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Friday, February 5, 2016 — THE MEDICINE HAT NEWS B7COMICS

HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Friday,Feb. 5, 2016:This year you have many

aspirations. Be careful with dreamsrevolving around money and materialsecurity. An offer that seems too goodto be true probably is. Trust cynicism.If you are single, you could change alot because of a relationship. Thisperson might be controlling or just notyour type. Somehow, he or she mightbe withholding something from you. Ifyou are attached, the two of youoften get into power plays. As aresult, you avoid your sweetie anddiscussions with him or her. Don’t dothat. Be open-minded andnonjudgmental. CAPRICORN can behard to deal with.The Stars Show the Kind of Day

You’ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-DifficultARIES (March 21-April 19)★★★★ Your creativity comes

from an inner sense of self. Yourimagination creates many ideas, butyou might choose not to share them.These flights of fancy are important toyour sense of well-being. Take astronger role in your professional envi-ronment. Tonight: Lead others.TAURUS (April 20-May 20)★★★★★ You might have the de-

sire to do something very different. Achange in scenery proves to be benefi-cial to many people, including you.Take off, and you will gain a new per-spective on whatever ails you; it alsowill help you to relax. Tonight: Take offas fast as you can.GEMINI (May 21-June 20)★★★★★One-on-one relating will

reveal a lot of information about ahigher-up. You might want to checkout the facts to gauge how much isreally just gossip. You won’t want towork with false information. A lovedone wants you to change your plans.Tonight: Let the party begin.CANCER (June 21-July 22)★★★★★ Bask in the popularity

of the moment. Whether you’re mak-ing plans or closing a business deal,you have many options. You knowthat this kind of diversity does nothappen frequently. Take advantage ofthe moment. Be careful with someonewho is very controlling. Tonight: Out.LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)★★★ You could be left to com-

plete everyone else’s errands. Sinceyou tend to complete a lot quickly,you’ll be out enjoying the next fewdays before you know it. Ask yourselfhow many times you have left detailsunfinished for others to complete.

Tonight: The party goes on.VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)★★★★ Others will lure you into a

late lunch or an early departure fromwork. Often you are too responsibleto leave work undone, but today isdifferent. Be careful with a new per-son you meet who might be very ap-pealing; he or she could becontrolling. Tonight: Enjoy every mo-ment.LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)★★★ The best intentions could

fall to the wayside. You might feelnervous. Consider working fromhome, where you can relax and ac-complish more. You are inspired by anassociate who is full of ideas. Under-stand what it takes to get past an ob-stacle. Tonight: Play it low-key.SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)★★★★★ Your imagination feeds

your ability to draw out others. Becareful if you sense that someone isbecoming very controlling. Perhapsthe person could be you. Others don’tappreciate this kind of behavior. Findout what’s motivating you. Tonight:Wish upon a star.SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)★★★ Your finances will play a big

role in your plans. No one wants toaccept limitations, especially you, butyou probably will have to. Do not fightcity hall; instead, choose to work withthe situation. You’ll come up with areasonable solution. Tonight: Make ityour treat.CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)★★★★ Beam in what you want.

Your imagination will be fed through aconversation with a friend. When youare talking to this person, you realizehow many diverse opportunities youhave. Decide to break the mold andhead in a new direction. Tonight: Let ithappen.AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)★★★ Saying little and listening a

lot paves the way to success. Youmight feel as if you can’t turn a situa-tion around, no matter what you do.You can — you just haven’t found theright path yet. Do not lose hope. Staycentered, and head toward your goal.Tonight: Not to be found.PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)★★★★★ You might not be

aware of how much you inspire oth-ers. An old friendship could play astronger role in your decisions. Thisperson is very different from you andhas chosen a different path in life. Donot judge him or her for this. Be ac-cepting. Tonight: The life of the party.BORN TODAYSinger/songwriter Bobby Brown

(1969), baseball player Hank Aaron(1934), singer/songwriter Sara Evans(1971)











