Can This Fact Pack Out Evolutionists



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An Unpublished Paper.


Discovered Inanimate Human and Animal Forms Completely

Negate Evolution.

The main aspects of evolution are that specie structures

evolved accidentally through a gradual process of adaptation and

natural selection. It says that specie structures are unique and rare. The

structure of human beings are said to be the final outcome of these

ancient processes of evolution and that our structure is also, unique and

rare within the universe. Evolution is used to explain many phenomena

in the biological sciences. However, the inanimate human world,

investigated by me for ten years, clearly, contradicts these main aspects

of evolution and hence sets problems for the theories evolution explains

in the biological sciences. Here I show that countless inanimate human

forms which are exact photographic replicas of biological humans found

on material surfaces, forms and light waves contradict the essential

aspects of the evolutionary theory. I found out that the countless

inanimate human structures have been in existence since energy and

mass came into existence within the universe hence the biological

human structure did not evolve accidentally. I found out that the

structural aspect of evolution can not account for the inanimate human

forms. Furthermore, I found out that the human structure is not unique

and rare but rather very common and countless. The results

demonstrate that specie structures are easily formed by the universe

through physical and mathematical laws everywhere in it. I anticipate

that the genetic laws would be modified to account for the exact

similarities of earth personalities found exactly in the inanimate human


Furthermore, work would now be continued to establish the true

origin of species and life and confirm inevitably Einstein’s mass/energy

relation as a guide to understand color and structure in both the animate

and the inanimate worlds.

4.1 The problem and its background

Evolution has three main aspects which are always involved

in controversy. First, it asserts that life started accidentally on earth.

Secondly, it says that specie structures evolved to the present stages

through adaptation laws and natural selection. Finally, it claims that

specie structures are unique and rare within the universe.

Numerous and notable evolutionists have contributed

immensely in support of evolution for example: recently. Dr. Richard

Dawkins wrote extensively on the topic, also, focusing on the main

aspects of evolution. He argued through a super improbability theory

and his ‘biomorphs’ saying that the probability of a particular specie

structure forming is negligible. He concluded that each specie structure

is unique and rare and that each structure evolved accidentally.

The evolutionary theory was first propounded by Charles

Darwin in 1786. Darwin after several voyages round the world noted

numerous striking similarities found among biological species. This led

him to propound the evolutionary theory establishing the accidentally in

evolution and the other main aspects. Evolutionists have emerged

eminently in the biological sciences. They explain many phenomena in

the biological science, attributing all to evolution. Numerous

archeological works have, also, come to support the evolutionary theory

and hardly can you find any undergraduate in any university in the world

without any kind of knowledge about evolution.

In September, 1996, I came across a strange phenomenon

concerning the inanimate human and animal world found on material

surfaces, forms and within light waves. I officially started investigating

this amazing world on 1st May, 1997. So far, research reveals that this

world consist of countless inanimate human and animal forms and are

found on material surfaces, forms and light waves. Photographs taken of

this remarkable world are exact replicas of numerous known and

unknown personalities who had walked or are still walking on earth.

Overwhelmingly, the same human pictures of personalities on earth

have been observed in every light wave from whatever source.

Laboratory experiments have been carried out and successfully, forms

had been replicated on white sheet of papers numerously and easily.

Hence there are great problems for the evolutionary theory.

If the evolutionary theory is not set aside immediately, we would

be continuing to infuse wrong scientific ideas into our students,

scientists and researchers today and tomorrow. Evolution would

continue to mislead scientist and researchers to formulate wrong ideas

and theories in the biological and social sciences. It would hinder the

search for the true origin of life and the universe for a very long time.

Human kind would, then, not be very different from the world that once

believed that the earth was flat. The presence of the inanimate human

forms creates a serious problem for the evolutionary theory. I show here

that there are serious flaws to the evolutionary theory as a whole

especially the structural aspect of evolution. The paper shows that

inanimate human forms existed since the universe started when energy

and mass came into existence. I, also, show that inanimate human forms

are easily produced by physical laws of nature countless on material

surfaces and forms. The work reveal that whenever mass is formed,

integrated or disintegrated human and animal forms are produced

numerously and easily at the material surfaces or forms. Hence the

paper shows finally that the evolutionary theory can not account for how

the human forms, biological or inanimate, had emerged.

The result of the paper would add to the body of knowledge,

hence enabling our youth, scientists and researchers to benefit

positively in numerous ways. Students would gain new knowledge

enabling them to reason positively in the various fields they may find

themselves in. Scientists and researchers would apply this new

evidence in their researches and formulation of theories that would

enable faster development of our world. Scientists would become free

from constraints thereby finding the true origin of species and life. The

result of this paper would, also, aid the development of genetic theories

since numerous earth personalities have inanimate human and animal

forms. Currently, the evolutionary theory explains many phenomenon

found in the biological sciences thus, in the light of these new

evidences, proper explanations would, now, be given to all such


Wouldn’t we be impacting wrong ideas into our students if it, be

accepted that the structural aspect of evolution can not account for how

the human structure is generally formed? What would be the situation

for the explanation and theories in the biological sciences that had been

founded by the evolutionary theory? Wouldn’t the discard of the

evolutionary theory pave the way for the search for the true origin of

species and life, and, also for providing appropriate solutions to the

numerous problems we encounter in the biological science? If we could

show that human forms are not confined to biological species, wouldn’t

the evidences available that animate human forms are abundant and

easily produced create problems for the continuation of the evolutionary


Our null hypotheses are as follows:-

Ho1: The biological human forms are not significantly unique and

rare within the universe.

Ho2: The evolutionary theory is not significantly contradicted by

the discovery of the inanimate human world.

This work is delimited to cover the inanimate human forms and

not the other inanimate species forms also, found in the inanimate world

on material surfaces. The study does not, also, cover the inanimate

human forms found within light waves from whatever source as these

would be treated by me in a later work in physics similar to the colors of

white light.

The assumptions made here are: Since inanimate human forms

are found on material surfaces and light wave at Port Harcourt, Nigeria

and also on some galactic pictures, they would be found everywhere

within the universe and that they existed at the time the universe was


When evolutionary theory is discarded, our students, scientists

and youth would now be equipped with these new findings enabling

contribution to our organized body of knowledge. The explanations and

theories that were supported by evolution in the biological sciences

would now be re-tackled with proper solutions. There are going to be

numerous researches that would follow this work. Scientists would now

scuttle to find the true origin of species and life. Many researches would

be done about the inanimate human world for us to learn more about

how the universe emerged and the purpose of its existence.

Certainly, the presence of the inanimate human world

creates problems for the main aspect of the evolutionary theory. By

inanimate human world, we mean the lifeless photographic or sculpture

– like human structures found on material surfaces, forms and light

waves. The main aspect of the evolutionary theory states: (i) That

species emanated accidentally (ii) that each specie structure is unique

and rare. (iii) That each specie structure was gotten through ancient

adaptations to hash conditions and environment through natural


4.2 Literature review

In 1986, Dr. Richard Dawkin, wrote extensively in his popular book, the

Blind Watch Maker” in support of the main aspects of evolution. He

argued through his ‘biomorphs’ by using a super improbability theory to

state that a specie structure having formed is accidental, unique and

rare, and, that under set of conditions, the probability that the specie

structure would form is negligible. He argued that, for example, the

human structure having formed on earth can never be found anywhere

again within the universe. He said, in relation to the universe, the human

structure having formed is unique and rare. Human structures had been

in existence in inanimate human form since the beginning of the

universe on material surfaces, forms and light waves long before the

evolutionary time period for the emergence of biological human

structure. Hence their appearance in biological forms is not accidental.

Current evidences concerning the inanimate human world show that the

population of the inanimate human structures are countless and found

commonly on almost every material surface within the universe. Hence

where is the uniqueness and rareness of the human structure? Dr.

Richard Dawkins argued that species evolved their present structures

through adaptation and natural selection. The structures of biological

species are found exactly the same in the inanimate human world. The

inanimate human world is lifeless. How can adaptation and natural

selection theories explain the similar structures of biological humans in

the inanimate human world? The inanimate humans have no choices,

selections or decisions to make in their silent beauty.

In 1859, Charles Darwin during voyages round the world, found

striking similarities in biological species. This led him to propound the

accidental theory of evolution, writing extensively on adaptation and

natural selection. If the father of evolution had known about the current

evidences of the inanimate human world, certainly, his theory could

have been different. What later evolutionists came to work on were

developments to his basic ideas, and here, I do believe sincerely, that

they would all not have accepted the evolutionary theory with the

availability of these current facts.

Here we will test two null hypotheses to negate the main

aspects of evolution.

Ho1: The biological human forms are not significantly unique and

rare within the universe.

Ho2: The evolutionary theory is not significantly contradicted by the

discovery of the inanimate human world.

4.3 Method.

In order to test the hypotheses formulated and the research

questions, data was observed and collected primarily as follows.

Basically I used an ordinary, digital or a snapper handset camera for

taking photographs of inanimate human world. My main collections were

from soil, plastered wall, old wall surfaces and experimented white sheet

of paper. The digital cameras were held very close to each surface until

interwoven inanimate human or animal faces or organs appear. I scan

for the most beautiful inanimate human forms and snap them. In most

soils investigated countless human and animal forms continue to appear

as I continue digging deeper. It seemed as if the earth is bonded

together by the interwoven of inanimate human and animal forms. In the

laboratory, I covered the face of a white sheet of cardboard paper with

muddy soil for just five minutes before drying the surface with dry sand.

The muddy soil and dry sand are shaken off the white sheet of paper and

the paper thoroughly dried. Digital camera is used in scanning the

surface for inanimate human and animal forms. I present here four

photographs taken of the inanimate human and animal world for the

purpose of analysis in the next section.

The above pictures were taken from wall and soil surfaces.

4.4 Results/data analysis:

Data for all the research questions and the hypotheses were

analyzed using compares of the inanimate human forms against the

main aspect of the evolutionary theory. For the uniqueness and rareness

aspect, the possible number of data available for the inanimate human

population plus that of the biological human population on earth is


The hypotheses which are being tested are as follows; Ho1: the

biological human forms are not significantly unique and rare within the

universe. Ho2: the evolutionary theory is not significantly contradicted

by the discovery of the inanimate human world.

For the rest of the research questions world be answered

through the same tests against the main aspects of evolution. The

pictures in the previous section are what any rationale human being can

obtain with a digital camera or a snapper handset. They are exact human

forms but in inanimate world found on material surfaces or forms. They

are found on all natural surfaces on earth, planets and galaxies. Their

population within the universe is infinite. They existed since the birth of

the universe when energy and mass came into existence; certainly, they

were in existence before the evolutionary time period for the emergence

of biological human beings. I first consider the aspect of evolution that

states that biological human forms arose through an accident. Human

forms existed since the birth of our universe and are found countless on

all natural material surfaces. The biological human forms on earth are

but an infinite subset of the human forms within the universe. Biological

organisms are also found in interstellar clouds. Hence attributing the

emergence of biological human forms on earth to have evolved through

an accident can not stand. Biological organisms are freely created by

the universe everywhere in it. Human forms are, also, freely created by

the universe everywhere in it. Hence the existence of biological human

forms is creations of the universe out of the structures, types of

materials and colors available. Secondly, the adaptation and the natural

selection aspect of evolution for the emergence of features on biological

human beings can not stand. The feature of the inanimate human is

exactly the same as those possessed by biological human beings. Yet,

the features of the inanimate human forms were not gotten from

adaptation and natural selection laws. Therefore, the features found on

biological human forms can not be gotten from adaptation and natural

selection. Finally, how can the biological human structure be unique and

rare? Inanimate mass bear it and they are countless and commonly

found everywhere either on material surfaces or mass forms. The

biological human form is not unique and rare. Based upon analysis, Ho1

stands. Biological human forms are not significantly unique and rare

within the universe. The discovering of the inanimate human forms

clearly negates all the important aspects of the evolutionary theory.

Hence, Ho2 is rejected and the alternative hypotheses taken. The

evolutionary theory is significantly contracted by the presence of

inanimate human structures. Certainly, to continue to allow evolution in

our school curricula would amount to a serious error in the education of

our youth. The error extends to almost all the life sciences, and this

hinders proper explanations and good theories in the subjects involves.

The discard of the evolutionary theory would pave the way for numerous

new researches for the goodness of our body of knowledge. Evolution

and its structural aspect can no longer be acceptable.

4.5 Discussions:

This paper is designed to negate evolution and revealing the

amazing world of inanimate human forms. The findings necessitate the

discarding of evolution from our curricula. This would enable genetic to

be improved to account properly for the emergence of structures in

biological species considering the existence of exact features in the

inanimate world, and also explain how the exact similarities found

between biological personalities who had walked/are walking on earth,

and now found in the inanimate human world, occur. The universe

seems to be creating human and animal forms, both biological and

inanimate, through its physical laws and with mathematical

combinations easily and abundantly. It becomes inevitable to find

human and animal forms on all material surfaces and mass forms. The

emergence of biological human forms becomes inevitable. They are

found within every mass formation; hence they are bound to be found in

biological mass forms.


Damateidei Tubonimi, April, 2010, Creator Of The Universe Discovered,

Published SCRIBD