Cancer Project Final



Class 597A Cancer GeneticsPrimary Tumor Electrospun materials

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A Novel Therapeutic Approach to Acral Lentiginous Melanoma

Karen Melendez, Jorge Vargas, Silas Chan, Muska Hassan, Alex Wesselhoeft

A Brief History: Karen Melendez

Acral lentignous melanoma (ALM) was first reported in 1976 by Reed (Park and Cho,

200) and is one of 4 subtypes of melanomas that develop from radically modified behavior of

melanocyte cells. It accounts for approximately 1-3% of all melanoma cases and is primarily

diagnosed in Asian, Black and Hispanic populations on non-hair bearing skin such as the palms,

soles, finger and toe nails. Due to its rarity, ALM can be difficult to diagnose in early stages.

Although it is a cutaneous melanoma, it is not associated with abnormal molar growth. Rather,

ALM typically exhibits discoloration in nail beds and on the soles of feet, increasing the odds of

misdiagnosis and affecting good prognosis (Park and Cho, 2010).

Historically, ALM has been considered the most aggressive form of melanoma, however

studies linked the lack of awareness to late diagnosis in situ, leading to its poor prognosis (Park

and Cho, 2010). ALM, like other melanomas, needs to be confirmed and treated through a

combination of approaches, including biopsy, histopathology, immunohistochemistry and

dermascopy. Excision and amputation are the most common forms of treatment, however, local

recurrence can occur, particularly in excisional biopsies and nail extraction methods. Amputation

is an extreme approach, thus developing a method to attack the tumor locally without altering the

external physiology of a patient and preventing the tumor from metastasizing is ideal.

Unlike Superficial spreading melanoma (SSM), Nodular melanoma (NM) and

Lentigomaligna melanoma (LMM), ALM is not associated with sun exposure and damage;

however, all melanomas exhibit altered levels of melanogenesis. In SSM, NM and LMM,

melanogenesis rates are much higher in Caucasians than normal, whereas melanogensis in ALM

patients is lower.

Based on data presented by Porcia T. Bradford et al. in their 2009 article, Acral

Lentiginous Melanoma: Incidence and Survival Patterns in the United States, 1986-2005, data

suggests inhibited melanogenesis is linked to ethnology. This presents a challenge in developing

overall melanoma treatments if ethnology is related to decreased melanogenesis in ALM because

genes can have different mutation rates depending on the patient’s race. In Cancer Genes in

Lung Cancer: Racial Disparities: Are There Any by Ahmed El-Telbany and Patrick Ma, they

point out that “these genomic landscape differences in the context of racial disparities should be

emphasized both in tumorigenesis and in drug sensitivity/resistance.” Darkly pigmented skin is a

result of skin pigmentation genes and the production of eumelanin which is responsible for UV

attenuation in darker pigmented individuals. Eumelanin production is induced by MITF, one of

several genes that have high mutation rates in melanoma patients.

In addition to MITF, CDKN2A, CDK4, MC1R, EGFR, MET, ERBB4, various Eph

receptors, GRM3, GRIN2A , RAS, GNAQ, BRAF, KIT and MEK are important in melanocyte

development and high frequency of mutations in these genes has been noted in melanomas. Loss

of MITF function has detrimental effects on melanin production and the number of melanocytes

(Uong and Zon, 2010) and frequently is overexpressed in melanomas (Garraway et al., 2005).

MITF is upregulated and induced by increases from CREB in cAMP’s response to MC1R

binding to α-MSH (Garcia-Borron et al., 2005). cKIT is a type III receptor tyrosine kinase

associated with pigmentation, and mutations in KIT affect the development, migration and

survival of meloncytes (Uong and Zon, 2010). 36% of ALMs have amplified or mutated cKIT

loci (Tsao et al., 2012). Snail/Slug, Sox 10 and endothelins are all important factors in early

development of melanocytes from the neural crest that are responsible for protein binding. Lack

of certain endothelian proteins, such as endothelin B-receptor can result in melanocytes not

developing and mutations in protein receptors and their corresponding ligands are also common

in melanomas (Uong and Zon, 2010).

With an overwhelming possibility of pathways and genes to target, it is essential to take a

deeper look at the genetic pathways involved to design a treatment plan.

Genetic Systems: Jorge Vargas

Acral lentiginous melanoma does not discriminate, as it is able to mutate many genes to

bring about its malignancy. These mutations, however, almost always occur at some point in the

cKIT/CREB signaling pathway. The cKIT/CREB pathway plays a pivotal role in cell growth and

proliferation. Activation of this pathway results in gene activation involved with the

accumulation of CDK4/Cyclin D1 complex (Swick et al., 2012). When this complex is present,

the cell can progress through stages of proliferation. Previous attempts at an effective treatment

have been insufficient in part because current drugs can only inhibit one protein at a time, and

cancer cells can easily develop resistance by becoming too variable in the mutations they accrue.

Tumor cells often mutate other elements of the cKIT/CREB pathway to overcome the drugs

inhibiting them. For this reason, multiple proteins in this pathway have been targets for research

and experimentation, and eventually for therapy.

Such research to identify these proteins was carried out by the Comprehensive Cancer

Center, which collected 102 samples of primary melanomas, twenty-eight of those samples being

acral skin with ALM, and evaluated them for mutations or increased copy number of the cKIT

receptor. After undergoing PCR and immunohistochemistry, samples with affected cKIT

pathways were identified. Aberrations of cKIT were found in 36% of acral samples. The results

brought more attention to cKIT as it was confirmed as an oncogene for ALM. Interestingly,

mutations in BRAF were also found in 21% of samples. “These melanoma types only

infrequently show mutations in BRAF” (Curtin et al., 2006). Because of these results, however,

BRAF easily would stay a suspect to the origin of abnormalities.

In 2006, twenty-one samples of ALM were studied to calculate frequencies of BRAF and

NRAS mutations. These mutations were identified through RFLP-PCR. BRAF mutations at

exon 15 were found in 9.5% of samples. This was no surprise, seeing that abnormalities in

BRAF were expected to be low. Mutations in NRAS at exon 2 were found in 42.9% of samples.

Both of these genes are part of the cKIT pathway (Saldanha et al., 2006).

In Spain seventeen samples of skin with ALM were collected from Spanish patients. The

purpose of the experiment was to search the genomes in the affected DNA via PCR and identify

the oncogene. The results shed light on which genes are mutated in the cancer, showing that

AURKA, TERT, and NRAS genes are susceptible to mutations. The percentages of the samples

with these mutations were 37.5, 31.2, and 25, respectively. There were no mutations at BRAF

(Puig-Butille et al., 2013). “Although, BRAF mutations are highly prevalent (59%) in

melanomas occurring on skin without signs of chronic sun-induced damage (non-CSD

melanomas), BRAF mutations occur significantly less frequent in melanomas on sun-protected

skin such as the palms, soles, or subungual sites (acral melanomas), and on mucosal membranes

(mucosal melanomas)” (Curtin et al., 2006). The results have given this idea supports. BRAF,

however, should not be written off as unrelated and insignificant. Previous experiments have

proven that BRAF is as much of a target as the other proteins involved.

Essentially, almost all of the proteins under scrutiny for targeted therapy have the

common characteristic of being involved in the cKIT/CREB pathway. Because of the research

that has been carried out, it is known that ALM targets the cKIT pathway. BRAF and NRAS

have been reported as proteins susceptible to mutation, which further indicates that treatment

with a single target may not be enough. One would need a treatment that would inhibit the entire

pathway. If this were accomplished, upstream mutations could be controlled for, resulting in a

more effective therapy less prone to resistance.

Current Treatments: Muska Hassan

There are multiple therapies that a patient is given when diagnosed with cancer, such as

chemotherapy, angiogenesis inhibitor and biochemotherapy, and palliative local therapy.

Chemotherapy ideally slows or stops the growth of cancer cells. Biochemotherapy uses

immunotherapy in conjunction with chemotherapy to shrink tumors more effectively than single

agent or combination therapy. However, there is little evidence that this therapy is more effective

at extending overall survival than single agent chemotherapy, combination therapy, or single

agent immunotherapy (Ives et al., 2007).

Melanomas that have not escaped the upper layer of the skin can be surgically removed.

However, surgery comes along with some restrictions. The primary lesion can only be surgically

removed if it is 2 mm or less in thickness (Veronesi and Cascinelli, 1991). A patient whose

melanoma is more than 2 mm but less than 4 mm in thickness is considered for “sentinel lymph

node biopsy followed by complete lymph node dissection if the sentinel lymph nodes are

microscopically or macroscopically positive” (National Cancer Institute, 2012). Patients with a

lesion larger than 4 mm in thickness are considered for adjuvant therapy. In this therapy, patients

are given additional treatment after the primary treatment to lower their risk of being diagnosed

with cancer again. These treatments may include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormone

therapy, targeted therapy, or biological therapy (National Cancer Institute). Treating ALM with

surgery can be very challenging due to functional requirements of these body parts. Therefore,

alternative to surgery is amputation because of the poor prognosis due to a delay in diagnosis of

this disease. This is because not many people are aware of this cancer type when it first occurs

(Franke et al., 2000; Bennett et al, 1994). Despite this radical surgical approach, cancer

recurrence has been recorded in some cases.

Although advances have been made in cancer therapies, the majority of patients are not

cured. This is mainly because ALM often harbors multiple mutations in the cKIT/CREB

pathway such as cKIT, BRAF/MEK, P13K, AKT, CDK4, NRAS and Cyclin D1. To inhibit these

mutated proteins from continuously signaling the cell to proliferate, signal transduction inhibitors

have been designed. These drugs include:

Vemurafenib: BRAF inhibitor for patients with BRAFV600E melanomas (Sosman et al.,

2012). BRAF is a member of the RAF kinase family and it regulates the MAP kinase/ERKs

signaling pathway. This pathway leads to cell division, differentiation, and secretion. Due to the

complexity of this pathway, vemurafenib is discouraged in some mutations because it may

reduce BRAF activity in MAPK pathway but may adapt different characterization that may

activate CRAF, which then signals ERK for reactivation of the MAPK pathway (Heidorn et al.,


Sorafenib: Multi-kinase inhibitor works against both the vascular endothelial growth

factor signaling and the RAF/MEK pathway at the level of RAF kinase. This drug has not been

successful because it has shown minimal activity in being a RAF kinase inhibitor and no

improvement over chemotherapy alone as either first line treatment or second line treatment

(Hauschild et al., 2009).

CHIR-265 is a potential selective inhibitor of CRAF and mutant BRAF that inhibits cell

proliferation and survival of cancer cell lines with NRAS/RAF pathway mutations. This drug is

currently in phase I clinical trials (Amiri et al, 2006).

NVP-BEZ235 is an imidazo[4,5-c]quinoline derivative that inhibits PI3K and mTOR

kinase activity by binding to the ATP-binding cleft of these enzymes. This drug is currently in

phase I clinical trials (Maira et al., 2008).

PD0325901 is an orally bioavailable, synthetic organic molecule targeting mitogen-

activated protein kinase (MAPK/ERK kinase or MEK) with potential antineoplastic activity.

This drug is currently in phase II clinical trials (Henderson et al., 2010).

PD0332991 is an orally active, highly selective inhibitor of the cyclin D kinases CDK4

and CDK6 with ability to block retinoblastoma (Rb) phosphorylation in the low nanomolar

range. This drug is currently in phase I clinical trials (Pfizer Clinical Trials, 2013).

PI3K pathway is frequently mutated in human tumors, promoting cell proliferation,

survival, and resistance to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. There are several PI3K inhibitors that

are still in clinical trials and they include:

A. SF1126 is a phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitor and mammalian target of

rapamycin (mTOR). This drug is currently in clinical I trial (Pfizer Clinical Trials, 2013)

B. BKM120 specifically inhibits class I PI3K in the P13K/AKT kinase-signaling pathway

in an ATP-competitive manner, thereby inhibiting activation of the PI3K signaling

pathway (Pfizer Clinical Trials, 2013)

C. CAL-101 is an orally bioavailable, small molecule inhibitor of the delta isoform of the

PI3K with potential immunomodulating and antineoplastic activities. This drug is

currently in phase II clinical trials (Pfizer Clinical Trials, 2013).

D. SAR245408 (XL147) is an orally available inhibitor of PI3K pathway. This drug is

currently in phase I clinical trials (Pfizer Clinical Trials, 2013).

E. PI3K inhibitor PX-866 inhibits the production of the secondary messenger

phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate (PIP3) and activation of the PI3K/Akt signaling

pathway. This drug is currently in phase I clinical trials (Pfizer Clinical Trials, 2013).

A New Treatment; Proposed Target: Alex Wesselhoeft

The proposed target for an alternate therapy to be used in the treatment of ALM is the

transcription factor CREB. Also known as cAMP response element-binding protein, CREB binds

to DNA sequences to modulate the transcription of a number of genes including c-fos,

neurotrophin BDNF, tyrosine hydroxylase and a number of neuropeptides. Transcription of these

genes increases CDK4/Cyclin D1 complex formation. (Impey et al., 2004).

As previously discussed, a large percentage of melanomas occur due to a number of

possible mutations in the CREB pathway. The most common of these mutations occur in cKIT,

BRAF, NRAS, and several others, all of which are intermediate steps of the CREB pathway

(Swick et al., 2012). These mutations are often activating, drastically increasing downstream

CREB activity and expression (Xiao et al., 2010). Increased CREB activity leads to increased

and uncontrolled cell proliferation, one of the hallmarks of cancer, via excess CDK4/Cyclin D1

complex activity (Swick et al., 2012). While small molecule inhibitors of the listed mutated

factors have achieved some clinical success, drug resistance, especially in BRAF mutant

melanomas, is a common and inherent flaw in most, if not all, modern ALM chemotherapies

(Thakur et al., 2013).

To bypass the problem of drug resistance, we propose to inhibit CREB, the downstream

target of melanoma’s most commonly mutated signaling pathway. A molecule that inhibits the

eventual target of commonly mutated proteins like cKIT, BRAF, and NRAS is a molecule that

inhibits all of the intermediates in the CREB pathway; the ultimate combination therapy. By

selecting CREB as the target of inhibition, the problem of drug resistance in pathways involving

cKIT, BRAF, and NRAS mutations may be overcome. In addition, efficacy of CREB pathway

inhibition may be increased, as direct inhibition of a transcription factor is more effective than

indirect inhibition via intermediate proteins.

Inhibition of CREB transcription factors leads to a decrease in cell proliferation by

reducing CDK4/Cyclin D1 transcripts. (Swick et al., 2012). Inhibition of CREB also leads to

apoptosis of affected cells via a number of mechanisms, notably absence of a transcription

product of CREB, microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (MITF). MITF is vital for the

expression of B-cell lymphoma 2 (BCL2), an anti-apoptotic regulatory protein. Overexpression

of BCL2 leads to immortality of the cancer cell, while reduction of BCL2 induces apoptosis via

caspase cascade (Mavromatis et al., 2004). By this mechanism, destruction of cancer cells using

CREB inhibitors can be achieved.

CREB inhibition may also lead to unwanted side effects. Due to the nature of CREB as a

vital transcription factor, off-target cell deaths may be unavoidable. However, since most current

melanoma therapies already act to inhibit CREB indirectly by binding to proteins such as cKIT,

BRAF, and NRAS, a point of balance in therapy concentration can likely be reached whereby the

therapy destroys tumor cells while sparing normal cells. The mechanisms for specifically

targeting tumor cells, and methods of CREB inhibition, are discussed in the following section.

Methods of Inhibition and Targeting: Alex Wesselhoeft, Silas Chan

The simplest method of inhibiting an intracellular protein is using a small or large

molecule to directly bind to the active site of the target. In this case, the molecule to be used

would need to bind selectively to CREB’s DNA binding domain, known as the cAMP response

element. The sequence of the cAMP response element is known: 5’ – TTGACGTCA – 3’

(Schumacher et al., 2000). It thus becomes a simple task to inhibit CREB – binding a free cAMP

response element (so that its binding does not lead to gene transcription) to CREB would

effectively halt CREB’s activity through competitive inhibition.

Several molecular possibilities exist for competitively inhibiting CREB; these

possibilities include small molecules, proteinaceous large molecules, and DNA aptamers. DNA

aptamers – small single stands of DNA that selectively bind to a target molecule – are perhaps

the most promising (Zhu et al., 2012). Aptamers have been used to bind to several targets in

cancer therapies, including vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), a signaling protein

involved in angiogenesis that is upregulated in many tumors. These aptamers have been found to

exhibit no immunogenicity (Ng et al., 2006). In addition, they can be engineered to selectively

bind with high affinity to a target molecule. (Yangyuoru et al., 2012). Due to their properties of

low immunogenicity and potential for high selectivity and affinity in binding, aptamers are well-

suited for a CREB-inhibition model of cancer therapy.

In most cases, aptamers are screened through a process dubbed SELEX, whereby target

molecules are washed in fragments of DNA and binding is retroactively determined (Ulrich et

al., 2006). This process is used when binding targets for aptamers are unknown because of the

complexity of binding interactions. However, an easily recognizable aptamer binding site is

present in CREB due to the known binding sequence of its DNA binding domain, cAMP

response element. An aptamer with a sequence analogous to the cAMP response element may be

able to bind to the DNA binding domain of CREB, thus inhibiting excessive transcription and

removing the need for SELEX-based aptamer selection.

Because CREB remains in the nucleus regardless of activation state, it is important that a

cAMP response element aptamer be localized to the nucleus where it can bind to and inhibit the

activity of CREB. In order to accomplish this, a nuclear localization sequence, such as the

PKKKRKV amino acid sequence found in the SV40 virus (Kalderon et al., 1984), may be

covalently bonded to the aptamer (Bremner et al., 2003; Hebert, 2003). These localization

sequences guide proteins (or in this case, DNA molecules) into the nucleus by binding to

importins, which then ferry the molecules through nuclear porins (Newmeyer et al., 1988). Due

to nuclease degradation and small molecular weight, aptamers are cleared from the body

relatively quickly; however, conjugation to molecules such as polyethylene glycol significantly

increase half-life (Binkowski et al., 2005). It stands to reason that conjugation of a nuclear

localization signal to an aptamer would also increase its half-life, thus increasing the potency of

the therapy and retention of the therapy by cancerous cells.

Entry into the cell is required before a nuclear localization sequence-bound aptamer can

be transported to the nucleus to inhibit CREB. Nanospheres, which have been found to be

efficient and capable of diffusing and passing through blood vessels to target deep tissue (Conti

et al., 2006), present a unique opportunity for aptamer/protein conjugate transport into the

cytosol of cancerous cells. Dendritic polymers (tree-shaped molecules, also known as dendrons)

can be used to create globular nanoparticles encapsulating a molecule such as an aptamer for

transport and timed release (She et al., 2013). Dendrons self-assemble into spherical particles

that are more efficient at transporting conjugated material into cells than non-assembled

dendrons (Bernard et al., 2011). As the dendrons assemble, conjugated molecules become

encapsulated within the nanospheres, which degrade over time and release their contents.

PEGylation (conjugation of polyethylene glycol to another molecule) of the nanosphere surface

increases water solubility and masks the nanoparticles from the immune system, thus reducing

immunogenicity while simultaneously increasing survival of the therapy (Veronese et al., 2005).

PEGylation of one tail of a dendron via click reactions in addition to conjugation of a nuclear

localization sequence-bound aptamer to another tail of the dendron via hydrazone bonding could

yield soluble non-immunogenic nanospheres encapsulating a CREB-inhibition therapy.

Several cancer-specific targeting mechanisms exist inherently in the described methods

of aptamer delivery. Nanoparticles formed with dendritic polymers degrade at higher rates in

acidic conditions, increasing therapy release. Acidic environments are often found in tissues

surrounding tumor cells (Robey, 2012), and melanoma is no exception (Bellone et al., 2013).

Because of this, therapy concentrations will be larger at tumor sites even when nanoparticles are

administered systemically.

The EPR effect (enhanced permeability and retention) basic to all cancers ensures that

tumor cells will obtain and retain more nanoparticles, and thus more therapy, than non-cancerous

cells (Maeda, 2012). The EPR effect states that cancerous cells accumulate macromolecules

faster than normal cells. Tumors must build their own blood supplies, which display abnormally

wide fenestrations that allow macromolecules to pass at will. In addition, lymphatic drainage

systems are not in place for efficient removal of material from the tumor environment

(Matsumara et al., 1986). Indeed, it has been found that the EPR effect efficiently targets

therapies to cancer cells when using only nanospheres conjugated with doxorubicin with no

visible toxicity (She et al., 2013). Because the proposed therapy utilizes a macromolecular

(aptamer/nuclear localization signal) inhibitor of CREB in addition to delivery using

nanoparticles, the EPR effect will be doubly active.

Several proteins populate the CREB family. In addition to eight CREB subtypes, non-

related proteins such as CREM and ATF-1 are also able to bind to the cAMP response element,

and thus may be inhibited by a cAMP response element aptamer (Meyer et al., 1992). This

phenomenon allows for concentration-based targeting; with CREB increased in both activity and

number in only cancerous cells, the relative chance for an introduced aptamer to bind to CREB

instead of another nuclear protein increases greatly. And due to the prevalence of non-CREB

aptamer binding targets in normal cells, the likelihood of apoptosis due to CREB inhibition

decreases greatly.

Finally, a possible method that could be used to enhance targeting in cancers wherein

mutated membrane receptors exist and are known is the modulation of nanosphere surface

polymers. Polymers that bind to commonly mutated receptors such as cKIT could be conjugated

with dendrons with a method similar to PEGylation. Dasatinib, a tyrosine kinase receptor

inhibitor, is one such candidate (Das et al., 2006).

While these mechanisms for specifically targeting cancerous cells are likely to reduce

off-target effects, they may not be adequate. Indeed, direct inhibition of CREB could lead to side

effects typical of most chemotherapies such as hair loss, fatigue, and nausea, all due to the

cytotoxic effects of the therapy (Love et al., 1989). In order to decrease potential side effects, the

nanoparticle-encapsulated aptamers can be incorporated into electrospun fibers.

Electrospun fibers are materials woven from a mix of polymers, with different solutions

used to hold the nanoparticle materials to deliver anticancer therapies (Huang et al., 2012). The

electrospun materials can be designed to contain a lipid-soluble solution to allow for easy

binding of the nanoparticles, which utilize a lipid-soluble coating to deliver the anticancer

therapies. This lipid solubility will allow the nanoparticles to diffuse deep into tissues while

bypassing the vasculature. These fibers are crucial to the delivery of the therapy, since they can

be modified in a way that will allow the therapy to be released at a consistent rate over an

extended period of time. Consistent low-dose release of therapy will result in an even greater

EPR effect, as normal cells will be able to balance the influx of therapy with the outflux of

therapy, while cancerous cells will be unable to remove therapy from their cytosol due to lack of

lymph vessels. Over time, CREB inhibition will remain constant in normal cells, and will rise in

cancerous cells, eventually leading to apoptosis.

In addition, these fibers can be biodegradable. The biodegradable aspect of electrospun

fibers allows for the possibility of implantation of the fibers into internal tissues without need for

eventual removal. The gradual, natural decomposition of the fibers makes it an ideal method for

delivery of the therapy at the site of tumor development. These fibers, once coated with therapy,

can be implanted into the site of the malignant melanoma. Once implanted in the site, gradual

release of the drugs will occur due to the decomposition of the fibers. In addition, they can also

be applied topically to the surface of the visible melanoma. In this case, it is not necessary to use

biodegradable nanofibers, since topical application results in ease of removal. The therapy would

be delivered to the site of ALM directly.

The protocol designed by Karthikeyan et al. yielded uniform concentrations of

nanoparticles attached to electrospun nanofibers. Because of this, this protocol can be utilized in

the processing and formation of electrospun nanofibers for this treatment. That means a solution

of aceclofenac/zein and pantoprazole/eudragit S 100, polymer solution, were combined in a 1:5

ratio to prepare for electrospinning. These can then be placed in 5 ml syringes and fed out at a

rate of 1ml/h, while applying 25kV to the needle to start the propulsion. The polymer will then

be collected on aluminum foil and dried (Karthikeyan et al., 2012). In our case, the same

polymer solution will be utilized (zein and eudragit). Based on Karthikeyan’s results, consistent

release of aceclofenac and pantoprazole was measured, in addition to the uniformity of the

nanofibers. Using this method, the aptamer can first be encapsulated by nanoparticles and then

merged with composite nanofibers to undergo electrospinning. Thus, a patch of nanofibers can

be formed, while keeping the therapy intact.

Measuring Treatment Efficacy: Silas Chan, Alex Wesselhoeft

Several methods exist for measuring the efficacy of cancer treatments. A visual

examination of the tumor site is often the first measure of effect. This is especially possible in

melanomas, and often more so in ALM due to the location and drastic phenotypic shifts from

normal skin that tumors display. Decrease or maintenance of tumor size can be physically

measured by length and width. Assessment of all volar areas will also be necessary, since ALMs

are aggressive and can spread quickly.

Biopsies of tumor tissue and surrounding apparently healthy tissue can be obtained to

observe progress of the cancer and invasion of surrounding tissues, in addition to changes in

depth of the tumor. Tissue samples can be observed under a microscope to detect changes in

tumor cell morphology that might suggest metastasis, such as mobility or lack of adhesive

characteristics (Weeraratna et al., 2002).

Tissue samples from the localized tumor and surrounding cells can be used to determine

gene and protein expression using western blot and mRNA quantification techniques. Because

CREB is more plentiful in most ALMs, CREB mRNA will also be more plentiful. Measuring

quantity of CREB mRNA can therefore determine whether or not the inhibition of CREB by the

aptamer is successful. CREB mRNA levels can also be used to determine the need for an

increase in therapy quantity and concentration.

To more accurately determine the efficacy of a CREB-binding aptamer and the

nanoparticle/electrospun fiber targeting methods, protein and mRNA levels of CREB

transcription products, such as CDK4 and Cyclin D1, can also be measured via western blot or

mRNA quantification. A relative decrease of these proteins or mRNAs in comparison to normal

cells would indicate a successful treatment.

Analysis of cell necrosis and apoptosis can be achieved using flow cytometry

(Darzynkiewicz et al., 1997). Rates of death in both healthy and cancerous cells should be

measured in order to both detect the occurrence of off-target effects of CREB inhibition, and

measure the efficacy of the aptamer in forcing apoptosis in cancerous cells. Outcomes of these

measurements can determine the need for a different concentration of therapy and the success or

failure of the therapy.

Progress can be updated on a weekly or monthly basis depending on the initial observed

rate of change in tumor size (National Cancer Institute, 2010).

Quantitative Analysis of Treatment Concentration: Jorge Vargas, Alex Wesselhoeft

The proper concentrations of the drug will be figured first in vitro with ALM cells. This

will be done through a MTT assay using WST dye to quantify cellular metabolism rates, and

thus rates of cellular proliferation and numbers of viable cells. A cell experiences oxidation and

reduction throughout its life cycle. Proliferating cells with high enzymatic activities would turn

the dye to a dark color while inactive cells remain clear (Berridge et al., 2005). Therapy can be

added to ALM cultures and reduction in metabolism/proliferation (reflected in changes in dye

color) can be observed. Once the dye is the same shade as control non-cancerous cells tested

using the same method, an inhibitory concentration has been achieved. A toxic concentration of

therapy can also be measured with the same assay, instead determining the concentration of

therapy that shows no color change. Control assays can be present in the form of non-cancerous

epithelial cells. Required tissue concentrations for inhibition ranging from 0.5µg/mL to

250µg/mL can be expected, as most common chemotherapies fall into this broad range (Haouala

et al. 2009). Normal epithelial cells would be bathed in the ideal concentrations of therapy

yielded by ALM culture assays in order to determine off-target toxicity. However, since the EPR

effect is mostly responsible for the targeting of the proposed therapy to tumor cells, a combined

assay would be more informative; recreating a tumor embedded within normal epithelial tissue to

observe the relative effects of therapy administration would better approximate actual desired


Time of inhibition/toxicity is also an important factor to consider when using

nanospheres. Timed release can be measured by placing aptamer-nanoparticle conjugates in an

aptamer-free media of varying acidity. Aptamer concentration in the media after varying times

can be assessed via spectrophotometry (Zhang et al., 2010). The determined rate of therapy

release from the nanospheres will approximate the efficacy of nanospheres in maintaining a

cyotoxic or cytostatic concentration in tumor cells, and exhibit the need for higher or lower

concentrations of therapy. Variety in acidity of media will provide a good relative comparison of

tumor and non-tumor environment release rates.

Once we have figured the concentrations that cause inhibition or toxicity of ALM cells in

vitro, progression to in vivo testing in mice would be the next necessary step. Therapy can be

tested in both systemic and electrospun fiber-localized applications. In both cases, systemic drug

concentrations can be measured by taking blood samples and tissue samples in animal models

introduced to a carcinogen such as DMBA to spur ALM formation (Miyata et al., 2001). In

human models, elastic-scattering spectroscopy (ESS) can be used to determine therapy

concentrations without an invasive procedure (Mourant et al., 1999). Calibration curves

measuring tissue/blood concentration against administration of varying quantities of therapy can

show ideal levels of therapy administration needed to the achieve tissue accumulation levels

deemed to be necessary with the MTT assay previously described (Haouala et al., 2009).

Excretion rates of therapy can be measured by isolating aptamer sequences from urine, and used

for discerning the possible rate of off-target cytotoxicity (Brody et al., 2000). Finally, toxicity of

therapy concentrations to normal cells in vivo will present a more complete analysis of the

efficacy of the EPR effect, in addition to other targeting mechanisms previously described. This

toxicity can be measured again by MTT assay after removal of normal and cancerous cells from

mice, and also by quantification of liver toxicity enzymes such as blood urea nitrate in normal

mice (Kosem et al., 2012). Organs can be weighed after sacrifice to determine loss of tissue, and

weight, behavior and phenotype changes of mice can be observed during treatment.

With therapy administration concentrations concluded in mice, volunteer trials would be

necessary to ascertain whether or not the results of murine testing are valid for humans. Similar

techniques can be used to determine efficacy of the therapy and toxic side effects; ESS to

determine tissue concentrations of therapy, biopsies of tumor cells and western blots/RNA

quantification to determine CREB inhibition, and visual approximations of ALM tumor

regression. Toxicity can be measured by presence of physical side effects in addition to

quantification of liver enzymes correlated with toxicity.

Future Directions: Muska Hassan

After using DNA aptamers and electrospun fibers to target CREB and inhibit cell

proliferation, we can use the described in vivo and in vitro experiments to ascertain the

effectiveness of this therapy. If our data suggest that the drug therapy has stopped the up-

regulation of CREB in cancerous melanoma cells, we can look into the use of CREB inhibition

in breast cancer, leukemia, and neuroblastoma, which also show changes in CREB concentration

in cancer cells. We can also try to apply our method of treating primary tumors by inhibiting

other transcription factors that leads to cell proliferation in cancer cells such as STAT3, 5, NF-

κB, β-catenin, Notch, c-JUN and GLi (Darnell, 2002). By using such methods, we can accelerate

the personalization of medicine for the treatment of various types of cancers.

If our in-vitro and in vivo experiments suggest that despite inhibiting CREB, we were not

successful at inhibiting cell proliferation in cancer cells, we can try to manipulate the dosage

concentration of the therapy. It may be that CREB is not the only transcription factor in ALM

that when changed in terms of activity causes continuous cell proliferation. There may be other

transcription factors that are also responsible for cell proliferation. We can look more into cancer

cell signaling pathways and try to identify those transcription factors that contribute to cell

proliferation and target it the same way we would with CREB – by using a DNA aptamer

encapsulated in nanospheres and delivered with electrospun fibers. Identification of other

transcription factors can also help us with targeting other cancer types.


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