CARD 21/Saratoga Springs NY... · 2013-01-26 · Rifles (l) --...


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Dinner Meet The Churchmen's League of the

Episcopal Church in the Troy Dean-try will hold its 52nd annual din­ner and meeting at the Troy Ma-sonic Temple Monday, Feb. £, ac­cording to Robert W. Crane, presi­dent.

The Rev. Quinten E. Primo Jr., rector of St. Simon's Episcopal Church. Rochester, will give the address. The Rev. Mr. Primo, a native of Georgia, began his min­istry in 1941 and is a graduate of Lincoln University and Lincoln Uni­versity Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania. Last year he received a citation from Governor Harriman for work in connection with the New York State Commission against Dis­crimination. In addition to duties in his own parish and in diocesan affairs, the Rev. Mr. Primo has been active in affairs affecting so­cial relations in housing, rehabilita­tion and education. He has served on the boards of'the United Service Organization, the Rochester Adver­tising Council and the New York State Council of Churches. #

William Law, of Watervliet, chair­man of the nominating committee, will submit a slate for the election of officers for the year. William Jamieson of Troy and Charles Christiansen of Watervliet are serv­ing jointly on the dinner commit-Tee^TJckets-and reservatioBS,_are being handled by Eugene Landry, Saratoga Springs; Chester A. Har­rison, Green Island, and John Car­ter of Mechanicville. Crispin Hall of Troy heads the committee on programming. James D. McNary and Jack Short, both of Troy, are in charge of publicity.

The Very Rev. Allen W. Brown, suffragan bishop - elect, will be among the guests.

B'nai B'rith Lists Speaker

Rabbi Kurt Metzger of the Tem­ple Beth-El, Glens Falls, will be the guest speaker at the regular monthly meeting of B'nai B'rith, Saratoga Lodge, to be held at the Jewish Community Centre on Wednesday at 9 P-m.

Rabbi Metzger's subject for the evening will be "The Jewish Atti­tude Toward Sex and Marriage." After the conclusion of his talk there will be a short question and answer period with the audience participating. ,

Lou Tobier, president of the lodge, has announced mat this will be an open meeting, and all members and their wives and friends are invited to attend. The second vicepresident, Simon Caplan, will be in charge of the program and will act as master of ceremonies for the evening.

A special project will be held at the conclusion of the meeting, after which refreshments will be served under the supervision of Julius Zucker.

How They're Doing On Area Bowling Alleys! \

Lind- M. Sansiveri 388, M. Jordan 310, Dominick 3S7, I. Flanders 362.

JR. ABC LEAGUE I H a n g o v e r s <•)—Burritt 389, Simonds 419, B Drake 451, P Richmond* ( l ) -Pete Saxton 404,|Welsh 474, Fleming 449, Howard say 338, P. Tomeck 551.

Dick Cornell 356. Dick Gorman 371,,313, Crannell 404, Adinolfi 365. i Apache (2) — P. Eddy 345, B. Wit Richmond 343, Harold Wood- Heydayks X3>—Waldron 553, Pen- w i s e ^3, M. Van Wagner 431t W. worth 418. |nell 501, Smaldone 449. Desidoro|wi5e 434» F - D r a k e «•*•

Hazard's (t)—Skip Goodhart 406 260, Faiola 348, Pastor 427. Andy Iorio 282, Fred Johnson 492,! •

Capone 381, Raerara 336, M. Flanders 343, J. Wife Ray Kelleser 508. Joe Kelleher 432. (SARATOGA BUSINESS

Kool (2)—M. Capone 259. D* Andrea 361, A. DeMatteo 433, J: Iorio 380, P. Kondenar 442. *

Oasis <1>—M. Doty 308, R. Fex>

Co. Clark Ask G w o <0)-G. Weiss 564, L.JClerk 351, Retmann

Tyler 472, Eisenberg 426, McDowell '429, Willard D 522 413. A. Weiss 392.

3 . Rifles (l) -- Jones 452,'De S o r b e 291> G r « e Lambert 313,[Hams 385, Abs. 444, iub-A.

JAMES BARTON plays a vagrant on New York's Bowery In Naked City tonight over Channel 35 13.

Dear Abby...

Van Buren

onest Evaluation

Mothers Plan Annual March

Michaels Upholstery (2)-J. Wil-k p r lard 477, M. Bozony 432. J. Webster

460, D. Male 542, D. Benway 559.

189 Messier'**- Krautheimer 334, Eleanor Burke S76. 4 4 3 . • •

Viceroy (*)—Lena Mangona 383. [BAPTIST BOWLERS

450, Madarasseny Haswell 462.

35fl, Smith 3§4.

Carvalho Five (D—F. Miller 467, F. Carvalho 369, D. Federice 486, J. Duval 411, T. Scarano 420.

Tornadoes (1)—L. Izzo 358, J. Fuller 362, J. Callahan 351, D. Has­tings 305, B. Savin 333.

- - ' • • " • • » • • •

Windmill (2)—P. Iorio 379, J. Ostrov 482, J. Lechevet 395, Abs. 309, M. Sherman 476, J. DellaValle 408.

Lions (D—M. Berringer 380, J. Scarano 476, D. Hammond 380, Abs 390, Heydon 310.

John H/mcock Ins. (1)—S. Benin-att 489, W. Napoletano 412, M. Mc-Neary 497, L. Kuenzel 508, E. Boyce 557.

Hames Cleaners (2)—W. Titter-ington 538, J. Dowen 503, B. Mc-Gowan 486, A. Parisi 472, W. Wil­cox 433.

Angie Pompay 402, I<oui*» Piatilli 376, Simpne Willard 428, Rose Draves 479.


'! 1 t

L. & M. (t)—C. White 308, B. Eckstrom 292, G. Rodeno 341,, D. Woodcock 399, J. Adinolfi 417, sub-M. Gosclnski 487.

Old Golds (D—J. DiRienso 277,

Rollers (3)—C. Richmond 42S. J. Mahay 441, G. Burke 458. F. Clark 308, N. McDonald 434, Abs. 430. *

Sliders <•)—R, Reeves 342, L. Schermerhorn 369, J. Clark, Jr. 301, D. Kennedy 378, L. Seeley 370, M. Bozony 465."



Eagles (2)—A. Fasani 473, W. Rainville 483, W. Freeman 369, C Parker 487, B. Berrigan 543.

Standard Furn Co. <1>—B. San-bom 393. E. Martin 426, E. Jones 401, N. Derlick 382, E. Morgan 910.

ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH, Cardinals U ) - J . Goodhart 431, R.LA d e

Tl p a , ! « > - y » l « „ « 4 . J- Clark

Wilhelm 288, M. Fowler 341, F. Pas-j!?8' J- C o n l e y 416« H B r o o k s 5 0°, tor 389, P. Bucheimer 463. c - P e r r y 443-

Oriol's (2)—R. Hulka 449, M.I Lewis French Ins (2)—M. Rock Ruhle 318. M. Schrade 258, R. 561. C. Cammaro 519. A. Morrow Schlapich 417, T. Moreland 431. 460. J- Braim 458, R. Wilhelm 509.

Dodgers (0)—D. Pepper 293, L. SWaenepoel 396, A. Skogsberg 362, R. Fisher 441, A. Pastor 467.

Braves (3)—A. Loeffler 319, E. Ruhle 440, Abs. 429, L. Marks 367, S. Marks 455.

MERCHANTS NYRA (0) — Vietch 490, Spinelli

532, abs. 375, Paddock 567, Ding-man 360.

Roccos (3) — Boyd 536, Cum-mings 506, Johns 480, Sheeran 569, Foley 543.




DEAR ABBY: I'll admit I'm no!me if he is sure gorgeous looking movie star but I his ex-wife and thing I've got the same trouble. I'll do anything to get a man to fall in love with me but as soon as I get him I d'on/t want him any more. Then I go after somebody else and the same thing happens. I come from a good family and have had good bringing up. I am 24 and never married. Believe me, my parents aren't gray-headed for nothing. I'ra so ashamed of myself but I can't seem to change. What is the matter with me? ASHAMED

DEAR ASHAMED: Those who go from romance to romance for the excitement of the conquest (and there are many—both men and women) are emotionally insecure. You feel the need to prove over and over again that you are de­sirable. A psychiatrist could re­move the clinker from your thinker.

the love between himself is good

and dead. The only way he can find out if that love is dead is to go to Mexico where she is living. He wants me to give him the money for the trip. In a way it is for me, too, because if the love is dead he will marry me. Please give me your advice. UNDECIDED

DEAR UNDECIDED: Don't fin­ance any trips for a man who wants to find out how "dead" his love is. If he wants to marry yon, he'll find a way.

A house to house canvass of the Town of Moreau will be conducted tomorrow night for the 1959 March of Dimes.

Residents of the area are urged to leave their porch lights on dur­ing the evening to make the job of the volunteer canvassers easier one.

Co-chairmen of the canvass, Mrs Dorothy Moloney and Mrs. Betty Wakely have announced the follow­ing section chairmen.

In the village of South Glens Falls Mrs. Betty Wakely, Mrs. Marilyn Rourke, Mrs. Roberta Hayes, Mrs. Lillian Prouty, Mrs., Helen Donnelly, Mrs. Catherine1

Donohue and Mrs. Loretta Jackson.

Yankees (0)—W. Meyer 357, H. LTjeffieT^3W,^trGruW~353r J. Mor-rissey 432, W. Duell 423.

Indians (3)—M. .Brookman 267, Abs. 390. J. Ruhle 390, H. Fowler!9S6. 505, R, Pastor 474. Post Office (0) — Fosmire 509,

abs. 375, abs. 375, Wilhelm 515, Pie-

nSaratoga Club Beverage (3) — Deuell 498, Callahan 496, Mc Clel-j Ian 536, C. Hoffman 523, W. Gailor,


Giants (D—Abs. 312, Abs. 330, W. Marks 330, N. Morrissey 480. J. Baber 461, S. Buchheimer 247.

Red Sox (2)—E. Lavigne 415, G. Sodemann 330, A. Grubb 388, J. Wil­helm 484, E. Skogsberg 471.

»| CITY LEAGUE n Ballston Motors (0)—Buchholz 524,

Adams 477, Thompson 482, Bilonis 538, Abs. 409.

D'Andrea's Restaurant 3)—San Felice 510. C. Hoffman 573, Robin­son 531, Chiperno 539, Gailor 589.

Pure Paks (2)—Lambert 515, J. Turcotte 593, A. Turcotte 599, J. Pe-truccia 570, I. Proller 522.

truccia 561.

DeMartino's (0) — Schneider 441, Abdalla 460, Bozony 458, Jordan 456, Carvalho 540.

DeRossi (3) — Scarano 509, My­ers 438. Andreadakis 470, Klein 481,' Rubel 939.


7:30 P.M. /

Outside of the Village chairmen are as follows: Mrs. Mavis Copven-try, Mrs. Betty Gray, Mrs. Natalie

My girlfriend and Viles, Mrs. Lucretia Losaw, Mrs. Kay Walch, Mrs- Pat Kelly, Mrs.

Mrs. Clarence Washburn, Mrs. Vi­ola Smith, Mrs. Nancy Gersten, Mrs. Alice DeWolfe, Mrs. Marie Wilson, Mrs. Gladys Carey, RalphjMeers Smith, Mrs. Howard Freeman

O'Hanlon and Mrs

DEAR ABBY: The man I go with was divorced six years ago and has g^l' that just walked been supporting his wife and three children so he hasn't much money. I have always worked and saved my money. He says he will marry


DEAR ABBY I really love each other an awful lot but we fight about who should call who on the telephone. She has a job where it would be much easier for her to call me (and it wouldn't cost her anything) but she expects me to call her all the time. When I do call her Just to* kid herjjj ™ Mary a little I will say something like, jjgtty Coley "Oh, boy, you should see the pretty '

she gets mad and hangs up on me NVI 1 \ C ftl f » l f P A have to call her back again to

opoioglze. How can I get the shoe \rw\ l T | _ on the other foot? PHIL J . ftKCS l O S t

DEAR PHIL: First you've got to learn to keep your foot out of your Mrs. Gertrude McGee was select-mouth, ed and installed as daughter ruler

• • • J of Mary A. Carter Temple 362 at a

558, R. Westfall 509, R. Cole 443, J. Spinelli 523, W. Cornell 561.

Carrolls Pharmacy (2)—Carvalho 609, Jordan 536, Foley 909, Reed 467. J. Caputo 503.

G. F. Blackmer (D—H. Vanden-

Jim & Nicks (2) — A. Famiano 353, J. Adinolfi 529, C. Perry 298, J. DeMatteo 556, L. Smaldone 517, M. Rock 356.

Dan's (1) — C. Andreakis 544, J. Krochina 516, B. Murray 488, ,J. Dominic 479, J. Caputa 526.

BETHESDA Mohawks (3) — H. Spicer 381, M.

Ballou 344, K. Mark 425, J. Martin 404, J. Hawthorne 477.

Utes (0) — D. Baldwin 421, H. Rhodes, abs. 311, J. Mark 370, P. Rickett abs. 360, J. Bichlehaupt 441.

Door Prizes . r

Table Prizes


Admission M, Public Invited

Bring Your Own Cards

Marge Gray, Mrs. Addie Surprise,.burg 5 4 3 i R piummer 436, Clark 490, O. Gehr 549, R. Welch 587

Spa Liquors (3) — Hickey 678, Callahan 489, Norton

368, ,323,

« 4 . 947.

Woodchoppers (2) E. Duvall 434, J. P. Woodley 439, C.

DEAR ABBY: My mother and I are having a little disagreement and hope you can help clear it up. She says it is perfectly all right THE PICK OF THE NIGHT'S PROGRAMS

FOR TUESDAY, JAN. 27 (ALL TIMES EST). BEST BET — he Garry Moore Show, which is getting moore and

moore popular has some nice things planned or tonight. It all com-, mences with a bullfight scene, and you'll be confronted by the small'affaJr *° ™cept: \ f

s a / ^ „ spectacle of Garrison Moore, torero. And then comes the parade of " S f t J ^ i S ftjZS^SllFZ

recent meeting at the IBPOE of W Home on Congress St. Other offi­cers elected and inducted included:

Vice daughter ruler, Mrs. Mary

H ^ T - 2 2 2 2 ^ J S L ' S S ^ " 2 - * t ^ n ^ V ™m there is no reason to? a girt to be their hit night-club act, which involves singing and, from Mrs. Mac Rae, impersonations. "The Wonderful Year" this week is 1950, which brought Marilyn Monroe to the forefront and Sheila will do a devastating impersonation of MM, among others. That year also saw Garry Moore's first TV on a national basis, and Garry will read one of his first reviews, which wasn't so hot. Durward Kirby's delicious satire of Arthur Murray (he calls it Arthur Worry) was so well received it'll be done again, and probably will become a permanent fixture. 10-11 (10).

• • • 7:30-8 (8) — Lots of anniversaries on TV tonight, starting with Drag­

net's eighth. In honor of the occasion, Jack Webb will be doing nothing special, which is perhaps as it should be. The story tonight is one of robbery and assault and the chase, wider than usual, extends into Nevada.

e e • 8-9 (f) — George Gobel, who can be a great social satirist when

he sets his mind to it, sets his mind to it for part of tonight's George Gobel Show, He's doing a sketch on dropping in at the neighbors, plus a preliminary bit on getting ready to drop in at the neighbors, which should hit home in most homes. Tonight's guests are Peggy King (for a reunion with her ex-boss), Tony Randall and Eddie Fisher. Gobel, Randall and Peggy have an old-fashioned burlesque routing, and The Kids Next Door will sing "Simple Melody."

• • • ** t-t :30 (•) — The values inherent in live television, as opposed to

film, are obvious when you compare George Barns Shows with live ones, like tonight's- Rosemary Clooney is around to sing and George tries, but every time he starts, Rosie's baby cries. The kid has taste. There's more to the skit, and more music with Rosie singing "Happiness Is Just a Thing Called Joe." Bums' live shows have a fine flavor and are always worth seeing. Bob Cummings will do a walk-on to plug his own show which comes up right after this.

i e • • 9:30-10 (15)

Van Wagner (1) — B. ner 333, J, Woodley 231,

D. Drake Armstrong1

Armstrong j

Van Wag-J. Martin 547. Deuel 611.

Shamrock fen (O)-Pratt 584, V a n ' ^ B~Tomach" 429, T.Rhodes 460 Aernum 50". °<»pone 530, Corsetti, 594, Scuderi 930. Senacas (1) — W. Lindsay 388, L.

Tickets May Be Purchased at the Doer or from Any

Member of the Eastern Star



for a girl to refuse to date /or a I Stevens: assistant daughter ruler, certain affair and if a more de-!Mrs. Mary Evans; chaplain, Mrs-sirable boy asks her to the same J Estelle Daniels; escort, Mrs. Mar­

garet Davidson: financial secre­tary, Mrs. Goldie Alexander: assis­tant financial secretary, Mrs. Ethel Skinner; recording secretary, Mrs. Idell Molineaux; treasurer, Mrs. Anna Massey; door keeper, Mrs. Corinne Smith; gate keeper, Mrs. Corinne Goodwin; trustee chair­man, Mrs. Beatrice Ramsure; first trustee, Mrs. Louise Lanko.

Mrs. Lee Tolan, Schenectady, grand district deputy, was the in­stalling officer.

stuck with a drip just because he asked her first. PRO AND CON

DEAR PRO: If a girl refuses a date to a specific affair with a simple, "No, thank you," she's free to go with someone else. BUT. if she says she is "unable to attend that affair" or Is golag "else* where" it would be extremely poor taste to show up with someone else.

• * • For a personal reply, write to

ABBY, in care of this paper. Enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

• • • If you want a collection of

Abby's best letters and answers in one book, ask your bookdealer to get "DEAR ABBY" for you.

James Barton, who can play a bum with distinction, plays a bum tonight on Naked City, but that's about the best of it. This story concerning a horse-loving bum among bums who do some killing, has its flaws, but Barton always, as usual, with special attention to the George Washington Bridge this week.

• • e 9:30-10 (I) — It's the fifth anniversary of The Bob Cummings Show

tonight, and, if you care for statistics, Bob's hired more than 200 models on the show so far. Joe Lansing has been on more than any other girl, and she's an again tonight As a special treat for this birthday patty, Bob's good friend, Art Linkletter, helps out, as does Art's son,] 90 White, was traveling south in Jack, and a whole flock of models. The plot, something about Art and Court when his car slid into the Bob both wanting to MC the Model's Association dinner, is the usual automobile of Rebecca Shimkin, Cummings contrivance, but sufficient for a few gags. |Larchmont, which was parked near

Spa HDU Plans Second Lesson

The Spa Home Demonstration Unit will hold the second lesson on bread making' on Wednesday at 10 a.m. at the Extension Service rooms. Mrs. Lewis M. French will be lead­er, and members are asked to take the same equipment that they did for the first lesson.

A business meeting will be at 1 p.m., and the remainder of the members are asked to be present.

Two Cars Damaged In City Accident

Fender damage to both cars was reported at Saratoga Police Head­quarters yesterday as result of an automobile accident at 6:30 p.m. Saturday. Arthur Copperholl, 27, of

Credit Union Votes Dividend

Members of the Saratoga Van Raalters Federal Credit Union at a meeting last week at the plant voted a four per cent dividend-and a five per cent interest .refund.

The treasurer's report showed a shares balance of $45,136.74 for the 18 months of operation.

Officers elected to the board were Mrs. Edna Atwell, John Hickey, George Robinson, Mrs. Thelma Austin and" Sylvester San Felice. Other members of the board are Mrs. Dorothy Irish and Mrs. Thelma DuBois.

At a special meeting of the board Mrs. Atwell was named president, and other officers were elected as follows: Vicepresident. George Rob­inson; secretary, Mrs. DuBois; treasurer, Sylvester San Felice, and assistant treasurer, Mrs. Irish.

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jPhila, police reported. . 10-10:30 (SS) — Ateea Presents, the new dramatic series about

psychic events, has a sort of symposium of pre-Titanic premonitions to­night in a story called "The Night of April 14th." It concerns various people, in various parts of the world, who all nad strange feelings that something was going to happen to the "unsinkable" ship. Most of the footage is spent on n young honeymooning couple, with the bride being the on* who keeps dreaming about the tragedy. The groom, incidental­ly, who fata down with the ship, is played by Patrick MacNee, who plays the Titanic's designer in and old You Are There episode. The late Frank Craven's son, John, has a small hut meaty part as an artist who finds Mmneif drawing a picture of 'a finking boat when he should be doing faahfto sketches. You'll am a lot of clips from old movies dealing with t»- ships sinking.

Ginic Schedluled At City Store

In the E. D. Starbuck snd Co. Store, Thursday from 2 to 4 pjn., a diabetic detection clinic will be conducted. ,

Mrs. Harold F. Smith and Mrs. Charles Ready, registered nurses, will be on duty.

The clinic is held under the aus­pices of the New York State Depart­ment of Health without charge. Department Of Health,

I Village Awaits Water Tests

Granville (AP)—This Washington County village is using its regular water supply again, but residents continue to boil all drinking water.

A pump breakdown cut off the village from its artisian Wells Sun day afternoon. Firemen laid hose to a pond half a mile north of the village and pumped water into the mains, bypassing the damaged pump.

A new' electric motor was In­stalled in the pumping station Mon­day.

Although the well water is chlor­inated at the source, Dr. V. K Irvine, village mayor "has advised users to boil their drinking water 1 pending results of tests by the State

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