Career Developemt 2


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  • 7/28/2019 Career Developemt 2





    1.Career: its defined as a sequence of position

    occupied by a person during the course of life.

    Thus, any work, paid or unpaid, pursued over an

    extended period of time can constitute a career.

    2.Career development: this is the long term

    career effectiveness and the success of

    organizational personnel.

    Its a lifelong series of activities that contribute

    to a persons career exploration, establishment,

    success and fulfillment.

    There is an increasing need for individuals totake charge of the development of their ownlearning and careers for a variety of reasons:

    There is increasing rate of change of our

    organizations and in the knowledge and skillswe need to perform our jobs.

    Career ladders are rapidly shrinking ordisappearing as reorganizations lead to flatter


    Career development (CD) is now the primaryresponsibility of individuals in organizations.

    A recent survey of Human ResourceDevelopment Directors (1) indicates that theyconsider CD to be their least importantfunction.

    This correlates with recent trends ofdisappearing corporate career paths and jobsecurity.

    Career planning has been defined as the involving

    sequence of a persons experiences over time Succession planning-involves identification of

    vacancies that are likely to occur at higher levels andlocating probable successors.

    Career Development is concerned with a broadersubject matter of a conceptual or theoretical natureand the development of personal attitudes. Itcomprises all learning experiences, both on and off thejob, including formal, classroom training.

    Career development-the personal movements an

    individual makes to achieve his/her career plan.

    Activities undertaken by individual employees

    and organization to meet career aspiration and

    job requirements.

    Career managementthe process of designing

    and implementing plans to enable the

    organization to satisfy employee needs and allow

    individuals to achieve their goals.
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    Effective organizational career development:

    1. Ensures that the needed talent will be


    The organization helps the individual employees

    to better align their needs and aspirations with

    those of the organization

    -increase the probability that the right people

    will be available to manage the organizations

    changing staffing requirements.

    2. Improves the organizational ability to

    attract and retain high talent personnel:

    organizations will always try to maintain

    their employees.

    Individuals may give preference to

    employers who demonstrate a concern for

    the employees future.

    3. Ensure that minorities and women will

    have opportunities for growth and


    Equal employment opportunity legislation

    and affirmative action programmes demand

    the minority groups and women get

    opportunities for growth and development

    that will prepare them for greaterresponsibilities within the organization.

    NB: Affirmative action is the specific and the positive

    action taken to eliminate the present effects and the

    past discrimination.

    4.Reduce employment frustration:

    As the education level of workforce has

    risen, so has the occupational aspiration.

    Due to the slowing of the economic growth

    and reduced advancement opportunities in

    the past, the result was increased.

    Frustration by employees when they saw a

    significant disparity between their

    aspiration and their actual opportunities.

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    This is the time when the number of

    expectations about ones career are

    developed, many of which areunrealistic. Such expectations of course

    may be dormant for five years and then

    pop up later to frustrate both the

    employee and the employer.

    ii) Establishment:

    This period begins with the search for work

    and includes getting your first job. Its time

    that begins with uncertainty and anxieties.

    Its marked by making mistakes, thelearning from the mistake and the gradual

    assumption of increased responsibility.

    However, individuals in this stage have yet

    to reach their productivity and rarely are

    they given work assignment that carry great

    power or high status.

    iii) Mid career:

    this is a time where individuals continue

    their improvements in performance, level-

    off or begin to deteriorate.

    At this stage, the first dilemma is accepting

    that one is no longer seen as a learner.

    Mistakes take greater penalties.

    To those who make the successful

    transaction go for a greater responsibilities

    and rewards. For others, it may be a time

    for re-assessment, job changes adjustments

    or priorities or the pursuit of the alternative

    lifestyle i.e. making geographical motive or

    going back to college.

    iv)Late Career:.

    Their value to their organization lies heavily in

    their judgment built up over many years and

    through varied experiences and sharing with and

    teaching others based on the knowledge they

    have gained.

    Its time when individuals recognize that they

    have decreased work mobility and may be

    locked into their current job.

    One begins to look forward to retirement and

    the opportunities produce something different.

    v)Decline Stage:

    adjustments will of course have to be made

    regardless of whether one is leaving a sparkling

    career or a dismissal career. After severaldecades of continued achievement and high

    levels of performance, the time has come for

    retirement. These individuals are forced to step

    out of the limelight and give up a major

    component of their identity.

    The regimentation that the work provided will

    no longer be there, responsibilities will be fewer

    and life will be less structured.

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    As a result, its a difficult stage for anyone to confront.


    This requires that the people to become knowledgeable of

    their own needs, values and personal goals. This can be

    achieved through a three-step; self assessment process.Step1. Identification and organization:

    the best place to begin is by drawing up a profile of your

    education record. Next, begin to assess your occupational


    List each job you have held the organization you unlike.

    For your overall level of satisfaction, what you liked most

    and least about the job, and why you left. Confront the fetes

    and list them as such.


    Provide alternative means of recognition

    Develop new ways to make current jobs more



    Reality based self-development programmes

    Change managerial attitude towards

    plateaued employees

    Measures to make career planning

    successful1.Top management support


    3.Clear goals

    4.motivated and hardworking staff

    5.Proper selection of employees

    6.Proper age balance

    7,Fair promotion policy

    8.Management of career stress

    9.Internal publicity


    Role of the organization

    Challenging jobs

    Dissemination of career option information

    Job posting/publizing job vacancies

    On and off the job experiences

    Appraising employee performance

    Assessment Centre's

    Career counseling

    Career development workshops

    Continuing education and training

    Periodic job changes Sabbaticals

    Role of the organnization

    Identify and organize skills, interests and

    work-related needs and values

    Provide accurate information regarding skills,

    work experience ,interests and career


    Self development plans

    Step 2.Conversion into general fields and

    specific goals.organizational settings or fields of endeavors,

    where these will be a good match then you can

    become specific and identify dishonest job

    goals. When you are able to identify limited set

    of occupations that have interest to you, you can

    start to align this with your abilities and skills.

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    Step 3.Testing against realities.

    The last/final step in testing your selection

    against the realities of the market place.

    This can be done by going out and talking

    with personnel specialists andknowledgeable people in the field,

    organizations or job you desire. This

    interaction should provide reliable feedback

    as to the accuracy of your self-assessment

    and the opportunities in the field and the

    jobs that interest you.

    Career planning: it means matching the

    individual strengths and weaknesses with

    occupational opportunities and threats.

    Aims and objectives of career planning.

    Career planning aims at matching individualspotentials for promotion and individual

    aspiration with organisational needs and


    Career planning is making sure that the

    organisation has the right people with the right

    skills at the right time.

    It focuses on future needs and opportunities

    of the employee.

    In the process, it opens avenues for growth

    to high levels of responsibilities for each

    and every employee of the organization,

    through activities to equip the individuals

    with the requisite for succession

    The principle objective of Career Planning:

    1. to secure the right man at the right job and at

    the right time maintain contented team of employees.

    Roles of career planning:

    1. motivates employees to grow.

    2. motivates employees to avail in the training

    and development programmes.

    3. Increases employee loyalty as they feel

    organisations care about them through careerplanning for them, so they integrate their goals

    with the goals of the organizations.

    4. Encourage employees to remain in an


    5. Contributes to manpower planning as

    well as organisational development andeffective achievement of corporate goals.

    6. it helps employees in thinking of long

    term involvement with organisations. 7.

    Provides general scenario of career

    opportunities in the organisations.

    8. it gives and idea of direction towards


    Differences between Career Planning

    and Career Development:

    Career planning involves the search fordirection that leads to education and basic

    experience in pursuing a particular type of

    career or job. Career planning usually

    occurs during high schools, students

    explore career options engaged in career

    counseling and testing and gain basic

    experience through part time work.

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    Career planning continues through the early

    20s especially if the person attended

    college. its common to try on several ideas

    of a certain career but discard those ideas asmore to college is part of career planning.

    While: Career Development is a process of

    managing life, learning and work. Career

    development is a term used to describe the

    management of work related activities

    throughout your life.

    At best, career development includes a

    written or a thought out plan that sets small

    goals for the next one and five years to help

    you achieve your goals for the chosencareer. Career development can include

    obtaining higher degree, taking as single

    classes or seminars, obtaining additional

    training and consciously taking an

    additional work.


    1.Julie Beard Well& Tim Clay don,(2010). Human

    Resource Management(6th edn) United Kingdom.

    Great Britain.

    2.Lloyd L. Brars,Lessie W. Rue,(2008). Human

    Resource Management(9th edn) New York, Mc. Graw


    3. Dressler, G.(2008). Human Resource Management,

    (11th edn). Pearson Inc. Jersey.
