Catechism of the Jew in the USSR


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  • 8/13/2019 Catechism of the Jew in the USSR


    Catechism of the Jew in the USSR

    JEWS! Love one another, help one another! Help each other even if you hate each other!

    Our strength lies in unity. Unity is the token of our success, and it is our salvation and our prosperity. any nation

    perished after eco"ing dispersed, ecause they did not have a clear#cut progra""e of action or a feeling of

    co"radeship. $ut %e, thanks to our feeling of collectivis", have gone on for centuries and have survived %hileliving a"ong other nations. We have re"ained intact, have "ultiplied and have gro%n stronger.

    Unity is an o&ective, ut it is also a "eans of achieving an o&ective. 'his is the point. Unity is %hat "ust e

    striven for. Everything else is derivative, and %ill co"e auto"atically.

    Help one another, do not e afraid of eing regarded as nationalists, and do not e afraid of protectionis".

    'his nationalis" of ours is our chief instru"ent. Our nationalis" is international, and that is %hy it is eternal. 'he%ay to%ards our nationalis" is open to Je%s of all nationalities, all deno"inations and all parties. 'he only true

    internationalis" is that %hich is tied to the Je%s y links of lood. (ll other for"s of internationalis" are "erely

    provocation and deceit. Operate on a roader scale in dra%ing to%ards yourselves people %ho are close to you yreason of their irth. Only they can provide you %ith the living environ"ent desired.

    )or" your national groups of specialists. *roups of specialists are the Holy of Holies. Such groups decide

    everything. 'oday+s specialist groups are our to"orro%. Every laoratory, every university depart"ent and every

    institute "ust eco"e the place %here our national groups of specialists are created.

    repare young Je%ish people for the task of continuing the tradition of for"er generations. Let every generation o

    *entiles conflict %ith our syste" of defence in depth. Every ti"e the older generation disappears fro" the scene, i

    "ust e replaced y an even "ore po%erful cohort of young Je%s %ho have een given the right training at the

    proper ti"e and have eco"e strong as a result.

    'o achieve this, our young people "ust e pro"oted to positions of leadership as early as possile on the grounds

    that they are "ature and rilliant. Even if this is not yet true, they %ill "ature on the &o.

    He who is in power is in the right

    HE WHO -S - OWE/ -S - 'HE /-*H'. We "ust pass on to our children "ore than %e received fro" our

    fathers, and our children, after preserving %hat they have received and adding to it, %ill in turn pass it on to theiroffspring. 0ontinuity fro" generation to generation is our strength, our staility and our i""ortality.

    The world is cruel, and there is no place in it for philanthropy

    The world is cruel, and there is no place in it for philanthropy.Every nation is the creator of its o%n happines

    -t is not our usiness to %orry aout /ussian national groups of specialists. -f they do not think aout the"selves,%hy should %e think aout the"1 2o not follo% the e3a"ple of the /ussians and the (ras, %ho live

    conte"platively, hoping that an off#chance "ay arise. 2o not e3pect any favours fro" nature # our task is to take

    the favours ourselves.

    Create your own groups and use these groups to throw out the Gentiles

    0reate your o%n groups and use these groups to thro% out the *entiles. /e"e"er4 all highly paid, influential andprofitale &os are our national inco"e.

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    /e"e"er that every *entile %ho has reached our level can occupy a post %hich "ight have elonged to each on

    of us.

    We create our groups so that goys cannot prevent us fro" living the %ay %e %ant to. Let the goys try to create the

    o%n groups. 'hey %ill scarcely succeed in this, and they %ill fall out %ith one another efore they "anage to

    achieve anything. We shall help the" in that.

    Russians are incapable of thining deeply

    'HE /USS-(S (/E -0(($LE O) 'H-5-* 2EEL6, ((L6S-* O/ (//-7-* (' 2EE

    *EE/(L-8('-OS. 'HE6 (/E L-5E -*S WHO L-7E W-'H 'HE-/ SOU'S $U/-E2 - 'HE*/OU2, O' SUSE0'-* 'H(' 'HE/E -S ( S56.

    'hey interpret all pheno"ena in too superficial and specific a %ay. 'hey do not see facts as a se9uence, and do no

    understand ho% facts interrelate. 'hey are unale to think, generali:e or for" astractions. 'o the", every event i

    only an event, ho%ever fre9uently it "ay occur.

    Our ideology is asically opposed to that of the goys.

    'hey say4 ;-t is etter to have less ut of etter 9uality;

    We say4 ;-t is etter to have "ore and of etter 9uality;

    'hey say4 ;-t is etter to e poor than and healthy, than rich and sick.;

    We say4 ;-t is etter to e healthy and rich than poor and sick.;

    'hey say4 ;'o give is as pleasant as to receive.;

    We say4 ;'o give "ay e pleasant, ut to receive is also "ore profitale.;

    'hey say4 ;(ct in accordance %ith the la%. 'hat is your duty.;

    We say4 ;(ct contrary to the la%, and - shall return you a favor.;

    'hey say4 ;Win the victory or die.;

    Our slogan is4 ;Win the victory in order to live, ut live in order to %in the victory.;

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    'he /ussians are ostinate, ut they are not persistent enough %hen it co"es to attaining an o&ective. 'hey are

    la:y, and that is %hey they are al%ays in a hurry. 'hey try to solve all prole"s at a stroke. 'hey sacrifice s"allthings for the sake of the "a&or, decisive task of %inning a victory. $ut that victory either does not co"e at all, or

    else, having %on the victory, they are no etter off than efore.

    %e profess the tactics of small "ictories, although we do not ob&ect to large "ictories. a small "ictory is also


    'he /ussians neither kno% ho% to lead, nor ho% to su"it. 'hey are saoteurs y reason of their genetic "akeup

    'he /ussians are envious, and they hate their colleagues, if the latter rise aove the grey "asses of the people.

    *ive the" the chance to tear to pieces these colleagues %ho have een pro"oted, and they %ill tear hi" to pieces

    %ith pleasure.

    Je%s! (l%ays act as aritrators, adopt the posture of eing peace"akers, defend the ;unhappy people; against%ho" the cro%d is up in ar"s, ut only inas"uch as to gain a reputation as a generous, o&ective person.

    With a little patience, you %ill take over the position of the person %ho" a short %hile ago you tore to pieces.

    %hen two russians fight one another, the winner is a Jew

    When t%o russians fight one another, a Je% is the %inner.

    Set the Russians against one another,provoke in the" envy to%ards one another. (l%ays do this i"perceptily

    and sutly, operating under a cover of enevolence. Let the" fight a"ong the"selves. 6ou %ill al%ays e the


    /ussians do not kno% ho% to live, or ho% to set goals. We create the ephe"eral tasks for the", and they try to

    carry out those tasks.

    !"ery humiliation is a blessing if it produces an ad"antage

    'he /ussians do not kno% ho% to ask for so"ething, regarding it as hu"iliating to do so, even though they are

    hu"iliated and poor as it stands.

    We say4 ;Every hu"iliation is a lessing if it produces an advantage.; One can hu"iliate oneself in order toachieve a goal, and it is possile to hu"iliate oneself %ith dignity.

    (othing is immoral ... The end illuminates the means

    othing is i""oral if it assists our people to eco"e %ell#estalished and prosperous. The end illuminates the


    The Russians are stupid and coarse. They refer to their stupidity and coarseness as honesty

    'he /ussians are stupid and coarse. 'hey refer to their stupidity and coarseness as honesty, decency and %ell#

    principled ehaviour.

    'heir inaility to adapt and change their ehaviour so as to suit the situation, and their lack of any "ental

    fle3iility, are descried y the" as ;eing true to the"selves,; as ;adherence to principle;.

    Goys are so stupid and coarse that they do not e"en now how to lie

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    *oys are so stupid and coarse that they do not even kno% ho% to lie. (gain, they call their pri"itiveness and

    stupidity honesty and decency, although they are y nature "endacious and dishonest.

    -n ancient ti"es the goys referred to their characteristically pri"itive ehaviour as ararity, in the iddle (ges

    they ter"ed it chivalry, and later they called it gentle"anly conduct. 'hey co""itted suicide out of e"pty

    principles. )et them continue to do so'

    'hey are constricted in their ailities, and for this reason they set li"its to everything.

    $ut %e say4 ;an+s possiilities are unli"ited, ecause "an ehaves in accordance %ith circu"stances!;

    Spea and act in a way which their morality and their concepts do not permit

    (l%ays re"e"er the li"its %hich goys set for the"selves. 'heir thinking has stagnated %ithin these li"its, and

    they are unale to go eyond the". 'herein lies their "isfortune and our advantage.

    Speak and act in a %ay %hich their "orality and their concepts do not per"it. 2o things %hich see" to the" to e

    i"possile and incredile. 'hey %ill not elieve that you are capale of %ords and actions of %hich they are not


    Speak and act in a %ay %hich is confident, energetic, aggressive, discouraging and stunning. roduce "ore noiseand oral tru"pery, and say "ore things %hich are inco"prehensile and pseudo#scientific.

    Create theories, hypotheses, tendencies, schools, practicable and impracticable methods. The more

    e*tra"agant, the better'

    2o not other aout these theories eing useless, or ecause they %ill have to e forgotten aout y to"orro%. (ne% day, and %ith it ne% ideas, %ill co"e. -t is here that our self#assertion, our superiority, and the po%er of our

    spirit, all find e3pression.

    )et the goys bear the brunt of the ideas we float

    Let the goys ear the runt of the ideas %e float. Let the" rack their rains looking for any grains of rationality in

    our ideas, and let the" seek and find in our ideas things %hich are not there. 'o"orro% %e shall give their

    pri"itive rains so"e ne% food to che% on.

    -t does not "atter %hat you say. What "atters is ho% you say it. 6our self#confidence %ill e perceived as

    conviction, your a"ition %ill e thought to e loftiness of "ind, and your "anner of preaching and putting peop

    right %ill e regarded as superiority.

    Twist their brains, and wor the goys up into a ner"ous state

    '%ist their rains, and %ork the" up into a nervous state! Suppress the %ill of those, %ho o&ect %hat you are

    saying. lace the upstarts and a%lers in a co"pro"ising position, and stir up the pride of the cro%d against anysceptics.

    -n your discussions and deates, use rhetorical "ethods %hich order on the indecent.

    -f anyone douts %hat you are saying and o&ects to it, as him his surname, where he wors and what his &obis. This will usually shoc and intimidate them, and they will retreat.

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    2e"and replies, and %hen you have received the", say over and over again, %ithout analysing the essence of the

    replies4 ;-t+s not like that, it+s not like that at all!;

    -f so"e kno%#it#all tries to e3pose you, the others %ill not listen to hi" and %ill conde"n hi", ecause y

    e3posing you he is proving the" guilty of stupidity, and the cro%d does not forgive this.

    -f a /ussian tries to sho% his %orth and to attract attention to hi"self, you "ust create "ore sound effects at that

    "o"ent, shuffle your feet, stand up and %alk aout, "ake creaking noises %ith the chairs, laugh, chatter, hu"

    so"ething under your reath, cough and lo% your nose, and interrupt hi" y "aking speeches, conversing, tellin&okes, and the like.

    Create for the Russians a mass of petty, annoying incon"eniences

    0reate for the /ussians a "ass of petty, annoying inconveniences of %hich they are not i""ediately a%are.

    lace your things on top of their elongings, tread on their feet, reathe in their faces, and talk in a provocatively

    loud %ay. Let the" constantly feel your elo% in their side.

    'he /ussians cannot endure this for long. 'o avoid any scandals, they %ill go a%ay, leaving the place free for you

    to occupy...

    'hey think it is particularly s"art to sla" the door and %alk a%ay. *ive the" the opportunity to do so!

    +olite insolence is our watchword'

    ccuse of antisemitism those who try to e*pose you

    (ccuse of antise"itis" those %ho try to e3pose you. in the lael of ;antise"ite; on the", and you %ill see %ith

    %hat pleasure the other goys %ill take up this version. On the %hole, all /ussians are antise"ites, ut as soon as

    you pin this lael on one /ussian, he eco"es defenceless, ecause all the others %ill thro% hi" to us as a sacrific

    and %ill destroy hi" %ith their o%n hands. (nd %e shall attach the stig"a to the ne3t victi".

    +lay on the soft-heartedness of the Russians

    lay on the soft#heartedness of the /ussians. ake yourselves out to e poor and unfortunate ones, arouseco"passion and sy"pathy for yourselves, spread the ru"ours aout the eternally suffering nation, aout

    persecution in the past and discri"ination today.

    The tactic of the poor Jew has been pro"ing its worth for thousands of years'

    !"en if the Russians ha"e less than us, they will nonetheless help us to ha"e more.'he /ussians like eing

    enefactors and guardians, and every eggar strives to e a enefactor, ecause that raises his status.

    'he generosity of the /ussians increases in the sa"e "easure as their aility to put it into effect decreases. 'ake

    fro" the" %hat they can give4 a "angy sheep %ill at least yield a tuft of %ool!

    2istort all pheno"ena in the light of our interests. Every pheno"enon "ust, un9uestionaly, e considered fro"the point of vie% of the har" or enefit it produces for the Je%s!

    -nfor" one another aout everything %hich "ay har" or enefit us.

    #nformation is the Holy of Holies

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    -nfor"ation is the Holy of Holies! oney, groups of specialists, and infor"ation4 these are the three supports upo

    %hich our %ell#eing is founded!

    -t is every Je%+s sacred duty and oligation to infor" another Je% of %hat the *oyi" intend to do. /ou helped m

    today, # shall help you tomorrow - therein lies our strength.

    0ur God be$ueathed to us the tas of owning the world, and we own it

    Our *od e9ueathed to us the task of o%ning the %orld, and %e o%n it. 0ur tas is to eep the world in ourhands.

    1eep in your hands the means of propaganda and information2 the press, radio, tele"ision and cinema.

    We "ust penetrate further into the apparatus of arty and State authority. /egarding any 9uestion, for" a pulic

    opinion %hich takes into account our national interests.

    ny trifle can be turned into a problem, and any problem into a trifle

    (ny trifle can e turned into a prole", and any prole" into a trifle. ot one pulic process "ust e allo%ed to

    drift of its o%n accord. -f it does not enefit us, slo% it do%n, or direct it against our ene"ies, the goyi". We "use at the head of any undertaking, so that %e can guide it in the re9uired direction.

    $e the leaders in everything, strive al%ays to e the first! 0ultivate %ithin yourself the characteristics of leadershi2o this every hour, every "inute, even in the trifles of everyday life. 2o not give %ay in anything. 'ry not to give

    %ay even in respect of trifles, %hether they e your seat in a us or train or your place in a 9ueue in a shop.

    #n any woring group, tae the power into your own hands

    -n any %orking group, take the po%er into your o%n hands and direct the group in our interests.

    We "ust carry out the ad"inistrative and creative part of the production process.

    )et the goys pro"ide the preparatory material and technical basis for our creati"e wor.

    )et their position be no higher than that of a porter or cleaner

    Let the" look after the cleanliness of the %ork places and guard the fruits of our laours. Let their position e no

    higher than that of a porter or cleaner.

    -t is per"issile, y %ay of an e3ception, to allo% goys of non#/ussian origin to do creative %ork. 3o not allow

    Russians to do this'We shall al%ays e la"ed for this.

    nd do not be afraid of us gaining a reputation as nationalists

    (nd do not e afraid of us gaining a reputation as nationalists4 an illusion of internationalis" %ill e assured %ithan ad"i3ture of Je%ish lood or, if the %orst co"es to the %orst, y the presence of representatives of ethnic


    #f you ha"e a "acancy, hire only a Jew

    #f you ha"e a "acancy, hire only a Jew.

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    -f you cannot do this, cancel the position. -f you can do neither, hire an (sian. -f none is availale, hire a ole, a

    Ukrainian or, if the %orst co"es to the %orst, a $yelorussian. (ll these have scores to settle %ith the /ussians.

    (fter they have een %orked on for a %hile, they %ill eco"e your allies. 'hey are all only antise"ites in their

    o%n native lands. #n Russia, it is more beneficial to them to be internationalists. $y these "eans, they %ill find

    the necessary space %ithin %hich they can e3ist. ake use of their "eans.

    nation without a history is lie a child without parents

    2o not openly destroy the "onu"ents to the ancient history of /ussia, ut also do not restore those "onu"ents.

    6ears %ill pass, and the "onu"ents %ill collapse of their o%n accord. (nd hooligans and ;lovers of the past; %illtake the" a%ay little y little, rick y rick. retend not to notice this ecause you are occupied %ith "a&or tasks

    of the national econo"y.

    nation without a history is lie a child without parents. Such a nation can e "oulded into %hatever is

    re9uired. One can i"pose upon such a nation one+s o%n philosophy and one+s o%n %ay of thinking.

    4y this method, whole nations can be ine"itably depri"ed of their particular indi"iduality

    $y this "ethod, %hole nations can e inevitaly deprived of their particular individuality. )irst they %ill lose theirhistory and traditions, and then %e shall for" the" in our o%n i"age.

    5eep every step taken y influential and for%ard#looking /ussians under a never#slackening control. 2o not allo%

    the" to go off y the"selves and unite. 2o not per"it any inti"ate, direct links to develop et%een the". (ny

    contacts they have "ust e %ith us and through us. Therein lies information and influence. 3o not permit them

    to discuss any problems without us being present. %here there are two Russians, there must be at least one

    Jew.$e o"nipresent!

    #f you do not succeed in blocing the young and forward-looing Russians and in pre"enting them from

    e*pressing themsel"es, mae them manipulatable.2ra% the" into your groups, surround the" %ith a strong

    Je%ish presence, and deprive the" of any contacts and ac9uaintances outside of your influence.

    3o not be afraid2 their children will be ours

    0o"pel the" to "arry Je%esses, and only then give the" a green light. 2o not e afraid4 their children will be

    ours whate"er happens. %hoe"er the bull that &umped around may belong to, its calf will be ours.

    $y helping such /ussians, you are contriuting to the cause of our Je%ish co""unity. )ro" no% on their %ages i

    our national inco"e. )or the sake of their children, they %ill lose their ;civil rights;, their feelings and their

    intelligence, and in any case it %ill not e possile for the" to e antise"itic.

    Cohabitation with a Jewess is one way of attracting talented Russians into our sphere ofinfluence

    Cohabitation with a Jewess is one way of attracting talented Russians into our sphere of influence and


    arry the eautiful, healthy /ussian %o"en. Let the" ear us healthy offspring and i"prove our race. 'hus, ever

    for%ard#looking /ussian "ust e given a Je%ish girl friend or oy friend. -f every /ussian helps one Je% to get

    etter, %e shall all e in a good shape.

    Gi"e them bribes and presents. Gi"e them cognac and "oda drins

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    *ive the" ries and presents. )eed the" %ith cognac and vodka drinks, or, etter still, spirits sold under a State

    "onopoly. 'hey %ill sell out, including their o%n /ussia, in e3change for the "eaningless toys and poisonousli9uor.

    ( final piece of advice. $e vigilant. 'he Spanish -n9uisition and *er"an fascis" "ust not e repeated. (ip in thbud any attempts to put society in opposition to us, and destroy any anti-Jewish tendencies at the "ery

    outset, whate"er shape they may tae.

    )ascis" is not an accidental pheno"enon. #t arises in places where we underestimate the local people5s effortsto be the owners of their own land.)ascis" develops secretly in all nations. Luckily for us, different nations

    arrive to it at different ti"es and under different na"es.

    4uy up, steal and destroy any literature which re"eals our tactics

    $uy up, steal and destroy any literature %hich reveals our tactics and strategy and %hich represent the Je%s in a

    ad light. 2o not per"it such %orks to e re#pulished. 'he goy nations "ust not re"e"er or kno% the actualreasons for Je%ish pogro"s and persecutions. 'hey "ust only kno% our interpretation of such 9uestions.

    ay particular attention to unending, ostinate people, %ho do not %ant to o% to our superiority, do not %ish to

    %ork for us and are opposed to our practices and our policies.

    !*pose them using any prete*t and any reason

    Sooner or later such people %ill develop into antise"ites. 2o not allo% little antise"ites to gro% into people %ho

    take part in ig pogro"s! Let the" tire the"selves out at the very outset %ith their stuorn idea of nationaldignity. E3pose the" using any prete3t and any reason to place the" in a co"pro"ising position, and oppose the"

    %ith all the "eans availale.

    So long as they are alone, they %ill e unale to hold out against our collectivis" and against our onslaught. 'hey

    "ay e in the right a thousand ti"es over %ith their trivialities. $ut they are in the %rong nonetheless if they stand

    in our %ay.

    Spread compromising rumours about these stubborn people, gi"e them a dubious reputation, and in the en

    they will then begin to be feared e"en by those who support them,%ho kno% the" %ell and %ho have a very

    high opinion of the" and support the".

    3epri"e them of any connections and contacts, and mae it impossible for them to wor effecti"ely. 0ast

    dout on %hether the %ork they are doing, and the positions they hold, serve any useful purpose. -solate the", stir

    up the cro%d against the", deprive the" of influential positions in society, and provoke the" into conflicts.

    Hu"iliate the", ignore the", offend the" %ith unfair incentives and un&ust penalties, and %hen they protest,accuse the" of eing disoedient, insuordinate, 9uarrelso"e and trouleso"e.

    (ppeal to the pulic and to the ad"inistrative authorities, drag these ostinate people efore the arty 0o""ittee

    and to the police. -f possile, take the" to court.

    #f you are older than them, accuse them of breaching the principle of respect for one5s elders. #f you are the

    same age as them, accuse them of breaching the principle of brotherhood, and be $uite sure to blame them

    for "iolating the principle of internationalism.

    'he effectiveness of these "ethods has een proved over "any generations. 'his is ho% all so#called ;e3ploiters;

    act, eing i"pelled y the need to keep the nations in a state of oedience. The chief point is that they must be

    accused. )et them try to defend themsel"es. nyone who tries to defend himself is already half guilty'

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    %rite denunciations and anonymous letters about them, accuse them of antisocial beha"iour

    -f the opportunity arises, "ove their ehaviour into the political arena, %rite denunciations and anony"ous letters

    aout the", accuse the" of antisocial ehaviour and econo"ic saotage.

    +ro"oe them into publicly opposing State power

    +ro"oe them into publicly opposing State power, and then destroy them with the aid of that same State


    Only those %ho su"issively follo% us and go along %ith our agenda have the right to privileges and a 9uiet life.'hose %ho %ish to go their o%n independent %ay are potentially dangerous and "ust e deprived of all kinds of

    support and of the "eans of e3istence.

    #t is either order we impose, or complete disorgani6ation

    'here "ust e either order %e i"pose, or co"plete disorgani:ation.Chaos must reign in any place where goyswish to manage without us'(ct so that disorder continues until the e3hausted goys, having eco"e desperate, a

    us to take po%er into our o%n hands and give the" a 9uiet life.

    The goys must wor under our leadership and be beneficial to us

    'he goys "ust %ork under our leadership and ring enefits to us. 'hose %ho are of no enefit to us "ust ee3pelled.

    There is no public benefit beyond our interests

    There is no such a thing as public benefit beyond our interests' Those who are not with us are against us'

    eye for an eye' tooth for a tooth'

    'hat is %hat oses taught, and that is ho% our forefathers lived.

    (nd that is ho% %e shall live also. /evenge is a sacred feeling. -t for"s a person+s character and affir"s his


    (andon any feeling of su"issiveness and hu"ility to%ards those %ho have offended us. Let the stupid goyi"keep for the"selves the slogans of Christian charity, meeness, humility and self-denial - they are e*actlywhat the stupid goyim are worthy of.

    ro"ote, i"plant and propagate the 0hristian ;virtues; a"ong the goyi", ut deep %ithin, re"ain fir" andunco"pro"ising at heart.

    $e unco"pro"ising to%ards our ene"ies! -f you forgive the" a s"all offence today, they %ill co""it a ig

    offence to you to"orro%. 2o not eco"e accusto"ed to eing offended, and repel other people+s desire to offend


    Let the goyi" urge one another to e cautious, "oderate and fle3ile in relation to us. Let the" e cautious inholding ack our onslaught.

    %e must act decisi"ely and rapidly, always lea"ing them to face the accomplished facts

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    We "ust act decisively and rapidly, al%ays leaving the" to face the acco"plished facts. (fter the fact, let the"

    hold long and fruitless discussions. 'hey have no %eapon against our "ethods.

    Even if, after reaching a %ilful decision, they do one thing # y the ti"e they have had this idea, reached an

    agree"ent, and done that one thing, %e shall have done ten "ore i"portant things. Let their resistance e the

    re9uired sti"ulus for us, and not an ostacle. We need their opposition so that %e can "aintain our fighting spirit

    and our preparedness, and nothing "ore than that.

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    (e"er rela* the pressure. The tougher is the resistance of the goyim, the greater is our o"erhead, the greate

    must be our income and profits.'he profit %e are "aking today "ust e sufficient to cover any possile losses

    in the future pogro"s, %hich take place in every country fro" ti"e to ti"e. )et the goyim pay today for the facthat they will later be able to tae bac the part of what is theirs, somewhere else in the world.

    We "ust al%ays e ready to live %ith the anger and hatred of the goyi", and go a%ay to a place %here people %ilaccept us hoping that the econo"y can e revived y the "eans of our capital.

    This is the meaning of the symbol of gasfer, the !ternal Jew

    art of our strategy is to s%itch countries fro" ti"e to ti"e in search of "ore favourale living conditions. 'his is

    the "eaning of the sy"ol of (gasfer, the ;Eternal Je%;, indefatigale opti"ist and eternal %anderer.

    Foney is our legs

    $ut if %e do have to go a%ay, %e "ust go a%ay healthy and rich, and not poor and sick. Foney is our legs.

    We "ove our centre of gravity to the place to %hich our "oney, our capital, has previously een transferred.

    (fter eco"ing "aterially stronger in the countries of our dissipation, and after collecting our triute fro" the" #

    %e asse"le in the land of our forefathers to fortify our spirit, our po%er, our sy"ols, and our elief in unity.

    %e assemble in order to disperse again. nd so throughout all the ages.

    (Published in Tel Aviv in 1958)