CCEA GCSE Specimen Assessment Materials for French...use only Question : Number Marks: 1 2: 3 4: 5...


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CCEA GCSE Specimen Assessment Materials for


Version 2: 6 February 2019


For first teaching from September 2017For first assessment in Summer 2018For first award in Summer 2019Subject Code: 5650

Version 2: 6 February 2019

ForewordCCEA has developed new specifications which comply with criteria for GCSE qualifications. The specimen assessment materials accompanying new specifications are provided to give centres guidance on the structure and character of the planned assessments in advance of the first assessment. It is intended that the specimen assessment materials contained in this booklet will help teachers and students to understand, as fully as possible, the markers’ expectations of candidates’ responses to the types of tasks and questions set at GCSE level. These specimen assessment materials should be used in conjunction with CCEA’s GCSE French specification.

Version 2: 6 February 2019


Version 2: 6 February 2019

GCSE FrenchSpecimen Assessment Materials


Specimen Papers 3

Unit 1 Foundation Tier: Listening 3Unit 1 Higher Tier: Listening 19Unit 2 Role-play Situations: Speaking 33Unit 3 Foundation Tier: Reading 53Unit 3 Higher Tier: Reading 71Unit 4 Foundation Tier: Writing 93Unit 4 Higher Tier: Writing 105

Mark Schemes 119

General Marking Instructions 121Unit 1 Foundation Tier: Listening 125Unit 1 Foundation Tier: Transcript 129Unit 1 Higher Tier: Listening 137Unit 1 Higher Tier: Transcript 141Unit 2 Teacher’s Booklet: Speaking 151Unit 2 Speaking: Modern Languages 175Unit 3 Foundation Tier: Reading 179Unit 3 Higher Tier: Reading 183Unit 4 Foundation Tier: Writing 187Unit 4 Higher Tier: Writing 195

Acknowledgements 203

Version 2: 6 February 2019

Subject Code 5650

QAN 603/1066/2

A CCEA Publication © 2017

You may download further copies of this publication from 2: 6 February 2019



Version 2: 6 February 2019



Version 2: 6 February 2019

Centre Number

Candidate Number

General Certificate of Secondary Education2019

For Examiner’s use only

Question Number

















Unit 1: Listening

Foundation Tier


TIME35 minutes approx.

INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATESWrite your Centre Number and Candidate Number in the spaces provided at the top of this page.You must answer the questions in the spaces provided.Do not write outside the boxed area on each page or on blank pages.*Complete in black ink only. Do not write with a gel pen.

Answer all twelve questions.You will have 5 minutes to read through the paper after the CD starts.

INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATESThe total mark for this paper is 60. Figures in brackets printed down the right-hand side of pages indicate the marks awarded to each question or part question. Use of a dictionary is not permitted.

*Relevant for live examinations only

Version 2: 6 February 2019

Examiner Only

Marks Re-mark


Answer all questions.

Section A

Questions and answers in English.

1 Family life.

Your French friend Jean tells you about his family.

Listen to the recording and answer the questions in English.

(a) What job does his father do?


(b) How does he describe his mother?


Version 2: 6 February 2019

Examiner Only

Marks Re-mark


2 Activities.

You overhear some French students talking about what they like to do in different weather.

Write down in English what each person likes to do in each weather type.





Version 2: 6 February 2019

Examiner Only

Marks Re-mark


3 Hobbies.

Your French friend Chantal tells you what she does in her spare time.

Write the correct letter in the box.

(a) [1]

(b) [1]

(c) [1]

(d) [1]







Version 2: 6 February 2019

Examiner Only

Marks Re-mark


4 Celebrations.

Your French friend Luc is making arrangements for his birthday party.

Put the events into the correct order.

A music B food C presents D invitations E venue F finishing time

Write the correct letter, in the correct order, in the boxes below.

Correct Order(a) [1](b) [1](c) [1](d) [1](e) [1](f) [1]

Version 2: 6 February 2019

Examiner Only

Marks Re-mark


5 Local environment.

Your French friend Olivier tells you about where he lives.

Write the correct letter in the box.

(a) Olivier likes his town because

A his friends live near him.B there are lots of things to do.C his town is always busy.

(b) In the evening he likes

A to go to the youth club.B to visit his friends.C to go ice skating.

(c) He goes to school

A by car.B on foot.C by bicycle.

(d) At the weekend he

A plays video games.B plays sport.C goes shopping.

(e) The public transport is

A cheap.B effective.C regular.

(f) In the future he would like to

A study in Paris.B find a job in Paris.C visit the tourist sites in Paris.







Version 2: 6 February 2019

Examiner Only

Marks Re-mark


6 Holidays.

You hear a French student talking about his holiday plans.

Write the correct letter in the box.

(a) Jacques is going

A to the seaside.B abroad.C to the mountains.

(b) He is going with

A his friends.B his school.C his family

(c) He is going for

A a fortnight.B 5 days.C 1 week.

(d) He intends

A sunbathing.B relaxing.C walking.

(e) He will travel by

A boat.B plane.C car.

(f) He is going to buy a

A hat.B t-shirt.C postcard.







Version 2: 6 February 2019

Examiner Only

Marks Re-mark


7 School life.

Your French friend Pauline talks to you about school life.

Tick [] the correct boxes.

(a) What two subjects is your friend good at?

(i) (ii)

(iii) (iv)


(b) What two items do the majority of pupils wear?

(i) (ii)

(iii) (iv)


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Examiner Only

Marks Re-mark


(c) Which two after-school clubs does she go to?

(i) (ii)

(iii) (iv)


(d) Which two rules do most pupils not respect?

(i) (ii)

(iii) (iv)


Version 2: 6 February 2019

Examiner Only

Marks Re-mark


8 Environment.

You are listening to a radio broadcast about environmental problems.

Complete the sentences in English.

(a) To help the environment, I recycle [1] and


(b) Two major causes of pollution in cities are [1]

and [1].

(c) There is a special bin for [1] and

another one for [1].

(d) [1] from businesses pollute the

[1] and rivers.

12Version 2: 6 February 2019

Examiner Only

Marks Re-mark


Section B

Questions and answers in French.

9 Les petits jobs.

Ecoute ces personnes qui parlent des avantages et des inconvénients de leur petit job.

Ecris la bonne lettre dans la case.

A économiser de l’argent

B faire ses études

C bon pour la santé

D mal au dos

E aller en vacances

(a) [1]

(b) [1]

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Examiner Only

Marks Re-mark


10 La routine journalière.

Ton amie parle de sa routine journalière.

Complète les phrases en français.

(a) Emilie se lève à


(b) Avant de partir elle


(c) Pendant le voyage au collège elle


(d) Le soir elle fait ses devoirs et puis


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Examiner Only

Marks Re-mark


11 Au collège.

Ton amie décrit son collège avant ta visite.

Ecris P – Positif ou N – négatif dans les cases.

(a) Les élèves [1]

(b) Les professeurs [1]

(c) Les bâtiments [1]

(d) Les devoirs [1]

(e) Le directeur [1]

(f) Les vacances [1]

Version 2: 6 February 2019

Examiner Only

Marks Re-mark


12 Les emplois.

Ecoute ce programme au sujet des emplois.

Ecris un avantage et un inconvénient pour chaque emploi.

Le métier L’avantage L’inconvénient(a) Fermier

(b) Caissière

(c) Hôtesse de l’air

[1] [1]


[1] [1]

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Centre Number

Candidate Number

General Certificate of Secondary Education2019

For Examiner’s use only

Question Number















TIME45 minutes approx.

INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATESWrite your Centre Number and Candidate Number in the spaces provided at the top of this page.You must answer the questions in the spaces provided.Do not write outside the boxed area on each page or on blank pages.*Complete in black ink only. Do not write with a gel pen.

Answer all twelve questions.You will have 5 minutes to read through the paper after the CD starts.

INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATESThe total mark for this paper is 60.Figures in brackets printed down the right-hand side of pages indicate the marks awarded to each question or part question. Use of a dictionary is not permitted.



Unit 1: Listening

Higher Tier


*Relevant for live examinations only

Version 2: 6 February 2019

Examiner Only

Marks Re-mark


Answer all questions.

Section A

Questions and answers in English.

1 Activities.

You overhear some French students talking about what they like to do in different weather.

Write down in English what each person likes to do in each weather type.





Version 2: 6 February 2019

Examiner Only

Marks Re-mark


2 The weather.

You hear this weather forecast whilst on holidays in France.

Write the correct letter beside each day of the week.

(a) Monday [1]

(b) Tuesday [1] [2]


Version 2: 6 February 2019

Examiner Only

Marks Re-mark


3 Voluntary work.

French students talk about voluntary work which they do.

Write what they do in English in the space provided.

(a) Marie [1]

(b) Jean [1]

(c) Nicole [1]

(d) Claude [1]

Version 2: 6 February 2019

Examiner Only

Marks Re-mark


4 Local environment.

Your French friend Olivier tells you about where he lives.

Write the correct letter in the box.

(a) Olivier likes his town because

A his friends live near him.B there are lots of things to do.C his town is always busy.

(b) In the evening he likes

A to go to the youth club.B to visit his friends.C to go ice skating.

(c) He goes to school

A by car.B on foot.C by bicycle.

(d) At the weekend he

A plays video games.B plays sport.C goes shopping.

(e) The public transport is

A cheap.B effective.C regular.

(f) In the future he would like to

A study in Paris.B find a job in Paris.C visit the tourist sites in Paris.







Version 2: 6 February 2019

Examiner Only

Marks Re-mark


5 School uniform.

These young people tell you their opinions on wearing a school uniform.

Write P for Positive or N for Negative.

(a) [1]

(b) [1]

(c) [1]

(d) [1]

(e) [1]

(f) [1]

Version 2: 6 February 2019

Examiner Only

Marks Re-mark


6 Holidays.

Young people are discussing their past holidays.

A ate out E went for walks

B went to a theme park F went sight-seeing

C went canoeing G did winter sports

D went to the beach H sunbathed

Write the correct letters in the boxes.

(a) [2] [1] [1]

(b) [2] [1] [1]

(c) [2] [1] [1]

Version 2: 6 February 2019

Examiner Only

Marks Re-mark


7 Environment.

You are listening to a radio broadcast about environmental problems.

Complete the sentences in English.

(a) To help the environment, I recycle [1] and


(b) Two major causes of pollution in cities are [1]

and [1].

(c) There is a special bin for [1] and

another one for [1].

(d) [1] from businesses pollute the

[1] and rivers.

Version 2: 6 February 2019

Examiner Only

Marks Re-mark


8 Stress.

You hear these young people talking about how they relieve stress.

Write two methods of relieving stress for each person in English.

(a) 1 [1]

2 [1]

(b) 1 [1]

2 [1]

(c) 1 [1]

2 [1]

(d) 1 [1]

2 [1]

Version 2: 6 February 2019

Examiner Only

Marks Re-mark


Section B

Questions and answers in French.

9 Le mariage.

Marie parle du mariage. Ecris V – Vrai ou F – Faux dans les cases.

(a) Marie est en faveur du mariage [1]

(b) Elle veut avoir des enfants [1]

28Version 2: 6 February 2019

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Marks Re-mark


10 Au collège.

Ton amie décrit son collège avant ta visite.

Ecris P – Positif ou N – négatif dans les cases.

(a) Les élèves [1]

(b) Les professeurs [1]

(c) Les bâtiments [1]

(d) Les devoirs [1]

(e) Le directeur [1]

(f) Les vacances [1]

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Marks Re-mark


11 L’environnement.

Ecoute cette émission sur l’environnement. De quoi parle-t-on?

A la sécheresse

B les déchets

C les inondations

D la pollution de l’air

E le déboisement

F la pollution de l’eau

Ecris la bonne lettre dans la case.

(a) [1]

(b) [1]

(c) [1]

(d) [1]

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12 A la maison.

Ces personnes parlent d’où ils habitent.

Ecris un avantage et un inconvénient pour chaque endroit.

Où il/elle habite Avantage Inconvénient

(a) Maison

[1] [1]

(b) Ferme

[1] [1]

(c) Appartement

[1] [1]

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Unit 2


Role-play Situations

General Certificate of Secondary Education2019

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General Certificate of Secondary Education2019

TIME7–12 minutes and 10 minutes preparation time.

INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATESYou have 10 minutes to prepare the accompanying material.The use of a dictionary is not permitted.

INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATESYou make your notes on the Candidate Role-play Response Sheet supplied by your teacher, which you then bring into the examination with you. You must leave the sheet with your teacher at the end of the examination.The total mark for this examination is 60.

The examination is in three parts.Part 1: Role-plays carry 10 marks each.Part 2: Conversation Topic 1 carries 20 marks.Part 3: Conversation Topic 2 carries 20 marks.

Additional Materials RequiredCandidate Role-play Response Sheet will be provided by your teacher.



Speaking:Role-play Situations

Context for Learning 1(Session A)

35Version 2: 6 February 2019




Myself, my family, relationship and choices

Instructions to the candidate:

You are talking to your French exchange partner about your best friend.

Your teacher will play the part of your French exchange partner.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address your French exchange partner as “tu”.

1 Give your best friend’s name and age.

2 Give two details about his/her appearance.

3 Give two details about his/her personality.

4 Say you met in primary school.

5 Ask your French exchange partner when his/her birthday is.


Social media and new technology

Instructions to the candidate:

You would like a new mobile phone and are discussing this with your best friend.

Your teacher will play the part of your best friend.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address your friend as “tu”.

1 Say you will get a new mobile phone for your birthday.

2 Say your parents bought you a computer for Christmas.

3 Say how long you have had your old phone for.

4 Say you send text messages and listen to music.

5 Ask your best friend what kind of phone he/she has.

Version 2: 6 February 2019

General Certificate of Secondary Education2019

TIME7–12 minutes and 10 minutes preparation time.

INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATESYou have 10 minutes to prepare the accompanying material.The use of a dictionary is not permitted.

INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATESYou make your notes on the Candidate Role-play Response Sheet supplied by your teacher, which you then bring into the examination with you. You must leave the sheet with your teacher at the end of the examination.The total mark for this examination is 60.

The examination is in three parts.Part 1: Role-plays carry 10 marks each.Part 2: Conversation Topic 1 carries 20 marks.Part 3: Conversation Topic 2 carries 20 marks.

Additional Materials RequiredCandidate Role-play Response Sheet will be provided by your teacher.



Speaking:Role-play Situations

Context for Learning 1(Session B)

37Version 2: 6 February 2019




Free time, leisure and daily routine

Instructions to the candidate:

While in France you discuss your hobbies with your French exchange partner.

Your teacher will play the part of your French exchange partner.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address your French exchange partner as “tu”.

1 Say your favourite hobby is watching TV in the evening.

2 Name two kinds of television programmes you like.

3 Give two reasons why you like them.

4 Ask your exchange partner if he/she has seen the new James Bond film.

5 Ask your French exchange partner if he/she will go to the cinema tomorrow.


Free time, leisure and daily routine

Instructions to the candidate:

You are discussing your daily routine with your French exchange partner.

Your teacher will play the part of your French exchange partner.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address your French exchange partner as “tu”.

1 Say what time you wake up at in the morning. Ask ‘And you?’

2 Say you don’t have time to eat breakfast during the week.

3 Say what time you catch the bus for school.

4 Say you arrived late yesterday.

5 Say what you will do to solve this problem.

Version 2: 6 February 2019

General Certificate of Secondary Education2019

TIME7–12 minutes and 10 minutes preparation time.

INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATESYou have 10 minutes to prepare the accompanying material.The use of a dictionary is not permitted.

INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATESYou make your notes on Candidate Role-play Response Sheet supplied by your teacher, which you then bring into the examination with you. You must leave the sheet with your teacher at the end of the examination.The total mark for this examination is 60.

The examination is in three parts.Part 1: Role-plays carry 10 marks each.Part 2: Conversation Topic 1 carries 20 marks.Part 3: Conversation Topic 2 carries 20 marks.

Additional Materials RequiredCandidate Role-play Response Sheet will be provided by your teacher.




Speaking:Role-play Situations

Context for Learning 1(Session C)

Version 2: 6 February 2019




Social media and new technology

Instructions to the candidate:

You are talking to your French friend about online communication.

Your teacher will play the part of your French friend.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address your French friend as “tu”.

1 Say how often you go on Facebook.

2 Say when you changed your profile.

3 Say you will post some pictures on Facebook later.

4 Say you prefer to send text messages on your mobile phone.

5 Say you have Skype. Ask your French friend if he/she has Skype as well.


Culture, customs, festivals and celebrations

Instructions to the candidate:

You are talking to your French friend about your brother’s birthday.

Your teacher will play the part of your French friend.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address your French friend as “tu”.

1 Say when your brother’s birthday was.

2 Say two things he received for his birthday.

3 Say where you went.

4 Say two things that you did.

5 Ask your French friend what he/she wants for his/her birthday.

Version 2: 6 February 2019

General Certificate of Secondary Education2019

TIME7–12 minutes and 10 minutes preparation time.

INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATESYou have 10 minutes to prepare the accompanying material.The use of a dictionary is not permitted.

INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATESYou make your notes on Candidate Role-play Response Sheet supplied by your teacher, which you then bring into the examination with you. You must leave the sheet with your teacher at the end of the examination.The total mark for this examination is 60.

The examination is in three parts.Part 1: Role-plays carry 10 marks each.Part 2: Conversation Topic 1 carries 20 marks.Part 3: Conversation Topic 2 carries 20 marks.

Additional Materials RequiredCandidate Role-play Response Sheet will be provided by your teacher.



Speaking:Role-play Situations

Context For Learning 2(Session A)

41Version 2: 6 February 2019




My local area and the wider environment

Instructions to the candidate:

While in France you discuss your region with your French exchange partner’s parent.

Your teacher will play the part of the parent.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address the parent as “vous”.

1 Say where you live and where it is located.

2 Describe two positive features of your region.

3 Say two things you did yesterday.

4 Say there are many things to see and to do.

5 Say you will travel and return to Northern Ireland.


Social and global issues

Instructions to the candidate:

While in France you are unwell and go to the doctor’s.

Your teacher will play the part of the doctor.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address the doctor as “vous”.

1 Say you have a sore stomach and a headache.

2 Say you were not ill yesterday.

3 Name two things that you ate recently.

4 Ask if you can have something for the pain.

5 Say what you will do tomorrow.

Version 2: 6 February 2019

General Certificate of Secondary Education2019

TIME7–12 minutes and 10 minutes preparation time.

INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATESYou have 10 minutes to prepare the accompanying material.The use of a dictionary is not permitted.

INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATESYou make your notes on Candidate Role-play Response Sheet supplied by your teacher, which you then bring into the examination with you. You must leave the sheet with your teacher at the end of the examination.The total mark for this examination is 60.

The examination is in three parts.Part 1: Role-plays carry 10 marks each.Part 2: Conversation Topic 1 carries 20 marks.Part 3: Conversation Topic 2 carries 20 marks.

Additional Materials RequiredCandidate Role-play Response Sheet will be provided by your teacher.



Speaking:Role-play Situations

Context for Learning 2(Session B)

43Version 2: 6 February 2019


SITUATION ISocial and global issues

Instructions to the candidate:

You discuss the environment in Northern Ireland with your French exchange partner who is preparing a presentation for his Geography class.

Your teacher will play the part of your French exchange partner.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address your French exchange partner as “tu”.

1 Describe the traffic situation in Belfast.

2 Say you can now hire a bike in the city centre.

3 Say there are not enough bins in the streets.

4 Give two positive aspects of life in the country.

5 Say what your parents have done to help the environment.


Travel and tourism

Instructions to the candidate:

While in a town in France you go to the tourist office.

Your teacher will play the part of the employee.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address the employee as “vous”.

1 Say you would like some information about the town.

2 Say when you arrived.

3 Ask about transport in the town.

4 Say how long you will be staying for and where.

5 Ask what there is to do in the evening.

44Version 2: 6 February 2019

General Certificate of Secondary Education2019

TIME7–12 minutes and 10 minutes preparation time.

INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATESYou have 10 minutes to prepare the accompanying material.The use of a dictionary is not permitted.

INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATESYou make your notes on Candidate Role-play Response Sheet supplied by your teacher, which you then bring into the examination with you. You must leave the sheet with your teacher at the end of the examination.The total mark for this examination is 60.

The examination is in three parts.Part 1: Role-plays carry 10 marks each.Part 2: Conversation Topic 1 carries 20 marks.Part 3: Conversation Topic 2 carries 20 marks.

Additional Materials RequiredCandidate Role-play Response Sheet will be provided by your teacher.



Speaking:Role-play Situations

Context for Learning 2(Session C)

4545Version 2: 6 February 2019


My local area and the wider environment

Instructions to the candidate:

You have moved house recently and talk to your French friend about your new house.

Your teacher will play the part of your French friend.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address your French friend as “tu”.

1 Say where your new house is.

2 Say why you moved house.

3 Give one reason why you prefer your own house.

4 Give two details about your bedroom.

5 Say when you will start your new school.


Community involvement

Instructions to the candidate:

While in France, you discuss your school community service with the father/mother of your French exchange partner.

Your teacher will play the part of the parent.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address the parent as “vous”.

1 Say what you do in the club at school.

2 Say when you meet.

3 Say two things you do to raise money.

4 Say it’s fun. Ask your exchange partner’s parent if he/she wants to come.

5 Say what you will do with the money.

46Version 2: 6 February 2019

General Certificate of Secondary Education2019

TIME7–12 minutes and 10 minutes preparation time.

INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATESYou have 10 minutes to prepare the accompanying material.The use of a dictionary is not permitted.

INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATESYou make your notes on Candidate Role-play Response Sheet supplied by your teacher, which you then bring into the examination with you. You must leave the sheet with your teacher at the end of the examination.The total mark for this examination is 60.

The examination is in three parts.Part 1: Role-plays carry 10 marks each.Part 2: Conversation Topic 1 carries 20 marks.Part 3: Conversation Topic 2 carries 20 marks.

Additional Materials RequiredCandidate Role-play Response Sheet will be provided by your teacher.



Speaking:Role-play Situations

Context for Learning 3(Session A)

4747Version 2: 6 February 2019


SITUATION MMy studies and school life

Instructions to the candidate:

While in France you discuss school subjects with your French exchange partner’s parent.

Your teacher will play the part of the parent.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address the parent as “vous”.

1 Say what your favourite subjects are.

2 Give two reasons for your choices.

3 Say when you began studying French.

4 Give two opinions on French.

5 Say what you will do after your exams.


Extra-curricular activities

Instructions to the candidate:

You discuss clubs and societies in your school with your French exchange partner.

Your teacher will play the part of your French exchange partner.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address your French exchange partner as “tu”.

1 State two activities which take place after school.

2 Say what team you are a member of.

3 Say when you will meet again and play your next match.

4 Say when you began singing in the choir.

5 Ask your French exchange partner if he/she will come to the Spring Concert.

48Version 2: 6 February 2019

General Certificate of Secondary Education2019

TIME7–12 minutes and 10 minutes preparation time.

INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATESYou have 10 minutes to prepare the accompanying material.The use of a dictionary is not permitted.

INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATESYou make your notes on Candidate Role-play Response Sheet supplied by your teacher, which you then bring into the examination with you. You must leave the sheet with your teacher at the end of the examination.The total mark for this examination is 60.

The examination is in three parts.Part 1: Role-plays carry 10 marks each.Part 2: Conversation Topic 1 carries 20 marks.Part 3: Conversation Topic 2 carries 20 marks.

Additional Materials RequiredCandidate Role-play Response Sheet will be provided by your teacher.



Speaking:Role-play Situations

Context for Learning 3(Session B)

4949Version 2: 6 February 2019



SITUATION OPart-time jobs and money management

Instructions to the candidate:

You discuss pocket-money with your French exchange partner.

Your teacher will play the part of your French exchange partner.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address your French exchange partner as “tu”.

1 Say where and when you will be starting work.

2 Say what you would like to buy.

3 Say how much pocket money you receive and when you get it.

4 Ask your French exchange partner if he/she gets pocket money.

5 Say what you did recently to earn some money.


Future plans and career

Instructions to the candidate:

While in France you discuss your future plans with your French exchange partner’s parent.

Your teacher will play the part of the parent.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address the parent as “vous”.

1 Say you will to go to university in England.

2 Say you lived in England when you were younger.

3 Say you’d like to study languages and spend a year in France.

4 Give two reasons why you like languages.

5 Ask your French exchange partner’s parent if he/she studied languages at school.

Version 2: 6 February 2019

General Certificate of Secondary Education2019

TIME7–12 minutes and 10 minutes preparation time.

INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATESYou have 10 minutes to prepare the accompanying material.The use of a dictionary is not permitted.

INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATESYou make your notes on Candidate Role-play Response Sheet supplied by your teacher, which you then bring into the examination with you. You must leave the sheet with your teacher at the end of the examination.The total mark for this examination is 60.

The examination is in three parts.Part 1: Role-plays carry 10 marks each.Part 2: Conversation Topic 1 carries 20 marks.Part 3: Conversation Topic 2 carries 20 marks.

Additional Materials RequiredCandidate Role-play Response Sheet will be provided by your teacher.



Speaking:Role-play Situations

Context for Learning 3(Session C)

51Version 2: 6 February 2019




My studies and school life

Instructions to the candidate:

You talk to your French exchange partner about your school life.

Your teacher will play the part of your French exchange partner.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address your French exchange partner as “tu”.

1 State two things you do not like about your school.

2 Say when you started at the school.

3 Describe your teachers (give two details).

4 State one activity you will be starting soon.

5 Ask your French exchange partner about his/her school.


Part-time jobs and money management

Instructions to the candidate:

You discuss part-time jobs with your French friend.

Your teacher will play the part of your French friend.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address your French friend as “tu”.

1 Ask your friend what sort of job he/she would like to do.

2 Say what kind of job you are going to do.

3 Say how long you will work for and when.

4 Say why you can only work then.

5 Say what you did on your work experience.

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TIME50 minutes.

INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATESWrite your Centre Number and Candidate Number in the spaces provided at the top of this page.You must answer the questions in the spaces provided.Do not write outside the boxed area on each page or on blank pages.*Complete in black ink only. Do not write with a gel pen.

Answer all twelve questions.

INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATESThe total mark for this paper is 60.Figures in brackets printed down the right-hand side of pages indicate the marks awarded to each question or part question.Use of a dictionary is not permitted.



Unit 3: Reading

Foundation Tier


*Relevant for live examinations only

Version 2: 6 February 2019

Examiner Only

Marks Re-mark


Answer all questions.

Section A

Questions and answers in English.

1 Newsletter.

You are putting together a newsletter page.

You need to have the correct caption with each description.

There are three ‘family portrait’ captions labelled A, B and C.

Caption A – “A mother, father, girl and two boys”.

Caption B – “A mother, grandmother, girl and two boys”.

Caption C – “A mother, father, grandmother, two girls and a boy”.

Read the following two descriptions of the families and match them with the correct captions.

Write the letter for the correct caption in the box provided.

(a) Je m’appelle Marie. J’habite avec ma mère, ma grand-mère et mes deux frères.


(b) Je m’appelle Jean-Christophe. J’habite avec mes parents, ma sœur et mon frère.


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2 Here are two blogs about what young French people do for the environment.


On doit aider l’environnement immédiatement! Moi, je trie les déchets chez moi et je ne gaspille pas l’énergie !


Je fais tout mon possible pour essayer de conserver notre planète. J’utilise toujours les transports en commun et j’éteins la lumière quand je quitte une pièce.

Read the statements below. Write the correct names against two of the statements.

(i) I have to do more to help the environment.

(ii) I separate my rubbish.

(iii) I use public transport.

(iv) I shower. [2]

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3 Adverts.

Read the following small adverts.

(A) Trouvé chaton multicolore. Il est très mignon et actif. Il est chez nous depuis une quinzaine.

Appelez Emilie: 06 74 31 54 99

(B) Chien trouvé rue Métropole à côté de l’entrée du parc. Il portait une laisse et il venait peut-être du parc. Il est très sympa et aime faire des promenades.

Appelez Patrice: 06 74 33 45 82

(C) Vieux chien trouvé. Il aime les petites promenades. Il adore se relaxer dans le salon. Les enfants l’adorent car il est gentil.

Appelez Omar: 06 74 31 54 13

(D) Nous avons trouvé un chat noir avec des taches blanches. Il a toujours faim et il préfère le poulet. Il est très amical.

Appelez Abdul: 06 74 34 64 58

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Match the lost pets to the found pets.

Write the correct letter in the box.

Les animaux perdus Ecrisla bonne lettre

(i) Toby est un chat noir et blanc qui est perdu depuis samedi dernier. Il est sociable et aime les câlins et les bisous. Il mange du thon et du poulet.

Appelez Sophie: 06 74 37 44 26


(ii) Notre chien Disco a disparu mercredi soir dans le parc Saint-Michel. Il est plein de vie mais il n’est jamais méchant.

Appelez Jean-Pierre: 06 74 31 54 29


(iii) Notre chaton Tigre est perdu depuis deux semaines. Il est noir, blanc et orange. Il est très petit et rapide.

Appelez Christine: 06 74 31 54 40


(iv) Pascal a quatorze ans. Il s’est échappé du jardin. Il est marron. Il est très calme et il aime dormir dans un fauteuil.

Appelez Sandra: 06 74 31 54 66


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4 Farida and Nicolas are preparing a meal.

They ask you to help them with the shopping.

Read the items on the shopping list.

Choose the items they need by identifying the correct picture.

Tick [] the correct box.

1 Poulet


2 Haricots verts


3 Pain


4 Tarte aux pommes


(a) (b) (c)

(a) (b) (c)

(a) (b) (c)

(a) (b) (c)

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5 French penpal.

You receive this email from your French penpal Clémence describing her recent holiday in Paris.

Tick [] the four correct statements.

A Clémence went to a theme park.

B Clémence spent a weekend in Paris.

C Clémence visited her grandmother.

D Clémence’s favourite subject is Art.

E It rained during Clémence’s stay.

F Clémence did not go shopping in Paris.

G Clémence’s weekend was unforgettable.

H Clémence did not enjoy her stay.


Nice, le 7 juillet

Chère Nicole, J’ai passé un weekend inoubliable à Paris. J’ai rendu visite à ma

grand-mère qui habite près de Montmartre. C’était super! Il faisait très chaud et nous sommes allées partout à pied.

Samedi matin nous avons décidé de visiter le Louvre parce que le

dessin, c’est ma matière préférée. Après ça, nous avons déjeuné dans un café et puis nous avons fait un peu de shopping au Carousel du Louvre. Génial!

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6 Karim makes an entry on his blog talking about what he plans to do during the holidays.

Read Karim’s blog.

Mes projets pour les vacances… J’attends les vacances avec impatience! Les examens sont fatigants et

j’ai besoin de me relaxer. Je vais trainer en ville avec mes copains. Ma tante et mes cousins habitent au bord de la mer et je vais leur rendre visite.

J’aime faire de la planche à voile mais je ne sais pas s’il fera du vent. Donc peut-être que ce ne sera pas possible. Je vais poster les photos sur Facebook. Dites-moi que vous les aimez!

Tick [] the four correct statements.

A Karim is looking forward to the holidays.

B He likes exams.

C He is feeling relaxed.

D He is going to visit his aunt and cousins.

E His aunt and cousins live at the border.

F He likes going wind-surfing.

G He likes when the weather is windy.

H He will post the photos on Facebook.


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7 School.

Read the information below.

Choose the correct word from the box.

Complete the sentences with the six correct words.

interdits vendre établissementvieux porter entresauf demi-pensionnaires règles

maison permis attend

Je vais au collège. C’est un (a) [1] moderne avec

800 élèves et 50 profs. Il y a 40 salles de classe - chacune avec un

tableau blanc interactif. Les (b) [1] déjeunent dans

la cantine.

Au collège nous devons (c) [1] un uniforme scolaire.

C’est une bonne idée car il n’y a pas de differences (d) [1]

les élèves. Il y a aussi beaucoup d’autres (e) [1]

comme par exemple les portables sont (f) [1] en classe.


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8 My school.

Jean-Michel has written this short introduction about his school for the school website.

Translate each of the following sentences from French into English.

Write your answers in the spaces provided.

Je vais au Collège Jules Verne.


C’est le meilleur collège de la région.


Je m’entends bien avec les autres élèves.


Chaque année il y a un voyage aux montagnes.


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Section B

Questions and answers in French.

9 La protection de l’environnement.

Regarde l’affiche.

Remplis les blancs.

(a) Il faut éteindre [1] si on ne la regarde pas.

(b) La poubelle bleue est pour [1] et


(c) Pour économiser l’eau, il faut prendre [1].

Les bons gestes pour protéger l’environnement.

Protéger l’environnement est simple.

Voici quelques conseils:

• Prenez une douche au lieu d’un bain.• Eteignez la télévision quand vous ne la regardez pas.• Recyclez le papier et les journaux dans la poubelle bleue.• Baissez le chauffage et mettez un pull.• Eteignez les lampes quand vous quittez une pièce.

63Version 2: 6 February 2019

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10 Les matières scolaires.

Les jeunes Français parlent de leurs matières préférées et de leurs projets pour l’avenir.

Lis les textes et choisis les bonnes réponses.

Kevin J’adore les arts plastiques et les maths donc j’espère travailler comme architecte dans l’avenir.

Sabine Je suis sportive et j’aime les sciences. Je voudrais devenir cycliste professionnelle. Je ferai les compétitions.

Marie Mes matières préférées sont l’espagnol et l’allemand. C’est mon rêve de travailler comme hôtesse de l’air.

Gamal Je n’aime pas les matières pratiques comme l’éducation physique. Je préfère l’informatique car c’est important pour trouver un emploi.

Coche [] la bonne case.

(a) Qui aime les sciences?

Kevin Sabine Marie Gamal [1]

(b) Qui aime étudier les langues?

Kevin Sabine Marie Gamal [1]

(c) Qui aime travailler avec les ordinateurs?

Kevin Sabine Marie Gamal [1]

(d) Qui voudrait être architecte?

Kevin Sabine Marie Gamal [1]

(e) Qui n’aime pas l’éducation physique?

Kevin Sabine Marie Gamal [1]

(f) Qui espère devenir cycliste professionnelle?

Kevin Sabine Marie Gamal [1]

64Version 2: 6 February 2019

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11 Les amis.

Tu lis cet article dans une revue au sujet des meilleurs amis.

Mon meilleur ami Jacques raconte souvent des blagues – je rigole souvent avec lui! Et il parle sans cesse – même en classe!

Mon meilleur ami Eric adore le théâtre. La semaine dernière il a joué le rôle de Jean Valjean dans une production dramatique au collège mais il est aussi très doué en tennis.

Mon meilleur ami Paul a de bons résultats au collège. Il fait toujours ses devoirs et il aide ses parents à la maison.

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Choisis deux adjectifs pour chaque personne.

travailleur bavard amusantvieux sportif extraverti

intelligent patient paresseux

Ecris les deux adjectifs dans la bonne case.

(a) Paul [1] [1]

(b) Eric [1] [1]

(c) Jacques [1] [1]


66Version 2: 6 February 2019

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12 J’habite un pays francophone.

Lis les descriptions des jeunes francophones et choisis la bonne image.

(a) J’habite à Lausanne en Suisse. C’est idéal car j’adore les sports d’hiver.

(b) J’habite à Sainte-Marie sur l’Ile de la Réunion. J’aime aller à la pêche.

(c) J’habite à Dakar au Sénégal. Je suis accro aux jeux-vidéos.

(d) J’habite à Paris en France. Avec mon argent de poche je vais au cinèma.









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(e) J’habite à Montréal au Canada. Je vais à la patinoire avec mes copines.

(f) J’habite à Bruxelles en Belgique. J’adore regarder les films avec des héros de bande dessinée.

(g) J’habite à Lille en France. Je visite la plage avec ma classe.

(h) J’habite à Cayenne en Guyane. Je fais souvent la soirée pyjama avec mes cousins.









Version 2: 6 February 2019


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70Version 2: 6 February 2019

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TIME1 hour.

INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATESWrite your Centre Number and Candidate Number in the spaces provided at the top of this page. You must answer the questions in the spaces provided.Do not write outside the boxed area on each page or on blank pages.*Complete in black ink only. Do not write with a gel pen.

Answer all twelve questions.

INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATESThe total mark for this paper is 60. Figures in brackets printed down the right-hand side of pages indicate the marks awarded to each question or part question. Use of a dictionary is not permitted.



Unit 3: Reading

Higher Tier


*Relevant for live examinations only

Version 2: 6 February 2019

Examiner Only

Marks Re-mark


Answer all questions.

Section A

Questions and answers in English.

1 Here are two blogs about what young French people do for the environment.


On doit aider l’environnement immédiatement! Moi, je trie les déchets chez moi et je ne gaspille pas l’énergie !


Je fais tout mon possible pour essayer de conserver notre planète. J’utilise toujours les transports en commun et j’éteins la lumière quand je quitte une pièce.

Read the statements below. Write the correct names against two of the statements.

(i) I have to do more to help the environment.

(ii) I separate my rubbish.

(iii) I use public transport.

(iv) I shower. [2]

Version 2: 6 February 2019

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2 Helping others.

Yvonne has volunteered to help Monique with her gardening. She receives this text message from Monique.

(a) What is Monique happy about?


(b) What question about Saturday does Monique ask Yvonne?


Salut Yvonne! Monsieur Vallois m’a donné ton numéro. Je suis très contente d’avoir l’aide d’une jeune fille active comme toi pour faire le jardin. A quelle heure penses-tu venir samedi? Merci, Monique

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3 A school concert is being organised.

Look at the personal statements from the applications and choose a person for each job.

image of teenage boy

Marc: Ma matière préférée est les arts plastiques. Je fais les annonces pour notre club informatique.

image of teenage girl

Laura: Je suis toujours connectée. J’ai mille amis sur Twitter et je suis experte en réseautage social.

image of teenage boy

Thomas: Je suis doué pour le français. J’écris pour le journal du collège depuis trois ans.

image of teenage girl

Sabine: Je suis amicale et bavarde. J’aime rencontrer les gens et j’ai organisé les tours pour les nouveaux élèves.

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Write the name of the best person for each job in the space provided.

(a) welcome guests


(b) design the poster


(c) post information online


(d) write an article for the magazine


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4 French penpal.

You receive this email from your French penpal Clémence describing her recent holiday in Paris.

Tick [] the four correct statements.

A Clémence went to a theme park.

B Clémence spent a weekend in Paris.

C Clémence visited her grandmother.

D Clémence’s favourite subject is Art.

E It rained during Clémence’s stay.

F Clémence did not go shopping in Paris.

G Clémence’s weekend was unforgettable.

H Clémence did not enjoy her stay.


Nice, le 7 juillet

Chère Nicole, J’ai passé un weekend inoubliable à Paris. J’ai rendu visite à

ma grand-mère qui habite près de Montmartre. C’était super! Il faisait très chaud et nous sommes allées partout à pied.

Samedi matin nous avons décidé de visiter le Louvre parce que

le dessin, c’est ma matière préférée. Après ça, nous avons déjeuné dans un café et puis nous avons fait un peu de shopping au Carousel du Louvre. Génial!

Version 2: 6 February 2019

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5 Read the following magazine article about Simon Beauchamp..

Answer the questions in English.

(a) What age was Simon when his mother signed him up for the swimming club?


(b) Why does Simon live in Montpellier (one reason)?


(c) At what event did Simon win the gold medal in 2007, 2011 and 2015?


(d) What are Simon’s plans for the Olympic Games in Rio 2016?


Les incontournables de ma carrière: J’ai gagné la médaille d’or au championnat européen trois fois en 2007, 2011 et 2015. J’ai participé aux Jeux Olympiques à Londres en 2012 et je me suis qualifié pour Rio en 2016 !

Mes projets pour l’avenir: Je vais lutter pour une médaille aux Jeux Olympiques 2016 à Rio. Souhaitez-moi bonne chance !

Un jour dans la vie de....Simon Beauchamp

Je me présente: Je m’appelle Simon Beauchamp. Je suis né en 1990 à La Rochelle. Je vais souvent à la piscine depuis mon enfance. À l’âge de huit ans ma mère m’a inscrit au club de natation et je suis devenu fanatique de la natation. J’habite maintenant à Montpellier car il y a une piscine olympique et ce n’est pas loin de la mer.

Version 2: 6 February 2019

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6 School.

Read the information below.

Choose the correct word from the box.

Complete the sentences with the six correct words.

interdits vendre établissementvieux porter entresauf demi-pensionnaires règles

maison permis attend

Je vais au collège. C’est un (a) [1] moderne avec

800 élèves et 50 profs. Il y a 40 salles de classe - chacune avec un

tableau blanc interactif. Les (b) [1] déjeunent dans

la cantine.

Au collège nous devons (c) [1] un uniforme scolaire.

C’est une bonne idée car il n’y a pas de differences (d) [1]

les élèves. Il y a aussi beaucoup d’autres (e) [1]

comme par exemple les portables sont (f) [1] en classe.


Version 2: 6 February 2019

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7 Recycling at School.

Read this poster about recycling strategies displayed in a French school.

Answer the following questions in English.

(a) Who else is involved in the recycling initiative?


(b) Where are the recycling bins located?


(c) Which two things should you not put in the green bin?


Pensez à la planète!

Notre collège fait partie d’une initiative de recyclage suivie par tous les collèges de la région.

Voilà des conseils pour nos élèves:

Il faut trier les déchets et les mettre dans les poubelles disponibles dans les couloirs:

• Placez les cannettes en aluminium et les bouteilles en plastique dans la poubelle noire. Ne les mettez jamais dans la poubelle verte.

• Placez les produits en papier dans les boîtes rouges.

Vous pouvez recycler les textiles (par exemple, les vêtements, les chaussures et les serviettes) dans les poubelles vertes. Ces textiles sont destinés aux auberges pour les SDFs et aux magasins des sociétés bénévoles dans la région.

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(d) Give one example of a textile that can be put in the green bin.


(e) Give one example of where the textiles will be sent.


80Version 2: 6 February 2019

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8 Jean has written a piece about his work experience for the school website.

He asks for your help to translate it into English.

Read the information below.

Translate each phrase into English. Write your answers in the spaces provided.

(a) J’ai fait un stage professional en novembre.


(b) J’ai décidé d’aller à la clinique vétérinaire car


(c) je voudrais devenir infirmier pour animaux.


(d) C’était fantastique et

[1] (e) le vétérinaire était très sympa.


Bonjour! Je m’appelle Jean. J’ai fait un stage professionnel en novembre. J’ai décidé d’aller à la clinique vétérinaire car je voudrais devenir infirmier pour animaux. C’était fantastique et le vétérinaire était très sympa. J’ai toujours aimé les animaux. J’espère avoir les notes nécessaires pour continuer mes études.

81Version 2: 6 February 2019

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(f) J’ai toujours aimé les animaux.


(g) J’espère avoir les notes nécessaires


(h) pour continuer mes études.


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Section B

Questions and answers in French.

9 J’adore le week–end.

Marc et Sonia discutent le week–end.

Qu’est-ce qu’ils vont faire?

Choisis la bonne image pour chaque conversation.

Coche [] la bonne case.

(a) Marc: Sonia, tu veux aller au ciné ce soir? Il y a un nouveau film d’action.

Sonia: Oui, je veux bien!

(b) Sonia: C’est à quelle heure?

Marc: Selon l’horaire c’est à seize heures quarante-cinq.

(c) Marc: Comment veux-tu y aller?

Sonia: Je vais prendre le bus numéro vingt.




16:45 17:30 18:15




20117 [1]

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(d) Sonia: As-tu déjà mangé?

Marc: Non, je voudrais manger un croque-monsieur au snack bar!



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10 Les amis.

Tu lis cet article dans une revue au sujet des meilleurs amis.

Mon meilleur ami Jacques raconte souvent des blagues – je rigole souvent avec lui! Et il parle sans cesse – même en classe!

Mon meilleur ami Eric adore le théâtre. La semaine dernière il a joué le rôle de Jean Valjean dans une production dramatique au collège mais il est aussi très doué en tennis.

Mon meilleur ami Paul a de bons résultats au collège. Il fait toujours ses devoirs et il aide ses parents à la maison.

85Version 2: 6 February 2019

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Choisis deux adjectifs pour chaque personne.

travailleur bavard amusantvieux sportif extraverti

intelligent patient paresseux

Ecris les deux adjectifs dans la bonne case.

(a) Paul [1] [1]

(b) Eric [1] [1]

(c) Jacques [1] [1]


Version 2: 6 February 2019

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11 A tourist destination.

Bordeaux-Ville touristique

Lis cette publicité pour les vacances à Bordeaux.

Choisissez Bordeaux, une ville pour tout le monde.

Chaque année 2,5 millions de visiteurs arrivent à Bordeaux dans le sud-ouest de la France. Bordeaux a beaucoup à offrir aux touristes qui visitent la capitale de la région de l’Aquitaine.

Aimeriez-vous visiter les sites historiques ou admirer l’architecture moderne?

Voudriez-vous profiter des beaux théâtres ou des grands stades? Préfériez-vous rester dans un camping ou un hôtel cinq étoiles?

Bordeaux – une ville pour les familles, les amoureux et les copains…

Profitez de nos offres sur le site Nous vous proposons des réductions de 30% et une promenade en bateau gratuite pour chaque séjour réservé en ligne.

Réponds aux questions en français.

(a) Où se trouve Bordeaux?


(b) Qu’est-ce qu’on peut visiter à Bordeaux?


(c) Où peut-on loger?


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(d) Qui aimerait visiter Bordeaux?


(e) Quel pourcentage de réduction peut-on avoir sur le site web?


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12 Marielle Dupont - Experte en upcyclage.

Lis l’entretien entre Sabine et Marielle.

Réponds aux questions en français.

(a) Que faut-il faire avec les déchets?


Sabine: Bonjour Marielle! C’est notre plaisir de vous accueillir

à Nouvelle Mode. Comment êtes-vous arrivée à travailler dans l’upcyclage?

Marielle: Pendant mes études au lycée, je faisais les arts plastiques avec une spécialisation en mode. Je n’avais pas beaucoup d’argent mais j’avais besoin de matériel pour faire les vêtements. Comme ça, j’ai commencé à modifier des vestes et des jupes de mes sœurs.

(b) Quelle matière Marielle a-t-elle étudié au lycée?


(c) Comment a-t-elle commencé à faire de l’upcyclage?


Webchat mensuel du magazine Nouvelle Mode avec Sabine Martin.

Sabine: Marielle Dupont nous parle de l’upcyclage: une alternative éthique à la surconsommation dans les pays développés. Pourquoi jeter les déchets quand on pourrait les transformer en quelque chose d’original?

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Sabine: Il n’y a pas beaucoup de lycéennes qui ont des collections dans les boutiques parisiennes! Comment cela est-il arrivé?

Marielle: J’ai eu de la chance. La mère d’une copine au lycée organisait un défilé de mode et au dernier moment une des dessinatrices est tombée malade et ne pouvait pas participer. Elle m’a proposé de montrer la collection que j’avais préparée pour mon baccalauréat.

(d) Que faisait la mère d’une copine de Marielle?


(e) Pourquoi a-t-elle proposé à Marielle de montrer sa collection?


Sabine: Pourquoi pensez-vous que l’upcyclage devient de plus en plus populaire entre les jeunes?

Marielle: Comme tu as déjà dit, il nous faut une alternative éthique à la surconsommation. Il y a cinquante ans, les mères de famille réparaient les vêtements abîmés. Maintenant on les jette à la poubelle sans penser à l’impact humain et écologique du marché de la mode. L’upcyclage est un moyen facile de faire face au gaspillage dans notre société.

(f) Que faisaient les mères de famille il y a cinquante ans?


(g) Quels sont les deux choses qu’il faut considérer quand on jette les vêtements dans la poubelle?


Sabine: Merci Marielle, c’était fascinant de vous parler! Bon courage pour l’avenir!

Marielle: C’est moi qui vous remercie!

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92Version 2: 6 February 2019

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TIME1 hour.

INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATESWrite your Centre Number and Candidate Number in the spaces provided at the top of this page. Write your answers in the spaces provided in this question paper. Complete in black ink only. Do not write with a gel pen. Answer all four questions.

INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATESThe total mark for this paper is 60. Figures in brackets printed down the right-hand side of pages indicate the marks awarded to each question or part question. Use of a dictionary is not permitted.



Unit 4: Writing

Foundation Tier

93Version 2: 6 February 2019

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Answer all questions.

1 Shopping.

(A) You are on holiday and you have been shopping in the shopping centre.

You go to the fruit shop and the vegetable shop.

Look at the text below and write a suitable word in each of the spaces provided.

Write in French.


Je suis en vacances en France. Je dois aller au centre

commercial. Pour commencer, j’ai besoin de fruits et il faut

acheter des (a) [1] et des

(b) [1].

J’ai besoin aussi de légumes et je vais acheter des

(c) [1] et des (d) [1].

(B) Look at the text below and write a suitable short phrase of 2-3 words in each of the spaces provided.

Write in French.

Aujourd’hui, c’est l’anniversaire de mon amie et je vais porter

(e) . [2]

Mon amie s’appelle Sophie et elle (f)

. [2]

Pendant la fête, on va (g)

. [2]

Version 2: 6 February 2019

Examiner Only

Marks Re-mark


2 Family.

You have met a new group of friends in town.

You are sitting in a café chatting about your families, friends and interests.

Your friends ask you some questions about yourself.

Write a sentence for each answer.

Answer the questions in French.

(a) Jacques: Il y a combien de personnes dans ta famille?

[2] (b) Marie: Qu’est-ce que tu aimes manger?


(c) Claudette: Tu aimes quelles matières?


(d) Etienne: Comment est ton meilleur ami?


(e) Elodie: Quel temps fait-il dans ta région?


Version 2: 6 February 2019

Examiner Only

Marks Re-mark


3 You are on holiday in Nice in the South of France and you go to the local hypermarket.

You tell your sister about your visit.

Translate the English sentences into French and write the answer in the space provided below.


I like to visit the hypermarket because there are lots of shops.I love looking at the shop windows.You can eat lots of French food in the cafés.There is a bakery and the cakes are very good.It would be good to visit the hypermarket at Christmas to see the Christmas tree.

Version 2: 6 February 2019

Examiner Only

Marks Re-mark


4 Choose one question from the three options provided and write your answer in French.

You must write five paragraphs. You must include all bullet points.

(a) Context 1: Topic: Daily routine

You have been asked to write an article for your school magazine about your daily routine.

• What you usually do in the morning before going to school. • What you normally have for your evening meal. • Your favourite food and why.• What you had for your evening meal yesterday.• What you are going to do this evening after school.


(b) Context 2: Topic: Travel and tourism

You are responding to an e-mail from your French friend who has asked you the following questions regarding your holiday habits.

• What you normally do for your holidays. • What you did last year.• Your accommodation and how you got there.• What the weather was like during your stay. • What holiday plans you have for this year.


(c) Context 3: Topic: My studies

You have been asked to write an article for your school magazine about your school life.

• Where your school is located. • What you think of the school facilities.• A description of your favourite teacher.• What you did in class this week.• What your plans are for next year.


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104Version 2: 6 February 2019

Centre Number

Candidate Number

General Certificate of Secondary Education2018

For Examiner’s use only

Question Number







TIME1 hour 15 minutes.

INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATESWrite your Centre Number and Candidate Number in the spaces provided at the top of this page.Write your answers in the spaces provided in this question paper. Complete in black ink only. Do not write with a gel pen.

Answer all four questions.

INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATESThe total mark for this paper is 60.Figures in brackets printed down the right-hand side of pages indicate the marks awarded to each question or part question. Use of a dictionary is not permitted.



Unit 4: Writing

Higher Tier

105Version 2: 6 February 2019

Examiner Only

Marks Re-mark


Answer all questions.

1 Family.

You have met a new group of friends in town.

You are sitting in a café chatting about your families, friends and interests.

Your friends ask you some questions about yourself.

Write a sentence for each answer.

Answer the questions in French.

(a) Jacques: Il y a combien de personnes dans ta famille?

[2] (b) Marie: Qu’est-ce que tu aimes manger?


(c) Claudette: Tu aimes quelles matières?


(d) Etienne: Comment est ton meilleur ami?


(e) Elodie: Quel temps fait-il dans ta région?


Version 2: 6 February 2019

Examiner Only

Marks Re-mark


2 My favourite hobby.

You have received this e-mail from your new pen-pal in Toulouse. Read her message.

Answer her five questions in French in the spaces provided below.











Salut! Moi, j’adore le cinéma. J’y vais chaque semaine.

Le week-end dernier, je suis allé voir le nouveau film de Tom Hanks. C’est mon acteur préféré.

Tu vas souvert au cinema?

Es-tu allé au cinéma récemment? Qu’est-ce que tu as vu? Avec qui es-tu allé?

Quel est ton genre de film préféré?

Amitiés Michelle

Version 2: 6 February 2019

Examiner Only

Marks Re-mark


3 Christmas Market in Paris.

Here is a poster about the December Christmas Market.

Christmas Market in Paris

Heures: tous les jours, de 11h à 20h

C’est le plus grand de la région.

Il y a plus de 150 chalets en bois.

Il est très facile d’accès.

Il est ouvert du quinze novembre au huit janvier.

Il y a des installations pour les handicapés.

Version 2: 6 February 2019

Examiner Only

Marks Re-mark


Translate the English sentences into French.

(a) The market costs 5 euros.


(b) The market is very close to the centre of Paris.


(c) The market is five minutes from the bus station.


(d) The market closes at midnight on the 24th of December.


(e) There are also toilets beside the market.


Version 2: 6 February 2019

Examiner Only

Marks Re-mark


4 Choose one question from the three options provided and write your answer in French.

You must write five paragraphs. You must include all bullet points.

(a) Context 1: Topic: Free time and leisure

You have been asked to write an article for your school magazine about your hobbies and leisure activities.

• Your favourite personal hobbies/activities.• Why hobbies/activities are important and their benefits.• An interesting hobby/activity you enjoyed recently and why.• Hobbies/activities with family or friends, your preferences and why.• A new hobby/activity you would like to take up in the future and why.


(b) Context 2: Topic: Social issues

You have been asked to write an article for your school magazine about voluntary/charity work or fundraising.

• Details of voluntary or charity work you have done.• Reasons why you did this work.• How this work helps to develop your character/personality.• The new skills and benefits you have gained.• How this work will help with your future career.


(c) Context 3: Topic: School life

You are interested in going on an educational exchange visit. You want to spend time in a post-primary school. You are asked to write out the following details.

• Your personal details, description, personality, interests.• Why you want to go on the exchange trip.• Trips or holidays you have been on in the past.• What subjects you are looking forward to studying and why.• What other activities you would like to experience on the trip.


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General Certificate of Secondary Education



121Version 2: 6 February 2019


General Marking Instructions

IntroductionMark schemes are intended to ensure that the GCSE examinations are marked consistently and fairly. The mark schemes provide markers with an indication of the nature and range of candidates’ responses likely to be worthy of credit. They also set out the criteria which they should apply in allocating marks to candidates’ responses.

Assessment objectivesBelow are the assessment objectives for GCSE French.

Candidates must:

AO1 understand and respond to different types of spoken language;

AO2 communicate and interact effectively in speech;

AO3 understand and respond to different types of written language; and

AO4 communicate in writing.

Quality of candidates’ responsesIn marking the examination papers, examiners should be looking for a quality of response reflecting the level of maturity which may reasonably be expected of a 16-year-old which is the age at which the majority of candidates sit their GCSE examinations.

Flexibility in markingMark schemes are not intended to be totally prescriptive. No mark scheme can cover all the responses which candidates may produce. In the event of unanticipated answers, examiners are expected to use their professional judgement to assess the validity of answers. If an answer is particularly problematic, then examiners should seek the guidance of the Supervising Examiner.

Positive markingExaminers are encouraged to be positive in their marking, giving appropriate credit for what candidates know, understand and can do rather than penalising candidates for errors or omissions. Examiners should make use of the whole of the available mark range for any particular question and be prepared to award full marks for a response which is as good as might reasonably be expected of a 16-year-old GCSE candidate.

Awarding zero marksMarks should only be awarded for valid responses and no marks should be awarded for an answer which is completely incorrect or inappropriate.

Types of mark schemesMark schemes for tasks or questions which require candidates to respond in extended written form are marked on the basis of levels of response which take account of the quality of written communication.

Other questions which require only short answers are marked on a point for point basis with marks awarded for each valid piece of information provided.

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Levels of responseTasks and questions requiring candidates to respond in extended writing are marked in terms of levels of response. In deciding which level of response to award, examiners should look for the ‘best fit’ bearing in mind that weakness in one area may be compensated for by strength in another. In deciding which mark within a particular level to award to any response, examiners are expected to use their professional judgement. The following guidance is provided to assist examiners.

• Threshold performance: Response which just merits inclusion in the level and should be awarded a mark at or near the bottom of the range.

• Intermediate performance: Response which clearly merits inclusion in the level and should be awarded a mark at or near the middle of the range.

• High performance: Response which fully satisfies the level description and should be awarded a mark at or near the top of the range.

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FrenchUnit 1: Listening

Foundation Tier


General Certificate of Secondary Education2019

125Version 2: 6 February 2019



Section A

Questions and answers in English.

1 (a) baker [1]

(b) black hair [1]

2 (a) sailing [1]

(b) stay at home [1]

3 (i) D [1]

(ii) A [1]

(iii) B [1]

(iv) F [1]

4 (a) C [1] (b) A [1]

(c) F [1]

(d) B [1]

(e) D [1]

(f) E [1]

5 (a) A [1]

(b) C [1]

(c) B [1]

(d) C [1]

(e) B [1]

(f) A [1]






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6 (a) B [1]

(b) A [1]

(c) A [1]

(d) C [1]

(e) B [1]

(f) A [1]

7 (a) (i) [1], (iii) [1] [2]

(b) (iii) [1], (iv) [1] [2]

(c) (i) [1], (iv) [1] [2]

(d) (i) [1], (iv) [1] [2]

8 (a) glass [1] plastic [1] [2]

(b) factories [1] cars [1] [2]

(c) newspapers [1] bottles [1] [2]

(d) rubbish [1] seas [1] [2]




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Section B

Questions and answers in French.

9 (a) B [1] (b) C [1]

10 (a) 6h15 [1]

(b) dit au revoir (à sa mère) [1]

(c) écoute de la musique [1]

(d) elle lit [1]

11 (a) N [1]

(b) P [1]

(c) N [1]

(d) P [1]

(e) N [1]

(f) P [1]

12 1 être en plein air [1]/dur, fatigant [1]

2 intéressant [1]/pas bien payé [1]

3 voyager sans payer [1]/pas assez de jours de congés [1]

Total marks






Version 2: 6 February 2019

TRANSCRIPTAudio ‘beep’ to precede each question

Questions 1 – 8 insert 5 and 10 second pauses

Questions 9 – 12 insert 7 and 12 second pauses

FrenchUnit 1: Listening

Foundation Tier



General Certificate of Secondary Education2019

Version 2: 6 February 2019


Northern Ireland Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment

General Certificate of Secondary Education, 2019 French, Unit 1, Listening, Foundation Tier

You will now be allowed 5 minutes to read through the paper, before the first question starts.

Pause 5 minutes

The five minute reading period has now finished and the examination will now begin. Please open your paper at question 1.

Read each question carefully. Complete your answer by listening to the recording and follow the instructions given in the question paper. You will hear each section twice.

1 Your French friend Jean tells you about his family.

(a) Mon père est boulanger et ma mère est coiffeuse.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(b) Ma mère a les cheveux noirs.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

Pause 10 seconds

2 You overhear some French students talking about what they like to do in different weather.

(a) Quand il y a du vent, je fais de la voile tous les jours.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(b) Je préfère rester à la maison quand il pleut.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

Pause 10 seconds

3 Your French friend Chantal tells you what she does in her spare time.

(a) Le weekend, j’aime monter à cheval. J’adore l’équitation.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat






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(b) Dans mon temps libre, j’adore nager dans la piscine avec ma famille.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(c) J’aime tous les sports nautiques, surtout la voile, c’est mon sport préféré.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(d) Moi, ce que j’aime faire, c’est lire des livres. J’adore les romans historiques.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

Pause 10 seconds

4 Your French friend Luc is making arrangements for his birthday party.

(a) J’espère recevoir un nouvel ordinateur portable et des vêtements comme cadeaux de mes parents.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(b) Mes amis et moi, nous voulons écouter les chansons de nos chanteurs favoris.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(c) Ma mère a dit que tout le monde doit partir avant minuit.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(d) Ma tante va préparer un grand repas, ça va être délicieux et je l’attends avec impatience!

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(e) J’ai invité tous les élèves dans ma classe et je leur ai dit que la fête commencera à neuf heures le soir.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(f) Je vais avoir la fête d’anniversaire chez moi parce que le salon est très grand et il y a beaucoup d’espace.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

Pause 10 seconds










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5 Your French friend Olivier tells you about where he lives.

(a) J’aime habiter en ville parce que mes amis habitent près de chez moi.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(b) Le soir je vais à la patinoire avec mes amis.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(c) Mon collège est tout près. J’y vais à pied le matin.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(d) Le weekend j’adore faire du shopping au centre commercial.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(e) Nous avons de la chance parce que les transports en commun sont très efficaces.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(f) A l’avenir, je voudrais habiter à Paris pour aller à l’université.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

Pause 10 seconds

6 You hear a French student talking about his holiday plans.

(a) Cette année, je vais aller en vacances à l’étranger parce que je préfère les pays chauds.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(b) Je vais aller avec mes copains. Ça va être amusant!

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(c) Je vais y passer quinze jours. A mon avis, une semaine est trop courte.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(d) Pendant mes vacances, j’ai l’intention de faire des promenades souvent car j’adore les vacances actives.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat











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(e) Je vais voyager en avion parce que c’est le plus rapide, le bateau est beaucoup trop lent.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(f) J’adore faire des magasins et pendant mes vacances je vais m’acheter un nouveau chapeau comme souvenir. Je déteste écrire des cartes postales - c’est barbant!

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

Pause 10 seconds

7 Your French friend Pauline talks to you about school life.

(a) Au collège, j’aime apprendre à cuisiner et apprendre sur les différents pays du monde. Je suis très faible en maths.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(b) Comme il n’y a pas d’uniforme dans la majorité des collèges français, très peu d’élèves portent un pantalon ou une chemise. C’est plus confortable de porter un survêtement ou un pull.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(c) Il y a plein de clubs extrascolaires, moi je suis membre du club de photographie et comme je suis très créative je vais au club de dessin. Il n’y a pas de club d’informatique.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(d) Au collège, la majorité des élèves ne fument pas mais beaucoup arrivent en retard. Quant à la règle en ce qui concerne les bijoux, beaucoup de jeunes portent une montre ou des bagues.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

Pause 10 seconds

8 You are listening to a radio broadcast about environmental problems.

(a) Pour aider l’environnement, je recycle le verre et le plastique.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(b) Deux grandes causes de pollution dans les grandes villes, ce sont les usines et les voitures.









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Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(c) Près du supermarché, il y a une poubelle spéciale pour les journaux et une autre pour les bouteilles.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(d) Les déchets des grandes entreprises polluent les mers et les rivières. C’est très mauvais pour l’environnement.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

Pause 10 seconds

9 Ecoute ces personnes qui parlent des avantages et des inconvénients de leur petit job.

(a) Le vendredi soir je fais du babysitting. C’est bien car je peux faire mes devoirs quand les petits dorment.

Pause 7 seconds and repeat

(b) Je travaille au centre sportif le mardi soir. C’est bien parce que je peux rester en forme.

Pause 7 seconds and repeat

Pause 12 seconds

10 Ton amie parle de sa routine journalière.

(a) Le matin je me réveille à 6h. Je me lève à 6h15 et je me douche à 6h30.

Pause 7 seconds and repeat

(b) Avant de quitter la maison je dis au revoir à ma mère.

Pause 7 seconds and repeat

(c) Je prends le train pour aller au collège. C’est bien parce que j’écoute de la musique.

Pause 7 seconds and repeat

(d) Le soir je lis mon roman après avoir fait mes devoirs.

Pause 7 seconds and repeat

Pause 12 seconds









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11 Au collège.

Ton amie décrit son collège avant ta visite.

(a) Les autres élèves dans ma classe font beaucoup de bruit et ils ne font pas assez attention pendant les cours.

Pause 7 seconds and repeat

(b) Les professeurs enseignent bien leur matière et ils sont généralement assez sympas.

Pause 7 seconds and repeat

(c) Les bâtiments ne sont pas jolis et je pense qu’ils ont été construits il y a cinquante ans.

Pause 7 seconds and repeat

(d) A mon avis, les devoirs sont nécessaires pour avoir de bons résultats au collège.

Pause 7 seconds and repeat

(e) Le directeur de mon collège s’appelle Monsieur Martin. Tous les élèves ont peur de lui car il est très sévère.

Pause 7 seconds and repeat

(f) J’aime les grandes vacances parce que j’aime me relaxer avant la rentrée.

Pause 7 seconds and repeat

Pause 12 seconds







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12 Ecoute ce programme au sujet des emplois.

(a) Je travaille dans une ferme et j’aime le travail parce que j’aime être en plein air. Cependant c’est un travail dur et fatigant.

Pause 7 seconds and repeat

(b) Je travaille comme caissière et c’est intéressant de travailler avec le public mais l’inconvénient, c’est que ce n’est pas bien payé.

Pause 7 seconds and repeat

(c) Je suis hôtesse de l’air, l’avantage c’est qu’on peut voyager sans payer mais le problème, c’est qu’il n’y a pas assez de jours de congés.

Pause 7 seconds and repeat

This is the end of the recording.




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Unit 1: Listening

Higher Tier

General Certificate of Secondary Education2019

137Version 2: 6 February 2019



Section A

Questions and answers in English.

1 (a) sailing [1]

(b) stay at home [1]

2 Monday – D [1]

Tuesday – C [1]

3 (a) works in charity shop [1]

(b) picks up rubbish [1]

(c) serves food at nursery school [1]

(d) does housework for elderly neighbours [1]

4 (a) A [1]

(b) C [1]

(c) B [1]

(d) C [1]

(e) B [1]

(f) A [1]

5 (a) P [1]

(b) N [1]

(c) P [1]

(d) N [1]

(e) P [1]

(f) P [1]






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6 (a) F [1], B [1] [2]

(b) G [1], C [1] [2]

(c) A [1], E [1] [2]

7 (a) glass [1], plastic [1] [2]

(b) factories [1], cars [1] [2]

(c) newspapers [1], bottles [1] [2]

(d) rubbish [1], seas [1] [2]

8 (a) eat healthily [1]/do homework in advance [1]/organise my school work [1] (Any two of) [2]

(b) exercise [1]/go online [1] [2]

(c) write a to do list [1]/listen to music [1] [2]

(d) telephone/call friends [1]/read [1] [2]




Version 2: 6 February 2019



Section B

Questions and answers in French.

9 (a) F [1]

(b) V [1]

10 (a) N [1]

(b) P [1]

(c) N [1]

(d) P [1]

(e) N [1]

(f) P [1]

11 (a) D [1]

(b) B [1]

(c) E [1]

(d) A [1]

12 (a) on a sa propre chambre [1]/ne partage pas sa chambre/les meubles sont vieux [1] [2]

(b) les animaux vous réveillent le matin [1]/tranquille [1] [2]

(c) grand balcon [1]/beaucoup de circulation [1] [2]

Total marks






Version 2: 6 February 2019

General Certificate of Secondary Education2019

TRANSCRIPTAudio ‘beep’ to precede each question

Questions 1 – 8 insert 5 and 10 second pauses

Questions 9 – 12 insert 7 and 12 second pauses

FrenchUnit 1: Listening

Higher Tier


141Version 2: 6 February 2019






Northern Ireland Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and AssessmentGeneral Certificate of Secondary Education, 2019French, Unit 1, Listening, Higher Tier

You will now be allowed 5 minutes to read through the paper, before the first question starts.

Pause 5 minutes

The five minute reading period has now finished and the examination will now begin. Please open your paper at question 1.

Read each question carefully. Complete your answer by listening to the recording and follow the instructions given in the question paper. You will hear each section twice.

1 You overhear some French students talking about what activities they like to do in different weather.

(a) Quand il y a du vent, je fais de la voile tous les jours.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(b) Je préfère rester à la maison quand il pleut.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

Pause 10 seconds

2 You hear this weather forecast whilst on holidays in France.

(a) Voici la météo pour aujourd’hui lundi en France. Il y a un risque de pluie surtout dans le nord du pays.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(b) Mardi, malheureusement, il y aura des nuages le matin et le soir.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

Pause 10 seconds

Version 2: 6 February 2019






3 French students talk about voluntary work which they do.

(a) Je m’appelle Marie. Le weekend je travaille dans un magasin de charité. C’est un travail volontaire, c’est-à-dire, on ne me paie pas.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(b) Je m’appelle Jean. Pour aider, je ramasse les déchets dans les rues de mon village. C’est organisé par mon club de jeunes et je l’aime beaucoup.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(c) Je m’appelle Nicole. Le vendredi je vais à une école maternelle où j’aide à servir les repas aux enfants. J’aime travailler avec les jeunes.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(d) Je m’appelle Claude. Le dimanche je vais chez mes voisins et je fais le ménage parce qu’ils sont très âgés et ne sont pas capables de nettoyer.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

Pause 10 seconds

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4 Your French friend Olivier tells you about where he lives.

(a) J’aime habiter en ville parce que mes amis habitent près de chez moi.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(b) Le soir je vais à la patinoire avec mes amis.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(c) Mon collège est tout près. J’y vais à pied le matin.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(d) Le week-end j’adore faire du shopping au centre commercial.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(e) Nous avons de la chance parce que les transports en commun sont très efficaces.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(f) A l’avenir, je voudrais habiter à Paris pour aller à l’université.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

Pause 10 seconds

5 These young people tell you their opinions on wearing a school uniform.

(a) A mon avis l’uniforme scolaire est très pratique parce qu’on ne doit pas décider de ce qu’on va porter le matin. Donc, on a moins de problèmes.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(b) Je pense que les uniformes sont trop chers et comme mon père est au chômage en ce moment on n’a pas assez d’argent.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(c) Je suis fier de mon uniforme et je pense qu’on s’entend mieux au collège à cause de cela.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

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(d) Je suis contre l’uniforme parce que tout le monde se ressemble et je n’ai pas l’occasion de montrer ma personnalité.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(e) Les vêtements à la mode sont chers et il y a quelques-uns qui prennent les vêtements des autres donc je préfère porter l’uniforme.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(f) Je suis favorable à mon uniforme scolaire parce que la veste est très confortable et j’aime la couleur.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

Pause 10 seconds

6 Young people are discussing their past holidays.

(a) L’année dernière, je suis allé en Espagne et je me suis bien amusé. J’ai fait du tourisme et un jour nous sommes allés au parc d’attractions - c’était excellent!

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(b) Il y a trois ans, je suis allée en Suisse avec mon collège et j’ai fait des sports d’hiver, ce qui était vraiment passionnant. Aussi, j’ai fait du canoë dans les lacs de la région.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(c) L’été dernier, je suis allé en Allemagne. Le soir, nous avons dîné au restaurant et pendant la journée, nous avons fait des promenades dans la forêt.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

Pause 10 seconds

7 You are listening to a radio broadcast about environmental problems.

(a) Pour aider l’environnement, je recycle le verre et le plastique.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

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(b) Deux grandes causes de pollution dans les grandes villes, ce sont les usines et les voitures.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(c) Près du supermarché, il y a une poubelle spéciale pour les journaux et une autre pour les bouteilles.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(d) Les déchets des grandes entreprises polluent les mers et les rivières. C’est très mauvais pour l’environnement.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

Pause 10 seconds

8 You hear these young people talking about how they relieve stress.

(a) Pour éviter le stress, j’essaie de manger sainement et de faire tous mes devoirs en avance. Si je n’organise pas mon travail scolaire, je deviens très stressé.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(b) Je préfère faire de l’exercice pour oublier mes problèmes. Quelquefois je vais en ligne, c’est super.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(c) La meilleure manière de réduire le stress est d’écrire tout ce que je dois faire dans mon agenda. Aussi, quelquefois j’écoute de la musique classique mais je ne prendrais jamais des médicaments.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

(d) Quand je suis stressé, je ne peux rien faire. Pour me calmer, je dois appeler mes amis ou lire un bon roman.

Pause 5 seconds and repeat

Pause 10 seconds








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9 Marie parle du mariage.

(a) Je ne vais jamais me marier parce que pour moi, c’est plus important de trouver un bon partenaire et d’avoir beaucoup de bébés.

Pause 7 seconds and repeat

Pause 12 seconds

10 Ton amie décrit son collège avant ta visite.

(a) Les autres élèves dans ma classe font beaucoup de bruit et ils ne font pas assez attention pendant les cours.

Pause 7 seconds and repeat

(b) Les professeurs enseignent bien leur matière et ils sont généralement assez sympas.

Pause 7 seconds and repeat

(c) Les bâtiments ne sont pas jolis et je pense qu’ils ont été construits il y a cinquante ans.

Pause 7 seconds and repeat

(d) A mon avis les devoirs sont nécessaires pour avoir de bons résultats au collège.

Pause 7 seconds and repeat

(e) Le directeur de mon collège s’appelle Monsieur Martin. Tous les élèves ont peur de lui car il est très sévère.

Pause 7 seconds and repeat

(f) J’aime les grandes vacances parce que j’aime me relaxer avant la rentrée.

Pause 7 seconds and repeat

Pause 12 seconds








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11 Ecoute cette émission sur l’environnement. De quoi parle-t-on?

(a) Les substances nocives qui viennent des usines ont des conséquences mauvaises dans l’atmosphère.

Pause 7 seconds and repeat

(b) La quantité de papiers et de bouteilles sur les plages est très inquiétante parce que cela pourrait avoir un effet négatif sur le tourisme dans la région.

Pause 7 seconds and repeat

(c) Nous devons faire face à ceux qui coupent des arbres dans les forêts parce que les animaux risquent de perdre leur habitat.

Pause 7 seconds and repeat

(d) Le fait qu’il n’a pas plu pendant trois mois signifie qu’il n’y a pas assez d’eau pour irriguer les produits agricoles dans les régions africaines.

Pause 7 seconds and repeat

Pause 12 seconds





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12 Ces personnes parlent d’où ils habitent.

(a) J’habite dans une maison. D’une part, j’aime ma maison parce que je ne dois pas partager ma chambre comme mes deux sœurs, mais d’autre part les meubles sont très vieux et pas du tout à la mode.

Pause 7 seconds and repeat

(b) Nous habitons dans une ferme mais je n’aime pas quand les animaux me réveillent très tôt le matin. L’avantage, c’est que c’est un endroit tranquille.

Pause 7 seconds and repeat

(c) Ma famille et moi habitons dans un appartement avec un grand balcon que j’aime beaucoup mais comme c’est au centre-ville, il y a beaucoup de circulation dans ma rue, ce qui est affreux!

Pause 7 seconds and repeat

This is the end of the recording.




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Unit 2


Role-play Situations

General Certificate of Secondary Education2019

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Unit 2 Speaking

To be conducted by the teacher and recorded for marking. It is worth 25% of the marks for GCSE and is marked out of 60.

Refer to GCSE Specification Section 6.2

Controlled Assessment supervised preparation for Conversation Topic 1

Time allowed: 1 hour in normal class time under medium supervision.The use of a dictionary is not permitted during the supervised preparation time.

Instructions – Controlled Assessment preparation session

Candidates have 1 hour to prepare in advance of the speaking examination, under supervised controlled conditions, using the Candidate Preparation Sheet:

• The centre will download the Context for Learning Conversation Topic 1 title from our GCSE Subject microsite in the September prior to the Summer series.

• The centre will provide the candidate with the Candidate Preparation Sheet [available on the Subject microsite].

• The centre will, during normal class teaching time and at a time appropriate to the centre, provide their candidates with a 1 hour block of time in which to research the set conversation topic and complete their Candidate Preparation Sheet.

• The teacher will provide candidates with the Conversation Topic 1 title.• Candidates are permitted to work as individuals or in pairs or small groups.• Candidates can have access to GCSE textbooks, study guides, classwork/homework

books and the CCEA French Core Minimum Vocabulary [Specification Appendix 5]. No access to a dictionary.

• Teachers can give guidance but must not correct any written preparation the candidates have completed during the session.

• At the end of the 1 hour controlled preparation session, the candidate must sign to authenticate their work and then hand only their Candidate Preparation Sheet to the teacher.

• The teacher must sign and date to authenticate the Candidate Preparation Sheet, then securely and confidentially retain all Candidate Preparation Sheets until the day of the Speaking examination.

• The Candidate Preparation Sheet will be given back to the candidate during the Speaking examination but only at the start of the Conversation Topic 1 element.

Speaking Examination

The examination should be conducted in the following order:two role-plays, Conversation Topic 1 and Conversation Topic 2.

Time allowed: 10 minutes supervised preparation time for the two role-plays.The Speaking examination should last between 7 – 12 minutes [maximum time permitted].

The use of a dictionary is not permitted at any time during the examination and this includes the 10 minutes supervised preparation time.

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Instructions – Speaking

• The examination will last a maximum of 12 minutes.• The examination will consist of: (a) 2 (unseen) role-play cards [both taken from one of the two Contexts for Learning not

covered in (b)]; (b) one pre-prepared conversation topic [Conversation Topic 1 title pre-released by CCEA

and prepared by the candidate in advance]; and (c) one teacher-led conversation topic [Conversation Topic 2 selected by the teacher from

the Context for Learning not covered in (a) and (b) above].

Role-play 1 10 marks (up to 2 minutes)Role-play 2 10 marks (up to 2 minutes)

• The candidate has 10 minutes to prepare for the two role-plays.• The candidate must only use the Candidate Role-play Response Sheet to make

written notes. This sheet must be brought into the examination. • The situations and responses provided are intended to assist teachers in the conduct

of the role-plays and to help standardise the responses made by the candidates, thus making for greater reliability in the marking of the role-plays.

• Teachers should adhere strictly to the responses.• Teachers must not help the candidate either by translating or by suggesting words to

use, as no marks can then be awarded.• At the end of the examination the candidate must return the Candidate Role-play

Response Sheet to his/her teacher who must retain it securely and confidentially until the end of the Enquiry About Result process.

Conversation: Topic 1 20 marks (up to 4 minutes)

• The candidate engages in a conversation on the prepared topic (title set by CCEA).• The candidate must use their Candidate Preparation Sheet.• At the end of the examination the candidate must return the Candidate Preparation

Sheet to his/her teacher who must retain it securely and confidentially until the end of the Enquiry About Results process.

Conversation: Topic 2 20 marks (up to 4 minutes)

• In response to questions from the teacher, the candidate engages in a conversation on a topic taken from the remaining Context for Learning. Candidates are not permitted to use any notes or materials.

Sessions:Each set of cards for each Session contains two role-plays from the same Context for Learning.Teachers must present the two sets of role-play cards face-down so that the scenarios are unseen.Teachers must alternate the sets of cards during each day, as below.

Pre-break Pre-lunch Post-lunchDay 1 Session A cards Section B cards Session C cardsDay 2 Session D cards Session E cards Session F cardsDay 3 Session C cards Session A cards Session B cardsDay 4 Session F cards Session D cards Session E cards

etc. etc. etc. etc.

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Context for Learning:Topic:Outline:You must provide an outline of your task in not more than 40 words.You can only use:• recognisable, single words and/or;• short phrases and/or;• sentences up to a maximum of 6 words per sentence.

No images, diagrams, graphics or pictures will be accepted.

Candidate authentication: I certify that this is my own work. Signature

Teacher authentication: I certify that this is solely the work of this candidate which was produced within the 1 hour preparation session under the conditions specified in the Specification.

Signature Date

Centre details:



Candidate details:



This must be retained in the centre until after the end of the Enquiry About Results process.

CCEA, 29 Clarendon Road, Clarendon Dock, Belfast BT1 3BG Tel: (028) 9026 1200 Fax: (028) 9026 1234

GCSE: Modern Languages 20 Speaking: Conversation [Topic 1]

Candidate Preparation Sheet

Subject: GCSE [Modern Language]

Version 2: 6 February 2019


Please tick the context which you, the candidate, have chosen for Role-plays 1 2 3 Role-play 1 Notes for response:






Role-play 2 Notes for response:






Candidate authentication: I certify that this is my own work. Signature

Teacher authentication: I certify that this is solely the work of this candidate which was produced within the 10 minute preparation session under the conditions specified in the Specification.

Signature Date

Centre details:



Candidate details:



This must be retained in the centre until after the end of the Enquiry About Results process.

CCEA, 29 Clarendon Road, Clarendon Dock, Belfast BT1 3BG Tel: (028) 9026 1200 Fax: (028) 9026 1234

GCSE: Modern Languages 20 Speaking: Role-playsCandidate Role-play Response SheetSubject: GCSE [Modern Language]

Version 2: 6 February 2019


Specimen Role-plays Context for Learning 1Identity, Lifestyle and Culture


Instructions to the teacher:

You must use the target language phrases set out below during the course of the role-play. Depending on the candidate’s previous response, the gist of each phrase must be respected.

You begin the role-play.

Instructions to the candidate:

You are talking to your French exchange partner about your best friend.

Your teacher will play the part of your French exchange partner.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address your French exchange partner as “tu”.

Situation A: Myself, my family, relationship and choices

1 Teacher: Comment s’appelle ton/ta meilleur(e) ami(e)? Candidate: Give your best friend’s name and age.

2 Teacher: Comment est-il/elle? Candidate: Give two details about his/her appearance.

3 Teacher: Et de caractère? Candidate: Give two details about his/her personality.

4 Teacher: Tu le/la connais depuis longtemps? Candidate: Say you met in primary school.

5 Teacher: Ça, c’est intéressant. Candidate: Ask your French exchange partner when his/her birthday is.

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Instructions to the teacher:

You must use the target language phrases set out below during the course of the role-play. Depending on the candidate’s previous response, the gist of each phrase must be respected.

You begin the role-play.

Instructions to the candidate:

You would like a new mobile phone and are discussing this with your best friend.

Your teacher will play the part of your best friend.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address your friend as “tu”.

Situation B: Social media and new technology

1 Teacher: Qu’est-ce que tu vas recevoir comme cadeau? Candidate: Say you will get a new mobile phone for your birthday.

2 Teacher: Tu ne veux pas un ordinateur? Candidate: Say your parents bought you a computer for Christmas.

3 Teacher: Pourquoi veux-tu un téléphone mobile? Candidate: Say how long you have had your old phone for.

4 Teacher: Tu l’utilises souvent? Candidate: Say you send text messages and listen to music.

5 Teacher: C’est pratique, n’est-ce pas? Candidate: Ask your best friend what kind of phone he/she has.

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Specimen Role-plays Context for Learning 1 Identity, Lifestyle and Culture


Instructions to the teacher:

You must use the target language phrases set out below during the course of the role-play. Depending on the candidate’s previous response, the gist of each phrase must be respected.

You begin the role-play.

Instructions to the candidate:

While in France you discuss your hobbies with your French exchange partner.

Your teacher will play the part of your French exchange partner.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address your French exchange partner as “tu”.

Situation C: Free time, leisure and daily routine

1 Teacher: Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire? Candidate: Say your favourite hobby is watching TV in the evening.

2 Teacher: Quelles sortes d’émissions préfères-tu? Candidate: Name two kinds of television programmes you like.

3 Teacher: Pourquoi? Candidate: Give two reasons why you like them.

4 Teacher: Moi, je préfère le cinéma. Candidate: Ask your exchange partner if he/she has seen the new James Bond film.

5 Teacher: Non, pas encore. Candidate: Ask your French exchange partner if he/she will go to the cinema tomorrow.

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Instructions to the teacher:

You must use the target language phrases set out below during the course of the role-play. Depending on the candidate’s previous response, the gist of each phrase must be respected.

You begin the role-play.

Instructions to the candidate:

You are discussing your daily routine with your French exchange partner.

Your teacher will play the part of your French exchange partner.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address your French exchange partner as “tu”.

Situation D: Free time, leisure and daily routine

1 Teacher: Je n’aime pas me lever. Et toi? Candidate: Say what time you wake up at in the morning. Ask ‘And you’?

2 Teacher: Normalement, je me lève à sept heures et demie. Candidate: Say you don’t have time to eat breakfast during the week.

3 Teacher: Pourquoi? Candidate: Say what time you catch the bus for school.

4 Teacher: Tu arrives toujours à l’heure? Candidate: Say you arrived late yesterday.

5 Teacher: Alors, qu’est-ce tu vas faire? Candidate: Say what you will do to solve this problem.

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Specimen Role-plays Context for Learning 1 Identity, Lifestyle and Culture


Instructions to the teacher:

You must use the target language phrases set out below during the course of the role-play. Depending on the candidate’s previous response, the gist of each phrase must be respected.

You begin the role-play.

Instructions to the candidate:

You are talking to your French friend about online communication.

Your teacher will play the part of your French friend.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address your French friend as “tu”.

Situation E: Social media and new technology

1 Teacher: Tu vas souvent en ligne? Candidate: Say how often you go on Facebook.

2 Teacher: Moi aussi. Candidate: Say when you changed your profile.

3 Teacher: Tu as beaucoup de photos? Candidate: Say you will post some pictures on Facebook later.

4 Teacher: Tu envoies des emails? Candidate: Say you prefer to send text messages on your mobile phone.

5 Teacher: Qu’est-ce que tu fais d’autre sur ton ordi? Candidate: Say you have Skype. Ask your French friend if he/she has Skype as well.

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Instructions to the teacher:

You must use the target language phrases set out below during the course of the role-play. Depending on the candidate’s previous response, the gist of each phrase must be respected.

You begin the role-play.

Instructions to the candidate:

You are talking about your French friend about your brother’s birthday.

Your teacher will play the part of your French friend.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address your French friend as “tu”.

Situation F: Culture, customs, festivals and celebrations

1 Teacher: Qu’est-ce que tu as fait d’intéressant cette semaine? Candidate: Say when your brother’s birthday was.

2 Teacher: Il a reçu beaucoup de cadeaux? Candidate: Say two things he received for his birthday.

3 Teacher: Qu’est-ce tu as fait pour fêter son anniversaire? Candidate: Say where you went.

4 Teacher: Qu’est-ce que vous avez fait? Candidate: Say two things that you did.

5 Teacher: Super! Candidate: Ask your French friend what he/she wants for his/her birthday.

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Specimen Role-plays Context for Learning 2Local, National, International and Global Areas of Interest


Instructions to the teacher:

You must use the target language phrases set out below during the course of the role-play. Depending on the candidate’s previous response, the gist of each phrase must be respected.

You begin the role-play.

Instructions to the candidate:

While in France you discuss your region with your French exchange partner’s parent.

Your teacher will play the part of the parent.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address the parent as “vous”.

Situation G: My local area and the wider environment

1 Teacher: Où habites-tu exactement? Candidate: Say where you live and where it is located.

2 Teacher: C’est comment, comme région? Candidate: Describe two positive features of your region.

3 Teacher: Qu’est-ce qu’il y a à faire pour les jeunes? Candidate: Say two things you did yesterday.

4 Teacher: Et pour les touristes? Candidate: Say there are many things to see and to do.

5 Teacher: Est-ce que tu vas rester dans la région plus tard? Candidate: Say you will travel and return to Northern Ireland.

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Instructions to the teacher:

You must use the target language phrases set out below during the course of the role-play. Depending on the candidate’s previous response, the gist of each phrase must be respected.

You begin the role-play.

Instructions to the candidate:

While in France you are unwell and go to the doctor’s.

Your teacher will play the part of the doctor.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address the doctor as “vous”.

Situation H: Social and global issues

1 Teacher: Qu’est-ce qui ne va pas? Candidate: Say you have a sore stomach and a headache.

2 Teacher: Depuis longtemps? Candidate: Say you were not ill yesterday.

3 Teacher: Qu’est-ce que vous avez mangé? Candidate: Name two things that you ate recently.

4 Teacher: C’est une indigestion. Ce n’est pas grave. Candidate: Ask if you can have something for the pain.

5 Teacher: Voilà. Il faut vous reposer. Candidate: Say what you will do tomorrow.

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Specimen Role-plays Context for Learning 2 Local, National, International and Global Areas of Interest


Instructions to the teacher:

You must use the target language phrases set out below during the course of the role-play. Depending on the candidate’s previous response, the gist of each phrase must be respected.

You begin the role-play.

Instructions to the candidate:

You discuss the environment in Northern Ireland with your French exchange partner who is preparing a presentation for his Geography class.

Your teacher will play the part of your French exchange partner.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address your French exchange partner as “tu”.

Situation I: Social and global issues

1 Teacher: Belfast, c’est comment? Candidate: Describe the traffic situation in Belfast.

2 Teacher: Qu’est-ce tu vas faire pour protéger l’environnement à Belfast? Candidate: Say you can now hire a bike in the city centre.

3 Teacher: On pourrait faire plus? Candidate: Say there are not enough bins in the streets.

4 Teacher: Comment est la campagne? Candidate: Give two positive aspects of life in the country.

5 Teacher: Tes parents ont fait quelque chose pour l’environnement? Candidate: Say what your parents have done to help the environment.

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Instructions to the teacher:

You must use the target language phrases set out below during the course of the role-play. Depending on the candidate’s previous response, the gist of each phrase must be respected.

You begin the role-play.

Instructions to the candidate:

While in a town in France you go to the tourist office.

Your teacher will play the part of the employee.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address the employee as “vous”.

Situation J: Travel and tourism

1 Teacher: Bonjour. Vous désirez? Candidate: Say you would like some information about the town.

2 Teacher: Quand est-ce que vous êtes arrivé? Candidate: Say when you arrived.

3 Teacher: Voilà. Je vous recommande la place du marché. Candidate: Ask about transport in the town.

4 Teacher: Il y a le bus numéro trente-deux. Vous restez ici longtemps? Candidate: Say how long you will be staying for and where.

5 Teacher: Je vous souhaite un bon séjour. Candidate: Ask what there is to do in the evening.

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Specimen Role-plays Context for Learning 2 Local, National, International and Global Areas of Interest


Instructions to the teacher:

You must use the target language phrases set out below during the course of the role-play. Depending on the candidate’s previous response, the gist of each phrase must be respected.

You begin the role-play.

Instructions to the candidate:

You have moved house recently and talk to your French friend about your new house.

Your teacher will play the part of your French friend.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address your French friend as “tu”.

Situation K: My local area and the wider environment

1 Teacher: Où habites-tu maintenant? Candidate: Say where your new house is.

2 Teacher: Pourquoi avez-vous déménagé? Candidate: Say why you moved house.

3 Teacher: Pourquoi préfères-tu ta nouvelle maison? Candidate: Give one reason why you prefer your own house.

4 Teacher: Et comment est ta chambre? Candidate: Give two details about your bedroom.

5 Teacher: C’est loin de ton collège? Candidate: Say when you will start your new school.

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Instructions to the teacher:

You must use the target language phrases set out below during the course of the role-play. Depending on the candidate’s previous response, the gist of each phrase must be respected.

You begin the role-play.

Instructions to the candidate:

While in France, you discuss your school community service with the father/mother of your French exchange partner.

Your teacher will play the part of the parent.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address the parent as “vous”.

Situation L: Community involvement

1 Teacher: Tu es membre d’un club au collège? Candidate: Say what you do in the club at school.

2 Teacher: Tu y vas souvent? Candidate: Say when you meet.

3 Teacher: Qu’est-ce que vous faites? Candidate: Say two things you do to raise money.

4 Teacher: C’est difficile? Candidate: Say it’s fun. Ask your exchange partner’s parent if he/she wants to come.

5 Teacher: Je ne sais pas. L’argent sert à quoi? Candidate: Say what you will do with the money.

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Specimen Role-plays Context for Learning 3School Life, Studies and the World of Work


Instructions to the teacher:

You must use the target language phrases set out below during the course of the role-play. Depending on the candidate’s previous response, the gist of each phrase must be respected.

You begin the role-play.

Instructions to the candidate:

While in France you discuss school subjects with your French exchange partner’s parent.

Your teacher will play the part of the parent.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address the parent as “vous”.

Situation M: My studies and school life

1 Teacher: Qu’est-ce que tu aimes étudier? Candidate: Say what your favourite subjects are.

2 Teacher: Pourquoi? Candidate: Give two reasons for your choices.

3 Teacher: Et le français? Candidate: Say when you began studying French.

4 Teacher: Que penses-tu du français? Candidate: Give two opinions on French.

5 Teacher: Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire après les examens? Candidate: Say what you will do after your exams.

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Instructions to the teacher:

You must use the target language phrases set out below during the course of the role-play. Depending on the candidate’s previous response, the gist of each phrase must be respected.

You begin the role-play.

Instructions to the candidate:

You discuss clubs and societies in your school with your French exchange partner.

Your teacher will play the part of your French exchange partner.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address your French exchange partner as “tu”.

Situation N: Extra-curricular activities

1 Teacher: Quelles activités périscolaires y a-t-il dans ton collège? Candidate: State two activities which take place after school.

2 Teacher: Tu fais du sport? Candidate: Say what team you are a member of.

3 Teacher: Ça prend beaucoup de temps? Candidate: Say when you will meet again and play your next match.

4 Teacher: Moi, j’aime mieux la musique. Candidate: Say when you began singing in the choir.

5 Teacher: Ça, c’est intéressant. Tu chantes bien? Candidate: Ask your French exchange partner if he/she will come to the Spring concert.

Version 2: 6 February 2019


Specimen Role-plays Context for Learning 3School Life, Studies and the World of Work


Instructions to the teacher:

You must use the target language phrases set out below during the course of the role-play. Depending on the candidate’s previous response, the gist of each phrase must be respected.

You begin the role-play.

Instructions to the candidate:

You discuss pocket-money with your French exchange partner.

Your teacher will play the part of your French exchange partner.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address your French exchange partner as “tu”.

Situation O: Part-time jobs and money management

1 Teacher: Tu as un petit boulot? Candidate: Say where and when you will be starting work.

2 Teacher: Pourquoi? Candidate: Say what you would like to buy.

3 Teacher: Tu reçois de l’argent de poche? Candidate: Say how much pocket money you receive and when you get it.

4 Teacher: Ce n’est pas assez! Candidate: Ask your French exchange partner if he/she gets pocket money.

5 Teacher: Oui, quinze euros par semaine parce que je fais des petits boulots. Et toi? Candidate: Say what you did recently to earn some money.

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Instructions to the teacher:

You must use the target language phrases set out below during the course of the role-play. Depending on the candidate’s previous response, the gist of each phrase must be respected.

You begin the role-play.

Instructions to the candidate:

While in France you discuss your future plans with your French exchange partner’s parent.

Your teacher will play the part of the parent.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address the parent as “vous”.

Situation P: Future plans and career

1 Teacher: Qu’est-ce que tu veux faire après le bac? Candidate: Say you will go to university in England.

2 Teacher: Pourquoi pas en Irlande du Nord? Candidate: Say you lived in England when you were younger.

3 Teacher: Qu’est-ce que tu veux étudier? Candidate: Say you’d like to study languages and spend a year in France.

4 Teacher: Pourquoi veux-tu étudier les langues? Candidate: Give two reasons why you like languages.

5 Teacher: D’accord. C’est vrai. Candidate: Ask your French exchange partner’s parent if he/she studied languages at


Version 2: 6 February 2019


Specimen Role-plays Context for Learning 3School Life, Studies and the World of Work


Instructions to the teacher:

You must use the target language phrases set out below during the course of the role-play. Depending on the candidate’s previous response, the gist of each phrase must be respected.

You begin the role-play.

Instructions to the candidate:

You talk to your French exchange partner about your school life.

Your teacher will play the part of your French exchange partner.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address your French exchange partner as “tu”.

Situation Q: My studies and school life

1 Teacher: Comment est ton collège? Candidate: State two things you do not like about your school.

2 Teacher: Quand as-tu commence ton collège? Candidate: Say when you started at the school.

3 Teacher: Comment sont tes profs? Candidate: Describe your teachers (give two details).

4 Teacher: Qu’est-ce qui te plaît? Candidate: State one activity you will be starting soon.

5 Teacher: D’accord. C’est une bonne idée Candidate: Ask your French exchange partner about his/her school.

Version 2: 6 February 2019


Instructions to the teacher:

You must use the target language phrases set out below during the course of the role-play. Depending on the candidate’s previous response, the gist of each phrase must be respected.

You begin the role-play.

Instructions to the candidate:

You discuss part-time jobs with your French friend.

Your teacher will play the part of your French friend.

Your teacher will speak first.

You should address your French friend as “tu”.

Situation R: Part-time jobs and money management

1 Teacher: Je voudrais travailler cet été. Candidate: Ask your friend what sort of job he/she would like to do.

2 Teacher: Caissier/Caissière dans un supermarché. Et toi? Candidate: Say what kind of job you are going to do.

3 Teacher: Tu vas travailler tout l’été? Candidate: Say how long you will work for and when.

4 Teacher: Et pendant l’année? Candidate: Say why you can only work then.

5 Teacher: Tu as déjà travaillé? Candidate: Say what you did on your work experience.

Version 2: 6 February 2019


174Version 2: 6 February 2019


Modern Languages


Unit 2


Role-play Situations

General Certificate of Secondary Education2019

175Version 2: 6 February 2019


Instructions – Speaking

• The examination will last a maximum of 12 minutes. • The examination will consist of: (a) 2 (unseen) role-play cards [both taken from one of the two Contexts for Learning not

covered in (b)]; (b) one pre-prepared conversation topic [Conversation Topic 1 title pre-released by CCEA

and prepared by the candidate in advance]; and (c) one teacher-led conversation topic [Conversation Topic 2 selected by the teacher from

the Context for Learning not covered in (a) and (b) above].

Available marks [60]Role-play 1 [10] Role-play 2 [10] Conversation Topic 1 [candidate prepared] [20] Conversation Topic 2 [teacher-led] [20]

Role-play Mark Scheme

There are five elements within each role-play.Each element will be awarded up to [2].

Band Communication and Use of Language Mark

2 The response to the task is competent. Communication is fully achieved. There may be some linguistic inaccuracy in the message.


1 The response to the task is less competent. Communication is partially achieved. There may be considerable linguistic inaccuracy in the message.


0 No valid response/incorrect/inappropriate/not worthy of credit. [0]

Version 2: 6 February 2019


Conversation Topic 1 and Topic 2 Mark Scheme

The Mark Scheme should be applied holistically. The Performance Descriptors are to be seen as a ‘best fit’ and should be applied as a guide to the Awarding Organisation examiner in deciding on an overall band placement. Candidates should be able to access the top band overall even if some elements are not quite fully addressed.


Band Performance Descriptors This candidate: Marks5 Excellent communication.

The candidate responds readily and fluently to the questions with an excellent level of competence.Ideas and opinions are expressed and justified with confidence.Pronunciation and intonation are excellent.

• asks and answers questions spontaneously and confidently;

• communicates a lot of relevant information;• develops answers by giving unsolicited

details with opinion/s and justification as appropriate; and

• delivers the information with excellent pronunciation, intonation and fluency.


4 Very good communication.The candidate responds readily to the questions with a very good level of competence.Ideas and opinions are expressed and there is some justification. Pronunciation and intonation are very good.

• asks and answers questions confidently;• communicates relevant information;• develops answers by giving appropriate

information with some opinion/s and justification; and

• delivers the information with very good pronunciation, intonation and fluency.


3 Good communication.The candidate responds adequately to the questions with a good level of competence.Some ideas and opinions are expressed. There is some hesitation. Pronunciation and intonation are good.

• asks and answers questions with some confidence, responses may be in single phrases/sentences;

• communicates adequate information, there may be some hesitation;

• develops answers by giving appropriate information, there may be quite limited opinion/s and justification; and

• delivers the information with good pronunciation, intonation and fluency.


2 Quite limited communication.The candidate responds to the questions with quite a limited level of competence.Few ideas and opinions are expressed. There may be lot of hesitation. Pronunciation and intonation are quite inconsistent.

• asks and answers questions with limited confidence, responses may be short phrases;

• communicates basic information, there may be hesitation and uncertainty;

• attempts to develop responses but there are few details; and

• delivers the information with quite inconsistent pronunciation, intonation and fluency.


1 Very limited communication.The candidate responds to the questions with a very limited level of competence.Little relevant information is conveyed. The delivery is very hesitant. Pronunciation and intonation are very inconsistent.

• asks and answers questions with limited understanding, responses may be single words or very short phrases;

• communicates very little detail with hesitation and uncertainty; and

• delivers the information with very inconsistent pronunciation, intonation and fluency.


0 No valid response/incorrect/inappropriate/not worthy of credit.

• provides no valid response, an incorrect response, an inappropriate response and/or the response is not worthy of credit.


Version 2: 6 February 2019


Grammar and Structures

Band Performance Descriptors This candidate: Marks5 Excellent use of grammar and

structures. A wide variety of appropriate structures are used with a high degree of accuracy.The candidate has a command of vocabulary and idiomatic language appropriate to this level.There are very few errors.

• uses a wide range of grammar and structures giving the response some complexity;

• regularly incorporates vocabulary and idiomatic and creative expressions that give the response a natural feel;

• uses more complex language, with confident reference to past, present and future events, as appropriate; and

• delivers a response with a high level of accuracy.


4 Very good use of grammar and structures. A variety of appropriate structures is used with a very good degree of accuracy.The candidate has a command of vocabulary and idiomatic language appropriate to this level.Errors are few and mostly where more complex language is used.

• uses a very good range of grammar and structures;

• uses very good vocabulary and idiomatic and creative expressions;

• uses some complex language, with some reference to past, present and future events, as appropriate; and

• delivers a response with very good accuracy, with few errors.


3 Good use of grammar and structures. The candidate has some command of vocabulary and idiomatic language. Errors occur mostly where more complex language is used.

• uses a good range of grammar and structures;

• uses appropriate vocabulary and some idiomatic and creative expressions;

• may include some reference to past, present and future events, as appropriate; and

• delivers a response with good accuracy, with some errors where more complex language is attempted.


2 Quite limited use of grammar and structures. The candidate has limited command of vocabulary and idiomatic language. More frequent errors occur.

• uses a limited range of grammar and structures;

• uses a limited range of vocabulary and basic expressions;

• may attempt to use some verbs, as appropriate; and

• delivers a response with limited accuracy, with frequent errors.


1 Very limited use of grammar and structures. The candidate has a very limited command of vocabulary and idiomatic language. Errors are very common.

• uses a very limited range of grammar and structures;

• uses a very limited range of vocabulary and basic expressions;

• makes little/no attempt to use verbs; and• delivers a response with very limited

accuracy, with frequent errors.


0 No valid response/incorrect/inappropriate/not worthy of credit.

• provides no valid response, an incorrect response, an inappropriate response and/or the response is not worthy of credit.


Version 2: 6 February 2019




Unit 3: Reading

Foundation Tier

General Certificate of Secondary Education2018

179Version 2: 6 February 2019



Section A

Questions and answers in English.

1 (a) B [1]

(b) A [1]

2 (i) Jean [1]

(ii) Marie [1]

3 (a) D [1]

(b) B [1]

(c) A [1]

(d) C [1]

4 (a) B [1]

(b) C [1]

(c) A [1]

(d) B [1]

5 B [1]

C [1]

D [1]

G [1]

6 A [1]

D [1]

F [1]

H [1]







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7 (a) établissement [1]

(b) demi-pensionnaires [1]

(c) porter [1]

(d) entre [1]

(e) règles [1]

(f) interdits [1]

8 (a) I go to Jules Verne School [1]/High School [1] [2]

(b) It’s the best [1] school [1] in the region [1] [3]

(c) I get on well [1] with the other students/pupils [1] [2]

(d) Every year [1] there is a trip [1] to the mountains [1] [3]



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Section B

Questions and answers in French.

9 (a) la télévision [1]

(b) le papier [1]

les journaux [1]

(c) une douche [1]

10 (a) Sabine [1]

(b) Marie [1]

(c) Gamal [1]

(d) Kevin [1]

(e) Gamal [1]

(f) Sabine [1]

11 (a) intelligent [1]

travailleur [1]

(b) sportif [1]

extraverti [1]

(c) amusant [1]

bavard [1]

12 (a) B [1]

(b) C [1]

(c) A [1]

(d) A [1]

(e) A [1]

(f) B [1]

(g) B [1]

(h) A [1]

Total marks








Version 2: 6 February 2019




Unit 3: Reading

Higher Tier

General Certificate of Secondary Education2018

183Version 2: 6 February 2019



Section A

Questions and answers in English.

1 (ii) Jean [1]

(iii) Marie [1]

2 (a) To have Yvonne’s help/the help of an active young girl [1]

(b) What time Yvonne is coming on Saturday [1]

3 (a) Sabine [1]

(b) Marc [1]

(c) Laura [1]

(d) Thomas [1]

4 B [1]

C [1]

D [1]

G [1]

5 (a) 8 (yrs old) [1]

(b) There is an Olympic pool OR is near the beach/sea [1]

(c) At the European championships [1]

(d) He wants to win a medal [1]

6 (a) établissement [1]

(b) demi-pensionnaires [1]

(c) porter [1]

(d) entre [1]

(e) règles [1]

(f) interdits [1]







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7 (a) Other schools in the region [1]

(b) In the corridors [1]

(c) Aluminium cans and plastic bottles (both answers required for 2 marks) [2]

(d) Clothes, shoes OR towels (any one answer) [1]

(e) Homeless hostels/shelters OR charity shops [1]

8 (a) I did my work experience in November. [1]

(b) I decided to go to the veterinary clinic/surgery because [1]

(c) I would like to become a (veterinary) nurse. [1]

(d) It was fantastic and [1]

(e) the vet was very nice. [1]

(f) I have always liked animals. [1]

(g) I hope to have the marks necessary [1]

(h) to continue my studies. [1]



Version 2: 6 February 2019



Section B

Questions and answers in French.

9 (a) A [1]

(b) A [1]

(c) C [1]

(d) A [1]

10 (a) intelligent [1]

travailleur [1]

(b) sportif [1]

extraverti [1]

(c) amusant [1]

bavard [1]

11 (a) dans le sud-ouest de la France [1]

(b) les sites historiques/l’architecture moderne/les beaux théâtres/les grands stades

[any two] [2]

(c) un camping/un hôtel [1]

(d) les familles/les amoureux/les copains [1]

(e) 30% [1]

12 (a) Les transformer en quelque chose d’original [1]

(b) Elle étudiait les arts plastiques/la mode [1]

(c) Elle a commencé à modifier les vêtements de ses sœurs [1]

(d) Elle organisait un défilé de mode [1]

(e) Une des dessinatrices est tombée malade [1]

(f) Elles réparaient les vêtements abîmés [1]

(g) L’impact humain [1]

L’impact écologique [1]

Total marks







60Version 2: 6 February 2019




Unit 4: Writing

Foundation Tier

General Certificate of Secondary Education2018

187Version 2: 6 February 2019



1 [A] Award one mark for each correct item that can be identified without


One full mark must only be awarded where there is accurate spelling.

English spelling will not be accepted.

The following are examples of the responses that candidates may give:

(a) citrons [1] (b) poires [1] (c) raisins [1] (d) carottes [1]

[B] Award two marks for each correct short phrase (2-3 words) that can be

identified without ambiguity.

Two full marks must only be awarded where there is accurate spelling.

The following are examples of the responses that candidates may give:

(e) une jupe rouge (2-3 words) [2] (f) est mince (2-3 words) [2] (g) regarder la télévision (2-3 words) [2]

Band Performance Descriptors Marks2 No ambiguity. Accurate spelling. [2]

1 Some ambiguity. Some inaccurate spelling. [1]

0 No valid response/incorrect/inappropriate/not worthy of credit. [0]

2 This question has five responses.

Each response is worth up to two marks.

Band Performance Descriptors Marks

2 The response is fully communicated. There are no or very few errors. [2]


The response is partially communicated. There may be some minor errors which impede communication.


0 No valid response/incorrect/inappropriate/not worthy of credit. [0]


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3 The translation has five sentences. Each sentence is worth up to two marks.

Band Performance Descriptors Marks

2A highly accurate and competent translation. There may be a minor error but meaning is clear.



A fairly accurate and reasonably competent translation. There may be some errors and ambiguity.


0 No valid response/incorrect/inappropriate/not worthy of credit. [0]

Translation Grid

Sentence Translation sentence

Suggested translation

Credit Do not credit


I like to visit the hypermarket because there are lots of shops.

J’aime visiter l’hypermarché parce qu’il y a beaucoup de magasins.

2I love looking at the shop windows.

J’adore regarder les vitrines.


You can eat lots of French food in the cafés.

On peut manger beaucoup de cuisine française dans les cafés.


There is a bakery and the cakes are very good.

Il y a une boulangerie et les gâteaux sont très bons.


It would be good to visit the hypermarket at Christmas to see the Christmas tree.

Ce serait bien de visiter l’hypermarché à Noël pour voir l’arbre de Noël.


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4 Extended Writing

The Mark Scheme should be applied holistically. The Performance Descriptors are to be seen as a ‘best fit’ and should be applied to each of the bullet points as a guide to the examiner in deciding on an overall band placement. Candidates should be able to access the top band overall even if some elements are not quite fully addressed.

Writing (Communication)

Band Performance Descriptors

This candidate: Marks


The candidate carries out the task effectively using very clear and concise language and displays excellent knowledge of the topic. Ideas and opinions are expressed and justified.

• produces a clear, concise and fluid response which includes very appropriate language;

• displays excellent knowledge of the subject matter and offers a lot of relevant information including unsolicited detail;

• includes personal ideas and opinions which are regularly justified; and

• gives an engaging response which is equally balanced against the bullet points and inaccuracies do not impede communication.



The candidate carries out the task using clear and concise language and displays very good knowledge of the topic. Ideas and opinions are expressed and there is some justification.

• produces a very good response which includes generally suitable language;

• displays very good knowledge of the subject matter and offers sufficient relevant information including some unsolicited detail;

• includes personal ideas and opinions with some justification; and

• gives an appropriate response which is generally balanced against the bullet points and inaccuracies very rarely impede communication.


Version 2: 6 February 2019


Band Performance Descriptors

This candidate: Marks


The candidate carries out the task adequately and displays reasonable knowledge of the topic. Some ideas and opinions are expressed.

• produces a good response which includes suitable language;

• displays some good knowledge of the subject matter and offers some relevant information;

• includes some personal ideas and opinions; and

• makes an attempt to balance the response against the bullet points and inaccuracies rarely impede communication.



The candidate carries out some elements of the task effectively with limited knowledge of the topic. There are few ideas and opinions.

• produces a limited response which may include some suitable language;

• displays limited knowledge of the subject matter and offers a little relevant information;

• may make a reasonable attempt to include some personal ideas and opinions; and

• makes some attempt to balance the response against the bullet points and inaccuracies may impede communication.



The candidate does not carry out the task effectively and displays a very limited knowledge of the topic. Very few, if any, ideas or opinions are expressed.

• produces a very limited response and attempts to include some suitable language;

• displays very limited knowledge of the subject matter and offers minimal relevant information;

• may attempt to include a personal idea or opinion; and

• attempts to address the bullet points and inaccuracies will most likely impede communication.



No valid response/incorrect/inappropriate/not worthy of credit.

• is a Band 0 because the response is not valid/incorrect/inappropriate/not worthy of credit.


Version 2: 6 February 2019


Writing (Grammar and Structures)

Band Performance Descriptors

This candidate: Marks


The response is well organised and coherent with an attempt to use language of a more complex nature. There is an excellent range of appropriate vocabulary and structures. There are few errors.

• demonstrates the ability to write with a high level of competence and coherence within a highly organised response;

• uses a comprehensive range of vocabulary and idiom;

• is proficient in the use of a wide range of grammar and structures, exhibiting a clear ability to manipulate the language with confidence, using tenses as appropriate; and

• demonstrates a high level of accuracy in the use of spelling, punctuation and grammar with no or very few errors.



The response is organised and coherent. There is some evidence of language of a more complex nature. There is a very good range of appropriate vocabulary and structures. There are some errors, but mostly of a minor nature.

• demonstrates the ability to write very competently and coherently within an organised response;

• uses a very good range of vocabulary and some idiomatic expressions;

• is proficient in the use of a range of grammar and structures, exhibiting the ability to manipulate the language with some confidence, using tenses as appropriate; and

• demonstrates very good accuracy in the use of spelling, punctuation and grammar although there will be some errors of a minor nature.


Version 2: 6 February 2019


Band Performance Descriptors

This candidate: Marks


The response is reasonably organised with a range of vocabulary and structures. There may be some evidence of more complex language. Most of the writing is comprehensible but there may be both minor and major errors.

• attempts to write a reasonably organised response with some competence and coherence;

• uses a good range of vocabulary and some idiomatic expressions;

• attempts to use a range of grammar and structures to produce a response which can be understood and which uses appropriate tenses; and

• demonstrates good accuracy in the use of spelling, punctuation and grammar but there will be both minor and major errors.



The response has a limited level of organisation. There is very basic vocabulary and structures. There will be both minor and major errors.

• makes a limited attempt to write an organised response with some coherence;

• uses a limited range of vocabulary;

• attempts to use some grammar and structures to produce a simple response; and

• attempts to use accurate spelling, punctuation and grammar but there will be both minor and major errors which may impede understanding.



The response has a very limited level of organisation. There is very basic vocabulary and structures. There will be both minor and major errors.

• makes a very limited attempt to write a response;

• uses a very limited range of vocabulary;

• uses very basic grammar and structures to produce a very basic response; and

• demonstrates the ability to write some short, simple sentences but there are many major inaccuracies in spelling, punctuation and grammar which will impede understanding.



No valid response/incorrect/inappropriate/not worthy of credit.

• is a Band 0 because the response is not valid/incorrect/inappropriate/not worthy of credit. [0]


Version 2: 6 February 2019


194Version 2: 6 February 2019


FrenchUnit 4: Writing

Higher Tier


General Certificate of Secondary Education2018

195Version 2: 6 February 2019



1 This question has five responses. Each response is worth up to two marks.

Band Performance Descriptors Marks

2 The response is fully communicated. There are no or very few errors. [2]

1The response is partially communicated. There may be some minor errors which impede communication.


0 No valid response/incorrect/inappropriate/not worthy of credit. [0]


2 This question has five responses. Each response is worth up to two marks.

Band Performance Descriptors Marks

2 The response is fully communicated. There are no or very few errors. [2]

1The response is partially communicated. There may be some minor errors which impede communication.


0 No valid response/incorrect/inappropriate/not worthy of credit. [0]


Version 2: 6 February 2019



3 The translation has five sentences. Each sentence is worth up to two marks.

Band Performance Descriptors Marks

2 A highly accurate and competent translation. There may be a minor error but meaning is clear. [2]

1A fairly accurate and reasonably competent translation. There may be some errors and ambiguity.


0 No valid response/incorrect/inappropriate/not worthy of credit. [0]

Translation Grid

Sentence Translation sentence

Suggested translation Credit Do not


1 The market costs 5 euros.

Le marché coûte cinq euros.

2The market is very close to the centre of Paris.

Le marché est (situé) très près du centre de Paris.

3The market is five minutes from the bus station.

Le marché est à cinq minutes de la gare routière.

4The market closes at midnight on the 24th of December.

Le marché ferme à minuit le vingt-quatre décembre.

5There are also toilets beside the market.

Il y a aussi des toilettes à côté du marché.


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4 Extended Writing

The Mark Scheme should be applied holistically. The Performance Descriptors are to be seen as a ‘best fit’ and should be applied to each of the bullet points as a guide to the examiner in deciding on an overall band placement. Candidates should be able to access the top band overall even if some elements are not quite fully addressed.

Writing (Communication)

Band Performance Descriptors This candidate: Marks


The candidate carries out the task effectively using very clear and concise language and displays excellent knowledge of the topic. Ideas and opinions are expressed and justified.

• produces a clear, concise and fluid response which includes very appropriate language;

• displays excellent knowledge of the subject matter and offers a lot of relevant information including unsolicited detail;

• includes personal ideas and opinions which are regularly justified; and

• gives an engaging response which is equally balanced against the bullet points and inaccuracies do not impede communication.



The candidate carries out the task using clear and concise language and displays very good knowledge of the topic. Ideas and opinions are expressed and there is some justification.

• produces a very good response which includes generally suitable language;

• displays very good knowledge of the subject matter and offers sufficient relevant information including some unsolicited detail;

• includes personal ideas and opinions with some justification; and

• gives an appropriate response which is generally balanced against the bullet points and inaccuracies very rarely impede communication.


Version 2: 6 February 2019


Band Performance Descriptors This candidate: Marks


The candidate carries out the task adequately and displays reasonable knowledge of the topic. Some ideas and opinions are expressed.

• produces a good response which includes suitable language;

• displays some good knowledge of the subject matter and offers some relevant information;

• includes some personal ideas and opinions; and

• makes an attempt to balance the response against the bullet points and inaccuracies rarely impede communication.



The candidate carries out some elements of the task effectively with limited knowledge of the topic. There are few ideas and opinions.

• produces a limited response which may include some suitable language;

• displays limited knowledge of the subject matter and offers a little relevant information;

• may make a reasonable attempt to include some personal ideas and opinions; and

• makes some attempt to balance the response against the bullet points and inaccuracies may impede communication.



The candidate does not carry out the task effectively and displays a very limited knowledge of the topic. Very few, if any, ideas or opinions are expressed.

• produces a very limited response and attempts to include some suitable language;

• displays very limited knowledge of the subject matter and offers minimal relevant information;

• may attempt to include a personal idea or opinion; and

• attempts to address the bullet points and inaccuracies will most likely impede communication.



No valid response/incorrect/inappropriate/not worthy of credit.

• is a Band 0 because the response is not valid/incorrect/inappropriate/not worthy of credit.


Version 2: 6 February 2019


Writing (Grammar and Structures)

Band Performance Descriptors This candidate: Marks


The response is well organised and coherent with an attempt to use language of a more complex nature. There is an excellent range of appropriate vocabulary and structures. There are few errors.

• demonstrates the ability to write with a high level of competence and coherence within a highly organised response;

• uses a comprehensive range of vocabulary and idiom;

• is proficient in the use of a wide range of grammar and structures, exhibiting a clear ability to manipulate the language with confidence, using tenses as appropriate; and

• demonstrates a high level of accuracy in the use of spelling, punctuation and grammar with no or very few errors.



The response is organised and coherent. There is some evidence of language of a more complex nature. There is a very good range of appropriate vocabulary and structures. There are some errors, but mostly of a minor nature.

• demonstrates the ability to write very competently and coherently within an organised response;

• uses a very good range of vocabulary and some idiomatic expressions;

• is proficient in the use of a range of grammar and structures, exhibiting the ability to manipulate the language with some confidence, using tenses as appropriate; and

• demonstrates very good accuracy in the use of spelling, punctuation and grammar although there will be some errors of a minor nature.



The response is reasonably organised with a range of vocabulary and structures. There may be some evidence of more complex language. Most of the writing is comprehensible but there may be both minor and major errors.

• attempts to write a reasonably organised response with some competence and coherence;

• uses a good range of vocabulary and some idiomatic expressions;

• attempts to use a range of grammar and structures to produce a response which can be understood and which uses appropriate tenses; and

• demonstrates good accuracy in the use of spelling, punctuation and grammar but there will be both minor and major errors.


Version 2: 6 February 2019


Band Performance Descriptors This candidate: Marks


The response has a limited attempt at organisation. There is basic vocabulary and structures. There may be an attempt to use more complex language. It is likely there will be both minor and major errors.

• makes a limited attempt to write an organised response with some coherence;

• uses a limited range of vocabulary; • attempts to use some grammar

and structures to produce a simple response; and

• attempts to use accurate spelling, punctuation and grammar but there will be both minor and major errors which may impede understanding.



The response has a very limited level of organisation. There is very basic vocabulary and structures. There will be both minor and major errors.

• makes a very limited attempt to write a response;

• uses a very limited range of vocabulary;

• uses very basic grammar and structures to produce a very basic response; and

• demonstrates the ability to write some short, simple sentences but there are many major inaccuracies in spelling, punctuation and grammar which will impede understanding.


0No valid response/incorrect/inappropriate/not worthy of credit.

• is a Band 0 because the response is not valid/incorrect/inappropriate/not worthy of credit.



Version 2: 6 February 2019


202Version 2: 6 February 2019



Version 2: 6 February 2019


Paper Number

Question Number

Type Acknowledgement

Unit 1 F Q1 QP ©friendlyvector/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 F Q2 QP ©asterisk11/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 F Q2 QP ©MrsWilkins/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 F Q2 QP ©asterisk11/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 F Q3 QP ©DAJ/ThinkstockUnit 1 F Q3 QP ©TopVectors/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 F Q3 QP ©OstapenkoOlena/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 F Q4 QP ©Alexey Bannykh/Hemera/ThinkstockUnit 1 F Q5 QP ©Rogotanie/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 F Q6 QP ©Tijana87/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 F Q7 QP ©bluebearry/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 F Q7 QP ©Monkey Business Images/ThinkstockUnit 1 F Q7 QP ©r_mackey/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 F Q7 QP ©Dorling Kindersley/ThinkstockUnit 1 F Q7 QP ©Purestock/ThinkstockUnit 1 F Q7 QP ©popovaphoto/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 F Q7 QP ©hydrangea100/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 F Q7 QP © 1 F Q7 QP ©bergamont/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 F Q7 QP ©JuliarStudio/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 F Q7 QP ©DAJ/ThinkstockUnit 1 F Q7 QP ©OstapenkoOlena/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 F Q7 QP ©Jupiterimages/Creatas/ThinkstockUnit 1 F Q7 QP ©Hollygraphic/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 F Q7 QP ©rosendo/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 F Q7 QP ©PrettyVectors/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 F Q7 QP ©KarpenkovDenis/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 F Q8 QP ©SergeiKorolko/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 F Q9 QP ©Dorling Kindersley/ThinkstockUnit 1 F Q10 QP ©djvstock/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 F Q11 QP ©bluebearry/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 F Q12 QP ©Katharina13/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 H Q1 QP ©asterisk11/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 H Q1 QP ©MrsWilkins/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 H Q1 QP ©asterisk11/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 H Q2 QP ©petovarga/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 H Q2 QP ©OlechkaOlia/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 H Q2 QP ©Jupiterimages/Creatas/ThinkstockUnit 1 H Q2 QP ©SoberP/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 H Q2 QP ©asterisk11/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 H Q3 QP ©IconicBestiary/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 H Q4 QP ©Rotgotanie/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 H Q5 QP ©HideyukiSuzuki/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 H Q6 QP ©littlekoob/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 H Q7 QP ©SergeiKorolko/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 H Q7 QP ©blueringmedia/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 H Q9 QP ©friendlyvector/iStock/Thinkstock

Version 2: 6 February 2019


Paper Number

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Unit 1 H Q10 QP ©bluebearry/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 H Q11 QP ©alexjuve/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 H Q12 QP ©billhagolan/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q2 QP ©SergeiKorolko/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q2 QP ©Top Photo Group/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q2 QP ©Top Photo Group/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q4 QP ©sajithsaam/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q4 QP ©CorelPower/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q4 QP ©vabadov/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q4 QP ©andegro4ka/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q4 QP ©Digital Vision /Photodisc /ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q4 QP ©Dorling Kindersley/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q4 QP ©ETIENJones/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q4 QP ©Nongraphicstudio/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q4 QP ©shiny7777/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q4 QP ©DAJ/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q4 QP ©StudioBarcelona/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q4 QP ©studiodr/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q4 QP ©MariaTkach/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q7 QP ©bluebearry/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q9 QP ©Elvetica/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q10 QP ©Skarin/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q11 QP ©HideyukiSuzuki/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q12 QP ©HideyukiSuzuki/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q12 QP ©TopVectors/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q12 QP ©Ingram Publishing/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q12 QP ©draco77/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q12 QP ©Allevinatis/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q12 QP ©Ivary/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q12 QP ©iamsania/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q12 QP ©sudowoodo/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q12 QP ©colematt/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q12 QP ©DAJ/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q12 QP ©Fourleaflover/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q12 QP ©ochikosan/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q12 QP ©vectomart/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q12 QP ©RaStudio/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q12 QP ©DAJ/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q12 QP ©Ivary/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q12 QP ©Educester/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q12 QP ©kennykieran/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q12 QP ©macrovector/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q12 QP ©Digital Vision/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q12 QP ©graphic-bee/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q12 QP ©skathi/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q12 QP ©colematt/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 F Q12 QP ©mutsMaks/iStock/Thinkstock

Version 2: 6 February 2019


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Unit 3 F Q12 QP ©Alexey Bannykh/Hemera/ThinkstockUnit 3 H Q1 QP ©SergeiKorolko/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 H Q1 QP ©Top Photo Group/ThinkstockUnit 3 H Q1 QP ©Top Photo Group/ThinkstockUnit 3 H Q1 QP ©medioimages/Photodisc/ThinkstockUnit 3 H Q1 QP ©medioimages/Photodisc/ThinkstockUnit 3 H Q1 QP ©medioimages/Photodisc/ThinkstockUnit 3 H Q3 QP ©medioimages/Photodisc/ThinkstockUnit 3 H Q6 QP ©bluebearry/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 H Q7 QP ©carlacastagno/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 H Q9 QP ©memoangeles/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 H Q9 QP ©Educester/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 H Q9 QP ©drante/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 H Q9 QP ©olegtoka/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 H Q9 QP ©olegtoka/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 H Q9 QP ©olegtoka/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 H Q9 QP ©vectorplusb/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 H Q9 QP ©angkritth/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 H Q9 QP ©eyewave/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 H Q10 QP ©HideyukiSuzuki/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 H Q10 QP ©Top Photo Group/ThinkstockUnit 3 H Q10 QP ©Top Photo Group/ThinkstockUnit 3 H Q10 QP ©Top Photo Group/ThinkstockUnit 3 H Q11 QP ©paulrommer/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 4 F Q1 QP ©Ivary/ThinkstockUnit 4 F Q2 QP ©OlgaAnim/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 4 F Q3 QP ©ssstep/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 4 H Q1 QP ©OlgaAnim/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 4 H Q1 QP ©Ivary/ThinkstockUnit 4 H Q1 QP ©krugli/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 3 H Q9 QP ©MariaTkach/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 F Q3 QP ©Dante1969/iStock/ThinkstockUnit 1 F Q3 QP ©Evgenii_Bobrov/iStock/Thinkstock

Version 2: 6 February 2019

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