Case Report A 32-Year-Old Female with AIDS, Pneumocystis...


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Hindawi Publishing CorporationCase Reports in Critical CareVolume 2013, Article ID 980589, 5 pages

Case ReportA 32-Year-Old Female with AIDS, Pneumocystis jiroveciPneumonia, and Methemoglobinemia

Guillermo J. Giangreco,1 Dean Campbell,2 and Mark J. Cowan2

1 Baltimore-Washington Medical Center, Glen Burnie, MD 21061, USA2University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21201, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to Mark J. Cowan;

Received 26 May 2013; Accepted 18 June 2013

Academic Editors: C. Diez, M. Egi, and C. Mammina

Copyright © 2013 Guillermo J. Giangreco et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons AttributionLicense, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properlycited.

We report a case of methemoglobinemia with significant hemoglobin desaturation in a young female with AIDS who was beingtreated for Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia. A review of the etiology, pathophysiology, and treatment of methemoglobinemia ispresented.

1. Background

Methemoglobinemia is the presence of a significant amountof oxidized iron (Fe3+, met-Hgb) within hemoglobin (Hgb)in the blood, rendering it unable to bind oxygen. It is causedby a number of medications and toxins and can quicklydegrade oxygen transport sufficiently enough to cause oraggravate severe tissue hypoxemia. Its hallmark features arehemoglobin desaturation out of proportion to blood partialpressure of oxygen and “chocolate brown” blood. Definitivediagnosis can be made quickly and easily with co-oximetry,but must be suspected, as co-oximetry is not routinely per-formed in patients. It is important to recognize, as correctionof the pathologic hemoglobin redox statewithmethylene blueis simple, rapid, effective, and lifesaving. We present a caseof methemoglobinemia secondary to primaquine, which wassuccessfully treated with methylene blue and discontinuationof the drug.

2. Case Presentation

A 32-year-old female with a history of intravenous drugabuse and AIDS (last CD

4count = 26/mm3) was admitted

to a local hospital for cough, fever, and respiratory distress.Initial blood cultures grew gram-positive cocci in clusters,and endocarditis was suspected. Vancomycin was started,

but a transthoracic echocardiogram was nondiagnostic, andthe patient was transferred to our institution for furtherevaluation.

The patient was unmarried and had been HIV positivefor three years. She had no history of opportunistic infectionsand had been in good health for the past year taking nomedications. She smoked one pack of cigarettes/day, usedheroin intravenously 3–5 times/week, and denied alcohol use.She reported an intolerance to sulfa drugs.

On arrival, we found a slender female in moderate tosevere respiratory distress. Temperature was 99.2∘F, respi-ratory rate of 35/min, blood pressure 110/62mmHg, andheart rate 140/minute. Oxygen saturation measured by pulseoximetry was 88% on a 100% nonrebreather mask. Shecould speak only in short sentences. Cardiac examinationrevealed tachycardia without murmur. Lung examinationrevealed coarse crackles throughout. Abdomen was benignand the extremities were without cyanosis or edema. Skinshowed evidence of chronic intravenous needlesticks withoutcellulitis. The remainder of the physical examination wasunremarkable.

Arterial blood gases obtained on presentation showed apH of 7.51, pCO

2of 33mmHg, and a pO

2of 59mmHg with

a saturation of 89% on room air. White blood cell count was4,300 cells/𝜇L, hemoglobin was 10.4 g/dL, and the hematocritwas 35%. Electrolytes were within normal limits; serum LDH

2 Case Reports in Critical Care








1,3 BPG

PyruvateLactate dehydrogenase













Cyt b5or


Figure 1: Biochemical pathways of hemoglobin reduction. NAD Nicotine adenine dinucleotide, GAPDH: glyceraldehyde-3-phosphatedehydrogenase, G3P: glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, 1,3 BPG: 1,3 bisphosphoglycerate, cyt: cytochrome, and metHB: methemoglobin. Adaptedfrom [6].

was 654 IU/L. Chest X-ray showed diffuse bilateral airspacedisease with an upper lobe predominance. G6PD level wasnormal.

She was started on empiric gatifloxacin, primaquin,clindamycin, and prednisone for community-acquired pneu-monia, with coverage for Pneumocystis jiroveci. The patientrespiratory status worsened despite noninvasive ventilation,and she required intubation and mechanical ventilation onhospital day 5. A diagnostic bronchoscopy with broncho-alveolar lavage was performed, demonstrating Pneumocystisjiroveci cysts. Gatifloxacin was discontinued, and the patientexperienced improvement of her hypoxemia over the nextday (FIO

2of 60% and PEEP of +8). On day 7, she developed

moderate digital and perioral cyanosis and an increasinglactic acid level (7.3mmol/L). ABG showed pH 7.42, pCO


33, with a saturation of only 86% despite a pO2of 165.

Co-oximetry revealed a carboxyhemoglobin level of 1.6%and a methemoglobin level of 20.1%. She received methy-lene blue 100mg IV and was switched from primaquin tointravenous pentamidine. Methemoglobin did not recur. Sheultimately died from complications of multiorgan systemfailure (MOSF) on hospital day 12.

3. Discussion

Met-Hgb is Fe3+ in the heme moiety of Hgb. Normally,met-Hgb is produced at low levels by oxidative stress inthe blood at a rate of 3% per day [1]. Fe+3 is rapidly andefficiently reduced to normal (Fe+2) via the cytochrome b5reductase pathway (see Figure 1 for the heme redox cycle),normally keeping met-Hgb levels <1% [2]. Backup reductionis provided by nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate(NADPH)-met-Hgb reductase, which in turn requires theglucose-6-phosphatase (G6P)/glutathione reductase systemto maintain NADPH levels. This pathway typically accounts

for only 5% of met-Hgb reduction, as it is primarily usedin reducing oxidant xenobiotics rather than met-Hgb [3].Met-Hgb will not normally increase to clinically significantlevels unless production is increased (acquired disease), orreduction is decreased (hereditary disease) [4, 5].

The inherited types ofmethemoglobinemia are associatedwith enzymatic deficiencies in pathways that reduce met-Hgb to Hgb, or with an abnormal Hgb (M type) that resistsreduction. Due to the chronic nature of the inherited type,compensatory mechanisms such as increased red blood cellmass and cardiac output have time to develop, and thuspatients are characteristically cyanotic but asymptomatic [1,5]. Table 1 lists the causes of inherited met-Hgb.

Acquiredmet-Hgb results from exposure to drugs, pollu-tants, and toxins, which are also listed in Table 1.The commoncausative agents in hospitalized patients include local anes-thetics, sulfa antibiotics, dapsone, primaquin, nitrates, andmetoclopramide. These generally induce methemoglobine-mia by increasing the oxidation rate of Hgb by 100-foldor greater, overwhelming the blood’s reductase systems anddriving NADPH to very low levels [1, 3, 5]. Dapsone is anantimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent that has also beenshown to cause methemoglobinemia. Met-Hgb levels as highas 55% have been reported in patients after dapsone overdose[15, 16]. Primaquin is more likely to cause met-Hgb when thedaily dose exceeds 60mg [17].

Mild cyanosis is characteristic of methemoglobinemia.Only about 1.5 g/dL (10–15%) of met-Hgb is needed toproduce detectable cyanosis, and up to 70% met-Hgb can berelatively well tolerated if the amount of Hgb is adequate,and there has been enough time to develop compensatorymechanisms. Met-Hgb levels of 25–50% can cause headache,confusion, and chest pain [18]. More problematic is acquiredmet-Hgb in a critically ill patient. Cyanosis can easily bemissed or overlooked in ICU patients for a variety of reasons:poor illumination of the room, dark skin, and incorrect

Case Reports in Critical Care 3

Table 1: Causes of methemoglobinemia.

CongenitalAbnormal hemoglobin

Hemoglobin MBoston

Hemoglobin MHyde Park

Hemoglobin MIwate

Hemoglobin MMilwaukee

Hemoglobin MRatnagiri

Hemoglobin Ms

Hemoglobin MSaskatoon

Enzyme deficiencyCytochrome b5/NADH reductase deficiencies (Types I–IV)G6PD deficiencyNADPH-flavin reductase deficiency


ChloroquineDapsoneNitrofuransPrimaquineRifampinSulfanilamide (topical)SulfonamidesSulfoxone

ChemicalsAcetanilideAlloxanAniline derivativesAromatic aminesArsineBivalent copperChloratesChromatesDimethyl sulfoxideDimethyltoluidineFerricyanideHydroxylamineNaphthalenePhenacetinToluidinePhenols

DrugsAcetaminophen (metabolites)ClofazimineFlutamideMethylene blue (high dose)Isosulfan blueMetoclopramideNitric oxideNitrous oxideParaquatPhenazopyridinePhenytoin

Table 1: Continued.

RasburicaseResorcinolSodium valproateSulfasalazine

Environmental/occupationalAutomobile exhaust fumesInksNitritesPaintsPropellantsRoom deodorizerVarnishes

FoodsMentholFava beansVegetables (spinach, beets, and carrots)Well water

Local anestheticsBenzocaineBupivacaineLidocainePrilocaineTetracaine (lozenges)

NitratesAlkyl nitrateAmyl nitrateBismuth subnitrateButyl nitrateDinitrophenolIsobutyl nitrateNitrobenzeneNitroglycerinNitrophenolNitroprussideSilver nitrateTrinitrotoluene

Adapted from [7–14].

attribution of the cyanosis to another cause [19]. In additionto decreasing the amount of normal Hgb available to deliveroxygen to the tissues, the presence of met-Hbg increases theO2-Hgb affinity within the affected multimer, left shifting

the Hgb dissociation curve. This further decreases oxygendelivery by decreasing oxygen offloading in peripheral tissues[19, 20]. Many critically ill patients are already either hypox-emic or have insufficient oxygen delivery and are frequentlyexposed to drugs capable of inducingmet-Hgb. An otherwisewell tolerated level of met-Hgb can manifest symptomsand signs which reflect body-wide inadequate oxygen deliv-ery includingmyocardial ischemia/infarction, hemodynamicinstability, lactic acidosis, ischemic bowel, and stroke. Wesuspect that drug-acquired met is underappreciated in theICU setting andmay contribute to adverse clinical outcomes.

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ity (L




450 700650600550500Wavelength (nm)

Figure 2: Absorbance as a function of wavelength for oxyhe-moglobin, reduced hemoglobin, andmethemoglobin. Transmissionpulse oximetry utilizes absorbance at two wavelengths (here red660 nm and infrared 910 nm) to determine the oxygen saturation ofan arterial pulsation of blood into the skin. Adapted from [25].

Pulse oximetry, especially in combination with arterialblood gas analysis, is useful in the diagnosis of methe-moglobinemia. The absorption spectrum of met-Hgb over-laps with that of oxyhemoglobin at 660 and 910 nm, thewavelengths used in most pulse oximeters (Figure 2), andso direct measurement of met-Hgb with pulse oximetry isimpossible [21]. However, there are features that should raisethe concern for the presence of met-Hgb. In the presenceof met-Hgb, the measured O

2saturation will be decreased

from that predicted by the PaO2and a normal oxygen-Hgb

dissociation curve. A rule of thumb is that the saturation,as measured by pulse-oximetry, will drop by one half of themet-Hgb concentration between 3 and 20%. Thus, a patientwith 98% saturated arterial hemoglobin who develops a met-Hgb level of 10% can be expected to have pulse oximetryof 93% [22]. With higher levels of met-Hgb (>30%), thepulse oximetry tends to plateau around 85%, irrespectiveof true oxygen content or met-Hgb levels, and the arterialblood is characteristically chocolate brown in color [22, 23].Definitive measurement of met-Hgb requires co-oximetry,a test which is not performed routinely in most ICUs,and must be ordered specifically. Co-oximetry uses multiplewavelengths of light to correctly distinguish met-Hgb fromoxyhemoglobin, deoxyhemoglobin, and carboxyhemoglobin[22, 24].

Initial treatment consists of discontinuation of the offend-ing drug. Methylene blue, a dye that acts to transport an elec-tron from NADPH to hemoglobin, may be administered at arate of 1-2mg/kg for 5 minutes to hasten met-Hgb reduction,although in theory other antioxidants such as vitamin C (riskof renal stones and hyperoxaluria), tocopherol, or N-acetylcysteine may also be beneficial, and have been utilized in

occupational and congenital diseases [18, 19]. Of note, dueto a severe hemolytic reaction, methylene blue therapy iscontraindicated inG6PDdeficient patients.Methylene blue isrecommended in symptomatic patients with met-Hgb levels>20%, and in asymptomatic patients with levels >30% [18,23].

3.1. Follow Up. Methylene blue 1.5mg/kg was administeredintravenously, causing the patient’s pulse oximetry to increaseto 93% after 1-2 minutes and with immediate resolutionof her cyanosis. Repeat co-oximetry demonstrated com-plete resolution of the met-Hgb. She was switched fromprimaquin-clindamycin to IV pentamidine to complete hertherapy for PCP. While her met-Hgb never recurred, shedid not survive her hospitalization. Supportive care waswithdrawn after the development of severeMOSF.We suspectthat methemoglobinemia may have played a role in herprogression to MOSF, by converting a borderline hypoxemiainto a profound deficiency in tissue oxygen delivery duringher critical illness.

4. Conclusion

Many drugs routinely used in the ICU can cause methe-moglobinemia, adding to deficient oxygen delivery in thisvulnerable patient population. A high index of suspicionshould be kept for methemoglobinemia in ICU patients.Clues to the presence of met-Hgb are cyanosis, chocolatebrown blood, and dissociation between expected (frompaO2) and measured Hgb saturation, especially when pulse

oximetry reads about 85%. Definitive diagnosis is made bysending an arterial blood sample for co-oximetry. Treatmentis removal of the offending drug, with methylene blueadministration if tissue hypoxia is critical.


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