Cardiology on Ovid€¦ · Cardiology on Ovid Cardiovascular disease is the world’s #1 cause of...


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Cardiology on Ovid

Cardiovascular disease is the world’s #1 cause of death and is expected to remain so as tobacco use, physical inactivity, and unhealthy diets see no signs of abating. In addition, expanding populations of older people worldwide will require more cardiovascular care.

Ovid® gives your users quick, easy electronic access to premium offerings in Cardiology from Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Oxford University Press, Sage, Wiley, Elsevier, and other publishers. 46 of the cardiology journals on Ovid are ranked by Impact Factor.

More than 300 Electronic Journals, Books, and Databases Covering Cardiology!

Did You Know?• Ovid exclusively offers 11 journals from the American Heart Association (AHA) as a cost effective collection or a la carte, including Circulation, ranked 2nd by Impact Factor among 124 journals in the Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems subject category

• Over 270 books. Nearly 50% have Doody’s Star Rating

• Over 50 cardiology journals—more than 40% are published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins and are exclusively on Ovid for institutions

• Getinstant,one-clickaccesstoagrowinglist ofmorethan90journals,morethan230 books,and3databases

• Discoverhigh-quality,authoritativeresources fromtheworlds’leadingpublishers

• Uncoverresourcesinawiderange ofCardiologysubspecialties,including hypertension,cardiovasculardisease, surgery,andmore

• Searchjournals,books,anddatabases simultaneously,withseamlessintegration amongallyourresources

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Cardiology on Ovid



*2015 Journal Citation Reports® (Clarivate Analytics, 2016)

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Award-winning Support and Consultative Services• Ovid®’s award-winning support teams help implement tools into your library for the most optimized deployment, promotion, training, configuration, and customization.

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The global Customer Engagement team has attained best-in-class recognition through Omega Management Group’s NorthFace ScoreBoard AwardTM for superior customer satisfaction scores for the last five years running.

Circulation, Lippincott-WoltersKluwer A Journal of the American Heart Association Impact Factor 17.047, 2/124 (Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems); 1/63 (Peripheral Vascular Disease)* Circulation publishes the most important papers from across the world of cardiology every week. Publishing a combination of basic, translational, clinical, and population research, the journal publishes the most authoritative articles and details the implications for application in practice to improve patient outcomes.

Circulation Research, Lippincott-WoltersKluwer A Journal of the American Heart Association Impact Factor 11.551, 4/124 (Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems); 3/70 (Hematology); 2/63 (Peripheral Vascular Disease)* Each biweekly issue of Circulation Research explores some of the most revolutionary research in areas like cellular therapy/stem cells, microRNA biology, development, proteomics, translational research, and more.

European Heart Journal, OxfordUniversityPress Impact Factor 15.064, 3/124 (Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems)* Aims to publish the highest quality material, both clinical and scientific, on all aspects of Cardiovascular Medicine. It includes articles related to research findings, technical evaluations, and reviews.

Chest, Elsevier A journal of the American College of Chest Physicians Impact Factor: 5.94, 6/58 (Respiratory System), 5/33 (Critical Care Medicine) Each month Chest features cutting edge clinical investigations in the multidisciplinary specialties of chest medicine, such as pulmonology, cardiology, thoracic surgery, transplantation, sleep and breathing, airways disease, and more.


EDITORIALS456 Venturing Into the Storm

Sapp458 Catecholamine Systems


ORIGINAL ARTICLES462 Catheter Ablation of Electrical

StormCarbucicchio et al

470 Role of PV Region in Vagal AFLemola et al

478 Preoperative Anemia in CardiacSurgery CMEKarkouti et al

485 Monitoring of Fetuses at Risk forCongenital Heart BlockFriedman et al

494 Analysis in the Female SubgroupFrom MEGA StudyMizuno et al

503 Vitamin D and CardiovascularDiseaseWang et al

512 Egg Consumption and HeartFailureDjousse and Gaziano

517 Genetic Variation Predicts LocalTyramine ResponseFung et al

526 Effect of Darbepoetin Alfa in HeartFailureGhali et al

536 Fish Oil Inhibits Arrhythmias inHeart FailureDen Ruijter et al

545 ASK1-p38 and PhysiologicalHypertrophyTaniike et al

553 Clopidogrel Dosing in Infants andYoung ChildrenLi et al



560 The LDL-Cholesterol Success and Failure Paradox


574 Diabetes Drugs: Incretin-Based Therapy andBeyond


585 Popliteal Venous Aneurysm Induced Embolism


�e25 Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics—2008 Update

CME is available at

Vol 117, No 4, January 29, 2008

ISSN 0009-7322

EditorialsArterial Specification by Sox ProteinsIs a Program to Survive a Pathway to Failure?Heme Regulation of Egr-1Sweet and Sour: Diabetic Vascular Disease

ReportSox Proteins in AV Specification

ReviewForkhead Factors and Cardiovascular Biology

Molecular MedicineCathepsin G–Induced EGFR TransactivationHemin Induces Egr-1 via ROS–ERK–Elk-1 and NF-�B

Nitric Oxide Regulates Histone DeacetylasesH2O2 Inhibits CYP450 EpoxygenasesPitavastatin Exerts eNOS-independent Protection

Cellular BiologyAdipose Stromal Cells Display Pericyte PropertiesCation-� Lidocaine Block of NaV Channels

Integrative PhysiologyDiabetic Coronary Dysfunction and ArginaseProteomic Analysis of Hibernating MyocardiumABCA1�ABCG1 Double Knockout MicePartial Dystrophin Prevents CardiomyopathyAging, STAT3, and Postconditioning

ResearchJ O U R N A L O F T H E A M E R I C A N H E A R T A S S O C I A T I O N

CirculationVolume 102, Number 1, January 4/18, 2008

ISSN 0009-7330

BooksFeigenbaum’s Echocardiography, Lippincott-Wolters Kluwer Doody’s Star Rating®: 5 stars, score: 100; Doody’s Core Titles: 2.6 – Cardiology This thoroughly revised seventh edition reflects recent changes in the technology and clinical use of echocardiography.

Hypertension: Atlas of Investigation and Management, Clinical Publishing Doody’s Star Rating®: 5 stars, score: 100 This is the first volume of a new series of titles, each of which provides readers with a concise and carefully-structured pictorial reference to the clinical manifestations of disease and the means by which the diagnosis may be confirmed.

Kaplan’s Clinical Hypertension, Lippincott-Wolters Kluwer Doody’s Star Rating®: 4 stars, score: 92 ; Doody’s Core Titles: 2.53 (Cardiology), 2.13 (Coronary Care) This best-selling clinical reference by a world-renowned authority on hypertension was listed as the #1 reference book for hypertension by the American Society for Hypertension in 2006.

Physical Exam of the Heart and Circulation, People’s Medical Publishing House—USA LTD Doody’s Star Rating®: 5 stars, score In the fourth edition of this outstanding resource, emphasis is placed on physical examination, rather than physical diagnosis. The author’s objective is to describe the physical signs and how they are elicited.



MEDLINE®, National Library of Medicine The full MEDLINE® for the Ovid platform is updated daily and includes access to Ovid MEDLINE In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations, Ovid’s collection of non-indexed NLM records, both the in-process and PubMed-not-MEDLINE records.

Embase®, Elsevier One of the leading sources of pharmacological and biomedical literature, Embase includes nearly 29 million records drawn from over 8,500 journals published in 90 countries. It includes powerful indexing, seamless mapping to controlled vocabulary terms, and more.

Visible Body Heart & Circulatory Premium, Argosy Publishing This interactive 3D Atlas is a deep dive into the heart and circulatory system for healthcare professionals and students to use for learning, reference and patient education.
