CALENDAR HOOPTIME! · preparing an iPad presentation summarising the main points to be presented at...


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66 Kimberley Drive, Chirnside Park VIC 3116



14 3-6 Swimming last day

15 Trivia Night

19 District Athletics Ringwood

9.30am -2.30pm

School Council Meeting 7.30pm


1 Fathers Day Stall (Gr 5/6 only)

2 - 4 Gr 5/6 Sovereign Hill Camp

4 Fathers Day Stall (Grs P-4)

11 Gr 5/6 Hooptime

16 Whole School Production

18 CSEF application closing date

Last Day of Term 3


5 First Day of Term 4

Assembly dates

Multi-Purpose Room at 3.00pm






All welcome


Vision: To create a community of lifelong learners

Mission: To provide opportunities for every child to learn and flourish

Our Values: Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, Learning

Volume 38 Issue 12 13th August 2015


66 Kimberley Drive, Chirnside Park VIC 3116

From the Principal

Head Lice

In response to the many cases of head lice which have been reported of recent times, we have arranged for the nurse at the Shire of Yarra Ranges to come out to do a thorough check of all the children at the school. She has been carrying out these checks today and will complete them tomorrow. If your child is found to have head lice you will be contacted to collect your child and asked to treat your child’s hair appropriately. Head lice are extremely contagious and it is only by everyone being vigilant and checking hair regularly and then treating absolutely diligently until no eggs remain, that we can contain the spread. Head lice treatments can be obtained from the pharmacist and you need to follow the instructions carefully. Often a further treatment is required in seven days as it is very hard to ensure you have removed all eggs.


As many of you are aware, the NAPLAN tests were administered to the Year 3 and 5 children earlier this year. The results are due to be released sometime in the next week. When we receive them they will be sent home to the relevant children. Please remember that these tests are just a snapshot and may not be a true indication of the child’s abilities. Children’s nerves, sense of panic, feeling unwell may have impacted on the child’s results. You are far better to discuss with your child’s teacher how your child is progressing; in that way you will get the total picture. If you are at all worried by the results I encourage you to make an appointment to discuss them with your child’s teacher.

Tree Pruning

The Shire has informed me that Kimberley Drive will be having some tree pruning carried out in mid-August. This may impact on traffic both vehicular and pedestrian. Please be aware that you may need to take extra precautions during this time to ensure your child’s safety.

Prep 2016 Transition

Last Wednesday we held another Transition session for new Preps next year. If you have not sent in your enrolment or know of any other family who intends to send their child to Chirnside in 2016 could you please let them know as we need to let the Department know of our expected numbers for next year and we need to ensure our staffing is in place to cater for our classes. It is also important that we know of any families who are leaving the school. I already know of one family who is moving to the country at the end of the year, but if there are any other families who will not be at Chirnside next year, could you please let me know.

Social Media Forum

Last week we had a visit from Discovery Learning Centre who gave a fabulous presentation to the Year 5 and 6 children about Social Media and its impacts. Parents were invited and there were two parents who attended. Feedback from both the parents and the students was extremely positive. The teachers who attended said that the presenter had the children engaged from the very first word and kept their attention for the whole hour. Hopefully this presentation has led children to reflect on their behaviour on social media and they will be more responsible as a result. Two Year 6 students are preparing an iPad presentation summarising the main points to be presented at the next assembly.

Jan Marinakos Principal


66 Kimberley Drive, Chirnside Park VIC 3116

Physical Education Grade 3/4 Hooptime

Last Friday most of the Grade 3/4 students competed in the Hooptime basketball competition at Kilsyth Sports Centre. We had six teams competing and I'm certain all the students had a wonderful day. Congratulations to the Allstar boys team who won a thrilling semi-final but came up just short in the Grand Final, and also to Miss Westgarth's Rookies team who were undefeated the entire day. Thank-you to all the parents and family members who assisted with coaching and scoring on the day. It was greatly appreciated. Thank-you to those students that have returned their washed singlets. Those who are yet to do so please have them back to me at school by the end of this week.

Grade 5/6 Hooptime

On Friday 11th September it will be the Grade 5/6's turn for their Hooptime competition. Permission notices went home to all interested students this week, however if your child didn't get a notice please get them to come and talk to me (they may have been absent when I was seeking interest from students last term). If any parents are able to assist with coaching or scoring on the day please let me know ASAP. This year we have eight teams competing and any assistance we can receive would be fantastic. Payment is due by Monday 7th September.

District Athletics

Next week on Wednesday 19th August is the District Athletics Competition at Proclamation Park, Ringwood. Selected students from Grades 3 to 6 will be competing in a variety of running, jumping and throwing athletic events. Participating students must return their permission form and payment by this coming Monday, 17th August, or they will be unable to compete. Again, any parental assistance on the day would be hugely appreciated. Lyn Francis and I are going and we require parents to assist with finishing line duties and adult numbers on the buses. A reminder that all competing students need to be at school by 8:40am so that the buses can leave at or before 9:00am.

Tim Norton Physical Education

Fundraising Entertainment Books are still available at the office for $65. We have two left so be quick if you are interest-ed in purchasing a book. Woolworths Earn & Learn

Just a reminder to keep collecting the stickers when you shop at Woolworths. Stickers can be placed in the box at school (near the office) or in the box at Chirnside Park Shopping Centre. The more stickers we collect, the more equipment we can order for the students. Earn & Learn runs until 18th September.

Trivia Night

Our annual Trivia night is on this Saturday, 15th August. The theme this year is “Pyjama Party” and the cost is $15 per head. Tables are still available if you are interested in a great night. Shopping Tour

Parents & Friends are proposing to have a shopping tour on the 24th October. The cost will be approximately $47. Expressions of interest are due tomorrow.


66 Kimberley Drive, Chirnside Park VIC 3116

Prep B .... Gaius S

Prep S .... Jessica D

1/2C ....... Acacia D

1/2U ....... Crystal L

12W ....... Zeke C

3/4A ....... Eily S

3/4K ....... Alex M

3/4W ...... James Hoogenboom

5/6K .......

5/6F ........ Alisha L & Lauren T

5/6G .......

P/E ......... Tegan M (PB) & Kyle B (5/6G)

LOTE ..... Rui F


Red House scored 9 points Total: 9

Blue House scored 11 points Total: 11

Green House scored 4 points Total: 4

Yellow House scored 5 points Total: 5

This week’s winner with the highest

point score is Blue House.


Camp Australia – Before and After School Care

August News Attention Parents:

On Wednesday 19th August our Operations Manager – Vicki Dobson – from Head Office Camp

Australia will be present at After School Care from 3:00pm through until 6:00pm.

Vicki will be here to answer any questions and listen to feedback regarding Holiday Club and Camp


Please feel welcome to drop in and say hello - chat with Vicki raising any issues and concerns that you

may have.

Heather Alexander

Coordinator Chirnside Park OSHC


66 Kimberley Drive, Chirnside Park VIC 3116

Maths Problem Solving Quiz. This term you will be eligible for an entry into the draw for a “Smiggles” voucher if you start

solving the problems now. For every correct problem solved you will be given an entry into the

raffle. So the more problems you solve the more chances you have to win!!!

This problem is due Thursday 27th August. Your answer sheet must show all

workings out!


Answer Snails- 22mintes.

Carries cubes- 8, 12, 6 & 1.

Netball Goals In the first quarter of last Friday’s netball game, Katie

and Sarah scored all the goals for the Gold team. Sarah

shot 1/4 of all the goals. Katie shot 12 goals. How many

points did the Gold team score? In the second quarter of the game, Katie scored a fifth of the

team’s 20 points while again Sarah scored the rest. How many

points did Sarah score?

3-6 Tim's Trip Its 7km from Tim's house to where his Grandma lives. Its uphill on the way there so he can only cycle at 14kph but he can do 21kph on the way back. Tim leaves his house at 6pm. How long can he stop at his Grandma's house if he wants to be back home for his favourite TV programme at 7pm?


66 Kimberley Drive, Chirnside Park VIC 3116




Level 1 Camp - weekend Friday 12th February to Sunday 14th February 2016

$65 Full Fee * (Also, Level 3 camp on Friday 23rd to Sunday 25th October 2015)



* Commenced in February 2003, this camp has continued for one reason only- because it works! It does cause kids to be much more confident, and it does increase their self esteem! * The February 2016 camp is for new campers. In some cases we do accept new ones in the Octo-ber camp if extenuating circumstances exist, but ring and ask about this if needed.

See to see who we are, what we do, and to download a form for the

Feb 16 camp, which also has more on it about how the camp started and where it is in the beautiful Yarra Valley.

Open to Primary kids in Grades 4-6 in 2015 (& 9 year olds in Grade 3). There are 4 levels kids can work through. The fourth level is a Leadership Training level, and

in the May 15 camp our first leaders came through from that level, after much hard work! All activities are fun activities, from low ropes, initiative activities, wall climbing, games,

drama and challenging interactive sessions. Held at Lyrebird Park campsite, Beenak Rd, Yellingbo-(Melway map 308 K10). Cost of $65 is subsidised by sponsors such as Bendigo Bank, Bunnings and Yarra Ranges

Council. Contact Kids of Gold on 0418 170 027 (Jenny) or 9737 9475 (Gary) or 0415 427 396 9 (Gary) to

hold a a place and/or find out more.


ABN 57 327 231 83
