Carlo Guaraldo, INFN – LNF HadronPhysics Project Coordinator NuPECC Meeting Bordeaux - October 27...


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Carlo Guaraldo, INFN – LNF HadronPhysics Project Coordinator

NuPECC Meeting

Bordeaux - October 27th-28th , 2006

FP7: overview and observations

Carlo Guaraldo 2


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Four Specific Programmes

Cooperation – Collaborative ResearchCooperation – Collaborative Research

People – Human PotentialPeople – Human Potential

Ideas – Frontier ResearchIdeas – Frontier Research

Capacities – Research CapacityCapacities – Research Capacity

JRC (non-nuclear)JRC (non-nuclear)




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Thematic Priorities

1. Health

2. Food, agriculture and Biotechnology

3. Information and Communication Technologies

4. Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies

5. Energy

6. Environment and climate change

7. Transport

8. Socio-Economic Sciences and the Humanities

9. Space and Security research

Cooperation – Collaborative researchCooperation – Collaborative research

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To promote basic, frontier research.

To support the truly creative scientists.

“Investigator driven” approach, allowing researchers to propose their own topics, providing grants for individual teams.

Ideas – Frontier Research

European Research Council (ERC)created to implement the Ideas programme

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People – Human PotentialPeople – Human Potential

Initial training of researchers - Marie Curie Networks

Industry-academia pathways and partnerships

Specific actions - Excellence awards

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1. Research Infrastructures

2. Research for the benefit of SMEs

3. Regions of Knowledge

4. Research Potential

5. Science in Society

6. Coherent development of research policies

7. Activities of International Cooperation

Capacities – Research CapacityCapacities – Research Capacity

Any university or research centre or other legal entity, whether established in a Member State or Associated country, may participate.

A legal entity is any natural person, or any legal person created under the national law of its place of establishment, or under Community law or international law, which has legal personality.

At least three legal entities, independent from each other, must participate, and no two of which established in the same Member State or Associated country.

Participation Rules

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Austria Belgium Czech Republic Cyprus Denmark

Estonia Finland France Greece

Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia



Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal

Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden United Kingdom

European Union Member States

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Bulgaria Romania

European Union Member Statesstarting from 01/01/2007

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Croatia Turkey

Candidate countries

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Iceland Israel Liechtenstein Norway Switzerland

Associated Countries

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Eligible costs

The three cost reporting models used in FP6 are


• Additional cost model

• Full cost model

• Full cost flat rate model

Participants can charge all their direct and indirect

costs and have the option of a flat rate for indirect


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Integrating Activities in public bodies and research non-profit organizations – 75%

Frontier Research – 100% Coordination Actions (CA) – 100% Specific Support Actions (SSA) – 100% Marie Curie – 100%

Maximum funding rates

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Work Programme(Orientations)

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Support to existing research infrastructures

Integrating Activities

(i) Networking Activities (ii) Transnational access (iii) Joint research activities

All three categories of activities are mandatory as synergistic effects are expected from these different components.

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bottom-up to respond to the needs of the scientific community in all fields of science and technology, without any preference for one field over another;

targeted to establish a synergy with prioritary topics within the thematics of the specific programme “Cooperation”.

Integrating Activities approach

The targeted approach for I3 was not included in FP6. An analysis was

made, a posteriori, to identify those I3s addressed to specific fields.

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Targeted approach for Integrating Activities in FP7:examples of prioritary topics within the thematics of the

specific programme “Cooperation”

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Thematic area: HealthPriority topics for Integrating

Activities (Appendix 1 of


Synergy with the Cooperation programme, (link with the thematic areas of the Cooperation specific programme)

Examples of existing research infrastructures

relevant to the topic in that area requiring integration at

an European level

... to provide access to hadron therapy facilities for particle therapy research

The Cooperation program, under the Health theme, includes a pillar on "Translating research for human health", where research on cancer, cardiovascular disease and diseases of the nervous system is included. In the past 10 years, it has been demonstrated that radiotherapy with hadrons (protons and light ions) offer several advantages over conventional therapy with photons. Hadron therapy has therefore good prospects for being successfully used in early stages of tumours not amenable to surgery and in the treatment of radio-resistant tumours. Access to hadron therapy facilities established throughout Europe is essential to the above aim.The proposed topic will be of relevance for the topic "HEALTH-2007-B- Innovative combination clinical trials for multimodal cancer therapy" from the WP 1st and 2nd calls of the Health Programme.

Several hadron therapy facilities with dedicated synchrotron beamlines for research and clinical purposes are available or are under construction in the following locations:1. GSI in Darmstadt, DE/ 2. The Heavy Ion Therapy Centre at the DKFZ in Heidelberg, DE/ 3.CERN PIMMS synchrotron in Geneva, CH/ 4. The PIMMS/TERA synchrotron in Pavia, IT/ 5. The MED AUSTRON synchrotron in Wiener Neustadt, AT/ 6. ETOILE synchrotron in Lyon.

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Thematic area: Information and Communication Technologies

Priority topics for Integrating

Activities (Appendix 1 of


Synergy with the Cooperation programme, (link with the thematic areas of the Cooperation

specific programme)

Examples of existing research infrastructures relevant to the topic in

that area requiring integration at an European level

… for nano-electronics and integrated micro-/nano-systems research, based in particular on the networking of and transnational access to clean rooms

This is particularly useful for the ICT collaborative research priority activities under "Nanoelectronics, photonics and integrated micro/nano-systems" and in particular to support collaborative research to be undertaken on the topics of "Nanoelectronics, photonics and integrated micro/nano systems", "system-on-chip and system-in-package", "photonics" "organic and large-area electronics", "display systems" and "micro/nanosystems".To keep Europe at the leading edge of ultimate scaling of electronic components and circuits, to maintain excellence in advanced materials and device research, and to continue to lead in integrated micro/nano-systems, there is a need to network and to enable transnational access to the currently world-class clean room facilities in Europe. These bring together state-of-the-art laboratories and expert knowledge in many different yet equally critical competencies and enable cross-disciplinary transfers.

Today, a large number of universities and specialized centers including also the industrially oriented institutes provide relevant scientific expertise, process modules and device architectures, e.g. IMEC, CEA-LETI, FhG, CNRS, RWTH, UCL, University of Warwick, Chalmers University of Technology, Forschungszentrum Juelich, KTH, AMO, SOTON, University of Bologna, Milan University, Vienna Technical University

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FP7 Budget information

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17.5 ->19.2















1984-1987 1987-1991 1990-1994 1994-1998 1998-2002 2002-2006

€ billion

Budget growth over the sixFramework Programmes


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Budget breakdown of the FP7 (01.01.2007-31.12.2013)

(in million €)

Council's agreement of July 2006


IDEAS 7.460

PEOPLE 4.728


TOTAL 50.521

Budget breakdown of the specific programme “Capacities” (in million €)

ProgrammesCouncil's agreement of July 2006


Research Infrastructures 1.850 (1.780*)

Research for the benefit of SMEs 1.336

Regions of Knowledge 126

Research Potential 370

Science in Society 280

Coherent development of research policies


Activities of International Co-operation



* October 2006

Budget per call (in M€) & possible timing of calls

Activity BudgetCall 1Dec. 2006

Call 2(+)

Dec. 2007Call 3

Dec. 2009

Call 4(*)

Dec. 2011

Integrating activities 700 290 270 130

ICT-based e-Infrastructures

410 110 95 120 85

Design studies 70 35 35

Construction phase 1 210 135 75

Construction +RSFF 140+ 200

Support measures (RTD)

50 10 5 20 15


1.780 290 390 520 230

(+) 4-years contracts(*) topping up: reserved to selected projects in Call 2: + 1 year contract

Implementations of calls

Call 1

• Date of publication: early 2007 (advance notice in December 2006)

• Closure date(s): Spring 2007 (March 2007)

Invited topics Activity/Area€ (millions)indicative

1. Support to existing research infrastructures

1.2 Information and Communication Technology (ICT)-based e-infrastructures


2. Support to new research infrastructures

2.1 Design studies 35

2.2 Construction - preparatory phase 135

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Implementations of calls

Invited topics Activity€ (millions)indicative

1. Support to existing research infrastructures

1.1 Integrating Activities 290

1.1.1 Bottom-up approach, i.e. in all scientific and technological fields (58%)


1.1.2 Targeted approach: Integrating Activities in specific fields (42%)


1.2 ICT-based e-infrastructures 95

Call 2 – First call for Integrating Activities• Date of publication: early 2008 (advance notice in December

2007)• Closure date(s): Spring 2008 (March 2008)

* Budget allocated to I3s in the first call of FP6 was 203 M€

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Basic research (bottom up I3) compared to finalized research (targeted I3): from more than 85% in FP6

to less than 60% in FP7

Duration of a contract: from (4)-5 years in FP6

to 4 years in FP7 not 7 years

Budget allocation to I3s in the first call: from 203 M€ in FP6

to 168 M€ in FP7

Observations (1)

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More selection in the first call (20% less budget allocated): selected projects in FP6:

24 in 2003 (14 I3, 1 CA, 9 SSA)10 in 2004 (3 I3, 2 CA, 5 SSA)

possible selected projects in FP7 (assuming a percentage reduction): 19 in 2008 ( 11 Integrating Activities)

More competition in the first call: Should we expect that two I3s in Nuclear Physics will be both selected?

Observations (2)

WARNING! This statement does NOT mean to wish for a merging!

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1. To have good scientific ideas creating multiple interconnections between activities to achieve an overall integrating effect

2. To have a strong steering committee

3. To have a dedicated full-time project coordinator *

4. To have a full-time management team and a strong support from the coordinating organisation *

Suggestions from a FP6 Coordinator:ingredients to win the competition

* essential in the negotiation phase with the EC * mandatory for managing the project efficiently and effectively

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