cancer immune therapy


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  • 8/7/2019 cancer immune therapy


    Submitted To: Dr. Abhay Kumar

    Submitted By: Mudaser Ahmad lone

    Section : P7905

    Roll no : A16

    Registration no: 10907230

  • 8/7/2019 cancer immune therapy


    Cancer biology

    Cancer is a class of diseases in which a group of cells display uncontrolled growth (division

    beyond the normal limits), invasion (intrusion on and destruction of adjacent tissues), and

    sometimes metastasis (spread to other locations in the body via lymph or blood). Cancer harms

    the body when damaged cells divide uncontrollably to form lumps or masses of tissue called

    tumors (except in the case of leukemia where cancer prohibits normal blood function by

    abnormal cell division in the blood stream). Tumors can grow and interfere with the digestive,

    nervous, and circulatory systems, and they can release hormones that alter body function.

    Tumors that stay in one spot and demonstrate limited growth are generally considered to be

    benigMore dangerous, or malignant, tumors form when two things occur: A cancerous cell

    manages to move throughout the body using the blood or lymph systems, destroying healthy

    tissue in a process called invasion. That cell manages to divide and grow, making new blood

    vessels to feed itself in a process called angiogenesis. When a tumor successfully spreads to

    other parts of the body and grows, invading and destroying other healthy tissues, it is said tohave metastasized. This process itself is called metastasis, and the result is a serious condition

    that is very difficult to treat .Physicians and researchers who specialize in the study, diagnosis,

    treatment, and prevention of cancer are called oncologists. The branch of medicine concerned

    with the study, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of cancer is oncology. Cancers are caused by

    abnormalities in the genetic material of the transformed cells.

    These abnormalities may be due to the effects ofcarcinogens, such as tobacco smoke, radiation,

    chemicals, or infectious agents. Other cancer-promoting genetic abnormalities may randomly

    occur through errors in DNA replication, or are inherited, and thus present in all cells from

    birth. The heritability of cancers is usually affected by complex interactions between carcinogens

    and the host's genome. Genetic abnormalities found in cancer typically affect two general

    classes of genes. Cancer-promoting oncogenes are typically activated in cancer cells, giving

    those cells new properties, such as hyperactive growth and division, protection against

    programmed cell death, loss of respect for normal tissue boundaries, and the ability to become

    established in diverse tissue environments. Tumor suppressor genes are then inactivated in

    cancer cells, resulting in the loss of normal functions in those cells, such as accurate DNA

    replication, control over the cell cycle, orientation and adhesion within tissues, and interaction

    with protective cells of the immune system.

    Immune system dysfunction

    HIV is associated with a number of malignancies, including Kaposi's sarcoma, non-Hodgkin's

    lymphoma, and HPV- associated malignancies such as anal cancer and cervical cancer involves

    breakdown of immune surveillance as a possibility of cancer. Excepting the rare transmissions

    that occur with pregnancies and only a marginal few organ donors, cancer is generally not a

    transmissible disease. The main reason for this is tissue graft rejection caused by MHC

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    incompatibility. In humans and other vertebrates, the immune system uses MHC antigens to

    differentiate between "self" and "non-self" cells because these antigens are different from person

    to person. When non-self antigens are encountered, the immune system reacts against the

    appropriate cell. Such reactions may protect against tumour cell engraftment by eliminating

    implanted cells. In the United States, approximately 3,500 pregnant women have a malignancy

    annually, and transplacental transmission of acute leukaemia, lymphoma, melanoma and

    carcinoma from mother to fetus has been observed .

    Cancer immunotherapy

    Cancer immunotherapy is the use of the immune system to reject cancer. The main premise is

    stimulating the patient's immune system to attack the malignant tumor cells that are responsible

    for the disease. This can be either through immunization of the patient (e.g. by administering a

    cancer vaccine, in which case the patient's own immune system is trained to recognize tumor

    cells as targets to be destroyed, or through the administration of therapeutic antibodies as drugs,

    in which case the patient's immune system is recruited to destroy tumor cells by the therapeutic

    antibodies. Since the immune system responds to the environmental factors it encounters on the

    basis of discrimination between self and non-self, many kinds of tumor cells that arise as a result

    of the onset of cancer are more or less tolerated by the patient's own immune system since the

    tumor cells are essentially the patient's own cells that are growing, dividing and spreading

    without proper regulatory control.

    Anti-Tumor Antibodies Can Enhance Tumor Growth

    Following the discovery that antibodies could be produced to tumor-specific antigens, attemptswere made to protect animals against tumor growth by active immunization with tumor antigens

    or by passive immunization with antitumor antibodies. Much to the surprise of the researchers,

    these immunizations did not protect against tumor growth; in many cases, they actually enhanced

    growth of the tumor. The tumor-enhancing ability of immune sera subsequently was studied in

    cell-mediated lympholysis (CML) reactions invitro. Serum taken from animals with progressive

    tumor growth was found to block the CML reaction, whereas serum taken from animals with

    regressing tumors had little or no blocking activity. K. E. and I. Hellstrom extended these

    findings by showing that children with progressive neuroblastoma had high levels of some kind

    of blocking factor in their sera and that children with regressive neuroblastoma did not have such

    factors. Since these first reports, blocking factors have been found to be associated with anumber of human tumors. In some cases, antitumor antibody itself acts as a blocking factor.

    Presumably the antibody binds to tumor-specific antigens and masks the antigens from cytotoxic

    T cells. In many cases, the blocking factors are not antibodies alone but rather antibodies

    complexed with tumor antigens. Although these immune complexes have been shown to block

    the CTL response, the mechanism of this inhibition is not known. The complexes also may

    inhibit ADCC by binding to Fc receptors on NK cells or macrophages and blocking their activity

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    Vaccine Therapy and Antibody Therapy

    Cancer cells have substances on their outer surfaces that can act as antigens and thus mark the

    cells as different or abnormal. Viruses, bacteria, and parasites have cells that are substantially

    different from normal human cells because they are truly foreign to the body and are detected by

    the immune system. However, the differences between cancer cells and normal human cells may

    be more difficult for the immune system to detect. Cancer immunotherapies are designed to

    help the immune system recognize cancer cells and/or to strengthen the immune response to the

    cancer cells and thus destroy the cancer. The cancer cells antigens may not be different enough

    from those of normal cells to cause an immune reaction; thus, the immune system may not

    recognize the cancer cells as foreign. The immune system may recognize the cancer cells

    antigens, but the immune response may not be strong enough to destroy the cancer. Additionally,

    some cancer cells themselves may also give off substances that prevent the immune system from

    responding properly. There are two broad classes of immunotherapies, active immunotherapy

    and passive immunotherapy. Active immunotherapies stimulate the bodys own immunesystem to fight the disease. Passive immunotherapies do not rely on the immune system to attack

    the disease; instead, they use immune system components (such as antibodies) that are created

    outside of the body to fight the disease. These two approaches are also called vaccine therapy

    and antibody therapy respectively. In vaccine therapy, or active therapy, the patient is given a

    vaccine that should stimulate the immune system to attack the cancer. In antibody therapy, or

    passive therapy, the patient is given antibodies that will hopefully target the cancer but leave the

    non-cancerous cells alone. The problem with both approaches is finding substances that the

    immune system can target (antigens) which are only present on the cancer cells and not on

    normal cells. Sometimes vaccines combined with nonspecific immunotherapy, using additional

    substances or cells called adjuvants in order to boost the immune systems response.

    Vaccine Therapy

    Cancer vaccines contain cancer cells, parts of cells, or pure antigens that increase the immune

    response against cancer cells that are already present in the body. They are considered active

    immunotherapies since they are meant to trigger your own immune system to respond. They are

    considered specific because they do not result in a generalized immune system response. They

    cause the immune system to produce antibodies to one or several specific antigens, and/or to

    produce Killer T cells to attack cancer cells that have specific antigens. There are several

    different types of vaccines; among them are tumor cell vaccines, dendritic cell vaccines,

    antigen vaccines, anti-idiotype vaccines, and DNA vaccines. Tumor cell vaccines use cancer

    cells that are removed from the patient during surgery. The tumor cells are then killed so they

    cannot form more tumors. The tumor cells may be modified with chemicals or genes, or mixed

    with other substances known to increase the immune response in an attempt to improve the

    effectiveness of the vaccine. The tumor cells are the injected back into the patient. The antigens

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    on the cells are recognized and attacked by the immune system. The two basic types of tumor

    cell vaccines are autologous and allogeneic. An autologous vaccine is made from tumor cells

    taken from the patient that will receive them. An allogeneic vaccine uses cells of a particular

    cancer type that originally came from someone other than the patient that will receive them. The

    cells are often grown in a lab from a stock of cancer cells kept for this purpose.

    Antibody Therapy

    Monoclonal antibodies are laboratory-produced antibodies that can locate and bind to specific

    cancer cells anywhere in the body. Each monoclonal antibody recognizes a different protein on

    specific cancer cells. Monoclonal antibodies are used in cancer detection as well as in cancer

    therapy. They can be used alone or to deliver drugs, toxins, or radioactive material directly to a

    tumor. Monoclonal antibodies have been used in various ways as experimental

    immunotherapeutic agents for cancer. For example, anti-idiotype monoclonal antibodies have

    been used with some success in treating human B-cell lymphomas and T-cell leukemias. In oneremarkable study, R. Levy and his colleagues successfully treated a 64-year-old man with

    terminal B-cell lymphoma. At the time of treatment, the lymphoma had metastasized to the liver,

    spleen, bone marrow, and peripheral blood. Because this was a B-cell cancer, the membrane-

    bound antibody on all the cancerous cells had the same idiotype. These researchers produced

    mouse monoclonal antibody specific for the B-lymphoma idiotype. When this mouse

    monoclonal anti-idiotype antibody was injected into the patient, it bound specifically to the B-

    lymphoma cells, because these cells expressed that particular idiotype. Since B-lymphoma cells

    are susceptible to complement-mediated lysis, the monoclonal antibody activated the

    complement system and lysed the lymphoma cells without harming other cells. After four

    injections with this anti-idiotype monoclonal antibody, the tumors began to shrink, and thispatient entered an unusually long period of complete remission. However, this approach requires

    that a custom monoclonal antibody be raised for each lymphoma patient. This is prohibitively

    expensive and cannot be used as a general therapeutic approach for the thousands of patients

    diagnosed each year with B lymphoma. Recently, Levy and his colleagues have used direct

    immunization to recruit the immune systems of patients to an attack against their B lymphoma.

    In a clinical trial with 41 B-cell lymphoma patients, the genes encoding the rearranged

    immunoglobulin genes of the lymphomas of each patient were isolated and used to encode the

    synthesis of recombinant immunoglobulin that bore the idiotype typical of the patients tumor.

    Each of these Igs was coupled to keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH), a mollusk protein that is

    often used as a carrier protein because of its efficient recruitment of T-cell help. The patients

    were immunized with their own tumor-specific antigens, the idiotypically unique

    immunoglobulins produced by their own lymphomas. The anti-idiotypic approach is by its very

    nature patient-specific. A more general monoclonal antibody therapy for B-cell lymphoma is

    based on the fact that most B cells, whether normal or cancerous, bear lineage distinctive

    antigens. One such determinant, CD20, has been the target of intensive efforts; a monoclonal

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    antibody to it, raised in mice and engineered to contain mostly human sequences, has been useful

    in the treatment of B-cell lymphoma .Aside from CD20, a number of tumor-associated antigens

    are being tested in clinical trials for their suitability as targets for antibody- mediated anti-tumor

    therapy. A variety of tumors express significantly increased levels of growth-factor receptors,

    which are promising targets for anti-tumor monoclonal antibodies. For example, in 25 to 30

    percent of women with metastatic breast cancer, a genetic alteration of the tumor cells results in

    the increased expression of HER2, an epidermal-growth-factorlike receptor. An anti-HER2

    monoclonal antibody was raised in mice and the genes encoding it were isolated. Except for the

    sequences encoding the antibodys CDRs, the mouse Ig sequences were replaced with human Ig

    counterparts. This prevents the generation of human anti-mouse antibodies (HAMAs) and allows

    the patient to receive repeated doses of the humanizedanti-HER2 in large amounts (100

    milligrams or more). Preparations of this antibody, called Herceptin, are now commercially

    available for the treatment of HER2-receptorbearing breast cancers. Monoclonal antibodies also

    have been used to prepare tumor-therapy specific anti-tumor agents. In this approach, antibodies

    to tumor-specific or tumor- associated antigens are coupled with radioactive isotopes,chemotherapy drugs, or potent toxins of biological origin. In such guided missile therapies, the

    toxic agents are delivered specifically to tumor cells. This focuses the toxic effects on the tumor

    and spares normal tissues. Reagents known as immunotoxins have been constructed by coupling

    the inhibitor chain of a toxin (e.g.,diphtheriatoxin) to an antibody against a tumor-specific or

    tumor-associated antigen . In vitro studies have demonstrated that these magic bullets can kill

    tumor cells without harming normal cells. Immunotoxins specific for tumor antigens in a variety

    of cancers (e.g., melanoma, colorectal carcinoma, metastatic breast carcinoma, and various

    lymphomas and leukemias) have been evaluated in phase I or phase II clinical trials. Ina number

    of trials, significant numbers of leukemia and lymphoma patients exhibited partial or complete

    remission. However in a number of cases, the clinical responses in patients with larger tumormasses were disappointing .In some of these patients, the sheer size of the tumor may render

    most of its cells inaccessible to the immunotoxin.

    Interferons and cytokinesis therapy

    Interferons belong to a group of proteins known as cytokines. They are produced naturally by

    white blood cells in the body (or in the laboratory) in response to infection, inflammation, or

    stimulation. They have been used as a treatment for certain viral diseases, including hepatitis B.

    Interferon-alpha was one of the first cytokines to show an antitumor effect, and it is able to

    slow tumor growth directly, as well as help to activate the immune system. Interferon-alpha has

    been approved by the FDA and is now commonly used for the treatment of a number of cancers,

    including multiple myeloma, chronic myelogenous leukemia, hairy cell leukemia, and

    malignant melanoma. Interferon-beta and interferon-gamma are other types of interferons that

    have been investigated. Other cytokines with antitumor activity include the interleukins (e.g., IL-

    2) and tumor necrosis factor. IL-2 is frequently used to treat kindey cancer and melanoma. Some

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    of the problems with these cytokines, including many of the interferons and interleukins, are

    their side effects, which include malaise and flu-like syndromes. When given at a high dose, the

    side effets can be greatly magnified

    Cytokinesis therapy

    Cytokines may also be administered systemically for the treatment of various human tumours.

    The largest clinical experience is with IL-2 administered in high doses alone or in conjunction

    with lymphokine-activated killer (LAK)cells. After the administration of IL-2, numbers of blood

    T and B lymphocytes, NK cells are increased with increase in serum TNF, IL-1 and IFN-g

    concentrations. The severe toxicities associated with high dose IL-2 andIL-2 + LAK cells include

    fever, pulmonary oedema and capillary leak syndrome. IL-2 has been effective in inducing

    measurable tumour regression in patients with advanced melanoma, and renal cell carcinoma.

    Currently the potential of IL-12 to enhance anti-tumour effect via T cells and NK cells has

    aroused great interest and phase I and II trials are being conducted on patients with advancedcancer. Hematopoietic growth factors, including GM-CSF, G-CSF and IL-11 are used in cancer

    treatment protocols to shorten periods of neutropenia and thromocytopenia after chemotherapy

    or autologous bone marrow transplantation.

    Some Research papers and journals

    Article No.1 Immune Dysfunction in Cancer Patients

    Immune deficiency in cancer patients is well documented, and tumor cells have developed a

    variety of cellular and molecular mechanisms to avoid antitumor immune responses. These

    mechanisms include defective presentation of tumor antigens on the cell surface and/or an

    inability of the host to effectively recognize these cells and target them for destruction. Tumor-

    induced defects are known to occur in all major branches of the immune system. The continuous

    administration of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), a factor produced by most solid

    tumors, inhibits the functional maturation of dendritic cells, significantly decreases T-cell to B-

    cell ratios in the peripheral lymphoid organs, and induces rapid and dramatic thymic atrophy in

    tumor-bearing animals. VEGF is abundantly expressed by a large percentage of solid tumors,

    and defective antigen presentation, T-cell defects, and premature thymic atrophy are known to

    occur in cancer patients and tumor-bearing animals. This review will encompass the major

    mechanisms responsible for tumor evasion of immune surveillance and highlight a role for

    VEGF as a principal contributor to tumor-associated immune deficiencies.

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    Article no .3 The application of Toll like receptors for cancer therapy.


    Toll-like receptor (TLR) proteins play key roles in immune responses against infection. UsingTLR proteins, host can recognize the conserved molecular structures found in pathogens called

    pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). At the same time, some TLRs are able to

    detect specific host molecules, such as high-mobility group box protein 1 (HMGB1) and heat

    shock proteins (hsp), and lead to inflammatory responses. Thus, it has been suggested that TLRs

    are involved in the development of many pathogenic conditions. Recent advances in TLR-related

    research not only provide us with scientific information, but also show the therapeutic potential

    against diseases, such as autoimmune disease and cancer.

    Article no 4 Immunotherapy of Cancer:

    Cancer immunotherapy broadly includes active immunization, as in the use of cancer vaccines,

    passive immunization, such asthe use of adoptive cell therapy and antibodies that modulate

    tumor function, and immuno stimulation, using antibodies and

    small molecules to treat

    malignancy by activating or destroying an endogenous immune response against tumor cells.

    Different monoclonal antibodies are in use or underevaluation for use as therapeutic agents in

    various malignancies.

    Active stimulation of the host's immune system holds promise


    Journal of translational medicine

    Interleukin-13 receptor alpha2 DNA prime boost vaccine induces tumor immunity in

    murine tumor models

    Hideyuki Nakashima , Toshio Fujisawa , Syed R Husain and Raj K Puri :Journal of Translational

    Medicine 2010 published :08 November 2010


    DNA vaccines represent an attractive approach for cancer treatment by inducing active T cell

    and B cell immune responses to tumor antigens. Previous studies have shown that interleukin-13

    receptor alpha2 chain (IL-13Ralpha2), a tumor-associated antigen is a promising target for

    cancer immunotherapy as high levels of IL-13Ralpha2 are expressed on a variety of human

    tumors. To enhance the effectiveness of DNA vaccine, we used extracellular domain of IL-

    13Ralpha2 (EC

    Dalpha2) as a protein-boost against murine tumor models.

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    achieving durable remission of malignant disease and represents

    a nontoxic method of therapy if

    tumor-specific effector cellscan be selectively targeted.

    Article no 5:

    Endothelin B Receptor, a New Target in Cancer ImmuneTherapy


    The endothelins and their G protein-coupled receptors A and B have been implicated in

    numerous diseases and have recently emerged as pivotal players in a variety of malignancies.

    Tumors overexpress the endothelin 1 (ET-1) ligand and the endothelin-A-receptor (ETAR). Their

    interaction induces tumor growth and metastasis by promoting tumor cell survival and

    proliferation, angiogenesis, and tissue remodeling. On the basis of results from xenograft models,drug development efforts have focused on antagonizing the autocrine-paracrine effects mediated

    by ET-1/ETAR. In this review, we discuss a novel role of the endothelin-B-receptor (ETBR) in

    tumorigenesis and the effect of its blockade during cancer immune therapy. We highlight key

    characteristics of the B receptor such as its specific overexpression in the tumor compartment;

    and specifically, in the tumor endothelium, where its activation by ET-1 suppresses T-cell

    adhesion and homing to tumors. We also review our recent findings on the effects of ET BR-

    specific blockade in increasing T-cell homing to tumors and enhancing the efficacy of otherwise

    ineffective immunotherapy.

    Article no 6 Immune Therapy for Cancer


    Immune therapy has become a standard treatment for a variety of cancers. Monoclonal

    antibodies, immune adjuvants, and vaccines against oncogenic viruses are now well-established

    cancer therapies. Immune modulation is a principal element of supportive care for many high-

    dose chemotherapy regimens. In addition, immune activation is now appreciated as central to the

    therapeutic mechanism of bone marrow transplantation for hematologic malignancies. Advances

    in our understanding of the molecular interactions between tumors and the immune system have

    led to many novel investigational therapies and continue to inform efforts for devising more

    potent therapeutics. Novel approaches to immune-based cancer treatment strive to augment

    antitumor immune responses by expanding tumor-reactive T cells, providing exogenous

    immune-activating stimuli, and antagonizing regulatory pathways that induce immune tolerance.

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    The future of immune therapy for cancer is likely to combine many of these approaches to

    generate more effective treatments.

    Article no 7

    The idiotype (Id) cascade in mice elicited the production of anti-R24 Id and anti-anti-Id

    monoclonal antibodies with antitumor and protective activity against human melanoma.


    Gangliosides have been considered as potential targets for immunotherapy because they are

    overexpressed on the surface of melanoma cells. However, immunization with purified

    gangliosides results in a very poor immune response, usually mediated by IgM antibodies. To

    overcome this limitation, we immunized mice with R24, a monoclonal antibody (mAb) that

    recognizes the most tumor-restricted ganglioside (GD3); our goal was to obtain anti-idiotype (Id)

    antibodies bearing the internal image of GD3. Animals produced anti-Id and anti-anti-Id

    antibodies. Both anti-Id and anti-anti-Id antibodies were able to inhibit mAb R24 binding to

    GD3. It was shown to recognize two different GD3-expressing human melanoma cell lines invitro and to mediate tumor cell cytotoxicity by complement activation and antibody-dependent

    cellular cytotoxicity. The biological activity of the anti-anti-Id m Ab was also tested in a mouse

    tumor model, in which it was shown to be a powerful growth inhibitor of melanoma cells .


    Tumor cells differ from normal cells in numerous ways. In particular, changes in the regulation

    of growth of tumor

    cells allow them to proliferate indefinitely, then invade the underlying tissue, and eventuallymetastasize to other tissues . Normal cells can be transformed in vitro by chemical and physical

    carcinogens and by transforming viruses. Transformed cells exhibit altered growth properties and

    are sometimes capable of inducing cancer when they are injected into animals.

    Proto-oncogenes encode proteins involved in control of normal cellular growth. The

    conversion of proto-oncogenes to oncogenes is one of the key steps in the induction of most

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    Books : Immunology by kuby and Faheem haleem khan

    Immunotherapy of Cancer, by Dr. C. Komen Brown and Dr. John Kirkwood,

    Horizons in Cancer Therapeutics

    Cancer Research UK and American Cancer Society

    National Cancer Institute Targeted Cancer Therapies


    Ramos AS, Parise CB, Travassos LR, Han SW, Department of Biophysics Experimental

    Oncology Unity ,Brazil Laval University Cancer .

    Research Center April 2009) Michael Dougan and Glenn Dranoff Department of Medical

    Oncology and Harvard Medical School.

    So EY, Ouchi T :The University ofChicago

    Dominik Rttinger, Laboratory ofClinical and Experimental Tumor Immunology, Department

    of Surgery, Grosshadern Medical Center, Ludwig-Maximilians-University
