Causes Radical Rev. Rise of Nap. $300 $400 $500 Fall of Nap. $100 $200 $100 New France $500


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Causes Radical Rev.

Rise of Nap.



$500 $500 $500 $500

Fall of Nap.

$100$100 $100 $100

$200 $200 $200 $200 $200


New France


During the 18th century France was organized in what form?

• Old Regime

The old regime in France was organized into what estates? Who

made up those estates?

• 1st- Clergy• 2nd- Nobles

• 3rd- Bourgeoisie

What privileges did the 1st and 2nd estate have?

• Freedom from taxes, power, influence in government, powerful jobs.

What estates would have supported Enlightenment ideas?


• 3rd estate• 2nd estate

What is a cahier and when did it come into play?

• A cahier is a list of grievances. The king asked each estate to write a cahier.

What document in France was modeled after

America’s Declaration of Independence?

• Declaration of the man and the citizen

What was the time period called when stories were spread that villages were attacked by peasants and

riots were breaking out more frequently.

• Great Fear

What did the San-Culottes stand for and what for France?

• Wanted a more radical action wanted a republic ruled by elected representatives.

What did the Civil Constitution do to the French Catholic Church?

• Put them under state control. Lessened their power.

Why was the French Catholic Church put under state control?

• The church had a lot of influence in the government,

by putting it under state control it did away with some of their


What is the difference between moderate and radical?

• Moderate is open minded; radical is extreme

What is the difference between an absolute

monarchy and a limited monarchy?

• Absolute is ruled by one person and they have all the power. Limited is not absolute.

Describe the purpose of the Committee of Public Safety?

• Committee developed because of the threats that

France was facing. Committee was prepared for all out war.

What were Robespierre’s main ideas? (3 ideas)

• Promoted religious tolerance; abolish

slavery; reign of terror

Give the dates, a description (main machine), and the result

of the Reign of Terror.• Lasted from July 1793-July 1794;

guillotine, hasty trials 44,000 people killed.

Why was Napoleon sent to France?

• A military career.

What new form of government did Napoleon


The consulate.

Why did peasants support Napoleon in the beginning of his


• New jobs were offered to them, that they hadn’t had before.

What was the Napoleonic Code?

• A piece of literature that Napoleon wrote. This held true to Enlightenment principles. Such as equality, religious

tolerance, advancement based on merit.

How did Napoleon retaliate against Britain?

• Continental system= closed European ports to British goods.

What impact did Nationalism have on

Napoleon?• Nationalism is going to force people to band together and against the ruler.

• i.e. Napoleon

What was the battle of nations?

• The battle of nations was a band of nations that came together and went against France when they were weak.

Why was it important for Napoleon to appoint friends/ family to important positions?

• People who were friends and family would always side with him.

Explain this quote. What event is this quote discussing?

“General Famine and General Winter, rather than Russian bullets, have conquered the Grand Army.”-

French General Michel Nay.

• This quote is discussing the invasion of Russia by France.

Describe Frances invasion into Russia. Was it a success?

• The invasion was 400,000 strong but came out with 10,000. The Russians lured the French in & then started to burn their land. The French soldiers did not have food and shelter. Many died for cold environment & from starvation




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Imperialism Geography

Then and Now

Images Mixed Questions

Name three things that Germany had to do according

to the Treaty of Versailles.• 1- limit army/navy get rid of Air force

• 2- pay reparations• 3- give up land/colonies• 4- take full blame for war

• 5-

What was Japan’s Meiji government’s plan to rapidly

change Japan’s economy and outlook?

• Looked to the West to modernize and industrialize their industry and military

As a result of the Sino-Japanese War, which Asian

territories did Japan take from China?

• Korea and Taiwan

In which 1904-1905 war did Japan surprised the world and defeated a

major European power, demonstrating that Japan was a

leading world power?

•Russo-Japanese War

What was the name of the Japanese government that was replaced by the Meiji


• Tokugawa Shogunate

Locate the European nation that colonized Indochina.

Which of the following colors on the map represent French imperialism in


Locate the Suez Canal

Locate the British colony that was once called Burma?

Locate area known as the Spice Islands that the Dutch colonized

Name TWO modern nations that were once part of French


• Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos

Name the TWO non-European imperialist nations in Asia and the

colonies they held:

• Japan- Taiwan and Korea• USA- Philippines

What was the name of the major Dutch colony in Asia

and what is the modern nation now called?

• Dutch East Indies- Indonesia

List ANY THREE modern African nations that were once part of the British

empire• Egypt, Sudan, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe,

Botswana, South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana

List ANY TWO modern African nations that were once part of the French

colonial empire• Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Mali, Niger,

Chad, Ivory Coast, Madagascar

The rubber trees in this picture below are most likely in what

French imperialized area?

• Indochina

Where was the large diamond shown in this picture of the Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom found?


What are the South African Dutch soldiers shown in this picture called?


This flower is used for both baked goods and medical purposes such as morphine

and codeine. During the 1830’s there was a war between China and Great

Britain over the sale of this flower. What

is this flower called?

• Opium Poppy

Who is this man and what did he do?

• Gandhi• He helped India

gain independence from Great Britain

This rebellion in China was directed at the ineffective and corrupt Chinese

government. Led by a religious fanatic, over 20 million people were killed and large parts of China were


• Taiping Rebellion

By 1900, China was largely carved up into different regions controlled by

imperialistic powers. What were these regions called?

•Spheres of Influence

What were they only two independent nations in Africa

by 1914?

• Ethiopia and Liberia

In which long and bloody war did England fight the original Dutch settlers for control of

South Africa

• The Boer War

What was the name of the large and powerful African tribe that fought both the Boers and the

British in South Africa?


Make a short T chart explaining three positive and three negative consequences

imperialism had on the areas of the world that were colonized: • Answers will vary- we’ll go to the

