CAN Newsletter October 2014


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  • 8/10/2019 CAN Newsletter October 2014


    OCTOBER 2014 8 South Bay Close


    Service Trip: Concordia Childrens Services

    (CCS) in Manila, PhilippinesOver the holiday break, thirteen members of Church

    of All Nations traveled to Concordia Childrens

    Services (CCS) in Manila, Philippines.

    Over the course of three and a half days, the team

    lead 40 elementary students in a Vacation Bible

    School program, spent hours playing with the

    toddlers and holding the babies, moved hundreds of

    pounds of soil, laid sod, painted a wall, and purchased

    a new basketball hoop.

    On the final morning, the team also was able to have a

    Bible study and fellowship time with the 25 high

    school students and celebrate Ms. Nabelle

    Caballes (CCS Executive Director) 50th birthday.Along with time spent at CCS, the CAN Social Ministry Board gave a $5,000 grant to CCS to purchase a

    sound system, making it possible to play lullaby music in the play and sleeping areas. Once the sound

    system is installed, the Philippines Department of Social Welfare and Development will grant CCS the

    highest rating possible for nongovernmental organizations in the Philippines!

  • 8/10/2019 CAN Newsletter October 2014


    Pastoral Letter

    We are pleased to have Nic Cass serve at Church of All Nations through the

    2015/2016 school year.

    Nic is serving his internship for the Director of

    Christian Outreach program at Concordia University-St. Paul. The

    Director of Christian Outreach program prepares church workers to lead,

    train, and equip others in various facets of outreach ministry in

    congregations.As part of his internship, Nic will help Church of All

    Nations think about our activities from the perspective of people who are

    not yet part of the church. He will also be encouraging us in outreach

    activities. In addition, Nic has started leading the junior Youth Bible

    Fellowship on Sunday mornings.

    Nic will be with Church of All Nations for

    two school years.

    Nics internship with Church of All Nations is fulfilled on a part time


    He also serves as missionary to several schools of the LutheranChurchHong Kong Synod. Nics wife, Danielle, also serves as a

    missionary with LCHKS schools and congregations.Please get to know Nic

    and Danielle when you see them at church, and pray for their service to the church here in Hong Kong.

    Nic and Danielle Cass

    My favorite news articles about the recent events in Hong Kong have been those that show behaviors unique to

    protests in Hong Kong: protesters organizing recycling programs, protestors sharing umbrellas with police during

    a rain storm, and protesters carefully keeping off the grass in public areas. Even in the midst of interrupting

    transportation and government offices, the protesters seem very concerned with their behavior and how it affects

    others. They are very aware that people judge them by their behavior.

    We Christians also are aware of how the world understands us by what we do. Among ourselves, we like to be

    defined by what we believe- we believe in God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and we believe that we are saved by

    Grace through Faith in Jesus Christ. But the world sees more what we do: how we treat each other and how we

    treat them.

    Church of All Nations is a community defined by forgiveness in Jesus, both receiving it from Him andgiving it to others. Church of All Nations is a community defined by Gods blessings: both being thankful for what

    he has given us and by sharing the blessings with others.

    As you read this newsletter, consider all of the activities at Church of All Nations. Consider the way the things we

    do are showing the Grace of Christ to the wider community. Consider the ways you can join in these activities and

    also live out your faith in what you do.

    Jesus said, A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to

    love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. John


    Pastor Joel

    Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever

    is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise,

    think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in mepractice

    these things, and the God of peace will be with you.

    (Philippians 4:8-9)

  • 8/10/2019 CAN Newsletter October 2014


    At the upcoming November Voter's Meeting the

    Property Trustee will present a proposed amendment to

    CAN By-Law V (Meetings) which would require matters

    relating to the purchase or sale or change of use of CAN's

    real property, such as CAN's parsonage, and also any

    decision regarding permanent relocation of CAN's

    regular worship services to be decided at a Property

    Matters special meeting. Such Property Matters special

    meetings would require 30 days written notice and

    would be required to be held during periods when HKIS

    is in session, that is not during school break or summer

    holiday periods. The Property Trustee will present also

    a proposed amendment to CANBy-LawVIII

    (Amendments) which would require any


    proposed amendment to the new section of

    By-LawV to follow thenotice requirements of the Property

    Matters special meeting section ofBy-LawV. The

    Church Council recommends approval of these

    amendments to CAN's By-Laws.

    If anyone has any questions on these proposed

    amendments to CAN'sBy-Laws, please address these to

    the Property Trustee, David

    Dickhudt( or 6430-1192).

    Date November 16, 2014

    Time 12:20 p.m.

    Venue CAN Chapel

    We will be discussing several new

    positions of leadership, property issues,

    and hearing updates on budget and

    activities. If you have not previously

    attended a voters meeting, please contact

    the church office or one of the Elders to

    register as a voter. Please connect to this

    important part of our life as a community

    of believers!

    Voters Meeting Nov 2014

    Confirmation is a time when young people who have been raised in the faith study more about what

    they believe. They learn the faith of the church and are able to stand publicly and say they also

    believe. Confirmation for this year has begun, and the confirmand will be

    meeting monthly on Sunday afternoon for Bible study and exploring the

    teachings of the church. They also will spend time intentionally

    discussing their faith with their families.

    We look forward to this time of growing in the faith, and we look

    forward to the Day of Confirmation when they stand before the whole

    church to speak their faith - Sunday, May 24!

    Confirmation 2015










  • 8/10/2019 CAN Newsletter October 2014


    This year's theme is

    taken from Revelation 4:11 (KJV)

    11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy

    pleasure they are and were created.

    Holy is the name of the Lord! He is the reason that the Fellowship Prayer Share Care (FPSC) group celebrated last

    September 21, 2014 and continue to celebrate everyday. Members of this ministry group in Church of All Nations,

    Repulse Bay, Hong Kong may come and go. Yet, the Word of God stands and lives forever in many lives of FPSC

    members and the greater Church. The humble and growing FPSC group rejoiced in the Lord with a short program

    after the two main worship service. CAN's senior pastor Joel Scheiwe led the lunch prayer. There was grand march

    as usual followed by a short folk dance called ''Tinikling'' which is the Philippines' national dance using bamboos.

    Some games, cultural and interpretative dances, and a skit were performed that noon. One might say that the theme

    is barely used or recognized which is entirely the opposite of it. That's because in the preparation alone which

    includes the planning and practices, the praise and glory of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ alone was and is

    emphasized. The months was not even enough yet the Word remains the anchor of the fellowship life. The members

    went up to the choir stage to sing praises to the one who made heaven and earth. The dancers graciously danced to

    envisage, honour, and glorify the name of the Lord. The celebration which marked the beginning of the 28 years of

    blessings was an emblem of the Lord's unfailing and endless love to everyone. Reverend Pastor Carl Hanson of LCMS

    Asia Missions shared the encouraging message during the program. As part of the broader church or body of Christ,

    each and everyone is endowed and entrusted a mission to help carry out while on earth. The fellowship group is

    inseparable to carrying out the broad mission of God's love and the group is committed to pray, share, and care for

    everyone in need. The group is indeed grateful to the Lord and to everyone in church, in HKIS school for thefacilities, and to all who joined, supported, and participated. Glory to God, the Lord who created and purposed

    everyone and everything in heaven and on earth.

    27th Anniversary of the FPSC

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    Pastor Joels Installation Education Sunday

    Beach Night & Lamma Hike

  • 8/10/2019 CAN Newsletter October 2014


    Dear friends at CAN-HK,

    Thank you very much for this gift in memory of

    our dearly beloved Ed.

    We are forever thankful to him, to you and to our

    Father in heaven for the gifts that we receive

    for the children's needs.

    Rest assured that this gifts from your hearts will

    be used for the needs of the children in our care.

    Thank you for being our partner in our mission to

    take quality care for these special children.

    God bless you more!


    Nabelle Caballes

    CCS Executive Director

    Offering Figures

    Sunday Worship at CAN

    9am - Traditional

    11am - Contemporary

    Bus Schedule

    1st Bus

    8:15 AM Tai Wai MTR station

    8:20 AM Festival Walk (Taxi Stand), Kln Tong

    8:25 AM 12 Wiltshire Rd, Kln Tong (LCMS Bldg)

    8:40 AM Happy Valley

    8:55 AM Arrive at CAN

    2nd Bus

    9:15 AM Tai Wai MTR station

    9:20 AM Festival Walk (Taxi Stand), Kln Tong

    9:25 AM 12 Wiltshire Rd, Kln Tong (LCMS Bldg)

    9:40 AM Happy Valley

    9:55 AM Arrive at CAN

    We rejoice with Leeanne Lau and her family as we

    celebrated her being called by name to be a Child of

    God in the waters of Holy Baptism on Sunday

    August 31!

    Worship Attendance Figures

    From CCS Manila

    Pastoral Acts

  • 8/10/2019 CAN Newsletter October 2014


    Can You Share Your Talents and Time?

    Sharing Your Financial Gifts in MinistryCAN is blessed with extraordinary opportunities for ministry, and needs your continued gifts of time, talent and

    financial support to realize them.

    This year our congregation planned ministries and programs based on financial gifts of HK$2.752 million (weeklyaverage of HK$52,920). We are taking on as full-time contract staff Megan Birney, our Family Life Director, who

    continues to grow our ministry to children, youth and families. We support and participate in service ministries in

    Hong Kong, Macau, China and the Philippines.

    As of 1 June, general gifts for this fiscal year totaled about HK$466,000-- or HK$11,000 below our target of HK

    $477,000. Designated Gifts for special projects totalled about HK$14,500.

    CAN's ministry is funded solely by current congregational giving. It does not receive funding from HKIS or any

    external sources. Thanks to all for your gifts from the heart!

    Education and FellowshipWorship and Music Ministries

    Social MinistriesOperations, Supplies and Staff

    Here are just a few

    current opportunities

    to share in the life of

    our church. Check the

    yellow weekly

    service bulletin for



    Are you willing to assist with

    bulletin folding and administration

    work in the office? If interested,

    please contact the church office at



    Adult leaders and assistants.

    (Contact Megan Birney



    Musicians in contemporary or

    traditional styles. (Contact Dave

    Werner 2553-0499; Robyn

    Steuernagel 2552-5464)


    Assistant ministers, communion

    assistants and ushers are

    needed. (Contact Church Office



    Help plan and coordinate CAN

    social ministry projects.

    (Contact Megan Kincaid



    Graphic Design help is welcome! (Contact Church



    Participate in the informal, heartfelt, and essential

    petitions and intercessions of our community.

    Contact Church Office 2812-0375

  • 8/10/2019 CAN Newsletter October 2014


    Outreach & FellowshipLOOKING FOR A



    Tuesdays 7:00 - 7:45 a.m. in Room 502 on

    the HS campus in Tai Tam

    Contact Pastor Joel



    Tuesdays 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. at CAN

    Contact Robyn Steuernagel



    Mondays 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. at the CAN

    Parsonage on Shouson Hill

    Contact Iantha Scheiwe


    Saturdays 9:30 a.m. at Starbucks in

    Alexandra House, CentralContact Megan Birney



    Thursdays 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. at CAN

    Contact Ha Gavlik


    Wednesdays 7:00 a.m. at HKIS Tai Tam

    Contact Pastor Joel



  • 8/10/2019 CAN Newsletter October 2014


    Childrens Ministry / Youth Ministry

    Have a gift for sharing the

    Gospel with kids?

    CAN Childrens Ministry can always use

    more willing hands and hearts! Contact

    Megan if you interested in using yourgifts to enrich the spiritual nurture of

    children in our community!


    A new session of CAN Kids Praise Team has just begun!

    Thursdays at 3pm!All interested HKIS students Grades 1-5 can register

    through the CAN website.


    Buzz Sunday School!

    Children Age 3 - Grade 5 are invited to join everySunday morning at 10:10am for songs, games, and

    interesting lessons from the Bible!

    Age 3-5 in Room 503 with Mrs. Alice & Mrs. Tara

    Grades 1 & 2 in Room 507 with Mrs. Karen & Mrs. Cat

    Grades 3, 4, & 5 in the 6/F Lounge with Mrs. Iantha &

    Mrs. Chenhsi

    Ask your kids about their !Faith Buzz at Home"cards!


    activities! 17 5pmYouthGroup

    Oct.19 10amYouthDiscipleship

    Oct. 26 10amYouthDiscipleship

    Nov. 2 10amYouthDiscipleship

    Nov.9 10amYouthDiscipleship

    Nov. 14 HKISMSPlay

    Nov.16 10amYouthDiscipleship

    Nov. 21-MovieNightMockingjayPart1
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  • 8/10/2019 CAN Newsletter October 2014
