careline · 2016-01-10 ·...


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careline newsletter


Looking back on all that occurred during the past year, natural disasters,

personal tragedy, the homecoming of beloved saints, national and world-wide

chaos, Bro. Dennis shares his perspective as we bring in 2016.

Happy New Year and Good-bye to 2015

What a year! I have to say I am glad this year has

passed and I pray that 2016, as the Lord gives it to

us, is a better year. Even as I say those words,

God’s Word comes to mind. “Rejoice in the Lord

always, and again I say rejoice.” (Philippians 4:4).

I mean, sometimes we want to back up and ask

God, “Really?” In all that has happened this past

year, we have lost some dear saints, endured two

major floods, experienced personal tragedies, and

the world seems like it has gone off the rails and is

piling up all around us. It would be so easy to

simply look at the mound of events that we

consider tragedy and see only that, but I pray that

we will step back from the events of 2015 and look

to see what God has done and what God continues

to do in our midst. Now, I am not saying that I

want a repeat of last year, but I believe there are

lessons to learn and blessings that have been had.

First of all, I want to say thank you to you as a

church. I know that this has not been an easy year

with all that has transpired, but you were great

through the whole process. There were

inconveniences, money spent, and hours worked,

but I never heard any complaints. That is a praise

for a pastor. Another praise I have is for

those of you that jumped in and worked

tirelessly day after day. For all the cookies

made, donations of food, sack lunches

packed and delivered to our community, and

generous monetary donations given, thank

you. I don’t believe we will ever realize the

total impact that was made on our

community or upon the Baptist Disaster

Relief groups that were hosted in our

facilities. There were not many churches

that stepped up to the plate like you did and

I thank you. I would also like to thank my

staff for following through and being there

through the process both times and putting

up with me during it all.

I know I have learned a lot about myself

through these times, some good and some,

well, with the realization that I need growth

in my own life. One thing that I have

learned through this process is the need for

preparedness. I have assigned the task of

creating a disaster plan to Rosanna so when

events such as what happened this year

Church Events

1/03 - Discipleship Class Sign Up

1/04 - Church Office Opens Threads of Love

1/16 - Men’s Breakfast Care Team Party 1/17 - Sanctity of Life


1/18 - Threads of Love

1/23 - Parent Date Night

1/24 - Discipleship Academy begins

Kid’s Praise resumes Adult Choir resumes

occur, it will be more of a natural process and not a disaster in the

midst of a disaster. I also realize that all we have is really and truly

His. What is here is temporary and can be gone so quickly, but we

have a heavenly home that will never be touched by disasters of any


This has also been a year of transition for our staff. We lost two

staff members in 2015 and gained two more. The staff that were

called away played vital roles in our church and they are missed.

But God has blessed us with new staff who bring new ideas and

different qualities to the table. Throwing them into the mix of

disaster relief will also make 2015 a memorable time for them.

The word “rejoice” literally means “to be full of cheer.” Having joy

is to be in a state of gentle calmness. That is an area in which I

probably need more growth. I can get blindsided and focused on

tasks that I lose sight of doing it with cheer or joy. In light of the

instruction that Paul gives us, we can go through life’s experiences

with joy, even in the midst of calamity, when we are under the

leadership of the Holy Spirit. With this in mind, we can look back

and see the blessings, even in the midst of the chaos around us.

Some of those blessings may include our lives being changed, but

more importantly, other people’s lives have been changed. Doors

of opportunity have been opened that were once closed. Old doors

that were once tightly shut have become cracked open for a new

opportunity. God works through these calamities. My problem,

and possibly yours too, is that we like smooth sailing. God rocks

our boats from time to time to give us a new perspective about

others and ourselves.

So, in light of that, let us rejoice over all that God has done in our

midst in 2015 and look forward to a new and exciting 2016. Let’s

make it a year of rejoicing in all that comes our way.

Blessings on you,

Bro. Dennis

Happy New Year from the CBC Staff!

Behold, I am doing a new

thing; now it springs forth,

do you not perceive it?

Isaiah 43:19a

A devoted, devilish enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that

matters to you: your heart, your mind, your marriage, your children, your relationships, your resilience, your dreams, your destiny. But his battle

plan depends on catching you unaware and unarmed. If you're tired of being pushed around and caught with your

guard down, this study is for you.

DVD with workbook/discussion Books $13, Meeting in Fellowship Area

Brenda Spire, Facilitator Contact Brenda at 512-787-0302 or

All Women Welcome!

God put His Spirit in us so we could be known for our power. Sadly, most believers

and churches are known for talent and intellect rather than supernatural power. What’s worse is that we’re okay with it. In Forgotten God, breakthrough author

Francis Chan returns us to the Holy Spirit as the Bible describes Him and invites to

understand, embrace and follow the Holy Spirit’s direction in our lives.

Books $13, Room 208/209

John Clarke & Mark Spire, facilitators Contact John Clarke @512-787-0785 Contact Mark Spire @ 512-557-9583

CBC Discipleship Academy begins Sunday, January 24, at 6:00pm. Studies for Spring 2016 are listed below.

Like every believer, you have gifts that God wants to release in you. But how can you

know for certain what those gifts are? Discover Your Spiritual Gifts will help you

identify the life-changing gifts that God has set aside for you and put them to use. This questionnaire incorporates one of the first and most popular spiritual gift inventories–

the Houts Questionnaire. It has been designed as a gauge that will provide you

with a reliable, comprehensive assessment of the spiritual gifts God has given to you.

Luciano & Maribel Castillo, facilitators

Luciano @512-781-1467


CoEd Class Room 104

Based upon Ephesians 5:33 and extensive biblical and psychological research, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs reveals the power of unconditional love and unconditional respect and how husbands and wives can reap the benefits of marriage that God intended.

Books $12, Room 106/107 Gary & Jan Hamilton,

Jason & Angie McCoy, Co-Facilitators Contact Gary or Jan Hamilton Gary–


Dr. Jeremiah examines prophecy

through the eyes of the characters in the book

of Daniel, explains what the prophecies mean,

and helps us understand how these prophetic visions and dreams apply to our lives today. Agents of Babylon is not only an

in-depth exploration of the characters and prophecies contained in the book of Daniel but also a dramatic retelling of Scripture that is sure

to bring ancient prophecy to light like never before.

Room 205/206 Pastor Dennis, Facilitator

Contact Pastor Dennis @ 512-557-2714

Doctrines & Apologetics

A Right Now Media Study for Junior High &

High School Students Andrew Clardy, Facilitator

Contact Andrew at 512-353-8540 or

CBC Care Team Counseling Training

Are you interested in helping counsel people making decisions and serving in this capacity on a rotating basis for services? This training course will explore

the ins and outs of counseling with a view toward serving on the CBC Care Team

Begins Sunday, January 24 @ 6 pm, Room TBA Naya Garcia & Elisa Garza, facilitators

Contact Naya: 512-557-8044 or Contact Elisa: 512-757-0749 or

Choir Rehearsal begins 01/24

Adult Choir practices Sunday afternoon at

4:30pm in the sanctuary Kids Praise practices

Sunday evening at 6:00pm. Sign up is

available on the CBC website

February 5-7 Registration $25 See Andrew for more details

Impact Weekend 2016

For you formed

my inward

parts; you

knitted me

together in my

mother’s womb

Psalm 139:13

Sanctity of life Sunday

January 17


Upcoming Events

Mark Your Calendars...

Impact Weekend is 2/5-7. Registration is $25. There will be a $5 discount for students who

bring and register a friend. Payments can be brought to the church office. Please contact

Andrew for more information.

Celebrate Recovery will host a free movie night on 2/12 in the sanctuary. They will be

showing War Room. Free popcorn and sodas available.

A four week New Members Class will be offered beginning on 2/14 during the Sunday

School hour. If you have recently joined CBC, are a new Christian, or would like to learn

more about foundational Christian beliefs, please see Pastor Dennis or Bob & Coleene


CBC will host a fellowship for the deaf community in the San Marcos area on 2/26 in the

fellowship hall. Volunteers are needed to welcome, serve, and for meal prep.

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 Verna Gee 2

3 Virginia Nichols 4 Jo Fritsche

Bill Russell

CBC Office Opens Threads of Love




5 Gabby Elkins Hays CISD /Lockhart ISD Resumes

6 Carrie Hutchins San Marcos CISD Resume

7 Luciano


8 Elisandro Leos Aggie Moms


10 Carlos Rodriguez


7:00 pm Outreach/Visitation

12 Becky Jaimes Shelby Spire

13 Cheryl Bailey Cheri Martin

14 15 Brittan Castle Lari Locke

16 Hunter Anderson Care Team Party

17 Sanctity of Life Sunday


Threads of Love 7:00 pm Outreach/Visitation


Texas State Resumes

20 Jim Owen

21 Stacy Mills


23 Parent Date Night

24 John Carson Lynn Riley Baptism Sunday Discipleship Academy Adult Choir Kid’s Praise

31 John Clarke

25 Henry Stokes

7:00 pm Outreach/Visitation

26 27 James


28 Zulema Bables Judy Glover

29 Rowan Castle Miranda Champion

30 Jennifer Candelaria

Calvary Events Calendar January 2016
