Cage Culture Review


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  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review






    Cage aquacultureRegional reviews and global overview

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review



  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    Cage aquacultureRegional reviews and global overview

    E yMatthias HalwartFy R O (Aq)Aq M C SFAO F Aq DR, Iy

    Doris Soto

    S Fy R O (Aq R M)Aq M C SFAO F Aq DR, Iy

    J. Richard ArthurFAO CB

    B C, C





  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    T y y y F A Oz U N (FAO) y y, y, y , . T , , y y FAO .

    T () y f FAO.

    ISBN 978-9-5-105801-5

    A . R - z y y y. R y .A :CE P Py S BC DFAOV T C, 0015 R, Iy y - :y@.

    FAO 007

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review



    Preparation of this document

    T FAO q , y C, A ( C), E, M, -S A, L A C, A O.T y . T 00 5 FAO S S C Aq R R G O A F Sy (AFS)S I Sy C Aq A (CAA), Hz, C, 8 Jy 006.

    T FAO S S z y Aq M C S (FIMA) FAO F AqD y y -y , y J T F P T S Aq: S I G G P R F (FAO FC P).

    My FAO F Aq D FAOS R O y . P AFS P, D C-L L, CAA .

    T y , M. H,D. S J.R. A.

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review




    C q y y z q. T - y. I , q - , , .

    T q . I z C, A ( C), E, M, -S A, L A

    C, N A O. T z q y y q . E ,y , y q; ; ; , , - q / . T q ; z , y ; y q, y q y y .

    Halwart, M.; Soto, D.; Arthur, J.R. (eds.)C q R .FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. N. 498. R, FAO. 007. 41 .

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review




    P A C F

    Cage aquaculture: a global overview 3Albert G.J. Tacon and Matthias Halwart

    Introduction 4

    Lack of statistical information 4

    Major cultured species, cage culture systems and culture environments 5Perceived issues and challenges to cage culture development 8

    The way forward 10

    Concluding remarks 13

    Acknowledgements 13

    References 14

    A review of cage aquaculture: Asia (excluding China) 21Sena S. De Silva and Michael J. Phillips

    Introduction 22

    Inland cage farming 22

    Brackishwater and marine cage farming 26

    Country profiles 33

    Constraints and challenges to brackishwater and marine cageculture development in Asia 42

    The way forward 45

    Acknowledgements 46

    References 47

    A review of cage and pen aquaculture: China 53Jiaxin Chen, Changtao Guang, Hao Xu, Zhixin Chen, Pao Xu,

    Xiaomei Yan, Yutang Wang and Jiau LiuBackground 54

    History and origin of cage and pen culture in China 54

    The current situation 55

    Emerging issues in inland cage and pen culture 60

    Constraints to marine cage culture 60

    The way forward 61

    Conclusions and recommendations 64

    References 66

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review



    A review of cage aquaculture: Latin America and the Caribbean 73Alejandro Rojas and Silje Wadsworth

    Introduction 74

    Projection for aquaculture development in the region 74

    Salmonid production 76

    Cage farming systems 88

    Other marine species 94

    The way forward 96

    References 98

    A review of cage aquaculture: North America 105Michael P. Masser and Christopher J. Bridger

    Background and aim of study 106

    History and current status of cage aquaculture in North America 106

    Current situation of cage farming 109Regional issues 117

    The way forward 120

    Conclusions and recommendations 122

    References 123

    A review of cage aquaculture: northern Europe 129Jon Arne Grttum and Malcolm Beveridge

    Background 130

    History of cage culture in the region 130

    The current situation regarding cage culture in Europe 131

    Major regional challenges 138

    The way forward 148

    Conclusions 153

    Acknowledgements 153

    References 154

    A review of cage aquaculture: Mediterranean Sea 159Francesco Cardia and Alessandro Lovatelli

    Background and aim of the study 160

    The Mediterranean Sea 160

    Reared species 161Mediterranean cage aquaculture 165

    National cage production overview 166

    Cage models 180

    Main issues 184

    The way forward 186

    Acknowledgements 186

    References and suggested reading 187

    A review of cage aquaculture: sub-Saharan Africa 191

    Patrick Blow and Shivaun LeonardIntroduction 192

    The current situation 192

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review



    The way forward 202

    Conclusions 205

    Recommendations 206

    References 207

    A review of cage aquaculture: Oceania 211Michael A. Rimmer and Benjamin Ponia

    Background and aim of study 212

    History and origin of cage culture in the region 212

    The current situation 213

    Major regional / country issues 223

    The way forward 228

    Conclusions 228

    Acknowledgements 229

    References 230

    Annexes 233

    1. The 2nd International Symposium on Cage Aquaculture in Asia 234

    2. Agenda 236

    3. List of FAO-sponsored participants/presenters 241

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review




    Cage aquaculture: a global overviewA G.J. T Aq F L

    4919 K Hy, K, HI 96744, U S AM H F Aq D, FAO, R 0015, Iy

    A review of cage aquaculture: Asia (excluding China)

    S S. D S N Aq C A-PPO B 1040, K P O, B 1090, T

    M J. P N Aq C A-PPO B 1040, K P O, B 1090, T

    A review of cage and pen aquaculture: China

    J C Y S F R I, Q, CC G Y S F R I, Q, CH X Fy My I R I, S, CZ C Fy My I R I, S, CP X F F R I, W, CX Y F F R I, W, CY W N S Aq T E, B, C

    J L N L Y C A, N, F P, C

    A review of cage aquaculture: Latin America and the Caribbean

    A R Aq R M LT 171, C 166, P V, C

    S W B Cy, N-410, H, Ny

    A review of cage aquaculture: North America

    M P. M D W F S

    T A&M Uy, C S, T, U S AC J. B Aq E G I.7A F S, S. A, N B, E5B 1Y9, C

    A review of cage aquaculture: northern Europe

    J A G N S F, PB 114, N-746 T, NyM B WF C, PO B 161, M, C, Ey

    A review of cage aquaculture: Mediterranean Sea

    F C V A. F 8, 00161 R, IyA L F Aq D, FAO, R 0015, Iy

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review



    A review of cage aquaculture: sub-Saharan Africa

    P B L H, B , K, ZS L 68 J C, Cy, NC 7817, U S A

    A review of cage aquaculture: Oceania

    M A. R Q D Py I FN F C, PO B 596, C, Q, A

    B P S P Cy

    B.P. D5 98848, N C, N C

    Photographic credits

    T :P. Blow ( 190 )B. Branahl / ( 7 )

    J.C. Chen ( 5 )DigitalGlobe / GoogleEarth ( )M. Halwart ( 0 , 49, 69, 158 , 158 10)M. Heinemann / ( 18 )Manuele De Mattia / Norwegian Seafood Export Council ( 18 )

    J.F. Moehl ( 155 190 )NOAAs Fisheries Collection ( 17 , 17 , 104 104 )M. Phillips ( 0 )Sena S. De Silva ( 5 )D. Soto ( 7 , 101 101 )

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review




    T q y y 0 y y z q . R y 57 4 , y. R , z y , . W q y, - y. I , q - , ,

    .W F Aq D F A Oz U N (FAO), Aq M C S (FIMA) , q q y, y. T S , FAO M q y q , , , y y , , q. I FAO, -, q.

    I , 004, FIMA A

    E, U, 0 O 004.1 T y y y- . A FIMA , A; - q A; , y y A y q . G y q , , FAO N AqS O J T F P T S Aq S I G, FIMA .

    I 005, A F Sy (AFS)

    S I Sy C Aq A. FIMA q y y . Uy, , z , y y ( A 1).

    1 S H, M. M, J. F. (.) 006. FAO R T E W C C A. E,U, 0 O 004. FAO F P. N. 6, 11 . R, FAO.

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  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review



    Cage aquaculture production 2005

    Data were taken from fisheries statistics submitted to FAO by themember countries for 2005. In case 2005 data were not available,2004 data were used.

    Map background image Blue Marble: Next generation courtesy of NASAs Earth Observatory

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    Cage aquaculture:

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  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review



    Cage aquaculture: a global overview

    Albert G.J. Tacon1 and Matthias Halwart2

    Tacon, A.G.J. and Halwart, M.C q: . In M. H, D. S J.R. A (). Cage aquaculture Regional reviews andglobal overview, . 116. FAO F T P. N. 498. R, FAO. 007. 41 .

    ABSTRACTT - q y

    q . A

    A ,

    Ny 1970 . A

    , q y

    y , y

    ( , , , y), y

    , , , .

    A q

    y ,

    FAO y -

    . I , 6 q y 005: 5 y

    ; 7 -

    . T , y

    - ( ) , (A ,

    C ), ( J

    , , y , E , , , -

    , M , ) ( C , , Colossoma, ).

    C y y y y y

    , y y- (y

    A ) -

    E A. T y

    , y

    y ( y ), ,

    y, ,

    y . T -

    , z y

    y .

    1 Aq F L, 49-19 K Hy, K, HI 96744, U S A F Aq D, FAO, R 0015, Iy

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    Cage aquaculture Regional reviews and global overview4

    INTRODUCTIONT - q y q . A

    A (Py Ky, 005), y M ( S P, ), Ny (B, 004). T q y y 0 y

    y z q . I y 57 , 6.7 1997 98.6 00 (D etal., 00). By , y y 4 , 8.1 1997 9. 00. R , , z

    y , (D et al., 00).

    A (F 1),

    q y y , y (Fy et al., 005; T et al., 00), y . Py , , , .

    LACK OF STATISTICAL INFORMATIONA q y (FAO,007), FAO y .I , 6 q y 005: 5 y ;

    FIGURE 1

    Land-use transitions: will aquaculture follow a similar pathway?








    pre-settlement frontier subsistence intensifying intensive



    protected/recreational lands



    stage in land use transitionSource: Modified after Foley et al., 2005

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    Cage aquaculture: a global overview 5

    7 (T 1).

    O 6 /,

    1 FAO 004 005.

    T q 6 / 41 167 40 7 y C et al. () C .

    O , 005 : Ny (65 06 ),C (588 060 ), J (7 81 ),

    U K (15 5 ), V N(16 000 ), C (98 441 ), Ty(78 94 ), G (76 577 ), I(67 67 ) P (66 49 )(F ).

    H, , , y (7 6) .

    M y

    , C

    . A y C etal. ( ) q PR C 005 991 555 (704 54

    87 01 ).In terms of national or regional importance, total

    cage culture production from China amounted to just2.3 percent of total reported aquaculture productionin 2005 (Chen et al., this volume; FAO 2007).

    By , M B ( ) q 70 q C 004, D S P ( ) y 80 90



    J , , y ,E , , , -

    , M , )

    TABLE 1

    FAO member countries either reporting cage aquaculture production to FAO or otherwise known to be actively

    engaged in commercial cage aquaculture production, but not currently reporting data on cage aquaculture

    production to FAO

    Countries reporting cage aquaculture to FAO Countries otherwise known to be actively engaged in commercialcage aquaculture

    Latin America and the Caribbean region

    Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Martinique(France), Panama, Uruguay

    Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua

    North American region

    Canada, United States of America)Northern European region

    Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland,Ireland, Norway, Poland, Russian Federation, Slovakia,Sweden, United Kingdom

    Mediterranean region

    Albania, Bosnia and Herzogovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt,France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Malta,Morocco, Portugal, Slovenia, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia,Turkey


    Sub-Saharan African region

    Benin, Gabon, Ghana, Mauritius, Mayotte (France),Mozambique, Runion (France), Zambia, Zimbabwe

    Cte dIvoire, Kenya, Madagascar, Nigeria, Rwanda, SouthAfrica, Uganda

    Asia and Oceania

    Azerbaijan, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Hong Kong SAR,Taiwan Province of China, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea,Kuwait, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Nepal,Oman, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam

    Australia, Bangladesh, China, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of),Democratic People's Republic of Korea, New Zealand

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    Cage aquaculture Regional reviews and global overview6


    , A y y - y ; q 4 000- y 94 1970 1 5 97 005( US$4 767 000 ), 10 000 y , Ny, C, U K, C, F I, A I (T ).

    N C C et al. ( ). T (6 , , 1 ) y .

    ( C ,, Colossoma, ).

    H, y y y y y , y

    y- (y A ; DS P, 007; Py Ky, 005) E A(G B, ; M B, ).

    I y, 40 , y (S, S, C,P C) 90 y (S)

    66 (F ).A , 80

    y . O , (Salmo salar) (51 ) (F 4), (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Seriolaquinqueradiata, Pangasius . Oncorhynchuskisutch) (7 ).

    Ny y ( : Oreochromis niloticus, Sparus aurata, Pagrusauratus Dicentrarchus labrax); 10 70+ .

    FIGURE 2

    Major cage aquaculture producing countries globally






    Viet Nam4%


    United Kingdom4%



    Indonesia2% Philippines


    1% Denmark1%




    FIGURE 3

    Worldwide cage aquaculture production

    by fish family










    FIGURE 4

    Worldwide cage aquaculture production by fish species

    Salmo salar51%

    Dicentrarchus spp2%

    Oncorhynchus tshawytscha1%

    Dicentrarchus labrax2%

    Pagrus auratus


    Sparus aurata4%

    Oreochromis niloticus4%

    Oncorhynchus kisutch5%

    Seriola quinqueradiata7%

    Oncorhynchus mykiss9%

    Pangasius spp6%

    Marine fishes nei1%

    Salmo spp1%

    Oreochromis (=Tilapia) spp1%

    Lates calcarifer1%


    Cyprinus carpio1%

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    Cage aquaculture: a global overview 7

    A F (006) , : D -

    y (.., y

    z y -);

    A (Ny C 1 800 1 500 , y);

    S ( , y y, , z, y ~ 60 , y );


    ( y y, , , , );

    B , , q y y ;

    B y ( , y , y , );

    I , q

    ( qy, qy y , , , , , ).

    N, A y 005 - . R y . FAO , ,, y FAO y , .

    I , C 700 000 q 68.4 q, y V N (16 000 1. ) I (67 700 6.6 ) (T ) . W PRC 0 q (C et al., ), y (T 4). M q , , y, - (T 5 6).

    TABLE 2

    Total reported Atlantic salmon Salmo salaraquaculture production in 2005 (FAO, 2007)

    Country Quantity in tonnes (and as percentage of global total)

    Norway 582 043 (47.02%)

    Chile 374 387 (30.24%)

    United Kingdom 129 823 (10.49%)

    Canada 83 653 (6.76%)

    Faroe Islands 18 962 (1.53%)

    Australia 16 033 (1.30%)

    Ireland 13 764 (1.11%)

    United States of America 9 401 (0.76%)

    Iceland 6 488 (0.52%)

    France 1 190 (0.10%)

    Russian Federation 204 (0.02%)

    Denmark 18

    Greece 6

    Total 1 237 977

    Source: FAO, 2007

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    Cage aquaculture Regional reviews and global overview8



    I , - y q / y q y, : ,

    - ( / )

    qy q y (M et al.,006; L, 006);

    (C et al., ; M,006; T et al., 006)

    ( ) (F et al., 007);

    y - y ,

    , , - (A T, 004; D S P, ; E et al., 004;K A, 006; T et al.,006). N y q y, ;

    -y ,

    y y (FAO,006; M, 006; O et al., 004;R, 006);

    q ( /

    TABLE 3

    Top ten freshwater cage aquaculture by country

    Country Quantity (tonnes) in percent of total

    China 704 254 68.4

    Viet Nam 126 000 12.2

    Indonesia 67 672 6.6

    Philippines 61 043 5.9

    Russian Federation 14 036 1.4

    Turkey 10 751 1.0

    Lao People's Democratic Republic 9 900 1.0

    Thailand 7 000 0.7

    Malaysia 6 204 0.6

    Japan 3 900 0.4

    TABLE 4

    Production of the top ten species/taxa in freshwater cage aquaculture (excluding PR China)

    Species Quantity (tonnes) in percent of total

    Pangasius spp 133 594 41.1

    Oreochromis niloticus 87 003 26.7

    Cyprinus carpio 21 580 6.6

    Oreochromis (=Tilapia) spp 16 714 5.1

    Oncorhynchus mykiss 14 625 4.5

    Salmo spp 12 071 3.7

    Channa micropeltes 11 525 3.5

    Salmo trutta 8 551 2.6

    Freshwater fishes nei 6 914 2.1

    Acipenseridae 2 368 0.7

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    Cage aquaculture: a global overview 9

    ) , , (FAO, 006; F et al., 007; H etal., 006; Ny et al., 005; S et al., 001);

    ( / ) , y (B, 004; N et al., 000);

    y ( ) - y ( , / ),

    q (FAO, 006);

    q ,

    , /- (A et al.,006; By et al., 005; C et al., ;FAO, 006);

    ( y ) - y y (G,1997), - y - y y (C-P, 00; T et al., 006).I q

    ( y)

    , , y y , y , y y,

    TABLE 5

    Production of the top ten marine and brackish water cage aquaculture countries

    Country Quantity (tonnes) in percent of total

    Norway 652 306 27.5

    Chile 588 060 24.8

    China 287 301 12.1

    Japan 268 921 11.3

    United Kingdom 131 481 5.5

    Canada 98 441 4.2

    Greece 76 212 3.2

    Turkey 68 173 2.9

    Republic of Korea 31 895 1.3

    Denmark (including Faroe Islands) 31 192 1.3

    TABLE 6

    Production (tonnes) of the top ten species/taxa in marine and brackish water cage aquaculture (excluding PR China)

    Species Quantity (tonnes) in percent of total

    Salmo salar 1 219 362 58.9

    Oncorhynchus mykiss 195 035 9.4

    Seriola quinqueradiata 159 798 7.7

    Oncorhynchus kisutch 116 737 5.6

    Sparus aurata 85 043 4.1

    Pagrus auratus 82 083 4.0

    Dicentrarchus labrax 44 282 2.1

    Dicentrarchus spp 37 290 1.8

    Oncorhynchus tshawytscha 23 747 1.2

    Scorpaenidae 21 297 1.0

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    Cage aquaculture Regional reviews and global overview10

    q. E y : W A y

    - y (D S P, ), C L( ) M , B L ( ) y S-S A . H, q ( , , ,

    ), q (F 5) -y y y (FAO,006).

    O z y , (. )

    y (T F, 00), y z y - y q .

    N , , - q y ; y

    (0 ), (0 ), (0 ), (10 ), (10 ), (5 ), (5 : K, 00).A q ( , y z), y y ; y C (C et al., ; Dq M, 006; H etal., 006; X et al., 006) A

    -, , / , y

    y y(FAO, 006; H M 006; Hy,1999, 001; T, 001).

    THE WAY FORWARDC . F, y- y y A (P D S, 006) y

    (Hy, 006). H, y A / , P M , , (T et al., 006). O q y A y , y (R

    T, 006).H,

    q -. S , z - y y . C

    q yy , y -.

    Expansion, intensification, environmentalpollution and the state of our oceans andinland watersD z q y, ( S-S A) y

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    Cage aquaculture: a global overview 11

    N Z (R et al., ).E q . H,

    q - y.

    T q y (H M, 006).O

    y C z q y .

    M, , y, y (

    y ) q , - -- q (FAO, 006; Sz et al., 006;T et al., 006).

    C Ny y q (G B, )

    y . Gy, y y C C

    FIGURE 5

    Major differences between conventional extensive, semi-intensive and intensive farming systems in terms of

    production, resource use and potential/perceived environmental risks

    Natural foodavailability &


    Polyculturefilter feedersherbivores

    Use offeed inputs

    Use of fishmeal & fish oil

    Use of highvalue species

    Ambient water& sediment


    Environmental& ecologicalsustainability

    Farmed productquality &safety


    farming &management skills


    waste outputs &pollution impacts


    disease risks &escapes/impacts


    use of chemicals& therapeutants








    Production &profit/unit area

    Land use & farm/pond size

    Input costsper unit of


    Water,aeration &

    energy use

    Source: adapted from Tacon et al. 1995

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    Cage aquaculture Regional reviews and global overview12




    R F y - ( G I Sy GIS) z (.. Pz et al., 005),

    y (Cet al., 005), (.. Z et al., 005).

    Integrating the system: a multi-trophicapproach to cage cultureI y , y ( y z

    : C et al., ; C et al., 006; Ky

    A-Mz, 007; L, 006) -- , , (R et al., 007; R, 006; W et

    al., 006).T - -

    - ( ) z y , , , / , (F 6).

    H, - y (N etal., 004; T et al., 004), y

    q y (L et al., 006; R et al., 007;

    FIGURE 6Integrating the system: traditional finfish cage culture and co-culture of seaweeds in China

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    Cage aquaculture: a global overview 13

    9 y 050, q

    .I , y

    y y q y, ,y y y y y , , y q

    . C q y ( ) , y y .


    J.R. A, P. Bz, D. By, M. B,P. B, C.J. B, F. C, B. C,

    J. C, Z. C, S.S. D S, J. F, S. F-S, J.A. G, C. G, M. H, H,S. L, J. L, A. L, A. L,M.P. M, J. M, M.J. P, B. P,M. R, M.A. R, A. R, D. S,R. S, S. W, Y. W, H. X,P. X X. Y.

    R, 006; X et al., 006; Y, 006;Y X, 006). O q - q -

    - y (.. ) - q . Py y .


    , y 97 . Y, 71 99 , y y 10 y .

    I y ( 99 q: FAO, 006),

    y y 1 y (FAO, 006); 5 y , 0 y , 17 -,7 , , 1 (FAO, 005).

    Cy, 80 y,

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    Cage aquaculture Regional reviews and global overview14

    REFERENCESAlston, D.E., Cabarcas-Nunez, A, Helsley, C.E.,

    Bridger, C. & Benetti, D. 006. Sz

    : B . World Aquaculture, 7:46.

    Asche, F. & Tveteras, S. 004. O q .Journalof Agricultural Economics, 55(): 4565.

    Beveridge, M. 004. Cage Aquaculture, .O, UK, B P L. 68 .

    Blow, P. & Leonard, S. ( ). A q: S-S A.

    Boyd, C.E., McNevin, A.A., Clay, J. & Johnson,H.M. 005. C

    q . Reviews in Fisheries Science,1: 179.Cardia, F. & Lovatelli, A. ( ). A

    q: M S.Chen, J., Guang, C., Xu, H., Chen, Z., Xu, P., Yan,

    X., Wang, Y. & Liu, J. ( ). A q: C.

    Costa-Pierce, B.A. 00. Ey P F Aq. I B.A. C-P.Ecological Aquaculture, . 97. O, UK,B P L. 8 .

    Cremer, M.C., Lan, H.P., Schmittou, H.R. & Jian,

    Z. 006. C PTrachinotus ovatus - : 004 005 H,C, y ASA-IM/USB. I Book of Abstracts, 2ndInternational Symposium on Cage Aquaculture inAsia (CAA2), 3-8 July 2006, Hangzhou, China, .9-10 (P - ).

    Cubitt, K.F., Churchill, S., Rowsell, D., Scruton, D.A.& McKinley, R.S. 005. - : . I Aquatic

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    De Silva, S.S. & Phillips, M.J. ( ). A q: A ( C).

    Duqi, Z. & Minjie, F. 006. T y y .I Book of Abstracts, 2nd International Symposiumon Cage Aquaculture in Asia (CAA2), 3-8 July 2006,Hangzhou, China, . 90. (P - ).

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    FAO. 006. State of World Aquaculture 2006. FAOT P 500. R, FAO. 14 .FAO. 007. Fishstat Plus: Universal software for

    fishery statistical time series.Aquaculture production:quantities 1950-2005, Aquaculture production:values 1984-2005; Capture production: 1950-2005;Commodities production and trade: 1950-2005;Total production: 1970-2005, Vers. 2.30. R, FAOF Aq D, FyI, D S U.

    Ferguson, A., Fleming, I.A., Hindar, K., Skaala, .,McGinnity, P., Cross, T. & Prodhl, P. 007. F. I E. V, L. Sy & J. N(), A Salmon: Genetics, conservation andmanagement, . 67409. O, BP L.

    Foley, J.A., DeFries, R., Asner, G.P., Barford, C.,Bonan, G., Carpenter, S.R., Chapin, S.F., Coe,M.T., Daily, G.C., Gibbs, H.K., Helkowski,

    J.H., Holloway, T., Howard, E.A., Kucharik,C.J., Monfreda, C., Patz, J.A., Prentice, I.C.,Ramankutty, N. & Snyder, P.K. 005. Gq . Science, 09: 570574.

    Forster, J.R. 006. P AM H Aq A,H I M By, O, H,USA, J 15, 006.

    Goodland, R. 1997. E y : . Ecological Economics, :18900.

    Grttum, J.A. & Beveridge, M.C. ( ). A : E.

    Halwart, M. & Moehl, J.F. (.) 006.FAO RegionalTechnical Expert Workshop on Cage Culture inAfrica. Entebbe, Uganda, 20-23 October 2004. FAOF P. N. 6. R, FAO. 11 .( ://..//009/08/0800.)

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    Cage aquaculture: a global overview 15

    Hambrey, J., Tuan, L.A., Nho, N.T., Hoa, D.T &Thuong, T.K. 1999. C V: .Aquaculture Asia, IV(4): 1517.

    Hambrey, J., Tuan, L.A. & Thuong, T.K. 001.

    Aq y II. C V N. World Aquaculture,(): 467.

    Hambrey, J. 006. A -q A, y, z. I M. H &

    J.F. M (). FAO Regional Technical ExpertWorkshop on Cage culture in Africa. Entebbe,Uganda, 2023 October 2004, . 747. FAOF P. N. 6. R, FAO. 11 .

    Hindar, K., Fleming, I.A., McGinnity, P. &Diserud, A. 006. G : . ICES Journal Of MarineScience. 6 (7) 14147.

    Honghui, H., Qing, L., Chunhou, L., Juli, G. &Xiaoping, J. 006. I Dy By, PR C. I Bookof Abstracts, 2nd International Symposium onCage Aquaculture in Asia (CAA2), 3-8 July 2006,Hangzhou, China, . 8889. (P - ).

    Kapetsky, J.M. & Aguilar-Manjarrez, J. 007.Geographic information systems, remote sensingand mapping for the development and managementof marine aquaculture. FAO F TP. N. 458. R, FAO. 15 .

    Klesius, M. 00. T S P: A GR C. National Geographic, 197(9), 10115.

    Kristofersson, D. & Anderson, J.L. 006. I ?I ,

    q. Marine Policy, 0: 7175.Len, J.N. 006. Synopsis of salmon farmingimpacts and environmental management in Chile.Cy T R. V, C,WWF C. 46 .

    Lisac, D. & Refa Med srl. 006. O- : . I Book of Abstracts, 2ndInternational Symposium on Cage Aquaculture inAsia (CAA2), 3-8 July 2006, Hangzhou, China, .6. (P - ).

    Lombardi, J.V., de Almeida Marques, H.L., Pereira,R.T.L., Barreto, O.J.S. & de Paula, E.J. 006. Cy P Litopenaeusvannamei P Kappaphycusalvarezii.Aquaculture, 58: 41-415.

    Masser, M.P. & Bridger, C.J. ( ). A q: N A.

    Mente, E., Pierce, G.J., Santos, M.B. & Neofitou,C. 006. E

    q : y E q. AquacultureInternational, 14: 4995.

    Merican, Z. 006. M : , , y y C S A. AQUA CultureAsiaPacific Magazine, (): 4.

    Nash, C.E., Iwamoto, R.N. & Mahnken, C.V.W.000. Aq P N.

    Aquaculture, 18: 07-.Naylor, R., Hindar, K., Fleming, I.A., Goldburg,R., Williams, S., Volpe, J., Whoriskey, F., Eagle,

    J., Kelso, D. & Mangel, M. 005. F : -q. BioScience, 55: 4747.

    Neori, A., Chopin, T., Troell, M., Buschmann,A.H., Kraemer, G.P., Halling, C., Shpigel, M. &Yarish, C. 004. I q: , z q. Aquaculture,1: 6191.

    Ottolenghi, F., Silvestri, C., Giordano, P., Lovatelli,A. & New, M.B. 004. Capture-based aquaculture:The fattening of eels, groupers, tunas and yellowtails.FAO R. 08 .

    Perez, O.M., Telfer, T.C. & Ross, L.G. 005.G I Sy- q T, Cy I. AquacultureResearch 6: 946-961.

    Pillay, T.V.R. & Kutty, M.N. 005. Aquaculture:Principles and Practices, S E. B

    P L, O, E. 64 .Phillips, M. & De Silva, S. 006. F A: , . I M. H J.F. M(). FAO Regional Technical Expert Workshopon Cage Culture in Africa. Entebbe, Uganda,2023 October 2004, . 497. FAO FP. N. 6. FAO R. 11 .

    Rana, K. & Telfer, T. 006. Py A .I M. H J.F. M ().FAO RegionalTechnical Expert Workshop on Cage Culture inAfrica. Entebbe, Uganda, 2023 October 2004, .99107. FAO F P. N. 6. FAOR. 11 .

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    Cage aquaculture Regional reviews and global overview16

    Ridler, N., Barrington, K., Robinson, B., Wowchuk,M., Chopin, T., Robinson, S., Page, F., Reid,G., Szemerda, M., Sewuster, J. & Boyne-Travis,S. 007. I q:

    C , , .Global Aquaculture Advocate, 10(): 555.

    Rimmer, M.A. 006. Regional review of existingmajor mariculture species and farming technologies.P FAO/NACA RM W, 7-11 M 006,G, C ( )

    Rimmer, M.A., Ponia, B. & Wani, J. ( ). A q: O.

    Rojas, A. & Wadsworth, S. ( ). A q: L A

    C.Schwarzenbach, R.P., Escher, B.I., Fenner, K.,Hofstetter, T.B., Johnson, C.A., von Gunten, U.& Wehrli, B. 006. T q y. Science, 1: 1071077.

    Soto, D., F. Jara & Moreno, C. 001. E C Ay , C: . EcologicalApplications, 11(6): 1750176.

    Tacon, A.G.J. 001. I q y y .I R.P. S, P. B, M.J. P, C.

    H & S.E. MGy ()Aquaculture in theThird Millennium, . 6777. T P C Aq TM, B, T, 05 F. 000.

    Tacon, A.G.J. & Forster, I.P. 00. Aq : y .Aquaculture,6(1-4): 181189.

    Tacon, A.G.J., Phillips, M.J. & Barg, U.C. 1995.Aq : A. Water Science Technology 1(10): 4159.

    Tacon, A.G.J., Hasan, M.R. & Subasinghe, R.P. 006.

    Use of fishery resources as feed inputs to aquaculturedevelopment: trends and policy implications. FAOF C N. 1018, R, FAO. 99 .

    Tan, Z., Komar, C. & W.J. Enright. 006. H q A: A y y. IBook of Abstracts, 2nd International Symposiumon Cage Aquaculture in Asia (CAA2), 3-8 July2006, Hangzhou, China, . 57. (P - ).

    Tilman, D., Cassman, K.G., Matson, P.A., Naylor,R. & Polasy, S. 00. A y . Nature, 418:671-677.

    Troell, M., Halling, C., Neori, A., Chopin, T.,Buschmann, A.H., Kautsky, N. & Yarish, C. 004.I : q.Aquaculture, 6: 6990.

    Volpe, J., Benetti, D., Boehlert, G., Boesch, D.,Davis, A., Dethier, M., Goldburg, R., Kent, M.,Mahnken, C., Marra, J., Rensel, J., Sandifer, P.,Stickney, R., Tacon, A. & Tyedmers, P. 006.Integrating aquacultural and ecological sciences forsustainable offshore aquaculture. P A M W Aq

    Sy, My 9-1 006, F, Iy.Whitmarsh, D.J., Cook, E.J. & Black, K.D. 006.S y q: A - y.Marine Policy 0: 998.

    Xu, S., Zhang, H., Wen, S., Luo, K. & He, P.006. I y: y y. IBook of Abstracts, 2nd International Symposium onCage Aquaculture in Asia (CAA2), 3-8 July 2006,Hangzhou, China, . 96. (P - ).

    Xiao, C., Shaobo, C. & Shenyun, Y. 006. P y . IBook of Abstracts, 2nd International Symposium onCage Aquaculture in Asia (CAA2), 3-8 July 2006,Hangzhou, China, . 95. (P - ).

    Yingjie, L. 006. The future of mariculture: a regionalapproach for responsible development of marinefarming in the Asia-Pacific Region. P FAO/NACA R MW, 7-11 M 006, G, C( )

    Yufeng, Y. & Xiugeng, F. 006. D C . I Book of Abstracts, 2ndInternational Symposium on Cage Aquaculture inAsia (CAA2), 3-8 July 2006, Hangzhou, China, .88. (P - ).

    Zhou, Q.C., Mai, K.S, Tan, B.P. & Liu, Y.J. 005.P y y (Rachycentron canadum).Aquaculture Nutrition 11: 175-18.

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    Cage aquaculture production 2005Data were taken from fisheries statistics submitted to FAO by themember countries for 2005. In case 2005 data were not available, 2004data were used.

    Map background image Blue Marble: Next generation courtesy of NASAs Earth Observatory

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    A review of cage aquaculture:Asia (excluding China)

    Sena S. De Silva1 and Michael J. Phillips1

    De Silva, S.S. and Phillips, M.J.A q: A ( C). I M. H, D. S J.R. A (). Cage aquaculture Regionalreviews and global overview, . 1848. FAO F T P. N. 498. R, FAO. 007. 41 .

    ABSTRACTC A , . F y M B . I y

    y , y , y ,

    y . I , ,


    M D ( Cyprinus carpio

    carpio) (Oreochromis .) I . O, -

    , q

    A. I , y y ; y y

    ( P D S, 006).

    C A y , J. I -

    95 q . O - A -. M A , y

    y . I ,

    . T y y . C

    E S A, S A . T

    A (Lates calcarifer) (Chanos chanos).

    A y- y .

    I , y (Seriola .)

    (Lutjanus .), S A (Epinephalus .)

    (Rachycentron canadum) , y - .

    S A - , y . O

    - - , y y, .

    I y, y q

    A . O, y A.

    H, -, -, y - -

    E (.. Ny) S A (.. C) y A.

    I - , y, y -

    y y , . O-

    y A, y y y

    yy , y

    y . D , A

    y q A -


    1 N Aq C A-PPO B 1040, K P O, B 1090, T

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    Cage aquaculture Regional reviews and global overview22


    B - . Cy A , . A q , , y .

    T q q 004 45.5 - US$6.4 . W q , 59.4

    US$70. . T q , 7.7 q 00, 6.6 y q . C -y 1994 004, q 7.9 (FAO, 006). O , 90 A.


    q A, y , y q A. O ,8090 A y . I , , y . I , , , y

    .This paper reviews cage culture in Asia, but onlybriefly that in China, which is covered elsewherein this volume by Chen et al.. Its focus is onbrackishwater and marine environments, since theinland sector has been dealt with by the same authorsin a review of inland cage farming in Asia (excludingChina) that was commissioned by FAO in 2004(Phillips and De Silva, 2006) and has been recentlypublished as a background paper for cage-culturedevelopment in Africa (Halwart and Moehl, 2006).


    , y , y y, . H, , - A y q . S I M D. Cy, y .

    A ,

    A. I y , - , y (P 1). S y A y (B, 004). I y, y -y y , y, . T ,

    C , (Channa .), - y C V N. H, , y (.. L P'D R), , y .

    I y , y

    y , y- y , y z . A y y , y - y A, y , , .

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    A review of cage aquaculture: Asia (excluding China) 23

    Grass carp farming in Vietcuomg Reservoirs, northern Viet Nam. Catfish farming in Nam Ngum Reservoir, Lao PDR.

    Snakehead farming in the Tonle Sap, Cambodia (I). Snakehead farming in the Tonle Sap, Cambodia (II).

    Chinese carp farming in Cai River, northern Viet Nam.Chinese carp farming in Kui Yang River, northern Viet Nam.

    PLATE 1

    Selected traditional, small scale, rural cage farming practices in Asia

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    Cage aquaculture Regional reviews and global overview24

    The importance of inland cage farming toAsiaA, M E, 56.

    4.44 , yy 00 (://../_y/_/1_005.). T A-P R y ; 0.10 0.4 (UNEP, 000). I A . AA qy , y (F 1). T

    y , .. , / . O , MD, .

    A y , . R A, y yy

    , y y . A , (Ny D S, 006). I -- y y . F y

    (J, S C) C J, I (Ay etal., 005), y My (.. B A S, E My) C. I , y y y , y y . I y (Cyprinus carpio carpio) / , y (Oreochromis niloticus O.mossambicus) .

    I y

    q - y,y y(Ay, 006). F , A, - My (Maccullochella peelii peelii) y (G. Gy, ).

    Examples of recent noteworthy developments

    T , M D V N C W J, I, y y P D S (006) y y - . I V N, y - Pangasiushypophthalmus ( ) P. bocourti

    ( ), 450 000 005 800 000 y010 (L T H, ).H, , y y 0 . Iy , y 80 U S E U. Ty y y y 17 000 (H et al., 006; Ny, L Y, 006). T y V N , y

    FIGURE 1

    Total and per capita water availability

    in each continent





















    Europe N&C America Africa Asia S America Austral ia &Oceania











    Total availabilityPer capita availability




    Source: Nguyen and De Silva, 2006

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    A review of cage aquaculture: Asia (excluding China) 25

    7 y U S A , . A -

    (.. ) y , G V N y qy, V , . S , y V N , y , U

    S A E U.T - y y (7 7 /5 ) C, W J, I, y y . H yqy , y

    . T qy , . T y y yy . F C R y 0 000 . Iy y y. H, -y

    , , y (Ay et al., 005). T qy.T y , - (K, Py D S, 006). A LB, P, (N, 006).

    I , z

    y, y y . I ,

    - .A

    y . S ,, y . T y / , y - q (L M, 1987). I , T A R, V N, ,


    Problems and constraints in inland cagefarmingA - y , -, (P ).T , - y y , y . H,

    - y y y. T C S , y (Ay et al., 005). T , y , y y (KHV) (B-R, 004).

    T - ,

    T S, C C (Siniperca chuatsi), y - . A , - y /.O , - y, q y.

    T y qy , y y . A

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    Cage aquaculture Regional reviews and global overview26

    , q , . T y

    y, z .

    T y A, y M D V N. I, y y , ,y y ,

    , . C- y . T - , y -, (P ), - (H et al., 006; Ny, L Y,006). S - y y

    z, y , y .

    C MD y , .H q , .

    By , -

    , , M D I , y / . B yy , . A , y , - .

    O y . F y , ,

    y, y y( ) I , (.. Dy et al., 000)


    BRACKISHWATER AND MARINE CAGEFARMINGB y A, J J y (Seriola quinqueradiata) (Pagrus major) (W, Dy N, 1989). O 0 y, q, y ,

    A. T y C ( Cet al., ), I, T P C (T POC) V N. M q, y S A, , . W S A, q q. H, . I S A y y , (Epinephalus .)

    I (P ), q. B ,y A (Latescalcarifer) (Chanos chanos), , y- y .

    Production trendsFAO q , . T 1 y

    A (T 1) 1.7 . T

    A FAO (1997) Aq q , , q . F , , , , . F . F , q y y

    q q y y , , .

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    A review of cage aquaculture: Asia (excluding China) 27

    Cage farms using the lapis dua two cage systems in the CirataReservoir, West Java, Indonesia.

    Cage farming in BatanAi Reservoir in Sarawak, East Malaysia.

    Cage farming of red tilapia in the lower Mekong, SouthViet Nam.

    Preparation of trash fish for feeding catfish.

    Working with fishermen to identify the species used as trash fishfor cage farming in Cambodia.

    Preparation of home made feeds for catfish cage farming usingtrash fish and other ingredients (I).






    PLATE 2

    Clustered, relatively large-scale cage farming activites in Asia



  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    Cage aquaculture Regional reviews and global overview28

    q A F . B , C , y I, J P. TP C, R K V N y , 50 000 004. C

    ( F 4).

    FIGURE 2

    Production and value of marine and brackish

    aquaculture in Asia








    1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004






    25Production Brackish Production Mariculture

    Value Brackish Value Mariculture






    TABLE 1

    Farmed marine and brackishwater fish production from 1992 to 2004, based on FAO statistics

    Country 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

    China 58 716 71 672 101 110 144 957 182 155 254 97 9 306 697 338 8 05 426 957 494 725 560 404 519 158 582 566

    Indonesia 193 136 215 065 208 824 212 733 250 617 195 54 3 232 708 265 5 11 278 566 308 692 314 960 316 444 315 346

    Japan 263 503 259 273 271 351 279 182 256 223 255 77 4 264 018 264 4 37 258 673 263 789 268 405 273 918 262 281

    Philippines 153 714 133 580 147 914 144 039 144 868 150 96 5 154 771 172 5 74 203 832 231 419 229 708 235 075 256 176

    Taiwan POC 22 687 29 915 44 049 51 869 46 047 51 834 50 899 44 157 40 100 55 235 70 326 76 653 64 671

    Korea, Republic of 4 595 5 471 6 643 8 360 11 384 39 121 37 323 34 382 27 052 29 297 48 073 72 393 64 195

    Viet Nam - - - - - - - - - - - 51 893 57 739

    Bangladesh 16 000 17 520 17 379 13 301 22 126 26 748 25 851 26 912 27 801 28 044 32 026 34 101 39 493

    Australia 4 402 4 977 5 878 8 585 10 466 10 730 9 816 11 796 14 517 17 774 19 728 20 382 21 469

    Thailand 3 832 3 794 5 293 5 131 6 235 5 616 8 761 7 359 9 300 9 497 12 238 14 598 16 978

    Malaysia 3 561 6 508 5 999 5 767 5 943 6 215 7 548 8 302 9 267 9 508 10 110 11 802 11 969

    New Zealand 2 800 3 300 3 800 4 800 6 200 4 200 5 500 5 400 5 685 7 887 6 989 4 800 5 196

    India - - - - - 1 429 1 740 - - - - 2 644 2 778

    Singapore 786 536 480 644 644 818 593 914 1 402 1 088 1 294 1 897 2 366

    China, Hong Kong SAR 3 400 3 010 2 989 2 950 3 144 3 032 1 271 1 284 1 787 2 473 1 215 1 492 1 541

    Brunei Darussalam 8 31 51 74 72 69 74 77 59 30 39 38 104

    Kiribati 41 52 32 17 9 7 4 13 14 18 14 9 9

    Tuvalu - - - - - - - - - - - 5 1

    Cook Islands

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    A review of cage aquaculture: Asia (excluding China) 29

    Grouper farming in Indonesia. Grouper farming in Thailand.

    Grouper farming in Viet Nam. Cobia farming in Viet Nam.

    Trash fish for feeding cobia in Cat Ba Island, Viet Nam.Preparation of trash fish for feeding grouper in Thailand.

    PLATE 3

    Cage-farming activities

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    Cage aquaculture Regional reviews and global overview30

    M, y , I P.T 70 A (T ). T (T ) - A 975 000 . C

    y q A y.

    Species culturedA A. A y - y , T.

    TABLE 2

    Farmed brackishwater fish production from 1992 to 2004, based on FAO statistics

    Country 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

    Indonesia 193 136 215 065 208 824 212 733 250 617 195 543 232 708 263 262 275 979 300 155 303 213 302 025 305 424

    Philippines 153 714 133 182 147 628 143 818 144 747 150 528 147 103 163 669 194 708 221 145 211 965 212 927 218 390

    Taiwan POC 22 395 29 480 43 590 51 159 45 006 50 062 47 891 42 057 35 934 50 046 64 078 69 056 58 743

    Viet Nam - - - - - - - - - - - 51 893 57 739

    Bangladesh 16 000 17 520 17 379 13 301 22 126 26 748 25 851 26 912 27 801 28 044 32 026 34 101 39 493

    Australia 4 067 4 341 4 603 6 658 8 453 8 546 8 117 10 194 11 786 13 699 15 716 16 882 17 439

    Thailand 3 832 3 794 5 293 5 131 6 235 5 616 8 761 7 359 9 300 9 497 12 238 14 598 16 978

    Malaysia 3 561 6 508 5 999 5 767 5 943 6 215 7 548 8 302 9 267 9 508 10 110 11 802 11 969

    India - - - - - 1 429 1 740 - - - - 2 644 2 778

    Brunei Darussalam 8 31 51 74 72 69 74 77 59 30 39 38 104

    Singapore - - - - - - - 1 3 3 4 3 58

    Kiribati 41 52 32 17 9 7 4 13 14 18 14 9 9

    Cook Islands

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    A review of cage aquaculture: Asia (excluding China) 31

    Major species production profilesT T 4 FAO FISHSTAT P(FAO, 006). T -


    ( ). T y / . T

    , , (A )

    TABLE 4

    Farmed production of major species groups from 1992 to 2004, based on FAO statistics but with brackishwater fish

    statistical categories removed

    Species 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

    Marine fishes nei 64 469 77 14 4 10 6 713 152 158 188 625 262 2 79 314 369 348 557 439 217 505 501 573 542 200 843 212 359

    Japanese amberjack 148 988 141 799 148 390 169 924 145 889 138 536 147 115 140 647 137 328 153 170 162 682 157 682 150 113

    Silver seabream 66 067 72 896 77 066 72 347 77 319 81 272 83 166 87 641 82 811 72 910 73 199 88 082 85 297

    Japanese seabass - - - - 266 - - 797 605 873 2 006 81 124 82 475

    Large yellow croaker - - - - - - - - - - - 58 684 67 353

    Lefteye flounders nei - - - - - - - - - - - 36 227 57 270

    Porgies, seabreams nei 156 253 278 296 357 320 372 385 636 728 1 637 45 610 49 514

    Red drum - - - - - - - - - - - 44 925 43 506

    Groupers nei 369 271 255 320 407 379 415 2 271 1 573 4 341 7 845 36 159 40 000

    Milkfish - - - 166 78 1 197 7 693 9 070 9 548 10 597 18 437 23 314 39 211

    Bastard halibut 10 327 10 804 12 562 13 578 16 553 34 857 29 882 28 583 21 202 23 064 29 569 40 473 37 382

    Cobia - - - 3 13 9 961 820 2 626 3 224 2 395 20 667 20 461

    Scorpionfishes nei - - - - 2 036 12 430 14 634 10 180 8 698 9 330 16 636 23 938 19 708

    Puffers nei 4 068 4 427 3 456 4 031 5 552 5 961 5 389 5 100 4 733 5 769 5 231 14 602 19 190

    Amberjacks nei - - - 2 20 69 406 154 97 119 292 11 847 12 751

    Coho(Silver) salmon 25 519 21 148 22 824 13 524 8 401 9 927 8 721 11 148 13 107 11 616 8 023 9 208 9 607

    Righteye flounders nei - - - - - - - - - - - 5 356 8 048

    Chinook(Spring, King) salmon 2 800 3 300 3 800 4 800 6 200 4 200 5 500 5 400 5 685 7 887 6 989 4 800 5 196

    Southern bluefin tuna 335 636 1 275 1 927 2 013 2 089 1 652 1 373 2 649 3 889 4 011 3 500 4 030

    Flathead grey mullet

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    Cage aquaculture Regional reviews and global overview32

    . A , y -.

    T M y

    .T y y C, y y. T y C y ( C et al., ) y y y .

    O y . I , y ,

    , y J, y (F 5).

    GroupersG A y FAO 004 58 000 . A V N ( y ) y 000 , 60 000 (R, P Y, 006). Py

    70 y, . G y A, y - H K SAR C, y - (Sy L, 00) - -.

    A y , y y

    . Cromileptes altivelis, Epinephelusfuscoguttatus, E. coioides, E. malabaricus, E. akaara,E. lanceolatus, E. tukula, E. areolatus, E. tauvina E. polyphekadion (R,W P, 000; R, MB W, 004) y . M . G y z 0.51. , -z 850 ,q y .

    SnappersT A, y .T q (Chrysophrys auratus), (Rhabdosargus sarba), y (Acanthopagrus schelgelii schlegelii) (Pagrus major). FAO 15 000 A 004. S y A . M y, yy E A. T z

    50 450 . M .

    Amberjacks and other CarangidsT J (Seriola quinqueradiata) A(F 5), 17 , 160 000 00 (FAO, 006). Ny J, y 140 000170 000

    1980. M . O (Trachinotus blochii) (Pampus argenteus).

    MackerelJ (Trachurus japonicus) . O (Pleurogrammus azonus) , y . S J E A.

    FIGURE 5

    Top five cultured marine fin fish species in Asia











    1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

    Japanese amber jack S ilver seabream Japanese seabass

    Bas tard hal ibut Large yel low c roaker



  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    A review of cage aquaculture: Asia (excluding China) 33

    CobiaC (Rachycentron canadum) y , T P C,

    C, My V N. P, , y y. M y C T P C 0 000 00 (FAO, 006).P - ( 6 y) y, y A A.

    C q y y , T P C y

    . S 1999 10 US$0.50 . T q , 68 ; z y y.C y y . T , 90 . M .


    Production of barramundi (also known as Asianseabass, Lates calcarifer) increased during thepast ten years, and FAO statistics estimated that26 000 tonnes were produced in 2004 (FAO, 2006).Barramundi farming in Asia is carried out infreshwater, brackishwater and marine environments,with most production based on hatchery-reared stock.Global production has been relatively constant overthe past 10 years at around 20 00026 000 tonnes perannum, although production has decreased in Asiaand increased in Australia during this time. Most

    barramundi is cultured in ponds and cages located inbrackishwater estuaries or coastal areas.

    MilkfishM (Chanos chanos) A , I P 515 000 y FAO 004. P, 10 y, y y, y- y.M . Mq P, . I ,

    y - . M I y J y. T P

    I, K, N, P C I. A , .

    Other speciesA , , , , , ,, , . My


    COUNTRY PROFILESSouth AsiaS A I, S L, P, M B. T y ( FAO ), M I.

    I I, y

    A N , . T -y (.. RG C Aq T N C I B Aq C), y . A y M y 10 y 00; . N

    006 y - A I, M P E D Ay(MPEDA).

    T P B, y- , y.T M y , - . Fy M, y .

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    Cage aquaculture Regional reviews and global overview34

    Southeast AsiaS A B, My,T, My, S, P,I, C V N. T

    y q, .

    MyanmarG (Epinephelus .), y kyauk nga nga tauk tu, /z . L y H K S AR (SAR) , y My

    y, y y . T 0 /y, , y 100 /y.M Ayyy D, R My. T , y- . S y T.

    G y . F -

    My (My A GT). Ay 0 My , y y - (E. coioides), y (E.tauvina), M (E. malabaricus) y (E. bleekeri).

    N y My. A y

    Ayyy D,

    y. T q Ky S T Ty D.

    ThailandS (Epinephelus coioides, E. malabaricus,E. areolatus, E. lanceolatus, E. fuscoguttatus Plectropomus maculatus) (Lutjanus argentimaculatus ), , q (Lizavaigensis) T.B (y E. coioides) 99 T, 85 (14 550 ) 004,

    14 ( 95 )(T 5).M T

    E C W C G T, A S C. T E W 0 0 T, y, A S C 50 . T A S Cy . Ey T ,


    T 5 6. B , , y .F , y . F y, y . I

    , . H, y y

    TABLE 5

    Production (tonnes) from brackishwater and marine fish farming in Thailand

    Species 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

    Barramundi (Lates calcarifer) 3 884 4 087 4 090 6 812 6 056 7 752 8 004 11 032 12 230 14 550

    Groupers nei 674 774 793 1 390 1 143 1 332 1 443 1 170 2 338 2 395

    Mossambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) 327 602 283 267 128 190 30 27 19 23

    Squaretail mullet (Liza vaigensis) 246 363 295 288 32 26 20 9 11 10

    Fourfinger threadfin (Eleutheronema tetradactylum) 409 155 4 - - - - - -

    Total 5 131 6 235 5 616 8 761 7 359 9 300 9 497 12 238 14 598 16 978

    Source: based on FAO (2006) statistics

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    A review of cage aquaculture: Asia (excluding China) 35

    . I , y y , .B y B.

    T 5 0006 000 T . F y D

    F ( 000) T 6.M T -

    , y . T US$0.15-0./, (FCR) . F- , . C ; , .

    B y S My y . S ( y ) H KSAR C, , y . I00 -z (500600 ) US$.5-/ US$4-5/. A , y , , y , -, , ,

    US$1 = 40 THB

    z -z . F (.. 1 ) 600

    800 .M -

    y T ( T H K), y, y . W - T, y z. A N / T, , y


    MalaysiaI My, y y q, q . C . C , y P (6 ), J (1 ),P (0 ), S (0 ) S (9 ) (y 000 ).

    T My , ,, y, , , (T 7).

    TABLE 6

    Production of barramundi and grouper in ponds and

    cages in Thailand in 2000


    No. farms Area (m) Quantity(tonnes)

    Value(million US$)


    Pond 378 4 516 464 1 414.10 2.89

    Cage 2 805 265 517 800 6 256.51 14.47

    Total 3 183 270 034 264 7 670.61 17.36


    Pond 154 1 116 656 357.91 2.05

    Cage 1 983 148 876 989.88 5.93

    Total 2 137 1 265 532 1 347.79 7.98

    Source: Department of Fisheries, Thailand

    TABLE 7

    Species of interest in Malaysian mariculture

    Common name Scientific name

    Barramundi Lates calcarifer

    Yellowstreaked snapper Lutjanus lemniscatus

    Mangrove red snapper L. argentimaculatusJohns snapper L. johnii

    Crimson snapper L. erythropterus

    Orange-spotted grouper Epinephelus coioides

    Malabar grouper E. malabaricus

    Sixbar grouper E. sexfasciatus

    Brown-marbled grouper E. fuscoguttatus

    Leopard coraltrout Plectropomus leopardus

    Humpback grouper Cromileptes altivelis

    Fourfinger threadfin Eleutheronema tetradactylum

    Cobia Rachycentron canadum

    Red tilapia Oreochromis sp.Snubnose pompano Trachinotus blochii

    Source: Department of Fisheries, Malaysia

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    Cage aquaculture Regional reviews and global overview36

    F . T y y y, y

    .B, ,

    . S (L) ; y (Lutjanus lemniscatus), (L. argentimaculatus), J (L.johnii) (L. erythropterus).I . Cy - (Epinephelusfuscoguttatus), - (E. coioides)

    M (E. malabaricus). O (Eleutheronematetradactylum), (Rachycentron canadum), (Trachinotus blochii) (Oreochromis .).

    I My y -. P y - q y . H, , y y

    - .S , My D

    F . H, ; 005 100 q-y 6 6 1 y- 15 . A L I,

    My . T - y.

    U y y ,

    y. A 00 004 1.0 q , 14 y00 (T 8). T y 1 400 1 600 y 00 00/004, y (T 8).T y - ( ) -z (6 6 ) .S 00 1 000 , 6-1 . B

    y y, y, y y. My qy .

    I y y . Fq qy y . D-

    TABLE 8

    Facilities and operators involved in Malaysian marine

    fish culture from 2002 to 2004

    Facilities 2002 2003 2004

    Hatcheries (units) 12 59 56Cages (m) 940 948 1 034 664 1 110 221

    Cage operators(individuals)

    1 374 1 651 1 623

    Source: Department of Fisheries, Malaysia

    TABLE 9

    Production statistics and wholesale value for marine and brackishwater fish farming in Malaysia, 20022004

    Year 2002 2003 2004 2002 2003 2004

    Fish species Production (tonnes) Value (Malaysian Ringgit)

    Barramundi(Lates calcarifer)

    4 003.73 4 210.93 4 000.54 46 220.13 49 260.86 46 241.57

    Mangrove red snapper(Lutjanus argentimaculatus)

    591.44 706.56 572.97 6 157.05 8 415.69 7 742.36

    Yellowstreaked snapper(L. lemniscatus)

    1 556.15 2 351.55 2 263.33 20 188.00 32 491.55 32 771.81

    Crimson snapper(L. erythropterus)

    989.68 1 402.09 1 162.85 12 951.31 18 513.27 14687.02

    Groupers 1 210.43 1 977.33 2 283.59 30 385.26 49 954.09 54 628.69

    Tilapias 283.97 222.07 264.42 1 683.98 1 049.09 1 387.08

    Total 8 635.4 10 870.53 10 547.70 117 585.73 159 684.55 157 458.53

    Source: Department of Fisheries, Malaysia

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    A review of cage aquaculture: Asia (excluding China) 37


    I L, y T POC

    . P . C- My (MyB), y T S S, - .

    P y, y - (T 9).

    IndonesiaI S A . A , q 91 000 - . P

    0.17 45.4 , y, .T, q y y y .

    T ,, (T 10). O y y(Caranx sexfasciatus), y (Gnathanodonspeciosus), (Cheilinus undulatus) (Thunnus .). T J y B, y.

    A FAO , I

    05 000 004. T (41 000 ), q (6 55 ), ( 900 ), .H, y , -- .

    TABLE 10

    Aquaculture species and the status of their development in Indonesia

    Species Status of development1

    Common name Scientific name Grow out Hatchery

    Milkfish Chanos chanos D D

    Barramundi Lates calcarifer D D

    Mangrove red snapper Lutjanus argentimaculatus ED R/D

    Emperor red snapper L. sebae ED R/D

    Rabbitfish Siganus spp. D R/D

    Humpback grouper Cromileptes altivelis LD D

    Brown-marbled grouper Epinephelus fuscoguttatus LD D

    Malabar grouper E. malabaricus ED R/D

    Camoflage grouper E. polyphekadion ED D

    Giant grouper E. lanceolatus ED R/D

    Orange-spotted grouper E. coioides ED D

    Leopard coralgrouper Plectropomus leopardus ED R/D

    Humphead wrasse Cheilinus undulatus ED R/D

    D = developed, ED = early development, LD = limited development, R/D = under research and development

    Source: Directorate of Aquaculture, Indonesia

    TABLE 11

    Estimated annual production of fry and fingerlings of marine finfish from hatcheries in Indonesia

    Species 1999 2000 2001 2002

    Milkfish (Chanos chanos) 227 989 617 NA 240 000 000 NA

    Barramundi (Lates calcarifer) 15 000 000 NA NA NA

    Groupers (Cromileptes altivelis, Epinephelus spp.) 186 100 287 000 2 742 900 3 356 200

    NA = not available

    2001 data on milkfish are unpublished data from private hatcheries.

    Data for grouper seed production are from Kawahara and Ismi (2003).

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    Cage aquaculture Regional reviews and global overview38

    M () y I. G y. G

    - y-, y . B , yI , y 10 y. H, 001 9 00 4 000 5 000 .

    G y I, , y L S. C

    I, S, B, B, L, KS, B, J, L, K S. H, . R L y y y y- . T y y I T 11.M , 40 001. Hy , .56 00.

    O .7 - (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus), 0.7 (Cromileptesaltivelis) - (E. coioides) L .

    T y G B y 00. Iy y- , . T , y -

    . T , . A , I y, y P L y - . A , .7 001 . 00.

    C I , , y y, (y , VNN) , ) .

    The PhilippinesI 004 P 54.5 14 94.4 . C

    , (T 1).

    M q y P. F y, y 194 0 000 69 90 004, 8.7 (T 1). F 10 ; (77.4 ) , y ,

    1.6 , y.M

    P qy , y qy y , , qy , y y , y , - .

    Viet NamV N -y .G

    TABLE 12

    Marine fish production (tonnes) from cages and pens in

    the Philippines in 2004

    Culture system Total Milkfish Groupers Others

    Fish cages 23 542.35 23 179.06 136.45 226.84

    Fish pens 14 294.42 14 172.61 33.69 88.12

    Total 37 836.77 37 351.67 170.14 312.96

    Source: Philippine Fisheries Profile (2004)

    TABLE 13

    Philippine milkfish production (tonnes), 20002004

    Year Production

    2000 194 023

    2001 225 337

    2002 231 968

    2003 246 504

    2004 269 930

    Source: Philippine Fisheries Profile (2004)

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    A review of cage aquaculture: Asia (excluding China) 39

    00 000 y 010. V N, y - y.


    V N: , 600 ; - , 900 ; , 1 100 , y 600 001. T My F y , 00 y 5 000 . T 00, y y

    y.E V N (T 14). T , y -, , . T - M , - y .

    M V N

    . T y-, - . A D Aq (My F), 004 40 059 ( ). P y 005 5 000 1 795 , y. C y Q N, H P,

    T H, N A, H T, P Y B RV T . T : 5 5 5 ,

    N-y 910 N A V T T Ny (P y) N A y , 00 y . A - N y N T V N, y - N A (y 100 ). T

    T VT V N, . T y T POC .

    M 90 , ( 10 ) - , y .T .I 004 V N 0 81 000 q,

    55 ; , y . Ny y q V N, (E,T A, 004).

    V N , 00 000 yy 010. S , . T

    , y , , . F y , y .

    SingaporeS - y,y y .T 004 FAO y 66 , y ( 08 ) . M ,

    TABLE 14

    Main finfish species used for mariculture in Viet Nam

    Species Sources of seed

    Epinephelus coioides Hatchery + Wild

    E. tauvina Wild + Hatchery

    E. malabaricus Wild

    E. bleekeri Wild

    Rachycentron canadum Hatchery

    Lates calcarifer Hatchery + Wild

    Psammoperca waigensis Hatchery

    Lutjanus erythropterus Wild

    Rhabdosargus sarba Wild

    Sciaenops ocellatus Hatchery

    Siganus sp. Wild

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    Cage aquaculture Regional reviews and global overview40

    . Fy y .

    A S ,

    q. A M Aq C (MAC) S J I . T y - S . TC y y qy ; z S

    y , ; qy y y z (.. ).

    East AsiaE A C, R K,H K S A R (HK SAR), J T P C.T

    q, A. A DP R K .

    Hong Kong Special Administrative RegionT 1 400 z 50 5 500 -

    y. C y q y H KSAR, . T y y, , C.T 001 468 HK$16 4.

    T , y , H K SAR 19 00 001. Aq

    4 HK$8=US$1.

    y 1 ; 8. ; 74 , US$18.

    T 14 H K SAR (T 15). G , 7 . T , 9 001.

    Trash fish, moist diet and dry pellets are used forgrow-out culture. There are no precise data on thevolume of feed used. The price of trash fish is aboutHK$1/kg, while the price of dry pellets ranges from

    HK$5-10/kg, depending on the nutritional content.T y HK SAR, G,C. A y/ H K SAR, y , T P C, T, P S A . T (E. chlorostigma) HK$8 1 (1015 ), ,

    HK$1 ( .5 ). T H K SAR 001 US$7.8 .

    TABLE 15

    Major marine fish species cultured in Hong Kong SAR in



    of total

    Greasy grouper (Epinephelus tauvina) 27

    Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) 17

    Russells snapper (Lutjanus russellii) 16

    Brownspotted grouper (E. chlorostigma) 10

    Red mangrove snapper (L. argentimaculatus) 5

    White blotched snapper 5

    Head grunt 5

    Crimson snapper (L. erythropterus) 3

    Goldlined seabream (Rhabdosargus sarba) 3

    Japanese meagre (Argyrosomus japonicus) 2

    Pompano 2

    Red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) 2

    Black porgy 1

    Yellowfin seabream (A. latus) 1

    Others 1

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    A review of cage aquaculture: Asia (excluding China) 41

    ChinaT C ( C et al., ),

    y y . C 18 400 1 q, 0.1 . T y , y C q. A , 50 . C , . I y

    , y , y - .


    J , y 0 y qy.T J US$.8 . M , y, , Jy, . N

    (Thunnus thynnus), (Veraspermoseri) (Epinephelus .).

    T y J - .T y J q y . T y q.


    J, , , -qy . T z. B J, H I . G J, y q ,y (VNN).

    Taiwan Province of ChinaT P C - y . I 1998

    64 ,90 y . T 004 58 000 . T , , ,y, , . R y, y.

    S 000 T P

    C, US$70 .I y T y y C . C F P y .

    M y y yz , .. y , , y

    y ( 6 TL) z.

    T yy ( 100 - y) (- y) y . I y - . O y y y q. T - (Epinephelus coioides) . M y,

    (E. lanceolatus), ( y). D , T y - y , y . I T 40 . A E. coioides, E. lanceolatus, Trachinotusblochii, Lutjanus argentimaculatus, L. stellatus Acanthopagrus latus. C T P C , y y .

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    Cage aquaculture Regional reviews and global overview42

    Republic of KoreaT R K 64 000 004. L 000

    001 . T O (Pleurogrammusazonus), (Paralichthys olivaceus), (Mugil cephalus), (Epinephelus .), J (Seriola quinqueradiata), J (Lateolabrax japonicus), q (Chrysophrysauratus) (Stephanolepiscirrhifer). FAO 004

    (Paralichthys olivaceus) 141 (S) 19 708 .

    C y , - y. T y qy , y - , (Paralichthys olivaceus) K (Sebastes schlegelii) (T 16). B


    q y R K.


    A . I , y, A y , , J, .

    Availability of suitable sitesT z , , .

    T y .E ,

    N , y L I, My. T y q, qy y. O- A, J R K T P C,

    y . T S CS, y q C, V N,My , y , y.Ay, - , C N .


    - y z.

    Fingerling suppliesT y y- y y . U I, T V N y - , y .T y y y y (N, 005).

    TABLE 16

    Finfish mariculture production and species produced in

    the Republic of Korea in 2003

    Species Quantity(tonnes)

    Bastard halibut (Paralichthys olivaceus) 34 533

    Rockfish (Sebastes schlegelii) 23 771

    Barramundi (Lates calcarifer) 2 778

    Japanese amberjack (Seriola quinqueradiata) 114

    Mullet (Mugil cephalus) 4 093

    Red seabream (Sciaenops ocellatus) 4 417

    Black porgy (Acanthopagrus schlegelii schlegelii) 1,084

    Parrot fish (Oplegnathus fasciatus)

    Puffer (Takifugu obscurus) 14

    Filefish (Monacanthus spp.)

    Convict grouper (Epinephelus septemfasciatus) 39

    Okhostk atka fish (Pleurogrammus azonus)

    Total 72 393

    Source: The Fisheries Association of Korea (2004)

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    A review of cage aquaculture: Asia (excluding China) 43

    T , , y . F , q (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus, E. coioides Cromolepis altivelis) y I, E. fuscoguttatus C. altivelis

    y y .Epinephelus coioides E. fuscoguttatus T, V N (S, 006).A S (006) I y . E y 1015 , y y . I y y I T 17. H

    y y 700 I (IDR)/5. Cy I y y y .

    FeedsT Aq 4 y (E, T A, 004), C, H K SAR, I,T V N. T

    5 8 500 IDR = US$1.

    , y , y ( z z ), I

    6 >17 (S, 006). A S (006) - I, T V N, y , y FCR (F 6). T y FCR - y , , y, qy

    .W y J, y (W, Dy N, 1989). I , -y y

    J . T z y (W, Dy N, 1989). O,

    y . Cy -- A (R, MB W, 004).

    TABLE 17

    Average small-scale grouper hatchery operating costs

    (as % total) in Indonesia

    Operating expenses Gondol Situbondo Average

    Brown-marbled grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus)Fertilized eggs 7.4 8.7 8.0

    Feeds 41.7 49.6 45.7

    Chemicals and drugs 4.7 5.6 5.2

    Electricity and fuel 4.1 4.9 4.5

    Labour 36.3 24.2 30.2

    Maintenance andmiscellaneous

    5.9 7.0 6.4

    Humpback grouper (Cromileptes altivelis)

    Fertilized eggs 10.3 13.3 11.8

    Feeds 31.5 40.6 36.0

    Chemicals and drugs 3.3 4.2 3.8

    Electricity and fuel 2.9 3.7 3.3

    Labour 47.9 32.8 40.4

    Maintenance andmiscellaneous

    4.1 5.3 4.7

    Source: Sih, 2006

    FIGURE 1

    Relationship of cost of production to food conversion

    rate (FCR) in grouper cage farming in Indonesia,

    Thailand and Viet Nam using trash fishas the primary feed

    y = 0.2921x + 5.215

    R2 = 0.3585











    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20



    Source: Sih, 2006

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    Cage aquaculture Regional reviews and global overview44

    T , :


    y , y;

    y y ;

    , y / q

    y z .

    DiseasesI A (B-R, K C, 00).

    A O (1996) y

    , , , , A. B-R,K C (00) : (VNN); -1 (GIV-1),

    - (GIV-), S (SGIV) T (TGIV);

    yy ;

    ; - ( y ); .

    A , , z.

    I y ,y A. W , , ,

    y - .


    O y , y , , y C, H K SAR S, .

    T , - ,y (, y,.),

    .H, - , y y 9/11 , yy (SARS) (S, 005).

    I y, y. S-


    Technological challengesFy A, , .F , 15 . T - .

    M y

    y - y , .I y qy .

    V .

    Gy A y .

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    A review of cage aquaculture: Asia (excluding China) 45


    , : M

    ,V N .T y y- q, ,


    . T R K , - y.

    B A y y , y .

    A y q ,

    , y y y y .

    C y, A (Salmo salar) y q.

    A A y - , y y

    . T , . O q , y .

    T y y A

    6 F , A P E C (APEC) A - z y- q.

    , y .

    F y y . H-y y .

    T .T y:

    - y y y

    , ;

    - - y , , .;

    - y y- ;

    - y


    E y .

    I q y yy - y, .

    I -. S y y -.

    T y q y U S A E U, A y y q .

    T q y , -

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    Cage aquaculture Regional reviews and global overview46

    A .

    G - ,

    y y .

    T .

    C y ,

    q q . Cy A q

    y , y y. M - y y , y .

    T A y y . T - .

    O y A. H -, -, y -

    E (.. Ny) S A (.. C) y A. I -, y, y y y . O- y A, y y yy , y y . D , A

    y q A .


    A Fy Uy y M D, V N.

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    A review of cage aquaculture: Asia (excluding China) 47

    REFERENCESAbery, N.W., Sukadi, F., Budhiman, A.A.,

    Kartamihardja, E.S., Koeshendrajana, S.,Buddhiman & De Silva, S.S. 005. F

    W J,I; y . Fish. Manage. Ecol., 1:150.

    Ariyaratne, M.H.S. 006. C - S L. IProceedings of the 2nd International Symposiumon Cage Aquaculture, Hangzhou, PR China, July2006, . 5 ().

    Arthur, J.R. & Ogawa, K. 1996. A

    E S A. I K.L. M & C.R, (). Aquaculture health managementstrategies for marine finfishes - Proceedings of aWorkshop in Honolulu, Hawaii, October 9-13,1995, . 91. W, H, USA, TO I.

    Beveridge, M.C.M. 004. Cage aquaculture, . O, UK, B P L.

    Bondad-Reantaso, M.G. 004. T-yq : (KHV).Aquacult. Asia, 9: 48.

    Bondad-Reantaso, M.G., Kanchanakhan, S. &Chinabut, S. 00. R . I Report of the RegionalWorkshop on Sustainable Seafarming and GrouperAquaculture, Medan, Indonesia, April 2000, .16190. B, N AqC A- P.

    Dey M.M., Bimbao G.B., Young L., Regaspi P.,Kohinoor A.H.M., Pongthana N. & Paraguas,F.J. 000. C

    A .Aquacult. Econ. Manage. 4: 11.

    Edwards, P., Tuan, L.H. & Allan, G. 004.A surveyof marine trash fish and fishmeal as aquaculturefeed ingredients in Viet Nam. ACIAR WP. N. 57. 56 .

    FAO. 006. FISHSTAT P D. (..).

    Halwart, M. & Moehl, J. (). 006.FAO RegionalTechnical Expert Workshop on Cage Culture inAfrica. Entebbe, Uganda, 20-23 October 2004.FAO F P N. 6. R, FAO.11 .

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    Phillips, M.J.P. & De Silva, S.S. 006. F A: , . I M. H J.F. M (). FAO Regional TechnicalExpert Workshop on Cage Culture in Africa.Entebbe, Uganda, 2023 October 2004, . 497.

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    Cage aquaculture production 2005

    Data were taken from fisheries statistics submitted to FAO bythe member countries for 20051. In case 2005 data were notavailable, 2004 data were used.

    1 Data for China were taken from this review. Map background image Blue Marble: Next generation courtesy of NASAs Earth Observatory

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    A review of cage and pen

    aquaculture: China

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    A review of cage and pen aquaculture:China

    Jiaxin Chen1, Changtao Guang1, Hao Xu2, Zhixin Chen2, Pao Xu3,Xiaomei Yan3, Yutang Wang4 and Jiafu Liu5

    Chen, J., Guang, C., Xu, H., Chen, Z., Xu, P., Yan, X., Wang, Y. and Liu, J.A q: C. I M. H, D. S J.R. A (). Cage aquaculture Regional reviewsand global overview, . 5068. FAO F T P. N. 498. R, FAO. 007. 41 .

    ABSTRACTC 6 y C,

    1970. C/

    y, y. D

    y , y, ., / qy y 1970. I 005,

    7 805 87 75 , y. T

    0 , , , , , ,

    , . C y 704 54

    47 18 q , y, 005.T , z

    . S 1990, y

    y- y. A 40 ,

    7 . S ,

    000 y . T 17

    5.1 , y, 005; y

    87 01 y.

    I q , y , y,

    , q . D y

    US$10 y,

    q.T y C G q


    1 Y S F R I, Q, C Fy My I R I, S, C F F R I, W, C4 N S Aq T E, B, C5 N L Y C A, N, F P, C6 Pen: F, ; , ,

    y y y . A y y .Cage: F y y , . I .

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    Cage aquaculture Regional reviews and global overview54


    q S I Sy CAq A, Hz, C, 8

    Jy 006.T y

    q C, y C . D C y ,

    . H, , y.

    HISTORY AND ORIGIN OF CAGE AND PENCULTURE IN CHINAM C y 0 y, y 1970(H, 1991; W, 1991). D , C. I 005, / 1.46 ,

    4.4 q y .9 y y (F B, 005). A y y q , z . A , C . A ,

    / y y . H, y , : () y q ; () - ; () q . C , y- .

    Inland fish cage cultureC y . S 800 y , C y

    y , -y 15 0 y (Z, 14).T y - y( - y 197) (H, 1991; X Y, 006). C (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) (Aristichthys nobilis) y (y) . T -

    z (>1 ) y .T y. L, -y- .S 1977, q -z y. A , (Ctenopharyngodon idella), W (Megalobrama amblycephala) (Cyprinus carpio carpio)

    .A y z

    C , 1980. D , C : () y; () - y ; () y . A

    y , -- y. S 1980, - q y .D () y - - () q y y.

    I 1990, C -q. My ,

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    A review of cage and pen aquaculture: China 55

    .T C (Carassius carassius) W, y ,

    (Oncorhynchus mykiss), (Oreochromis .) (Ictalurus nebulosus), , (Scortum barcoo), C (Siniperca chuatsi) A (Parabramis pekinensis).

    W - , y . T

    -y -q -qy q , y, , C .

    History of pen cultureF 50 y, C q y y .

    H, , , , y .I 1970, q -y (.. q z y q Chara, Isoetes, Ceratopteris, Alternanthera, . y ) q -y. I z q y,

    q -y . I 1980, y y q. C y y . R : () - y;() q q y q y , y (.. ); () y

    . S 1990, , y C (Eriocheir sinensis).

    History of marine cage cultureI 1970, Hy Cy Z Cy,G P , , . T C (C X, 006; X Y, 006). By 1981 .A H K S AR (SAR) M S A

    R, .B 1984 (.. F Z ) . A y, G, F Z 57 000, 40 . I y , . R y y 1990, y

    q (Pagus major), J (Lateolabrax japonicus), (Rachycentroncanadum) (Larimichthyscrocea). T C y- y. Cy , C z: L, S,

    J, Z, F, G H

    G Zz AR. A , 000 .

    THE CURRENT SITUATIONAdvantages of cage and pen cultureI C, q y: y y z


    ; (F , / y 69 111 J P 1995, q y

  • 8/3/2019 Cage Culture Review


    Cage aquaculture Regional reviews and global overview56

    9 1 7 500 /.)

    y , ;

    -y ;(C , y y . M, y y z

    , qy, , y y y.)

    y y ;

    y . (F

    , 1985 G L, y y, 150 /. I 1990 , 495 /,

    . y 1994 698.5 / 460 y [F 1].)

    Present status of inland cage and pen cultureP , C, y . C y, y . O

    q . P , -y y, y . W 1 , y q . Ty -y q C .

    I 004, C

    99 700 , 1 689 600 77 400 , - y 1 147 000 , 051 000 77 000 , y(T 1). W 5 10 , y 59 , 01 900 ,y 487 751 . I y y . T, ,

    - q y .

    T y q y z:

    Species cultured in freshwaterT A 1. F- y , , C, , , , , C A .N- , .

    FIGURE 1

    Increase in fish yield in Gehu Lake resulting from the

    introduction of pen-culture technology







    1985 1990 1995


    System Acreage(A) (ha)

    Yield(Y) (tonnes)

    Open waters

    Lakes 939 700 1 147 000

    Reservoirs 1 689 600 2 051 000

    Rivers 377 400 773 000

    Subtotal 3 006 700 3 971 000

    Open water production (Y/A) 1.32 tonnes/ha

    Cages 5 310 592 300

    Cage production (Y/A) 111.54 tonnes/ha

    Pens 301 900 487 700Pen production (Y/A) 1.61 tonnes/ha

    Source: Fisheries Bureau, 2004; Xu and Yan, 2006

    TABLE 1

    Fish yields from natural waterbodies in China

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    A review of cage and pen aquaculture: China 57

    H y .A 8590 W , ,, C .

    Size and typeT y 44.5 55.5 -z 1.5 1.5 . A , - , . I C, y z ; y . B-

