Cedric's Visual Tribute Book




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The Art of Living and Dying - Osho

Life is spread out over a long time - seventy years, one hundred years. Death is intense because it is not spread out - it is in a single moment. Life has to pass one hundred years or seventy years, it cannot be so intense. Death comes in a single moment; it comes whole. Not fragmentary. It will be so intense you cannot know anything more intense. But if you are afraid. If before death comes you have escaped, if you have become unconscious because of the fear, you have missed one of the golden opportunities, the golden gate. If your whole life you have been accepting things, when death comes, patiently, passively you will accept and enter into it without any effort to escape. If you can enter death passively, silently without any effort, death disappears. In the Upanishads there is an ancient story that l have always loved. A great king named Yayati became one hundred years old. Now it was enough; he had lived tremendously. He had enjoyed all that life could make available. He was one of the greatest kings of his time. But the story is beautiful . . .Death came and said to Yayati, “Get ready. It is time for you, I have come to take you.” Yayati saw Death, and he was a great warrior and he had won many wars. Yayati started trembling, and said “But it is too early.” Death said, “Too early! You have been alive for one hundred years. Even your children have become old. Even your eldest son is eighty years old. What more do you want?” Yayati had one hundred sons because he had one hundred wives. He asked Death, “Can you do a favor for me? I know you have to take someone. If I can persuade one of my sons, can you leave me for one hundred years more and take one of my sons?’’ Death said, “That is perfectly okay if somebody else is ready to go, But I don’t think . . . If you are not ready, and you are the father and you have lived more and you have enjoyed everything, why should your son be ready?” Yayati called his one hundred sons, The older sons remained silent. There was great silence, nobody was saying anything. Only one, the youngest son who was only sixteen years of age, stood up and he said, “I am ready.” Even Death felt sorry for the boy and said to the young man, “Perhaps you are too innocent. Can’t you see your ninety-nine brothers are absolutely silent? Someone is eighty, someone is seventy-five, someone is seventy-eight, someone is seventy, someone is sixty - they have lived - but they still want to live. And you have not lived at all. Even I feel sad to take you. You think again.” The boy said, “No, just seeing the situation makes me completely certain.


Don’t feel sad or sorry; I am going with absolute awareness. I can see that if my father is not satisfied in one hundred years, what is the point of being here? How can I be satisfied? I am seeing my ninety-nine brothers; nobody is satisfied. So why waste time? At least I can do this favour to my favour to my father. In his old age, let him enjoy one hundred years more. But I am finished. Seeing the situation that nobody is satisfied, I can understand one thing completely - that even if I live one hundred years, I will not be satisfied either. So it doesn’t matter whether I go today or after ninety years. You just take me.” Death took the boy. And after one hundred years he came back. And Yayati was in the same position. And he said, “These hundred years passed so soon. All my old sons have died, but I have another regiment. I can give you some son. Just have mercy on me.” It went on - the story goes on to say - for one thousand years. Ten times Death came. And nine times he took some son and Yayati lived one hundred years more. The tenth time Yayati said, “Although I am still as unsatisfied as I was when you came for the first time, now - although unwillingly, reluctantly - I will go, because I cannot go on asking for favours. It is too much. And one thing has become certain to me, that if one thousand years cannot help me to be contented, then even ten thousand will not do.” It is the attachment. You can go on living but as the idea of death strikes you will start trembling, But if you are not attached to anything, death can come this very moment and you will be in a very welcoming mood. You will be absolutely ready to go. In front of such a man, death is defeated. Death is defeated only by those who are ready to die any moment, without any reluctance. They become the immortals, they become the buddhas. This freedom is the goal of all religious search. Freedom from attachment is freedom from death. Freedom from attachment is freedom from the wheel of birth and death. Freedom from attachment makes you capable of entering into the universal light and becoming one with it. And that is the greatest blessing the ultimate ecstasy beyond which nothing else exist.

You have come home.


“Sometimes people ask me Why would I do that?(That being so many things at different times)

My answer is always the same:-Because I can! &

-Why not!?”

5“We are hunting the rabbit. The Easter rabbit. Be wery west quiet hehehehe”

6Seb: “Remember the plan dudes x”

Cedric: “Same plan we do everyday, try to take over the world pinky”

7I remember one thing about Cedric, every time we ordered shooters he would chant “Shot, shot , shot.”

– like the song

8“Lol only if you add death sauce or worlds spicest peanutbutter”

9“Ok I will raise the bar and lower the temperature see you in hell with ice. ”

10“In a little place Egyptians call Danyle”

11“Cosette isn’t so cosy anymore. She’s a machine from the future and the black hole is her cyborg eye!!!”

12“It sounds great. But is it true. Biltong and black water yum”

13“Crazy is telling the doctor you’re fine when you you’re after meds”

14“Crazy is mixing mayo and peanut butter and no spice. Like just plain nutsayo”

15“Crazy is telling a girl she should wear jeans Cuz it’s windy and her skirt keeps blowing up over her


16“Crazy is going to your next business meeting in armor on horseback”

17“I give him a brown paper bag full of dog shit and tell him it’s his lunch every day”

18“Hahaha hmmmm there was digging. And definitely boning involved

But in what order”

19“Eggs burgeraddict” - “Nothing happens without the white wizard where is my mushroom toad? “

20“He used to call me Dr prankie fearman?? And he was my nigggg blafrican bestie!!”

21“No crazy is having the chicken when there’s lobster thermite”

22Frankie: “Give me your clothes, boots and motorcycle..... “

Cedric: “You can have my beard “

23J-F Sergerie : “Avoid hangovers....stay drunk!!!!! “

Cedric: “Makes sense. No resistance. Days after world war three. 690 million dead. Number one. You have the bridge “

24“You can bribe your way out of anything here. Just look at pistorous he only got two years for cold

blooded murder and he didn’t even have a leg to stand on ??????”

25I taste your bugs was our favorite one because google translate is not always good at translating ,”ek

smaak jou stukkend.”

26He also wrote me and email about “the truffle farm” and had said : “...we’re going to have a rich life

eating truffles, cause everyday we’re trufflin’.”

27The simple things that made him happy

“its like a blanket for maple syrup to rest on” - “It’s a tube. The tube of greatness”

28Cedrics favourite words: “Its a school for ants” - “Yeeeeeaaaaaa boyyyy!“

29“Biltong has gone out of fashion now it’s Philtong and Jiltong”

“Together they make babytong”

30“Nooooooooo soup for me” - “About time. Next gourmet foods vending machine with live music and


Cedrics Last Fine


“It’s true that, well I believe, we are all here to evolve, at our own pace and in our own time, each person’s journey is their own and unique. And the more we embrace it and focus on our journey and stop worrying about everyone else’s

the sooner it all starts to make sense and all starts to flow in way that finally works.

I’ve found myself in some dire situations in my life and this was usually when I’d ignore the signs I could clearly see in front of me, and although I did learn a lot from challenging my own intuitions I eventually realised they were talking to me for a reason. But I also learnt that when I believed in the impossible, all I had to

do was give in and the impossible becomes possible.

All to say that you are never wrong to follow what you feel is right and we can’t please everyone at all times, so let’s worry about our own happiness first because that’s all others think about! And soon we will find that happiness is

contagious and we don’t have to force it on others.

Life’s difficulties are challenges that make us stronger on all levels. And mistakes are simply lessons learnt the hard way. No matter what you do, just make sure you don’t hold any regrets, there really is no point. We are not perfect, we are allowed to make mistakes because we tried when faced with challenges and

difficulties and didn’t just give up. We are not wrong for believing in the impossi-ble and that life does hold its share of magic. We can only try our best, and for those who didn’t try for fear of regret, they should regret it most as they have

not lived or tried or put in any effort! But that is their right as it it is ours to live the way we feel.

You are doing it your way! In order to get there and be happy you had to know the difference! If someone tells the stove is hot the only way to know for sure

and just how hot and what hot feels like is to touch for ourselves.I think the best therapy sometimes is just to talk things out. Let out the thought so

that it can become clear and make sense in your mind.


Cedric Alexanderson