Case Study Amazon.docx



Case Study

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A. History of CompanyAmazon company was founded in 1994, spurred by what Bezos called his "regret minimization framework", which described his efforts to fend off any regrets for not participating sooner in the Internet business boom during that time. In 1994, Bezos left his employment as vice-president of D. E. Shaw & Co., a Wall Street firm, and moved to Seattle. He began to work on a business plan for what would eventually become Bezos incorporated the company as "Cadabra" on July 5, 1994 and the site went online as in 1995. Bezos changed the name to because it sounded too much like cadaver. Additionally, a name beginning with "A" was preferential due to the probability it would occur at the top of any list that was alphabetized.At first, just sell books online by providing added value to the product by selling a cheaper price and give bonuses or gifts as compared to conventional stores. Along with the many requests from year to year, add and improve new features such as DVD, Mp3, Tv, appliances and much more. This firm get loss for six years until 2000, in December 2001 amazon turned in a $5 million porfit. One year later Amazon launce a cloud computing was not simply a way to achieve scale in technology. It expanded the assortment offered on its website and gave amazone visibility into the sales of retailers who shared its platform.In 2013, amazon was the giant of the e-retailing world. marketing and advertising on behalf of its suppliers had long been elenets of amazons business model. while, in 2011 amazon launched an advertising network that in 2012 adweek described as advertising's sleeping giant. a visitor browsing on amazon and showing interest in a particular product, but failing to buy, would be tagged with a tracking cookie on their browser, then the particular product might be shown as advertising when they were elsewher on a network of website. In 2014, Amazon was expected to launch a smartphone in 2013.

B. FillCompany/ Category AmazonApple FacebookGoogle

TabletsPlatform for selling tablets


Cellular PhonesExpexted in 2014iPhoneNexus

Digital Content/ Retailing PlatformAmazon MarketplaceAmazon KindleAmazon UnboxiTunesGiftsGoogle Play

Computer HardwareMacintosh

Operating SystemIosAndroid

Search EngineAlexaSiriGoogle Search

AdvertisingProduct Advertising API ( Affilitiate Program)IAdAdSenseAdWords

Cloud/Web ServicesAmazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2),iCloudGoogle Drive

Web BrowserSafariGoogle Chrome

Social Network Service/Email/CommunicationGoogle+

C. SWOT AnalysisStrengths already has a well-known and trusted brand. Being the worlds leading online retailer, Amazon derives its strengths primarily from a three-pronged strategic thrust on cost leadership, differentiation, and focus. This strategy has resulted in the company reaping the gains from this course of action and has helped its shareholders derive value from the company. Product prices are cheaper than other competitors. Amazon primarily derives its competitive advantage from leveraging IT (Information Technology) and its use of e-Commerce as a scalable and an easy to ramp up platform that ensures that the company is well ahead of its competitors. One of the key strengths of Amazon is that it enjoys top of the mind recall from consumers globally and this recognition has helped it enter new markets, which were hitherto out of bounds for many e-Commerce companies. Using superior logistics and distribution systems, the company has been able to actualize better customer fulfillment and this has resulted in Amazon deriving competitive advantage over its rivals.Weaknesses In recent years, Amazon as part of its diversification strategy has been spreading itself too thin meaning that it has allowed its focus to waver from its core competence of retailing books online and allowed itself to venture into newer focus areas. While this might be a good strategy from the risk diversification perspective, Amazon has to be cognizant of losing its strategic advantage as it moves away from its core competence. As Amazon offers free shipping to its customers, it is in the danger of losing its margins and hence, might not be able to optimize on costs because of this strategy. Considering the fact that Amazon is an online only retailer, the single-minded focus on online retailing might come in the way of its expansion plans particularly in emerging markets. One of the biggest weaknesses and something that has been oft commented upon by analysts and industry experts is that Amazon operates in near zero margin business models that have severely dented its profitability and even though the company has high volumes and huge revenues, this has not translated into meaningful profits for the company.Opportunities By rolling out its online payment system, Amazon has the opportunity to scale up considerably considering the fact that concerns over online shopping as far as security and privacy are concerned are among the topmost issues on the minds of consumers. Further, this would improve the companys margins as it lets it reap the advantages of using its own payment gateway. Another opportunity, which Amazon can capitalize on, relates to it rolling out more products under its own brand instead of being a forwarding site for third party products. In other words, it can increase the number of products under its own brand instead of merely selling and stocking products made by its partners. Amazon can increase the portfolio of its offerings wherein it stocks more products than the norm currently which places it in a position of strength and comfort as this can translate into higher revenues. The fourth opportunity, which Amazon has, is in terms of expanding its global footprint and open more sites in the emerging markets, which would certainly give it an edge in the uber-competitive online retailing market.Threats One of the biggest threats to Amazons success is the increasing concern over online shopping because of identity theft and hacking which leaves its consumer data exposed. Therefore, Amazon has to move quickly to allay consumer concerns over its site and ensure that online privacy and security are guaranteed. Because of its aggressive pricing strategies, the company has had to face lawsuits from publishers and rivals in the retailing industry. The obsessive focus on cost leadership that Amazon follows has become a source of trouble for the company because of the competitors being upset with Amazon taking away the business from them. Finally, Amazon faces significant competition from local online retailers who are more agile and nimble when compared to its behemoth type of strategy. This means that the company cannot lose sight of its local market conditions in the pursuit of its global strategy.D. Amazon is currently successful in e-commerce business. Amazon marketing strategy designed to increase traffic to the customer visits to boost the company's website for buying repeat customers and build hawareness brand of products along with services that are available, and can strengthen name. in that Amazon can increase market competition by advertising to Google as a search engine service. through a google adsense, amazon will get significant traffic vistor and google earn revenue on investment advertising done by amazon, this can make the amazon can excel in competition of e-commerce binsis.products based of technology. continues to support research activities for the development of new products to provide choice to consumers, so that they create varied services. continues to compile and build new business to retain their customers and find new customers. will continue to conduct new business transformation, innovation of new business models, look at future technology trends and created according to the needs of consumers.

E. Question

1. why amazon succeed in the field of e-commerce business and quite famous today?Answer :Because Amazon is the most innovative company in the e-commerce market competition. The company dared to invest resources into innovation in a new business. Originally similar shops have been very much in the same business, but created the first online market strategy internet sales. In five years the site has become a web service that seventh largest in the world. Although it can be regarded as an e-store, but continued to do transformation and innovation business products based of technology. continues to support research activities for the development of new products to provide choice to consumers, so that they create varied services. continues to compile and build new business to retain their customers and find new customers. will continue to conduct new business transformation, innovation of new business models, look at future technology trends and created according to the needs of consumers.2. What is the main focus of :Amazon is a company that puts the customer as its main focus. The entire structure of the organization in this company are taught to always put the customer and target values for operational excellence. It is no wonder they are quickly able to gain popularity.
