Cathedral News: October 2010



October 2010

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CCCATHEDRALATHEDRALATHEDRAL N N NEWSEWSEWS October 2010 Volume 16 Issue 2 Tulsa, Oklahoma

Holy Family

From the Rector Photo: Cathy Nelso n

Identification Stat ement The Cathedr al News is published ten times per

year by Hol y Famil y Cathedral located at 122 West Eighth Street, Tulsa, OK 74119. This is

Volume 16 Issue 2. Periodicals Postage Permit 022-729 is Paid in T ulsa, Oklahoma. POSTMAS-TER: Send address changes to: Hol y Family Cathedral, P.O. Box 3204, T ulsa, OK 74101-3204.

Renovation Pledges update: $94,834.82 is currentl y outs tanding

on the pledges for the Renovati on Fund. Thank you for your continued gener-osity.

The Cathedral School thanks you for recycling and turning in labels. Here is what you saved for the school l ast month:

Target’s Charge for Education: $262.72 Recycling: $80.41

Dear People of Holy Family Cathedral:

October is upon us and the good

people of Catholic Charities have once

again asked for our cooperation in their

work. I don’t know if you have been

out to the new facil ity but it is a wonder

to behold and even more a wonder to

watch function. So many people are

being serviced, all being helped be-

cause of our generosity. It truly makes

you proud to be a part of the generos-

ity and benevolence of this Diocese.

I know that there are some very

high dollar gifts but the vast majority of

the funding comes from many people

giving a smaller amount. I often mar-

vel at what $10.00 a month can do

when multiplied by the number of peo-

ple available in this diocese to give.

So I once again urge you to be gener-

ous to Catholic Charities.

If you have the time and ability, vol-

unteer to actually live in the midst of

their good work. I know many of the

volunteers at Catholic Charities and

they all seem to love and value the

time they spend helping in whatever

way they can.

Last of all; please keep this very

Catholic work in your daily prayer.

God looks kindly on those who have

concern for the poor.

In the Holy Family,

Msgr. Gregory A. Gier


Notes from the Knightstand BY MARTIN REIDY

Oh Lord, the Fall 's a welcome sight Looking toward those frosty nights! And the days of gentle breeze as sunbeams play on dancing leaves!

Indeed! Indeed! Fall is in the air -

and none too soon! ‘Tis the season

for football, world series, the state

fair AND 40 Days for Life! So, we

hope that you grab the prayer

schedule and sign up for an hour of

prayer at the Garden of Hope at

32nd & Winston were you to not

have done so already. Holy Family

Cathedral is down for Saturday the

9th of October which begins at

midnight on Friday the 8th and

continues for 24 hours until mid-

night Saturday. So, grab a dart,

toss it at the clock and let fate

pick a time if you are otherwise

undecided. Your presence will

not only find favor with God but

also with B.D. Tidmore, our

Grand Knight, who is the ramrod

to this pro-life project involving

at this writing some 30 Tulsa

area churches. After all, who

was it who said, “Can you not

give Me one hour?”

Tidying up loose ends from columns

past: a grateful thanks is extended to

all the Hashmakers who contributed

food and thereby success to the An-

nual KC August Cathedral Clergy Ap-

preciation Dinner, to wit: Susan Gray,

Adele Healey, Dorothy Wire, Terri Tid-

more, Ann Owen, Monika Davis, Kath-

leen Mattox, and Helen Reidy. It was

their laborious efforts with the food line

that really made the evening a memo-

rable event. Helga Gorman, whom I

am sure you all know, organized the

ladies in doing an outstanding job!

Look for a POSSIBLE change of date

for our October pancake breakfast

(note the emphasis on POSSIBLE).

There is the unknown chance as of this

writing that it may be held on the sec-

ond or fourth Sunday due to a possible

conflict beyond our control. Whichever

it is-BE THERE! Seriously, come on

down and have breakfast with us. Pax!

The Cathedral celebrates the long

and generous history of service of both

Jim and Betty Bolton. Last month,

Monsignor Gier presented the couple

with the Jim Foley Service Award

named after the parish’s beloved sac-

ristan and usher-in-chief who passed

away earlier this year.

Betty Bolton may be the most photo-

graphed woman in the parish. She ap-

pears numerous times in the Women’s

Club photos archives because of her

enthusiastic involvement in the Club

dating back to the 1960s.

In his presentation, Monsignor Gier

noted how appropriate it is for Mr. Bol-

ton to receive the award this year. He

said, “Jim Bolton served at countless

funerals. He served beside Jim Foley

while Msgr. Jim Halpine presided. So

you have Jim Bolton, Jim Foley, and

Msgr. Jim Halpine. They were often

called “the Jims funerals.”

Previous Recipients:

Joseph & Joyce Waszut, 1998

Mark Nelson, 1999

Hiram & Marie West, 2000

Dan Ponto, 2001

Tommy & Mary Boursheski, 2002

Kay Keith, 2003

Mike & Jan Will iams, 2004

Bob & Gloria Baker, 2005

Tom & Helga Gorman, 2006

Monica Skrzypczak, 2007

Nancy Mullikin, 2008

Larry & Jeane Stayer, 2009

Jim & Betty Bolton receive 2010 Jim Foley Service Award


It was a beautiful sight, the introduction

of inquirers to the new RCIA year.

They seemed to have a tremendous

thirst for our Catholic faith. The initial

introductory session held in the main

Cathedral provided a basic level of

what Catholics believe, and dispelled

some of the misconceptions often

touted about Catholicism.

The second introductory session nearly

overflowed the Halpine room, our usual

class location. Each person briefly

mentioned some personal background

details, and what brought him or her to

the RCIA process. One could see the

humbleness in each one, the yearning

to be filled with God’s grace. Some

were new to our faith, coming either

from protestant backgrounds, search-

ing multiple directions, or with no

Christian faith at all. Many had a

Catholic history but had fallen away at

some point and now find a big “hole”

where God should be in their lives.

These sessions are a perfect time and

place to get accurate information on

our faith, and for wedging open a spot

for the Spirit to enter.

The calendar l isting the presentation

topics is online under the Ministries/

RCIA heading. Upcoming sessions

over the next few weeks are: Old Tes-

tament, Scripture and Tradition, New

Testament and Church History. These

all examine the unique approach our

faith uses to connect both Scripture

and Tradition to form

our worship and

teaching. The written

New Testament came

out of the early tradi-

tions that were al-

ready formed while

Jesus wa s teaching

on earth. The Old

Testament Jewish

traditions are inter-

woven in our worship

as Jesus made the new covenant with

us, making us his very body on earth

and party to his l ife in heaven. These

classes provide the historical and spiri-

tual source for inquirers as they search

for the truth.

The RCIA team is filled with the Holy

Spirit and bursting at the seams with

readiness in welcoming and preparing

these inquiring individuals for their jour-

ney. Please keep us in your prayers.

RCIA begins: A Beautiful Sight


Holy Family Cathedral School

recently celebrated its 111th anni-

versary! The school community

celebrated with a special

Mass and later all students

were treated to donuts. Holy

Family Cathedral School is

proud to continue to offer a

quality Catholic education to

the children of Tulsa.

Holy Family Ca thedral School is

incredibly proud to announce 100%

of the 7th grade class qualified for

the highly selective Duke Unive rsity

Talent Identification Program!

Children’s Choir CD sells out on first day

Last Spring, the parish and school

children of the Saint Cecil ia Choir re-

corded an album of their favorite

songs. A group of mothers and grand-

mothers assembled the albums during

twice-weekly choir practice.

The moms offered the CD for sale

after Sunday Masse s. The CD sold out

its first run of 100 within twenty-four


The moms are back at work assem-

bling more discs to give to parishioners

who pre-ordered additional copies.

The album features Ave Maria,

Panis Angelicus, and other traditional

pieces. Some modern compositions

appear too. Christ Our Passover is a

particular favorite.



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