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June 2015 Knights of Columbus, John Paul I Council No. 7165 Volume 21 Issue 6

The Knightly News

... is a monthly newsletter of the Knights of Columbus, John Paul I Council No. 7165 in Dale City, VA. for the information of its members, their families, and other interested K of C councils.

Opinions expressed are those of the individual author and do not necessarily reflect those of John Paul I Council, the Grand Knight, the officers, the editor, or the Knights of Columbus.

Send articles to the editor, Wasiu Adedeji, no later than the 3rd Wednesday of the month for inclusion in the next issue. E-mail to:

This newsletter is also available on the world wide web at:

Regular Features

Grand Knight Report ........ 1

Council Home News ......... 2

Program Director Report .. 3

KC Ladies………………….4

Chaplain’s Message ......... 5

Power of Prayer ............... 6

Monthly Awards ................ 7

Birthdays .......................... 8

Calendar .......................... 9

….More inside….


• KOVAR @ Applebees • Open Meeting • Friday Cookouts • Pay Your Dues


Brothers, The Mother’s Day Breakfast was a great success. We had many great comments on the food and words of appreciation from the Mothers for doing the Breakfast this year. Thank you to all who helped and thanks to PGKs Joe Anderson and Ed Fairbairn for putting together a good meal and leading the event. Everyone is invited to our open meeting on June 17. We will have awards followed with light refreshments and desserts from the KC ladies. Congratulations to our new Council Officers for the 2015-2016 Fraternal Year led by Grand Knight Mike Dvorznak. See the complete list of Officers in this Newsletter. It is great to see such a capable group of men step for-ward to serve the Council. I want to thank all of my Brother Knights for their support this past year. Your hard work and dedication to the Council has made this another suc-cessful year for John Paul 1 Council. I want to thank all of the Officers and Committee Chairmen for their hard work. I want to thank the KC Ladies and Squires for their support. Working with all of you has been a pleasure. I especially want to thank the outgoing Deputy Grand Knight Jim Dart for leading the programs and making sure everything happened. I enjoyed serving as your Grand Knight, it has been an honor and privilege. I look forward to seeing you all at the Summer Cookouts. Fraternally, Lou Byers

Lou Byers, GK John Paul I Columbian Center

Council Meetings:

1st and 3rd Wednesdays


Friday 7pm - 11pm

Saturday 7pm - 11pm

Phone 703-590-5962

Win with the Nationals: Play Win with the Nats following every council business meeting. When the Nats are playing an evening game on a meeting night and they win, someone will win $10.00.

IPA Beer: It was requested that we try an IPA beer, so we are doing that. Our initial IPA is from Dev-ils Backbone. Summer cook out menu for June:

June 5th Burgers, Hot Dogs, Chicken and Brats. Platters come with Pickle, Baked Beans and Potato Salad. June 12th JPI Slab of Ribs Platter comes with Apple Sauce and Cole Slaw Burgers and Hot Dogs. Platters

come with Pickle, Baked Beans and Potato Salad. June 19th Burgers, Hot Dogs, Chicken and Brats. Platters come with Pickle, Baked Beans and Potato Salad. June 26th Burgers, Hot Dogs, Chicken and Brats. Platters come with Pickle, Baked Beans and Potato Salad. July 3rd NO COOK OUT. Items that are underlined require a reservation. Reservations: Reservations are important because they hold down on waste while ensuring we have enough and help to hold down the cost. Reservations are mandatory for the steak and rib nights and for chicken platters. These reservations must be made by no later than the Wednesday before the cook out. If a reservation needs to be canceled it must be done by Friday 9AM, otherwise you will be responsible for the cost of the meal. Optional reservation may be made for Hamburgers, hot dogs etc. These reservations must also be made by Friday 9AM. You may e-mail your order ahead of time and your order form will be completed and ready for your pick up. Desserts: We welcome all desserts that anyone would like to make to be shared. We will provide plates etc. Usually the highlight of our cook outs are the tasty and variety of desserts. Thank You in advance for the des-serts. Safety: For everyone’s safety, the wrap around road is closed during the cook outs and the two Handicap parking spaces by the entrance are also not available. Saturday July 4th: The Council Home will be closed on the 4th of July.

Next 2015 Birthday Night – Aug 29th: The menu for this year will include our John Paul I Salad Bar, Breaded Pork Chop, Scallop Pota-toes, Apple Sauce, Rolls & Butter and of course Birthday Cake for dessert. This dinner is open to every member regardless of their Birthday status. We still have a lot of members who think that they can only come when they have a Birthday. However, if we are celebrating your Birthday

month or that of your spouse, the meal is free. Otherwise the cost is a small $8.00. Free dinner to all mem-bers and/or their spouse who had a Birthday in either May, June, July or August.

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We are nearing the end of the 2014-15 fraternal year. We only have few events re-maining to close out the year and we are already looking ahead to the 2015-16 frater-nal year events. First from Matt Drabik, Chairman of KOVAR, Applebee's on June 9th, at 13850 No-blewood Plaza, Woodbridge VA, JPI will be having a 2nd fundraising event for KOVAR. Eat anytime from 11AM until Midnight and 10% of your bill will be donated to KOVAR. On June 17 we will have an open meeting and the Grand Knight will recognize individuals who over the fra-ternal year have gone above and beyond in supporting the council. This meeting is open to all members, spouses, and families and refreshments will be served after the meeting. Then we quickly move into the new fraternal year in July and right away we have the annual Dale City Fourth of July Parade. Brother Keith Kaminsky is our representative on the parade committee and he will be looking for marshals and water drives, and others to help out along the parade route. Please get with Keith if you can assist him with this event.


Jim Dart



2014 - 2015 WHO’S WHO

Please contact the Grand Knight if you are interested in serving as a leader of the Squire Roses.

Title Name E-Mail Telephone

Chaplain Rev. Fr. Gerard Creedon (703) 670-8323

Grand Knight Lou Byers, Jr. (703) 878-0582

Deputy Grand Knight James M. Dart (571) 221-1102

Chancellor Michael Dvoroznak (703) 794-1096

Recorder Keith F. Kaminsky (703) 899-6033

Financial Secretary PGK Bob Weiss (703) 225-9103

Treasurer Daniel J. Pierce (703) 670-8339

Lecturer Juan Martinez (703) 583-7440

Advocate PGK Joseph J. Anderson (703) 680-7129

Warden Victor M. Rivera (703) 583-1353

Inside Guard Rick C. Unverricht (703) 583-8418

Outside Guard Dan Lupinetti (703) 583-7440

Outside Guard Timothee Donangmaye (703) 629-0870

1-Year Trustee PGK Helmut E. Brokamp (703) 317-7178

2-Year Trustee PGK Ed Fairbairn (703) 909-5442

3-Year Trustee PGK Michael M. Wissel (703) 590-5670

Membership TBD

Newsletter Wasiu Adedeji (703) 226-9311

Communications PGK Ed Fairbairn (703) 909-5442

Publicity PGK Jim Limbach (703) 590-5756

Fraternal Supplies TBD

Home Manager PGK Steve Macejka (703) 590-0794

Church Committee Keith Henderson (703) 491-5911

Community Committee Peter J. Ingerick (703) 590-1356

Council Committee Michael Dvoroznak (703) 794-1096

Family Committee Keith F. Kaminsky (703) 899-6033

Pro-Life Committee Mike Herrick (703) 568-6451

Youth Committee Victor M. Rivera (703) 583-1353

Insurance Field Agent Thom Harrington (703) 336-9020

Bingo Chairman PGK Bill Gleichsner (703) 491-2378

President KC Ladies Carole Protacio (703) 590-2802

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No Report

Just a reminder to use the search widget on our website at to make your amazon purchases. Our council receives a small fee.

The last KC meeting for the year was held on May 5. Patti Ann and Mary Fairbairn supplied refresh-ments that were enjoyed by all. After the minutes and Treasurer’s Report were read, we decided on the charity donations. A big Thank You goes out to all the Ladies who baked and sold for the Bingo Cake Raffle which is finished for the summer and will resume again in September. All the monies collected from the cake raffle were donated to charity. With the money we had, we were able to make do-nations to Fisher House Foundation (help military families); A best Choice Ultrasound (provides Mo-bile Ultrasound Outreach and Education Pregnan-cy Resource in VA.—they go to a lot of colleges); Capital Caring (they provide Hospice care to pa-tients and families in our community); KOVAR; and work camp (teens and adults going to the Diocese work Camp in the Shenandoah) in addition to what we had already given – donation to the Art Auction, purchase of teddy bears donated to the PWC Police Dept at the Christmas party and joined the men in purchasing scarves for the homeless. In addition to the money given to the charities we selected out officers for next year. The president will be Linda Gilligan; V-P Joyce Brown; Secretary Patti Ann Gleichsner and Treas-urer Mary Dvoroznak.

Congratulations Ladies!! We had another successful year. In No-vember we did our famous Muffins & Mimosa Brunch; a successful quilting bee in Jan; we enjoyed din-ner at the Bavarian Chef in Fredericksburg; deli-cious and varied pot luck dinner and Bunco in ad-dition to all the help we gave the men by donating desserts to their various activities and helping at the art auction and KOVAR. We also served at the homeless drop in shelter; joined the men in giving teddy bears to the Police Dept at the Christmas Party; decorated for the breakfast with Santa and the Mother’s Day Birth Right Baby Shower in addi-tion to the Bakeless Cake Sale. A big Thank You to all who supported us in many different ways. As you can see life as a KC Lady is never boring or lacking of things to do. The last event of the year will be the KC Ladies end-of-the-year dinner at the Armatta Restaurant on June 2nd at 5:30. Thank You Patti Ann and Nancy for putting this together. The KC Ladies for the months of March, April and May will be presented their certificates at the din-ner on June 2nd. Until September I wish everybody a wonderful summer. If you are taking any vacations please be careful and drive safely and courteously. Relax and have a good rest so we will be ready in Sep-tember to start another year.


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The Board of Directors unanimously approved to pledge $10,000.00 to the Holy Family Building Fund Capital Campaign. This pledge was presented by the board to the Charity Corporation general membership at a spe-cial meeting held during the regular Council meeting on April 15th and unanimously approved by the member-ship. The pledge is the result of discussions with Father Gerry as to what the Charity Corporation can do and when to do it. Father felt that being close to the goal of $2 million, this pledge at this time was the right thing to do. The pledge will be paid in 3 yearly payments starting in July 2015. With BINGO in a bit of a financial struggle, the Chief Charity Officer and the Chief Financial Officer will scrub the annual charity donations pro-gram to free up funds needed for the pledge. The Charity Corporation functions under four major principles, financial management of the Home, support to John Paul I Brother Knights in need, support to the Church and our Priest and support to the community. It was agreed that this pledge action falls above many of the donations that we currently make. Funding for this pledge will come from the profits of our BINGO program. We need the support of the entire council to make BINGO successful. Please come out and help work the BINGO program as often as you can. No matter what your schedule or limitations are, our BINGO Chairman has a job for you. Also if you know of anyone who plays BINGO or wants to play BINGO, direct them to our BINGO at the VFW on Monday Nights starting at 7:30PM. We need workers and players. The Nominating Committee for the selection of two Knights to each serve a three year term on the corpora-tion’s Board of Directors consists of FDD, PGK John Castro, chairman, FDD, PGK Jim Limbach and PGK Joe Graham.


Last weekend, our Church family celebrat-ed Pentecost and the beatification of Arch-bishop Oscar Romero. Pentecost is a feast that calls us to "renew the face of the earth".

Archbishop Romero was a tireless advo-

cate for the poor and oppressed people of El Salva-dor. He was martyred for his faith while celebrating Mass in 1980. In his last homily, moments before he was shot, he proclaimed, "Those who surrender to the service of the poor through love of Christ, will live like the grain of wheat that dies. It only apparently dies. If it were not to die, it would remain a solitary grain. The har-vest comes because of the grain that dies . . . We know that every effort to improve society, above all when society is so full of injustice and sin, is an ef-fort that God blesses; that God wants; that God de-mands of us". Romero was known as a "Voice for the Voiceless". Send forth your spirit. Peace, FR Gerry Creedon

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As you know, Father Edward L. Richardson SMA Assembly #3174 of the Fourth Degree is partici-pating in the Overseas Coupon Program. We periodically send coupons to Wiesbaden Army Base in Wiesbaden, Germany, for use at Post and Base Exchanges and Commissaries.

What you need to do is simple: Bring MANUFACTURER'S coupons (both food and non-food) to your regular council meetings. The 4th De-gree will collect, tabulate and send them off. It won't cost you a cent. The folks on the base tell me that in the food category, they can really use coupons for baby food. In the non-food, category, coupons for pet food and supplies would be greatly appreciated. A couple of guidelines: • Manufacturer's coupons only. No restaurants, grocery stores, etc • Please pay attention to expiration dates. Coupons used on the base are good for six (6) months after the

expiration date. • It would be very helpful if you could separate the coupons into “food” and 'non-food” categories. If you eat

or drink it for a meal or snack it's food. Vitamins, medical products, etc., are non-food. • We have a box marked “Military Coupons” just outside the clubroom door, so if you can't make it to meet-

ings, you can still contribute by dropping them in the box when you're at the Council Home. Over the past year, we sent more than $30,000 in coupons to help our folks in uniform. Please contin-ue to help with this good work.


Grand Knight Michael Dvoroznak

Deputy Grand Knight James Dart

Chancellor Victor Rivera

Recorder Keith Kaminsky

Advocate PGK Joseph Anderson

Warden Rick Unverricht Treasurer Daniel Pierce

3-Year Trustee GK Louis Byers

Inside Guard Daniel Lupinetti

Outside Guard Timothee Donangmaye

Outside Guard Martin Alordzinu

GK Delegate GK Elect

PGK Delegate GK Louis Byers

Alternate GK Delegate. Deputy GK Elect

Alternate PGK Delegate Chancellor Elect


The nomination committee of PGK Helmut Brokamp, PGK Robert Rouleau, PGK Gray Gagnon, PGK Ed Fairbairn, and PGK Mike Wissel nominate the fol-lowing brothers to the 2015 - 2016 slate of officers:


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by Bob Rouleau

Mk 11: 24 - "I give you my word, if you are ready to believe that you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer, it shall be done for you."

Just think! If ALL the Knights and their families from our Council and our Assembly were to take a moment to pray for those who are “Sick or in Distress”, wouldn’t this awesome power produce results? After all, GOD SAID IT WOULD! So I ask all of you to call me, (703) 670-6423, e-mail me, or tell me in person the names of individuals and/or families who are in need of prayer, whether sick or in distress, and I will include them in this list. (“Distress” means death in the family, out of work, having financial, marital or other “personal” problems either at home or at work.)

And finally, let us remember to pray for our Priests, the Born, the Unborn, all Council widows, all members of our families, our parish and our community in need.


� The McCarthy family on the passing of Past State Deputy Bill McCarthy

� The McCoy family on the passing of Cecile McCoy

� The Pemberton on the passing of Kenneth Pem-berton

� The Colosimo family on the passing of Brother Tom Colosimo

� The Sellers on the passing of Aeryon Sellers

� The victims of the earthquake in Nepal and those of the train wreck in Pennsylvania

� For all those who have died due to terrorist at-tacks or by the hand of friends or family mem-bers

� The Catholic Church

� Tom Duesterhaus – still missing

� All the forgotten warriors who gave their lives for our freedom

� All Veterans, especially those with serious and life changing injuries

� For all military and civilian personnel in Harm’s Way and their families


� Mary Khan

� Brother John Kelly, Sr.

� Brother Mike Patton’s sister-in-law

� Idenia Campbell

� Brother Carl Woehletz

� Grace Grammo

� State Master Tom Trudeau

� Rob McClellan

� Brother Bob Tekampe

� Brother Joe Drago’s brother-in-law

� Phyllis and Dave Wellington

� Dan McFarland

� Ted and Carolynn Terry

� Brother Mike Wisse’s mother

� Ed Roman

� Brother Larry Firth

� Brother Rick Ontko

� Brother Steve Burwinkle

� John Shannon Jr

� Martin Pyshka

� Elmar Merkert

� Mary McCue

� Brother Chris Hicklin

� Kristina Lebeau


Szerszynski Family

Jim Dart

SK Jim Dart is the Knight of the Month for June! Jim has served as Deputy Grand Knight this year and has worked tirelessly to ensure that all of our pro-grams were staffed and executed successfully. He did a great job of it. I could not have gotten through this year without his support and organization keep-ing me on track. Jim has willingly accepted a sec-ond term at this challenging job. In addition to eve-rything he does with the Knights he is also active with the local Volunteer Firefighter’s and assists with their bingo program. Please join me in congratulat-ing Jim for a job well done and for being our June Knight of the month.

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The Szerszynski Family are Family of the Month for June. Bob is an active member of John Paul 1 Council. He held several Offices at the Council and served as Grand Knight during the 2011-2012 Fra-ternal Year. He moved on to become a District War-den and Deputy. While all of the above service is highly commendable, Bob’s true passion was best reflected by his advocacy for the safety and welfare of Unborn Children and their Mothers. He encour-aged his Brother Knights to support this cause, made arrangements for transportation to and provid-ed the trailer used by the Council for the Annual March for Life. Bob chaired a project that entailed encouraging Councils across the State of Virginia to purchase flags that were engraved with their Council identification and used as a sign of solidarity by the Virginia Councils participating in the March for Life. The proceeds generated by the project were used to finance state-wide activities in support of the Right for Life. Most recently, Bob has been selected to serve as Membership Chairman for the new State Deputy. Bob is a Lecturer at Holy Family Catholic Church and is a member of its Finance Council and Past Chairman of its Annual Family Fun Festival.

Bob’s Wife Eileen is active in the KC Ladies for John Paul 1 Council land the Ladies of Virginia at the State Deputy level. She is active at Holy Family Church helping with many events and serving as a Eucharistic Minister and happily volunteers wherever she is needed to support activities at the Church. She regularly accompanies Bob to the State activi-ties required by his Office. Bob and Eileen have two Daughters, Jessica and Jennifer.

Congratulations Bob and Eileen, you truly reflect the Family values cherished by the Knights of Colum-bus. Keep up the GOOD WORK!!!


This is my last article of the present fraternal year. I would like to apologize for not having been able to be present at any of the regular meetings since Jan-uary, because of my work schedule. I truly miss be-ing there.

Many of us, in addition of being Knights, also volun-teer in the community in other capacities. The bless-ing of having found the call to share time and re-sources with others is one of the most important as-pects in life for the person that wants to grow in the spirit and aspires to do more than just procuring for self.

I know of some people, whose lives are stretched to the limit, financially and in time, but still manage to find a few hours a month to provide some type of volunteer service.

The gifts of the spirit are different for all, because we are all different, thus we can serve in many different ways.

1 Corinthians 12: 4-7. 4. There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distrib-utes them. 5 There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. 6 There are different kinds of workings, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.7 Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.

God Bless and protect the John Paul I Council, its members and families.

Juan Martinez





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Nancy McDowell 06/02

Jodi Humenik 06/02

Denise Kuszewski 06/03

Renate Gilroy 06/05

Patricia Fayak 06/08

Patti Ann Gleichsner 06/08

Nancy Caprara 06/11

Jennifer Lupinetti 06/12

Mary Ann Dibble 06/13

Janet Clark 06/17

Joyce Brown 06/19

Debbie Poisson 06/20

Charlotte Taylor 06/22

Regina Meehan 06/23

Sandy Gagnon 06/24

Anne Henderson 06/24

Patricia Macejka 06/25

Noi Poczatek 06/26

Margaret Limbach 06/26

Amanda Thelen 06/26

Fay Wallace 06/27

Ann Drury 06/27

Jose Medeiros 06/02

Mark George 06/02

Jeffrey Knapp 06/03

Stephen Harney 06/03

Miguel Boschulte 06/04

Jerry Ingerick 06/05

Timothee Donangmaye 06/05

Francis Berenty 06/07

Hernan Cordoves 06/08

Thomas Breidenbach 06/09

Luis Valdes 06/09

Edward Fairbairn 06/10

Harry Subacz 06/11

Diego Cruz 06/12

Jim Limbach 06/13

Christopher Blanchard 06/14

Angelo Di Mascio 06/14

Robert Rouleau 06/16

James Dart 06/18

John Shurtliff 06/18

Rick Unverricht 06/20

John Ondo 06/20

Timothy Clark 06/21

Mark Carrier 06/21

David Dewald 06/22

Michael Thompson 06/24

Craig Stoklosa 06/24

Carlos Argueta 06/25

Robert Purdy 06/26

Stephen Andrews 06/27

Stanley Poczatek 06/27

Ronald Standifer 06/28

Wayne Mattson 06/28

Roy Best 06/29

Grant Irwin 06/29

H Surmacz 06/30

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Please go on the Council Website and verify or update your email address. If you have any questions, email me at The Trustees, Grand Knight and I are working to determine the best option to allow council members to pay their dues online. Stay tuned for the final news later this year. In order to make this system work, your email address MUST be up to date. PGK Bob Weiss 703 225 9103 |

You know the old saying, “the grass seems greener on the other side of the fence,” but we all know that it rarely is. The same holds true when it comes to replacing your existing Knights of Columbus life insurance with coverage offered by another company. Perceptions are deceiving. A move to the “greener” grass on the other side of the fence might seem like a good one, but it can leave you with less green in your wallet — in some cases, a lot less. That’s why it pays to remember another old adage, “Read the fine print.” There are many reasons to keep your existing coverage in force, whether that coverage is

with the Knights of Columbus or with another company. I’ll focus on the potential pitfalls of replacing coverage here — pitfalls that an agent trying to convince you that the grass actually is greener might neglect to men-tion. First, all life insurance contracts contain a contestability period, which allows the insurer to contest claims made for a period — typically two years — after the contract is issued. Chances are this is no longer an issue with your current coverage. Second, it’s unlikely that you can obtain the same amount of coverage, for the same premium, that you were able to obtain with your existing contract. The two factors that determine how much you’ll need to pay for life insurance coverage are age and health. Certainly, you’re older now than you were when you took out your current coverage. There’s no way around that. And you have to ask yourself, has your health changed during that time? Is your blood pressure the same? Your cholesterol? Have you gained weight? All these factors can affect the amount of coverage you’ll get for your premium dollar. If someone encourages you to replace — or worse, drop — your existing coverage, please call me. I’ll show you how your existing coverage is working for you and why replacement is rarely in your best interest. Thom Harrington, 703-336-9020


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As I reflect on the successes of this past fraternal year, it is with a heavy heart that I report that we have over 50 brothers who are letting their memberships lapse. Remember way back to your first degree, you may re-call one of the things you had been instructed on was the importance of paying your dues. Father McGivney's main reason for establishing the order was to create a fraternal society where we help each other out. One of the special benefits John Paul I council provides its members when the angel of death calls us is a bereavement reception. All it takes is one phone call to make it happen, with all expenses paid. That is a great benefit to leave with. I just think how awful it would be if your family contacts the council to set things up and we have to say no, we are sorry, the member is not eligible for this benefit because they allowed their membership to lapse. We as brothers understand that sometimes fellow brothers fall on hard times and cannot afford what amounts to less than $5 a month. If that happens, the Grand Knight can waive someone's dues. All it takes is a pri-vate communication with the Grand Knight to let him know the circumstances. This information is kept private since it is in only the Grand Knight's discretion to waive the dues. However, the member must take the first step and contact the Grand Knight. Please don't let your membership lapse. Lou Byers, Grand Knight


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John Paul I Council 7165

P.O. Box 1106

Dale City, VA 22195

Return Service Requested.

Knights of Columbus

SUMMER 2015 FRIDAY COOK-OUTSMay 15th to Aug 21st from 6:00PM to 7:15PM




platters usually includes POTATO SALAD, BAKED BEANS & PICKLE

CHEESE ADD .25; HAMBURGER ONLY $2.50; HOT DOG ONLY $1.25---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

BRATWURST – $2.50 PLATTER $4.75---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


$7.50 EACH ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


STEAK PLATTER $15.00- MAY 22nd and JULY 10th

JPI RIBS $10.00- JUNE 12th and AUG 7th

* RESERVATIONS REQUIRED BY THE PREVIOUS WEDNESDAY----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------