C ISSN: 0740-817X print / 1545-8830 online DOI: 10.1080 ...bengal/Fract.pdf · of the fractal graph...


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IIE Transactions (2013) 45, 373–391Copyright C© “IIE”ISSN: 0740-817X print / 1545-8830 onlineDOI: 10.1080/0740817X.2012.662420

Fractal geometry statistical process control for non-linearpattern-based processes


Department of Industrial Engineering, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, IsraelE-mail: bengal@eng.tau.ac.il

Received December 2010 and accepted January 2012

This article suggests a new Statistical Process Control (SPC) approach for data-rich environments. The proposed approach is based onthe theory of fractal geometry. In particular, a monitoring scheme is developed that is based on fractal representation of the monitoreddata at each stage to account for online changes in monitored processes. The proposed fractal-SPC enables a dynamic inspection ofnon-linear and state-dependent processes with a discrete and finite state space. It is aimed for use with both univariate and multivariatedata. The SPC is accomplished by applying an iterated function system to represent a process as a fractal and exploiting the fractaldimension as an important monitoring attribute. It is shown that data patterns can be transformed into representing fractals in amanner that preserves their reference (in control) correlations and dependencies. The fractal statistics can then be used for anomalydetection, pattern analysis, and root cause analysis. Numerical examples and comparisons to conventional SPC methods are given.

Keywords: Anomaly detections, SPC, autocorrelated processes, control charts, analytics

1. Introduction

In recent years, developments in storage capacity, sensorusage, and information technology have created a grow-ing need for new monitoring techniques that can copewith complex and data-rich environments. Predictive an-alytics, business intelligence, business activity monitoring,and complex event processing are few examples of newbusiness methodologies that require the monitoring of alarge amount of data in their implementation (Ren et al.,2006; Wasserkrug et al., 2008). In order to apply these busi-ness methodologies properly, one needs to rely on monitor-ing techniques that, following the taxonomy in Ben-Galet al. (2003), can be classified as model-generic (nonpara-metric) tools for processing dependent data with minimuma priori assumptions. Model-generic methods, as opposedto traditional model-specific methods, do not rely on apriori assumptions about the monitored variable, such asan underlying analytical distribution (e.g., Shewhart chartsfor independent data) or a closed-form expression (e.g.,ARIMA or CUSUM for more complex dependent data).

Considerable effort has been devoted to developingmethods for monitoring processes with dependent (auto-correlated) data. Most of these model-specific methodsfor autocorrelated data were based on time series models

∗Corresponding author

(e.g., Box and Jenkins, 1976; Alwan and Roberts, 1988;Harris and Ross, 1991; Montgomery and Mastrangelo,1991; Runger and Willemain, 1995; Runger et al., 1995;Apley and Shi, 1999; Lu and Reynolds, 1999a, 1999b). Themajority of them rely on the implicit, yet generally unguar-anteed, assumption that time series can closely model themonitored processes. Ben-Gal and Singer (2004) showedthat conventional Statistical Process Control (SPC) meth-ods, including those that were designed to handle auto-correlated data, usually represent a linear dependence be-tween observations; i.e., referring to dependencies betweenobservations that can be modeled by an ARIMA type ofmodel. Accordingly, these conventional methods are notsuited to monitoring state-dependent non-linear processes.Thus, referring to processes where the probability distri-bution of the next value is strongly conditional on pre-viously observed values and can change significantly de-pending on the conditioning values. Markov processes aregood examples of such state-dependent processes. The au-thors particularly refer to industrial environments, wherethe process parameters are adjusted by feedback controlpolicies based on past observations. English et al. (2001)and Singer and Ben-Gal (2007) further emphasized thatfeedback policies, as well as more complicated controltheory techniques, often create non-linear dynamics ofthe controlled observations. They provided examples suchas the recipe settings of some wafers in semiconductorprocesses, which are adjusted by using measurements ofpreviously produced wafers, color adjustments between

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fabric batches (Shore, 1992), and management tamper-ing with non-manufacturing environments (Broadman andBroadman, 1990).

Many of the above-mentioned state-dependent pro-cesses, certainly the Markovian processes, take values froma finite and discrete set of attributes. The need to developcontrol charts for discrete processes with a finite statespace has been recognized in the literature, and variousmethods have been proposed to address it. Shore (2000)provided examples of control charts for attributes, suchas the use of arcsin transformation for binomial data; theuse of the Q-chart for binomial and Poisson parameters(Quesenberry, 1991a, 1991b); and the use of the g-chart andthe h-chart based on the geometric distribution (Kaminskiet al., 1992). According to Shore (1998), due to the inef-fectiveness of distribution-identification procedures, thesetypes of methods are seldom used. Moreover, these are notmodel-generic methods, since each distribution requiresa special treatment. Shore (2000) suggested a methodbased on fitting a distribution that preserves the first threemoments of the chosen attribute statistic. Still, his ap-proach requires an a priori fitting of the process underlyingdistribution.

A list of differences between the characteristics of tra-ditional SPC and the ones required in a modern data-richenvironment were compiled from the presented literaturesurvey.

1. Traditional SPC is often based on model-specific as-sumptions, whereas modern environments that involvemany types of data sources often require a model-genericapproach.

2. Traditional SPC methods are not designed to cope withstate-dependent and non-linear dynamics of the obser-vations that may result from feedback policies, as wellas from complicated control implementations. ModernSPC, on the other hand, often require monitoring com-plex (non-linear) patterns of univariate or multivariatedata.

3. Traditional SPC tools are tuned to detect anomalies/outliers in a process, yet many of them do not allow theidentification of assignable causes that may impact theprocess in terms of detecting patterns and relationshipsamong the system attributes.

4. Traditional control charts were designed to be executedon a paper sheet (even if nowadays it is presented on acomputer screen), whereas modern monitoring requiresmore advanced monitoring features such as zoom-in,coloring codes, and visual inspection of complex struc-tures (e.g., via fractals in our case). These advanced fea-tures can be used for root cause analysis tasks.

Recent research has tried to address some of these gaps.Notable contributions have been made by Alwan et al.(1998), Castagliola and Tsung (2005), Cheng and Thaga(2005), Perry and Pignatiello (2006), Ren et al. (2006), andKim et al. (2007). Mason et al. (1995) and Runger et al.

(1996), for example, proposed methods for assignable causeidentification that can be linked with Hotelling’s T2 con-trol chart. Ben-Gal et al. (2003) proposed a Context-basedSPC (CSPC), as a model-generic framework that can dealwith autocorrelated non-linear state-dependent processes.The CSPC implements a variable-order Markov model torepresent the monitored process, without relying on a pri-ori knowledge about the process parameters and withoutassuming a closed-form time series model.

In this article we follow that line of work and propose thefractal-SPC method. The fractal-SPC is a model-generictool for monitoring (non-linear) dependent and indepen-dent discrete processes with a finite state space. It is aimedat monitoring both univariate and multivariate data, par-ticularly in data-rich environments. Moreover, the methodis designed to detect abnormal patterns of varying lengths.An example for such applications could be the analysis ofvehicle warranty claims data history (as applied to GeneralMotors’ data provided by their research labs located inBangalore, India) or identification of faulty operationsequences in an assemble-to-order environment (Ruschin-Rimini et al., 2012). Note that although the suggestedmethod considers discrete processes, it can be applied toprocesses consisting of continuous numeric data that arereduced to a sufficiently discrete set of interesting ranges(Rokach et al., 2008), as we show by several numericalexamples.

There are several intuitive reasons why we use fractalsfor SPC applications. Fractals are naturally tuned to rep-resent a large number of data patterns with complex de-pendence structures. They are known for their ability tovisually represent complex large data sets. Their construc-tion does not require a priori assumptions regarding thedependencies within the patterns or the data distribution.And, as seen in the next sections, various data patternscan be mapped by the suggested iterated function systemto representing fractals, regardless of their distribution ordependency structure. In order to dynamically and auto-matically monitor the representing fractals, we use fractaldimension statistics. We claim, and later demonstrate, thatfractal dimension statistics can be successfully applied tothe inspection and analysis of data-rich environments. Wethen compare the performance of the fractal-SPC methodwith that of traditional SPC methods as well as to special-purpose methods such as the CSPC method and multi-attribute control charts (Woodall, 1997; Jolayemi, 1999)and demonstrate its advantages in several examples.

The rest of the article is organized as follows: Section 2introduces the theoretical background of Iterated FunctionSystem (IFS) and fractal dimensions. Section 3 presents theproposed algorithmic framework and illustrates it by anexample. Section 4 presents an experimental study, demon-strating cases in which the suggested SPC overcomes limita-tions of both traditional and special-purpose SPC methodsin detecting process anomalies. Section 5 gives some con-clusions and suggests future research directions.

Fractal geometry applied to statistical process control 375

2. Theoretical background

2.1. IFS

The IFS concept was originally developed as a method toconstruct fractals, as discussed in detail in Barnsley (1988)and reviewed in Ruschin-Rimini et al. (2012). IFS is usedas an iterative contractive mapping technique that repre-sents either a univariate or multivariate process as vectorsin �2, as shown in the Appendix. In particular, an IFSconsists of a complete metric space (X, d) and a finite setof contraction mappings wi : X → X, with respective con-tractivity factors si , with index i = 1, 2, . . . , m, which isassociated with each category (possible value of a randomvariable) in our case. A mapping wi (x) is called contractivein (X,d), if d(wi (y), wi (z)) ≤ si × d(y, z) ∀y, z ∈ X for somecontractivity factor 0 < si < 1, where y = (y1, y2, . . . , yD)and z = (z1, z2, . . . , zD) are vectors in �D. This type oftransformation of a sequence is also known as the chaosgame representation (Barnsley, 1988). It produces a self-similar fractal-formed graph and has two main properties.

1. It provides a unique representation of a sequence andcan be seen as the fingerprint of a sequence. Every pointon the graph that is obtained by IFS uniquely representsall of the sequence history up to this data point; hence, anIFS representation comprises all information regardingall subsequences existing in a sequence.

2. The source of the sequence can be fully inversed fromthe graph; hence, there is no loss of information whenneeded for further analyses.

There exist several applications of IFS such as imagecompression (Barnsley and Hurd, 1993), texture synthesis(Chen and Chen, 2003), and genome sequence analysis.

The role of IFS in the context of SPC is to transformeither a univariate or a multivariate process into a two-dimensional fractal. Since we consider processes with mul-tiple categories, we suggest the use of an IFS of a circletransformation, based on the IFS developed by Weiss andGoeb (2008; see also Weiss (2008)). This unique IFS trans-formation, which is detailed in the next section, provides theflexibility of analyzing processes consisting of any numberof discrete categories, while keeping representation in �2

in order to enable visual analysis of the monitored processvia a computer screen. Note that the procedure of trans-forming univariate or multivariate processes into a visualtwo-dimensional fractal via IFS is a simple iterative proce-dure with linear complexity. The proposed visual analysisprocedure includes visual detection of process in-controland out-of-control patterns, which can lead to the identifi-cation of assignable causes.

As an example, Fig. 1(a) illustrates the results of imple-menting an IFS of circle transformation on either a uni-variate process with nine possible categories 0, 1, . . . , 8(m = 9) or a multivariate process of any dimension, eachvariable consisting of up to nine values. The interpretation

Fig. 1. The result of transforming a monitored process consist-ing of nine possible categories via IFS of circle transformation:(a) addresses of points for first resolution; (b) addresses of pointsafter zooming into circle address 1; and (c) addresses of pointsafter zooming into circle address 01 (color figure provided online).

of the fractal graph is based on the concept of addressesof points on a fractal (Barnsley, 1988) and is used for thepurpose of analyzing the monitored process. It is based onan important attribute of fractals known as self-similarity.Figures 1(b) and 1(c) illustrate the self-similarity attribute

376 Ruschin-Rimini et al.

of a fractal by zooming into the fractal in different areasthat are tagged by their address.

The figures show the addresses of points on this specificcircle-formed fractal, representing a certain monitoredprocess, as previously defined. The following interpretationof the figure is based on Weiss (2008) and Weiss and Goeb(2008). Each circle in Fig. 1(a) is associated with onecategory (realization) out of the nine possible categoriesin the monitored process. Zooming into circle of address 1(marked by a black square in Fig. 1(a)) leads to Fig. 1(b).Every circle in Fig. 1(b) represents one of the followingtwo-length subsequences: 01, 11, 21, 31, 41, 51, 61, 71, and81. Then, zooming into circle address 01 results in Fig.1(c). Every circle in Fig. 1(c) represents one of the followingthree-length subsequences: 001, 101, 201, 301, 401, 501,601, 701, 801, etc. The density of points in each circle in-dicates the frequency level of its represented sub-sequence.In order to visually identify the density level of data pointsin the circles, we later on provide a color code function (seeSection 3.4 and Figs. 6 to 9). Such a color code enables avisual distinction between rare and frequent sub-sequences(see also Ruschin-Rimini at al. (2012)). Nevertheless, evenwithout the proposed color code, one can visually identifysome missing patterns. For example, one can see thatzooming into circle address 701 results in empty circles, rep-resenting sub-sequences that do not exist in the monitoredprocess such as 5701, 6701, 7701, and 8710. As illustrated,the fractal graph holds information regarding the under-lying distributions and patterns of the monitored process.Hence, a change point in the monitored process wouldimpact the fractal graph and therefore would be detectedby fractal measures, as we show in the following sections.

To summarize, since the addresses of points on the fractalcan represent process sub-sequences and patterns, they canenable the detection of frequent, rare, and missing patternsof various lengths in both in-control and out-of-controlprocesses. This ability turns the root cause analysis taskinto a visual zoom-in and zoom-out routine; it supportsthe task of assignable cause identification and provides theuser insights and intuition about the monitored process.

2.2. The fractal dimension

The fractal dimension is a statistical quantity that mea-sures the number of dimensions “filled” by a fractal. Thereare several theoretical definitions of the fractal dimension.We rely on some of the most commonly used definitions,namely, the box counting dimension, the information di-mension, and the correlation dimension, and use them asstatistics for the proposed fractal-SPC. We demonstratethat a combination of all three fractal dimension types canprovide a monitoring scheme that integrates them into asingle anomaly-detection and decision-making module. Itis important to note that the functionality of fractal di-mension computation is offered by many standard soft-ware packages (e.g., BENOIT for MATLAB and Wolfarm

Mathematica), most of them address the three types offractal dimension chosen to monitor the statistics of thesuggested fractal-SPC. Such software tools significantly in-creases the applicability of the suggested method.

Definitions of the fractal dimension types are nowpresented.

The box counting dimension: For a set of N points con-structing a fractal, each of dimension D, one divides thespace into grid cells of side size r (hyper-cubes of dimen-sion D). N(r) denotes the number of cells occupied by thepoints constructing the fractal. The box counting fractaldimension is then calculated as follows:

Dbc = − limr→0

log N(r )log r

. (1)

In order to relate the properties of the box counting dimen-sion to the suggested fractal-SPC, we refer the interestedreader to the studies of the Asymptotic Equipartition Prop-erty (AEP) and the properties of the typical set, as discussedin Cover and Thomas (1991). As explained in Cover andThomas (1991), the EAP property is a direct consequenceof the weak law of large numbers in information theory. TheAEP states that −1/n log p(X1, X2, . . . , Xn) is close to theentropy H, whereX1, X2, . . . , Xn are independent and iden-tically distributed random variables, and p(X1, X2, . . . , Xn)is the probability of the sequenceX1, X2, . . . , Xn. This ob-servation enables the division of the set of all sequences intotwo sets: the typical set, where the sample entropy is closeto the true entropy, and the non-typical set, which containsthe other sequences.

We suggest that the box counting dimension measuresthe number of elements in the typical set determined by theoriginal (in-control) process. Any change in this propertyis detected by the box counting dimension statistic.

Dimension of information: For a set of N points construct-ing a fractal, each of dimension D, one divides the spaceinto grid cells of side size r (hyper-cubes of dimension D).pi (r ) is the frequency with which points fall into the ith cell.The information dimension is obtained as follows:

Dinf = limr→0

∑i pi (r ) log pi (r )

log r. (2)

In the context of the suggested fractal-SPC method, thedimension of information detects a change in the entropymeasure for all sub-sequences within the original process,as will be detailed in Sections 3.2 and 3.4.

Dimension of correlation: For a set of N points construct-ing a fractal, the dimension of correlation is defined as fol-lows (Grassberger, 1983; Grassberger and Procaccia, 1983):

Dcor = − limε→0

log C(ε)log ε

, (3)

C(ε) = limN→∞

N−2 × {number of pairs (xi , xj ),

i = j = 1, . . . , N; where |xi − xj | < ε},

Fractal geometry applied to statistical process control 377

where (xi , xj ) denotes any existing pair of points construct-ing the fractal.

In the context of the suggested fractal-SPC method, thecorrelation dimension measures the probability for the oc-currence of correlated sub-sequences in the process.

3. Suggested algorithmic framework:the fractal-SPC approach

We suggest the following framework in order to establisha fractal-based SPC. The proposed method assumes thatthe process measures have nominal or discrete values andconsists of four stages; see Fig. 2.

1. Fractal mapping: An IFS scheme with circle transfor-mation is applied to historical in-control data to obtaina fractal representation of the reference process. Thefractal graph represents the reoccurring patterns in theprocess. Its interpretation is based on the concept ofaddresses of points on fractals, as discussed in Section3.4.

2. Selection of a fractal-based statistic: Various types offractal dimensions can be used as monitoring statisticsof the process. We mainly focus on the information di-mension out of the three described previously. Controllimits are derived from fractal dimension measures ei-ther numerically or theoretically.

3. Online process monitoring: In the monitoring stage, eachprocess sample is transformed into points in the fractalgraph. Fractal dimension statistics are recalculated forthe sampled data. Process deviation is indicated by out-of-control signals.

4. Visual root cause analysis: Combined analyses of thefractal graph as well as the various fractal dimen-sion statistics are used for the purpose of identifyingassignable causes that may impact the process.

The following subsections describe each of the abovephases. A running example is given in Section 3.5 for illus-tration purposes.

3.1. Fractal mapping

We utilize an IFS with circle transformation, similar to theIFS proposed by Weiss and Goeb (2008; see also Weiss(2008)). This unique IFS transformation provides the flex-

ibility to analyze processes consisting of any number ofdiscrete categories while keeping the representation in �2

to enable visual analysis on a computer screen. Color codescan be used to create better interpretations by the user.

As explained in Weiss (2008) and Weiss and Goeb(2008), the following is a description of the suggestedIFS transformation for a process consisting of m discretecategories:




[α 00 α

] [x1x2



]for i = 1, 2, . . . , m,


βi = cos(

i × 2π


)for i = 1, 2, . . . , m,

δi = sin(

i × 2π


)for i = 1, 2, . . . , m.


In order to ensure that the fractal is totally disconnected(Barnsley, 1988)—i.e., to guarantee that every point on thefractal graph has a unique address—it is required that α

satisfies the following inequality:α

1 − α< sin


), (5)

as proved in Ruschin Rimini et al. (2010).The following steps are used to apply an IFS with circle

transformation to a sequence of length N consisting of mdiscrete categories, as explained in Weiss (2008) and Weissand Goeb (2008; based on the chaos algorithm of Barnsley(1988)).

1. Associate and fix each category (a possible variable re-alization) with one of the contractive mappings wi (x),i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , m}.

2. Accordingly, represent a sequence of length N consist-ing of m category types by a sequence of N correspond-ing contractive mappings {wi(n+1)(xn) : i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , m}and n = 1,2, . . . ,N}. wi(n+1)(xn) indicates that variablexn is mapped by the contractive mapping defined byvariable xn+1. For simplicity we omit one subscript anddenote the mapping by wi(xn). To start the process, theinitial point x(0) is selected arbitrarily as a point in �2.

3. Recursively apply each of the N contractive mappingswi (x0), wi (x1), . . . , wi (xN−1) in their sequence order; i.e.,apply contractive mapping wi (x0) to obtain point x(1),then apply contractive mapping wi (x1) to obtain x(2), etc.

4. Root Cause


1. Fractal Mapping

2. Fractal-Based Statistic

3. Online Monitoring

Fig. 2. The process overview.

378 Ruschin-Rimini et al.

In general, x(n) = wi (x(n−1)) for n = 1, 2, 3, . . . , N andi ∈ {1, 2, 3, . . . , m}. The mapping results in a sequenceof N points in �2 {x(n) : n = 1, 2, 3, . . . , N}. A runningillustrative example for this procedure is given in theAppendix.

The presented procedure produces a circle-formed fractalgraph that enables visual representation and analysis of anysequence with finite category (symbol) types. The numberof process category types determines m. For example, ifthe original sequence of m category types is uniformly ran-dom and long enough, this IFS transformation results in agraph of self-similar fractals consisting of m equally filledand disconnected circles, and each circle at each resolutionalso consists of m circles. If the sequence is not uniformlyrandom, the graph will reveal its underlying correlationsby varying densities of points in different zones. We applythe IFS of circle transformation both to in-control processdata and later to sampled data during the monitoring stage.An explanation of the minimum required initial sequencelength N is given is Section 3.2.

For the purpose of illustration, a running example isintroduced in Section 3.5.

3.2. Selection of fractal-based statistic

Fractals can be characterized by their fractal dimensionstatistic. As previously mentioned, there are many theoret-ical definitions of the fractal dimension.

Once an in-control process is mapped into a fractal, wesuggest utilizing the various types of fractal dimensionsas monitoring statistics. In particular, we chose to concen-trate on three of the most commonly used fractal dimensiontypes: the box counting dimension, the dimension of infor-mation, and the dimension of correlation.

The fractal dimensions of the transformed in-controlprocess can be implemented as indicated next.

3.2.1. Fractal dimension types implementationsImplementation of the box counting dimension (Dbc): In or-der to implement the box counting dimension computationby the suggested method of circle transformation, we referto Equation (1). We suggest selecting r as the radius of acircle. Moreover, one knows the exact locations and radii ofthe circles created by the circle transformation algorithm:the circle-formed fractal, which represents a transformedsequence of m categories, consists of m circles of radius α

on the first resolution, m2 circles of radius α2 on the secondresolution, etc. Generally, it consists of mk circles of radiusαk on resolution k. Thus, we count the number of circles inresolution k that are occupied by one point at least, out ofa total of mk existing circles. We denote the number of oc-cupied circles byN(αk). We then calculate the box countingdimension based on Equation (1) with r = αk.

According to the proposed mapping method, every cir-cle of radius αk represents a specific k-length sub-sequence

of the original process. Consequently, changes in the valueof the box counting dimension take place each time that anew circle is occupied; i.e., when an unknown k-length sub-sequence appears in the process. It is reasonable that Dbcwould be particularly appealing for detecting outliers suchas extreme-value anomalies and minimizing their relatederrors (of both types). On the other hand, the Dbc calcula-tion is invariant to the number of data points in each circle.Thus, it is not sensitive to changes in the distribution ofdata points; hence, it may suffer from Type 2 errors in suchcases.

Implementation of the dimension of information (Dinf):Following the selection of r as the radius of a kth resolutioncircle, let us denote the frequency with which data pointsfall into the ith circle of radius αk by pi (αk). Recall that thereare a total of mk circles of radius αk at resolution k. Thus,pi (αk) represents the frequency of a specific sub-sequenceof length k indexed by i within the original process. Theinformation dimension is obtained as follows (derived fromEquation (2)):

Dinf = limαk→0


i=1 pi (αk) log pi (αk)log αk

. (6)

Note that the numerator∑mk

i=1 pi (αk) log pi (αk) reflectsShannon’s entropy measure for all k-length sub-sequencesin the monitored process. Since the information dimen-sion changes when shifts in the entropy of k-length sub-sequences occur in a process, it is reasonable that Dinf issensitive to distribution-related errors of both types. A de-tailed analytical study of the box counting dimension in thecontext of the fractal-SPC can be found in Ruschin-Riminiet al. (2011a).

Implementation of the dimension of correlation (Dcor):Equation (3) is used to compute the correlation dimension.We select ε as the radius of a circle at resolution k, ε = αk.The correlation dimension Dcor measures a weighted fre-quency that two points chosen at random are located withina radius distance of each other; i.e., it increases with the cor-relation of k-length sub-sequences. Consequently, Dcor canbe used to find correlation-related anomalies in the data. Adetailed analytical study of the correlation dimension in thecontext of the fractal-SPC can be found in Ruschin-Riminiet al. (2011a).

In this work we use Dinf as our main monitoring statistic;however, we exploit both Dbc and Dcor for the purposeof root cause analysis, when an out-of-control signal istriggered (see the example in Section 3.5). Such signalsrely on a priori control limits for the fractal dimensionstatistics that can be obtained numerically by using the in-control data. In the next section, we provide an analyticalstudy of the dimension of information in the context of thesuggested fractal-SPC in order to establish its analyticalcontrol limits.

Fractal geometry applied to statistical process control 379

3.2.2. Distribution and control limits of the informationdimension monitoring statistic: an analytical study

In order to determine the distribution of the proposed mon-itoring statistic, as well as to obtain an estimation of thecontrol limits, we refer to the studies of the natural esti-mator of Shannon’s entropy, denoted by H (see Miller andMadow (1954) and Basarin (1959)). The statistical problemaddressed is of testing and using an entropy-based modelwhen the only data available are from comparatively smallsamples. Luce (1955, pp. 45–46) phrases the problem asfollows:

Let us suppose that a distribution pi governs the selectionsof the n category types1, 2, . . ., n and suppose that a sample of N indepen-dent observations of selections yields Ni cases of alter-native i. The true entropy is H = −∑n

i=1 pi log pi whileH = −∑n

i=1 (Ni/N) log(Ni/N) is the estimator of the en-tropy obtained by replacing each pi by its maximum likeli-hood estimatorNi/N.

Miller and Madow (1954) have shown that if the pi valuesare not all equal, the normalized term

√N(H − H), hence-

forth denoted as H, has a normal limiting distribution withmean zero, E(H) = 0, and variance defined by:

σ 2(H) =n∑


pi [log pi + H]2 (7)

The authors have also shown that if pi = 1/n for ev-ery i, then (2N/ log �)(H − H) follows a chi-square limit-ing distribution with (n − 1) degrees of freedom. For theproposed fractal-SPC, the number of degrees of freedomis given by (mk − 1), where m denotes the number of cat-egory types and k represents the resolution of the circlesor, alternatively, the lengths of the selected sub-sequences.In frequent cases, (mk − 1) equals a large enough number.Consequently, the monitoring statistic can be assumed tobe normally distributed even in the case of a uniform dis-tribution when pi = 1/mk, as the chi-square distributionconverges to a normal distribution when the number ofdegrees of freedom is large.

Miller and Madow (1954) also addressed the case ofutilizing small samples. According to their studies, if smallsamples are used to estimate the entropy, there is a bias thatcan be corrected by the following equation:

H = E(H) + (log �)

[n − 12N

− 112N2

+ 112N2


1p(i )


+ 0(


), (8)

where E(H) is the expected value of H and 0(1/N3) denotesthe order of the complexity.

As the dimension of the information is approximatelynormally and independently distributed for a long enoughsequence, conventional SPC charts can be directly applied

to it for a specified Type I error rate. The following proce-dure is used to derive the control limits.

1. Compute the information dimension of the fractalproduced by mapping the in-control process data.The estimated fractal dimension is expressed by D1 =H(αk)/log αk.

2. For small samples, use Equation (8) to correct the biasof the estimated entropy.

3. Apply Equation (6) to find the variance of H(αk). Mul-tiply the result by 1/N(log α2k) so as to derive the fractaldimension statistic variance, denoted by σ 2(D1) (sinceD1 = H(αk)/log αk and H(αk) = √

N(H(αk) − H(αk)).4. Specify the required Type I error rate. Since both σ 2(D1)

and E(D1) were computed in previous steps, controllimits can be easily determined and conventional SPCcharts can be directly applied by E(D1) ± Zα/2 × σ (D1).

We suggest that the control limits estimator σ 2(D1) has thefollowing boundaries.

An upper bound: The maximum value of σ 2(H)max isobtained when the underlying process has one deterministicpattern; i.e., the probability of the occurrence of one typeof k-length sub-sequences is one, whereas the probabilityof the occurrences of the rest of the k-length sub-sequencesis zero. In such a case the entropy of the underlying processH equals zero and one obtains:

σ 2(D1) = 1N(log α2k)


pi (log pi + H)2. (9)

The variance σ 2(D1) is maximized in the case of a max-imum difference between the process’s true entropy andthe estimated entropy. According to the maximum entropyprinciple, this is achieved in the case that the estimated en-tropy is of a uniform distribution. In this case, it followsfrom Equation (9) that:

σ 2(D1)max = log m2k

N(log α2k)(since H= 0).

A lower bound: The minimal value of σ 2(H)max is ob-tained when the underlying process has a uniform distribu-tion; i.e., P(i) = 1/n for all i. In this case, according to Har-ris (1975), σ 2(H)min = ∑n

i=1 pi [log pi + H]2 = 0. We canderive from Equation (9) that in this case σ 2(D1)min = 0.

In order to determine the sequence length N—i.e., thenumber of data points required to construct the in-controlfractal graph—we refer to the basic sampling rule suggestedby Cochran (1952). This principle requires that at least 80%of the sampling bins (corresponding in this case to the occu-pied circles at a predetermined fractal resolution k) containat least four data points. Experiments in which control lim-its are established both numerically and analytically aregiven in Sections 3.5 and 4.2.

380 Ruschin-Rimini et al.

3.3. Online process monitoring

During Phase I, the fractal graph for in-control data isgenerated. Moreover, the monitoring statistics, in the formof three types of fractal dimension, are computed for in-control data, as well as their analytical control limits, asexplained in the previous section and in Ruschin-Riminiet al. (2011a). During Phase II, the monitoring stage, eachmonitored sample is transformed online into the fractalgraph that was generated in Phase I. The fractal dimen-sions are recalculated whenever a new process sample isadded. Process deviations are indicated by out-of-controlsignals, according to the fractal dimension measures andthe control limits established in Phase I. The running ex-ample in Section 3.5 introduces histograms of the fractaldimension statistic, before and after a change point, as wellas a fractal dimension control chart, with its control limitscomputed both numerically and analytically

3.4. Visual root cause analysis

As explained in Ruschin-Rimini et al. (2012) and Ruschin-Rimini and Maimon (2010), the circle-formed fractal graphcan be visually interpreted by utilizing the address of pointson a fractal when adding a color code function that colorsdata points of circles containing a relatively high densityof points. A circle of high density is defined by a certainpercentage threshold. The location of every point on thefractal graph remains constant during the whole sequenceinformation stage and by that differs from traditional SPCcharts. This enables us to translate areas on the fractalgraph, such as empty areas, areas of relatively low den-sity, and areas of relatively high density, into missing sub-sequences, rare sub-sequences, and frequent sub-sequences,respectively.

The IFS of circle transformation results in a graph ofa self-similar fractal consisting of m disconnected circles,where each circle at each resolution is also comprised ofm smaller circles. Since we associate every category witha certain contractive mapping, the address of every circlerepresents a category type (a process symbol). More specif-ically, category i, which is associated with mappingwi (x), isthe address of the circle centered at[


](see Section 3.1 and Equation (4)). The address length, andthus the length of the monitored sub-sequences, is deter-mined by the graph resolution. The addresses of the first,second, and third resolutions for the example described inthe following section are displayed in Figs. 6 to 8. The pro-cess samples consist of m = 9 categories. Defining the ad-dresses of points on the fractal graph enables us to suggestthe following algorithm for visual detection of in-controland out-of-control process patterns.

Pattern detection algorithm

1. Set k = 1 as the resolution-level parameter.2. Detect a circle of relatively high density on the kth res-

olution of the fractal graph; i.e., one of the m circlesthat contains a high percentage of points. A circle ofrelatively high density is defined by a certain threshold(see remark below) and can be visually detected since itconsists of data points that are colored according to thepredefined color code (see Figs. 6 to 9).

3. Drill into the relevant circle and set k = k + 1.4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until the relevant circle contains

points that are almost uniformly distributed betweenapproximately m circles; i.e., with no circle of relativelyhigh density. This is where the sequence pattern ends.

5. Compute the address of the relevant circle location inorder to recover the process pattern.

6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 for a different circle of relatively highdensity in order to reveal another process pattern.

7. End after exploring all circles of relatively high density;i.e., after all process patterns have been revealed.

In order to improve the process of visual pattern detection,we use color codes to mark data points in circles of relativelyhigh density. For illustration, see the running example inthe following section. Nevertheless, it is important to notethat as the number of categories in the process increases,interpretation of the graph becomes more challenging. Im-provement of the visual representation can be of benefitin such cases and can be leveraged by new graphical tech-niques, such as focus and context techniques (Keim, 2002)or three-dimensional manipulations that could facilitatethe users’ interpretation.

Moreover, note that the threshold in Step 2 is not definedrigorously and might depend on the required sensitivitylevel for the triggered alerts, on the available in-control data,and on the types of possible process deviations. As a simplerule of thumb we note that if historical in-control data areavailable, the user can plot numerical histograms of circledensities at various k resolutions and set the correspond-ing thresholds by their relative (say the 90th) percentiles. Incases where there is no available information on the under-lying in-control process, the user can rely on the maximumentropy rule. He (she) can assume that the probability ofeach category (variable realization) out of m possible cat-egories is 1/m; thus, the expected entropy for each typeof k-length sub-sequence is k log m. Accordingly, a roughstarting point for a default threshold value is (k/2) log m.However, since deviation types cannot be predetermined,it is proposed that this threshold value will be subject tochanges and part of the visual root cause analysis proce-dure. A thorough study of the required threshold value, as afunction of the in-control data type and the type of processdeviation, should be further researched.

Fractal geometry applied to statistical process control 381

3.5. Illustrative example: pattern reoccurring

In this example we simulate a gradually deteriorating pro-cess in a data-rich environment. The process is representedby an ordered sequence of symbols that can represent obser-vations measured in a multivariate process (each variableconsisting of nine categories in this illustrative example):the monitoring of activities on a machine through a con-tinuous stream of audit events recorded in log files (Yeet al., 2001; Ye et al., 2003; Kim et al., 2007), string of sen-sors’ input, machine failures history, customers purchasehistory, and production processes in an assemble-to-orderenvironment (Ruschin-Rimini et al., 2012).

In this illustrative case study, each sequence of N = 15 000data points was generated from a uniform distribution withan alphabet of m = 9 symbols. The random sequence rep-resented an unstructured noise, with the pattern 8, 0, 4being inserted randomly yet approximately every 15 datapoints. An out-of-control process was obtained by revertingthe order of the reoccurring pattern to 4, 0, 8 in approxi-mately 5% of the cases. Pattern-reoccurring processes canbe used to represent machine types, part types, or produc-tion sequencing, as shown in Ruschin-Rimini et al. (2012).In that paper the categories represented operation types,and sequences represented optional production routes. Forexample, consider the production route 31452. It consistsof five operations types, starting with operation 3 contin-uing with operation 1, and so on up to the last operation2 in that manufacturing process. The fractal-SPC proto-type was coded in MATLAB. As mentioned in Section 3.3,during the monitoring stage, each sample is mapped onlineinto the fractal graph. The fractal dimension is recalculatedwhenever a new process sample is added. Process deviationsare indicated by out-of-control signals. Figure 3 presents ahistogram of the information dimension values, before and

Fig. 3. Histograms of fractal dimension values for both pattern-reoccurring samples without deviation (on the left) and forpattern-reoccurring samples with ∼5% deviation (on the right)(color figure provided online).

Fig. 4. A control chart of the fractal information dimension forthe pattern-reoccurring process samples without deviation (sam-ples 1 to 50) and with deviation of ∼5% (samples 51 to 60).Numerically derived control limits are marked with continuouslines. Analytically derived control limits are marked with dashedlines (color figure provided online).

after the process’s change point. Dimension measures forin-control samples are marked on the left-hand side and di-mension measures for out-of-control samples are markedon the right-hand side. Note the significant change in theinformation dimension statistic, making it appealing forthe monitoring of such process.

Figure 4 presents the control chart for the informa-tion dimension statistic with control limits adjusted forα = 0.0027. The information dimension values are markedblue. The limits that were obtained numerically are markedwith continuous lines, whereas control limits based on theanalytical computation are marked with dashed lines. Thenumerically drived control limits were achieved as follows:the monitoring statistic (i.e., the fractal dimension) of in-control data was computed for a large number of samples.Since we have demonstrated (see Section 3.2.2) that themonitoring statistic is approximately normally and inde-pendently distributed, we simply computed the mean andstandard deviation of the fractal dimension measures forthe in-control samples and applied the control limits forthe specified Type I error rate. The analytically derivedcontrol limits were obtained using the procedure presentedin Section 3.2.2. Both types of control limits clearly enableus to distinguish between in-control samples (samples 1to 50) that contain the 8, 0, 4 patterns and out-of-controlsamples (samples 51 to 60), in which approximately 5% ofthe patterns are reversed to 4, 0, 8. Note that the over-all number of data points in this experiment was 900 000.The out-of-control average run length (ARL1) measure forthis experiment is one. A description of the complete ex-periment, including ARL1 measures of different processdeviation levels, is presented in Section 4.1, under the“Pattern-reoccurring process” case.

382 Ruschin-Rimini et al.

Fig. 5. (a) A box counting dimension histogram for the pattern-reoccurring samples without deviation (samples 1 to 50, markedon left) and for those with deviation of ∼5% (samples 51 to 60,marked on right) and (b) a correlation dimension histogram forthe pattern-reoccurring samples without deviation (samples 1 to50, marked on left) and for those with deviation of ∼5% (samples51 to 60, marked on right) (color figure provided online).

For the purpose of root cause analysis, one can analyzeother fractal dimension statistics whenever a change pointis detected. We continue with the above pattern-reoccurringexample and start by examining histograms of both the boxcounting and the correlation dimension measures beforeand after the process change point.

Figures 5(a) and 5(b) present histograms of the boxcounting dimension and the correlation dimension mea-sures, respectively. Both histograms show the dimensionvalues before and after the change point in the process.Dimension measures for in-control samples are marked inred, while dimension measures for out-of-control samplesare marked blue. If the figures are in grayscale, please refer

Fig. 6. Fractal-SPC monitoring chart. Green points indicatein-control process samples; blue points indicate patterns of in-control process samples; red point indicates out-of-control sam-ples; pink points indicate patterns of out-of-control samples. Fordemonstration purposes, we explore the blue marked area de-tected in circle address 4 (color figure provided online).

to the online version of the article, where the figures appearin color.

Looking at the histograms, one can draw the followingconclusions regarding the process deviation: it is causedby significant correlation changes within the process sub-sequences (in Fig. 5(b), Dcor shows an excellent separation);however, it does not involve the appearance of new sub-sequences (since DBC shows a weak separation, as presentedin Fig. 5(a)).

The fractal-SPC chart is presented in Figs. 6 to 8. As canbe seen, it has the advantage of capturing both in-controland out-of-control patterns that may affect the process.Thus, the fractal-SPC can be considered both as a special

Fig. 7. Zooming into circle address 4. A blue marked area reveal-ing the in-control pattern is detected in circle address 04 (colorfigure provided online).

Fractal geometry applied to statistical process control 383

Fig. 8. Zooming in to circle address 04. A blue marked arearevealing the rest of the in-control pattern is detected in circleaddress 804 (color figure provided online).

cause chart and as a casual cause chart, as defined by Alwanand Roberts (1988).

For illustration, we suggest the following color scheme toease the process of visual process monitoring and root causeanalysis: points of in-control process samples in green; pat-terns detected for in-control process samples in blue; pointsof out-of-control samples in red; patterns detected for out-of-control samples in pink. If figures are in grayscale, pleaserefer to the online version of the article, where the figuresappear in color.

Figures 6 to 8 demonstrate how an in-control pattern canbe revealed.

Similarly, out-of-control patterns are revealed by zoom-ing in to the pink marked circles. Figure 9 shows the thirdresolution graph revealing the out-of-control pattern. Thus,the presented fractal-SPC control chart enables us to vi-sually learn and analyze the process. One can reveal un-derlying patterns and correlations in both in-control and

Fig. 9. A third resolution fractal graph. The pink marked areareveals the out-of-control pattern in circle address 408 (colorfigure provided online).

out-of-control stages and use it for root cause analysis andassignable causes identification.

4. Comparative study with known methods

4.1. Fractal-SPC versus conventional robustSPC approaches

In this section we study the performance of the pro-posed fractal-SPC by evaluating the out-of-control aver-age run length (ARL) in various process-deviation scenar-ios. We compare the fractal-SPC with several conventionalSPC procedures: in particular, the Shewhart, ExponentiallyWeighted Moving Average (EWMA), and the CUSUMSPC that are considered to be relatively robust to underly-ing independence assumptions. The control limits were cal-culated by using a distribution fit of the observed statisticsand were set such that the in-control ARL would satisfy arequired level of 370.4. Shore (2000) demonstrated that fornon-normal data, the standard normal percentiles can beused to compute control limits in cases where the skewnessof the process is low. Nonetheless, we found that despite thefact that the generated processes had a low skewness, theconventional robust SPC procedures failed to control theprocesses, as a result of the violation of the independenceassumption. These methods generated control limits thatwere widely spread and resulted in wrong (much higher)in-control (as well as out-of-control) ARL values. We didnot compare the fractal-SPC to the ARIMA SPC family,since Ben-Gal and Singer (2004) have already demonstratedthat ARIMA models are inadequate for the monitoring ofstate-dependant Markovian processes with discrete mea-sures, as is the case for most of the processes consideredhere.

Three types of processes were generated in the study:Markov, pattern reoccurring, and a distribution-based pro-cess. Each process was represented by an ordered sequenceof symbols that can be seen also as a subset of observationsmeasures from a multivariate process. Note that the con-ventional inverse transform method was used to generate adiscrete data set from a given (continuous) distribution. Inall three cases, each point in the control chart was derivedfrom a sample that contained 15 000 data points represent-ing a data-rich environment. Five levels of process devia-tion were defined, relying on the percentage of points thatdeviate from the underlying process in the sample. Theselevels were used to simulate a gradually deteriorating pro-cess. These deviation levels, ranging between 0.66% and13%, are indicated in the first columns of Table 1, whichsummarizes the experiment results. For example, a devia-tion level of 0.66% represents a sample in which only 100points are generated by a deviated out-of-control process,with the remaining 14 900 points being generated by theunderlying in-control process. For each level of process de-viation, the first 50 samples were in control and the last10 samples consisted of the defined percentage of deviated

384 Ruschin-Rimini et al.

Table 1. Out-of-control ARL for three types of processes and five deviation levels

Percentage of ARL1 of Shewhart, ARL1 of the fractal-SPCdeviated EWMA, CUSUM, for allpoints (%) three process types Markovian process Pattern-based process Distribution-based process

0.66 d.n.i. 3.6 1 96.151.66 d.n.i. 1.05 1 28.53.33 d.n.i. 1 1 11.96.66 d.n.i. 1 1 1.513.33 d.n.i. 1 1 1

data points. Note that for each experiment, and thus eachlevel of process deviation, 900 000 data points (60 samplesof 15 000 data points) were generated (i.e., for each processscenario, 5 × 900 000 = 4500 000 data points were gener-ated), to create a data-rich environment. Each simulationrun was replicated 10 times and returned similar results ineach run. Note that the suggested fractal-SPC is also rele-vant to smaller samples, as demonstrated in Section 4.2.

Table 1 summarizes the experimental results for the threetypes of processes as follows. Note that the various typesof process deviation were not identified by the Shewhart,EWMA, or CUSUM SPC methods (abbreviated to d.n.i.;i.e., deviation not identified). This could be explained bythe dependencies in the generated processes that resultedin spread control limits that contained both in-control andout-of-control samples.

Markov process: A Markov process is generated from agiven transition matrix. Deviation from the generating pro-cess is obtained by changing the transition matrix in a man-ner that relatively preserves the sample average. Note thatMarkov processes have been used to represent many real-life settings, including queuing systems, buffer monitoringin manufacturing lines with known production probabil-ities, and feedback-controlled processes (Singer and Ben-Gal, 2007).

Pattern-reoccurring process: Each sample consists of un-structured noise, generated from a uniform distribution,with the pattern 8, 0, 4 being randomly inserted, approxi-mately every 15 data points. Deviation from the generatingprocess is obtained by changing the order of the reoccur-ring pattern to 4, 0, 8. Pattern-reoccurring processes can beused to represent machine types, part types, or productionsequencing, as shown in Ruschin-Rimini et al. (2012).

Distribution-based process: Each sample is generated ran-domly from an underlying normal distribution. Deviationfrom the generated process is obtained by changing theunderlying distribution to a uniform distribution and dis-cretizing its values. Such a distribution change can appear,for example, when monitoring an independent measure ofthe process or when monitoring residuals in residual-basedcontrol charts for non-normal situations (see Castagliolaand Tsung (2005)).

We refer the interested reader who would like to repro-duce the experiments to a technical reference (Ruschin-

Rimini et al., 2011b), that contains the generated data andthe relevant transition matrix utilized for data generationof the Markov process scenario.

4.1.1. The fractal information dimensioncomputation results

The dimension of information measure was computed foreach of the 60 samples and per each experiment (i.e., foreach deviation level and per each process type). For il-lustration purposes, Fig. 10 demonstrates measures of thefractal information dimensions in the case of a deviationlevel of 3.33% in the Markov process for (i) the first 50in-control samples (marked on the left-hand side); and (ii)the last 10 samples consisting of the defined percentageof deviated data points (marked on the right-hand side).Figure 11 presents the fractal dimension chart with its con-trol limits for this case. Control limits achieved numericallyare marked with continuous lines, whereas control limitsbased on analytically derived computation according tothe procedure presented in Section 3.2 are marked withdashed lines. As demonstrated, both methods for controllimit computations clearly distinguish between in-control

Fig. 10. A fractal dimension histogram for the Markov processwithout deviation (on the left) and with deviation of 3.33% of thedata (on the right) (color figure provided online).

Fractal geometry applied to statistical process control 385

Fractal Control Chart









1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58

Sample No.






Fig. 11. Information-dimension chart for the Markov processsamples without deviation (samples 1 to 50) and for samples witha deviation level of 3.33% (samples 51 to 60). Numerically derivedcontrol limits (∼0.638–0.646) are marked with continuous lines.Analytically derived control limits (∼0.6439–0.646) are markedwith dashed lines (color figure provided online).

samples (samples 1 to 50) and out-of-control samples (sam-ples 51 to 60).

As Fig. 10 shows, the obtained distributions reflect agood separation between the two populations by the frac-tal dimension statistic. In Fig. 12 we present both the Shew-hart and the EWMA charts with the same deviation levelof 3.33% of the Markov process for both (i) the in-controlprocess (samples 1 to 50) and (ii) the out-of-control process(samples 51 to 60). It can be clearly seen that these conven-tional SPC approaches cannot reveal the change point inthe process. The inherent deviation of the process is signifi-cantly large such that the process appears within the controllimits both before and after the change point.

Our experimental results include other cases in whichthe dimension of information succeeds in identifying pro-cess deviations, whereas traditional control charts fail todo so. However, certain types of process deviations arenot well indicated by the fractal-SPC, such as the case

of small deviations in certain distribution-based processes.In these cases, further work is needed to fine-tune thefractal-SPC.

4.2. Fractal-SPC versus CSPC multi-attribute control chartAs previously mentioned, Ben-Gal et al. (2003) proposedthe CSPC as a model-generic framework that can deal withautocorrelated non-linear state-dependent processes. Sincethe proposed fractal-SPC method addresses the same re-quirements of a model-generic framework, we comparethe performance of fractal-SPC with the CSPC methodby evaluating the out-of-control ARL in various processscenarios.

Jolayemi (1999) proposed the Multi-Attribute ControlChart (MACC) as a multivariate control chart techniqueaimed at monitoring multi-attribute data by a single chart.The MACC model is based on an approximation for theconvolution of independent binomial variables (Jolayemi,1992) and on an extension of np-control charts. Since theproposed fractal-SPC method also addresses multivariateprocesses with a finite state space, we compare the per-formance of fractal-SPC with that for the MACC modelby evaluating the out-of-control ARL in various processscenarios.

We also compare all three SPC methods with the sameconventional SPC procedures mentioned in Section 4.1.Four types of processes were generated in this study: (i)Markovian; (ii) pattern reoccurring; (iii) pattern inter-rupted by unstructured noise; and (iv) distribution based.In all four cases, the learning phase (Phase 1 of SPC pro-cesses) included 15 000 data points of a historical in-controlprocess, representing a data-rich environment. The moni-toring phase (Phase 2 of SPC processes) included samplesof 100 data points each to reflect an online mode of sam-pling with less data. For each process scenario, the first 50samples were in the in-control state and the last 10 samplesconsisted of out-of-control data points that simulate a stepchange in the process.

Fig. 12. The Shewhart and EWMA control charts for the Markov process without deviation (samples 1 to 50) and with deviation of3.33% (samples 51 to 60) (color figure provided online).

386 Ruschin-Rimini et al.

Table 2. Out-of-control ARL for four types of processes


Process type Shewhart EWMA CUSUM Fractal SPC CSPC MACC

Fixed-order Markov d.n.i. d.n.i. d.n.i. 1.02 1 d.n.i.Pattern reoccurring d.n.i. d.n.i. d.n.i. 1.04 3.15 d.n.i.Pattern interrupted by unstructured noise d.n.i. d.n.i. d.n.i. 1.07 6.92 d.n.i.Distribution based d.n.i. d.n.i. d.n.i. 1.08 1 d.n.i.

Table 2 summarizes the experimental results for the fourtypes of processes. Note that the various types of processdeviation were not identified by the Shewhart, EWMA,CUSUM, or MACC SPC methods (abbreviated d.n.i., i.e.,deviation not identified). The Markov process, pattern-reoccurring process, and distribution-based process weregenerated as explained in the previous section. The patterninterrupted by unstructured noise process was generated asfollows: each sample was generated from a uniform distri-bution to simulate unstructured noise. The pattern 8-X-0-X-4 (where X represents any symbol generated from theunderlying distribution) was inserted approximately every15 data points. Deviation from the generating process wasobtained by changing the order of the reoccurring patternto 4-X-0-X-8. Such an interrupted pattern was chosen inorder to simulate realistic conditions regarding reorderingor shuffles of real processes (see the illustrative example inSection 3.5), as well as to examine the robustness of bothSPC schemes to varying order models.

4.2.1. Computation resultsFractal SPC versus MACC. Our experimental resultsdemonstrate cases in which the various types of process

Fig. 13. A histogram of the fractal-SPC monitoring statistic forthe case of patterns interrupted by unstructured noise: withoutdeviation (on the left) and with deviation (on the right) (colorfigure provided online).

deviation were not identified by the MACC model. Thisresult is due to the fact that in order to monitor multipleattributes in a single chart, the MACC model utilizes a sin-gle monitoring statistic that averages the np values of eachattribute; hence, roughly speaking it “loses information”regarding each attribute independently. Moreover, even ifeach attribute is monitored separately, the detection of de-viations such as change in patterns and changes in correla-tions between attributes is not guaranteed, since attributesare assumed to be independent.

In order to emphasize the difference between the MACCmodel and the fractal-SPC model, one can consider threelevels of monitoring multivariate data, as follows.

1. Methods that utilize a monitoring statistic that averagesthe attributes’ data.

2. Methods that monitor each attribute independently.3. Methods that monitor each attribute yet can identify

autocorrelations and patterns between them, such asthe fractal-SPC, which monitors all data in one singlechart.

The first level comprises the least information regardingthe attributes. Averaging attributes’ data results in loss of

Fig. 14. The CSPC monitoring statistic histogram for the case ofpatterns interrupted by unstructured noise: without deviation (onthe left) and with deviation (on the right) (color figure providedonline).

Fractal geometry applied to statistical process control 387

Fig. 15. The Shewhart and EWMA control charts for the pattern-reoccurring process without deviation (samples 1 to 50) and withdeviation (samples 51 to 60) (color figure provided online).

information regarding each attribute independently. TheMACC model matches this level of monitoring. The sec-ond monitoring level matches traditional control charts forattributes such as the p, np, c, and u, which are aimed at uni-variate data. When using this level of monitoring in casesof multivariate processes, it is suggested to monitor each at-tribute independently. Such monitoring does not suit casesin which data are autocorrelated, as some of the processesdemonstrated in the presented comparative study. More-over, monitoring of each attribute separately increases thestatistical Type I error and is more complex to manageand maintain than a single chart scheme. Consequently,the fractal-SPC, which matches the third of the definedmonitoring levels, outperforms traditional approaches formonitoring multi-attribute data in cases in which autocor-relation exists.

Fractal-SPC versus CSPC. For illustration purposes,Fig. 13 demonstrates measures of the fractal-SPC moni-toring statistic in the case of the patterns interrupted byunstructured noise process: (i) the first 50 in-control sam-ples (marked on the left-hand side) and (ii) the last 10samples consisting of deviated data points (marked on theright-hand side). For illustration purposes, Fig. 14 demon-strates the measures of the CSPC monitoring statistic inthe same case: (i) the first 50 in-control samples (on theleft-hand side) and (ii) the last 10 samples consisting ofdeviated data points (on the right-hand side).

Figure 15 presents both Shewhart and EWMA chartsfor the case of patterns interrupted by unstructured noisein both (i) the in-control process (samples 1 to 50) and (ii)the out-of-control process (deviated samples 51 to 60). Asseen, these conventional SPC approaches do not reveal thechange point in the process.

Our experimental results demonstrate cases in whichthe fractal-SPC and CSPC methods succeed in identify-ing deviations in pattern-based processes, whereas tradi-tional control charts fail to do so. As indicated in Table 2,

the main advantage of the fractal-SPC over the CSPC iswhen monitoring processes that are populated by deter-ministic patterns with or without unstructured noise. TheCSPC method is advantageous when the correlation struc-ture is more complex and unknown; i.e., when the orderof the reoccurring pattern varies and the dependence orderis inhomogeneous. The CSPC does not require knowledgeof the monitoring order (resolution) in advance and thuscan represent processes that are generated by variable-orderMarkov processes or by context-specific Bayesian networksin the case of inhomogeneous models.

Additional preliminary results, presented in Ruschin-Rimini et al. (2012), mainly focus on monitoring the effectsof various operational settings on the quality of production.The method was implemented in a world-leading automo-tive manufacturer. It provides a realistic example where theproposed method can benefit a service or an industrial or-ganization and supports root cause analysis applications.

5. Conclusions and further research

In this article we proposed a fractal-SPC method that hasseveral attractive features. It can learn the process data de-pendence and its underlying distribution without assuminga priori information. Thus, it is a model-generic (nonpara-metric) approach and thus extends the current scope of con-trol charts to non-linear state-dependent processes (Ben-Gal et al., 2003). This advantage over traditional controlcharts is particularly appealing when monitoring data-richprocesses with an unknown underlying model.

The obtained fractals can be used to visually trackanomalies in data-rich patterns whose order is of sev-eral magnitudes larger than the one used in traditionalSPC tools. The fractal representation copes well with mod-ern monitoring schemes that are executed on PC screensrather than on paper sheets: the proposed IFS trans-formation projects the multidimensional patterns into a

388 Ruschin-Rimini et al.

two-dimensional space. Moreover, it applies the ability ofzooming in to areas of interest to better analyze patternsand support root cause analysis tasks.

In order to automate the fractal monitoring process, wecompute the fractal dimension as a representing statisticthat is used to dynamically monitor the process behavior.Our selection of the fractal dimension is encouraged by thetheoretical relations that are established with informationtheory and data compression techniques, which are knownas viable for data-rich applications. We demonstrate thatvarious definitions of the fractal dimension can support amulti-level inspection for simultaneously representing bothcommon and rare patterns in the inspected process.

Despite these advantages, the suggested fractal-SPC islimited in its current form to discrete processes with a finitestate space (alphabet). The proposed control chart requiresa relatively large amount of data to construct the initial in-control fractal model; hence, it is best suited for data-richenvironments. Future research could extend the suggestedmethod to handle continuous problems. It could improvethe fractal visualization chart to exploit a greater portionof the screen’s available pixels and use modern graphicaltechniques. Finally, it could define a better default thresh-old value for the root cause analysis phase, as a function ofthe in-control data type and the type of process deviation.

Another research direction could be to focus on study-ing the various forms of the fractal dimension in terms ofcomputation tractability versus its sensitivity and speci-ficity performance. Such research should analyze therelations among these statistics to provide a unified mon-itoring scheme that integrates all of them into a singleanomaly-detection and decision-making tool. We antic-ipate that such integration can provide excellent inputsfor root cause analyses, especially if it is accompanied bymachine-learning procedures.


This research was supported by The Israel Science Foun-dation (grant 1362/10).


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Fractal mapping procedure—a running example

In this example we demonstrate the mapping procedureof a sampled sequence consisting of the following threeordered observations: 0, 3, 6. These observations can betaken either from a sliding window of a univariate processwith nine possible categories (realizations) 0, 1, . . . , 8 (i.e.,m = 9) or from a sliding window of a multivari-ate vector (of any dimension larger than three), wherethe range of each variable contains up to nine values(categories).

Step 1: Each of the process’ categories is associated withone contractive mapping. In this example we associate vari-able 1 with contractive mapping w1; variable 2 with contrac-tive mapping w2, . . . , variable 8 with contractive mappingw8; and variable 0 with contractive mapping w9. Follow-ing are the appropriate contractive mappings according toEquation (4), where α = 0.08:




[0.08 0

0 0.08

] [x1x2












[0.08 0

0 0.08

] [x1x2




2 × 2π




2 × 2π








[0.08 0

0 0.08

] [x1x2




9 × 2π




9 × 2π



Step 2: Accordingly, the sequence 0, 3, 6 is represented bya sequence of three corresponding contractive mappings:{w9, w3, w6}; x(0) is arbitrarily selected to be plotted in[



Step 3: We recursively apply each of the three contrac-tive mappings w9(x0), w3(x1), w6(x2) by their order in thesequence. We start by applying contractive mapping w9(x0)to obtain point x(1) as follows:

x(1) = w9([



0.08 00 0.08





9 × 2π




9 × 2π


)⎤⎥⎥⎦ =



390 Ruschin-Rimini et al.

Fig. A1. The plotting of three fractal mapping iterations for the ordered sample 0 3 6: (a) points x(0) and x(1); (b) points x(0), x(1), andx(2); and (c) points x(0), x(1), x(2), and x(3) (color figure provided online).

Fractal geometry applied to statistical process control 391

We then apply contractive mapping w3(x1) to obtain x(2),as follows:

x(2) = w3([

x(1)]) =

[0.08 0

0 0.08






3 × 2π




3 × 2π


)⎤⎥⎥⎥⎦ =



Similarly, we obtain x(3). Figures A1(a) to A1(c) demon-strate the plotting outcome of all three iterations. respec-tively: Fig. A1(a) presents points x(0) and x(1), Fig. A1(b)presents points x(0), x(1), and x(2), etc. Points x(0) to x(3) aremarked by blue cross signs. For illustration purposes, allnine circle centers of the fractal graph are marked by redpoints. In order to illustrate the fractal interpretation pro-cedure, one can focus on Fig. A1(b). Note that point x(2)is positioned close to circle address 3, signifying variable3. Moreover, note that by zooming into circle address 3,point x(2) is positioned in circle address 03, indicative of itspreceding variable 0.


Noa Ruschin-Rimini holds a Ph.D. degree from the Engineering Facultyat Tel Aviv University. Her research interests include anomaly and pat-tern detection methods for non-linear autocorrelated processes, Big Data(analysis, learning, tools and applications), and predictive analytics. Sheholds both B.Sc. (1998) and M.Sc. (2007) degrees from the Industrial En-gineering Department, Tel-Aviv University. Her research received grantsfrom the Israeli Science Foundation (ISF) and from General Motors. Shehas received several best papers awards. Her papers have been publishedin IIE Transactions, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Data Min-ing and Knowledge Discovery Handbook (2nd Edition) and presentedin conferences such as INFORMS 2011 Annual Meeting, ENBIS 2011

Annual Meeting and more. Furthermore, she held a lecturer positionin the Industrial Engineering Department in Tel-Aviv University. Beforejoining Tel-Aviv University, she held several positions in Oracle IsraelLtd. including a Product Manager and the Supervisor of the PresalesDepartment. She was also a Solutions Sales Manager at IBM Israel Ltd.,and a Business Development Manager in an Israeli Start-Up company.

Irad Ben-Gal is an Associate Professor at Tel Aviv University. Hisresearch interests include statistical methods for control and analysis ofstochastic processes and applications of information theory and machinelearning to industrial and service systems. He holds a B.Sc. (1992) degreefrom Tel-Aviv University and M.Sc. (1996) and Ph.D. (1998) degreesfrom Boston University. He has written and edited five books; publishedmore than 80 scientific papers, patents, and book chapters; and receivedseveral best papers awards. His papers have been published in IIETransactions, Technometrics, IEEE Transactions, Quality and ReliabilityEngineering International, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,IJPR, Bioinformatics, and BMC Bioinformatics. He is a member ofthe Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences, theInstitute of Industrial Engineers, The European Network for Businessand Industrial Statistics, and an elected member in the InternationalStatistical Institute. He is a Department Editor for IIE Transactions onQuality and Reliability and serves on the editorial boards of several otherprofessional journals. He has supervised dozens of graduate studentsand received several research grants, among them from General Motors,IEEE, the Israeli Ministry of Science, and the European Community. Heworked with such companies as Pratt & Whitney, Siemens, Proctor andGamble, Kimberly-Clark, Applied Materials, Erikson, IBM, and others.

Oded Maimon received B.Sc. degrees in Industrial Engineering and Me-chanical Engineering and an M.Sc. degree in Operations Research fromThe Technion, Haifa, Israel, and a Ph.D. degree from Purdue Univer-sity, West Lafayette, Indian. He is a Professor and former Chair of theIndustrial Engineering Department, Tel-Aviv University. Before joiningTel-Aviv University, he was a Research Scientist at the Massachusetts In-stitute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and a Project Leaderat Digital Equipment Corporation. He co-authored the book Decom-position Methodology for Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (WorldScientific, Singapore, 2005) and co-edited the handbook Data Miningand Knowledge Discovery Handbook: A Complete Guide for Research Sci-entists and Practitioners (Springer, New York, 2005).
