CADET FLIGHT -€¦ · each flight, and each individual ......


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Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.




Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.




1401 Yellow Jacket Way

Leesburg, FL 34748

(352) 787-5047 Ext 7112/7113

Dear AFJROTC Cadet:

Welcome to the Air Force Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (AFJROTC).

You have been selected to participate in a program that offers special opportunities in

education, leadership, social activities, and community service. We feel that the program

is well equipped to provide you the opportunity to profit from your participation. As a

cadet you will be required to maintain certain behaviors, grooming standards, and wear

the Air Force uniform proudly on one designated day each week. These standards are in

support of the leadership and personal development objectives of AFJROTC, and if taken

in the spirit in which they are intended, will provide the foundation for a pleasant and

profitable educational experience.

As a member of the Cadet Corps you can travel to military bases in Florida on

field trips, participate in parades, perform on the drill team and color guard, and

participate in community service projects. In addition, you can participate in social

activities, such as the Military Ball and Awards Ceremony, which will enable you to

become a leader in planning and executing the activities of our AFJROTC unit.

The program provides facilities and instructors dedicated to helping you get the

most out of your AFJROTC experience. Your part will be to get involved in the

AFJROTC program. Your enthusiasm and interest are the heart of the program. The more

you put into the program the more you will enjoy it and the more you will get out of it.

We are looking forward to having you in the program. Please take the time to

show this guide to your parents, so they will understand the program, and assist you in

meeting its objectives. Good Luck!

Christopher Honeycutt, Major, USAF (Ret.) Senior Aerospace Science Instructor

Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.



SASI Letter to Cadets


Chapter 1- AFJROTC Mission and Definitions

I. Mission

II. Definitions and Curriculum

Chapter 2- Chain of Command

I. Chain of Command

Chapter 3- Standards

I. Conduct

II. Classifications and Action

Chapter 4- Uniforms

I. Uniform Wear

II. Uniforms

III. Insignia, Badges, and Patches

Chapter 5- Corps Organization

I. Organization

II. Promoting, Demoting, and Disenrollment

Chapter 6- National and Unit Awards

I. National Awards

II. Local Ribbons

Chapter 7- Customs and Courtesies

I. Saluting

II. Entering the Classroom

Chapter 8- Activities and Opportunities

I. Co-Curricular Activities


1. Air Force Junior ROTC Badges

2. Air Force Junior ROTC Insignias

3. Cadet Male Headgear

4. Cadet Female Headgear

5. Battle Dress Uniform

6. Cadet Lightweight Blue Jacket

7. Cadet Male 1620 Service Dress

8. Cadet Female 1620 Service Dress

9. Cadet Male Blue Shirt

10. Cadet Female Blue Shirt

Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.


11. FL-041 Group Organizational Chart

12. Air Force Junior ROTC Ribbon chart

* This guide must be revised once a year by the top 3.

Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.



The purpose of this Cadet Guide is to provide you with a resource of information

that will help you to become a successful and contributing Cadet of the Air Force Junior

Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFJROTC) at Leesburg High School. This guide

contains basic information concerning the academic, behavior, and grooming standards

that each cadet is expected to know and follow. It provides information on the course and

how the Cadet Corps is organized. It also outlines the policies under which the corps,

each flight, and each individual is expected to operate. In addition, this guide may be

changed at any time in any way that is deemed appropriate by the SASI, and it is the

cadet’s responsibility to make the changes. You should keep a copy of this in your

AFJROTC binder/folder at all times.

Chapter 1-AFJROTC Mission

I. Mission The mission of the AFJROTC program is to “Develop citizens of character dedicated to

serving their nation and community”.

Goal- The goal of the AFJROTC program is to instill in high school cadets the values of

citizenship, service to the United States, personal responsibility, and a sense of


Cadet Honor Code-


This code is used to guide cadets as they strive to become productive citizens in society.

These simple words are the basis for a code to live by for the remainder of the cadet’s


II. Definitions and Curriculum

Aerospace Science (AS) – AS constitutes the core text of the AFJROTC program and

focuses on the history, development, and application of aerospace knowledge.

AS I – The purpose of this course is to enable students to develop knowledge of the

historical development of flight and the role of the military in history. Students also

develop knowledge of the AFJROTC, individual self-control, citizenship, wellness,

health, and fitness. Students practice basic drill techniques and conduct military


Prerequisite: NONE

AS II – The purpose of this course is to enable students to develop knowledge of the

aerospace environment, human requirements of flight, principles of aircraft flight, and

principles of navigation. Students also develop effective communication skills,

understanding human and group behavior, and basic leadership concepts. Students

practice drill movements and observe military customs and ceremonies.

Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.


Prerequisite: Aerospace Science I credit, with instructor recommendation, and a 70 or

better in AS1.

AS III – The purpose of this course is to enable students to develop knowledge of the

space environment, space programs and technology, and manned space flight. Students

develop knowledge, and skills related to planning for postsecondary education or

employment, financial planning, and career opportunities. Students polish skills in

marching and conducting military ceremonies.

Prerequisite: 70 or better in Aerospace Science II and Instructor recommendation.

AS IV – The purpose of this course is to enable students to develop the necessary

foundation for understanding the policies of the United States and the organization of the

United States Air Force. Students develop fundamental management concepts and skills

and apply them in the corps activities. Drill and ceremony functions are carried out with

ease and professionalism.

Prerequisite: 70 or better in Aerospace Science III and Instructor Recommendation.

Reserve Cadet – A cadet who has completed the entire AFJROTC program or who is not

currently assigned to an AFJROTC course for a particular semester and who has been

given special permission by the SASI to remain with the program. Reserve cadets may

participate in all AFJROTC activities (drill team, color guard, etc.).

Leadership Education I – This is a joint cooperative effort between the United States

Air Force and the secondary school system. All Air Force JROTC programs consist of

extensive practical application demonstrated ‘Hands-On” performances in community

support activities, and knowledge of subject material evaluated through a variety of

assessment techniques. The laboratory element is the most vital component of the


Prerequisite: Instructor Recommendation

Leadership Education II – The purpose of this course is to provide intermediate

leadership techniques or oral communication, understanding of individual behavior and

understanding of group behavior. This is a joint cooperative effort between the United

States Air Force and the secondary school system. All Air Force JROTC programs

consist of extensive practical application knowledge and subject material evaluated

through a variety of assessment techniques. The laboratory element is the most vital

component of the program.

Prerequisite: Leadership I and Instructor Recommendation

Senior Aerospace Science Instructor (SASI) – The senior retired Air Force officer

employed by the high school with the concurrence of AFJROTC to manage and conduct

the AFJROTC program in accordance with the AFJROTC directives. The SASI reports to

the principal and ensures applicable instructors are complied with and the unit is operated

and maintained in an efficient, military manner.

Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.


Aerospace Science Instructor (ASI) – A retired Noncommissioned Officer employed by

the high school with concurrence of AFJROTC to assist the SASI. The ASI is supervised

by and reports directly to the SASI.

Class Schedule – Cadets attend classes 5 days a week. Each designated period is a

“Flight” with its own military organization. The Cadet Corps is run by and for the cadets

under the guidance of the instructors.

Grading – Each cadet receives 3 grades in JROTC, 40 % for Aerospace and Leadership

and the other 20% for Wellness/PT. Your grades will come from everything you do, to

include, PT, quizzes, tests, uniform wear and participation.

Cadet Headquarters – The hub and center of activity in the corps is in rooms 5-107 and

5-108. These classrooms should be used for conducting and performing official cadet


Agreement/ Syllabus – The LHS cadet Syllabus is reproduced and will be given out to

every cadet. Each cadet and parent/guardian will acknowledge this Syllabus. Within it, it

contains what each cadet will be learning based on what class they will be in and an

agreement between the SASI or ASI and cadet.

Chapter 2 – Chain of Command

I. Chain of Command

The success of the Cadet Corps is based upon each member of the corps knowing

their position and how each job interrelates with others. The Chain of Command defines

lines of authority and communication. Cadets should start with the first cadet in their

Chain of Command to get answers to questions on uniforms, customs and courtesies,

drill, cadet evaluations and promotions, cadet awards, classroom rules, proper

procedures, etc.

Each Cadet will know the Chain of Command and the names of the cadets

assigned to the positions. The following descriptions are just brief summaries of each

jobs positional duties and are all-inclusive. It is expected that each cadet will use their

initiative to seek out further responsibilities.

Cadet Group Commander (GP CC) will:

1. Establish and enforce appearance, discipline, efficiency, training, and conduct


2. Advise the SASI/ASI on corps operations, policies, and procedures

3. Develop a cadet operations and activities calendar

4. Assign project officers to all group activities

5. Chair the Cadet Boards

6. Recommend cadets for jobs, awards, and promotions

7. Implement a cadet evaluation and promotion system

8. Develop cadet evaluation reports for promotion

9. Conduct Senior Enlisted Advisor evaluations for promotions

Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.


10. Review all officer promotion evaluations completed by the Operations CC and the

Support Sq CC

11. Manage the Cadet Corps senior staff, and ensure the accomplishment of the


12. Administer Cadet Corps activity

13. Conduct group staff meeting on a regular basis

14. Periodically inspect unit records for compliance with unit policies

15. Overall responsibility for all corps activities

16. Other duties assigned by the SASI/ASI

Cadet Senior Enlisted Advisor (SEA) will:

1. Enforce appearance, discipline, efficiency, training, and conduct standards of all

enlisted cadets

2. Conduct a periodic NCO staff meeting for inputs to give to commanders

3. Attend group staff meetings and prepare meeting room

4. Attend Cadet Boards

5. Conduct Senior NCO evaluations for promotion

6. Assist the Operations Squadron CC with reviewing all enlisted cadet promotion

evaluations completed by the Flt CC

7. Ensure all flight sergeants and squadron first sergeants carry out their


8. Monitor the promotion of all enlisted cadets

9. Serve on promotion boards as directed

10. Other duties assigned by the GP CC

Special Assistant to the SASI (SA) will:

1. The SA will advise and assist the SASI/ASI concerning cadet activities,

organization, and personnel matters. The SA will attend all staff meetings as an

advisor and will assist the Group Commander as requested

2. The duties and assignments of the SA will consist of the assignments and

special projects assigned by the SASI/ASI

3. Input personnel, logistics, CHWP and other data into Wings

4. Preparing and maintaining all administrative files for the Cadet Group

5. Maintaining the internal distribution system (mailboxes) and ensuring that only

official AFJROTC official materials are stored in these boxes

6. Maintaining an adequate supply of required forms

7. Ensuring that the Organizational Charts and Chain of Command listings are

posted and current in classroom and office portables

8. Serve on promotion boards as directed

9. Other duties assigned by the SASI

Cadet Operations Squadron Commander (Ops Sq CC) will:

1. Supervise the Drill Team Commanders and Flight commanders

2. Enforce appearance, discipline, efficiency, training, and conduct standards

3. Publish a weekly order to coordinate all activities and designate specified uniform


4. Assist the SASI/ASI with cadet orientation programs

Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.


5. Conduct Flt CC and Dt CC evaluations for promotion

6. Review all enlisted cadet promotion evaluations completed by the Flt CC

7. Plan Cadet Corps activities and supervise formal ceremonies such as retreats

8. Ensure that activities continuity files are completed for all events which will be

filed in permanent files for future reference

9. Maintain cadet operations bulletin board

10. Plan and coordinate extracurricular and co-curricular activities

11. Command group in the absence of Group Commander

12. Serve on Cadet Boards

13. Other Duties assigned by the GP CC

Cadet Operations Squadron 1st Sergeants (Ops Sq 1st Sgt) will:

1. Have direct responsibilities to the Operations Squadron Commander to ensure that

all of the enlisted cadets in their squadron will maintain discipline and appearance

acceptable to the mission of the program. Also make sure those cadets are

carrying out the duties of their job properly.

2. Other duties as assigned by the Operations Sq CC

Cadet Drill Team/Color Guard Commander (DT/CG CC) will:

1. Work closely with the SASI/ASI on all Drill Team and Color Guard activities

2. Responsible for the appearance, discipline, training, and promotion of the Drill

Team/Color Guard members

3. Establish rules, objectives, procedures, and routines of drill and color guard

4. Select team members and keep a roll for all practices/competitions

5. Schedule and conduct practices with approval of SASI/ASI

6. Notify the Support Squadron commander of those members acquiring ribbons

7. Train the Drill Team/Color Guard NCO in all duties

8. Other Duties assigned by the SASI, ASI, and Operations Sq CC

Drill Team/Color Guard Deputy Commander (DTD/CGD CC) will:

1. Assist the commander in all duties.

2. Perform the duties of the commander when he/she is absent.

3. All other duties assigned by the Drill team/Color guard Commander.

Kitty Hawk Commander (KH CC) will:

1. Organize community service events

2. Organize the Bi-monthly meetings

3. Coordinate Dining-Ins

4. Teach the deputy all duties

5. Any other duties assigned by the SASI,ASI, or GP CC

Kitty Hawk Deputy Commander (KH DC) will:

1. Make the agenda for the meetings

2. Perform the duties of the commander when he/she is absent

3. All other duties assigned by the Kitty Hawk Commander

Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.


Cadet Flight Commander (Flt CC) will: 1. Responsible for appearance, discipline, training, and promotion of flight members

2. Responsible for the conduct of all flight members during the instructional period

3. Stimulate pride and esprit-de-corps within the flight

4. Conduct enlisted cadet evaluation for the promotion of every cadet in the flight

5. Provide drill an ceremonies training to all cadets within the flight

6. Inform all flight members of upcoming corps activities

7. Inspect as directed all flight members on the day on uniform

8. Advise the Operations Squadron Commander and the SASI/ASI on flight matters

9. Perform or delegate class roll attendance reports

10. Train Flight Sergeants to assume his/her position during absences

11. Submit requests to the Logistics Officer/NCO for uniform items to include

ribbons, rank, and insignia

12. Train the Flight Guidon Bearer

13. Other duties assigned by Operations Sq CC

Cadet Flight Sergeant (Flt Sgt) will:

1. Perform all duties accomplished by the Flight Commander during his/her absence

2. Maintain order in the classroom and on the drill pad

3. Help prepare cadets for promotions

4. Prepare the flight for inspection and accomplishing inspection records

5. Train element leaders and flight guides on proper drill and ceremonies

6. Assist the Flight Commander, as necessary

7. Other duties assigned by the Flight CC or the Operations Sq 1st Sgt

Cadet Flight Guidon Bearer (Flt GB) will:

1. Assume the duties of the flight sergeant in their absence

2. Accomplish all duties of the guidon bearers described in the drill and ceremonies


3. Retrieve, post, and retire flight guides as directed during class and in formation

4. Lead the direction of march for the flight

5. Other duties assigned by the Flight CC or Flight Sgt

Cadet Element Leaders (EL) will:

1. Supervise element members

2. Report roll when directed

3. Maintain cleanliness of the area occupied by their element

4. Train element members

5. Other duties assigned by the Flight CC or Flight Sgt

Cadet Support Squadron Commander (Sup Sq CC) will:

1. Supervise Administration, Personnel, Cyber, Public Affairs/Historian, Finance,

and Logistics

2. Enforce appearance, discipline, efficiency, training, and conduct standards

3. Conduct Support Officer evaluations for promotion

4. Provide support services to plan and implement corps activities

5. Ensure personnel policies and training goals are accomplished

Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.


6. Ensure that cadet orders and operations plans are prepared

7. Ensure that supply procedures are published

8. Serve on Cadet Boards

9. Ensure proper maintenance of administration and personnel files

10. Other duties assigned by the GP CC

Cadet Support Squadron First Sergeant (Sup Sq 1st Sgt) will:

1. Have direct responsibilities to the Support Squadron Commander to ensure that

all of the enlisted cadets in their squadron will maintain discipline and appearance

acceptable to the mission of the program. Also make sure those cadets are

carrying out the duties of their job properly.

2. Other Duties assigned by the Support Sq CC

Cadet Administration Officer (AD & AD NCO) will:

1. Enforce appearance, discipline, efficiency, training, and conduct standards.

2. Coordinate, authenticate, prepare, publish, post, distribute, and file all cadet


3. Develop, reproduce, and distribute cadet forms

4. Submit a complete agenda and record all information for cadet staff meetings

5. Maintain Cadet Corps files and informal bulletin boards to include documentation

in support of awards and decorations

6. Manage instructor administrative support functions

7. Train the NCO in all duties. (officer only)

8. Other duties assigned by the Support Sq CC

Cadet Personnel officer (PE & PE NCO) will:

1. Enforce appearance, discipline, efficiency, training, and conduct standards.

2. Maintain and secure personnel records for each cadet.

3. Maintain, publish, and distribute organization charts and unit manning documents.

4. Recommend to the Sq CC any personnel policies in such areas as cadet

promotions and awards

5. File all cadet special orders

6. Train the NCO in all duties. (officer only)

7. Other duties assigned by the Support Sq CC

Cyber Officer (CO & CNCO) will:

1. Enforce appearance, discipline, efficiency, training, and conduct standards.

2. Work with the group staff for any audio-visual assistance

3. Maintain proper care and use of computers and audio-visual equipment

4. Inventory computer resources and submit computer system needs to the SASI

5. Obtain cadet staff computer needs and develop computer solutions to include

software development

6. Develop computer use, control, and monitoring policies and procedures.

7. Serve as computer systems advisor to the GP CC, SASI, and ASI

Train the NCO in all duties. (officer only)

8. Other duties assigned by the Support Sq CC.

Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.


Cadet Public Affairs (PA)/Historian (HI) and NCO will:

1. Enforce appearance, discipline, efficiency, training, and conduct standards.

2. Work with the school newspaper to ensure all newsworthy items are published.

3. Take head in all recruiting activities involving the high school and all local

middle schools

4. Maintain group bulletin boards

5. Publicize newsworthy items about cadets in the corps and school as well as

community publications and news media

6. Maintain corps history

7. Serve as active spokesperson for corps activities throughout the community,

community publications and news media

8. Take photographs and/or videos of all cadet events

9. Maintain the Cadet Corps scrapbook containing photographs, news clippings, and

other supporting materials

10. Train the NCO in all duties. (officer only)

11. Other duties assigned by the Support Sq CC

Cadet Finance Officer (FI and FI NCO) will:

1. Enforce appearance, discipline, efficiency, training, and conduct standards

2. Assist the SASI/ASI in maintaining the corps funds

3. Present funds reports to the commander and at staff meetings as required

4. Maintain cadet financial accounts and supporting documentation

5. Develop annual fund raising plans

6. Serve as fund raising project officer

7. Control cadet financial transactions

8. Develop fund requirement procedures

9. Train the NCO in all duties. (officer only)

10. Other duties assigned by the Support Sq CC.

Logistics Officer (LG and LGO NCO) will:

1. Enforce appearance, discipline, efficiency, training, and conduct standards.

2. Prepare an annual inventory

3. Provide uniform, ribbon, nametag, and other cadet supply services to the Cadet


4. Periodically inventory ribbons and rank to ensure adequate numbers are on hand.

5. Assist the ASI to accomplish book, uniform and accountable equipment supply


6. Forward supply requirements to ASI to support Cadet Corps operations

7. Recommend supply policies and procedures to the ASI

8. Maintain the supply room in a clean, neat and orderly manner

9. Provide logistics support to cadet staff for cadet activities

10. Be responsible for the security of all uniform items

11. Train the NCO in all duties. (officer only)

12. Other duties assigned by the Support Sq CC

Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.


Chaplain (CH) will:

1. Enhance morale within the unit

2. Ensure cadets who need assistance are referred to appropriate officials.

3. Coordinate and assist with all functions within the Corps

4. Assist the Family Student Liaison Counselor to coordinate with AFJROTC.

5. Other duties assigned by the Support Sq CC/ASI/SASI

Physical Fitness Officer (PFO and PF NCO) will:

1. Responsible for the execution of the group’s physical fitness program

2. Establishing a weekly PT schedule, tracking cadet attendance and performance

3. Ensures that weekly PT plans are included in the weekly operations orders

4. Assists SASI with input of MASS PT scores into WINGS

5. With SASI will create a semester plan detailing preparation for the MASS PFA

6. Train the NCO in all duties. (officer only)

7. Other duties assigned by the Support Sq CC/ASI/SASI

** All NCOs’ must be trained for the particular position they currently hold. In the event

of the officer being absent, the NCO will temporarily become (Acting Officer).

Military Conduct- The practice of saying “Yes/No Sir” and “Yes/No Ma’ am” to All

adults and cadet officers that out rank you is mandatory. This is not an option, but rather

a way of life.

Supervision of Activities- Every AFJROTC activity is a school-sponsored event. The

Air Force provides no liability coverage for instructors or students during AFJROTC

activities. School rules must be followed to protect cadet and instructor safety. Cadets

must have all consent/approval forms designated by the school properly completed and

turned in. If an event is not school sponsored, cadets WILL NOT participate as part of the

AFJROTC program.

Hazing-Hazing of cadets is STRICTLY PROHIBITED! Any form of hazing, whether

verbal or physical will not be tolerated within any AFJROTC unit or activity. Requiring

cadets to perform any physical action as a reprimand, punishment, or for failure to

perform, will not be tolerated within any AFJROTC unit or activity.

1. Examples of prohibited physical activities include, but are not limited to push-

ups, running laps, or any inappropriate physical contact such as shoving, pulling

or grabbing.

2. Any form of verbal abuse, teasing, public rebuke or any attempt to otherwise

humiliate a cadet is prohibited.

3. This prohibition is applicable to all AFJROTC unit activities including

instructors, cadets and any personnel involved with or participating in an

AFJROTC unit or activity.

4. Unauthorized Clubs. No unit may encourage, facilitate, or otherwise condone

secret societies or private clubs as part of the AFJROTC program.

Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.


II. Cadet Classifications and Actions

Cadet Evaluation Boards- The use of cadet boards is not required but can serve as a

vehicle for cadet involvement and leadership training. The SASI or ASI will be present

during cadet boards to offer advice and ensure proper procedures are followed.

Organization of the Cadet Corps- A unit’s organizational structure should be

appropriate to the number of cadets enrolled. Units are authorized to deviate from the

recommended criteria for organizational structure of the unit. Units with 250 cadets or

less should be organized as a group. Units with 251 cadets or above should be organized

as a wing.

Cadet Rank and Rotation-The SASI selects the Cadet Group Commander, subordinate

commanders, and the staff members required by the organizational structure of the unit.

The Group Commander is responsible for maintaining an equitable appointment,

promotion, demotion, and rotation system.

Chapter 4-Uniforms and Insignias

I. Uniform Wear- The uniform worn by the AFJROTC cadets is the standard Air Force

uniform with the exception of the distinctive insignia, school patch, and the AFJROTC

shoulder patch. Cadets wearing the Air Force uniform must do so with dignity and

respect. Personal behavior while in uniform must be such that it will not bring discredit to

the uniform, the AFJROTC program, or Leesburg High School. The director of

AFJROTC prescribes the uniform, uniform devices and the manner of wear for

AFJROTC cadets. See attachments 3-10 on proper uniform wear.

Male Uniform Requirements-Male cadets are prohibited from wearing any earrings. A

V-neck or A-shirt tank top will be worn under the short sleeve light blue shirt. The

undershirt must be plain, white, and clean. The bottom of the pants will touch the shoes

with a slight break in the crease. Black issued socks must be worn with the pants. No

cuffs are worn on the uniform. Male cadets will wear a plain white tuxedo shirt with a

military black bow tie and their service coat on formal occasions. (Military ball)

Female Uniform requirements- Female cadets may wear small, conservative, diamond,

gold, white pearl, silver or black onyx spherical/ stud earrings. Earrings will fit tightly

against the ear and will not extend above or below the earlobe. Only one earring per ear is

allowed to be worn, and other ornaments are prohibited. Fingernail polish must be a

single color that does not distinctly contrast with the female Airman’s complexion,

detract from the uniform, or be extreme colors. Some examples of extreme colors

included, but are not limited to, purple, gold, blue, black, bright (fire engine) red and

florescent colors. Do not apply designs to nails or apply two-tone or multi-tone colors;

however, white-tip French manicures are authorized. Fingernails must not exceed ¼ inch

in length beyond the tip of the finger and must be well-groomed. Cosmetics, for females,

will be conservative (moderate, being within reasonable limits, not excessive or extreme)

Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.


and in good taste. Female cadets will not wear shades of lipstick that distinctly contrast

with their complexion, that detract from the uniform, or that are extreme colors. Some

examples of extreme colors include, but are not limited to, purple, gold, blue, black,

bright (fire-engine) red, and fluorescent colors. Skirt length will be in accordance and

good taste, but with due regard to the dignity of the Air Force uniform. In no case will the

skirt be shorter than the top of the knee cap or longer than the bottom of the knee cap.

Issued low quarter shoes or commercial plain black closed toe heels will be worn with the

uniform. Nylon type stockings (sheer, nylon in neutral, dark brown, black, off black, or

dark blue shades that complement the uniform or the individual’s skin tone) must be

worn with the skirt. Black issued socks or hose must be worn with the pants. The bottom

of the pants will touch the shoes with a slight break in the crease.

Hair-male and female – Will be clean, well-groomed, present a professional appearance,

and allow proper wear of the uniform hat. Will not contain excessive amounts of

grooming aids (e.g. gel, mousse, pomade, and moisturizer), appear lopsided, touch either

eyebrow, or end below an imaginary line across the forehead at the top of the eyebrows

that is parallel to the ground. If applied, dyes, tints, bleaches and frostings must result in

natural, human hair colors. Examples of natural human hair colors are brown, blonde,

brunette, natural red, black or grey. Prohibited examples (not all inclusive) are burgundy,

purple, orange, fluorescent or neon colors. Wigs, hairpieces and extensions will meet the

same standard required for natural hair and will be of good quality, fit properly, and

comply with safety and professionalism.

Male Grooming Standards – Tapered appearance on both sides and the back of the

head, both with and without headgear. A tapered appearance is one that when viewed

from any angle outlines the member’s hair so that it conforms to the shape of the head,

curving inward to the natural termination point without eccentric directional flow, twists

or spiking. A block-cut is permitted with a tapered appearance. Hair will not exceed 1 ¼

inches in bulk, regardless of length and ¼ inch at natural termination point, allowing only

closely cut or shaved hair on the back of the neck to touch the collar. Hair will not touch

the ears or protrude under the front band of headgear. Cleanly shaven heads, military

high-and-tight or flat-top cuts are authorized. Prohibited examples (not all inclusive) are

Mohawk, mullet, cornrows, dreadlocks or etched design. Men are not authorized hair

extensions. Sideburns, if worn, will be straight and even width (not flared), and will not

extend below the bottom of the orifice of the ear opening. Sideburns will end in a clean-

shaven horizontal line. Mustaches, on males, will be conservative and will not extend

downward beyond the lip line of the upper lip or extend sideways beyond a vertical line

drawn upward from both corners of the mouth. Beards are not allowed.

Female Grooming Standards – Minimum length of hair is 1/4 inch, to a maximum bulk

of three inches from the scalp and allow proper wear of headgear. Hair will end above the

bottom edge of collar and will not extend below an invisible line drawn parallel to the

ground, both front to back and side to side. Hair must not touch either eyebrow, to

include an invisible line drawn across eyebrows and parallel to the ground. If worn, fabric

scrunchies, hairpins, combs, clips, headbands, elastic bands and barrettes must be similar

Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.


to the natural hair color. Hair must still comply with bulk and appearance standards.

Headgear must fit properly. Headbands and scrunchies will not exceed one-inch in width.

Ornaments are not authorized (i.e., ribbons, beads, jeweled pins). Female hair must have

a professional appearance and remain in good taste.

The intent is for pinned-up hair to be styled in a manner that prevents loose ends from

extending upward on the head. For example, when using a clip or hairpins, hair will not

present the appearance of a “rooster tail”. When hair is in a bun, the bun must be a single

bun; no wider than the width of the head and all loose ends must be tucked in and

secured. When hair is in a ponytail, it must be a single ponytail; that does not exceed bulk

and length standards and does not extend below the bottom of the collar. As with all

hairstyles, a neat and professional image is essential.

Braids, twists, micro-braids, French braids, Dutch braids and cornrows are authorized.

However, they must be a natural color for human beings similar to the individual’s hair

color; conservative (moderate, being within reasonable limits; not excessive or extreme)

and not present a faddish appearance. Hair must not exceed bulk and length standards and

must not extend below the bottom of the collar. Headgear must fit properly.

All braids/ twists is two or more portions/strands of interwoven hair. When worn,

multiple braids shall be of uniform dimension, small in diameter (approximately ¼

inches), show no more than ¼ inch of scalp between the braids and must be tightly

interwoven to present a neat, professional and well-groomed appearance. Braids must

continue to the end of the hair in one direction, in a straight line, and may be worn loose

or a secured style within hair standards, as directed above. Dreadlocks, shaved head, flat-

tops and military high-and-tight cuts are not authorized hairstyles for female cadets.

Hair color, highlights, and frosting will not be faddish and will be natural looking hair

color for human beings, similar to the individual’s hair color.

II. Uniforms- A $5.00 uniform fee must be paid prior to the uniform being issued. When

each cadet is issued a uniform and other items of equipment, they are required to sign a

uniform receipt. Each item then becomes the cadet’s responsibility. If a cadet loses an

item, or destroys it, then the cadet is required to pay for it. Clothing items that have

become worn out or damaged should be returned to Logistics, Personnel, or an instructor.

If the damage is due to normal use then there will be no charge, however if the damage is

due to the cadet’s negligence, he/she will be expected to pay for the item. No replacement

uniform items will be issued on uniform wear day. All uniforms issued will already be

clean. Uniforms will be returned at the end of the school year or when you depart from


Cleaning Your Uniform- The only uniform item that is machine washable will be your

light blue shirt. Any other clothing items such as pants, skirts, jackets, ties, caps, and

berets must be dry-cleaned.

Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.


It is the cadet’s responsibility to maintain all uniform items in a clean and orderly

condition during the school year and prior to turn-in. This includes, washed, dry-cleaned,

ironed, buttons buttoned, loose strings trimmed, and shoes shined etc.

Optional items such as service caps are not Air Force issued items. The SASI will

establish policy on the use of optional items and when they may be worn.

Service caps with plain visors may be worn by cadet officers and others designated by the

SASI. Cadets do not have to wear their cover when passing under an overhang, or while

inside any building unless reporting in or under arms.

No item of the US Air Force uniform is authorized for wear by members of organized

sponsor groups of AFJROTC. Cadet auxiliary societies may not create a special uniform,

which includes any item of the US Air Force uniform. This includes school, faculty, and

sponsors other than the SASI and ASI.

The uniform will only be worn while traveling to or from, or while participating in

official AFJROTC activities. Cadets will not wear the uniform while participating in

student demonstrations, at partisan political activities, for crowd control, while

hitchhiking, engaging in sports activities, or any other inappropriate activities. Cadets

may wear the uniform while acting as ushers, parking lot attendants, etc. This is all at the

discretion of the SASI.

Rules Concerning the Uniform:

1. Cadets must wear the uniform ALL DAY on the assigned day of each week

unless you are given permission otherwise by the SASI or ASI.

2. The uniform must be kept clean and shoes must be shined.

3. Hitchhiking, engaging in sports activities, and anti-authority demonstrations while

in uniform are strictly prohibited.

4. A cadet must maintain a “gig line’. A gig line is a straight line down your shirt,

belt buckle, and trouser fly; these should all be together forming one straight line.

5. Ensure all loose strings and frayed seems are cut off.

6. The Air Force all weather blue jacket (windbreaker) is authorized to wear as an

optional item. The jacket must be zipped at least half way when worn.

7. No civilian clothing items are to be worn while you are in uniform.

8. Cadets may wear only one ring on the right hand and two on the left. One bracelet

is permitted, however it must not be wider than one inch; Bracelets may not be

bulky or have spikes etc. Necklaces must be concealed inside your shirt.

9. Cadets must not have any big/bulky items in their pockets. Wallets pens and

pencils are allowed.

10. Book bags should be carried on both shoulders while in uniform.

11. Sunglasses may be worn but not in formation unless authorized by the SASI or

ASI. They must be conservative with no faddish styles or mirrored lenses.

Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.


Turning in Your Uniform- At the end of each term, it is the responsibility of each cadet

to return all issued uniform items or accessories to Logistics or an instructor and clear

their account. All missing items must be paid for.

III. Insignias, Badges, and Patches

Flight Solo Badge- Awarded to any cadet who possesses a solo flight certificate signed

by a FAA certified flight instructor for either powered or un-powered aircraft.

Flight Certificate Badge- Awarded to any cadet who possesses a FAA Flight Examiner

Pilot’s certificate for either powered or un-powered aircraft.

Awareness Presentation Team (APT) - This voluntary activity is designed for cadets

who feel comfortable talking to elementary and middle school students about social

issues, drug education, and staying in school. The badge is awarded to all those cadets

who participate in the Awareness Presentation Team.

Kitty Hawk Air Society (KHAS) - This AFJROTC Honorary Society promotes

academic excellence, service, and patriotism. An invitation to join will only be extended

to those cadets who have an “A” in their AFJROTC courses and an overall school

average of a “B” (3.0). A distinctive badge will be awarded to members of the society

who fulfill the necessary requirements determined by the president.

American Modeling Association (AMA) Wings- This AFJROTC organization

promotes leadership, precision and esprit-de-corps. An invitation will be extended to any

AFJROTC cadet who is in “Good Standing”. Adheres to the rules of the AFJROTC cadet

code of conduct and any cadet that is interested in aviation. Distinctive wings are

awarded to cadet members who fulfill the necessary requirements determined by the

SASI or the ASI.

Distinguished AFJROTC Cadet Award- This annual award consists of a certificate and

a Distinguished AFJROTC cadet badge. The award recognizes one outstanding third year

cadet. Selection is made at the end of the school year; this allows the recipient to wear the

award throughout their final year in the AFJROTC program. The recipient must be of

high moral character, demonstrate positive personal attributes, display outstanding

military potential, and maintain consistent academic and military excellence. The

recipient must also hold the following awards prior to selection: Leadership Ribbon,

Achievement Ribbon, Superior Performance Ribbon, Academic Ribbon, Co-Curricular

Activities Leadership Ribbon, and the Service Ribbon.

Model Rocketry Badge- Awarded to cadets who have fulfilled the model rocketry

program requirements.

AFJROTC Shoulder Patch- Wear of the AFJROTC official shoulder patch is

mandatory on all outer garments except the raincoat, overcoat, and all weather coats.

Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.


Unit Shoulder Patch- If a school/unit patch is used, it will be worn by all cadets. The

AFJROTC emblem is for the exclusive use of AFJROTC and should not be altered or

included in the design of the school shoulder patch. Wear the AFJROTC patch on the left

sleeve and the school patch on the right sleeve 1.5 to 1 inch below the outer shoulder


Shoulder Cords- Cadets are authorized to wear one shoulder cord on the left shoulder.

Wear the shoulder cord only on the short or long sleeve blue shirt and the service dress

coat. The SASI will designate criteria. Colors to denote different honors may be used.

Chapter 5-Corps Organization

I. Organization

The maximum grade authorizations for a cadet corps organized as a group are: Position Symbol Max. Grade Max. Number

Group Commander GP CC C/Col. 1

Senior Enlisted Advisor SEA C/CMSgt. 1

Special Assistant to the SASI SA C/Lt. Col 1

Operations Squadron Commander Ops Sq CC C/Lt. Col. 1

Operations Squadron 1st Sergeant Ops Sq 1st Sgt. C/SMSgt. 1

Drill Team Commander DT CC C/Capt. 2

Color Guard Commander CGCC C/.

Kitty Hawk Commander KH CC C/Capt. 1

Flight Commander Flt CC C/Capt. 8

Flight Sergeant Flt Sgt C/ MSgt. 8

Flight Guidon Bearer Flt GB C/TSgt. 8

Element Leader EL C/SSgt. 32

Support Squadron Commander Sup Sq CC C/Lt. Col. 1

Support Squadron 1st Sergeant Sup Sq 1st Sgt. C/SMSgt. 1

Administrations Officer AD C/Capt. 1

Administrations NCO AD NCO C/MSgt. 1

Personnel Officer PE C/Capt. 1

Personnel NCO PE NCO C/MSgt. 1

Cyber Officer CO C/Capt. 1

Cyber NCO CNCO C/MSgt. 1

Public Affairs/Historian Officer PA/HI C/Capt. 1

Public Affairs/Historian Officer NCO PA/HI NCO C/MSgt. 1

Finance Officer FI C/Capt. 1

Finance NCO FI NCO C/MSgt. 1

Logistics Officer LG C/Capt. 1

Logistics Officer NCO LG NCO C/MSgt. 1

Chaplain Officer CH C/Capt. 1

Physical Fitness Officer PFO C/Capt. 1

Physical Fitness NCO PF NCO C/MSgt. 1

Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.


Do not confuse AFJROTC cadet ranks with USAF active duty designations. The word cadet

or abbreviation thereof must be part of any written reference to a cadet rank.

The cadet promotion and job assignment systems place cadets in jobs where they can show

and refine their leadership skills. Promotions and assignments are not based solely on past

performance, but on the cadet’s potential and willingness to assume jobs of increased


All cadets are assigned a Permanent Rank commensurate with the number of AFJROTC

years satisfactorily completed. Permanent grades are awarded during the second semester of

the academic year. Retention of permanent grades is contingent upon satisfactory

performance and behavior as determined by the SASI.

The permanent rank for first year cadets is Airman. Second year cadets are Airman First

Class. Third year cadets are Senior Airman. Fourth year cadets are Staff Sergeant. Cadets

serving in a temporary grade may revert to their permanent grade upon completion of their


Temporary rank may be awarded to cadets on cadet orders based on their performance and

their job responsibilities. Being a good citizen both in and out of the corps is expected for

promotion, especially as a cadet assumes senior rank. Since the rank is temporary, it will not

necessarily be carried over from year to year since performance determines achieving and

retaining rank. However, seniors not removed from their position for cause may keep their

officer rank until graduation. Officer ranks are hard to earn and reflect performance, JROTC

experience, outstanding citizenship, and the confidence the cadet can assume positions of

increased responsibility. Thus, a cadet officer’s entire academic record and conduct will be

closely scrutinized by the SASI and their superior officer’s to determine if officer rank will

be awarded and retained.

II. Promoting, Demoting, and Disenrollment-Enlisted cadets will be evaluated by their

Flight Commander quarterly. If a cadet passes the requirements of the evaluation sheet and

he/she has the proper grades (C Average), then the cadet is recommended for promotion.

Cadet Officers will be evaluated by their superior officers (Twice a year based on the school

schedule). If a Cadet Officer passes the requirements of the evaluation sheet and he/she has

the proper grades (A average in AFJROTC and a C or better in each other academic class),

then the cadet will be recommended for promotion. However, failure to maintain these

required grades will result in an automatic reduction to permanent grade.

1. A cadet may be disenrolled for any of the following reasons:

a. Failure to maintain acceptable course standards (haircut, grooming, proper

uniform wear, etc.)

b. Inaptitude, indifference to training or disciplinary reasons involving undesirable

character traits. (Fighting at school will result in automatic removal from the

program. Cadets must then sit out of JROTC for one year before they are eligible

to rejoin.)

Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.


Note: Any cadet caught fighting (as determined by school administration)

in/out of uniform on school campus or school activities will turn in their uniform

and be removed from JROTC at the end of the semester. If in leadership position,

cadet will lose leadership position and rank. (Failure to maintain standards) This

may also include videoing, instigating, cheering, running to the fight and/or

becoming part of the group surrounding the fight, without the intent to break up the


c. Failure to remain in school.

d. Individual request for release, consistent with the current DHS drop/add policy.

Chapter 6-National and Unit Awards

Awards and Decorations-The Cadet and Decorations Program foster morale, esprit de

corps, and recognize achievements of AFJROTC. Awards sponsored by the national

organizations are donated through local chapters where available.

All devices will be worn in accordance with the attachments of this instruction.

Presentation and Publicity-Awards are presented at the appropriate ceremonies. Invite

school officials and local civilian authorities when practical. Representatives from

organizations sponsoring awards should be offered the opportunity to make the award


Devices- If a ribbon is initially awarded with a star, an additional award will be indicated by

adding a star. Additional awards of ribbons initially awarded without devices will be

indicated by the addition of clusters. Wear a maximum of four devices on each ribbon. Place

silver devices to the wearer’s right of bronze devices. Replace the bronze device with a silver

device after the receipt of the fifth bronze device. Place clusters horizontally and tilt slightly

downward to the wearer’s right to allow the maximum number of clusters and other devices

on the ribbon. Tilt all or none. If all devices do not fit on a single ribbon, wear a second

ribbon. When future awards reduce devices to a single ribbon, remove the second ribbon.

Ribbons of Other Services-AFJROTC cadets are authorized to wear ribbons earned while

enrolled in United States Army, United States Navy, United States Marine Corps, or the

United States Coast Guard JROTC. Group ribbons according to precedence determined by

the regulation of each service. AFJORTC cadets will wear AFJROTC ribbons ahead of other

service JROTC ribbons or awards. Other service ribbons are grouped by service in the

following order: Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. Only four CAP ribbons

(General Carl Spaatz award, Amelia Earhart Award, General Billy Mitchell Award, and

General J.F. Curry Achievement Award.) may be worn on the AFJROTC uniform. Badges or

insignia from Active Duty, Guard, Reserve, or any other non-AFJROTC group are not

authorized on the AFJROTC uniform.

Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.


Valor Awards-Valor awards from all services are worn ahead of all other ribbons from any

service. The AFJROTC valor Awards will be worn first, with other services’ Valor Awards

worn in the following order; Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard.

Medals and Ribbons-May be worn simultaneously for formal, semi-formal, and special

occasions of a limited nature. The routine wear of medals is prohibited.

I. National Awards

Valor Award (Gold) - Awarded for a voluntary act of bravery and self-sacrifice conspicuous

risk of life beyond the call of duty.

Valor Award (Silver) – Awarded for a voluntary act of heroism which does not involve the

risk of life.

Cadet Humanitarian Award - Awarded for humanitarian effort or performance by cadets

involving actions above and beyond the call of duty.

Air Force Association Award (3rd year) - Awarded to a cadet who meets the following


Positive attitude (toward AFJROTC and school)

Outstanding personal appearance (uniform and grooming)

Display personal attributes such as initiative, judgment, and self confidence

Courteous demeanor (promptness, obedience, and respect for customs)

Growth potential (capacity for responsibility, high productivity, and adaptability)

Possession of the highest personal and ethical standards and strong positive attitude

Rank in the top 5% of their AS class.

Rank in the top 10% of their academic class.

Be recommended by the SASI for the Outstanding Cadet Ribbon.

Daedalian Award (3rd year) – Awarded to a cadet who meets the following criteria:

Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of patriotism, love of country, and

service to the nation.

Indicate the potential and desire to peruse a military career.

Rank in the top 10% of their AS class.

Rank in the top 20% of their academic class

American Legion Scholastic Award (3rd or 4th year) – Awarded to a cadet who meets the

following criteria;

Rank in the top 10% of their high school class.

Rank in the top 25% of their AS class

Demonstrate leadership qualities

Actively participate in student activities

American Legion Auxiliary Scholastic Award (1st or 2nd year) – Awarded to a cadet who

meets the following criteria:

Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.


Rank in the top 10% of their high school class

Rank in the top 25% of their AS class

Demonstrate leadership qualities

Actively participate in student activities

American Legion General Military Excellence Award (3rd or 4th year) – Awarded to a

cadet who meets the following criteria:

Rank in the top 25% of their AFJROTC class

Demonstrate outstanding qualities in military leadership, discipline, character, and


American Legion Auxiliary General Military Excellence Award (1st or 2nd year) –

Awarded to a cadet who meets the following criteria:

Rank in the top 25% of their AFJROTC class

Demonstrate outstanding qualities in military leadership, discipline, character, and


Daughters on the American Revolution (DAR) Award (4th year) – Awarded to a cadet

who meets the following criteria:

Rank in the top 25% of their AS class

Rank in the top 25% of their high school class

Demonstrate qualities of dependability and good character

Demonstrate adherence to military discipline

Possess leadership ability and a fundamental and patriotic understanding of the

importance of JROTC training.

American Veterans (AMVETS) Award (all cadets) – Awarded to a cadet who meets the

following criteria:

A positive attitude toward the Air Force JROTC programs and service in the Air


Personal appearance (wearing the uniform, posture, and grooming, but not physical

characteristics per se)

Personal attributes (initiative, dependability, judgment, and self-confidence)

Officer potential (capacity for responsibility, adaptability, and maintenance of high

personal standards)

Obtain a grade of “A” (or numerical equivalent) in their AS class

Be in good scholastic standing in all classes at the time of selection and at the time of


Reserve Officers Association (ROA) Award (4th year) – Awarded to a cadet who meets the

following criteria:

Positive attitude toward AS curriculum

Outstanding personal appearance (wear of the uniform, posture, and grooming)

Attributes of initiative, judgment, and self confidence

Courtesy (promptness, obedience, and respect)

Growth potential (capacity for responsibility, high productivity, adaptability to


Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.


Demonstrate the highest personal and ethical standards and strong positive


Rank in the top 10% of their AS class

Military Order of World Wars Award (1st year) – The cadet must excel in all military and

scholastic aspects at the time of selection and presentation of the award. The cadet must also

indicate through military and scholastic grades, extracurricular activities, and individual

endeavors a desire to serve our nation, and have committed to continue the aerospace science

program for the school year.

Military Officers Association of America (3rd year) – Awarded to a cadet who meets the

following criteria:

Be a member of the junior class

Be in good academic standing

Be of high moral character

Show a high order of loyalty to the unit, school, and country

Show exceptional potential for military leadership

Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Award (3rd or 4th year) – Awarded to a cadet who

meets the following criteria:

Have a positive attitude toward AFJROTC

Have outstanding military baring and conduct

Possess strong positive personal attributes (such as courtesy, dependability,

punctuality, respect and cooperation)

Demonstrate patriotism (being a member of color guard or drill team) and actively

promote Americanism

Demonstrate leadership potential

Attain a grade of “B” in AFJROTC with an overall average grade of “C” in all

subjects for the previous semester

Be active in student activities

Not have been a previous recipient of this award

National Sojourners Award (2nd or 3rd year – Awarded to a cadet who meets the following


Be in the top 25% of their academic class

Encourage and demonstrate ideals of Americanism

Demonstrate potential for outstanding leadership

Not have been a previous recipient of this award

Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) Award (3rd year) – Awarded to a cadet who

meets the following criteria:

Be currently enrolled in the AFJROTC program.

Be in the top 10% of their AFJROTC class.

Be in the top 50% of their overall class.

Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.


Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction Award (3rd year) – Awarded to a cadet who meets the

following criteria:

Contribute the most to encourage Americanism by participation in extracurricular

activities or community projects.

Demonstrate academic excellence by being in the top 25% of class.

Demonstrate the qualities of dependability, good character, self-discipline, good

citizenship, and patriotism.

Not have been a previous recipient of this award.

Military Order of the Purple Heart Award (3rd or 4th year) – Awarded to a cadet who

meets the following criteria:

Have a positive attitude toward AFJROTC and country

Hold a leadership position in the cadet corps

Be active in school and community affairs

Attain a grade of “B” or better in all subjects for the previous semester

Not have been a previous recipient of this award

Air Force Sergeant Association (AFSA) Award (3rd or 4th year) – Awarded to a cadet who

meets the following criteria:

Be in the top 255 of the AFJROTC class

Demonstrate outstanding qualities in military leadership, discipline, character, and


Not have been a previous recipient of this award

Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War Award- Awarded to a cadet who meets the

following criteria:

Display a high degree of patriotism to his/her nation.

Demonstrated a high degree of academic performance and leadership.

Tuskegee Airman Inc. Award (1st 2nd or 3rd year) - Awarded to a cadet who meets the

following criteria:

Attain a grade of “B” or better in the AS class with good academic standings in other


Be an active member in corps activities.

Attend at least 50% of community service events.

The Retired Enlisted Association- Awarded to a cadet who meets the following criteria:

Displayed outstanding leadership abilities in the JROTC program.

Consistently exhibited enthusiasm in the performance of leadership duties.

Positive involvement and continuous leadership has been an invaluable asset to the JR

The Air Commando Award-One Cadet will be awarded annually and it will be based on a

one page essay base on a ground or air special operations mission and address the Critical

attributes of success.

Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.


II. Local/Corps Ribbons

Tuskegee Airmen Incorporation AFJROTC Cadet Award. Presented annually to an AS

I, AS II, or AS III cadet who attains a grade of “B” or better in their Aerospace Science class,

be in good academic standing, actively participate in cadet corps activities and participate in

at least 50% of all unit service programs.

The Retired Enlisted Association Award. Awarded annually, at the SASI’s discretion, for

exceptional leadership to the most outstanding AFJROTC cadet while serving in an Enlisted


The Celebrate Freedom Foundation. Awarded annually, at the SASI’s discretion, for

outstanding performance in academics and cadets corps activities as a first or second year

JROTC cadet.

National Society United States Daughters of 1812. Awarded annually, at the SASI’s

discretion, for academic excellence, leadership, military discipline, dependability, patriotism

and upright character in speech and habits.

Air Commando Association (ACA) Award. Awarded annually at the SASI’s discretion for

completing a one page essay based on historical AF Special Operations Mission possessing

the thirteen critical attributes of success; integrity, self-motivation, intelligence, self-

discipline, perseverance, adaptability, maturity, judgement, selflessness, leadership, skilled,

physical fitness and family strength.

Non-Funded National Award. (i.e., NCOA, National Society, Daughters of Founders and

Patriots of America, etc.). Organization must be submitted to and approved by HQ

AFJROTC: award criteria must be published in Cadet Guide or Unit Operating Instruction.

Distinguished Unit Award with Merit (DUAM). Awarded to cadets enrolled during the

same academic year in which 1) the unit receives a HQ AFJROTC evaluation with an overall

rating of Exceeds Standards and 2) the unit is selected by HQ AFJROTC to receive the DUA.

Both criteria must occur during the same academic year. The unit will receive a

congratulatory letter and a certificate of recognition which will be posted in WINGS

Distinguished Unit Award (DUA). Awarded to cadets enrolled during the academic year

when a unit is selected by HQ AFJROTC to receive the DUA. The unit will receive a

congratulatory letter and a certificate of recognition which will be posted in WINGS.

Outstanding Organization Award. Awarded to cadets enrolled during the academic year

when a unit is selected by HQ AFJROTC to receive the OOA.

Outstanding Flight Ribbon. Awarded to each member of the flight, which achieves the

highest combined average in Academics and Uniform/Drill for each semester grading period.

In addition, winners also are authorized to wear a royal blue shoulder cord for the semester

immediately after the one for which the award was received. Should a cadet earn both the

Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.


Outstanding Flight and the Academic Ribbon in the same semester (see Academic ribbon),

the cadet is authorized to wear a royal blue and gray shoulder cord.

Top Peformer Award. The Cadet Top Performer Award is a Headquarters, AFJROTC

award presented to a maximum of 2% of the current unit cadet corps population

(unduplicated headcount). This award is only presented during a formal Staff Assistance

Visit or Unit Evaluation conducted by HQ AFJROTC personnel. The award consists of a

certificate and a ribbon, which is presented by the Region Director during the visit, unless

personal observation of the cadet warrants otherwise. Once awarded, the ribbon may be worn

for the duration of a cadet’s tenure in AFJROTC.

The Outstanding Cadet Ribbon. The recipient from each year class must be of high moral

character, demonstrate positive personal attributes, display outstanding military potential, and

attain academic and military excellence.

Leadership Ribbon. Awarded to the top 5% of the cadets for outstanding performance in a

position of leadership as an AFJROTC cadet in corps training activities. Recognizes cadets

who have displayed outstanding leadership above and beyond expected performance.

Achievement Ribbon. Presented for a significant achievement as determined by the SASI.

Limited to 5 % of the Cadet Corps.

Superior Performance Ribbon. Presented for outstanding achievement or meritorious

service rendered specifically on behalf of AFJROTC. May be awarded for a single or

sustained performance of a superior nature. Limited to 10% of the Cadet Corps.

Academic Ribbon. Awarded each semester to cadets who attain an overall GPA of at least a

“B” and have an “A” average in AFJROTC. In addition, winners are authorized to wear a

gray shoulder cord for the semester immediately after the one for which the award was

received. Should a cadet earn both the Academic Ribbon and the Outstanding Flight Ribbon

in the same semester (see Outstanding Flight Ribbon), the cadet is authorized to wear a royal

blue and gray shoulder cord.

Leadership Ribbon. Presented to each cadet who successfully completes an approved

leadership program of at least 5 days duration.

Special Teams Competition Ribbon. Awarded to team members for placing 1st, 2nd or 3rd

in an Air Force or Joint Service Competition to include Color Guard Teams, Rifle Teams,

Drill Teams, Saber Teams, Academic Bowl Teams, CyberPatriot, etc.

Orienteering Ribbon. Awarded to team members for “placing” in an orienteering meet.

Co-Curricular Activities Leadership Ribbon. Awarded for leadership in co-curricular

activities such as Military Ball Project Officer, Awards Banquet Project Officer, etc.

Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.


Drill Team Ribbon. Awarded for distinguished participation in Drill Team Activities. The

ribbon is awarded after completion of five (5) events and a cluster is added for each year of

qualifying membership beginning with the second year.

Color Guard Ribbon. Awarded for distinguished participation in Color Guard Activities.

The ribbon is awarded after completion of five (5) events and a cluster is added for each year

of qualifying membership beginning with the second year.

Saber Team Ribbon. Awarded for distinguished participation in Saber Team Activities.

The ribbon is awarded after completion of five (5) events and a cluster is added for each year

of qualifying membership beginning with the second year.

Marksmanship Ribbon. At the SASI’s discretion, this ribbon at Connally High School Air

Force JROTC is awarded to a cadet who has completed the 6 hours of marksmanship safety

and range training, passed the marksmanship test with a 100% and who is actively involved

with the marksmanship program (shooting on a regular basis) during one school semester.

Good Conduct Ribbon. Awarded to cadets with no assignments to OCS / AEP of any kind,

no adverse reports from other staff or faculty in an academic term.

Service Ribbon. Awarded for distinctive participation in school, community, or AFJROTC

service projects.

Health and Welness Ribbon. Awarded by the SASI for participation in the health and

wellness physical fitness program. All cadets who participate in the unit’s wellness program

will receive the Health and Wellness Ribbon. All cadets who score in the Physical Fitness

Test’s 75- 84 percentiles will receive a Bronze Star device; 85-95 percentile they will receive

a Silver Star device; and 96-100 percent they will receive a Gold Star device. Duplicate

awards of the Bronze, Silver or Gold percentile will be denoted by the addition of another

star on the ribbon.

Recruiting Ribbon. Awarded for outstanding effort in support of unit recruiting activities.

Must recruit at least one cadet into the unit program. Verification is required.

Activities Ribbon. Awarded for sustained participation in scheduled unit events.

Attendance Ribbon. Awarded to cadets with no more than 4 excused absences and no

unexcused absences in an academic term.

Dress & Appearance Ribbon. Awarded for wearing uniform on all designated uniform

days and conforming to all AFJROTC dress and appearance standards. Limited to 25% of

the cadet corps.

Longevity Ribbon. Awarded for completion of each year of Aerospace Science.

Bataan Death March Memorial Hike Ribbon. To honor and remember the sacrifices of

the victims and survivors of World War II’s Bataan Death March, AFJROTC units may

Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.


conduct an optional 14-mile Bataan Death March Memorial Hike. This event must be

accomplished on a locally-determined 14 mile course (trails, road courses, tracks, etc). Units

may complete the full hike in a span of one to no more than three days. Cadet safety must be

monitored at all times and advanced planning for any first aid/medical attention is

paramount. Cadets who fully complete the 14 mile hike are authorized to wear the ribbon.

Patriotic Flag Ribbon. May be awarded for participation in non-color guard events

specifically designed to honor our nation’s flag. Such events include flag raising ceremonies,

flag retirement ceremonies, flag folding ceremonies, and historical flag demonstrations.

SASIs may award this ribbon based on local criteria which must be clearly published in the

unit’s Cadet Guide or Unit Operating Instruction..





Chapter-7 Customs and Courtesies

I. Saluting – Today saluting is a traditional greeting between military personnel. The salute

is one of the oldest military customs. In many countries of the world, the salute is a symbol

of respect. Sometimes the hand salute is rendered to honor the colors, a mark of respect to

our country. The way cadets execute a salute is important. A smart salute indicates pride in

one’s self and the corps. A sloppy, lackadaisical salute indicates lack of confidence, pride,

and disrespect. Cadets should develop the habit of carrying books or other objects with the

left hand to free the right hand for saluting.

Saluting Procedures

The President, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of the Air Force are to be saluted.

All commissioned and warrant officers of the United States military services and allied

foreign nations are to be saluted.

A cadet of lesser grade will initiate the salute and hold it until it is returned or acknowledged

by the person of higher grade.

A salute is never given or returned while running. The cadet will come to a quick time and

render the salute when approximately six paces from the officer.

A salute is rendered indoors only when in formation, participation in ceremonies, reporting to

cadet officers, or reporting to the SASI or ASI.

If a senior officer passes by, the cadet in charge of the formation must call everyone to

attention and salute for the group. If cadets are not in formation, call the group to attention

and everyone must salute.

Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.


If a cadet is late for formation he/she will approach the person in charge and ask permission

to join the group. The cadet must stand at attention, salute, and say, “sir/ma’am cadet (last

name) requests permission to join the flight.”

When outdoors and the American flag passes in front of you, everyone must salute six paces

before and hold the salute six paces after the flag has passed.

If a cadet sees the American Flag being raised or lowered from any flag staff, then he/she

must come to the position of attention and render a salute until the flag reaches the summit or

the base of the flag staff.

If attending an activity in uniform wherein the National Anthem is played, the cadet will

render a salute and hold it until the music is over. If in civilian clothing, the cadet will

assume the position of attention and place their right hand or headgear over their heart.

Saluting Area

Cadets do not salute when passing under an overhang, or while inside any building unless

reporting in. These same rules apply for wearing your cover.

Reporting In

When reporting in the cadet will assume the position of attention, salute, and say “sir/ma’am

cadet (last name) reporting as ordered/directed sir/ma’am.” The cadet will hold their salute

until the Cadet Officer, SASI, or ASI returns it.

Pledge of Allegiance While in uniform, when the Pledge of Allegiance is given, each cadet will stand at attention

and deliver the Pledge properly. If in civilian clothing, the cadet will assume the position of

attention and place their right hand or headgear over their heart and say the pledge.


Senior cadets will correct saluting violations in a helpful manner on the spot. Cadets will not

be placed in a degrading or embarrassing situation by public reprimand. If you feel like you

have been treated in a disrespectful way, you should report it to the SASI or ASI.

I. Entering the Classroom Procedures. Our unique environment and approach to

education and preparedness for what lies beyond high school begins with how cadets enter

the classroom. The following procedures are provided to assist in our approach:

As the cadet enters the classroom, they are to place their things on their desk or neatly

underneath and remain standing. The cadet will then come to the position of Parade Rest as

the final bell rings. The Flight Commander and Flight Sergeant take their places in the rear of

the room, with Element Leaders locating themselves in the back of their respective row. All

other cadets will sit in their assigned seat, which corresponds to their Element Leader. With

the final bell, the Flight Sergeant will begin to take attendance by either calling individual

cadet names or asking the Element Leader to report any absent cadet. If cadet names are

called individually, the cadet will come to the position of Attention and answer "HERE,

Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.


SIR/MA'AM," then return to Parade Rest. If the Flight Sergeant asks the Element Leader to

report, the Element Leader will come to position of Attention and answer either, "ALL


PRESENT": (and provide the names). The Flight Sergeant will record the missing cadets and

provide to the ASI/SASI. Once attendance is complete, the Flight Commander will say,

"FLIGHT, ATTENTION" and lead the class in the Pledge of Allegiance, Cadet Creed,

National Anthem, Cadet Honor Code, and/or Air Force Song. Cadets choosing to NOT recite

the Pledge of Allegiance or National Anthem shall remain at the position of Attention, and be

silent. If asked to recite any other item, all cadets MUST participate. Upon completion, the

Flight Commander will instruct the cadets to take their seats, by saying, "SEATS."

Once seated, cadets are expected to sit at the position of Attention until given the

command, "AT EASE." During this time, the Flight Commander or other members of the

flight will have the opportunity to provide information or make announcements. ("AT

EASE" does not physmean cadets should be slouched in their seats or have the ability to talk


Chapter 8-Activities and Opportunities

I. Co-Curricular and Extracurricular Activities

Co-Curricular activities are functions cadets help plan and are designed to augment

AFJROTC classroom and leadership education experiences. For example, a dining-in not

only stimulates esprit de corps, but also provides experience in Air Force customs and

courtesies. There are several co-curricular activities that supplement aerospace and

leadership learning experiences. Involvement teaches responsibility, teamwork, and

operational qualities. It is also a positive, visible way to publicize to the community the

values at work that AFJROTC teaches its cadets. The SASI/ASI will monitor all activities

and serve as advisors. Additionally active duty military sponsors can help monitor and teach

these activities.

Extracurricular activities are functions sponsored and approved by school authorities.

Participation in these activities is voluntary and at no expense to the Air Force. Although

extracurricular activities are not sponsored by the AFJROTC, it does not preclude AFJROTC

instructors and cadets from becoming associated with activities as members of the school.

Curriculum in Action (CIA) Field trips – This is an important extension of the AFJROTC

curriculum. Cadets who are students in good academic standing, passing AFJROTC, have

not had a history of uniform or personal appearance violations, and are released by their

teachers to attend the field trip will have the first choice of attending. School field trip

policies and procedures will apply. Parent permission and proper health insurance are

mandatory with a copy of an insurance card on file with the “proof of insurance form.”

Model Rocketry – This program involves activities such as designing, building, and flying

small rockets made of plastic balsa wood, or any other type of light weight material. Model

rockets constructed in this manner are approved for use by AFJROTC cadets. Model rocket

engines are solid propellant engines made by commercial manufactures intended for use in

Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.


model rockets. The manufactures furnish “safe” engines ready for use. There is no need for

the user to mix potentially dangerous chemical ingredients. Commercially produced engines

are the only type approved for use by AFJROTC cadets.

Annual Picnic – Each year we have a picnic, usually early in the school year, where the

cadet’s friends and families get together to get to know everyone. This all day affair consists

of fun activities, games, drill activities, and food. School field trip procedures apply.

Kitty Hawk Air Society (KHAS) – KHAS is the academic honor society of AFJROTC. Its

purpose is to promote high academic standards, school and community service, self-

confidence, and initiative. KHAS also develops leadership abilities, recognizes academic

excellence, and furthers member knowledge of the Air Force role in aerospace. To be a

member, a cadet must have at least a 3.0 GPA and an “A” in AFJROTC.

American Modeling Association (AMA) – AMA is an aerospace oriented program offered

by the AFJROTC. This program teaches cadets the properties of flight, explains the many

parts of an aircraft and their effect on movement. As part of the program, cadets will actually

fly scale model aircraft in order to better understand the chemistry of aircraft functions and

the effects of weather. To be a member a cadet must have no less than a 2.0 GPA and must

maintain a “2.0 “GPA in AFJROTC.

Drill Team – Any cadet is eligible to try out for the drill team. Practice for the drill team is

normally held after school. Participation requires an extra commitment from cadets since

they will spend many hours learning the manual of arms, perfecting close order teamwork,

practicing standardized drill, developing “free style” drill, and taking care of their uniform.

Teams have the opportunity to attend drill meets all over the country (such as the Daytona

Nationals). Drill team members will be selected by the commander and the ASI. Selected

members must have exhibited leadership qualities and be a “model” in both cadet behavior

and uniform wear. Members must maintain a minimum of a 2.0 GPA.

Color Guard – Any cadet on the Drill Team is eligible to try out. Those that qualify will be

able to present the colors at numerous school events. Color guard practice is usually held

after school.

Military Ball – The military ball, normally held during the second block of the school year,

is a joint venture. It is a formal ceremony that includes dancing, food, a king and queen court,

and other activities. It is planned and organized by whoever is chosen to be the military ball

coordinator and a committee of no more than 8 cadets, including the coordinator.

Yearly Parades – Throughout the year AFJROTC participates in many parades. Most

common are Homecoming, Christmas, and the Thanksgiving parade. These events are mostly

mandatory on the subject of attendance.

End of the Year Awards Banquet - Family members are invited, but also friends that are

approve by the SASI/ASI may attend. The principal, speakers, veterans, and organization

presenters also come. Local and national awards are presented at this ceremony.

Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.


Pass In Review - The parade is a review with honors and a ceremony to change the

command for the next school year. All the upcoming cadet seniors are also honored during

the parade as well. The Pass and Review is a ceremony within itself when respect is paid to

the U.S. Flag as in retreat. The parade is usually held in May, or whatever month is

designated as the last month of the school year.

Summer Leadership School – Leadership School programs are authorized as for credit and

non-credit. They are school sponsored activities and are approved using the same procedures

as other classes/organizations in the high school. This program offers cadets an opportunity

to refine their leadership, team building, and communication skills. Additionally, cadets will

develop a physical fitness program that will be used during Leadership School. Since the

number of cadets who can attend is limited, priority will be given to junior cadets who will

fill leadership positions. The Cadet Group Commander will help the SASI/ASI develop the

training schedule and training objectives of the school. However, if any of the cadets who

wish to go are seniors (including the Group Commander), he/she will not be able to attend

unless special authorization is given.

Physical Training (PT) - Each Friday is Physical Training (PT) Day. It is always advisable

to consult your physician prior to initiating any regimented exercise program. All cadets must

have a fitness and parental consent form signed and on file before participating in the JROTC

Fitness Program. All medical conditions identified on the medical consent forms are

communicated to and copies are provided to Leesburg H.S. administrative personnel in case

of an emergency. Cadets who have medical conditions will be monitored at all times. Both

the SASI and ASI are certified in CPR. Cadets are required to have inhalers, EPI-PENS, etc.

readily available in case of emergency.

On Friday PT Days, cadets are graded on the following two items: dress out in appropriate

AFPTU and participation in PT activities. Cadets must participate in PT unless they have a

written excuse from a parent/legal guardian or doctor in advance. All cadets must dress out

in the Air Force Physical Training Uniform (PTU): AF T-shirt, AF issued shorts or personal

fitness shorts, socks and tennis shoes, OR the AF sweat shirt and pants, socks and tennis

shoes. Shorts should be mid-thigh or longer and must be conservative in nature (NO spanx,

spandex biker shorts, etc.) and color (black, blue, white, and gray allowed NO pink, purple,

neon or blingy shorts allowed). Not dressing out in PTU (IF IT HAS BEEN ISSUED TO

YOU), will result in a minimum 25 point deduction out of a 100 points. Additionally, not

participating in PT activities will result in a minimum 25 point deduction out of a 100 points.

SASI/ASI will be the authority on point deduction.

Physical Fitness Test - AFJROTC Physical Fitness Ribbon Criteria: All cadets that

participated in the Cadet Health & Wellness Program should receive the PT Ribbon. You

will be tested on Presidential Physical Fitness standards during the first (45 days after the

beginning of school) and throughout the school year. This will be completed according to

AFJROTC standards. During the Presidential Fitness test if a cadet receives a percentile

score of 80-89 they will earn a Bronze Star to be worn on the PT Ribbon, a percentile score

of 90-99 will earn a Silver Star to be worn on the PT Ribbon and a perfect 100 percent earns

the Gold Star to be worn on the PT Ribbon.

Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.


Certificates – In addition to studying Aerospace Science subjects and developing discipline,

patriotism, esprit de corps, and leadership potential, there are many opportunities to earn


Advanced Enlistment – A student presenting evidence of successful completion of at least 2

academic years of AFJROTC Under any Military Department is entitled to advanced

promotion to the grade of no less than E-2 on initial enlistment in an Active Duty or a reserve

component of a military service. At their discretion, the military departments may award the

grade of E-3 for successful completion of 3 academic years of JROTC may be entitled to no

less than 1 year of credit in the Senior ROTC program. If cadets present a high school

JROTC completion certificate or statement on an official letterhead from a JROTC unit

commander stating satisfactory completion, (must be a three year JROTC program), and the

cadet is a high school diploma graduate, he/she is entitled to the grade of A1C if they present

the certificates or statements prior to the Enter Active Duty (EAD) date. However, instructors

and cadets are responsible for ensuring recruiters understand the special status of the cadet

before attending Basic Military Training. (BMT)

Scholarships – Cadets who complete at least two years of the AFJROTC program and go

onto college receive increased consideration when applying for the AFJROTC college

scholarships. The SASI nominates cadets who exhibit potential and desire to serve as Air

Force Officers. The cadet must meet the minimum standards for scholarship completion and

scholarship activation as published each year by the AFOATS/JRO in scholarship

instructions and the AFROTC college scholarship application. However, satisfying minimum

criteria does not guarantee the award of a scholarship.

Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.


Attachment 1

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Attachment 2

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Attachment 3

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Attachment 4

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Attachment 5

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Attachment 6

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Attachment 7

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Attachment 8

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Attachment 9

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Attachment 10

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Attachment 11

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Attachment 12.
