

Defense News

On Wednesday, Germany’s defense minister, Ursula von der

Leyen, met with her Lithuanian counterpart Juozas Olekas in

Vilnius. At the meeting, the two defense ministers announced

a military equipment deal which will provide for the purchase

of heavy weapons from Germany’s Bundeswehr. Lithuania

will purchase 12 howitzer 2000s from the German military for

15 million euros, or about $15.9 million. The announcement

follows the German defense minister visiting Estonia and

Latvia in a sign of NATO solidarity.

On Tuesday, Estonian Prime Minister Taavi Roivas urged

allies to send more troops to the region, calling on Germany to

take the lead in increasing military presence in the Baltics.

"Estonia sees that a more long-term stationing of European

allies in Estonia and the Baltic region could be led by

Germany” - Roivas said. German Defense Minister Ursula von

der Leyen assured Estonia that Berlin will stand with the

Baltics and continue its support as the region faces possible

military aggression from Russia.

On Thursday, Vice President of the European Commission

Jyrki Katainen said that Bulgaria needs an external

assessment of its banking system to attract much-needed

investment. Katainen, who is in charge of the EU’s three-year

investment plan, told reporters that Bulgaria could benefit

from the EU’s program if it provides a secure investment

climate. Bulgaria’s fourth-largest lender Corporate

Commercial Bank folded last year, causing the country’s

biggest banking crisis since the 1990s.


On Tuesday, French law professor Jean Paul Jacqué presented

his report on EULEX’s handling of corruption allegations.

Jacqué was commissioned by EU foreign policy chief Federica

Mogherini to write the report last November, after EULEX was

accused of covering up evidence of senior staff accepting

bribes. Jacqué reported that he found no evidence of a cover-up

but criticized the mission’s handling of the corruption case,

arguing that an internal investigation should have been opened

sooner. Jacqué also questioned the effectiveness of EULEX and

advocated comprehensive reforms to improve its credibility.

On Thursday, Serbia warned that it would arrest the former

minister of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, for alleged terrorist

activity if he travels to Belgrade next week for a conference.

Thaci, who led a Kosovar insurgency against Serbia in the

late 1990s, was invited to a conference on the theme of

reconciliation in Serbia on April 24 and is, according to his

advisors, “ready to go.” But the Serbian Minister of the

Interior Nebojsa Stefanovic said that the ministry would

“bring him to justice.” Serbia has branded Thaci a war


Czech citizen Vit Jedlicka, a member of the conservative

party of Free Citizens in the Czech Republic, declared himself

president of the independent country of “Liberland” between

Serbia and Croatia. What he called terra nullius, or land

unclaimed by Croatia or Serbia, is situated on the banks of the

Danube. Jedlicka is planning to send diplomatic notes

to Zagreb and Belgrade to request official recognition of


On Wednesday, the EBRD’s Investment Climate and

Governance Initiative (ICGI) launched an Investment Council

in Albania. The Council is designed to enhance the business

climate in Albania, improve dialogue between the government

and the private sector, and promote good governance. Albania

was the first country to join the ERBD’s Investment Climate

and Governance Initiative. The country has been the recipient

of nearly 1 billion euros of EBRD investment in 70 projects

across a variety of economic sectors.

Heineken announced on Monday that it has agreed to buy

51.1% of Slovenian brewer Pivovarna Laško for $120.9

million. The buyout comes after debt forced Laško to put

itself up for sale last year. Laško shares gained 5 percent on

Friday before trading was suspended on Monday pending the

takeover decision. Heineken already has a presence in all four

of Slovenia’s neighbors, Italy, Austria, Hungary and Croatia.


The United States is increasing diplomatic pressure on

Macedonia to investigate possible abuses of power and respond

to allegations of wiretapping. During a visit to Macedonia on

Thursday, as U.S. deputy assistant secretary of state for

European and Eurasian affairs Hoyt Lee met with Prime

Minister Gruevski. "We have urged the government and its

institutions to take the allegations, insinuations of malfeasance,

of possible illegal behavior, very seriously, at least as seriously

as the government is taking the charges against Zaev, the leader

of the opposition,” Lee said to reporters after the meeting.

On Wednesday, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg

welcomed Montenegro’s substantial reforms in the defense

and rule of law sectors, and commented that Montenegro has

demonstrated “real progress towards membership in NATO.”

At the meeting with Prime Minister of Montenegro,

Djukanovic and Stoltenberg noted that “every country has the

sovereign right to choose its own security arrangements.”


EurActiv Wall Street Journal B92 Reuters

Slate InSerbia


The Financial Balkans.com NATO RFE/RL

Reuters InSerbia

On Monday, Bosnian prosecutors charged 10 former Bosnian

Serb soldiers with war crimes for the killing of 20 civilians

during the conflict in the 1990s. The suspects were arrested

last December in the first joint operation between Serbia and

Bosnia. The suspects allegedly killed 20 people after

capturing them off a train that was passing through the

Bosnian village Strpci in 1993. The Bosnian prosecutor’s

office said that the charges were the result of “intense and

good” cooperation between Bosnia and Serbia.

ABC World Bulletin

The Center for Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies strives to

increase understanding and appreciation of the cultures and challenges of

the region stretching from Central Europe to the Pacific and from the Baltic,

Mediterranean, Black and Caspian Seas.