Cari amici The Arca Village Bulletin 02 · 2012. 5. 12. · Giovanni Unterberger, founder and...


Citation preview Year XIII – n° 137 – February 2012

The Arca Village Bulletin

02[ every day, new friends.. .]

Cari amiciFrom the beginning of our story, we experimen-ted what I thing all projects similar to ours go through. It is not too difficult to find support for a specific idea or task or mission. But is more dif-ficult to find a support for everyday life expenses and necessities without which the entire project would collapse. This is an allegiance very close to our web site publisher. Since the beginning of our new web site publishing commitment, we decided that one of our goal was to activate the section: „ Donate now , for everyday life“ it is like a window on the Village ! It is a space where you can chose a gift for a child based on the season‘s needs of the entire community. This is also what two realities in Almaty wanted to support like they did in the past. The first one is the Almaty International Women Club (AIWC) and the other is “Burns Supper Committee” that listed our name in a charity fund raising dinner. Both contributions were assigned specifically to the daily managing cost of the Village. P. Guido

Almaty schools‘ students visit our Village. Is it a mouth to mouth word, a new way to look closer into a coun-try reality or a fresh youth sensitivi-ty towards humanitarian help?

The Arca Village Bulletin Year XIII – n° 137 – February 2012 02Village chronicle ❤ Vova and Natasha return to the institute. How can we stop this painful back and forth? ❤ From USA Iliya is back with us waiting for a new surgery. L Municipality registration as Arca Village Talgar local branch is ongoing. At the same time, but not a coincidence, steps move forward to re-open the Almaty Arca HQ.

On the left Vova and Natasha once again called back to the institute a painful story that seems it‘ll never come to an end.

Iliya first surgery in the US was successful. He is having some adjustment difficulties since his return. Now, the waiting for the second surgery. GO Iliya!

It is easy to get used to new situations especially when they are good and it is easy to take them for granted after a while. It was like this, when in May last year, we were told to host Vova and Natasha for a whole month since the orphanage, they were living in, was under renovation. It was like a

For quite long, we kind of hold on to follow the requests from the Talgar authorities to register Arca Village lo-cally, until last week when we had to start the process. This might sounds strange for our new friends. But in fact,

dream come true. Then, without even notice, months passed and it was nor-mal, again, to have them here with us, until few days ago when we received a phone call from the institute saying we had to take them back. An now , all is starting again, the suffering for the

Arca is registered in Almaty since our activity with children started there. With the years, our main work took place in Talgar that is why we have been sort of compelled to register as Talgar branch of Arca. The beginning

separation, doubts about their future, the rush and anguish to knock every possible door to receive a “yes” able to give them, eventually, the serenity to belong to a place they have chosen already and for that place to become their own forever..

of the registration procedures coinci-des with a new set of inspections and evaluation on the Almaty house since we might want to re open it.

We received encouraging news from the US where Iliya went through her first surgery. He will be back with us soon for a short beak before going back to undertake the second surgical procedures. From what we understood from the phone calls, Iliya has been treated like a king from the hosting family and coming back to the reality he has been living in until few months back, won’t be easy. Vova

and Natasha


The Arca Village Bulletin Year XIII – n° 137 – February 2012 02 3

“Friends of Arca” ☛ Jenifer leads new students: their goal is to collect funds for the renovation works of a new house.. ☛ First „real“ brick for the new house. Thank you Gulzhan. ☛ Students are once again the main characters for a new great project: “let’s furnish your room together” . What an excitements for the children! ☛ The International business school visited the Village and there will be a new cooperation between us.

The new house is not the only project. There are, actually the “old” houses, which need constant maintenance and sometimes a real renovation here and there. To do that we have found full support from a group of student of another international school in Alma-ty that helped us already in the past. Answering to their request of doing something, we decided to start a small project called “let’s furnish your room together”. It is aimed to create a rela-tionship between the students and our children to understand and put in practice how they would like their room to be re-furnished. We began the project with a meeting between the inhabitant of a room in the yellow

Other schools other ideas. This time we are talking about the Almaty busi-ness school. We don’t know if it is due to a mouth word or a different way to look at reality or something they are learning from foreign universities. The fact is that these students wish to come closer and to interact with this new face of a world that was a taboo

The list of our visitors gets longer. A group of students from the Kazakh- American school “MIRAS” together with Stephen and his wife the unfai-ling Jenifer. The goal of the visit was to have a first view of Arca reality in order to decide on some projects we talked about few times ago. The stu-dents spent some time in the houses

house and the students. After listening to the wishes and desires of our kids, the students went to buy the material to do the job. An important factor is that the students are using their own money to do this; money they earned selling our calendars or “knocking to the door” of classmates and friends.

since a while ago, a reality to be igno-red. The first approach has been positi-ve, immediate was the familiarization between children and grown students and they seemed truly sincere and proactive They offered some projects and we are opening a round table to see how to continue a long term co-operation.

with our children, played with them in the gym and looked around all the facilities of the village. In particular they wanted to know more about the new house project. About this, Jeni-fer is creating brochure to be given at school to all families with the proposi-tion to take part in the project.

Talking about the new house project: we already received the first results of our fund rising. Gulzhan and her hus-band own a bricks factory and agreed to supply the whole quantity of bricks necessary for the entire building cons-truction.

On the top the house to be renewedOn the side, Students working on the „furnish your room“ projectThe first „lucky“ bedroom! Soon all other rooms will follow.

The Arca Village Bulletin Year XIII – n° 137 – February 2012 02

Start ups are always difficult. This is the reason why the publishing office for the Village journal – initiative by some of our guys - didn’t take off just yet. Several meeting took place to de-cide the positions of each person and the contents of the first edition. So far they are still working on it.

The change of HQ of KPMG, an impor-tant company in Almaty, turned out to be very good for us. In fact they donate us many pieces of furniture, book shel-ves just right when we were thinking to build up a library for our students and non students. Also they gave us

stationery items, blackboards and se-veral books that went to enrich Da-nette English class that started again in full speed after a break period. We already have several requests to have access to our new library and chose a good book to read.

Arca News ✮ The fearless editorial office group made by our children is working on the first issue of the Village bulletin ✮ A new library for Arca opens its doors to everybody. New shelves and different kind of books. A new blackboard for the English classroom.- ✮ The prestigious Lizard Music Academy look at our music enthused children! Are they going to be on You Tube soon?

The new Village library

Danil is the graphic designer/photo-grapher of the Arca Village publishing office

Our musicians:Olga first guitarOleg drumsGulnara second guitar

DanilOleg Gulnara

OlgaA new friendship has started. It is an honor that fills our new musician’s hearts of hope and joy. The Maestro Giovanni Unterberger, founder and director of the Lizard Music Academy agreed to welcome our weedy music lover group into the Lizard family. Li-zard academies were funded in 1981 and they are the most prestigious and important Italian centers for modern music production/education. More than 500.000 students from all over the country learnt to play instruments

thanks to study-aid grants or directly in one of the many branches spread all around the Italian peninsula. For us, this means we have access to their study material and consultants and we can receive advices and guidelines about the lesson we give here that are, undeniably, to a very primary stage. And...who knows as Maestro Unter-berger said, maybe one day we can see on “You Tube” some musical videos by our guys.

The Arca Village Bulletin Year XIII – n° 137 – February 2012 02While we looking forward to the snow meltdown and spring to return, we wait fervently for the blooming of all new dreams and projects kept in our hearts.

«ARCA» ASSOCIATIONThe Arca VillageTalgar - Kazakistan



To give your donation: ARCA ITALIA ASSOCIATION

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Type > click on Donate now... and > > > come up on Arca too!3 points: “Project of the month” ( Still snow and temperatures below zero at the Village) “Welcome project”: One month of life for one child and last but not least “The life project”: Monthly Village fix cost.

Donate now for…

Chose here your contribution

Yours on line contribution is for everyday life. You can help to fix a broken glass during a football match, to pay some of the Arca Village daily housekeeping personnel: Open the window on the villa-ge and look what they need now.


> > >

The large Arca Family

Surfing the siteweb

< welcome>>>

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Activity of the month

A day at the Village

Fix costs
