Campbells Bay School Newsletter 2 november




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2 November 2015

World Vision Fun

Congratulations to all 77 year four students who took part in the Kids for Kids

World Vision concert at the Bruce Mason Centre on Thursday evening.

Joining schools from all over Auckland our choir members shared the concert

with Jackie Clarke and Nathan King to provide a full house with a memorable

two hours of music, fun, laughter and information about the work of World


Thanks to Sharon Knight, the choir trainer for the CBS choir members, and to

everybody who supported this event by being part of the audience.

Arlo (fourth from right) and

Sienna (fifth from right) during

‘I see Red.’

Satsuki (right) as one of The

Chicks. (Big in New Zealand in the


Fireworks Banned

The Ministry of Education forbids the use of fireworks on school property.

Please respect this rule. Should you see anybody using fireworks on school

property please either ask them to move on or contact our security company,

Campus Security on 447 3222. Thanks very much.

CBS Role in RWC Triumph: See page 3



Tip Top Factory Trip Rms 5B and 5S


Junior Cross Country


Botanic Garden Trip Rms 36, 24, 4 and 5


Tip Top Factory Trip Rms 5O and 6O


Cultural and Sports Photos


Year 4 to 6 Interschool Athletics Trial Day


Wacky Wednesday and Carless Day


Interschool Athletics Trials Save Day




Huni Posimani

Neeky Posimani

Jizzy Posimani

Lyri Posimani

Sophie Dashwood

Natalie Wu

Brandon Holder

Henry Ma



12 October – 17 December


2 February – 15 April


2 November 2015


This is a 'hat term.' Please ensure your child has their named school hat at school every day.

For the sake of safety we ask that you inform us ahead of time if your child is not going to be at school. Please use either the designated telephone number (410 9551) or the absence option on the tiqbiz school app. Haven't downloaded the app yet? Please see below how to do this. The app is an important communication tool.

Important 2015 Dates

Tuesday 1 December - Year 6 trip to Rainbows End

Friday 4 December - 2016 class placement information to go home to parents

Wednesday 9 December - 5.30pm Year Six Graduation Dinner (PA Rooms)

7.00pm Year Six Graduation Ceremony (Hall)

Friday 11 December - 2015 school reports to go home to parents

Monday 14 December - 5.00pm Years 0 - 2 end of year concert

5.30pm Years 3 - 6 (including kapa haka) end of

year concert

6.20pm Approximate end of concert

Please Note: (1) All times are approximate. (2) Should the weather not allow

the concerts to be held on the field the concerts will be held in the hall.

Thursday 17 December

12.30pm School year ends with a final assembly on the court area outside the

hall or inside the hall if the weather dictates this.

Lost Property

Items in lost property unnamed -

over 20 fleeces, lots of hats, 3

polo shirts.

BBook Fair Dates

Dates for your diary!

Our Campbells Bay school book

week and book fair will be held

from Monday 30 November to

Friday 4 December.

Watch out for more information

coming soon.


2 November 2015

CBS Role in RWC Victory Revealed

We can now reveal the role CBS played in the famous RWC triumph at the

weekend. Sponsored by SKIDS, Ma’a Nonu visited CBS earlier in the year on

the pretext of promoting the anti-bullying message - thereby fooling the media

and other teams. We can now disclose this was merely a smoke screen for the

real purpose of the visit, namely to gain unique tournament winning advice from

our hitherto undercover RWC brains trust.

Two of the now unmasked members of the brains trust, Cushla Dyson and

Rachael Aitken, with Ma’a following an ‘off the record strategic briefing’ for Ma’a

and the team. While we don’t know what was said, it must have worked because

you can’t argue with a scoreline of 34 - 17.

Ma’a is taking notes and likes what he is being

told (note the smile)as the younger members

of our brains trust talk tactics. It is believed

that this was the moment Ma’a was told what

to do if he got an off load from SBW at the

start of the second half in the RWC final.

From all of us at Campbells Bay School,

congratulations to the All Blacks for winning

and for being good winners.

Ticket Purchases for APPA Choir Festival

Tickets for our big night are still available from Ticketmaster - just enter ‘Town

Hall’ in the search engine and the event will come up.

We look forward to seeing you all there on Wednesday 18 November - it’s going

to be an awesome evening!!

A notice regarding the evening arrangements will be sent home with your choir

member this week.

Jenny Watt

APPA Choir Trainer

Leaving no stone unturned, SKIDs

provided the all-important

nutritional advice (with nobody in

the SKIDS team answering to the

name of Suzie - remember the

conspiracy theory:1995?)

The until now unheralded

undercover CBS office RWC

advisory team following an off the

record meeting with Ma’a. Given

Cushla Dyson’s proficiency in

dance moves it is believed this is

where she helped Ma’a perfect his

‘twirl when tackled’ to gain

additional meters. Kathy, our

much loved Aussie, although in

the photo, was obviously not part

of the advisory team. No surprises



2 November 2015

Carless Day Challenge

Wednesday 11 November

On Wednesday 11 November Room 9 is challenging CBS families to avoid using their cars to drop children in the bus

bay. It is a ‘Carless Day Challenge! It is a Travelwise challenge!

It will be ‘Wacky Wednesday’!

We want to give Mr McGowan a day off! If you have to deliver the children to school by car then please drop them off

safely in Aberdeen Road, Beach Road or East Coast Road.

Can we eliminate cars from the bus bay? Yes we can!

You can’t be in the draw for ‘Wacky Wednesday’ prizes if you are spotted getting out of the car in the bus bay.

Be Travelwise! Walk, bike, scooter, skate, bus, rideshare or use the Walking School Bus to get to school. Summer is

almost here. Exercise is cool!

Start organising your family now! Be cool, please be Travelwise!

Thank you Room 9

On Wednesday 11 November, there will be a Wacky

Wednesday held at CBS. Our goal is to be Travelwise and

wacky!!! You can decorate your clothes, shoes, scooters and

bikes etc. You will have to wear your uniform underneath.

Room 9 challenges CBS families to aim for a ‘Car Less’ day on

Wednesday 11 November. Parents if you have to transport

your children to CBS the idea is you drop students in a safe

place in Aberdeen Rd, Beach Road or East Coast Rd. You

could practice this before the big day! We are aiming to give Mr McGowan a rest from the ‘stop, drop and go’ regime in

the bus bay.

Remember to be Travelwise and reduce car congestion outside CBS! If you get dropped off in the bus bay on

Wednesday 11 November you aren’t wacky! Walk, scooter, bike, bus, skate or ‘drop and walk’ to school. Use the Walking

School Bus. Be Travelwise CBS!

Room 9 will give out prizes to the most Travelwise students.

Jay and Room 9

Max the Pukeko is returning to CBS!

Max the Pukeko will be outside CBS during the next two weeks to promote


Remember Wacky Wednesday, Wednesday 11 November.

Challenge: CBS Max the Pukeko and Room 9 challenges you to a carless day

on Wednesday 11 November. No cars in the bus bay on Wednesday 11 November.

Start practising now.

Drop and walk at an alternative safe spot.

Room 9 and Mrs Taylor


2 November 2015

Sports News

Weekly sports results can be found on the following link:

Would all managers of sports teams please email weekly news and results to our new sports email address:

Sports/Cultural Photos

Monday 9 November

Sports/Cultural photos for Cross Country, Swimming, Orchestra, Mid Bays Choir, Waterwise, Kapa Haka, Mid Bays

Dance, APPA Choir plus any Touch, Netball, Hockey or Gymnastics teams who weren’t included last time.

Pupils to wear normal school uniform - not sports kit


Next year a new Flippa Ball league will be opening for years 2 & 3. The league will be held at the new National Aquatic

Centre which means that all the kids will be able to touch the bottom of the pool (pool depth 1m - 1.2m) which will help

them gain confidence and pick up the game easier before moving into the bigger pool.

The league runs on Sunday afternoons 14 February - 3 April. As the league starts at the very beginning of the school year

we would like to get an idea of the number of players interested before the end of term. If your child will be in year 2 or 3

next year (2016) and they would be keen, plus if you would be interested in managing or coaching a team or simply would

like more information please contact

Gymnastics/Trampoline Competition Dates

Wednesday 4 November North Harbour Primary Schools’ Gymnastics Competition

Years 2,3 and 4

Thursday 5 November North Harbour Primary Schools’ Gymnastics Competition

Years 5 and 6

Sunday 8 November North Shore Schools’ Trampoline Competition

Waterwise Session Dates Term Four

Reminder for year six parents of the Waterwise dates for Term Four. Any assistance you can give on these days would

be greatly appreciated.

Thursday 12 November Room 6S

Thursday 19 November Room 6B

Thursday 26 November Room 6G

Skillz 4 Life School Holiday Swimming Lessons

Please see the flyer on page 7.

Assessment booking forms are in the school office.


2 November 2015

NSW Competition Results

High Distinction: The top 1% of entrants in each year level in NZ.

Distinction: The next 10% of entrants in each year level in NZ.

Credit: The next 20% of entrants in each year level in NZ.

Merit: The next 10% of entrants in each year level in NZ.


Congratulations to the students who participated in the Computer Skills contest in the University of NSW International

Competition and Assessment for Schools’. Students received awards as follows:


High Distinction – Matthew Young

Distinction – Joey Wong

Credit - Jordan Burbidge, Catherine Chen, Nathan Murray, Elliott Nicholson, Sarah Nie, Aidan Rothery, Deeja Urlich

Merit – Josh Ford


Distinction – David Beskhyroun, Vanessa Burmeister,Angela Dong, William Smith

Credit – Ronan Giles, Alex Logan, Dylan Sahinkaya, Angela Tsang

Merit – Leo Cheng, Lucas Day, Sonakshi Sandu


Distinction – Minato Arai, Lucy Jobbins, Caleb Lipman, Zachary Manning, Kayla McHugh, Tom Qiu

Credit – Benjamin Brighouse, Mazzy Christopherson, David Escat, Hannah Finley, Marcus Fraser-Mackenzie,

Ella Hanton,Emma Jiang, Sally Leach, Sophia Lee, Joseph Pettigrew, Hayley Taylor, Sophie Tucker, Xieden Urlich,

Kevin Zhu

Merit – Megan Beasleigh, Eliza Ferguson-Dudding, Aimee Klapf, Benjamin Strawbridge

The first event in the Harcourts Cooper & Co Beach Series is next Tuesday, 3 November! If you haven’t, get registered

and you can do so online until 2.00pm Tuesday 3 November. Each time your students participant, not only will they be

swimming or running with their friends and family, but they’ll also be accruing valuable points for their primary school in

the Harcourts Beach Series Primary Schools Competition. For more information and to register your children go



2 November 2015


2 November 2015