Centennial College Annual Report · 2015-06-24 · Centennial College Annual Report 2013-2014 3 ......


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Centennial College Annual Report

Centennial College Annual Report 2013-2014


Contents Remarks from the Board of Governors Interim Chair Hilary Short and President and Chief Executive Officer Ann Buller ..................................................................................................... 2

Our Mission and Vision ............................................................................................................. 4

Academic Plan 2013-2020: Leading Through Learning ............................................................. 5

Statement of Diversity ............................................................................................................... 5

Our Guiding Principles .......................................................................................................... 6

Our Commitment .................................................................................................................. 6

Our Book of Commitments, Second Edition ............................................................................. 7

Commitment #1 ......................................................................................................................... 8

Commitment #2 ...................................................................................................................... 12

Commitment #3 ....................................................................................................................... 16

Commitment #4 ....................................................................................................................... 23

Commitment #5 ....................................................................................................................... 28

Commitment #6 ....................................................................................................................... 33

Commitment #7 ....................................................................................................................... 39

Commitment #8 ...................................................................................................................... 44

Centennial College Council Report ........................................................................................ 49

Financial Performance ............................................................................................................ 50

Appendix .................................................................................................................................. 51

Multi-Year Accountability Agreement Report .................................................................... 51

Audited Financial Statements .............................................................................................. 52

Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Performance Report ...................................................... 53

Summary of Advertising and Marketing Complaints ......................................................... 54

Board of Governors .............................................................................................................. 55

Centennial College Annual Report 2013-2014


Remarks from the Board of Governors Interim Chair Hilary Short and President and Chief Executive Officer Ann Buller This has been a year of unprecedented internal and external collaboration and partnership in working towards our renewed goals. We are stronger than ever. Our first Annual Report since adopting our new strategic plan – our Book of Commitments (2nd Edition), our new Academic Plan – Leading Through Learning and our Strategic Mandate Agreement with the Province of Ontario – demonstrates that 2013-14 was an incredibly productive and rewarding year. Our five-year strategic plan sets out eight Commitments, bold multi-year initiatives that create exceptional learning experiences, inside and outside of the classroom, locally and internationally. As you will see in the pages that follow, we have addressed our new Commitments with abundant energy, confident that beyond being prepared for meaningful work, our graduates will be prepared to have meaningful lives, contributing to civil society in compelling ways. As a portfolio college, the creation of pathways to assist students to meet their academic and personal goals is key to our approach. Centennial continues to be a leader in internationalization and integrates global citizenship and social justice across the curriculum. Our commitment to leadership development is a catalyst for multidisciplinary approaches to innovation, entrepreneurship/intrapreneurship, social enterprise, service learning and community engagement. We continue to expand our capacity to meet the needs of marginalized youth and minoritized peoples, and to meaningfully measure our social and economic impact. What has made this year truly exceptional is the extent to which we have engaged our community through our Commitments. With a powerful focus on students and learning, we extended our reach in tangible ways to our employees, our industry partners and our surrounding community. Highlights of our year include:

• Visionary governance and financial stewardship resulted in a budget surplus of $10.2 million, enabling us to hire 20 new full-time faculty and 34 new staff (including the conversion of 41 part time support staff positions to 25 full time support staff positions), and to invest in capital and space commitments of $38.1 million, including completion of Phase I of spectacular renovations at Ashtonbee Campus

• Increased participation in our Global Citizenship and Equity Learning Experiences (GCELES) by 32%, which saw students and employees engaged in service learning and social entrepreneurship around the globe

• Increased number of students participating in the Leadership Passport by 36% over last year. Seventy Graduates will receive a “Distinction in Leadership” credential during the June 2014 convocation

• Three new programs at all levels of credential were offered from world music to chef training

Centennial College Annual Report 2013-2014


• Recognized for academic excellence by achieving all 6 criteria ratings in the PQAPA audit as fully met, and we celebrated student and staff achievements with joy and exuberance

• Strengthened our focus on student and graduate employment and career pathways in our new Career Centre

• Accelerated opportunities for experiential learning and employment through applied research, innovation and entrepreneurship

• Launched our $40 M Impact Campaign and grew the Endowment Fund to $19.2 million, an increase of $1.8 million over last year

Today, Centennial is more connected, more relevant and more rooted than ever. For this we owe our gratitude and appreciation to our amazing students, faculty, support staff and leaders, partners, alumni and, of course, our extraordinary Board of Governors, who share our vision for a world that is transformed through learning. With respect,

Hilary Short Ann Buller Interim Chair, Board of Governors President & CEO

Centennial College Annual Report 2013-2014


Our Mission and Vision

Our mission is educating students for career success. Our vision is transforming lives and communities through learning. We believe that learning has the power to change lives in simple and profound ways. We will help to create a future where everyone has the opportunity to transform their lives and their communities through learning that is relevant to them.

Centennial College Annual Report 2013-2014


Academic Plan 2013-2020: Leading Through Learning The Academic Plan 2013-2020: Leading through Learning (“The Plan”) charts the academic direction that will enable Centennial to be a leader in transformative learning, global citizenship, quality and accountability. This academic plan not only defines who we are, but what we aspire to be. In telling our story, we strive to lead the conversation on college education and bring learning to life. We will enhance our approach to learning and teaching that will not only address learner pathways and preferences, and strengthen core competencies, but also develop emerging competencies. We will incorporate advancing technologies. We will embed experiential and entrepreneurial skills into our curriculum and pedagogy to prepare our learners for meaningful work and meaningful lives. Nine principal themes have emerged that represent areas of priority in the years to come; together, they culminate in the actions we will take in support of Learning – For Meaningful Work and Meaningful Lives:

1. Pathways to Learning 2. Inquiry, Innovation, and Scholarship 3. Learning New Essential Skills 4. Experiential and Work-Integrated Learning 5. Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments 6. Global Connections 7. Learning through Engagement 8. Leadership and Learning for All 9. Culture of Quality and Academic Integrity

Statement of Diversity Centennial College and its Board of Governors value and embrace diversity, equity and inclusion as fundamental to our mission to educate students for career success within a context of global citizenship and social justice. We recognize that historical and persistent inequities and barriers to equitable participation exist and are well documented in society and within the College. We believe individual and systemic biases contribute to the marginalization of designated groups. These biases include race, sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, ancestry, nationality, place of origin, colour, ethnicity, culture, linguistic origin, citizenship, creed (religion, faith), marital status, socio-economic class, family status, receipt of public assistance, or record of offence. We acknowledge that resolving First Nations sovereignty issues is fundamental to pursuing equity and social justice within Canada. We acknowledge the richness and diversity of the community we serve. As our community has evolved and our staff and student population have changed, we have implemented policies and practices to address issues of inclusion. In moving forward, we will build on

Centennial College Annual Report 2013-2014


this work to embed commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion in every aspect of what we do.

Our Guiding Principles We believe social justice requires that we value diversity, equity and inclusion. We believe that the principles and practices of diversity, equity and inclusion strengthen the social and economic development, growth and well-being of our student population, our employees and our local and international communities. We uphold our social responsibility to contribute to a society that is equitable, fair and just. In accordance with our mission, vision and values, we will demonstrate leadership in eliminating barriers and implementing and promoting diversity through our academic framework, policies, special initiatives and proactive measures. We are committed to eliminating all forms of harassment and discrimination. We will prevent, remedy and redress these inequities. We will create an environment of inclusion in our teaching, learning, employment and support services so that we can fully serve our communities and prepare our students to excel in the workplace and in society. We will be accountable for the changes we need to make. We will continue to comply with existing federal and provincial legislative requirements. We will continue to develop and implement goals, policies, competencies and special initiatives founded upon principles of social justice to promote equity and inclusion. We will collect data to track our progress and regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the initiatives we undertake, and we will communicate the outcomes to our community.

Our Commitment • A safe, secure, inclusive and accessible environment for learning, teaching and


• Curriculum and instruction that reflect diversity and promote equity and inclusion

• Equitable and accessible opportunities for student success

• Building knowledge and evaluating effectiveness

• Human resource management systems, policies and practices that reflect diversity and promote equity and inclusion

• Training and staff development in equity and diversity

• Accessible and inclusive College communication

• Strategic engagement with diverse communities

• Relationships and partnerships that align with our mission, vision and values

• Committing financial and human resources to promote diversity, equity and inclusion

Centennial College Annual Report 2013-2014


Our Book of Commitments, Second Edition Bring the New Essential Skills to a Global Community Introduce, deliver and embed the new essential skills Drive Innovation and Entrepreneurship Build strong supports for entrepreneurship and innovation education and experience Offer the Map and the Compass Make learning, credentials, skills and experiences more accessible and portable Redefine the Relationship Between Education, Experience and Employment Invest in meaningful industry and community relationships Make a Bigger Promise to Students Advance excellence and integration in Academic Programming and the Student Experience Ensure Smart Stewardship and the Truly Sustainable College Be excellent stewards of the public trust Lead the Conversation Build our brand and reputation as a global difference maker, leader and innovator Offer a Signature Employee Experience Engage our people – foster a culture of learning, respect, gratitude, and recognition

Centennial College Annual Report 2013-2014


Commitment #1 Bring the new essential skills to a global community. In many ways, the new essential skills are not new for Centennial. We’ve known for a long time that work and life success for our students, faculty, staff and alumni do not just come from having basic skills, they come from being engaged in the world, always aware of the big picture and able to navigate uncertainty with confidence. For this reason we were able to make significant progress in 2013-2014 in real ways to create more opportunities - for students in particular - to not just learn the new essential skills but to put them into practice – here at home and in extraordinary ways around the world. In the last year we’ve increased our capacity for these life-changing experiences and introduced new diversity and range to these programs. We are well underway on creating new infrastructure and forming new partnerships to accommodate greater numbers of students in coming years. Top Priority Actions 2013-2014

Performance Measurement 2013-2014

Achievements 2013-2014

Integrate the new essential skills and outcomes across curriculum, for all learners.

Creation and integration of the new essential skills in development in 2014-15

• Begin work on developing the learning outcomes for the new essential skills and identifying relevant programs/courses for embedding through the annual review process

• Development begun, will be completed in 2014-15

Continue to develop new eligible activities (integrating the new essential skills) for the Leadership Passport: i.e. applied research, innovation, and entrepreneurship, service learning, student society participation -across all schools

• 500 students involved in Leadership Passport program by April 2014

• New activities such as entrepreneurship defined and implemented for Leadership Passport

• As of April 2014 there are 573 students participating in the Leadership Passport program an increase of 36% over last year

• Entrepreneurship criteria and eligibility are currently being developed for implementation in 2014-15

Integrate the new essential skills in co-curricular learning and student and community engagement.

Initiate SCMD1 Collaborative Cross Disciplinary Student Teams for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Leadership. Each team will

• Create collaborative cross-disciplinary student teams with at least 30 students involved

• Involve 3% of students in

• 75 students involved and 30 involved in production in Student Jobs Project

1 SCMD: School of Communications, Media and Design

Centennial College Annual Report 2013-2014


work with various not-for-profit organizations to assist in organizational development, media management or design. Students will be eligible for points towards their Centennial Leadership Passport Credential

2013-2014; increase to 8% in 2014-2015

Increase global connections for learners.

Expand opportunities for global service learning and exchanges

• Develop and deliver five new activities in 2013-14 (workshops, seminars and awareness campaigns) through the Student Relations Office

• Conducted information sessions (15), classroom visits (15), promotional materials, service fairs (3), student advising session (400+), guest speakers and seminars (5)

• New International Placements established (15)

• Mobility opportunities expanded to 25 countries (previously 10)

• Increased the number of programs integrated international opportunities for placement from 0 to 7.

• Increased the diversity of programs participating in study abroad for credit. Last year – School of Business only, this year added: General Arts and Science, Computer – Networking, Journalism, Hospitality Management, Travel and Tourism, Child and Youth Care worker, Social Service Worker, Hospitality, Mechanical Engineering and Community Development

Expand the number of sustainable platforms for global service learning

• Introduce 10 more global service learning opportunities

• Increase the number of students that complete a Global Citizenship & Equity Learning Experiences (GCELE) by 80

• Increase the number of staff that participated in a GCELE by 30

• Increase the number of

• 10 GCELEs, 5 Language and Culture

• 82 students participated in GCELEs

• 100 (last year was 22) students in study abroad/internships/work abroad

• 53 students in offshore career related experiences led by faculty

• Total of 235 students

Centennial College Annual Report 2013-2014


international exchanges, internships and work abroad experiences to 100

abroad; 105 increase over last year

• Student representation from every School

• Last year 29 staff – this year 40 staff engaged in GCELES/offshore initiatives

In collaboration with the International Department and the Schools, refine and implement a model for Student International Placement/Exchange to improve efficiencies and effectiveness

• Develop and establish infrastructure and new sites/partners

• Develop field placement with non-governmental organizations (NGOs), industry and business organizations internationally

• Implement approximately 50 placements including UNESCO2 Institution for Educational Planning in Paris, France

• Infrastructure developed and 30 new partners/sites established

• 100 students engaged in field placements (up from 22 in previous year)

Expand international corporate training

• Expand Automotive Corporate training beyond the Middle East to South Africa, Australia

• Implement one non-automotive corporate training program abroad (Saudi Arabia)

• Secured a 3-year corporate training contract with a new customer (Jaguar Land Rover) in a new geographic market (Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Brunei and New Zealand)

• Secured a contract with Hidada Ltd. Com to develop and implement a training program for Saudi Nationals to become welding technicians (Centennial’s first foray into the heavy steel industry)

Establish new UNESCO-UNEVOC 3 TVET4 partnerships in under-developed and developing countries

• Establish two new partnerships (Mauritius University of Technology and the Council for TVET5 in Nepal)

• Status of partnerships with Mauritius University and the Council for TVET in Nepal on hold; partnerships need to be re-evaluated

• Via UNESCO-UNEVOC TVET network, the SHTC is in productive discussion to co-host an academic conference in 2015

2 UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 3 UNESCO-UNEVOC: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 4 TVET: Technical and Vocational Education and Training 5 TVET: Technical and Vocational Education and Training

Centennial College Annual Report 2013-2014


alongside Akdeniz University (Faculty of Tourism) in Turkey; themed “International Biennial Conference on Tourism Dynamics and Trends”

Inspiring Stories of Success

Getting out there – more capacity for global experiences Participation in study and international internship programs grew significantly this year (from 130 to 238). We almost doubled the number of students taking their academic studies, field placements, internships, and co-ops abroad in Africa, Eastern Europe, and Asia. This year, participation was diversified to include Journalism, Computer Networking, Hospitality, Tourism and General Arts programs, while Community development, Social Service Worker, Child and Youth Worker, Travel, Tourism and Hospitality recognized field placements abroad to satisfy program requirements.

Global Experience Office The Global Experience Office is excited to report that five new Language and Culture programs were launched to Mexico, Spain, Finland, and South Korea. Participation in study and international internship programs grew as more students opted to take their academic studies, field placements, internships, and co-ops abroad in Africa, Eastern Europe, and Asia. This year, study abroad participation was diversified to include students the from Journalism, Computer Networking, Hospitality, Tourism and General Arts programs, while Community development, Social Service Worker, Child and Youth Worker, Travel, Tourism and Hospitality recognized field placements abroad to satisfy program requirements. The Global Citizenship and Equity Learning Experiences (GCELEs) include projects in Cuba, Kenya, Jamaica, Ottawa, Walpole Island, Ghana, Honduras, and Walpole Island. A total of 238 students took part in the various programs, an increase of 108 students from 2012-1013. In addition, 50 inbound exchange students, the largest group to date, came to Centennial from partner universities in Spain, Mexico, South Korea, Germany, Denmark and Chile.

Centennial College Annual Report 2013-2014


Commitment #2 Drive innovation and entrepreneurship. 2013-2014 was the break-out year for our commitment to innovation and entrepreneurship. For several years Centennial has been leading the way in providing opportunities for students, faculty, community members and businesses to benefit from our resources in applied research and from our experience as a business incubator. But this year we took innovation and entrepreneurship a step further when we made it a central feature of our Strategic Mandate Agreement and a core strategic commitment of the College. As with so many things we take on, we’re taking a distinctly Centennial approach to fostering innovation and to developing entrepreneurs. We believe that everyone who embraces these values should have the opportunity to practice them no matter in what setting they work or learn. To this end we greatly expanded and formalized our innovation and entrepreneurship programs and opportunities, increased our capacity and put into place the College-wide infrastructure to ensure a totally learning-centred approach. Our vision is to embed innovation and entrepreneurship values and skills even more deeply and more broadly so that they become everyone’s opportunity. In 2013-2014 we made great progress in this direction, including the securing of provincial funding to create a new campus-linked accelerator (with locations across our campuses) to foster both “main street” and “high tech” youth entrepreneurs and start-ups in the east GTA. Top Priority Actions 2013-2014

Performance Measurement 2013-2014

Achievements 2013-2014

Equip learners with innovation and entrepreneurship skills and experience.

Increase applied R&D employment for students in industry projects and increase student capacity for obtaining credit towards Centennial College Leadership Credential

• Employ 30-50 students in industry-ARIC6 R&D projects

• Total of 202 students employed in industry-Centennial projects facilitated by ARIC

Enhance applied research, innovation and entrepreneurship culture and caliber of capstone project activities across SETAS7 - through industry sponsored applied research in energy, biotechnology, water resources, advanced automation, mobile computing, wireless

• Include applied research elements in curriculum of all relevant capstone project courses

• AMAT8 full time/contract faculty and students engaged in four sustainable energy projects: Hybrid Wind-Solar Power Street Lighting, Solar Absorption Cooling, Hydrogen Fuel Cell, and Solar PV Modules Reliability

• R&D innovations and new knowledge integrated into

6 ARIC: Applied Research and Innovation Centre 7 SETAS: School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science 8 AMAT: Advanced Manufacturing and Automation Technology

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technology, embedded systems, and biomedical systems

all relevant programs, labs and materials: solar site shading analysis, solar photovoltaic module efficiency, and solar thermal efficiency and power analysis

Enhance entrepreneurial capacity through our Centre of Entrepreneurship

• Support new business start-ups

• 185 individuals supported to start new businesses

• 7 youth entrepreneurs accepted into our student incubator

Strengthen institutional capacity in innovation, research, the scholarship of teaching and learning and entrepreneurship

Engage more students, staff, and industry partners in applied research and innovation projects Create an innovative, new interdisciplinary model for business incubation for students, staff and business/community partners in collaboration with Centennial’s Centre of Entrepreneurship (COE), Applied Research and Innovation Centre (ARIC), Continuing Education (CE) and the remaining Schools

• Obtain funding for 2-3 new research grant applications

• Increase student-staff engagement in industry-college research and innovation projects by 10%

• Create and implement a new business incubator model and develop innovative performance metrics

• 6 new research grants obtained

• Student and Staff R&D engagement increased by 12%

• Student Business Incubator established at Progress campus open to all students and recent graduates. Workshops held to support student applications and presentation preparation, pitch sessions held and 8 businesses actively participating in incubator

• A new business incubator/accelerator model (Campus Linked Accelerator) developed and funded provincially to serve both students and east GTA youth entrepreneurs was developed (for up to 60 youth-led start-ups in two years)

• Dashboard created to track monthly evolution of key performance metrics

Strengthen institutional capacity in innovation, research, the scholarship of teaching and learning and entrepreneurship.

Expand research and scholarship in the School of Community and Health Studies

• Obtain funding for 2-3 new research grant applications

• 4 new health research and scholarship projects funded

Expand industry-college R&D collaborations for students and

• Develop new industry partners in technology

• ICET research projects involving 12 distinct

Centennial College Annual Report 2013-2014


faculty in SETAS focused applied R&D, develop aerospace R&D capacity

industry partners • New aerospace sector

projects identified and one completed with companies such as Lockheed Martin, Bombardier and Nexas Networks

Organize and implement a series of annual innovation and research symposia

• Deliver 2nd Annual Culture and Heritage Institute (CHI) Symposium – Making Culture Matter Conference: Creating Culture Networks, and Greening Tourism Conference

• “Making Culture Matter” Conference enabled post graduate students to execute a one day event which attracted 80+ delegates from across the culture and heritage sector; sponsorships accrued

• “Greening Tourism” delivered, April 2014; 80 attendees, event covered in widely distributed industry magazine

• Deliver 8th Annual Applied Research and Innovation Symposium – Powering Research & Innovation: Cultivating a Culture of Entrepreneurship

• 8thAnnual Applied Research and Innovation Symposium delivered in May 2013, over 100 attendees

• Deliver 3rd Annual Institute for Global Citizenship and Equity Symposium – Engaging Hearts and Minds: Human Rights and Social Justice Issues Today

• 3RD Institute for GC&E Symposium will be run in 2015

• Deliver 4th Annual E3 Symposium: Economics of Water

• E3 Symposium successfully delivered, 140 college and university educators, students (elementary, secondary and post-secondary), industry leaders, entrepreneurs, and researchers attended

Strengthen our relationship with businesses, community and sector leaders and organizations.

Expand Strong Girls, Strong Women program

• Deliver 2nd Annual Strong Girls, Strong Women Program

• Event delivered, over 200 girls participated

Develop Signature Industry Experience

• Develop Signature Industry Experience Framework

• Framework developed, will be implemented in 2014-15

Centennial College Annual Report 2013-2014


Inspiring stories of success COMBUSTION Maria Kennedy, owner of COMBUSTION, graduated from the Independent Television Producers Program (ITP) in the summer of 2013. Now, 9 months after the completion of the program, Maria has reported amazing success. She wrote a new business plan utilizing the ITP model in order to attract and solidify a partnership with a very established production company. They soon agreed to Co-produce the series that Maria had created called “Now You Know”. Together they pitched the series to TVO Kids and after a period of development with the broadcaster they were “greenlit” to produce a full season. This is a children’s show which will launch on TVO Kids in January 2015, and will have a very rich and substantial web, cross platform presence and will be distributed internationally. On a recent survey of clients at the 6 month mark, Maria reported Gross and Net Revenues to be well beyond $70,000. COMBUSTION has created a total of 31 full-time contract positions to fulfill the broadcasters order of 39 episodes. While some of the positions are held by her partner company, at least 25 of these positions are newly created by COMBUSTION.

Applied research goes mainstream The Applied Research and Innovation Centre ARIC has strengthened institutional capacity in innovation, research, the scholarship of teaching and learning and entrepreneurship by obtaining six new grant applications and by managing over $3.2M in funding. Over 200 students were engaged in industry-Centennial projects facilitated by ARIC and Centennial’s student-staff engagement in research and development and entrepreneurship projects increased by 12%.

Working with industry to innovate in health Fourteen faculty members and 43 students from the School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science (SETAS), School of Business (SoB) and School of Communications, Media and Design (SCMD) are taking part in nine Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) College and Community Innovation (CCI) health projects. These projects are proving catalytic in the growth of collaborating with small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). The projects are providing great experiential learning to students and increasing their employability.

Bringing entrepreneurship to youth As part of the Youth Entrepreneurship Fund and the Youth Innovation Fund, the Ontario Government announced it will provide $29 million over two years for Campus-Linked Accelerators (CLAs) - creating campus-linked focal points for entrepreneurship and youth-led start-ups. Centennial College is delighted to have been chosen as one of 10 CLAs in Ontario, and we are proud of our particular focus on bringing practical entrepreneurship mentorship to young people of the East-GTA most in need of support.

Centennial College Annual Report 2013-2014


Commitment #3 Offer the map and the compass. We believe that the best learning does not happen in a single moment or place in time. It’s a trajectory. It builds on the best of where we have been and it gives us the access, mobility and momentum to create a clear path for our future. By giving learners a better map and a better compass we ensure that they are getting the most from the accomplishments and experience they bring with them, while helping them to benefit as much as they can from the time they spend with us. We also increased our focus on communicating with our graduates, finding innovative ways to encourage learners to come back to Centennial as their needs evolve. Many of these map-and-compass initiatives take time to develop because they require careful design of programs, new partnerships and rigorous accreditation measures, often involving third-parties and joint-ventures. In 2013-2014 we achieved a great deal: a new Centre to focus on pathways and completion, new investment in the technology to make programs accessible online, greater access to the advice and attention that students need at key points in their learning journey and finally, greater focus on interdisciplinary programs for a rapidly changing, interconnected world. Top Priority Actions 2013-2014

Performance Measurement 2013-2014

Achievements 2013-2014

Establish the Centennial College Centre for Pathways, Degrees and Credential Completion.

Transition the New Business Start-Up Series to full time status, providing greater program access through online delivery to the community and eligibility for RRSP9 LLP10 funding

• Complete program redevelopment

• Seek all College, Board and Ministry approvals

• Program redevelopment completed in Summer/Fall 2013. All approvals received

• Program implemented, marketing ongoing and target enrolment achieved

Develop infrastructure to support the transformation of three-year advanced diplomas to three-year degrees (pending Ministry approval)

• Create processes for three-year degree implementation

• Three-year degree proposal evaluation, development and approval of new and converted program offers to be developed - process to be determined through representation on College’s Ontario Taskforce on

• Centennial led provincial working group to develop three year degree implementation process at the College system level

• Process to seek consent from Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities for three year degrees is currently with Committee of Presidents, Colleges Ontario

9 RRSP: Registered Retirement Savings Plan 10 LLP: Lifelong Learning Plan

Centennial College Annual Report 2013-2014


Three-Year Degrees • Conversion of three

potential programs to three-year degrees to be completed by January 2014

• Academic Excellence (AE) Working Group on the Implementation of Three Year Degrees, reporting to the CCVPA Task Force on Three Year Degrees

• Six, three year advanced diplomas assessed against international standards

• Final report submitted in November 2013 to Colleges Ontario and CCVPA11, recommending that the system proceed to identify three year advanced diplomas for conversion to the new credential standards are fully met. Findings presented by CCVPA to CoP12 for their approval. A three year cycle to phase in implementation has been recommended system wide

Strengthen and expand multi-lateral and bi-lateral partnerships to increase pathway opportunities for students and staff

• Create two new pathways; review existing pathways (diploma to degree completion)

• Implement new processes for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) to support faculty/school transfer credit decisions implemented

• Review existing University of Toronto Scarborough Campus (UTSC) pathways and develop one additional offering

• One new pathway for degree completion developed: with Guelph University for Food and Nutrition program graduates

• New RPL policy and processes approved and implementation underway

• Cancellation of previous Joint program in Applied Microbiology between Centennial College and UTSC due to low application and enrolment rates at UTSC; however, alternate development of a degree completion agreement with UTSC to permit a "3 + 2" pathway for students in three year advanced diploma in Industrial Microbiology

Maintain standards and quality of programs through national

• Submit pending programs for accreditation (Nursing;

• Canadian Technology Accreditation Board

11 Community Colleges Vice President Academics 12 Committee of Presidents

Centennial College Annual Report 2013-2014


accreditation processes Energy Systems Engineering Technology and Food Science Technology) and with other relevant accrediting bodies

granted renewal of the following SETAS programs:

o Architectural Technology

o Computer Systems Technology

o Mechanical Engineering Technology – Design

• Programs currently undergoing accreditation:

o Energy Systems Engineering Technology

o Food Science Technology

• Medical Laboratory Technician (Canadian Medical Association)

Leverage technology tools to design, deliver, and manage learning and enhance decision-making.

Utilize online format for integrated planning to enhance and coordinate planning processes

• Develop, pilot and revise an innovative integrated planning tool (IPT)

• IPT developed, piloted successful, revisions implemented

Through collaboration and participation in Aboriginal Education Steering Committee, develop courses/programs, utilizing online learning where possible and appropriate

• Include Aboriginal Course Series in distance learning through Ontario Learn including five online courses and two to be hosted at Centennial (Aboriginal Governance and Sovereignty and Aboriginal Strategy and Decisions)

• Aboriginal course series developed in distance learning with two new online courses implemented

Continue to develop courses in flexible formats by ensuring all college course development processes include selection of appropriate modes of delivery and identify opportunities for technology enhanced, blended and online learning

• Design two new blended delivery programs; increase blended course delivery to 10% of all existing program courses

• New training program “BOLT – Blended Online learning & teaching” delivered to 65 faculty members

• School of Advancement developing GNED 129 (Principles of Psychology) in blended delivery format for fall 2014

• General Science 182 Introductory Biology

School of Business will engage in a curriculum Revitalization Project in collaboration with Academic Excellence using

• SoB16 – International Business program as pilot, with blended delivery

16 SoB: School of Business

Centennial College Annual Report 2013-2014


improved program/course development processes

introduced by Winter 2014, and in each SoB17 program under review, at least one blended course developed and implemented

• SoA18 courses for technology enhanced delivery modes identified, and impact measured through new student feedback questionnaire

blended format developed • COMM 170 with blended

section developed • COMM 180 blended section

developed • Provincial Program

Innovation Funding secured for conversion of three additional courses for delivery in Fall 2014

• Comprehensive Program Quality Review process is identifying courses for curriculum revision to blended modes and work will begin in May 2014

• Development of first cross school advanced diploma program drawing upon the strengths of both the SCMD13 and SETAS14. The new interdisciplinary program proposal was recently approved by the LEC15 and will be presented at the June Board of Governors' meeting for final approval

• 25 courses to be delivered in online or hybrid modes

Academic Excellence to provide support to schools and faculty to increase use of technology in school program offerings through program /curriculum design assistance and course level instructional design and technology enhancement assistance

• Each program undergoing Comprehensive Program Quality Review (CPQR) will be reviewed for opportunities to introduce at least one blended course (approximately 25 new blended courses to be implemented in 2013-14

Improve offsite access to academic software for students

• Academic software accessible anytime, anywhere, using personal computing devices - target completion by end of March 2014 (extra 600 concurrent users)

• 28 Computer lab applications were made available through a virtual application solution (for student-owned devices and public-access computers).

• Additional applications are being added continuously. Currently, the College is licensed for 600 concurrent users to this virtual application solution.

Expand online tutoring and develop online workshops offered by the Centre for Academic English (CAE)

• Expand online tutoring by 10%

• Pilot two online workshops

• Online tutoring building slowly as students become comfortable with tutoring in this medium

17 SoB: School of Business 18 SoA: School of Advancement 13 School of Communications Media and Design 14 School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science 15 Learning and Engagement Committee

Centennial College Annual Report 2013-2014


Apply to the College Reading & Learning Association (CRLA) for International Tutor Training Certification to develop training for students who can be employed in the CAE19

• Seek approval of application

• Pilot training

• Development of online workshops was suspended, program reviewed and not recommended for online application

• Level I CRLA Certification achieved for all tutors, re-certification occurs yearly

Implement a College-wide approach to advising and build on transition and retention strategies.

Corporate Planning and Institutional Research (CPIR) will implement the new Banner Student Performance and Retention tool working collaboratively with IT

• New Banner Performance and Retention tool to be implemented and user training to be completed by Winter 2014

• In-house retention tool has been improved to support retention initiatives

Review, modify and evaluate the First Year Experience – “Roadmap to Success” and expand to second year

• 20% increase in student participation in First Year Experience activities

• Second Year Experience strategies to be developed and piloted

• 556 students participated in First Year Experience activities in Fall 2013 (42% increase over Fall 2012)

• 2nd year student experience strategies delayed to 2014/15

Develop an IT support roadmap for academic in-class and distance learning technology

• Develop Roadmap developed within budget and make ready for 2014-2015

• Roadmap developed • Process identified the need

for a 24/7 Helpdesk Service to support Teaching and Learning Activities in 2014-15

• The online academic collaboration tool is undergoing a feasibility review

Expand integrated and interdisciplinary programming.

Begin integrating interprofessional competencies into curriculum and Interprofessional Education (IPE) student activities

• Curriculum mapping template for IPE20 competencies in SCHS21 to be built

• Current IPE22 activities in SCHS23 to be documented

• Two new IPE24/IPC25 projects to be

• Curriculum mapping template for IPE completed, and connected with the Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative (CIHC) national competency framework, course learning

19 CAE: Centre for Academic English 20 IPE: Interprofessional Education 21 SCHS: School of Community and Health Studies 22 IPE: Interprofessional Education 23 SCHS: School of Community and Health Studies

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implemented and evaluated during 2013-14 in SCHS26

outcomes and evaluations developed

• Current IPE activities documented

• IPE activities integrated into the Child and Youth Work and Police Foundations, faculty from the Department of Community Services and School of Business collaborated on a joint IPE learning experience for students in courses focused on global community development

• March 29, 2014- Expanded Interprofessional Mock Disaster Exercise- included guest health providers, educators and government representatives plus over 250 students from universities and colleges. New initiatives and research included: testing a new communications systems, Incident Command Systems, integration of Disaster Strikes course for students and testing a new psycho-social triage system

Inspiring Stories of Success

New music program has them dancing in the aisles The new Music Industry and Arts Performance program began in September 2013 with an 28 students and capacity enrolment of 50 students in 2014. This unique program is focused on popular music; North American Indigenous music and World Music theory, composition and performance combined with recording technology skills and business/entrepreneurial skills. The students capped their year with an amazing end-of-year concert that had the audience dancing and singing along in their seats and in the aisles.

24 IPE: Interprofessional Education 25 IPC: Interprofessional Care 26 SCHS: School of Community and Health Studies

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The drive for quality never stops The School of Business has completed an extensive review of its undergraduate programs to make our programs more current and relevant to employers and students. We conducted an external review by expert panels, created faculty teams for review and development of course offerings, and designed more potential pathways and opportunities for accreditation and stackable credentials. We’re excited about our new emphasis on global leadership and management, innovation, entrepreneurship and social enterprise.

Students are the stars of our new welcome video A new six minute “college services” video was piloted at January’s orientations (which collectively attracted over 1900 students). What makes this video so great is that it features real Centennial students, speaking directly to their new peers. The video is an overview all our student services, raising awareness on how to "get started", "get involved" and "get supported" at Centennial. The video can be viewed via the following link: http://youtu.be/wqpYpGR2rhk Centennial innovator recognized by RBC Harpreet Singh, a recent Computer Networking graduate, participated in RBC Next Great Innovator Challenge last June and won the competition, beating 54 teams from 22 schools across Canada. Harpeet credits Centennial College and the co-operative education department for contributing to his team’s success at the competition. The team was awarded $5,000 by a panel of RBC executives for creating a working mobile app that would make everyday banking easier.

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Commitment #4 Redefine the relationship between education, experience and employment. Centennial has always believed that the classroom and the workplace work best when they work together – exchanging ideas in an ecosystem of mutual innovation and opportunity. This is far more than just ensuring our programs are relevant; it’s about blending education, experience and employment to benefit students, employers and community partners equally. In 2013-2014 we made some great new advances – remarkable in an area that has always been a priority for us. For example, we’ve taken one of our greatest achievements of recent years – the Signature Learning Experience – and applied it to the experience and value we want to offer to our industry partners and our employees. We’ve evolved our programs across the whole life-cycle of the student experience to build employability factors into more of the choices students make and we have done the planning and attracted the resources to create exceptional new learning spaces and environments in which our most vital collaborations take place – in classrooms, in labs, in libraries, in gymnasiums and in our shared, common spaces. Redefining the relationship between education, experience and employment is inherently dynamic as it demands constant, agile re-alignment of our curriculum, programs and services to match the needs of our learners and our employers and the new realities we face in our work and personal lives. Top Priority Actions 2013-2014

Performance Measurement 2013-2014

Achievements 2013-2014

Develop a signature industry experience.

Begin development of a new Signature Industry Experience (SIE) Framework

• Develop a framework, coordinate with other strategic initiatives (i.e. career development, graduate employment, industry sector alignment) and begin implementation

• Inaugural Signature Industry Experience Framework developed, integration and implementation begun

Through broad consultation, develop and implement an institutional Career Development/Employability Strategy and enhance career services and resources

• Develop and implement a Career Development/Employability Strategy

• Establish priorities to enhance employability skills for diverse student profiles, increase the range of experiential learning opportunities and improve graduate employment outcomes.

• Career Development and Graduate Employment Strategy and Implementation Plan developed

• Priorities established • Career development

resources enhanced: new career planning and employment skills training materials developed and self-help resources made

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• Integrate new employment management software and enhance operational resources and services

• Launch a 24/7 online job search tool for students

available in print and online

• HireCentennial, the new online job portal launched, 6,223 students, including graduates, have registered and created profiles and 1,143 employers have posted jobs

Continue consultation and review of Co-operative Education services and curriculum

• Review Co-op services and curriculum and integrate improvements into operations

• Co-op review is still underway, initial findings will align curriculum more closely with emerging industry trends, employer expectations and the new essential skills, with new flexible models of delivery

Create a new framework for strategic partnerships with employers

• New Employer framework to be created; 10 partnerships developed

• Underway, to be accomplished in 2014/2015

Expand experimental learning.

Create cross-disciplinary activities to advance utilization of simulation as an experiential learning methodology in SETAS

• Roof simulators used as learning and research tools for Energy, Architectural Programs, and Environmental programs

• 4 capstone projects across SETAS Energy, Architecture and Environmental programs: incorporate roof simulators, 2 industry partners involved

Establish the model and criteria for a Simulation Centre in the SCHS with external partners

• Feasibility study for building a Simulation Centre to be completed

• Feasibility study completed, report to be released in May 2014

Continue with space and infrastructure upgrades for simulated labs in SCHS

• Simulation training for 15 laboratory technicians to be completed in August 2013

• Lab expansions for Pharmacy Tech, Nursing, Paramedic, Police Foundations completed

• Radio Studio facility revitalization to be completed at Story Arts Centre

• 15 Lab technicians trained • 15 Paramedic Lab

instructors trained, 6 faculty for Sim-one (Ontario’s Simulation Health Care Network) Training trained

• Lab expansions for Pharmacy Tech, Paramedic, Police Foundations completed, Nursing Lab renovation plans finalized, renovation will be completed - Summer 2014

• Proposed radio studio renovation and digital hardware additions- concept phase completed

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and ready for submission to Space Committee

Implement the strategic campus space plan.

Position Centennial in the forefront of innovation and program design to meet aerospace sector needs

• Accelerate investment from major industry leaders, academic partners, and all levels of government

• Secure Downsview Aerospace Campus (Dehavilland building) – Phase I of the project

• Achieve Bombardier training agreement

• Develop Phase II plan for the Innovation Hub

• $26 Million from Province for Phase I

• Provincial Funding of $272,400 for Provincial Human Resources Study

• Canadair Regional Jet Donation from Bombardier

• Lease drafted and RFP process underway to secure architect

• Youth Skills funding of $497,000 secured to delivery Bombardier Fast Track Training program

• Working with Canadian Lands Company (CLC) to finalize Real Estate Strategy for Innovation Hub

• SETAS submitted proposal to Ministry to offer Aerospace Manufacturing Engineering Technician/Technology diplomas which will be offered at the Centennial Downsview Aerospace Campus

Maintain strong emphasis on creating quality learning and living spaces by enhancing campus facilities that foster a practical and welcoming environment, conducive to teaching and learning

• Renovation at Ashtonbee Campus to be completed as follows: new gym for occupancy by September 2013 and the new library occupancy end of December 2013

• Phase II proposal for Ashtonbee to be completed by January 2014

• Conduct RFP for new Student Residence, begin implementation of the project

• Ashtonbee Campus Revitalization Project – Gymnasium and Library occupancy on schedule

• Formal grand opening ceremony completed in April 2014

• Phase II is expected to be completed by September 2014 and Educational Consulting Services Corporation (ECS) have been engaged to provide academic programing recommendations Ashtonbee

• Extensive RFP process took place throughout the fiscal year resulting in the

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selection and Board approval of a 3P partnership with Knightstone Capital Management for the development of a new College Student Residence.

• Substantial building design changes made - standard residence building transformed to incorporate a ground level Culinary Arts Academic facility and restaurant as well as an 8th floor Conference Centre.

• Site plan application was submitted in March 2014. Construction to commence in Summer 2014. planned opening for September 2016

Inspiring Stories of Success

A new living lab for the best in foodservice We have started work on the new Centennial College Residence and Culinary Arts Centre at Progress Campus. The new eight-story residence building will be home to our Culinary Arts Centre, complete with six labs, a teaching restaurant and eight new classrooms. The labs will be naturally lit with enormous glass panels so that those passing by can see our students learning in our professional facilities. A conference and banquet centre on the top floor will be serviced by the kitchens below, with space for 425 guests.

Making space for Aerospace In a bold new move to accelerate our position as a leader in the Aerospace industry we’re underway on renovating the former de Havilland aircraft manufacturing plant at Downsview Park to create a new Downsview Aerospace Campus. Our students, faculty and industry partners will enjoy larger classroom, workshop and hangar space and access to working runways for the College’s aerospace and aviation programs. The current target for relocation of the Aerospace and Aviation programming is September 2016.

HireCentennial Goes Live! This year, Career Services and Co-operative Education launched HireCentennial, a new online job portal for students, alumni and employers. HireCentennnial brings a higher profile to our students and graduates in the job market and will also provide enhanced services and improved tracking capability to measure the success of the service. HireCentennial provides students with 24/7 access to part time, co-op and full time job postings and the ability to apply directly to companies using the portal.

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Preparing students with disabilities for the world of work OUTSmart is the only student conference of its kind in the Ontario College system, preparing students with disabilities for the world of work. This past year, OUTSmart was extended from a one to a three day workshop. Partnering with Career Services, industry professionals and alumni, the Centre for Students with Disabilities delivered its third and most successful conference yet. Centennial a PR powerhouse Corporate Communications and Public Relations student Amanda Patterson was earned the CPRS Toronto Student of the Year award, presented by the Canadian Public Relations Society. This is the second year in a row that a Centennial student took the CPRS Award, which makes the college a powerhouse, having won three CPRS Student Awards out of the past four years. Funeral Home looks to students for consumer insights Marketing students in our Consumer Analysis course were given a unique assignment: research the needs of multicultural consumers with respect to funeral services. The request was made by the General Manager of a well-respected and longstanding family-owned business in Scarborough. The students conducted in-depth interviews with people from the Caribbean, Filipinos, Hindus and others who detailed their customs and rituals involved in honouring the deceased. The business was so impressed and delighted with the students' research results, plans are being made for further collaborations that will benefit this important business partner and our School of Business students who are learning to sharpen their marketing skills in a real-world application.

Kidsmediacentre Visits Grassy Narrows Reserve The kidsmediacentre at Centennial College, funded by an ARIC Fellowship, planned a five day journey where three journalism students and two faculty members went to the Grassy Narrows Reserve and taught the use of camera, design software and essay development to children in Grade 4 and Grade 7/8. The Learning Centred College award winning project provided the creative, design and organization skills that allow these children to document their own life story in a creative way, forging a sense of personal pride and pride in community.

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Commitment #5 Make a bigger promise to students. We know that our students want to be part of a place where they can see themselves; where they are seen and see others as people and as learners together, and a place where they can feel deeply respected and valued; where their learning goals can be achieved. To respond to this fundamental expectation we must reflect the diversity and changing needs of our students for inclusion, and resources and compassion for the increasingly complex challenges they face. In 2013-2014 we have developed new academic offerings and innovative services to support the whole person in their learning journey. Through new degree programs, new Continuing Education opportunities, practical programs related to English language skills, social justice and equity, career success, and through explicit investment in our resources for Aboriginal students and others who experience barrier to post-secondary education, we have stood behind our desire to not only promise more to our students, but to deliver on that promise; and to be more relevant to those seeking greater meaning in their lives, greater opportunities for meaningful work to make meaningful contributions to our civil society. Top Priority Actions 2013-2014

Performance Measurement 2013-2014

Achievement 2013-2014

Increase number of Degree Liberal Studies Courses available in all our existing Degree Programs

• Increase new Degree Liberal Studies Courses as elective offerings in Applied Degree programs to 19

• Receive approval from Ryerson Senate for new Degree Liberal Studies courses offered in the Collaborative Nursing Degree program

• As of fall 2013, a new suite of degree liberal studies courses were offered as electives in the Applied Degree programs

• Received approval from Ryerson Senate in October 2013 for the following courses: offered in the Collaborative Nursing Degree program: Ethics for the Plural World (PHL 215) and Global Citizenship and Equity – World Hunger (GCE 215)

Enhance the quality and integrity of the learning experience.

Provide leadership and support on the development of new Emergency Management degree27

• Develop, market and resource – the implementation of Emergency Management Degree for Fall 2014 start (pending Ministerial approval)

• Developed, marketed and resourced - implementation of Emergency Management Degree for Fall 2014 start (pending Ministerial approval)

• Emergency Management Degree- report and site visit is completed and PEQAB review in progress

27 EMPS: Emergency Management and Public Safety

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Develop a concept for the transformation of the Emergency Management and Public Safety Institute (EMPSI28) to a Centre of Excellence for Emergency Management

• Model for Centre of Excellence for Emergency Management to be completed and recommendations made

• Model for Centre of Excellence for Emergency Management completed and recommendations made

• Conceptual model including the 3 primary areas of focus (education & training, simulation and research & innovation) developed and presented to EMPSI Steering Committee. Work progresses on tangible goals, objectives & tasks to realize success in these focus areas.

Brand our English Language Learning (ELL) program as an internationally recognized program of quality through a Languages Canada accreditation

• Languages Canada accreditation to be awarded in Fall 2013

• Full accreditation awarded with no conditions

School of Continuing Education will develop and implement quality metrics through survey tool to capture student feedback to improve student supports, customer services and the overall student experience

• Develop metrics and implement survey tool

• Complete feedback report decrease negative comments by 20%

• Survey tool completed, will be implemented in June 2014

• Customer services, through feedback report, improved by 25% through implementing 7 customer service commitments

Deepen our focus on the entire student life cycle.

Expand opportunities and activities designed to raise student awareness of social justice, equity and inclusion issues

• Expand pilot project in the School of Community and Health Studies (SCHS) with Canadian Red Cross and increase participation rates by 10%

• In preparation for PAN AM games in 2015 - develop and deliver five new workshops and, seminars through the Student Relations Office in 2013-14 and participate in one GTA PAN AM

• Expanded pilot project in the School of Community and Health Studies (SCHS) with Canadian Red Cross and increased participation rates by 10%

• . • In preparation for PAN AM games in

2015 - developed and delivered five new workshops and seminars through the Student Relations Office and participated in one GTA PAN AM Preparation Event

• An MOU between Red Cross and Centennial College will be finalized and signed shortly.

• Through collaboration with CISCO/School of Continuing Education, opportunities for faculty and students in the CISCO programs, to participate

28 EMPSI: Emergency Management and Public Safety Institute

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Preparation Event in PAN AM games available. Opportunity extended to full-time students through collaboration with SETAS

• Mock Disaster of approximately 350 participants (students, faculty & practitioners, both local and international) completed March 29, 2014. "Lessons learned” for this event will be implemented in several simulations in the GTA in preparation for the Pan Am games and disseminated in national and international emergency management meetings

• Student Relations designed, coordinated and/or delivered Programs on Women’s Issues, Cultural awareness, Conflict Resolution, Racism Awareness, Suicide Prevention and Disability Awareness at the four campuses

• Expanded opportunities and activities designed to raise student awareness of social justice, equity and inclusion issues as follows:

• Faculty and students in the Community and Justice Services Program, Department of Community Services, led three events in 2013-14 at Centennial’s Progress campus: (1) “Walk a mile in her shoes”: “The International Men's March to Stop Rape, Sexual Assault & Gender Violence” http://www.walkamileinhershoes.org/

• A fundraising fashion show in support of girls.inc held and a food drive for the organization “Youth without Shelter”

Initiate Alumni Chapters Plan and establish Centennial's first Alumni Chapter Group

• Complete Alumni Plan and contact 9500 Alumni

• Establish First Alumni Chapter in Athletics

• 9500 Alumni contacted • Community & Health Chapter


Increase focus on direct recruitment of Aboriginal students through visits to all GTA29 high schools with significant Aboriginal

• Visits and on-campus events completed, increase attendance by 10%; increase enrolment by 10%

• Completed 2 Aboriginal Circles at Progress and Morningside Campuses – increased participation from 12 students in 2012-2013 to 24 in 2013-2014 (100% increase)

• Via self-identification at Orientation

29 GTA: Greater Toronto Area

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populations and hold annual on-campus events for prospective Aboriginal students

and the Student Financial Services Questionnaire enrolment increased from 115 in 2012/13 to 137 in 2013/14 (22% growth).

• KPI data (April 2014), total enrolment of Aboriginal students is just under 600 students

Respond to the needs of our diverse learners.

Enhance English proficiency by adding a high level communications course in all post-graduate model routes in SoB30 and SETAS31

• Include communication courses in all post-graduate module routes in SoB and SETAS for Fall 2013 semester

• BUSN 732 added to 4 post- graduate programs in the SoB as a pilot

Respond to increased numbers of students with disabilities at Morningside Campus and extend student services unit at Ashtonbee Campus

• Develop recommendations and implement

• Increase student satisfaction with student disability services by 1%

• The Ashtonbee renovated facilites includes enhanced space for the Centre for Student with Disabilities (CSD) and other student services with full time, front desk support

• Morningside demand for disability services is under review

• CSD student satisfaction increased over last year, by 3 per cent to 71 per cent

Offer new preparatory workshops for IELTS32 candidates through the Centre for Academic English

• Offer intensive workshops in Winter 2014 to refine candidates’ skills, and increase success in either the IELTS33 Academic or General Training Test

• 11 sessions held (each session was comprised of 4 workshops)

Inspiring Stories of Success

myApplication boosts service levels and efficiency Through the hard work of the Admissions team, the Enrolment Services Systems group and IT, an innovative new online service “myApplication” was launched in January. On average, every January Centennial receives more than 20,000 program applications from approximately 15,000 unique applicants applying for the Fall admission. This activity results in thousands of calls to the Admissions Office from individuals checking on the status of their applications. myApplication is a web-based tool where Centennial College applicants

30 SoB: School of Business 31 SETAS: School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science 32 IELTS: International English Language Testing System 33 IELTS International English Language Testing System

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can review the status of their active college applications. Offers of admission were previously mailed to applicants; now they can also receive their offers to Centennial College programs in “real time”.

More ways to get moving We’re underway on the development of a comprehensive student wellness strategy, designed to support students in all of their wellness needs. Central to the strategy is the provision of high quality athletic and recreation facilities. Following on the success of the Progress Athletics and Wellness Centre, in December 2013, the Ashtonbee gym was transformed into a holistic fitness centre. Sporting a newly refurbished gym, a yoga room, weight machines, state-of-the-art exercise equipment that will track student’s progress, and instructional videos and personalized machine feedback, the new facility is well positioned to enhance physical well-being. Making time for mental health The Mental Health First Aid Course, a 12-hour workshop, is gathering momentum. There has been significant uptake by the Centennial faculty and staff community (often twice the number wanting to attend the workshop than we can accommodate) and great support for it. Indeed, the feedback we are receiving speaks for itself - "Awesome content" "Extremely helpful in my job" and "a valuable asset to me, not only in my work environment but also in my personal life."

Getting into Leadershape During March Break, 48 students (a 17% increase in participation over last year) from a broad spectrum of Centennial College programs participated in a week of intense leadership learning and life-changing experiences at the Me to We Leadership Centre in Kawartha Lakes, Ontario. Now in its second year, the Leadershape experience challenges and transforms not only students but also staff participating as facilitators, through leadership capacity development. By exploring self-awareness, values, integrity, respect, diversity, a personal vision, and the importance of relationships and community, students leave Leadershape with new perspectives and a new understanding of themselves as a person, and as emerging leaders.

HYPE Graduation – Bringing Post-Secondary Dreams to Life Since 2004, Centennial has worked with local community service agencies to identify youth who could benefit from Helping Youth Pursue Education (HYPE), a six-week tuition-free program that also offers participants free transportation, meals and learning materials. The 2013 HYPE graduation ceremony was the College's largest to date with 112 graduates receiving their certificates. Special recruitment efforts this year resulted in the participation of 12 Aboriginal youth graduates. About 35 HYPE graduates enrolled in full-time programs at Centennial this fall, aided by bursaries that the College earmarked for them.

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Commitment #6 Ensure smart stewardship and the truly sustainable College. Ensuring smart stewardship and sustainability is fundamental to our capacity to deliver on all our other Commitments. We do not just want to think in terms of being “funded”. We have always set our sights higher. We want to ensure we are building in the capacity for the sustainable growth that our community needs and deserves, and that we are attracting strong public and private partnership investment and engaged, committed investors and philanthropists. We have established an operating model that is sound and sustainable. We also aspire to be the leader in our sector in understanding and demonstrating the tangible social and economic impacts of what we do, clearly telling the story of why what we do matters; not only so that we can hold ourselves accountable for the return on resources but also because it is the right thing to do - we owe this to our community and our province. The specific metrics below show the extent of innovation in how we are successfully attracting investment, protecting revenue sources, driving resource accountability and efficiencies, increasing financial skills and knowledge, managing risk and managing growth. Top Priority Actions 2013-2014

Performance Measurement 2013-2014

Achievement 2013-2014

Generate revenue and attract more private sector investments.

Initiate recruitment of campaign chairs and cabinets for our Centennial College fundraising campaign

• Recruit key executive chair roles, Ashtonbee, Pickering Learning Site and six School cabinets

• 13 Campaign Chair positions recruited

• Impact Campaign launched with a fundraising goal of $40M, to be equally divided capital projects and student scholarships

Increase Domestic Enrolment Strategies

• Increase overall domestic enrolment by 2.2%

• Re-establish bi-directional links to high schools: increase faculty visits, dual credit offerings and campus tours

• Conduct professional development sessions with high school teachers

• Establish links to Parent/Teacher Councils to promote college programs

• Domestic enrolment increased by 2.1% over the previous year

• SETAS, SOB, SHCS faculty participate in recruitment visits to 15 top feeder/Specialist High Skills Major high schools

• Through School College Work Initiative, hosted Career Exploration Days in May/13 for grade 7/8 students of Toronto District School Board (112 students) and York Region School Board (105 students)

• 282 tours hosted (25%

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increase), 938 people (39% increase)

• Participated in Ontario School Counsellors’ Association conference

Increase revenue generation through international enrolment growth

• Increase international enrolment by 3.4%

• Continue to diversify countries

• Establish two new offices (e.g. a fourth office in a new region in China, a replacement office in Seoul, Korea

• Create ten new international MoUs34 and articulations agreements

• International enrolment increased 8.1% or 836 students

• International students from 92 countries, 27 countries with double digit registration

• 9 new MOUs and MOAs signed with institutions in Korea, Italy, Israel, China, Spain, and the USA

Grow our capacity to raise pledged commitments and cash in support of scholarships and capital developments

• Raise $1.1M in cash and pledged commitments for Capital

• Raise $1.6M in cash and pledged commitments for scholarship support (endowment and general scholarships)

• Raise $2.0M in cash for special events

• Increase scholarships and bursaries by 19%

• Current endowment at $19.2M an increase of $1.8M

• $125K over goal in general scholarship commitments

• $2M donation from the Alumni Association to the Ashtonbee renewal project

Develop on- and off-campus events and recruitment initiatives that target non-direct entry students, Internationally Trained Individuals (ITI’s), primary feeder schools, and community organizations

• Develop and deliver one new on-campus initiative and one new off-campus initiative to a minimum of 500 non-direct potential applicants

• Develop and deliver one new on-campus and off-campus activity to a minimum of 50% of guidance counselors in our primary feeder schools

• Participated in 8 off-campus events with non-direct audiences to over 1,000 non-direct prospects

• Guidance Counsellors Breakfast - 45 counsellors attended – 87% of total invited

• Hosting Central Region Dialogues (May 2, 2014) for up to 400 guidance counsellors

Create a total return on investment metric inclusive of social impact.

Develop a new accountability framework for measuring return on investment (ROI) inclusive of both economic and social impact (SI)

• Research and develop framework for measuring Social Impact

• Participate in Colleges Ontario study on Economic Impact

• Community Engagement (Social Impact) Framework developed, inaugural audit to be conducted in 2014-15

• Economic Impact study completed

34 MoU: Memorandum of Understanding

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Increase sustainability, generate efficiencies.

Create an Enterprise Risk Management Framework

• Create an Enterprise Risk Management Framework, engage all stakeholders in training, create database, begin risk assessments in all departments, develop a dashboard and all related policies/processes

• Design annual simulation event (based on current events and lessons learned in 2013 simulation) for Business Continuity Plan and Emergency Management Plan, extend to include overarching Enterprise Risk Management Framework

• ERM Framework created, training begun, risk assessment begun (policies, processes and dashboard to be completed in 2014-15

• Simulation event designed, event to be held in June 2014

Develop, monitor, report and implement a five year Energy Conservation Plan, including submission of energy consumption and Green House Gas emission to conserve energy as mandated by the Ministry of Energy under the Green Act, 2009, Section 6 to meet the deadline of June 01, 2014

• Developed and begin implementation of a five year Energy Conservation Plan in collaboration with expert energy consulting firm and develop performance metrics

• Plan developed, implementation begun; anticipate reduction of energy consumption by 1% for 2014 -2015

Develop and incorporate finance seminars into the regular operations of the Finance Department

• Improve understanding and knowledge attained through analysis of financial records in schools/departments

• Finance seminars launched through the Centre for Organizational Learning (COLT) on purchasing, consulting services, travel, and reporting; online training materials created

Increase online presence and utilization

• Improve employee capacity to manage financial responsibilities through online tools

• Redesigned finance intranet website launched with content, training materials and information to support all finance users

Continue to roll out advanced decision support functionality across the College, inclusive of clear and usable dashboards, scorecards, analytics, drill-down reporting capability and dynamic reports which will allow us to measure the

• Implement Banner Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system to help measure effectiveness of campaigns or other operations

• Complete program and school level scorecard and

• ERP Dashboard completed - will be released to the College community in 2014/15

• Similar dashboards and advanced reports in production for release to Continuing Education and

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effectiveness of operations and communication campaigns

make accessible on AISMARTR system by March 2014

Finance in 2014/15

Create an Academic Resource Planning (ARP) system that includes many integrated software products and new business processes to optimize space and personnel utilization

• Complete for approval, high level system design and project plan by June 2013

• Implement first phase of the ARP by March 2014

• Design and project plan completed and approved

• Phase I and II merged into continuous process.

• EPAF Pilot Go-live, EPAF Support Framework, and EPAF Training completed

• ARP Developer selection complete

Launch a mobile applications and engagement pilot for smart applications that empower students and staff to be engaged and make more informed decisions

• Measure adoption and utilization by students of the mobile service - baseline data measured through web analytics

• The beta product developed and released to a limited number of students and staff for testing; full release and baseline measurement planned for September 2014

Increase capacity for functional systems development, upgrades, and improved processes through increased automation in Student and Community Engagement department

• Reduce backlog of systems’ projects reduced; improve ability to meet most internal and external deadlines; test to ensure smooth go-live; and improve service to students

• 10% increase in students use of automated processes, reducing lengths of line-ups at front counter and fewer complaints

• Admissions “myApplication” module implemented

• ORPL (Online Recognition of Prior Learning) application implemented

• XML transcripts (electronic transmission and receipt of transcripts between institutions) implemented

Explore additional ways for students to view their accounts and make payments with a goal to identifying and anticipating future strategies for improved student services

• Complete identification of strategies and develop implementation plan

• Pay for tuition with Aeroplan points via HigherEd Points implemented

• Online debit payment functionality implemented

• Visa Debit identified, will be operational by May 2014

Develop an occupational health and safety risk assessment framework, and build into HR database to help manage and mitigate risks Risk mitigation strategies will be developed following risk audits

• Risk assessment framework to be completed by March 31, 2014

• Risk assessment in place for 100% of schools, with highest risks categorized by April 2014

• The college completed its assessment of risks under the Occupational Health and Safety Act in 2013; culmination of a 3 year process and represents a major milestone in the implementation of Centennial’s Health and Safety management system

• All schools are working on the development of risk mitigation plans and

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protocols to minimize the risk of injury to students and staff college-wide – will be completed in 2014-15

Restructure SEM35 Committee to bring targeted focus to domestic enrolment competitive challenges, and the creation of viable, sustainable solutions

• Identify and implement top 5-6 institutional SEM strategies to increase/sustain domestic enrolment

• Develop new competitive programs to attract large numbers of applicants and meet enrolment targets

• Top 6 institutional SEM Strategies identified and implementation begun

• SEM Committee created new operationally focused committee- Centennial's Enrolment Innovation Committee (CEIC) to develop and operationalize strategic directions for enrolment

• 10 new programs developed in 2013-14, with 3 new Ontario college-to-university pathways

Replace aging parking control system to improve revenue controls and parking services

• Replace current system by Fall 2013

• Parking control system replacement to take place during July/Aug 2014

Improve financial processes through leveraging our investment in Banner finance

• Improve processes, consistency, and financial controls, reduce errors, increase resource productivity

• Designed a new system for accepting payments online, will significantly improve College’s ability to accept online payments for ancillary activities; system will be launched June 2014

• Online approvals in Banner rolled out to 50% of end users

• Finance Sharepoint site expanded to include electronic webforms for the request to invoice process

• New hierarchy driven capital reports, created to offer drill down capabilities

• Finance procurement initiatives website launched as a public facing web page to highlight the College’s procurement activity

35 SEM: Strategic Enrollment Management

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Inspiring Stories of Success

Centennial doors open wider for international students International full-time enrolment in fall 2013 is 4,186 students, representing an increase of 405 students over last year. This growth can be attributed to some the following accomplishments:

• Further expansion of markets in China and India

• Strategic increases in marketing and recruitment activities in Brazil, Vietnam, the Middle East, North Africa (including Turkey), Central Africa (focusing on Nigeria), Israel and Mexico

• Increased use of digital media (virtual fairs and social media) to support program development, promotion, student support, communication, recruitment, and other elements

Measuring our Social Return on Investment Research and Corporate Planning are in the process of creating an innovative, groundbreaking Social Return on Investment tool and report using Community Development metrics. The tool, which will measure economic prosperity and social innovation, will lead the conversation provincially and nationally.

Emergency and Disaster Planning We collaborated with all departments and schools in the ongoing development and coordination of the Emergency-Disaster Plan and Business Continuity Plan and worked closely with the Department of Finance in the development of an Enterprise Risk Management Framework.

Centennial College Annual Report 2013-2014


Commitment #7 Lead the conversation. Our commitment to lead the conversation comes from the belief that we need to be even more vocal in telling our story, not to call attention to ourselves or attract praise, but to extend our reach and relevance and to connect in more ways within and beyond our borders - across sectors and communities, across the country and around the globe. Some of our most important audiences are challenging to reach and many are already bombarded with messages and information in their daily lives. We have to be efficient, creative and nimble in how we communicate and connect with our broad and diverse audiences. In 2013-2014 we opened up more channels to more audiences than ever before: deepening our presence in social media, increasing the accessibility of our vast web resources, welcoming more people to experience our spaces in person and online, and creating new ways for students in particular to be better informed about everything they need to have a great learning experience with us, inside and outside of the classroom. Top Priority Actions 2013-2014

Performance Measurement 2013-2014

Achievement 2013-2014

Continue to create leading edge and transformational marketing materials.

Reach out to employees and provide the greater context and reasons behind the College’s operations and decisions

• Publish Three Questions, and The BigQuestion (new in 2013) monthly

• Three Questions and The Big Question published monthly

• College Report provided to update college community on operations and decisions, aligned with the Our Book of Commitments – Second Edition

Continue to create unique, leading edge communication tools, advertising campaigns and compelling media stories Maintain top of mind awareness amongst prospective students and all key stakeholders (parents, employers, students, donors, government, alumni and other global audiences)

• Measure effectiveness through proprietary research and competitive online analytics

• Overall visitors to the College website increased by 6.6% over last year

• Mass multi-media campaign and program cluster campaign successfully launched in outdoor media, newspapers and online

• Six month PR campaign launched supporting 4 schools, achieving exceptional industry impression rates

Amplify reach and actively engage with online communities profiling the

• Integrate mobile technology, as appropriate, in all media channels

• New website launched that is accessible (AODA compliant) and responsive

Centennial College Annual Report 2013-2014


Centennial College brand and attributes

• Maintain and optimize Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing and Social Media Marketing

to mobile technology (tablets and mobile devices)

• Key programs promoted through search engines and display advertising, and promoted through Facebook, Twitter, and other social media

Refresh targeted communication campaigns to improve admissions, retention, international recruitment and to increase student success

• Targeted communications campaign to applicants to create a 'one-stop' shop approach to communications, focusing on important information supporting student retention and success

• Refreshed campaign implemented

• Offer letters improved, all brochures updated to contain clear step-by-step information to reduce attrition and increase persistence in application process

Celebrate Centennial’s 50th anniversary.

Begin planning process for Centennial’s 50th Anniversary in 2016

• Develop planning process with working group

• Planning process begun

Inspiring Stories of Success Website Re-launch On Monday, March 31, 2014, Marketing and Communications launched a redesigned and rejuvenated College website to better meets the needs of Centennial’s worldwide market. The new content management system, Umbraco, ensures easier access by persons of every ability (AODA36 compliant) and for those using mobile technology (tablets, mobile devices, etc.) The new design uses more photographs and video content to reinforce Centennial’s institutional brand. The new site contains more and improved information about our programs and services and features success stories to show what makes Centennial distinctive in a competitive post-secondary education market. The website redesign was made possible thanks to many stakeholders at Centennial who worked with the digital communications team to provide the input and guidance needed to recast the site as a helpful resource centre for all. Public Relations Pilot Generates Positive Media Coverage Centennial’s pilot public relations pilot has been successful. A brief winter driving survey commissioned by Centennial College through its public relations agency, Citizen Optimum, received considerable media attention just as the weather turned slippery in mid-November. The survey revealed that 43 per cent of drivers would stay home if winter weather proved challenging and only half of Ontario drivers install snow tires on their vehicles seasonally. The survey, which saw Centennial’s School of Transportation representatives quoted numerous times, was covered by the Toronto Star, 680 News, Ottawa Citizen and numerous community newspapers and local radio stations. 36 Accessibility Ontario Disability Act

Centennial College Annual Report 2013-2014


The Big Race Wins International Gold Quill Award The collaborative work done by the students in several programs at the Story Arts Centre has won an International Gold Quill from the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) for audio visual. The award recognizes “The Big Race”, a Project Fusion product on transit in Toronto. Our students are delighted!

College-wide conversations on global citizenship In partnership with Centennial Libraries, we hosted a Social Justice Speaker Series, which discussed violence against women and girls. We also continued to host the Philosopher’s Café. Some of the topics included looking at our leaders. Both activities are important as they allow students, faculty and staff to have discussions on some of the important issues of today.

Centennial Varsity Athletics – Raising the Profile Increasing Centennial’s profile on the provincial athletics scene is one of our goals. Centennial Varsity Teams are now transported in a “Centennialized” bus – one that has received a newly designed bus wrap to promote Varsity Athletics, the CCSAI, Athletics and Wellness Centre and the College. Between Varsity events, the bus is used by other College Departments including the CCSAI.

Community Outreach Honoured In recognition of the long tradition of excellence in community college teaching and leadership, the League established the John & Suanne Roueche Excellence Awards in 2012. These awards are open to League Alliance member institutions to celebrate outstanding contributions and leadership by community college faculty and staff. Recipients are recognized in a series of activities and promotions, and honored at special events at the League's Innovations conference each spring. This year, Mede Ovbiagele was honoured with the 2013 John & Suanne Roueche Excellence Awards for his outstanding work in the community, supporting underserved youth and developing partnerships and relationships with community organizations to create opportunities and programs for these youth. President’s Spirit Award Winners The President’s Spirit Awards are presented to members of our college community whose actions illustrate the intent of Gandhi's words - "Be the change you wish to see in the world…”. The awards recognize an outstanding commitment to students or examples of community-building that inspire others. Award recipients included: 10-10-10 Project Donna Lindell, Maija Saari, Nate Horowitz

Graphic Design Team Lorine Critch, Sharon Lewis

Extended Family Ian Barnett, Michael Kaufmann, Ravisangar Apputhurai

Morningside Ice Rink Project Francis Lapointe, Michael Gauthier

Centennial College Annual Report 2013-2014


AVAYA Implementation Team Bev Shugg-Barbeito, Cheryl Shipley, Damian Jeganathan, Grace Vona, Jack Vaz, Josh Burstyn, Ken Klucha, Leslie Levere, Mike Mikolay, Rene Chakraborty

Finance Sharepoint Development Team Isaac Salameh, Jing Tian, John Bertie, Lubna Saleem, Tony Samlal, Uma Jeyanthakumar

Marketing and Communications: Student Services Project Bruce Williams, Marcus Haddad, Patricia Delle Monache, Prafulla Prabhu

School of Advancement: Dorset Park Amanda Clare, Biljana Bruce, Cheryl Butler, Holly Drover, Jenna Ritchie, Jill McDonald, Laurina Aranha, Linda Neil, Mark Johnson, Mina Wong, Paula Green, Rosina Agyepong, Vincent Altez

Strong Girls Strong Women Anthony Bertin, Cathy Schlender, Christine Haesler, Elissa Bhanpersaud, Gosha Trzaski, Janna Erichsen, Jennifer Hann, Kristi Harrison, Laurie Malabar, Lynda Kosowan, Lynnea Strathdee, Marilyn Scott, Melanie Holmes, Olivia Scobie, Varsha Patel, Verona Barclay, Yasmin Razack

Student Financial Services Allana Williams, Henry Wang, Nadine Stora

Individual Awards Christine White-Garcia, Dale Thorington, Joan Store, Josephine Park, Malcolm Kelly, Patrick Kelly, Preeti Sharma, Violet Kiriakos, Virginia Macchiavello, Caroline Mbuthia

Learning Centred Awards Business Capstone Project Anthony Bertin, Fred Winegust Ghauthamy Sriskantharajah (student), Liz Clarke, Michael Vourakes, Pran Karmakar (student), Samavia Asif (student)

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design: Model Creation Exercise Philip Semple

Electrical Metering: Real Time Operating System Bruce Rae, Ken Lee, Mike Lloyd, Nick Vendetti, Tyrone Gangoo

Making Culture Matter Symposium Jason Voulgaris (student), Shelley Crawford, Stephanie Carrillo

Leadership Passport Christine Haesler, Cliff Mark, Craig Stephenson, Darryl Creeden, Jennifer Leith, Kevin Rajpaulsingh, Lianne Newman, Mark Hastings, Samira Amin

Mindful Medics Alecks Walner (student), Kevin Sam (student), Lorraine Gilks, Meghan Moreau (student), Rachel Hood (student), Sarah Murphy (student), Sheryl Parsons (student), Wendy McGillis

Progress Student Hub & Student Highway Renovations

Strategic Planning and Implementation of the Emergency Management Plan

Centennial College Annual Report 2013-2014


Adam Crabe, Fidelis Tagsa, Jelena Vulovic-Basic, Mark Simpson, Nick Vendetti, Sandi Dang, Tyrone Gangoo

Ginette Soulieres, John Sinclair, Matt Little

The Adaptive Collaborative Learning Experience -10.10.10 & The Big Race Nate Horowitz, Barry Waite, Donna Lindell, Gabriel Bedard, Maija Saari, Meaghan Savage (student), Nadine Bukhman (student)

Board of Governors Award of Excellence Community Partnership Award David McClyment

Distinguished Academic Employee Award Holly Fraser

Distinguished Administrative Employee Award Christine Haesler

Distinguished Support Staff Award Larry Goldin

Student Leadership Award Ahmed Bawah

Team Achievement Award Career & College Transition Night School Team

George Wicken Award Recipient

Dr. Joseph Glass, faculty of the General Education Department of the School of Advancement was honoured and rewarded with the 2014 George Wicken Award for teaching excellence on Wednesday, November 13, 2013 at the Wicken Awards Dinner Ceremony at the Estate Banquet and Event Centre in Scarborough. As the 28th recipient of the award, this professor truly reflects the academic distinction of teaching at Centennial College. . External Awards Award Organization Award Recipient ACCC- Staff Excellence 2014 Association of Canadian

Community Colleges (ACCC) Mede Ovbiagele (Silver)

2013 Top 25 Women of Influence Women of Influence Ann Buller 2013 John and Suanne Roueche Awards

Marco Castillo, Mede Ovbiagele, Joseph Glass

Chief Executive Leadership Awards 2014

Case District II Ann Buller

ACCC - Internationalization Excellence Award 2013

ACCC Internationalization Initiatives (Gold)

ACCC - Program Excellence 2013 ACCC GCELEs (Bronze) ACCC - Teaching Excellence 2013 ACCC Chet Singh (Silver) CBIE Board of Directors Award for Comprehensive Internationalization

Canadian Bureau of International Education

Centennial College

Centennial College Annual Report 2013-2014


Commitment #8 Offer a signature employee experience. One of the most important commitments we made in our strategic plan is to extend the best of what we promise to our students equally to our employees. How better to ensure that the promise of meaningful work and meaningful lives is fully met? We had an incredibly productive year of engaging our people in professional development, mentoring, international experience, leadership development and innovative approaches to recognition. We undertook to establish College-wide infrastructure to support our efforts including universal, individual performance planning and management systems, an all-access human resources portal and rigorous reporting to ensure not just the implementation of these measures, but their success. We are particularly proud of the investment we are making in the engagement of our part time staff whose contribution to Centennial is essential to our student’s success. We are well underway on the development of this strategy and will make tangible progress this year. Top Priority Actions 2013-2014

Performance Measurement 2013-2014

Achievement 2013-2014

Create a signature employee experience.

Every division/department will develop and implement an employee engagement plan including Professional Development (PD), leadership training, team building, portfolio development, formal performance feedback process, and career development strategies for all employees

• Implement formal performance feedback process for all employees with at least one learning objective identified for each employee supported by learning activity plans

• Performance feedback process revised and implemented for administrative group as a pilot for further roll out to support and faculty group. Expected roll out of support career development and learning plan process deferred to Winter of 2014.

• Survey conducted in summer 2013 to identify faculty’s strengths, learning needs, qualifications and areas of interest

• Database created to track professional development activities of staff

• 25 leadership learning and development sessions conducted

Establish and implement • Implement International • International student

Centennial College Annual Report 2013-2014


faculty exchange opportunities as part of a strategy to globalize faculty and student learning

student exchange programs in the SCHS37 (John Moore’s University) and SETAS38 (Copenhagen Institute of Design and Technology implemented

exchange programs implemented

Expand faculty mentoring model to include contract and part-time faculty

• Include 50 new contract faculty in orientation and mentoring model (SCHS39)

• Over 50 new contract faculty included in orientation and mentoring model, along with over 100 full time faculty

Develop strategies to further orient and engage part-time employees

• Develop Part-time Employee Strategy, resulting in a 5% increase in employee engagement

• The College has begun to develop its part-time strategy - Book of Commitments (2nd Edition), implementation by Fall of 2014

• The next employee engagement survey is scheduled for Fall 2014

Improve the handling and mitigation of the risks associated with human resource management issues experienced by the College, such as compensation service, delivery enhancement and availability of information for self-service. Establish consistent and mandatory employee engagement strategies for all managers to ensure career development meetings are conducted with staff and relevant training completed

• Implement diversified information channels, measure by employee use of intranet portal designed to provide advice related to standard human resource transactions and life events

• Ensure all managers (100%) participate in College-sponsored 2-day “Crucial Conversations” training program to increase capacity to engage staff in formal feedback process, by third quarter of 2013

• Ensure all managers (100%) participate in College-sponsored training designed to support the implementation of formal feedback, learning and development plans for all staff, by third quarter of 2013

• Increase managers’ self-

• New human resource intranet portal launched in 2013, which bundled common transactions, policies and information into key employee life cycle events

• Multiple learning opportunities delivered to enhance capacity of managers to engage staff in performance and career development

• Day-long coaching clinic attended by the majority of managers

• More than 70 managers participated in the two-day Crucial Conversation TM training

• New portal launched for performance management using the Halogen people management software, piloted with Administrators for performance management program

37 SCHS: School of Community and Health Studies 38 SETAS: School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science 39 SCHS: School of Community and Health Studies

Centennial College Annual Report 2013-2014


reported effectiveness in the management of staff performance in the 2014 engagement survey by 20%

• Increase employees’ report in the 2014 engagement survey that they had career development conversations with their managers by 30%

• Halogen platform will be used to document career development and learning plans of support staff in 2014

• Next employee engagement survey of the college is scheduled for the Fall 2014

Foster a culture of learning, respect, gratitude and recognition.

Implement formal and informal employee recognition and appreciation activities. Work toward the development of an inspirational/positive work environment with transparency, trust, teamwork and recognition, by identifying successful projects and providing employees with support and training to achieve further success

• Implement informal recognition, inclusive of peer to peer opportunities by second quarter of 2013

• Develop peer to peer recognition portal on the intranet developed by third quarter of 2013; increase intranet traffic and growing participation in the peer to peer recognition portal by the end of fiscal year

• Recognize employee achievements through the new Learning Centered College Awards

• Recognize informal peer to peer recognition through the GEM program.

• The Learning Centered College Award launched by the President’s Office to recognize key contributors to learning from across the College

• Close to 2,000 gems (small plastic tokens) have been placed in the hands of staff by staff to help spark gestures of recognition across the community

Develop the Leadership Passport to include employees allowing them to earn Centennial’s Leadership Credential

• Develop program, begin implementation process in 2014-15

• Design workshops to help staff self-assess their leadership potential through a strength-based approach as the basis for the development of the Leadership Passport for employees; into a comprehensive passport, leading to credential

• Program developed • Implementation process is

being developed, formal launch in fall 2014

Improve employee engagement by enabling effective managerial supports

Develop a recognition portal as part of enhanced intranet for

• Ensure all permanent employees of the College have an individual performance feedback and learning and development plan in place by March 31,

• All administrative employees have a performance plan, inclusive of a learning and development plan in place. The roll out of feedback,

Centennial College Annual Report 2013-2014


the College 2014

learning and development plans for support and Faculty staff has been deferred to 2015 and 2016 respectively.

• 100 percent of administrative employees have objectives for review and pay for performance process.

Inspiring Stories of Success

Stepped-up support for employee development In 2013, we enhanced our tuition reimbursement program. All full-time employees of the college are now eligible to receive up to $15,000 in their pursuit of a new academic credential. This is three times the previous amount. Eighty-two of our colleagues are currently enrolled in this program representing an investment in the capacity of the College of $670,000. Building capacity in our managers The college has worked extensively with our group of 140 administrative and management staff this year. Our vision is for all employees to have a career development and learning plan across the institution. However, before we can achieve on this vision we did want to support our employees and managers as they prepare to develop these plans. The capacity of a manager to give appropriate feedback to employees is central to the development of such plans. This is why we have started this year with two initiatives designed to increase the capacity of the members of our management cadre to coach and to also deal with difficult conversations. For this purpose each manager had the opportunity to attend three full days of training on these topics throughout 2013.

Work well, live well Our ongoing investment in health and safety is paying off. We have completed risk assessment for all of our campuses this year as part of our comprehensive review of health and safety. Through the joint collaboration of administrative, faculty and support staff we have catalogued and identified key risks in all academic and service areas. Our wellness team has also conducted more than 110 ergonomic assessments and developed plans with many staff.

Strengths-Based Career Mentoring Expanding on our Pathways to Administration program, the Centre for Organizational Learning and Teaching (COLT) launched a new career development program, Strengths-Based Careering. A series of five highly interactive modules built on the principles of Gallup’s StrengthsQuest, has helped individuals to develop an understanding of their personal strengths and how to incorporate them into their career planning strategy.

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Each of the 15 participants had the opportunity to work with a career mentor to create an individual learning plan and practice a simulation of their choice.

Introducing Faculty to Blended and Online Learning and Teaching This seven-week, hands-on course offered by the Centre for Organizational Learning and Teaching has helped our faculty develop the skills needed to create rich, interactive, blended and online learning experiences. Over 65 faculty have been through this course, and we are re-offering two sections over the May/June period with another 55 faculty expected to graduate from this course in June.

Centennial College Annual Report 2013-2014


Centennial College Council Report The Centennial College Council provides expert advice and guidance to our President through the office of our Vice-President Academic and Chief Learning Officer (VPA/CLO) to work collaboratively to support Centennial in achieving its goals. It is an open forum to the College Community. Council meets on the last Monday of each month during the academic year (September to May). Council‟s business conducted during the past academic year (September 2013-May 2014) includes approval of:

• 17 New program proposals with various levels of credentials (certificates, diploma, advanced diploma and graduate certificates);

• 20 Program modifications as a result of our five year cyclical comprehensive review

• 13 Comprehensive Program Quality review action plans

• 4 Policy approvals

Other items/business that were brought to Council for the purposes of information, consultation and/or discussions included:

• In depth discussion on the College’s move to a 7–1–7 semester implementation

Centennial College Annual Report 2013-2014


Financial Performance The college has closed the year Mar 31-2014 with a surplus of $10.2 million, compared to last year surplus of $8.9 million. The total revenue increased by $ 6.4 million (2.8%) compared to FY2011-12 revenue of $227.3 million. The total expenditure for the current year is $223.6 million, represents an increase of $5.1 million (2.3%) compared to the previous year total expenses of $218.5 million.

. The consolidated Financial Statements and Supplementary Schedules for the fiscal year 2013-14 are available: http://www.centennialcollege.ca/about-centennial/corporate-information/publications/


2014 2013


Grants and reimbursements (schedule 1) 81,320,815$ 79,821,865$ Enrolment revenues 117,543,057 110,254,256 Contract training 5,512,584 6,482,240 Restricted contributions recognized as revenue (Note 13) 3,633,673 3,961,075 Amortization of deferred capital contributions (Note 14, 15) 7,032,508 6,757,565 Other income 11,961,350 13,409,799 Ancillary operations (schedule 2) 6,765,383 6,655,970

233,769,370 227,342,770


Salaries and benefits 142,043,191 140,843,273 Operating expenditures 45,026,499 42,913,873 Plant and property expenditures 12,173,081 11,531,658 Amortization of capital assets (Note 7) 16,675,236 15,351,357 Bursaries and scholarships 3,633,673 3,961,075 Ancillary operations (schedule 2) 4,036,950 3,865,709

223,588,630 218,466,945


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Multi-Year Accountability Agreement Report Centennial will submit its MYAA Report back in Fall 2014

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Audited Financial Statements The audited financial statements are attached separately.

Centennial College Annual Report 2013-2014


Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Performance Report


Employer Satisfaction 92.1% Student Satisfaction Rate 73.9% Graduate Satisfaction Rate 76.9% Graduate Employment Rate 73.1% Graduation Rate 62.3%

Employer Satisfaction For the eleventh consecutive year, more than 90% of employers have indicated they are “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with our graduates. With a 92.1% employer satisfaction rating in 2013-14, Centennial’s graduates continue to be one of the best investments for employers. Student Satisfaction Our commitment to providing our students with an outstanding learning experience has resulted in significantly higher Student Satisfaction scores this year. The proportion of students who indicated that they were "satisfied" or "very satisfied" with their experiences at Centennial College increased by 1.2% to 73.9%. In addition, three of the four “capstone” questions saw considerable improvement year over year:

• Commitment from our faculty "Learning Experience & Program Quality" rose by 0.8% to 77.3%, and "Knowledge and Skills" satisfaction increase by 0.7% to 85.5%

• The "Quality of Services" is the only capstone question that saw a slip of 2.1% to 61.3%, which may be attributable to changes in the survey instrument, as the provincial average declined by 5%

• Strategic capital investments resulted in our "Quality of Facilities and Resources" increasing by 5.5% to 71.5%

Graduate Satisfaction Our graduate satisfaction rate is on par with last year’s rate at 76.9%, and remains comparable with the provincial average. Graduate Employment The number of Centennial graduates employed within six months of graduation decreased slightly by 1.2% to 73.1%. Relatively slow economic growth and employment recovery affected all graduate employment rates in Ontario. Graduation Rate After several years of growth, our graduation rate declined slightly by 0.8% to 62.3%.

Centennial College Annual Report 2013-2014


Summary of Advertising and Marketing Complaints

Nature of Complaint Date Received How


Date Resolution Communicated

to Student

# of working days to resolve

Advertising in a publication in the GTA that was deemed inappropriate by Complainant (NOW Magazine)

November 12, 2013

The Registrar personally spoke to individual at the College. A follow up email was sent to Complainant by AVP Marketing. Advertisements were no longer placed in the publication in question.

November 20, 2013

Seven working days

Total number of complaints: One Average number of working days to resolution: Seven days

Centennial College Annual Report 2013-2014


Board of Governors Governor

Member Since Term expires

Kay Blair, Chair 2009 2015 Ann Buller, President 2004 2019 Jan Campbell 2013 2016 Robin Cardozo 2009 2015 Juan Carranza 2008 2014 Peter Chang 2013 2016 John Curtis 2012 2015 Deepika Gangwani 2013 2014 Ian Howcroft 2013 2016 Garth Jackson 2008 2014 Mohamed Manji 2013 2016 Diarmuid O’Connor 2014 2016 David Pearce 2011 2014 Angela Quattrocchi 2010 2016 Charlie Regan 2012 2015 Hilary Short, Vice Chair 2010 2016 Gail Smyth 2012 2015 Gretta Vosper 2012 2015
