CB - Group Workouts - Forward Workout - MacKay


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Mike MacKay Manager of Coach Development  


Line Dribbling This is a good warm up activity to get the body moving. The players go down the floor using various dribbles and varying paces (walk, jog run). The line is to help guide them in the finer detail of certain dribble. Switch hands on the way back. Dribble walk – previous article Crab dribble – previous article Inside out - the foot closest to the line steps over the line as the upper body leans in that direction. Advanced players use eye fakes to sell the fake, making the defense believe he/she is crossing over. The ball and stays at the hip on the right side of the line. As the foot hit the floor, explodes back and go vertical up the line.

Super cross - the player takes a dribble jab step out to the same side as the ball is being dribbled. Lean the body and eyes in that direction. The player now does a long cross over back to the left side of the line. Finish by going vertical down the line not in a zigzag motion. These two dribble moves are very important to learn when attacking at speed. We have added these since speed lay ups as being a point of emphasis.

Forward Workout CB’s Coaching Education and Development

Mike MacKay Manager of Coach Development  

Hesitation loop The player straddles the line and does a hesitation dribble with a stutter step. Give a shimmy shake with the upper body and head as if you are going to cross over. The ball is then pushed out to the right to avoid the imaginary defender. Hesitation cross over The same hesitation is used. This time fake as if you are going right and cross over back to the left.

Passing to the post We spent a lot of time this morning on looking through the defender and seeing how the post was being defended. We then determined what type of pass needed to be made depending on a number of variables

• What is the position of the post • Where is the post defender • Where is your defender • What is the size discrepancy

between the offense and defense post players

• What type of pass does the post like • Is there help lurking to steal or double

the ball As you can see there are lots of things to consider in a short period of time. This is why we must spend time on this difficult skill.

Mike MacKay Manager of Coach Development  

Passing vs. a defender The players must be able to stay in stance and pivot. The biggest problems are:

• Not feeling comfortable with a close defender so they straighten and lean away

• Not pivoting to protect the ball, Too many step so the weight is on the front foot

• No vision • Playing loose not tight with the ball

The passer must identify where the windows of opportunity to pass the ball. Too many players get their arms extended and try to push the ball through the defenders arms. The windows usually appear above and below the arms.

Stretched out In this situation the players do not bend at the hips and knees. They attempt to protect the ball by leaning or twisting the upper body. This puts them in no position to pass, dribble or shoot. Any pass is usually a high rainbow pass with no power. Off balance In this situation the player leans or steps forward or sideways putting all of their weight on the non-pivot foot. The player cannot generate any power in the pass. Also they are very slow in their movements because he/she must regain balance before moving in another direction. Therefore the defense can recover to any fake.

Mike MacKay Manager of Coach Development  

Beat the foot If the passer can beat the foot (have his/her foot outside the defenders foot) he/she should be able to pass on that side. If the foot is not beaten then any attempt to pass around the defender can be smothered. If the foot cannot be beaten, pivot to the opposite side. If this side is not open look to pass high. The defender is probably playing very low and wide. If the defender straightens to take this away the high pass look to step by the foot.

Passing to the post The wing player cuts to get open. The pass is made and the ball must be delivered to the post. The coach gives different reads on defense. The guard stays available for the relay pass

Mike MacKay Manager of Coach Development  

Movement off the pass to the post Once the ball is delivered to the post we have given the perimeter players two options:

• Laker cut - cut through the elbow to the basket and then clear - this works best vs. a double when the defense turns their back

• Screen from the next perimeter - this is best vs. a sagging defense

There are other things you can do but this is what we are starting with. Load It is crucial that you work with the post players on passing out of the post. We want them to check to the middle after making the catch. If no doubles appear they start their crab dribble to the middle. • Double on the catch • Double on the dribble • Double from different areas • Stunt at the post but do not double

Pass and replace to 2 on 1 with coach This is a drill I used with the forwards today. One player starts on the perimeter. The other two are defense and start under the basket with one ball. The first defender passes the ball and closes to play defense. We want this player to force a dribble, no shot. The second defender is the help. The offensive player now has to score vs. help defense. If the coach shows ten fingers the pass is made. After passing the player must cut or seal to get open. Load Play live. The concept is not to shoot the ball vs. two defenders unless the clock dictates or you can draw the foul. If two players pass to the coach and work to get open.

Mike MacKay Manager of Coach Development  

