Car Maintenance and Service



Car maintenance is necessary to increase the life expectancy of the vehicle. Get more information from Mike at Auto Air and Electric in Phoenix –

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Car Maintenance and Service

One of the most expensive and the most complex components to repair of

a vehicle is the automatic transmission system. Vehicle transmission

maintenance requires a lot of hard work to get it repaired. An important

part of the transmission system is the transmission fluid as it transfers the

hydraulic pressure for shifting of gears, lubricates the moving parts and

helps in cooling down the transmission. Over the period of time, the

transmission fluid deteriorates. Hence, it is important to check and keep it

clean from time to time.

One needs to regularly check his parking space for any leaks or oil spills. If

there are any leaks, it should be fixed within time to avoid major problems.

The transmission fluid level and condition should be checked once in a

while for this purpose. Also, only that quality of oil should be used which is

mentioned in the user manual. Some of the transmission problems can be

avoided by maintaining proper driving skills, such as shifting to reverse or

parking mode only when the vehicle has come to a complete halt avoiding

shifting to parking mode at high speeds. Get more information from Mike

at Auto Air and Electric in Phoenix –

Most of the problems of transmission are results of overheating. The

transmission overheats due heavy load on the vehicle such as towing other

heavy vehicle, continuous start and stop, racing or hot weather. This results

in the oxidization of transmission oil which causes loss of lubricating

qualities. Hence, the vehicle should be checked regularly for overheated

transmission. Overheating can also occur due improper design, lack of

maintenance or faulty parts. These things should be checked from time to

time and maintained properly.

Car maintenance is necessary to increase the life expectancy of the vehicle.

If the transmission system is very well maintained, it can fetch good money

at resale. Hence, any problem in the vehicle should be immediately

reported to the mechanic to avoid any major problem. Besides, it can be

very useful in maintaining a clean environment free from any pollution.

Transmission parts should be replaced with the branded products only. This

can help in avoiding accidents due to failure of parts.
