CD Mid Problem Based Learning


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  • 8/3/2019 CD Mid Problem Based Learning



  • 8/3/2019 CD Mid Problem Based Learning


    Situation 1: Amaya, a 12-year-old

    girl was told by her mother toclean their backyard & burn theleaves of the jackfruit tree. After5 days, Amaya experienced fever,body malaise & occasional

    petechial hemorrhages. She wasbrought to the Rural healthunit.

  • 8/3/2019 CD Mid Problem Based Learning


    Situation 2: Totoy, a car salesman

    had been traveling a lot in thecountry. Three days ago, hedeveloped high grade fever

    associated with chills anddiaphoresis. This prompted himto seek consultation. Upon check-up, examination reveals presenceof protozoal parasite on his


  • 8/3/2019 CD Mid Problem Based Learning


    Situation 3: A midwife is performing

    an assessment on a 3-year old childwith newly erupted watery, shinyskin lesions-that started appearing

    on his abdomen. The childsmother tells the the midwife, thatthe child keeps scratching at night,

    and she teaches the mother aboutmeasures that will prevent analteration in skin integrity.

  • 8/3/2019 CD Mid Problem Based Learning


    SITUATION 4: A midwife is

    assessing a 12-month-old infantwho recently had fever, runnynose, cough, and white spots in

    the mouth for 3 days. A rashdeveloped that started on theface and spread to the whole

    body. The midwife shouldsuspect that the child haseruptive communicable disease.

  • 8/3/2019 CD Mid Problem Based Learning


    Situation 5: James, a 4-year-old

    boy is brought to the Rural HealthUnit for cough, fever and rashes.Rashes are warm to touch, slightly

    elevated and started to appear onthe face, then on the trunk andextremities. The doctor examined

    him further and found a bluish-white lesion on the inner cheekarea.

  • 8/3/2019 CD Mid Problem Based Learning


    Situation 6: Bugoy is a volunteer

    rescue aider. He served the floodedpeople from Bulacan during thesurge of typhoon Pedring. After a

    week of submerging in the floodedareas of the province, heexperienced fever, headache and

    myalgia but he never soughtconsultation. After a month, hefurther experienced jaundice and

    episodes of convulsion.

  • 8/3/2019 CD Mid Problem Based Learning


    Situation 7: Mandy started tocomplain severe headache andhigh grade fever for almost two

    weeks. She remembered eating

    sapin sapin in a nearby store,and after she developed rashesappearing on her chest, back

    and abdomen. What would beyour initial impression of herillness?

  • 8/3/2019 CD Mid Problem Based Learning


    Situation 8: Mang Romy is

    malnourished living in asquatters area. He came in thehealth center due to loss of

    weight easy, fatigability, chroniccough and low grade fever. Uponarriving in the health center, he

    was positive for tuberculinetesting and requires furtherexaminations.

  • 8/3/2019 CD Mid Problem Based Learning


    Situation 9: May was rushed to theemergency room suffering from

    delirium and convulsions. Her motherstates that she was taking good care ofher daughter all this time. Ana, on the

    other hand says she was bitten by a doglast two months, but kept it only toherself. She does not know who ownsthe dog and says she just accidentally

    step on it while playing. Her motheralso observes that she does not drinknor take a bath.

  • 8/3/2019 CD Mid Problem Based Learning


    Situation: Immunization is the prevention of communicable diseases thru the utilization ofspecific immunizing agents, by the use of which the body protects itself against infectionsand diseases. Given the following patients, what is the best immunization to be given?

    A newborn child born on August 10, 2011a. Active, natural immunization c. Passive, natural immunizationb. Active, artificial immunization d. Passive, artificial immunization

    Jose while walking the road was suddenly beaten by a stray doga. Active, natural immunization c. Passive, natural immunizationb. Active, artificial immunization d. Passive, artificial immunization

    An adult male accidentally stepped on a rusty nail. He cannot remember his childhoodimmunization.

    a. Active, natural immunization c. Passive, natural immunizationb. Active, artificial immunization d. Passive, artificial immunization

    A pregnant mother on her 4th month of pregnancy, sought her first prenatal check-up.a. Active, natural immunization c. Passive, natural immunization

    b. Active, artificial immunization d. Passive, artificial immunization

    A 3 year-old child had diphtheria and sought consult at the emergency unit of a tertiaryhospital

    a. Active, natural immunization c. Passive, natural immunizationb. Active, artificial immunization d. Passive, artificial immunization
