Carry the Right Presence



A good teaching by Pr Chris

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Carry The Right Presence__

As God’s people, we’re engaged in a duty of presentation. Paul said in Colossians1:28, “…that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.” You are the productof God’s perfect sacrifice and how you present yourself to the world matters. Jesus is nolonger on the cross with a disfigured face. So recognize that since you’re saved, youcarry the presence of a glorified, victorious Jesus, not the presence of frustration andsadness.Unfortunately, some Christians love to carry a long face. They could carry it on forweeks, enjoying the attention of friends who keep inquiring from them if everything isalright.It amazes me how anyone could go on for prolonged periods with a sad face dayafter day, week after week, looking normal only occasionally. The truth about aconsistently long face or gloomy countenance is that it quenches the spirit (1Thessalonians 5:19). Heaviness is a spirit and you have to command it out of your lifeand your home! That look that carries the presence of sadness cannot release joy,happiness, meekness and calmness; that’s why it has to leave you. The presence youcarry around you speaks louder than what you wear; it tells the condition of your spirit.The life of a believer ought to be exciting, not ordered by the dictates of this life but bythe Word. The recreated man is victorious; he is peculiar, more than a conqueror, andhe walks with zest and issues forth life. His lips are a spring of life that refreshes thehearts of those who hear him. His face lights up the place, his countenance creates anatmosphere of joy and peace; and people are not uncomfortable or unhappy orwondering what has gone wrong when they are around him.Understand that this is the environment where the Holy Spirit functions effectively.So make that extra effort to brighten your face and always see yourself the way Godsees you.P A S TOR A N I TA"And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image ofhim that created him:" (Colossians 3:10).FURTHER STUDY: PROVERBS 15:13_ _
