Cat Welfare Society Project Vicki, Ili, Pearlyn, Kelley



Target Audience Analysis 18 – 21 years old22 – 28 years old Demographic Tertiary Students (ITE, Polytechnic, Uni) Part-timers Tertiary Students (ITE, Polytechnic, Uni) Working Adults Psychographic Financially Dependent Outgoing Socially Active Sociable Like new experience Low spending power Financially Independent Outgoing Socially Active Sociable Like new experience Average to high spending power

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Cat Welfare Society Project

Vicki, Ili, Pearlyn, Kelley

Content Page• Target Audience Analysis• Key Message• Event• IMC Tools• Communication Strategies• Media Plan• Timeline• Conclusion

Target Audience Analysis18 – 21 years old 22 – 28 years old


Tertiary Students(ITE, Polytechnic, Uni) Part-timers

Tertiary Students(ITE, Polytechnic, Uni) Working Adults


Financially Dependent

Outgoing Socially Active Sociable Like new

experience Low spending


Financially Independent

Outgoing Socially Active Sociable Like new

experience Average to high

spending power

Survey responses (70 people)

Key Message

“Be kind today, donate to save our



• Adoption Drive + Roadshow• Bring in stray cats from CWS up for adoption• Set up adoption drive booths at Scape to

encourage people to adopt a cat and also to allow them to gain more awareness about cat sterilisation/ the new GIRO system

• Set up booth for Suddenly Cat/OCBC to sell merchandise / Facilitate GIRO applications

• Provide more info about cat sterilisation to the public and OCBC staff (Provide more info on GIRO and how the public can sign up)

• Melody Chen (Official spokesperson of CWS) & Keagan Kang (Ambassador of CWS) as the host for the event


Promotional Materials – Brochure

Promotional Materials – Poster

Promotional Materials - Flyers

Advertising – Bus Shelters• Bus shelter advertising has been

proven to achieve the highest perceived exposure in comparison to other Out-Of-Home formats

• With the masses spending an average of 40% of their day Out-Of-Home, 21% of their day is spent travelling and 100% of them passing by a bus shelter

• Research has shown that bus shelter advertising establishes brand awareness

PR via Social Media



Instagram Able to post photos/ 15-

second videos

Since our TA are frequent users of social media, we could make use of Instagram to publicise the campaign

Instagram has overtaken Twitter to become the 2nd most popular social media network in Singapore –

How do you know if our stray cats are sterilized? #saveourcats #catwelfare


What do you think happens to our unsterilized furry friends? #saveourcats #catwelfare


Would you want to save this family of cats? #saveourcats #catwelfaresociety

‘Be Kind Today, Donate to Save Our Strays’. It’s coming soon #saveourcats #cws

Local celebrities in support of our campaign #saveourcats #cws #maialee

Spay Day 2014; what’s happening this year? #saveourcats #saveoursingaporeanstrays

Personal Selling

Booths @ SCAPE & Tertiary Institutes

Possible Sponsors to Pitch to

Community Centres (North, South, West and East) - Has an open space - Could host events here to promote the campaign

SCAPE - A venue to attract the youth in Singapore (18-21)- Could host events here to promote the campaign

Sponsors for Location of Events:

Sponsors for Broadcast Publicity:

- Popular among the 25 and above age

group- Can reach out

to the older target group

while they are on-the-go

- Popular among the youths in Singapore- Able to

broadcast information so that our target audience can get listen on-


- Already do a segment on their show

called ‘The Pet Project’

- Since they already support such a cause, higher chance

they would want to talk about this


Each radio station can do a segment on the campaign:

‘Be kind today, donate and save our strays’

Sponsors for Print Publicity:

Pets Magazine- Can pitch to them as

it would suit their

content- Would be a

good feature story for

their magazine

TODAY Newspaper; - TODAY is a widely read

newspaper in Singapore

- The campaign would suit the

content since (E.g. TODAY did a feature on

Managing Director of Pet Lovers


8 Days Magazine

- 51% Polytechnic/ Undergrad/ Post-grad

educational certificates

(Readership)- Have wrote about several

pet-related events

Suggested Angles for Media• More Efforts by CWS to Sterilize Our Strays - Talk about events that are going to happen in lieu of the

campaign- E.g. ‘Cat Me Home’, talks at Secondary Schools etc.

• CWS aims at 1000 sterilizations- A bigger campaign and a bigger year for CWS

• Continuously support CWS with GIRO- Donating through GIRO ensures regularity in donations

• Benefits of Donating to CWS- State the benefits so that people are aware of them - E.g. You can save a cat’s life, many cats are put down if not

sterilized due to overcrowding, funding this organization could help save them etc.

- Can sponsor merchandise for the prizes to be given out to Singaporeans so as to encourage their participation- OCBC will be mentioned as an official sponsor on the merchandise they provide- This could show Singaporeans that OCBC supports animal welfare

Sponsor for Materials:

Sponsor for Merchandise- Sells cat themed merchandise ( Clothes, Phone cases, accessories) - 1896 likes on Facebook - Can sponsor merchandise for the prizes to be given out to Singaporeans so as to encourage their participation

- Well-known brand to all animal lovers/pet owners- Can supply cat treats, cat related merchandise, etc- Can sponsor merchandise for the prizes to be given out to Singaporeans so as to encourage their participation


Mention of Benefits

Social Media- We can

constantly remind our TA on social

media of the benefits of using


Flyers- So that it remains

irremovable and clear for

Singaporeans to read about the

benefits of using GIRO

Talks at Tertiary Schools

- So that it will be a sure bet that at least a portion of

our TA will be taught the benefits


Media Plan Item Description Cost

Poster (Print) A2 Sized x 100 All schools - 10 poster eachScape- 5 posters Bus stops (re-use pass CWS posters) – 15 posters

$2.68 x 100 = $268


A5 sized x 1000  

$91 x 2 = $182

Brochures A3 sized (Double side) x 1000 Brochure type: C-fold (3 columns) 


Booths Scape - $65 (Saturday) 

$65 x 3 = $195

Advertising Advertise posters at bus stops at town areas (2 weeks every-day in mid- April)

$400 x 2 = $800

Public Relations Social Media Platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)


Media Pitch to TODAY, Radio 98.7fm, 91.3FM, 938 LIVE, Pets lover magazine


  Grand Total $1990.70


ConclusionWe want to always emphasize on the

benefits of donating to this organization People understand why they should donate Want to make people feel good to donate to this organization

By stating the benefits clearly in every platform of publicity we have mentioned, we want to ensure that people first realise the importance of donating

Thank You