Call or Contact Centre Manager - Australian Skills Shortages Program - ANZSCO 149211


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1300 004 2, Suite 202 | 151 Clarence Street | Sydney, NSW | 2000 | Australia


“More than 60% of Contact Centre Managers are expecting a shortage in Skilled Staff over the next few years, a new Report has found. That’s in an Industry with 100,000 vacancies a year, with an Employment appetite second only to mining.” -

AUSTRALIAN SKILLS SHORTAGES PROGRAMAre you looking for Employees but consistently find that they:• Lack the Qualifications and experience

required for your Organisation?

• Lack the commitment and loyalty required to stay with your business long term?

If you answered yes to any of the above, then you may benefit from a simple cost-effective and hassle-free staffing solution.

If your Employees are your most valuable commodity, then ensuring that you have highly-skilled and experienced staff is vital for your ongoing success. The Program enhances your current, local job vacancy efforts and works with your HR Department.

In view of the shortage of skilled staff in Australia, you may be able to offer Employment through the Australian Skilled Migration Program should a suitable Australian Permanent Resident or Citizen not be available. This may prove ideal if you are looking for a simple and cost-effective way of attaining and retaining Qualified, experienced and committed Employees.

If you are eligible for the Program, Staffing Solutions Australia can help you find the best Employees from a Global pool of Skilled Talent.

“The Report reveals that 25% of Managers are already facing Skill Shortages and 61% believe that a key mid-long term trend will be difficulty recruiting the right people with the right skillset.” – FuturePeople


PROGRAM SUPPORTThroughout the Program’s duration, Qualified Training Assessors from Staffing Solutions Australia will monitor the Employee and provide Workplace-Based Training to enhance their skills and Qualifications. The Assessors have worked in Australia and around the World and know where and what to look for. This will ensure that the requirements of your job are being met satisfactorily.

“The Report also shows that only 37% of Contact Centre Managers recruit agents with a view to keeping them in the contact centre over the long term, and only 28% of Managers test for leadership ability during the recruitment process.”


DURATION OF THE PROGRAMStarting with One and Two Year Programs and as a long-term solution, you can enjoy the benefits of your Employees’ continued employment for up to five – and potentially more – years through the various Australian Visa options available.

To find out more about how you can fill your staff vacancies with Qualified, well-trained, experienced and committed staff, visit Staffing Solutions Australia on or phone 1300 004 554 for more information.

Step 1: Send your job description to Staffing Solutions Australia.

Step 2: This Description will then be matched against our impressive database.

Step 3: The position will be advertised globally, interviews and reference checks conducted, and a list of suitable Applicants presented to you for review.

Step 4: Once you have selected the perfect applicant, Staffing Solutions Australia will:• Process the VISA application• Sponsor and place the applicant• Monitor their workplace training program

Ensuring you, the host organisation, a simple way of attaining and retaining, qualified, experienced and committed employees to strengthen your organisation.
