Carbon Business Accounting


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  • 7/27/2019 Carbon Business Accounting


    Carbon Business Accounting: The Impact

    of Global Warming on the Cost and

    Management Accounting Profession



    The concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have risendramatically, leading to the possibility of costly disruption from rapid

    climate change. This calls for greater attention and precautionary meas-

    ures to be put in place, both globally and locally. Governments, busi-

    ness entities and consumers would be affected by the extent to which

    such precautionary measures are incorporated in their decision-making


    Business entities need to consider such issues as trading in carbon

    allowances (or permits), investing in lowcarbon dioxide (CO2) emission

    technologies, counting the costs of carbon regularity compliance, and

    passing on the increased cost of carbon regulation to consumers

    through higher prices. Such considerations require information for

    informed decision making. This paper reports on a qualitative research

    study undertaken to consider the impact of the Kyoto Protocol mecha-nisms on the changing information paradigms of cost and managerial


    It is demonstrated that the information from strategic cost manage-

    ment systems will be particularly useful in this new carbon economy,

    especially in evaluating the whole-of-life costs of products and ser-

    vices in terms of carbon emissions. Similarly, the study discusses how

    strategic management accounting information would facilitate decisions

    on business policy, human resource management, marketing, supply

    chain management, and finance strategies and the resultant evaluation

    of performance.

    1. The Emerging Paradigm of Carbonomics

    The Kyoto Protocol is the original international regulatory response to global

    warming, under which more than 150 countries agreed to strive to decrease

    *University of South Australia**New York University


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    carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Whilst alternative social constructions have

    been debated for the reduction of carbon emissions, such as that agreed to at the

    recent Applied Power and Economics Conference (APEC) in Sydney (Mackey

    [2007]),1 the Kyoto Protocol remains the international standard. Under Kyoto, a

    country can emit more CO2 than its assigned amount only if it can simultane-

    ously sequester the equivalent amount in allowable carbon sinks (such as

    trees, plankton, soils, and water bodies).

    The Kyoto Protocol has developed various alternative social constructions

    (or mechanisms) for reducing carbon emissions that would enable industrial

    countries with quantified emission limitation and reduction commitments to

    acquire greenhouse-gas reduction credits. Among these mechanisms is the estab-

    lishment of an International Emission Trading (IET) scheme. Here countries can

    trade in the international carbon credit (allowances) market. Countries with sur-

    plus credits can sell them to countries with quantified emission limitation and

    reduction commitments under the Kyoto Protocol (see Appendix A for a detailed

    discussion of the measurement and assurance issues in carbon-emissions trading).

    In countries subject to strict CO2 emissions-reduction targets, the existence

    of such mechanisms would necessitate a number of lifestyle changes (from

    organizations and individuals in that country) to achieve a substantial decrease in

    CO2 emissions. Examples of the lifestyle changes that are required by govern-

    ments, organizations, and individuals to reduce CO2 emissions were listed in

    TIME magazine (2007). A few of the recommended carbon-reduction methods

    for business including changing light bulbs to low emission, switching off lights

    at quitting time, letting employees work close to home, and buying green power.

    Carbon reduction methods for individuals include flying a straight coursebetween locations, hanging up clothes to line dry, and insulating residential water


    On an individual level, in recent years, there has been a significant shift

    from localization to globalization, especially with the opening up of China,

    India, and the Eastern bloc (Levitt [2006]). However, as more people are encour-

    aged to work closer to home, buy produce from the local farmer, and host a

    green wedding (e.g., by buying wine and other items locally) (TIME [2007]),

    then a shift back to localization due to carbon-related reasons is possible. We

    have termed such a shift in world trade as carbalization.

    1. The United States and Australia signed this Sydney agreement. The other signatories to thisAPEC agreement, such as China, Japan, Canada, and Indonesia, have already signed the Kyoto Proto-col. Since Australias ratification of Kyoto in 2007, the United States is the only major industrialcountry (among the very small group of countries overall) that is still not a signatory to the KyotoProtocol. Developing countries, including China, India, and Indonesia, have ratified the protocol butare exempted from reducing CO2 emissions under the present agreement, despite their large popula-tions and high emissions levels. China ranks behind only the United States in carbon emissions, andin some rankings is the number one emitter (Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, see Australia, even though it is now a signatory, has not, as yet,agreed to any reduction targets, despite being the largest per capita polluter.


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    Carbalization is based on the concept of product-distance (in miles or kilo-

    meters)that is, the distance a product travels to get to its place of final pur-

    chase for consumption. Separate studies by the oil giant BP (formerly British

    Petroleum) and the German Institute for Physics and Atmosphere released earlier

    this year revealed that the worlds shipping could have a more serious impact on

    global warming than air travel.2 Although CO2 emissions on a per-kilogram basis

    were significantly lower for shipping when compared with air freight, it is dis-

    tance that has been targeted as most imports of fast-moving consumer goods

    (FMCGs) are imported primarily via shipping lines. An example is given of

    imported bottled water from Europe using approximately 80 kg of CO2 emissions

    per metric tons of bottles to be shipped to Australia, whereas from Egypt it is

    70 kg and from nearby Fiji only 20 kg (Perkins [2007]). The message from such

    analyses is similar to the TIME magazine (2007) recommendations, that is, buy

    from sources where the product or service originates as close as possible to point

    of purchase.

    A report produced by the Business Roundtable on Climate Change in Aus-

    tralia found that early action by companies to reduce CO2 emissions would add

    the equivalent of US$1.8 trillion to gross domestic product (GDP) by 2050 and

    create more than 250,000 jobs (Weekes [2007]). Nevertheless, the governments

    in many industrial countries (that are or will be subject to emissions-reduction

    targets) are concluding that mandatory or voluntary carbon costs will eventually

    flow on to prices and industry competitiveness. Recently, China (the second-

    biggest polluter behind the United States) has stated that economic considerations

    come first and thus will consider reducing carbon emissions only as a secondary

    issue. Thus, Chinese products will continue to be cheaper, not only due tocheap labor, but also due to the exclusion of carbon costs. Countries that import

    such products will not only adversely affect the economic viability of their own

    countrys businesses, but also will be the target of the Chinese dumping car-

    bon emissions on them. The only way (other than forcing China to accept their

    responsibilities by negotiation) is to place a countervailing tax on such imports

    (similar to that placed when companies dump products via transfer pricing)

    based on a fair allocation of carbon costs to Chinese products.

    It is clear that carbonomics and carbalization will produce winners and los-

    ers in both the product and allowances markets, as well as in organizations and

    countries. In the products and services market, the winners will be the low car-

    bon intensity firms and those that can pass on their carbon costs. Some of these

    firms could earn windfall profits. The losers will be high carbon intensity

    firms and those that are unable to pass on their carbon costs. In the allowances

    market, the winners would include those countries that are on track for meeting

    2. Annual emissions from shipping made up 5 percent of the global total, while the aviationindustry, which is subject to far greater scrutiny, contributes only 2 percent (Vidal [2007]). CO2emissions from ships do not come under the Kyoto Protocol, and therefore, only a few studies havebeen undertaken.


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    Kyoto standards. These countries (and companies within them) will have a

    higher proportion of required allowances allocated free and could earn windfall

    profits from the sale of these allowances. The losers will include countries a long

    way from Kyoto compliance, that is, those that will need to purchase a higher

    proportion of allowances from the market. In the rest of this paper, we discuss

    how the impact of carbonomics, especially the (global) costs of CO2 emissions

    can be captured by accounting systems, how they can be built into the cost and

    prices of different products and services. We also will discuss ways that carbono-

    mics affect the strategic decision information systems of business organizations.

    2. Carbon Business AccountingFrom the discussion earlier on carbonomics, carbalization, and carbon-

    emissions trading, it can be seen that business entities will need to consider new

    business practices to take advantage of (or at least not be disadvantaged by) the

    mandatory carbon-rationing and trading schemes under the Kyoto Protocol. The

    existence of a carbon-rationing and trading market has the potential to affect an

    organizations business strategy, financial performance, and ultimately value.

    Thus, accountants and other business information providers need to consider

    measurements and strategies outside of conventional paradigms.

    This requires a good understanding of a number of elements of cost manage-

    ment and management accounting, and also of economics and business finance in

    an integrated manner, such as the economic modeling of demand and supply of

    carbon credits and allowances, forward and spot pricing, financial analysis, costanalysis and risk analysis, risk management of reputation, business support, cash

    flow and business value, capital allocation, and the (possible) International Finan-

    cial Reporting Standards (IFRS) directives for financial reporting of carbon-

    emissions management and related transactions. In addition, taxation issues of direct

    carbon taxes, value-added taxes (VAT), and goods and services taxes (GST), as well

    as transfer pricing implications of carbon trading, need also to be considered.

    This paper focuses specifically on strategic cost management (SCM) and

    strategic management accounting (SMA), which are referred to collectively as

    business accounting. First, the paper demonstrates that some of the classic

    ideas of cost accounting may be central to the study of carbon costs. The costing

    scheme proposed in the paper is shown to be a good fit with the traditional life-

    cycle analysis of overhead cost allocations, where the overhead in question is the

    costs of reducing global warming. It is demonstrated that if the overhead is allo-

    cated in a precise fashion over the life of a product or service, goods and ser-

    vices that seem to be low cost from a product costing viewpoint become high cost

    from a life-cycle viewpoint and perhaps should not be manufactured or provided.

    Next, the paper reports on a structured qualitative research study that was

    undertaken at thirty-one research symposiums in twelve countries (638 respond-

    ents) to canvass the views of practitioners regarding the wider implications of


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    carbon costs (and potential revenues) on SCM and SMA tools, techniques, and

    practices. Some key issues, especially those relating to the impact of carbon-

    emissions management on lean manufacturing, life-cycle costing, marketing com-

    munication, and cost of capital are reported in this paper.

    A literature review relating to SCM and SMA and pertaining to environmen-

    tal cost accounting is provided in Appendix B. This review elaborates on any

    conceptual frameworks that could be developed to help in the coding and classi-

    fication of the data for carbon accounting.

    2.1 Carbon Strategic Cost Management

    Traditional cost management relates to accounting for direct and indirect


    and to the assignment of these costs to such objects as products, services,customers, and organizational processes. A cost can be attached directly to a cost

    object if it is traceable solely to that cost object; and if not, it is allocated (see

    Sharma and Ratnatunga [1997] for a comprehensive discussion of costing sys-

    tems). Recent discussions in the cost accounting literature have focused mainly

    on the allocation of indirect costs; that is, whether using traditional allocation

    systems with a single cost driver (such as direct labor) or using activity-based

    costing systems (with multiple cost drivers) better describes the cause-effect rela-

    tionships found in products, services, customers, and organizational processes

    (Cooper and Kaplan [1988]). In product costing, the cost is computed up to the

    stage that goods are available for sale. Costs incurred subsequent to the product

    being sold are usually not calculated, except in the case in which a product car-

    ries a warranty, or some other after-sales service component; then the expected

    cost (based on a probability estimate) of that service is incorporated into the cost

    (and therefore its price). Some costings may include the cost of money blocked

    in accounts receivable, that is, the credit period being treated as an after-sales

    service that has a cost associated with it.

    Carbon cost management is a subset of the push toward environmental cost

    accounting (see Mathews [1997]; Adams [2004]) that highlights the cost

    impacts beyond those related to a specific cost object, such as a product. Let us

    consider a computer printer as an example. The typical environmental costs (both

    before and after the sale) are as follows.

    2.1.1 Raw Material

    The environmental costs are simply the cost of the raw materials, such asplastics, cartridges, and steel in waste. Much of such raw material is brought into

    usable form for manufacturing using significant energy and thus has related CO2emissions.4 Every time a raw material is used and does not become a product, it

    3. These cost categories are based on the nature of the expenditure items, such as the cost ofraw materials, human input (labor), and overhead (rent, depreciation etc.).

    4. Such as the energy used in mining and processing the materials.


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    becomes waste. Even when such material becomes a saleable product, when it

    becomes obsolete, it goes into landfills as waste.

    2.1.2 Labor

    Labor requires energy to function, such as traveling time to a production fa-

    cility and air conditioning at the facility, and thus significant CO 2 emissions are

    associated with its use. Before the sale of the product, the typical labor environ-

    mental costs would be the labor component of an off-specification product that

    becomes waste. After the sale, the labor cost required to recycle the parts is an

    environmental-related cost, which also generates CO2 emissions.

    2.1.3 Overhead

    Utility costs, such as water and energy, are often overlooked in determining

    the true cost of waste generation, both before and after a sale. These costs are a

    significant item in CO2 emissions management.

    2.1.4 Waste Management

    The most obvious environmental expenses are the treatment and disposal

    costs of waste generated in the production process. Again, these processes

    require significant energy and thus have associated CO2 emissions. Other waste

    management costs may include the expenses to collect samples, complete paper

    work, and pay for permit fees, consulting fees, and (potentially) fines for viola-

    tions. The flip side of the hidden costs and impacts of waste generation is the

    hidden benefits resulting from actions taken to improve the environmental per-

    formance of a particular facility.

    2.1.5 Recycling

    Recycling is a form of waste management at the obsolescence end of the

    product life cycle. This requires a three pronged approach: (1) the opportunity

    cost calculation (including the environmental impacts) of recycling components

    of existing hardware compared with using new components, (2) locking in recy-

    cling cost efficiencies at the design stage of new hardware, and (3) using a cost-

    benefit analysis of the first two stages to influence government policy on taxcredits and so on for undertaking such environmentally sustainable programs.

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has an Environmental

    Accounting Project that encourages business to understand the full spectrum of

    their environmental costs and integrate these costs into decision making.5

    5. See


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    There are often conflicts among the different cost categories. A study by

    CNW Marketing Research6 says that the total energy cost used in manufacturing,

    driving, and recycling a Hybrid Toyota Prius is higher than that of most conven-

    tionally powered vehicles. The two-year study (claimed to have been independ-

    ently funded) included factors such as the following:

    . How many years it took to develop the vehicles

    . How the material used was processed and how far these had to travel to

    get to manufacturing stage

    . How far auto workers traveled, and whether or not they used public


    . The energy used in manufacturing

    . The percentage of materials that can be effectively recycled

    . The percentage of labor produced by robots versus humans

    . Variable estimated lifetime of components

    . Cost of fuel used over an estimated lifetime of 100,000 miles

    . Expected parts that would need to be repaired

    This study showed that hybrid cars, while clearly using less fossil fuel to

    run, are environmentally more expensive to manufacture and to recycle than con-

    ventional cars (CNW Marketing [2007]). For example, the whole-of-life costs

    for a Hummer H3 was $1.94 per mile, while the Toyota Prius Hybrid was $3.25

    per mile. One of the least-cost cars in the study was the Jeep Wrangler (placed

    number three overall in terms of least cost) with $0.60 per mile and the highest-

    cost car was the Mercedes Benz Maybach with a cost of $11.58 per mile (de

    Fraga [2007]).Martin (2007) shows why the Toyota Prius has such a high whole-of-life

    cost associated with it in terms of carbon emissions:

    Let us consider, for example, the raw material costs of the special electric bat-

    tery required by the hybrid. The nickel for the battery for the Toyota Prius is

    mined in Sudbury, Ontario, and smelted at nearby Nickel Centre, just north

    of the provinces massive Georgian Bay. The smelter has a 1,250-foot-tall

    smokestack that is claimed to emit large quantities of sulfur dioxide to the sur-

    rounding area. Toyota buys about 1,000 tons of nickel from the facility each

    year, ships the nickel to Wales for refining, then to China, where its manufac-

    tured into nickel foam, and then onto Toyotas battery plant in Japan. That

    alone creates a globe-trotting trail of carbon emissions that from start to finish

    is estimated to travel more than 10,000 milesmostly by container ship, butalso by diesel locomotive. At the end of its life, the battery has to go back to

    Japan for recycling, again often traveling large distances and burning more

    CO2. (Martin [2007])

    6. See (accessed May 6 2007).


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    Due to such significant product-distance costs, it is claimed that to date none

    of the Prius batteries in Australia have been sent back to Japan for recycling (de

    Fraga [2007]). They will most likely go to landfills in Australia. This may be

    true of the United States as well.

    As expected, Toyota has challenged the CNW study, stating the energy

    ratios used in the study pertaining to the manufacture-driving-recycle life cycle

    of a car is quite different from other studies conducted by the Argonne National

    Laboratory and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The latter studies

    found that while hybrids require more energy to manufacture and recycle, 80 to

    85 percent of the energy is used in driving, where the hybrids have a clear

    advantage. The CNW study shows these percentages to be reversed (de Fraga

    [2007]), hence disadvantaging the hybrids. The problem with studies of this na-

    ture is that the complicated set of assumptions can greatly influence the outcome

    (as will individual driving patterns).7

    When undertaking a life-cycle costing exercise using carbon allowance costs,

    the issue of transaction costing versus opportunity costing needs to be recog-

    nized. Some studies may take an opportunity cost approach and determine that

    the freely allocated allowances are worth the same as purchased allowances.

    Other studies may take a more transactional environmental compliance

    approach and treat as a hard cost only the cost of purchased allowances over

    the year.

    As pointed out before in discussing CES accounting and assurance (see Ap-

    pendix A), many accreditation approaches in the environmental arena have dif-

    ferent measurement metrics. These measurement approaches also have a direct

    impact on carbon cost calculations. No study or approach can be considered de-finitive, but there is clearly a need for accurate carbon cost accounting using

    life-cycle costing techniques. This accounting should consider not only costs to

    bring a product or service to the point of sale, but also the carbon costs before

    and after the manufacture of the product or the performance of the service. Such

    costs are elaborated in Table 1.

    Australia provides another example of life-cycle carbon cost accounting. The

    power company, Origin Energy, began changing its environmental practices

    when it audited the life cycle of its products, from production to consumption, to

    discover it contributed about 30 million tones of carbon dioxide to the environ-

    ment (about 8 percent of Australias total emissions). Since undertaking the

    audit, Origin has invested $20 million in solar energy, spent an extra $500,000

    converting to sustainable power for its own use, and signed up 12 percent of its

    customers to a green-power alternative. The companys work is audited by

    7. In response to criticisms of its approach, CNW revised its methodological assumptions, espe-cially regarding the average driving miles of a Hummer H3 versus a Prius. This improved the Priusranking in 2008 ($2.19, ranked 139) compared with the H3 ($2.30, ranked 154), but a host of con-ventional cars, off-roaders, and crossover vehicles still outrank the Prius. The Maybach remains thehighest-cost car ($15.96, ranked 284).


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    accounting firm Ernst and Young, which uses the International Auditing and

    Assurance Standards Board framework, ISAE 3000 (Walters [2006]).

    Such examples show that companies that start managing for environmental

    efficiency will automatically cut costs and ultimately boost revenue by selling

    credits in the emissions trading markets. In fact, a view is developing in some

    businesses that a direct measurable correlation can be made between environ-

    mental efficiency and economic results. For example, Westpac, one of Austral-

    ias large banks, no longer sees carbon costing as an add-on but rather as being

    central to its operations. They claim that the reduction of emissions at the bank

    have significantly boosted its bottom line (Weekes [2007]).

    Life-cycle costing analyses, such the Toyota Prius example illustrated above,

    fall within the general area of SCM, a term first encountered in Gupta and Govin-

    darajan (1984). Since then, there has been numerous articles and books on SCM

    (see, Jones [1988]; Shank and Govindarajan [1989, 1992a, 1992b, 1993a, 1993b];

    Simons [1990]; Ratnatunga [1983, 1999]; Ewert and Ernst [1999]). Often, how-

    ever, the papers focus on only a few SCM techniques, such as lean accounting,

    life-cycle costing, target costing, back-flush costing, activity-based management,

    and customer profitability analysis. Despite the vast body of work in the area, and

    also the global concern that resulted in the Kyoto Protocol, no paper to date

    addresses SCM approaches in efficient carbon management. The research study

    reported in this paper, therefore, fills a significant and important gap in literature.

    To develop a comprehensive conceptual framework for the area of carbon

    management including a coding and classification system required for the quali-

    tative research study (detailed in Appendix B), the researchers relied on SCM

    documents of the Institute of Certified Management Accountants (ICMA) in Aus-tralia. This document was a primary basis of the respondents (ICMA members)

    at the thirty-one research symposiums to study this issue (see Appendix B for

    details of the study). A framework for capturing the summarized views resulting

    from the discussions at the symposiums is given in Table 2.

    2.2 Carbon Strategic Management Accounting

    Once product costs are known, the wider issues of strategic business

    accounting (comprising management accounting and business finance) need to be

    considered. The term SMA has been in the management accounting literature

    since Simmonds (1981) coined the term. However, similar terms such as mar-

    keting accounting (Ratnatunga [1983]); competitor accounting (Ratnatunga

    [1983]; Jones [1988] Guilding [1999];) and customer accounting (Simmonds

    [1986]; Guilding and McManus [2002]) have been used to describe similar prac-

    tices. These terms essentially describe practices that occur at the interface

    between accounting and other functional areas of business. All of these practices

    are geared essentially toward enhancing the competitive advantage of firms (Por-

    ter [1980, 1983]). Over the last twenty-five years, been numerous articles and

    books have been published on SMA (see Simmonds [1982]; Bromwich [1990];


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    TABLE 2

    Issues in Carbon Strategic Cost Management

    SCM Issue Carbon Management Impact

    Management Control


    Employee behavior modification to achieve carbon efficiency targets.

    Production Management Lean production techniques. More attention to the use of energy

    in machinery, less materials and time wastage. Just-in-time


    Employee Safety Ensuring that low energy work environments do not cause hazardous

    working conditions.

    Wages and Trade Union


    May demand more if comfort levels fall. More demands for the

    sharing of high carbon windfall profits.Total Quality Management Carbon efficiency seen as part of quality equation.

    Purchasing Management Production resources (components, labor, and overhead) sourced


    Cost Control Lean accounting. Significant attention paid to reduce carbon-emission

    costs. More use on back-flush costing methods.

    Make or Buy Decisions Consideration given to carbon emissions when considering


    Cost Classification Carbon costs classified into direct, indirect, fixed, and variable costs.

    Allocating Indirect Costs Variation of ABC by having consideration of carbon cost drivers

    to link emission indirect overhead to products and services.

    Life-Cycle Costing Amortization of design costs to make products more carbon friendly

    and worker training costs to reduce carbon emissions.

    Target Costing Redesigning products and services to meet carbon-emission targets.

    Benchmarking Comparing the KPIs of world-class performers in carbon efficiency.

    Customer ProfitabilityAnalysis

    Segmenting customers by profitability per carbon usage.

    Process Control and



    Evaluating the performance of organizational processes, including

    white-collar departments in terms of achieving carbon efficiency


    Efficiency or Productivity Consideration given not only to economic efficiency but also to

    carbon usage efficiency.

    Price Relationship or Re-


    Reductions in purchase prices considered via the sale of carbon

    efficiency credits.

    Overall Effectiveness The profitability of the bottom-line figure given in terms of both

    economic and environmental effectiveness.


    Adding Work

    All reworks, recoveries, errors, etc. considered to be avoidable

    carbon-emitting activities.

    Executive Information Sys-

    tems (EIS)

    The drill-down facilities to be extended to financial and nonfinancial

    carbon-emitting measures.

    Corporate Governance Accountability and transparency issues extended reporting on carbon

    management initiatives.

    Enforcement and


    Voluntary and mandatory enforcement of carbon-emission targets.

    The Strategic Audit Extended to cover the expected future carbon footprint of the

    organization due to its production, marketing, logistics, capital

    investment, and human resource management (HRM) practices.

    Corporate Reputation


    The evaluation of the organizations image and brand with regards to

    being a responsible carbon citizen of the world.


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    Wilson [1991]; Palmer [1992]; Ward [1992]; Morgan [1993]; Ratnatunga, Miller,

    Mudalige, and Sohal [1993]; Lord [1996]; Tomkins and Carr [1996]; Ratnatunga

    [1999]; Guilding, Cravens, and Tayles [2000]; Cravens and Guilding [2001]; Hoque

    [2002]; Roslender and Hart [2003]). Despite this consistent stream of literature in the

    area presenting different approaches to SMA, knowledge remains fragmented. Often,

    the papers focus on a few SMA techniques, such as supply-chain management, strate-

    gic pricing, and competitive position monitoring; and the extent of the use of such

    techniques in practice. In spite of the vast body of work in SMA and SCM, no paper

    to date addresses approaches to efficient carbon management despite the significant

    global concern regarding global warming. The research study reported in this paper,

    therefore, fills a significant and important gap in literature.

    Table 3 summarizes the impact of SMA on carbon-emissions management

    information systems resulting from the thirty-one research symposiums with

    ICMA members.

    The details provided in Table 3 show that carbon-emissions management cuts

    across a wide spectrum of strategic issues, ranging from overall objectives to mar-

    keting, new product development, pricing, international business, promotion, sup-

    ply chain management, finance, and risk management. Clearly an integrative

    approach, such as that suggested by Kaplan and Norton (2000), is required, with

    carbon thinking being an important part of the strategy focus of an organization.

    This carbon-focused thinking will require new tools and management practices if

    the accounting profession is to remain at the forefront of providing relevant infor-

    mation for decision making in this new economic paradigm of carbonomics.

    3. Conclusion

    The concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have risen dra-

    matically leading to an out-of-balance greenhouse effect that most scientists

    believe will continue to cause a rapid warming of the worlds climate. The possi-

    bility of costly disruption from rapid climate change, either globally or locally,

    calls for greater attention and precautionary measures to be put in place. Govern-

    ments, business entities, and consumers would be affected by the extent to which

    such precautionary measures are incorporated in their decision-making processes.

    Business entities especially need to consider issues such as trading in carbon

    allowances (or permits), investment in low-CO2 emission technologies, counting

    the costs of carbon regularity compliance, and passing on the increased cost of

    carbon regulation to consumers through higher prices. Consumers need to con-

    sider whether, given the choice, they are willing to pay a higher price for CO2-

    neutral products and services to play their part in reducing CO2 emissions.

    These decisions and their consequences will affect the accounting profession

    significantly, especially the business accounting areas of strategic cost manage-

    ment and strategic management accounting. Information from the strategic cost

    and management accounting systems will be particularly useful in this new


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    TABLE 3

    Issues in Strategic Management Accounting

    SMA Issue Carbon Management Impact

    Business Policy

    Primary Objective Sustainable value creation.

    Competitive Advantage Carbon efficiency seen as a marketing mix variable in product

    differentiation. An Efficient Carbon Management (ECM) focus is

    also taken in cost leadership strategies.

    Line of Business ECM seen as a potential line of business.

    Competition and Industry


    Adding a sixth force to Porters Five Forces Model: the impact on

    the Industry of Carbon regulation (Porter [1980, 1983]).

    Gap Analysis Strategies considered to close the gap between current emissionlevels and future emission targets.

    Environmental Externalities Considered internalities in product-market decision making and

    human resource management (HRM).

    Risk Management Consideration of the impact on cashflows and reputation of the company

    as a resultof thecarbonstrategy positioningof thecompany. Risk vs.

    Reward outcomes (e.g., cash flowat risk) should be considered.

    Human Resource Management

    Corporate Culture A carbon lifestyle culture from grassroots level upward. Low carbon

    footprint activities encouraged. Excellence sought in seeking

    continuous improvement in ECM.

    Empowerment Employees given resources and responsibility to participate in ECM

    in lowering the organizations carbon footprint.

    Marketing Strategy

    Products and Markets Carbon impact considerations considered systematically in allproduct-market strategies.

    Marketing Research Undertaken to determine the needs of customers in terms of

    participating in reducing carbon emissions and the incremental

    price they are willing to pay for this (carbon consciousness).

    Market Segmentation Separating customers geographically, demographically, and

    psychographically in terms of their carbon consciousness.

    Positioning Strategy Consideration of taking an active or passive positioning in

    terms of ECM as a source of competitive advantage.

    The Product Life Cycle (PLC) Consideration of the carbon footprint left by product throughout its

    life cycle, especially in the decline and obsolescence stages.

    Market Penetration Strategies Using carbon efficiency of existing products as an attribute to sell

    more to existing carbon conscious customers.

    Market Development Strategies Using carbon efficiency of existing products as an attribute to sell

    new carbon conscious customers in new segments.

    Product DevelopmentStrategies

    Incorporating carbon efficiency as an attribute in new product designs tokeep existing carbon conscious customers loyal to the brand.

    Diversification Strategies Leaving industries that have products and markets seen as high

    carbon emitting to new industries with better long-term carbon-

    sustainable prospects (includes investments in Joint Implementation

    [JI] and Clean Development Mechanisms [CDMs] under Kyoto).

    Experience Curves Organizations with high experience in ECM products and services

    should have lower costs.

    Budgeting for Marketing


    Budgets will incorporate ECM activities as potential revenues and

    cost savings. Carbon trading activities could be considered a

    separate line of business.



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    Product Marketing Strategies

    The Product Portfolio (BCG)


    Star products will have high market share and high market growth

    opportunities in industries with better long-term carbon sustainable


    New Product Development


    Designing products and services to meet carbon-emission targets and

    marketing them as such.

    Product Abandonment


    Product review teams to consider carbon footprint in addition to

    profitability targets.

    Inflation The passing on of mandatory carbon costs and taxes as higher prices

    to consumers will cause inflation.

    Packaging Consideration given to carbon footprint of packaging, in terms of

    functionalism, convenience, recyclability, and also image.After Sales Service The carbon emission in terms of materials, labor, and overhead of

    undertaking work due to meeting warranties and other after-sales

    services should be costed into the product.

    Pricing Strategy

    Pricing Analysis Carbon costs, carbon-related competitor activity, and the value of

    low-carbon-footprint products to carbon conscious customers

    should be considered in such analyses.

    Elasticity of Demand The impact on demand due to changes in prices if carbon costs are


    Skimming Selling to high carbon conscious customers willing to pay a price

    well above costs.

    Penetration Absorbing carbon costs of products and services sold to low carbon

    conscious customers to develop brand awareness. Productivity

    improvements can only be obtained either by lowering costs via

    ECM or changing customer carbon consciousness levels.

    International Business Strategy

    Exporting vs. International


    Carbon costs can be reduced via JI and CDM investments as per the

    Kyoto protocol.

    Price Differentials and

    Carbon Dumping

    Competing with countries that do not have carbon costs. Influencing

    government policy to impose countervailing carbon taxes.

    Hedging Policies Ensuring that carbon credits in the overseas country is not devalued

    in terms of the parent country carbon credit pricing.

    Promotional Strategy

    Promotional Pull Strategy

    (via Advertising etc.)

    An Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) approach should be

    taken to promote how the product or service is reducing carbon

    footprint, for example, via purchasing carbon offsets.

    Promotional Push Strategy

    (via Sales Force)

    Sales force budgets, targets, and incentive schemes geared toward

    extolling the attributes and pushing low carbon impact products.Traveling times on sales calls minimized to reduce carbon

    emissions. Biofuel cars used as sales vehicles.

    Sales Response Functions Response of sales volume to carbon-related promotions tracked.

    Media Selection Strategies Electronic media given higher priority to print media to reduce paper


    Supply Chain Strategies

    Product Distance Carbon emission measurements in terms of Product Distance. The

    longer the distance and the more players in the channels of

    distribution the higher is the carbon costs.

    TABLE 3 (Continued)


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    The Level of Service The Service-Cost Trade-off required to ensure that the right product

    gets to the right place at the right time should consider the carbon

    emissions required to provide this level of service.

    Distribution Cost Accounting Computation of carbon-related costs in order processing, warehous-

    ing, transportation, credit control, and inventory control.

    Transportation and Simplex


    The use of these models to reduce transportation time and resulting

    reduction in carbon emissions.

    Channel Control Consideration of the motivation, relationships, and conflict issues that

    arise when channels are asked to on-sell products and services

    using ECM approaches themselves.

    Channel Adaptability Consideration of the adaptability of channels to changes in product-

    market combinations as a result of reducing carbon footprint.Distribution Cost Control Using ratio analysis to ensure that, in addition to economic analysis,

    ECM in supply chain activities is also evaluated.

    Performance Evaluation

    Strategic Financial Structures


    Consideration if carbon-related investments should be financed via

    debt or equity. Ability to obtain shareholder and debt holder fund-

    ing at favorable rates due to the use of such financing in ECM


    Weighted Average Cost of

    Capital (WACC)

    If financing of carbon-related investments can be isolated, then calcu-

    lating an organizations carbon-related Cost of Equity and Debt to

    calculate its overall Carbon-WACC. The equity and debt market

    may value discount carbon intensive businesses (causing high

    financing costs) and place a value-premium on low carbon

    emitting businesses (causing low financing costs).

    Corporate Performance


    Return on Income (ROI) and Residual Income (EVA) used to

    evaluate not only economic performance but ECM performance. Ifcarbon-related revenues and costs can be isolated as a separate line

    of business, this will enhance the evaluation.

    Strategic Value Analysis Calculation of value enhancement (or diminution) due to strategies

    relating to carbon-related investments and operations.

    Valuing Strategic Investments Valuation premium given to investments in ECM, such as invest-

    ments in alternative energy assets and abatement activities. Exam-

    ples are wind, biomass, solar, geothermal, nuclear, and clean coal.

    Valuing Strategic Operations These include operational adjustments to incumbent assets, changes

    to energy prices, efficiencies in waste management, purchasing,

    and sale of carbon credits and carbon-related taxation.

    Free Cash Flows Net cash flows generated by carbon-related activities less investments

    in carbon-related noncurrent and current assets

    The Business Value The Net Present Value of expected future cash flows generated by

    strategic investments and operations in carbon-related business.

    The Balanced Scorecard Corporate Report Card to incorporate financial and nonfinancial KPIs

    with carbon focus. This could be in addition to, or incorporated

    with the customer, innovation, internal business processes, and

    financial focus.

    Economic Value Added (EVA) A charge against revenue is made for the cost of investments in

    carbon-efficient assets. A separate carbon-EVA can be calculated

    if carbon-related net-income, investments, and cost of capital can

    be isolated.

    TABLE 3 (Continued)


  • 7/27/2019 Carbon Business Accounting


    economy, termed carbonomics, brought on by global warming. New costing tech-

    niques need to be considered to evaluate the whole-of-life costs in terms of car-

    bon emissions relating to products and services. Similarly, new thinking will be

    required to provide strategic management accounting information for business

    policy, human resource management, marketing, new product development, pro-

    motional, pricing, international business, supply chain management strategies,

    and the resultant evaluation of performance evaluation.

    The new paradigm of carbonomics, and the return to localization due to

    place-distance carbon-emission costs (termed carbalization) will produce winners

    and losers in both the product and allowances markets, as well as in organiza-

    tions and countries. The cost management accounting profession must also reen-

    gineer itself to be a winner in this new economic paradigm.


    Measurement and Assurance Issues in Carbon Emissions Trading

    One of the mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol requires an emissions trading (known

    also as a cap-and-trade) scheme to be established in a country. It would work like this:

    companies are told how much CO2 they can emit (the cap). If they produce less than the

    cap, they have surplus credits for sale.8 If they emit more than their cap, they can buy

    credits from other businesses that come in under their cap (the trade). Trade takes place

    in an over-the-counter market, or via a carbon credit exchange trading market.

    One of the earliest such trading schemes is the European Union Emission Trading

    Scheme (EU ETS), which is the worlds largest multicountry cap-and-trade system. The

    EU has established a cap that limits emissions for its member states, each of which has

    been given a specific number of credits. The total amount of credits cannot exceed the

    cap, limiting total emissions to that level.

    For a cap-and-trade scheme to work, there must be an agreed mechanism for calcu-

    lating the quantum of CO2 either emitted by a source or sequestered in a biomass sink

    (see Ratnatunga [2007]).9

    The CES accounting mechanism must be sufficiently robust that

    the carbon trading market has confidence that the amount of carbon sequestered can be

    measured and considered to be equivalent in its impact on global warming potential to the

    CO2 released to the atmosphere from activities producing greenhouse gases. Confidence

    in the CES accounting system is fundamental to building confidence in use of CO2sequestration in a carbon trading market, thereby underpinning growth and investment in

    new carbon sequestration activity (Tandukar [2007]).10

    As can be appreciated, the detailed requirements for a CES accounting system are

    continually being developed by organizations such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Cli-mate Change (IPCC [2007]) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate

    8. Called Renewable Energy Credits (RECs).9. These measures are referred to as carbon emission and sequestration (CES) accounting.10. Tandukar (2007) states that forestry projects are the largest source of carbon offsets in Aus-

    tralia because Kyoto-compliant land (cleared before 1990) is plentiful, the science is available, andphotographs of trees are good for publicity.


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    Change (UNFCCC). Any CES accounting standard developed by a country or nongovern-

    mental organization will need to be consistent with the IPCC principles before carbon

    credits generated from carbon sinks can be used in an emissions-trading regime under the

    Kyoto Protocol.

    In addition to the numbers generated from CES accounting, there is the issue of

    assurance of the calculated numbers. Currently, similar to the situation regarding numer-

    ous CES accounting methodologies and approaches, the auditing and ranking of environ-

    mentally sustainable initiatives is in chaos with dozens of organizations offering assurance

    services, but none are being committed to a standardized methodology for auditing or

    reporting corporate effort in the carbon-emissions management area (see Walters [2006];

    Ratnatunga [2007]). This paper looks beyond these CES accounting and assurance issues

    and concerns, and considers the cost and managerial accounting issues that arise if and

    when an efficient carbon trading market is established in a country.


    Accounting for Carbon Trading: A Qualitative Research Study

    In the period from mid-2003 to early 2007, thirty-one research symposiums (one-day

    each) were undertaken in Australia (eight), Canada (four), India (one), China (one), Lebanon

    (two), the Philippines (one), Papua New Guinea (two), Indonesia (four), Sri Lanka (four),

    Malaysia (two), Singapore (one), and United Arab Emirates (one). Countries were chosen

    based on the location of an established branch of the Institute of Certified Management

    Accountants (ICMA). The participants were self-selectingthe symposiums were advertised

    only to members of the ICMA, and participants had to pay a fee for attending. In all, 638

    respondents at the levels of cost accountant, management accountant, business analyst, chief

    financial officer, and chief executive officer (or similar) participated in the study.11

    The literature review undertaken before the commencement of this research study,

    the coding and classification of the data, the data collection, and the discussion at the

    symposiums will now be addressed.

    B.1 Literature Review

    There is now a significant body of literature in the academic journals in the area of

    corporate social responsibility (CSR) (see Lantos [2001]; Matten and Crane [2005];

    Shank, Manulland, and Hill [2005]; Ratnatunga, Vincent, and Duvall [2005]; PJCCFS

    [2006]); sustainability reporting (see European Commission [2001]; Global Reporters

    [2004]; Amalric and Hauser [2005]; De Bakker, Groenewegen, and Den Hond [2005];

    KPMG [2005]; Ratnatunga, Vincent, and Duvall [2005]; Salzmann, Ionescu-Somers, Steger[2005]; GRI [2007]; DEH [2005]; CPA Australia [2005]; FEE [2006]; NIVRA [2007];

    Mock, Strohm, and Swartz [2007]); environmental accounting (Mathews [1997]; Adams

    [2004]); and links between CSR, environmental reporting, and financial performance

    11. Members of the ICMA (Australia) must have a degree in accounting, specialist training inmanagement accounting, and at least five-years relevant experience. A majority of members alsohave a masters in accounting or a masters of business administration.


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    (Preston and OBannon [1997]; Waddock and Graves [1997]; Orlitzky [2001, 2005];

    Orlitzky, Schmidt, and Rynes [2003]; Hopkins [2005]; Ratnatunga et al. [2005]; Shank,

    Manulland, and Hill. [2005]). Surprisingly, however, very little academic literature dealt

    specifically with the new information requirements in business organizations brought about

    by the Kyoto Protocol.

    Some reports from governmental (COAG [2006]; Stern [2006]; DPMC [2007];

    DEFRA [2007]; EC [2007]; IPCC [2007]; NSW Greenhouse Office [2007]) and nongo-

    vernmental organizations (NGOs) (such as IETA [2002]; IGCC [2006]; ISO [2006]; CCE

    [2007]; RGGI [2007]; World Business Council for Sustainable Development [2007]) deal

    with issues of carbon trading in general terms, but again, no academic research is refer-

    enced in these reports.

    Early academic work specifically on the impact of the Kyoto Protocol on accounting

    information and reporting systems was undertaken by Freedman and Jaggi (2005) in

    studying the accounting disclosures of the largest global public firms from polluting

    industries. A year later, Kundu (2006) looked at the financial aspects of carbon trading in

    a professional journal article. Since then little research had been published in academic or

    professional accounting journals until Callon (2008) discussed the many controversies

    regarding carbon trading schemes and related measurement schemes. Much of the limited

    recent academic literature, however, considered mainly the problems caused by environ-

    mental accounting issues on conventional accounting reporting (see also Cook [2008];

    Lohmanna [2008]). No literature available in the academic journals deals specifically with

    the impact of carbon trading on cost management and managerial accounting theory and

    practice, that is, on leading rather than lagging indicators.

    Undertaking an empirical-descriptive study of practices in the field is futile, because

    the area is so new and there are little (if any) practices to report. What is required, there-

    fore, is theory building research of a normative or prescriptive nature. Such theory build-

    ing research is just starting in financial accounting. This study looked instead at the costmanagement and management accounting area (referred to collectively as Business

    Accounting) by undertaking structured qualitative research study and canvassing the

    views of practitioners in the area. The literature pertaining to the areas of SCM and SMA

    are covered in the main text.

    B.2 Coding and Classification of Data

    Whilst quantitative studies emphasize the measurement and analysis of causal rela-

    tionships between variables, the word qualitative implies an emphasis on process and

    meanings that are not rigorously examined or measured in terms of quantity, amount, in-

    tensity, or frequency. Inquiry is purported to be within a value-free framework (see Den-

    zin and Lincoln [1994]). The relationships being looked for are not statistical, but

    descriptive. This requires one to view the data set from an experiential perspective from

    the beginning.The biggest obstacle in qualitative research is the coding and classification of data.

    As opposed to quantitative research, qualitative hypotheses and theories often emerge

    from the data set while the data collection is in progress and after data analysis started

    (Morse and Field [1995]).

    After the collection of the data, researchers usually have what is termed a scissor

    party to cut out the individual data bits and then begin the laborious task of scanning

    the data for categories of phenomena and for relationships among the categories (see


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    Goetz and LeCompte [1981]; Carney, Joiner, and Tragou [1997]). Strauss and Corbin

    (1998) also emphasize that theoretical categories are elaborated on during open and axial

    coding procedures. Many qualitative researchers have, therefore, to continually examine

    the collected data (which, in the case of this study, consisted of transcriptions of inter-

    views), for descriptions, patterns, and relationships between categories, and tack backward

    and forward between literature and data, which then leads to the development of a number

    of theoretical categories (Spiggle [1994]). In this process, the researchers involved with

    the study, independently develop categories, and then collectively look at each others

    individual category sets for some agreed order in the classification.

    This research study avoided this tacking back and forth aspect of the coding and classi-

    fication process by approaching the data collection in a very structured manner. This was

    done by using the classification framework provided in the syllabuses (theory) of the two

    Institute of Certified Management Accountants (ICMA) subjects covering the syllabuses of

    Strategic Cost Management (SCM) and Strategic Management Accounting (SMA). The

    reason for using this theoretical framework for coding and classification purposes (rather

    than allow the classifications to emerge from the data) is elaborated in the main text.

    B.3 Data Collection and Discussion at the Symposiums

    The tools and techniques of SCM and SMA as well as issues of global warming and

    carbon trading and the impact of these on the business accounting profession was the

    focus of discussion at the symposiums. The theory of SCM and SMA were first discussed

    in the seminars, and then the carbon-related issues were addressed and participant views

    canvassed. Although the discussion of issues was free flowing, the researchers guided the

    discussion to the carbon-emissions area. In the seminars there were always at least two

    researchers who were involved in the project present, and the main consensus of the dis-

    cussion was agreed by the researchers and the seminar participants and then summarizedand captured and classified electronically at the seminar. The key points extracted from

    the symposiums are presented in Tables 2 and 3. Whilst not all issues listed in the Tables

    were discussed at every seminar, every issue was discussed in at a minimum of three of

    the thirty-one seminars conducted. Some key issuesespecially those relating to the

    impact of carbon-emissions management on lean manufacturing, life-cycle costing, mar-

    keting communication, and cost of capitalwere discussed in almost all seminars.


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