C h i s e H ato r i - WordPress.com · 2017. 12. 7. · At will: dancing Lights, druidcraft,...


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Chise HatoriYoung Chise hails from Japan, but has strange circumstances

to her past and possibly her future. Hatori is a human woman

at the age of sixteen, but her family story is anything but


A Magical Battery Chise never had a proper home for

herself, being stuck in the foster system and rotated from

different families. While she thinks it was something that she

had done to each family, this was not the case. Chise is what

the magical world is known as a Sleigh Beggy; a creature

who has extraordinary latent magic in her but an extremly

short life span. With both the innate abilities of a mage and

alchemist, Sleigh Beggies are almost uneard of in the

modern day to the point of just being a rumor.

A Willing Slave Due to her past trauma, riddled with

depression, Chise sold herself into the slave trade, seeing as

she saw that her life had nothing left to offer her. Being a

Sleigh Beggy, the price put upon her on the auction block was

a steep amount of English pounds.

However, out of all of the attendees at the auction, the

famous Thorn Mage, Elias Ainsworth himself, came and

purchased the young woman for himself. Later saying that he

purchased her to become his apprentice in the magical arts

but also to one day make her his bride.

Second Shot at Life As the apprentice of the Thorn Mage,

Chise's abilities have increased with Elias' tutilage. Though

she is still very frail, everyone who is apt with the magical arts

says she is extremly powerful, even for a Sleigh Beggy. Even

dragons remark on this fact, and one even asked her to make

a staff from one of his horns.

Chise HatoriMedium humanoid (Sleigh Beggy, chaotic good

Armor Class 14Hit Points 100Speed 30 feet


10 (+0) 15 (+3) 8 (-1) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 12 (+1)

Senses passive Perception 13Languages CommonChallenge 7 (2,900 XP)

Sleigh Beggy. When allies of Chise are within 20feet of her, they gain two more die for their attack.This can be suppressed by Chise if she would like.

Spellcasting. Chise can cast the following spellsinnately. She regains usage of spells on a short orlong rest.

At will: dancing Lights, druidcraft, mending, sparethe dying, firebolt

1st level (can cast each twice): cure wounds, colorspray, animal friendship, bane, magic missile,chromatic orb

2nd level (can cast each twice): barkskin, blur,moonbeam, misty step, spike growth

3rd level (can cast each twice): counterspell,lightning bolt, spirit guardians, magic circle

4th level (can cast each once): conjure woodlandbeings, confusion, giant insect

ActionsStaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft.,one target. Hit 1d6 damage.

Summon Ruth. Chise can summon her familiar,Ruth.

ReactionsAbsorbtion. When Chise is attacked by a spell, shecan chose to absorb 2d8 of the damage and addthat to her next spell attack or regain hit pointsequal to that.

Elias AinsworthKnown as the Thorn Mage, and to some circles as Pilum

Murialis, Elias Ainsworth is a strange sort of a creature.

Often aloof and not seen out and about, the reclusive mage is

not completly human or fey, though his ties to Sylvan beings

contradicts this slightly. Taking the appearance of a tall

humanoid, his face is that of a wolf skull with curling horns

coming from it. His strange look matches his position as a

mage, which is a rare and dying breed in his world.

A Half-Fleshed Man Not terribly much is known about

Elias' past, except that he is not quite fully fey or human but a

strange place in between. Faeries seem to have a general

dislike of his presence and even his name yet they cannot

deny his strong magical abilities.

Elias lives with others of the fey in his cottage, including a

house spirit named Silver and a Church Grim named Ruth,

who became Chise's familiar.

Robin Betrothed The fey like to call his apprentice and

future wife, Chise, their little robin. He takes no hesitation in

protecting Chise with all of his life. This even happens by

turning into his true monstrous form which he fears Chise

seeing for her own eyes.

Elias AinsworthMedium fey, chaotic neutral

Armor Class 17Hit Points 229Speed 35 feet


12 (+2) 14 (+3) 13 (+2) 22 (+6) 16 (+3) 14 (+2)

Condition Immunities charmedSenses Devil's Sight 80 feet,Languages Common, Sylvan, Ignan, Terran, Primordial,

Dwarven, ElvenChallenge 14

Skills. Arcana +8, Nature +8, Insight +8, AnimalHandling +5

Legendary Resistance (3/day). When Elias Ainsworth failsa saving throw, he can instead chose to succeed.

Sleigh Beggy Betrothed. When Elias Ainsworth is within30 feet of Chise Hatori, he can treat one of his die rollswith spells and spell-like abilities as the max value. Healso cannot be frightened in her presence. Elias' Caneattack is also considered magical.

I Am Shadow. Elias can meld into any shadow he sees.He is considered invisible when he does this.

Spellcasting. Elias Ainsworth can cast the followingspells innately. Intelligence is his casting stat.

At will: thorn whip, prestidigitation, eldritch blast,firebolt,

1st level (can cast each twice): comprehend language,color spray, disguise self, featherfall, fog cloud, shield

2nd level (can cast each twice): alter self, blur, knock,misty step, shatter

3rd level (can cast each twice): blink, dispel magic,hypnotic pattern, lightning bolt, slow

4th level (can cast eace twice): banishment,dimmension door, polymorph, blight

5th level (can cast each once): creation, cloudkill,insect plague

6th level (can cast each once): chain lightning, eyebite,true seeing

ActionsCane Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., onetarget. Hit: 1d8+3 damage. On a hit, the target mustmake a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or be wrapped inblack ivy and vines. At the start of both Elias and thetarget's round, they take 1d8 magical piercing damage.They may use their action to break out of the ivy (DCDexterity 18). On a success, they break out and endthe effect on themselves.

Elias Ainsworth (TrueForm)Large fey, chaotic evil

Armor Class 18Hit Points 279Speed 40 feet


22 (+6) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 20 (+5) 15 (+3) 13 (+2)

Condition Immunities frightened, charmed, paralyzedSenses Devil's Sight 80 feet, truesight 30 feetLanguages Common, Sylvan, Ignan, Terran, Primordial,

Dwarven, ElvenChallenge 16

Legendary Resistance (3/day). When Elias Ainsworth failsa saving throw, he can instead chose to succeed.

Sleigh Beggy Betrothed. When Elias Ainsworth is within30 feet of Chise Hatori, he can treat one of his die rollswith spells and spell-like abilities as the max value. Healso cannot be frightened in her presence. Elias' Caneattack is also considered magical.

I Am Shadow. Elias can meld into any shadow he sees.He is considered invisible when he does this.

Spellcasting. Elias Ainsworth can cast the followingspells innately. Intelligence is his casting stat. Inaddition, he can shapeshift into a limited number ofhumanoid forms and his True Form. The humanoidforms have no bearing on his stats.

At will: thorn whip, prestidigitation, eldritch blast,firebolt

1st level (can cast each twice): comprehend language,color spray, disguise self, featherfall, fog cloud, shield

2nd level (can cast each twice): alter self, blur, knock,misty step, shatter

3rd level (can cast each twice): blink, dispel magic,hypnotic pattern, lightning bolt, slow

ActionsMultiattack. Melee Weapon Attack: Elias can attackthree times, switching between Bite and Claw.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., onetarget. Hit 1d12+ 6 piercing damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 tp hit, reach 5 ft., onetarget. Hit 2d10+6 slashing damage. On a hit, he canchose to grapple the target (DC 19 Strength savingthrow to escape). While grasped in this way, Eliasautomatically makes any Claw attack against said target.

Legendary ActionsElias can take 3 Legendary Actions, choosing from theoptions below. Only one legendary action can be usedat a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn.Spent legendary actions are regained at the start ofeach turn.

Claw Elias can make one Claw attack.

Master of Brambles (Cost 1 LA). Elias can conjure forth atangle of ivy and thorns around up to four targets hecan see or sense. Targets must make a DC 18 Strengthsaving throw or be stuck in the brambles. They are thenconsidered restrained. For each turn the creature is inthe brambles, they lose 1d10 health and this is givenback to Elias.

Animate Shadows (cost 2 LA's). Elias brings the shadowsin a 40 foot area based on him to life, which serve him

RuthChise Hatori's familiar, the creature named "Ruth" was a

confused and conflicted soul. He saw himself as human, even

though he was blind to the fact that he was anything but. No

matter his thoughts, he has found new purpose and remains

as loyal and stalwart as always.

Ever-Faithful Hound Ruth was once named Ulysses, a

name given to him by his owner, Isabelle. He saw the human

woman as a sister to him, even though he was not. This

never-yielding affection for Isabelle made him blind to the fact

that he was a Church Grim, also called a black dog.

When Isabelle passed away, Ulysses could not understand

the concept of death and thought that Isabelle was merely

sleeping deeply. Even days after her passing, he lay at her

graveside, waiting for the moment for her to wake up from

her slumber.

RuthMedium fey (Church Grim, shapechanger), chaoticgood

Armor Class 16Hit Points 130Speed 60 feet


16 (+3) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 13 (+2) 11 (+1) 15 (+3)

Condition Immunities charmedSenses Devil's Sight 100 feet, passive Perception

11Languages Common, SylvanChallenge 6

Shapeshifter. Ruth can transform into his ChurchGrim form or that of a young human male.

Familiar. Ruth can be summoned by Chise Hatori.He can communicate telepathicly with her, and feelher emotions and thoughts.

Pack Tactics. Ruth has advantage on attack rollsagainst a creature if at least one of his allies iswithin 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn'tincapacitated.

ActionsMultiattack. Ruth can make two Claw and one Biteattack.

Claw Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, one target, 5ft. Hit: 1d8 + 5 piercing damage.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, one target, 5ft. Hit: 3d4 + 5 piercing damage.

ReactionsProtect the Mistress. When Chise is attacked byeither a spell or melee weapon attack, Ruth canteleport behind the attacker and make two Bite orClaw attacks.