Case CHAPTER II Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever grade II + Varicella


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  • 7/27/2019 Case CHAPTER II Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever grade II + Varicella





    Name : Mr. A MSex : Male

    Age : 16 Years Old

    Address : Jl. Robani Kadir Lr. Nurul Huda Kelurahan Talang Putri, P laju,


    Status : Single

    Occupation : Student

    Religion : Moslem

    Admitted to hospital : Desember 9 th 2008

    II.2. ANAMNESIS (Autoanamnesis)

    Chief of complain

    Nasal bleeding since 1 day before admitted to hospital

    History of illness

    6 days before admission, patient complained of having fever, intermitten, shaking chills

    sometimes (+), headache (+), retrorbital pain (-), fatigue (+), joint and skletal pain (+), sign of bleeding (-), nausea (+), vomiting (+), the vomit contained with wreckage of food, stomach pain

    (-), decrease of appetite (+), cough (-), cold (-), there was no disorder in defecation and urination.

    Patient wasnt going anywhere to take medication for these complaints.

    3 days before admission, fever decreased, headache (+), retrorbital pain (-), fatigue (+), joint

    and skletal pain (+), sign of bleeding (-), nausea (+), vomiting (-), stomach pain (-), decrease of

    appetite (+), cough (-), cold (-),there was no disorder in defecation and urination, patient

    complained about rash spread on the chest and trunk, rash was itchy. Patient use baby powder todecrease the itchy.

    1 day before admission, the fever increased, intermitten, shaking chills sometimes (+),

    headache (+), retrorbital pain (-), fatigue (+), joint and skletal pain (+), nose bleeding (+), gum

    bleeding (+), nausea (+), vomiting (+), the vomit contained with wreckage of food, stomach pain

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    (-), decrease of appetite (+), cough (-), cold (-), there was no disorder in defecation and urination.

    Patient complained about rash spread to hand and face, itchy (+), patient went to the

    Muhammadiyah Hospital but, he was reconciled to the Mohammad Hoesin Hospital.

    History of past illness

    History of Malaria fever was denied

    History of Thypoid fever was denied

    History of Dengue fever was denied

    History of going to endemic area was denied

    History of family disease

    History of chicken pox disease on his neighbour.


    o General examination

    General condition : sick

    Sickness condition : moderate sickness

    Consciousness : compos mentis

    Blood pressure : 110/70 mmHg

    Pulse rate : 80 times/minute, regular

    Respiration rate : 20 times/minute

    Temperature : 37,3 0 C

    Dehydration : (-)

    Weight : 48 kg

    Height : 162 cm

    Nutrition : RBW = 86%

    Impressive: Underweight

    o Spesific examination

    1. Skin

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    Skin color is puce

    Normal pigmentation

    Efloresence, black spot on some places.

    Scar (-)

    Hyperhidrosis (-)

    Normal hair growth

    Good turgor

    Wet or dry in palpitation (-)

    Nodul subcutan (-)

    2. Lymph gland

    There were no enlargement of the lymph nodes on submandibular, neck, axillaries and


    3. Head

    Oval, symmetrical

    Puffy face (-)

    Deformity (-)

    Malar rash (-) Alopecia (-)

    4. Eye

    Eksophtalmus and enophtalmus (-)

    Edematous palpebra superior (-)

    Pale of conjunctiva palpebra (-)

    Sclera icteric (-)

    5. Nose

    Epistaxis (+)

    Normal nasal septum and mucous layer

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    6. Ear

    Good hearing

    Normal both of meatus accusticus externus

    7. Mouth

    Typhoid tongue (-)

    Rhagaden of lips (-)

    Stomatitis (-)

    Papil atrophy (-)

    Gum bleeding (+) Fetor oris (-)

    8. Neck

    Thyroid gland not palpable, thyroid bruit (-)

    Jugular vein pressure (5-2) cmH 20

    Hypertrophy of musculus sternocleidomastoideus (-), stiffness (-)

    9. Thorax

    Normal shape

    Extended intercostal section (-)

    Retraction (-)

    Venectasis (-)

    Spider naevi (-)

    10. Lung Inspection : symetrical of static and dynamic right and left are equal

    Palpation : stemfremitus right and left are equal

    Percussion : sonor both of the lung

    Auscultation : Vesiculer (+) N, Ronchi (-), Wheezing (-)

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    11. Cor

    Inspection : ictus cordis not seen

    Palpation : ictus cordis not palpable

    Percussion : upper boundary of cor is ICS III, left boundary of cor is linea mid

    clavicula sinistra, right boundary of cor is linea sternalis dextra

    Auscultation : HR (80 x/m), Murmur (-), Gallop (-)

    12. Abdomen

    Inspection : flat, venectation (-),

    Palpation : Pain (-) , liver and lien are unpalpable

    Percussion : tympany, shifting dullness (-) Auscultation : bowel sound (+) normal

    13. External genitalia :

    not examined

    14. Upper extremity

    Pain on joint (+)

    Pale on finger (-)

    Erythema of palm (-)

    Rumplee leed (-)

    Pitting edema (-)

    Clubbing finger (-)

    Tremor (-)

    Normal physiological reflex

    15. Lower extremity

    Varices (-)

    edema (-)

    Pain on joint (+)

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    Third examination (15.00 am)

    o Hemoglobin : 10 g/dl ( N: 14-18 g/dl )

    o Hematocrite : 30 vol% ( N: 40-48 vol% )

    o Trombocyte : 22.000/mm 3 ( N: 200000-500000/ mm )

    Fourth examination (21.00 pm)

    o Hemoglobin : 9,6 g/dl ( N: 14-18 g/dl )

    o Hematocrite : 28 vol% ( N: 40-48 vol% )

    o Trombocyte : 30.000/mm 3 ( N: 200000-500000/ mm )

    Urine Analysis

    o Epithelial cell : (+)

    o WBC : 2-3/LPB ( N: 0-5/LPB )

    o RBC : 0-1/LPB ( N: 0-1/LPB )

    o Cylinder : (-) ( N: - )

    o Crystal : (-) ( N: - )

    o Protein : (-) ( N: - )

    o Glucose : (-) ( N: - )

    o Nitrit : (-) ( N: - )

    Laboratory Findings (Desember 11 th 2008)

    First examination (03.00pm)

    Blood analysis

    o Hemoglobin : 12,7 g/dl ( N: 14-18 g/dl )

    o Hematocrite : 36 vol% ( N: 40-48 vol% )

    o Trombocyte : 34.000/mm 3 ( N: 200000-500000/ mm )

    Second examination (09.00 pm)

    o Hemoglobin : 11,6 g/dl ( N: 14-18 g/dl )

    o Hematocrite : 34 vol% ( N: 40-48 vol% )

    o Trombocyte : 25.000/mm 3 ( N: 200000-500000/ mm )

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    Third examination (15.00 am)

    o Hemoglobin : 10,6 g/dl ( N: 14-18 g/dl )

    o Hematocrite : 30 vol% ( N: 40-48 vol% )

    o Trombocyte : 33.000/mm 3 ( N: 200000-500000/ mm )

    o PT : 14,3

    o APTT : 33,3

    Urine Analysis

    o Epithelial cell : (+)

    o WBC : 3-4/LPB ( N: 0-5/LPB )

    o RBC : 100/LPB ( N: 0-1/LPB )

    o Cylinder : (-) ( N: - )

    o Crystal : (-) ( N: - )

    o Protein : (+) ( N: - )

    o Glucose : (-) ( N: - )

    o Darah/Hb : (+) ( N: - )

    o Nitrit : (-) ( N: - )

    Laboratory Findings (Desember 12 th 2008)

    First examination (03.00pm)

    Blood analysis

    o Hemoglobin : 10,5 g/dl ( N: 14-18 g/dl )

    o Hematocrite : 30 vol% ( N: 40-48 vol% )

    o Trombocyte : 14.000/mm 3 ( N: 200000-500000/ mm )

    Second examination (09.00 pm)

    o Hemoglobin : 10,5 g/dl ( N: 14-18 g/dl )

    o Hematocrite : 31 vol% ( N: 40-48 vol% )

    o Trombocyte : 42.000/mm 3 ( N: 200000-500000/ mm )

    Third examination (21.00 am)

    o Hemoglobin : 10,1 g/dl ( N: 14-18 g/dl )

    o Hematocrite : 31 vol% ( N: 40-48 vol% )

    o Trombocyte : 32.000/mm 3 ( N: 200000-500000/ mm )

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    A man initialed name Mr. AM, 16 years old, admitted to hospital in November 9 th 2008,

    with rash in whole of body since 1 day before admitted to hospital

    6 days before admission, patient complained of having fever, intermitten, shaking chills

    sometimes (+), headache (+), joint paint (-), retrorbital pain (-), fatigue (+), joint and skletal pain

    (+), sign of bleeding (-), nausea (+), vomiting (+), the vomit contained with wreckage of food,

    stomach pain (-), decrease of appetite (+), cough (-), cold (-), there was no disorder in defecation

    and urination. Patient wasnt going anywhere to take medication for these complaints.

    3 days before admission, fever decreased, headache (+), joint paint (-), retrorbital pain (-),

    fatigue (+), joint and skletal pain (+), sign of bleeding (-), nausea (+), vomiting (-), stomach pain

    (-), decrease of appetite (+), cough (-), cold (-),there was no disorder in defecation and urination,

    patient complained about rash spread on the chest and trunk, rash was itchy. Patient use baby

    powder to decrease the itchy.

    1 day before admission, the fever increased, intermitten, shaking chills sometimes (+),

    headache (+), joint paint (-), retrorbital pain (-), fatigue (+), joint and skletal pain (+), nose

    bleeding (+), gum bleeding (+), nausea (+), vomiting (+), the vomit contained with wreckage of

    food, stomach pain (-), decrease of appetite (+), cough (-), cold (-), there was no disorder in

    defecation and urination. Patient complained about rash spread to hand and face, itchy (+), finally

    patient went to RSMH for medication.

    The neighbour of the patient has history chicken pox disease.

    From physical examination, the general condition of the patient was moderate sickness and

    his consciousness was compos mentis. Blood pressure 110/70 mmHg, pulse rate 80

    times/minute, reguler, respiration rate 20 times/minute, temperature 37,3 0C, RBW (weight

    = 48 kg and height = 162 cm) = 86%, impressive underweight, jugular vein pressure (5-2)

    cmH2O. Normal thorax, While abdomen examination, pain on epigastrium (-), liver and

    spleen is unpalpable, and skin, there was Efloresence, black spots on some places.

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    Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever grade II + Varicella


    o Viral acute infection



    Bed rest

    Diet BB


    IVFD Rl gtt XL/menit

    Cefotaxim 2x1 gr

    Domperidon 3x1 tab

    Salicyl talc

    Vit. B1, B6, B12 3x1 tab

    Paracetamol 500 mg (prorenata)


    Routine Blood analysis

    Hb, Ht, trombocyte every six hours

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    Quo ad vitam : Bonam

    Quo ad functionam : Bonam

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    December 10 th 2008

    S complaint : headache (+), nose bleeding (+), gum bleeding (+)


    Sense Compos mentisBlood pressure 110/70 mmHg Pulse rate 80 x/menit

    Temperature 36.5 C Respiration rate 20 x/menit

    Head Pale of conjunctiva palpebra (-), icteric sclera (-)

    Neck JVP = (5-2) cmH 20, Lymph gland enlargement (- )

    Cor HR = 80 x/min, regular, murmur (-), gallop (-)

    Pulmo vesicular (+) N,Ronchi (-), wheezing (-)

    Abdomen Flat, pain (-) on epigastrium, liver and spleen are unpalpable,

    bowel sound (+) normal

    Extremitas Edema (-)

    A DHF grade II + varicella

    P Nonpharmachology

    Bed rest

    Diet BB


    IVFD Rl gtt XL/menit

    Cefotaxim 2x1 gr

    Domperidon 3x1 tab

    Salicyl talc

    Vit. B1, B6, B12 3x1 tab

    Paracetamol 500 mg (prorenata)

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  • 7/27/2019 Case CHAPTER II Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever grade II + Varicella


    Vit. B1, B6, B12 3x1 tab

    Paracetamol 500 mg (prorenata)

    December 12 th 2008

    S complaint : nose bleeding (+), gum bleeding (+), hematuria (+)


    Sense Compos mentis

    Blood pressure 110/70 mmHg Pulse rate 80 x/menit

    Temperature 36,5 C Respiration rate 18 x/menit

    head Pale of conjunctiva palpebra (-), icteric sclera (-)

    neck JVP = (5-2) cmH 20, Lymph gland enlargement (-)

    Cor HR = 80 x/min, regular, murmur (-), gallop (-)

    Pulmo vesicular (+) N,Ronchi (-), wheezing (-)

    Abdomen Flat, pain (-) on epigastrium, liver and spleen are unpalpable,

    bowel sound (+) normal

    Extremitas Edema (-)

    A DHF grade II + varicella

    P Nonpharmachology

    Bed rest

    Diet BB


    IVFD Rl gtt XL/menit

    Cefotaxim 2x1 gr

    Domperidon 3x1 tab

    Salicyl talc

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    Vit. B1, B6, B12 3x1 tab

    Paracetamol 500 mg (prorenata)

    December 13 th 2008

    S complaint : (-)


    Sense Compos mentis

    Blood pressure 120/80 mmHg Pulse rate 78 x/menit

    Temperature 36,5 C Respiration rate 22 x/menit

    head Pale of conjunctiva palpebra (-), icteric sclera (-)

    neck JVP = (5-2) cmH 20, Lymph gland enlargement (- )

    Cor HR = 80 x/min, regular, murmur (-), gallop (-)

    Pulmo vesicular (+) N,Ronchi (-), wheezing (-)

    Abdomen Flat, pain (-) on epigastrium, liver and spleen are unpalpable,

    bowel sound (+) normal

    Extremitas Edema (-)

    A DHF grade II + varicella

    P Nonpharmachology

    Bed rest

    Diet BB


    IVFD Rl gtt XL/menit

    Cefotaxim 2x1 gr

    Domperidon 3x1 tab

    Salicyl talc

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    Vit. B1, B6, B12 3x1 tab

    Paracetamol 500 mg (prorenata)

    Repeat DDR analysis
