Case Study I - Intercultural Experiences


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  • 8/2/2019 Case Study I - Intercultural Experiences


    Case study: Intercultural Experiences

    On the next pages you will find the intercultural experiences of German managersworking in different countries!

    Choose one of the pages and compare these experiences with the cultural

    Which dimensions are mentioned?

    Show the accordance and differences to the results of the surveys !, ,

    Maybe you will find some explanations!


    Intercultural ManagementProf. Dr. Barbara Winckler-Ru

  • 8/2/2019 Case Study I - Intercultural Experiences


    Intercultural Experiences

    Name: Manfred K.Company / Position: Daimler AG /Senior Manager

    Experience in: Barcelona and Madrid / Spain Year: 1984-1988

    Interpersonal aspectsMost critical / remarkable;Very proud of their country and their culture, but some feelings of inferiority, easily offendedMost amusing:


    Professional aspects:Reasons for successful negotiations:

    oo persona re at ons p, negot at ons n pan s , pat enceReasons for failed negotiations:Insufficient emotional approach, impatience, arrogance

    Recommendations:Engage in land and people, learning Spanish language very important

    Intercultural ManagementProf. Dr. Barbara Winckler-Ru

  • 8/2/2019 Case Study I - Intercultural Experiences


    Intercultural Experiences

    Name: Manfred K.Company / Position: Daimler AG /Senior Manager

    Experience in: Tokyo and Okazaki / Japan Year: 1985-1988

    Inter ersonal as ectsMost critical / remarkable;Strongly focused on rituals and etiquette, considerable danger for making many mistakes asan European

    The first meal with chopsticks, singing German Christmas songsProfessional aspects:Reasons for successful negotiations:

    Extremely good preparation, objective and calm argumentation, the same hierarchical leveland similar age of the negotiating parties

    Reasons for failed negotiations: , ,

    Recommendations:Intercultural training prior to first visit ist recommended, business cards are very important

    Intercultural ManagementProf. Dr. Barbara Winckler-Ru

    (never forget them)

  • 8/2/2019 Case Study I - Intercultural Experiences


    Intercultural Experiences

    Name: Manfred K.Company / Position: Daimler AG /Senior Manager

    Experience in: Seoul / South Korea Year: Early 90s

    Inter ersonal as ectsMost critical / remarkable;Koreans are very open and curious, but nevertheless rituals and etiquette an veryimportant

    Drinking rituals, singing and dancing live on stage in front of colleagues and businesspartners, visiting a Korean opera

    Professional aspects:Reasons for successful negotiations:

    Patience, perseverance, good contacts on a personal level

    Non-transparent decisions, fast shooting


    Intercultural ManagementProf. Dr. Barbara Winckler-Ru

    You have to like garlic and spicy foods.

  • 8/2/2019 Case Study I - Intercultural Experiences


    Intercultural Experiences

    Name: Manfred K.Company / Position: Daimler AG /Senior Manager

    Experience in: Buenos Aires / Argentina Year: 2008-2011

    Interpersonal aspectsMost critical / remarkable;Open, friendly, but you have to be suspicious and avoid certain neighborhoods in bigger citiesMost amusing:


    Professional aspects:easons or success u negot at ons:

    Patience, good argumentation, supporting documentation for explanation of facts (Argentines liketo talk a lot without being concrete)

    Unclear guidelines, lack of regular monitoring of progress


    Intercultural ManagementProf. Dr. Barbara Winckler-Ru

    s a vegetar an t s not easy n rgent na, o nt nner w t us ness partners are mportant

    (means huge portions of beef)

  • 8/2/2019 Case Study I - Intercultural Experiences


    Intercultural experiences

    Name: Peter K.Company / Position: Daimler AG; employee

    Experience in: South Carolina / USA Year: 2010

    Most critical / remarkable;Most people have insufficient knowledge about foreign people/countries

    Definition of good mealProfessional aspects:Reasons for successful ne otiations:Open to new people

    Reasons for failed ne otiations:Live life/work to easy (to little focussed on processes)


    Intercultural ManagementProf. Dr. Barbara Winckler-Ru

    US citizens need to be more interested in foreign people and workprocesses
