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Visual Rhetoric: Making Arguments Visually Name ___________________________

Photographs: Describe what emotion these evoke and then give support using evidence from the image. What PURPOSE might these be used for?

Emotion and proof:


Emotion and proof:


Emotion and proof:


Emotion and proof:


Emotion and proof:


Same Image/Different Purpose: Look at the images of the following people/animals. For what purpose might the image be used?

Washington Monument Images

Clouds Cherry blossoms Reflecting pool Night image

Barack Obama Images

With girl Multiple images Cowboy hat Smoking

Michelle Bachmann Images

Pink blouse Magazine cover

Doberman Images

Dog with soccer player Barking dog

OJ Simpson Arrest Photo on Magazine Covers

Newsweek Cover Time Cover

Allusions to Famous Images: (1) How do the new images make use of the oroginal image? (2) What meaning is the old image creating, what meaning/purpose is the new image creating? (3) Who is the target audience?

What meaning does it create?

(1) How do the new images make use of the original image?

(2) What meaning/purpose is the new image creating?

(3) Who is the target audience?

(1) How do the new images make use of the original image?

(2) What meaning/purpose is the new image creating?

(3) Who is the target audience?

(1) How do the new images make use of the original image?

(2) What meaning/purpose is the new image creating?

(3) Who is the target audience?

Images and Audience: How do these images work to target a specific audience?

How do this image work to target a specific audience?

How do these images work to target a specific audience?

How do this image work to target a specific audience? How is it different from the original logo?

Images and Argument: What claims do the following images make? What can you tell about the speaker?

What is the claim being made?

What evidence can you give to support that claim?

What can you tell about the “speaker” or creator of the image?

What is the claim being made?

What evidence can you give to support that claim?

What can you tell about the “speaker” or creator of the image?

What is the claim being made?

What evidence can you give to support that claim?

What can you tell about the “speaker” or creator of the image?

What is the claim being made?

What evidence can you give to support that claim?

What can you tell about the “speaker” or creator of the image?

Font and Text: How does font impact meaning and relate to purpose?

Explain the how the font FEELS? Explain the how the font FEELS?

Explain the how the font FEELS? Explain the how the font FEELS?

Print Ads: How do they sell more than the product? Print Ad Examples Academic PPT.flipchart

SUBJECT:Image/Layout- what do you see- describe each part? How are the items placed on the page? Is anything dominant? Where does your eye go first?

Slogan- What is the phrase that the ad wants you to remember? How does it make you feel?

Diction- What words are used? List the important words

What associations with those words come to mind?


What prompted this ad? What in the ad supports this?

Target Audience:

To whom is the ad speaking? BE VERY SPECIFIC- Gender, income level, social circles, ethnicity/race, marital status, age, etc.

How do you know? What in the ad gives that impression?

What is their purpose?

What is being sold? Tangible and Intangible? Give evidence of what is being sold?

Subtext- What is the ad saying without directly saying it?

Who is producing the ad? What do they want you to believe about the speaker/company?

What evidence is there for it?

SUBJECT:Image/Layout- what do you see- describe each part? How are the items placed on the page? Is anything dominant? Where does your eye go first?

Slogan- What is the phrase that the ad wants you to remember? How does it make you feel?

Diction- What words are used? List the important words

What associations with those words come to mind?


What prompted this ad? What in the ad supports this?

Target Audience:

To whom is the ad speaking? BE VERY SPECIFIC- Gender, income level, social circles, ethnicity/race, marital status, age, etc.

How do you know? What in the ad gives that impression?

What is their purpose?

What is being sold? Tangible and Intangible? Give evidence of what is being sold?

Subtext- What is the ad saying without directly saying it?

Who is producing the ad? What do they want you to believe about the speaker/company?

What evidence is there for it?