CCOOUUGGAARR NNEEWWSS - Hudson Elementary...


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CCCOOOUUUGGGAAARRR NNNEEEWWWSSS Tracy Graziaplene, Principal – Tracy Hlady, Assistant Principal

Hudson Elementary School 7229 Hudson Ave – Hudson, FL 34667

(727) 774-4000 website:

Schedule of Events September

We Want You!! September 10th

Volunteer Orientation Media Center 10:00 a.m.

September 11th

WATCH D.O.G.S. Pizza Party

6-7 p.m.

September 18th Parent Conference

Night 3:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m.

September 19th Progress Reports

September 23rd

McDonald’s Family Night 5-8 p.m.

September 25th

Kindergarten,1st & 2nd Pizza Celebration

September 30th

3p.m.-4p.m. SAC Meeting -

All Parents Welcome

October Events October 2nd

Spinnations Skate Night 6p.m.-8p.m.

October 3rd

Scotty’s Pizza

October 10th Donuts with Dad

8 - 9 a.m.

October 17th Fall Festival 5p.m.-7 p.m.

September 2014

A Note From The Principal Dear Families: I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all of you back. We have been busy getting ready for students to return and look forward to the upcoming year. Once again, we are fortunate to have qualified as a Title I School. Title I funds allow us to employ additional staff, purchase materials and offer additional programs for your children. We strive to provide the best quality education possible while creating a safe and secure learning environment for your children. Please feel free to contact the school if you have any questions or concerns. Tracy Graziaplene, Principal


You’ve  heard  “Title  I”  but  what  is  Title  I?  Title  I  is  the  largest  federal  assistance  program  for  our  nation’s  schools.  The  goal  of  Title  I  is  a  high-­‐quality  education  for  every  child,  so  the  program  provides  extra  help  to  schools  who  need  it  most.  Schools  must  qualify  to  receive  Title  I  funding.  The  program  serves  millions  of  children  in  elementary  and  secondary  schools  each  year.  Title  1  brochures  are  available  upon  request  from  the  front  office.  


Hudson  Elementary  School  has  an  award  winning  volunteer  program.  If  you  would  like  to  volunteer  in  the  classroom,  read  to  me  program,  media  center,  cafeteria,  or  to  accompany  your  student(s)  on  field  trips  then  you  must  be  an  approved  volunteer.  Please  contact  Lisa  Ganes  at  (727)  774-­‐4016  or,  if  you  have  any  questions.  The  online  application  process  is  very  easy  and  you  may  fill  out  an  online  application  at:,    click  on  the  parents  tab  at  the  top  of  the  page  then  click  on  volunteer  and  that  will  bring  you  to  the  application.    

WATCH  D.O.G.S.  What  is  WATCH  D.O.G.S.?  Come  find  out!  H.E.S.  is  starting  a  new  program  for  Dads  of  Great  Students.  Dads,  father  figures,  and  student(s)  are  invited  to  join  us  for  pizza  and  receive  information  from  our  H.E.S.  Coaches  on  Thursday,  September  11th  in  our  cafeteria.  Hope  to  see  you  there!  


Parent  Conferences  are  being  held  on  Thursday,  September  18th  ,  between  3:30  and  7:00  p.m.  Please  reserve  a  time  with  your  student(s)  teacher  prior  to  this  date  so  that  the  evening  runs  smoothly.  Thank  you  for  your  consideration.        

SCHOOL  ADVISORY  COUNCIL        Every  public  school  must  have  a  School  Advisory                                      Council  (SAC)  as  mandated  by  Florida  Legislature.  It  is  composed  of  an  appropriately  balanced  number  of  teachers,  educational  support  employees,  parents,  and  other  businesses  and/or  community  partners  who  are  representative  of  the  ethnic,  racial,  and  economic  community  served  by  the  school.    Council  members  are  people  like  you  participating  in  identifying  our  school’s  needs  and  developing  plans  for  meeting  those  needs.            Each  year,  SAC  positions  become  available  and  an  election  is  held  to  fill  those  openings.  Nomination  forms  will  be  sent  home  with  students.  Parents  can  self-­‐nominate  or  nominate  other  parents  (with  their  knowledge).  SAC  meetings  will  be  held  one  Tuesday  per  month  from  3-­‐4  p.m.,  in  our  Media  Center.  Our  first  meeting  will  be  on  Tuesday,  September  30th.  Children  are  welcome.  We  need  parent  input  and  encourage  you  to  become  part  of  the  decision-­‐making  process  here  at  Hudson  Elementary  School  

BUILDING  PARTNERSHIPS   Partnerships  are  essential  to  the  successful  implementation  of  many  school  programs.    Thank  you  to  the  following  partners  in  education  for  their  continued  support  of  our  school:  Barrington  Hills  Quilters  Guild,  Beacon  Woods  East  Womens  Club,  Beacon  Woods  Tennis  Club,  CARES  Center,  Community  Volunteer  Corp.,  Country  Club  Estates  &  Jacob  La  Rochelle,  Cheryl  Dering,  Dunkin  Donuts,  First  United  Methodist  Church,  Fraternal  Order  of  Eagles  #4208  Ladies  Auxiliary,  Jean  Hazle,  Home  Depot,  Hudson  Rotary  Club,  Hudson  Water  Works,  Mr.  &  Mrs.  Jenkins,  Marianne  Kuestner,  McDonalds,  Joan  McMenamin,  Ethel  Miller,    Linda  Nichols,  Ponderosa  Park  Ladies  Auxiliary,  Regional  Medical  Center,  Scotty’s  Pizza,  Debi  Shakowsky,  St.  Martin’s  Episcopal  Church,  St.  Martin’s  Outreach  Program,  V.F.W.  Post  #4412  ,VFW  Ladies  Auxiliary  Post  #4412,  VFW  Post  #4412  Mens  Auxiliary,  Walgreens,  Peggy  Weise  ,Winn  Dixie.        Special  thanks  to  those  of  you  who  donated  much  needed  school  supplies,  backpacks,  clothing,  shoes  and  monetary  donations  to  our  school’s  Assist,  Believe  and  Care  (ABC)  Program.  This  program  totally  relies  on  donations  and  is  designed  to  help  meet  the  needs  of  those  less  fortunate.    


PIZZA  CELEBRATION/ACTION  100  Parents  and  student(s)  are  invited  to  join  us  for  a  Pizza  Party  in  our  Cafeteria  on  Thursday,  September  25th,  to  receive  information  on  their  student(s)  reading  curriculum  for  the  2014-­‐15  school  year.  Please  plan  to  attend!

RIGHT  TO  KNOW        Did  you  know  you  have  the  right  to  know  the  professional  qualifications  of  the  educators  who  instruct  your  child?  Federal  law  allows  you  to  obtain  certain  information  in  a  timely  manner  about  your  child’s  classroom  teachers  and  instructional  assistants.  You  have  the  right  to  ask  for  the  following  information  about  each  of  your  child’s  teachers  and  instructional  assistants:  -­‐ The  teacher’s  Florida  certification  

area(s)  and,  if  the  teacher  is  teaching  infield  or  if  the  teacher  is  qualified  infield  according  to  the  District  School  Board  of  Pasco  County.  

-­‐ The  teacher’s  college  degree(s)  and  area  of  study.  

-­‐ The  teacher’s  advanced  college  degree(s)  and  areas  of  study.  

-­‐ The  qualifications  of  any  instructional  assistant  who  provide  services  to  your  child.  

If  you  would  like  to  receive  any  of  this  information,  please  send  a  written  request  to  your  child’s  school.  



The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued a final rule, 40 CFR Part 763, Asbestos Containing Materials in schools, commonly referred to as AHERA. This rule requires all Local Education Agencies (LEA’s) to identify asbestos containing materials (ACM) in their school buildings and to take appropriate action to control the release of asbestos fibers. All inspections for Hudson Elementary School have been completed and a Management Plan describing the results of the inspection and the action plan to control any asbestos found during the inspection, where applicable, has been submitted to the Governor for approval. A copy of this plan is located in the administrative office of this school and at the District School Board of Pasco County Maintenance / Facility Operations Department and is available for review upon request.

CAR  RIDER  PROCEDURES    As  in  years  past,  the  “east”  driveway  will  be  used  for  car  riders.  Cars  are  to  proceed  around  the  circle  in  single  file  and  children  load  and  unload  at  the  sidewalk  in  front  of  the  administration  office.  Please  have  your  car  signs  visible  in  the  driver’s  side  windshield.  In  the  afternoon, cars  arriving  before  2:30  p.m.  will  be  directed  to  park  in  the  east  parking  lot.    Cars  will  not  be  allowed  in  the  west  parking  lot.    The  west  lot  is  designated  for  staff  and  buses  only  and  the  gate  will  be  monitored  in  the  afternoon.  County  transportation  policy  prohibits  cars  from  entering  the  bus  loop  while  buses  are  present.


     Free  and  Reduced  Priced  Meals  –  Before  September  26th,  an  application  must  be  filled  out  for  each  school  year  to  receive  our  free  and  reduced  meal  prices.  Free  and  Reduced  Price  meals  are  not  permitted  without  a  processed  application.  Parents  are  responsible  for  paying  for  children’s  lunches  until  applications  are  approved  and  processed.  UNTIL  your  application  is  processed  and  you  receive  notification  of  eligibility,  you  will  need  to  give  your  child  money  to  purchase  school  meals  or  send  a  lunch  from  home.    Your  eligibility  may  be  checked  at  any  time  during  the  school  year.        The  School  Board  of  Pasco  County  serves  nutritious  meals  each  school  day  that  meet  the  nutrition  standards  as  set  by  the  US  Department  of  Agriculture.    Elementary  school  lunch  cost  is  $2.15.  The  reduced  lunch  price  is  .40  cents.  You  may  apply  for  free  or  reduced  priced  lunches  any  time  during  the  school  year.    Applications  are  available online at:  

 Breakfast  is  free  for  ALL  Students!  

Your  child’s  account  -­‐  Children  will  never  be  denied  a  meal  because  they  do  not  have  money  in  their  account  or  money  that  day.  Instead,  a  charge  will  be  placed  on  your  child’s  account.    Please  note  there  is  a  $10.75  limit.    According  to  District  policy,  after  the  $10.75  limit  is  reached,  your  child  will  be  given  an  alternative  meal  with  fruit  and  milk.  The  Food  Service  Manager  will  send  notification  of  money  owed  on  a  regular  basis.  We  encourage  you  to  prepay  for  your  child's  meals.  You  can  now  prepay  on  line  at:  and  a  credit/debit  card  may  be  used.    All  checks  must  have  printed,  not  handwritten,  name  and  full  address.  Each  check  must  also  have  student  number,  a  phone  number  and  Driver’s  License  number.  No  starter  checks,  post  dated  or  two-­‐party  checks  will  be  accepted.                                                                                                                              You  can  access  the  weekly  menu  at:  Mobile  Menu-­‐  Want  to  view  the  lunch  menu  choices  from  your  phone?  Simply  bookmark  on  your  phone  and  select  School  Lunch  Menu.                                                                                                  *FNS  Website-­‐Visit  our  department  webpage  at  and  click  on  the  menu  you  would  like  to  view  and/or  print.                                                                                                                                                                                              *Tampa  Bay  Times-­‐  The  cycle  menu  is  printed  in  the  Sunday  newspaper.                                                                                                                                                If  you  have  any  questions,  please  call  Ms.  Popp,  our  Cafeteria  Manager,  at  774-­‐4078.  


 Our  school  day  begins  at  8:25  a.m.  Students  should  not  be  dropped  off  and  left  unattended  before  8:25  a.m.  Students  arriving  after  8:40  are  considered  late  and  must  be  brought  to  the  office  for  a  tardy  pass.  Again,  it  is  very  important  to  make  sure  your  child  arrives  to  school  on  time.    If  you  are  calling  to  change  transportation  for  your  student(s),  please  call  before  2:00  p.m.  Student(s)  will  not  be  dismissed  early  from  class  after  2:30  p.m.  If  you  have  a  scheduled  appointment,  please  plan  accordingly  and  arrange  to  pick  up  your  child  before  that  time.    Car  riders  and  walkers  are  dismissed  at  2:45.      


We  would  like  to  invite  you  to  join  the  Hudson  Elementary  School  PTA.  The  cost  of  membership  is    $5.00.  The  PTA  sponsors  many  wonderful  events  throughout  the  school  year,  to  earn  money  to  support  our  school  and  to  encourage  our  families  to  spend  time  together.  PTA  has  a  variety  of  family  events  planned  for  the  upcoming  school  year.  Memberships  are  available  at  any  time  throughout  the  school  year  and  we  encourage  your  participation.  Feel  free  to  stop  by  the  front  office  to  join  at  any  time  or  at  one  of  our  family  events.  We  would  like  to  welcome  our  new  Hudson  Elementary  School  P.T.A.:  2014-­‐2015  Executive  Board  Members:  

Joanne  Hoar  –  President  Stacy  Lipinski  -­‐  Vice  President  

Rosann  Ringelman-­‐Co-­‐Vice  President  Virge  Gagne  –  Treasurer  

Kristin  Broughton-­‐Co-­‐Treasurer  Lisa  Ganes  -­‐  Secretary  

Support  H.E.S.!!!  Scotty’s  Pizza  is  a  wonderful  Community  Partner  that  we  work  with  throughout  the  year  and  helps  us  earn  money  for  our  school.  Once  a  month,  a  flyer  will  be  sent  home  to  invite  you  to  attend  Scotty’s  Pizza,  and  HES  will  receive  15%  of  all  purchases  made  anytime  on  that  Friday.    P.T.A.  also  invites  you  to  join  us  for  a  McDonald’s  night  from  5-­‐8  p.m.  on  Tuesday,  September,  23rd  .  A  flyer  will  be  sent  home  with  more  information.  H.E.S.  T-­‐Shirts  will  be  available  for  $5.00,  Keychains  for  $2.00  and  spirit  sticks  or  spirit  sleeves  for  $1.00,  as  well  as  P.T.A.  memberships  for  $5.00.  Thank  you  for  your  support!  


LABELS  FOR  EDUCATION  By  saving  your  Campbell’s  soup  labels,  General  Mill’s  box  tops,  or  Tyson  Chicken  labels,  you  can  help  our  school  get  “free”  stuff.  Last  year,  hundreds  of  books  were  bought  for  our  student’s  with  money  earned  from  these  programs.  Please  bring  in  your  labels  and  help  support  the  student’s  of  HES!  



District  School  Board  of  Pasco  County  Kurt  Browning,  Superintendent  7727  Land  O’  Lakes  Boulevard  

Land  O’Lakes,  FL   Website:  

