carol yoga for...


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Looking for a slower paced yet challenging class? Maybe a class with less heat, more

modifications and more personal attention? If you are over 50 or close to it, dealing with old or new injuries or just want to gain strength, balance and flexibility without

struggling so hard and feeling drained afterward, this workshop is for you! This 4 week workshop that is specifically designed to lead you through each posture with attention to alignment, learning modifications as needed and in a room that is only warm, not

hot. The series is designed to learn to listen to your body with love and respect rather than pushing it with judgement and force.

In this class, we will learn a series of postures that will help improve your balance and strength, as well as your flexibility and range of motion. You will also be massaging

your organs, glands and tissues, promoting health, vitality and longevity. No prior yoga experience necessary! After completing the 4 week workshop, you will already experience so many of the beneficial effects. You won't believe how much your sleeping habits, digestion and your immune system will improve. Stress relief,

detoxification and healing are among the many other added benefits.

Yoga For Life!

4 Week Workshop with Carol Simpson!

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Pellentesque ullamcorper ultricies turpis. Integer est. Sed nec lacus. Nunc est.


Aenean diam velit, rutrum vitae, tempor ut, sodales eget, mauris. Sed nec lacus.


Maecenas et lorem. Ut et nisl id turpis varius faucibus. Integer et felis. Sed libero.


This workshop starts FEBRUARY 1st

(Saturday) and runs every Saturday in February for

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Carol Simpson  has been practicing yoga for over 40 years. Her teaching certifications include: Sivananda, Bikram and Tony Sanchez Core 26+. She also studied and practiced Ashtanga, Iyengar and Yin yoga for many years. Carol has taught yoga all across the US as well as in China and Thailand. She is also a certified personal trainer through the American Council of Exercise.

Carol's other passion is rock climbing. She spent 20 years as the owner of one of the premier rock climbing guide services in the country, based at Smith Rock in

central Oregon and guided clients up rock climbs from Virginia to Oregon and many points in between. She says that the only reason she can still climb at a strong

level in her 60s is because of her yoga practice. "Yoga adds years to your life and, more importantly, life to your years."  

About the Instructor
