Ccss 2015 petri


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Using Technology to Provide Peer Feedback on Historical Writing

California Council for the Social Studies 54th Annual Conference

March 6, 2015 Dr. Scott M. Petri

Why History Teachers Drink in the Afternoon

1. Goal-setting approaches to student writing

2. Peer Review (with & without tech)

3. Pairing robo-graders with peer review

You should leave this presentation determined to double the amount of writing you normally assign in your class.

Previously Analyzed Measures

1. Word Count/Length2. Claims3. Rebuttals4. Argumentative Strategies5. Document Use6. Total Number of Citations7. Number of Unique Documents8. Highest Level of Document Use

P2 – Napoleon Essay

(N=31) 6 missing assignmentsLow=48Median=338High=760


Cohort II DBQ Performance Summary

Class Per.

Total Student Load Low Median High


Didn't Compl % Compl %

P1 44 125 350 600 12 27% 73%

P2 42 220 410 608 13 31% 69%

P3 44 28 271 519 20 45% 55%

P5 44 36 250 415 21 48% 52%

P7 30 101 345 546 12 40% 60%

P8 25 52 203 405 10 40% 60%

AVG 38 94 305 516 15 39% 61%

Moving Forward

Using peer reviewto move the burden of

evaluation from teacher to student

Peer Review Experiment(N=116)

Eugenics was also known as the science of good breeding. During the early 1900s through the 1930’s, eugenics was a well-respected and popular movement. After Hitler used eugenics to justify the killing of Jews, gays, and people with disabilities, the eugenics movement declined in popularity. Despite this, the eugenics movement should be viewed as positive because it ______________, ________________, and ______________.

uses good breeding techniques to make

Student Comments on their Peers’ Writing

I gave him this grade because he didn’t really have everything for the thesis. He didn’t really write the three reasons why this is his thesis.

Every single one of his paragraphs supports his three legs from his thesis statement. He provides strong facts and supporting evidence.

She gives a thesis and explains it in each separate paragraph, and you can clearly see when she talks about a new paragraph.

Peer Review Activity

How Reliable is Peer Review?

What if I have No Tech?


Mayfield argues that automated essay scorers belong in the students hands because they “change the locus of control, making essay revision a choice led by a student at his or her own pace, instead of a punitive requirement from a teacher.”

This change has two benefits: (1) the negativity associated with assessment is under the student’s control. The student knows where they stand, so they seek to collaborate with the teacher to improve. The teacher and student now have the same goal. (2) automated revision histories enable students to “show their work” effortlessly. This gives teachers a better picture of student progress.

Revision Assistant

Hemingway App

Paper Rater

If we truly want to make students college and career ready, then we need to dramatically increase the amount of writing assigned to students across all subjects in high school.

Tweeting in 140 characters does little to prepare students for the kind of writing they will be expected to do in college. – Carol Jago

1. Use goal-setting to evaluate student writing

2. Try Peer Review (with or without tech)

3. Pair this with robo-graders

Double the amount of writing you assign in your class!

Contact: scottmpetri@gmail.comTwitter

Thank You
