BYELAWS, INFORMATION BROCHURE … · Endo-trainer To be judged at contact session Appendix 10...


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(Dip MAS)






AMASI had started its Minimal access Surgery fellowship programme way back in 2005-06. Since then about 30 such skill courses have been completed and fellowship awarded to more than 1300 surgeons from all over the country. Minimal access surgery in the country has evolved and grown further. Now it has been felt that we need to improvise and start a diploma programme. Since majority of our members and fellows are practicing surgeons, this programme has been structured to suit their needs. Due care has been taken so that standards are not diluted & meaningful diploma could be awarded to the deserving surgeons. The modern methods of teaching, learning & evaluation are being used so it can also be globally accepted.


Diploma in MAS endeavors to evolve and enhance minimal access surgical skills among members and fellows of AMASI, infuse state of art surgical techniques and practices and to undertake state of art research in this sphere of Medical practice.

Objectives: To unable the learner:

1. To have and upgrade his basic knowledge for clinical laparoscopic applications.

2. To understand all the basic principles (instruments, materials, equipment and anaesthesia) and be able to perform the most frequently used basic laparoscopic techniques.

3. To be able to perform basic technical tasks in laparoscopic surgery including

intracorporeal suturing and knot tying techniques, two hand coordination for dissection and safe use of energy sources.

4. To be able to describe results and potential complications of laparoscopic

procedures and manage them.

5. To be able to perform some advanced laparoscopic procedures like in fields of HBP, Bariatric, Upper GI, Hernia and Colorectal surgeries and have hands on experience of advance procedures.


Duration of course: One Year (12 months

(1st July till 30th June)

Eligibility Criteria for admission: For AMASI Members

1. MS (General Surgery/ Surgery) or DNB(Surgery) passed surgeons who are performing routinely laparoscopic surgery. (Certificate from HOD/ Head of Institute to be attached)

2. Should have been already awarded FMAS at the time of application

For Associate AMASI members

1. Passed their qualifying exam (MS/MD/DGO in Obs & Gynae) at least two years before applying.

2. Are regularly performing laparoscopic surgery. (Certificate from HOD/ Head of Institute to be attached) / Self for consultants.

3. Have attended atleast three AMASICON workshops. 4. Should have previously undergone some formal training in laparoscopic surgery in

the country or abroad including AMASI skill course.

Diploma Admission Fee: Rs 30,000/- (Rs 5000/- with the proposal sent before 31st May which is non refundable) Contact Session Fee: Rs 5,000/- per contact session. It includes entry to all lectures, Tea/ coffee, Lunch and Course Dinner Exam fees: Rs 7500/- (MCQ based exam, after 12 months of enrollment, in the month of July) (Special Note: The candidates registered for contact session and exit exam will have to bear their own expenses for travelling and lodging/ stay)

Teaching Strategies:

The Diploma in MAS (DMAS) will be offered as a Part – time course. The course will be divided into 2 semesters of six months each. There will be two contact sessions, one towards the end of 1st Semester & other after the end of 2nd Semester. The course syllabus will consist of modules out of which the candidate will need to select & complete modules during the course such that each semester the candidate is able to accumulate

30 credits. Out of these modules, 7 modules are compulsory Modules, which have to be completed in 1st 6 months (semester) and will give candidates 30 credits; candidate shall have an option of completing rest of optional modules by next 6 months(semester). It has to be certified by his expert/guide in the log book.


The enrollment for the said course will be done by 1st

receiving complete application will be 31 of May admission to the course will be as per the desired above.

July, every year. Last date of s t March every year . The eligibility criteria as mentioned

The first contact session shall be either before the national conference or as decided by the governing council. Between the contact sessions the candidate will mainly be pursuing self-directed learning through the literature and references offered/suggested after the enrollment. The candidates shall also undergo practical training as detailed in the prescribed log-books. The log- books should be duly maintained and updated with evidences which will be considered as a part of Formative Assessment. The candidates can have informal discussions about the procedures and the log books between contact sessions amongst themselves and with the expert faculty. The candidate should also maintain personal portfolios which will be reviewed at the time of contact sessions.

Eligibility Criterion for selecting Expert Faculty/Guide

1. Expert Faculty will have to apply to AMASI college of minimal access surgery in the prescribed format for eligibility (Annexure 1) which will be evaluated by the Diploma MAS core committee. Governing Council of College of AMASI will inform via email and hard copy to expert Faculty/Guide their acceptance and their names will be published in AMASI web site. Only after either receiving email/letter from Governing Council of College of AMASI the faculty should accept to become a guide/ expert faculty for any candidate.

2. Total experts will be kept to maximum of 50 from all over the country and each expert will be eligible to take two students per year.

3. No monetary benefit will be provided to the experts from Governing Council of College of AMASI.

4. Expert has to re apply every 5 yrs to Governing Council of College of AMASI in separate performa.

Minimum eligibility criteria for expert faculty

1. Member of AMASI 2. Fellow of AMASI (FMAS) for 5 yrs 3. A practicing Surgeon for more than 10years, or Post graduate Teaching Experience

as faculty (Not senior resident/ Demonstrators/MO) in recognized Medical Institution including DNB surgery recognized institution for more than 5 years

4. Not less than 3 Publications in minimal access surgery in indexed journals of

repute or atleast 5 publications in indexed journals of repute within the last five years from the date of application.

5. Laparoscopic surgery experience for more than 10yrs

(All criteria are mandatory)


Applications will have to reach AMASI College of Minimal Access surgery office on or

before 28th February for the guide/expert to be eligible for that particular year. However one can apply for recognition throughout the year but will need confirmation before

agreeing to become an expert of a candidate who has to submit their proposal before 31st March every year. AMASI website will have the list of Faculty eligible for being an expert. The candidates will have to select their expert faculty based on the criterions mentioned above and will send their proposal to Governing Council of College of AMASI for the approval. No objection letter from Expert/Guide to be attached. Once approved, the registered candidate will have to coordinate with the expert faculty/guide and the guide will be a link between the AMASI College of MAS and the candidate.

Meeting of Governing Council

1. Month of June (7th till 10th June): Assessing applications of experts/Guide.

2. Month of May (10th -15th): Assessing proposal from candidates. 3. During Contact Sessions.

The course will ensure training in all three domains of learning i.e. • Cognitive (Knowledge) • Affective (Behavior, communications skills towards the patients) • Psychomotor (Development of skills)

The syllabus consists of;

Sr Name of the Module Compulsory/ Total no Optional credits

1 General Laparoscopy compulsory 6

2 Diagnostic Laparoscopy compulsory 6

3 Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy compulsory 6

4 Laparoscopic Appendix compulsory 6

5 Hernia – TEP(Unilateral, Reducible & compulsory 2 Incomplete)

6 Hernia – TAPP(Unilateral, Reducible & compulsory 2 Incomplete)

7 Ventral Hernia(<5cm defect, Reducible) compulsory 2 Umbilical Hernia


Upper GI Surgeries* Optional 30

8 Achalasia Cardia 9 Fundoplication 10 Cancer Esophagus 11 D2 Gastrectomy

Colorectal Surgeries* Optional 30

12 Laproscopic Rectopexy 13 Laproscopic Colectomy 14 Laproscopic Anterior Resection

Gynaecology* Optional 30

15 Total Laproscopic Hysterectomy (TLH) 16 Laparoscopic Myomectomy 17 Laparoscopic Oophrectomy

HBP Surgeries* Optional 30

18 Whipple’s Operation 19 Liver Metastasis Resection 20 Hydatid Cyst Liver 21 Splenectomy

Bariatric Surgeries* Optional 30

22 Preparation of Patient and OT set up for Bariatric Surgery

23 Gastric Banding 24 Sleeve Gastrectomy 25 Biliopancreatic Diversion


26 Gastric Bypass Surgery

Hernia* Optional 30

27 laparoscopic trans abdominal pre peritoneal hernioplasty (TAPP) Bilateral, recurrent, complete

28 Laparoscopic totally extraperitoneal

laparoscopic hernia repair (TEP) Bilateral, recurrent, complete

29 Laparoscopic management of ventral

Hernia , >5cm defect, Lateral Hernia’s, Multiple Defects, Recurrent Hernia’s

The second semester modules have been grouped in Upper GI, Colorectal, HBP, Gynaec surgeries, Bariatric surgeries & Advanced/ Difficult Hernia.

The details of the modules included in syllabus, and minimum requirement of the surgeries required per semester is as follows

Unit Topic Sub-Topic Hours Total Credit

hrs Points

I General Laparoscopy Laparoscopy unit : setup 3 18 6

Sterilization and disinfection 3

of laparoscopic instruments, electro-cautery, suturing, video documentation

Laparoscopic space access 3

Trouble shooting in laparoscopy 3

Complications in laparoscopy 6

II Diagnostic laparoscopy Adhesiolysis 6 18 6

Intussusceptions 6

Meckel’s diverticulum 6

III Gall Bladder and Anatomy of gall bladder 6 18 6

common bile duct & Various anatomical variations

Standard four port 6



Subtotal cholecystectomy 3

Recent advances in cholecystectomy 3

IV Appendix Anatomy of appendix & 6 18 6

Various anatomical variations

laparoscopic appendicectomy 6

Recent advances in 6 Laparoscopic


V Hernia laparoscopic trans abdominal 6 18 6 pre peritoneal hernioplasty


*Unilateral, reducible, Incomplete

Laparoscopic totally 6

extraperitoneal laparoscopic

hernia repair (TEP)

*Unilateral, reducible, Incomplete

Laparoscopic management of ventral 6


*<5cm defect, reducible

Umbilical Hernia

VI Upper GI Surgeries Laparoscopic management of Achalasia cardia Fundoplication

Cancer Esophagus D2 Gastrectomy


VII Bariatric Surgery Preparation of Patient and OT set up

for Bariatric Surgery Gastric Banding 30 Sleeve Gastrectomy Biliopancreatic

Diversion Gastric Bypass Surgery

VIII HBP Surgeries Laparoscopic management of

Hydatid cyst and other liver cyst

laparoscopic Splenectomy

Whipple’s Operation 30 Liver Metastasis Resection

IX Gynecology Total Laparoscopic

Hysterectomy Laparoscopic 30 Oophrectomy Laparoscopic


X Colon and Rectum Laparoscopic management of Rectal


Laparoscopic Colectomy

Laparoscopic Anterior Resection 30


XI Hernia laparoscopic trans

abdominal pre peritoneal

hernioplasty (TAPP)

*Bilateral, recurrent, complete

Laparoscopic totally

extraperitoneal laparoscopic

hernia repair (TEP)

*Bilateral, recurrent, complete 30 Laparoscopic management of

ventral Hernia

*>5cm defect, Lateral Hernia’s,

Multiple Defects, Recurrent

Practical Assessment of the candidate will be based on minimum surgeries performed and entered in log book checked and countersigned by Expert / Guide (Annexure 2). The maximum Weightage is for surgeries performed independently and minimum Weightage will be given to surgeries observed. The minimum surgeries required as follows-

Procedure Minimum surgeries required per sessions

Endo-trainer To be judged at contact session

Appendix 10 independent surgeries

Gall bladder 10 independent surgeries


Semester) 10 independent surgeries

Diag lap + small bowel 08 independent surgeries

Colon & Rectum 04 independent surgeries Laparoscopic management of

Rectal Prolapse

Laparoscopic Colectomy

Laparoscopic Anterior


Upper GI Surgeries 04 Independent Surgeries Laparoscopic management of




Gynaec Surgeries 04 Independent Surgeries Total Laproscopic Hysterectomy (TLH) Laparoscopic Oophrectomy Laparoscopic Myomectomy

HBP Surgeries 04 Independent Surgeries Laparoscopic Management Of Hydatid cyst and other liver Cysts

Laparoscopic Splenectomy

Whipple’s Operation

Liver Metastasis Resection

Bariatric Surgery 04 Independent Surgeries

Gastric Banding Sleeve Gastrectomy Biliopancreatic Diversion

Gastric Bypass Surgery

Hernia 04 Independent Surgeries



Note - 3 contact hours = 1 credit

The candidate has to choose modules from the optional category that are grouped into 5 Broad categories so as to accumulate 30 Credits in total.

It is mandatory for the candidate to accumulate 30 credits for evaluation, in both the semesters

The log Book, which is the part of formative assessment of the candidate, is to be of following format and should be counter signed by expert/guide in all pages.-



The evaluation techniques are specially designed to cater to all levels of evaluation;

• Knows – e-based MCQs (testing of knowledge) • Knows how – e-based single response questions ( analyzing the problem)

Shows how – OSCE(objective structured clinical examination) and Direct Observation during contact sessions:

• Does – Log books and Portfolios

The knowledge component will be assessed for higher cognitive domains like interpretation, synthesis, problem solving skills, clinical reasoning etc. via e-examinations for every module. The Affective domain will mainly be assessed by direct observation and OSCEs during contact sessions. The motor skills will be assessed by evaluation of the log books and actual observations during contact sessions.

Online Surgeries:

Online pre informed streaming of Laparoscopic Surgeries will be arranged for candidates during their contact sessions. The candidates are required to attend & observe the surgeries from their place, online and get their queries answered online. At the end of the live session, some Questions will be uploaded, that the candidates must answer within 24 hours of completion of live surgeries.

The candidate will have to appear for the e- theory paper of various modules within the stipulated time period that will be notified time to time.

However; he should mandatorily clear all the 7 compulsory modules by the end of 6 months to be eligible for 1st SA (Summative Assessment). And similarly the other optional modules selected by the candidate should be cleared by the end of 12 months to be eligible for 2nd SA.

Contact sessions:

The first contact session of three days will comprise of First Summative assessment (SA 1) where the candidate will appear for the practical examination of 7 compulsory modules. The second contact session of seven days will be considered as the last contact session where the candidate will undergo second summative assessment (SA 2).

The 2nd SA will comprise of practical examination/ Observations in OT for their selected areas of optional modules. Failing to clear the 1st or the 2nd SA; the candidate will be given an extension period of another 6 months to clear the modules. No further extension will be provided and the admission will stand cancelled in case the candidate fails to clear the modules during the extended period.


Criterion for passing: The candidates enrolled for the diploma course will have to score 60% or more of credits in both the semesters.

60% of total credits in 1st

semester = (60x30/100) 18

60% of total credits in 2nd

semester = (60x30/100) 18

Scheme of Exit Examinations:

The assessment will comprise of; • Continuous –

Based on the Portfolio of candidates Every candidate should maintain their personal portfolio. The portfolio should include their presentations, publications, summary of case discussions, no of hours spent in practice, any additional courses (ongoing/completed), awards, honors’, recognitions etc.

• Formative –

1. e-theory papers / module 2. log books

• Summative

1. SA1 – Lectures, Viva, MCQ’s, Endo trainers 2. SA2 – Lectures, Viva, MCQ’s, Endo trainers




Continuous Portfolio

Formative 1. e-paper

2. Log book

Summative SA 1 & SA 2


Eligibility for Appearing for Summative Examination:

The candidate should mandatorily clear all the 7 compulsory modules by the end

of 4 months to be eligible for 1st SA. Similarly the other optional modules should be

cleared by the end of 10 months to be eligible for 2nd SA.

Weightage Distribution of various Evaluative components in 1st and 2nd semester

Evaluative Credits for 1st Credits for 2nd Total component semester Semester

Portfolio 10 10 20

e- Paper 05 05 10

Log Book 05 05 10

Summative 10 NA 10

Assessment 1

Summative NA 10 10

Assessment 2

Total Credits 30 30 60



Evaluation and grading will be done by adopting Grade point Average and cumulative Grade Point Average System. This system will be applied to e – papers, practical log books, summative assessment 1 & 2.


Percentages Grade 9 Point Score

90 - 100 A+ 9.0

80 - 89 A 8.0

70 -79 B+ 7.0

60 - 69 B 6.0 50 - 59 C+ 5.0

40 - 49 C 4.0

30 - 39 D+ 3.0

20 - 29 D 2.0

10 - 19 E 1.0

Less than 10 F 00


i. Grade Point: The grade point derives from the actual percentage raw score for a given course; the raw score is converted into a letter grade and a grade point. It varies according to contact hours assigned to each course and according to the workload carried out by student.

ii. Grade Point Average (GPA): This is the average of weighted grade point earned in the courses taken during the semester. The grade Point Average is obtained by multiplying the Grade Point attained in each course/paper by the number of credit units assigned to that course / paper, and then summing these up and dividing by the total number credit units taken for the semester.

iii. Cumulative Grade Point Scale (CGPS): This is the up -to date mean of the Grade

Points earned by the student in a programme of study. It is an indication of the student's overall performance to any point in the training programme.

Eligibility for the award of Diploma shall be minimum B grade in each semester


Annexure 1

Application for recognition as Expert/ Guide for Dip MAS course under AMASI College of Minimal Access Surgery

(Fresh application / Renewal)

Name: Age: Sex: Nationality:


Clinical Practice in (Mention City/Town and State):

AMASI Membership No:

Email: Mobile No:

Basic Qualification & Year:


Post MS Experience:

From To Post Held Type of Work Laparoscopic Surgery Experience

Present Position:

University affiliation to if any at present place of work:

Years of Laparoscopic experience:

Year of receiving FMAS: Total no of years after FMAS:

Years of post graduate Surgery training experience:

How many thesis done as Guide/Co-Guide for MS/DNB/MCh students till date:

Publications for last 10 years with list:

Publications in Laparoscopic Surgery with list:


(Full Name in Capital)

Date & Place

[All above claims should be accompanied by proof along with Rs 2000/- DD (Non refundable) in favour of AMASI, Payable at Coimbatore] One can add extra sheets maintaining the above format

Please send the completed detailed form by speed post/ courier to with superscript (Application for recognition as expert) to: Secretary, AMASI College of Minimal Access Surgery, GEM Hospital, 45, Pankaja Mill Road, Ramanathapuram, Coimbatore-641045.



Annexure 2

Format of Log book

Name of Candidate

Name of Expert

Semester I/ II

Compulsory/Optional Module

Date from ____________ To_________________.

Place of Work

Name of Module No of Avg no of Total hours Total Credits ____________________ Procedures hours per


Observed (Actual Figure)


Performed with assistance

Performed Independently

Signature of Candidate

Signature of expert

Date of contact session

Remarks By GC if any

Signature of Chairman Governing council (At time of contact session)


Annexure 3 Application for enrollment for Dip MAS course under AMASI College of Minimal Access Surgery

Candidate Details:

Name: Age: Sex: Nationality:


Clinical Practice in (Mention City/Town and State):

AMASI Membership No:

Email: Mobile No:

Basic Qualification & Year:


Post MS Experience:

From To Post Held Type of Work Laparoscopic Surgery Experience

Years of Laparoscopic experience:

Year of receiving FMAS: Total no of years after FMAS:

Expert Details:

Name of Proposed Expert/Guide:

In brief: (two hundred words) Why should you be selected as Dip MAS candidate?

Signature of candidate: (Full Name in Capital) Date & Place

One can add extra sheets maintaining the above format All supporting documents should be attached

Please send the completed detailed form by speed post/ courier to with superscript (Application for recognition as expert) to: Secretary, AMASI College of Minimal Access Surgery, GEM Hospital, 45, Pankaja Mill Road, Ramanathapuram, Coimbatore-641045.



College of Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India

Diploma in Minimal Access Surgery [Dip Mas] forms part of activity of AMASI:

Regulations for Diploma in Minimal Access Surgery [Dip Mas]


This Diploma in Minimal Access Surgery [Dip MAS], forms part of activity of Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India [AMASI], a trust registered under the Tamilnadu Societies Registration Act, 1974, vide registration number 62/2005, headquartered at ‘GEM Hospital’, 45-A, Pankaja Mill Road, Ramanathapuram, Coimbatore – 641045.

The Dip MAS forms part of article 3 (a) of the objects clause of Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India [AMASI] which envisages to promote, educate, encourage and advance the study and practice of science and art of surgery with specialization in Minimal Access Surgery. The term ‘Diploma in Minimal Access Surgery ’ shall be referred hereafter as ‘Dip Mas’, while the term ‘Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India’ shall be referred hereafter as ‘AMASI’, for the sake of brevity.


The College of Minimal Access Surgeons of India shall consist of an unlimited number of Fellows who have been awarded the Diploma in Minimal Access Surgery and/or FMAS by the association.

It shall be registered under TRUST Act at the head quarter (Coimbatore)


College of MAS endeavors to evolve and enhance surgical skills among the members of AMASI, by conducting training program, lectures and awarding certification based on course content conceived, designed and develop to enhance surgical skills of members and infusing state of the art surgical techniques and practices and also undertake further research in this sphere of medical practice & Medical education & Nursing training & education.

It will continuously upgrade the knowledge of fellows and members by bringing out Journals, periodicals and newsletters.



It is hereby confirmed that the bye laws of AMASI, the parent body, is supreme and shall supersede the regulations listed hereunder for implementing MAS. In effect, any decision taken by the Governing Council constituted for MAS shall be subject approval of Executive Committee of AMASI.


The governing council of the College of MAS shall consists of

1. One Chairman, Founder President of AMASI 2. General Secretary as Nominated by the Chairman 3. Ex-Officio Members – President of AMASI 4. Ex-Officio Members – Secretary of AMASI 5. Dr Navnit K Choudhary, Prof. Surgery, CMC Ludhiana 6. Dr Rozario, Prof. Surgery, St John’s Hospital, Bangaluru 7. Dr Avinash Supe, Dean, SION Hospital, Mumbai 8. Dr Ramesh Ardhanari, Consultant GI, Meenakshi Mission Hospital, Madurai 9. Dr Om Tantia, Consultant Surgeon, ILS, Kolkata


The Chairman shall be founder president for first 3 years. Subsequently he/she shall be elected by the members of the AMASI from among their own numbers in the manner provided for in bye-laws of the College. He shall hold office for a period of three years, and shall be eligible for re-elections.

The elections of the President shall be subject to the approval of the parent body of AMASI.

The Council shall consists of 9 members,* including the President and General Secretary, and shall be elected from among the Fellows of the AMASI in the manner provided for in the bye-laws of the College.


Members will be elected by following criterions

1. Teaching experience as professor of surgery for at least 5 years and the person should be involved in laparoscopic surgeries.

2. AMASI members having more than 15 years of professional experience


The seal shall be in the custody of the chairman and the General Secretary.

The seal shall not be affixed to any instrument except in the presence of the Chairman, or the

General Secretary, or in their absence, in the presence of the senior member of the council.


The members of the Governing Council shall meet as often as necessary. The Governing Council

should meet at least once every quarter (i.e. every three months) in a year.

Any decision taken by the Governing Council of college of MAS project shall be passed by a simple

majority of members present at a meeting of the Governing Council.


The making, altering or abrogating any bye-laws shall be in the following manner.

A written formula for any proposal bye-laws, or for altering or for abrogation any existing bye-

laws, being delivered by a member of the Council to the President, or presiding member, at any

meeting of the Council, shall thereupon bread, and if seconded, be taken into consideration and if

approved by a majority of the members present, it shall be referred to a committee of three

members of the Council who shall be immediately nominated by the President with direction to

report at the next or succeeding meeting of the Council, with or without obtaining opinion of

counsel, if the same, in the judgment of the Council or the said committee, be necessary. On the


said committee presenting the report, Council shall consider it and shall vote for the acceptance

or rejection of the said formula, and if it be approved by a majority of two-third of the members

present it shall be incorporated in the bye-laws.


1. Should any member of the Governing Council be absent for more than two consecutive

ordinary meeting without leave of the council, he shall ipso facto cease to be a member of

the Governing council unless a reason for such absence satisfactory to the council be


2. Any member of the Council who shall be absent from India for a period exceeding nine

months shall have previously intimated his intention to the council during such absence,

and the council shall nominate a substitute member for the period.

3. Any members of the council who shall willfully disobey any bye-laws, ordinance, rule or

constitution of the College, shall be liable to censure or removal from the Governing Body,

by resolution thereof passed by a majority of at two-thirds of the members present at that

meeting, and in the latter event shall cease to hold any office in the Council.


1. The resignation of a member of the Governing council shall not be effectual until the

acceptance thereof by the Council.

2. Every member of the Council whose resignation shall have been accepted or who shall

have been removed, shall ipso facto cease to be a member of every committee of which

he shall have been elected a member.



1. Any ordinary meeting of the Council shall ordinarily be held upon the mutual consensus

amongst the members. The teleconferencing and other IT modalities may be liberally used

for the conduct of meeting.

2. The diploma of Member shall be in such form as the Council may from time to time judge


3. The seal of the College shall be affixed to the diploma of every member of the College.

4. Every person prior to his admission as a Member shall subscribe his name to copy the bye-

laws of the College in testimony of his having engaged himself to the observance thereof.

5. The fees of the examination for the diploma of Member shall be Rs. 7500/- payable at

such time and in such manner as the Council may direct. These fees may be altered from

time to time by the Council. (Details in procedures)

6. The Council of the College of Minimal Access surgeons of India shall have the power of

declining to examine any candidate whose character, conduct, or mode of practice render

such candidate unfit to be admitted a Member of the College.

7. No member of the College shall allow his name to be connected with any advertisement

for personal gain or publication of an indelicate or immoral nature.

8. No Member of the College shall be guilty of deception or other immorality in the practice

of his profession, or shall in any other way conduct himself inconsistently with the honor

and decorum which becomes his position as a Member of the College.


The Council will all times protect and defend every Fellow and Member of the College who may

be disturbed in the exercise and enjoyment of the rights privileges, exemptions, and immunities

acquired by him as a Fellow and Member, or Members thereof.



1. If any Fellow, or Member, of the College shall after due enquiry be judged by the College

to have been guilty of disgraceful conduct in any professional respect, he shall be liable to

removal by resolution of the Council from being a Fellow and Member, or Member, of the


2. Should any Fellow or Member of the College be convicted of any criminal offence or have

his name removed from any Medical Register, the Council of the College may, if they

should consider the offence of which he shall been convicted or for which his name shall

have been so removed, to be of such a nature as to render him unfit to remain a

Fellow and Member, of the College, remove such Fellow or Member by resolution to that

effect, from being a Fellow and Member, of the College.

3. Any Fellow or Member who shall have been removed by resolution of the Council as

aforesaid, shall there by forfeit all his rights and privileges as a Fellow and Member, or a

Member, of the College; and his diploma or diplomas shall thereupon be avoid and shall

become the property of the College, and be delivered up by such Fellow or Member of the

College on demand, provided that, if at any subsequent time the Council of the College by

resolution, and subject to such conditions as they may think proper, rescind any resolution

which may have been passed under any of the preceding bye-laws for removing any

person from being a Fellow and Member or Member of the College, such rescinding of the

former resolution shall have the effect of restoring such person to the Fellowship or

Membership of the College, and such person shall, notwithstanding such removal or

forfeiture as aforesaid, but subject to such conditions as the Council may in the particular

case see fit to impose, be restored to his rights and privileges as a Fellow and Member or a

Member of the College.



Any Fellow or Member of the College desirous of ceasing to be a Fellow or Member thereof, shall

tender his resignation to the Council.


The Governing Council will obtain, install and maintain required resources including equipment,

books [both electronic and physical form] and fixtures to the extent of the required number for

conducting courses provided by MAS.


The course curriculum designed for courses offered by MAS shall be the intellectual property right

of MAS. The Governing Council shall undertake such steps to secure copyrights, trademarks or

such other intellectual rights which may arise while fulfilling the objects of MAS.


AMASI will transfer the funds which are meant for academic activities of the Association shall be

transferred to the account of this college. Presently it is suggested that immediately Rs. 30 lacs

may be transferred to the account of the college to transact the business and raise the necessary

infrastructure required for this course.


Separate bank account may be opened and operated by the Governing Council. The designated

bank account shall be operated by such member of the Governing Council as authorized by it, by

passing a resolution by simple majority of members present.



The Governing Council shall be solely responsible for upkeep of books of accounts and related

records. The Governing Council of MAS has to keep accurate records in accordance with generally

accepted accounting principles and standards to enable verification and audit of accounts by

Executive Committee of AMASI or persons duly authorized by Executive Committee of AMASI on

its behalf. The Executive Committee of AMASI has the right to audit the financial and nonfinancial

records at any time with prior intimation.

The Governing Council will report actual results on monthly basis to Executive Committee of

AMASI in the prescribed format giving details of courses currently in progress, number of

candidates who have enrolled for the courses and the overall response / feedback, etc.


The Chairman and general Secretary shall be Joint Treasurers of the College.

All payments, contributions and fines shall be paid to the Treasurers of the College.

All draft upon the bankers of the College shall be signed by one of the Treasurers at least, and the


The accounts of the College shall be audited at least once in each year on such date or dates as

the Council shall direct, by an auditor or auditors to be nominated by the Council. The audited

balance sheet should be placed before the Council for adoption.



1. All funds, securities, moneys, lands and buildings and all other assets of all kinds belonging

to the College from time to time shall be held by the College and be under the direct

charge and supervision of the Council, and all such funds, securities, moneys, lands and

buildings and all other assets of all kinds shall stand in the name of the “College of minimal

Access surgeons of India.”

2. The Council shall be at liberty to keep the funds, securities, moneys, lands and buildings

and all other assets of all kinds in their existing state of investment so long as they in their

absolute discretion think best or vary such investments from time to time as they think fit

or sell off any part of the said funds, securities, moneys, lands and buildings, subject as

provided in Bye-law 3 below, and College or for the purchase of either for the purposes of

the College or for the purchase of any lands and buildings or the construction, repairs and

maintenance of any lands and buildings belonging to the College or to invest the net sale

proceeds as also all funds not required for immediate use in securities and investments

authorized by law.

3. In the case of any immovable property belonging to the College, the same shall not be

sold unless the Council shall consider it necessary by a resolution approved by a majority

of two thirds of the members present to sell such property and in such event the Council

shall have the power to sell the same by public auction or private contract or exchange

the same or otherwise transfer the same on such terms and conditions relative to title or

otherwise in all respect as they may think fit, and to buy in, rescind or vary any contract

for sale, exchange or transfer and to resell the same or enter into a fresh contract or sale,

exchange or transfer.

4. As regards the management and administration of any immovable property and

investments, belonging to the College, the same shall be governed by rules framed in that

respect from time to time by the Council.


5. Any moneys, funds or securities and any other property of or belonging to the College

shall be paid or made over to the President or, by his order or in his absence, to one of the

Vice-Presidents by the Secretary or any other person holding or having received the same

as soon as such payment can be made.

6. All payments, contributions and fines shall be to the use of College.


All the legal matters of the college shall be addressed at the headquarters and any legal conflicts /

proceedings shall be subjected to the judiciary at the headquarters.



To unable the learner:

1. To have basic knowledge for clinical laparoscopic applications

2. To understand all the basic principles (instruments, materials, equipment and

anaesthesia) and be able to perform the most frequently used basic laparoscopic


3. To be able to perform basic technical tasks in laparoscopic surgery including

intracorporeal suturing and knot tying techniques, two hands coordination for dissection

and safe use of energy in laparoscopy.

4. To be able to describe results and potential complications of laparoscopic procedures and

manage them.

5. To be able to perform s o m e advanced laparoscopic procedures in fields of HBP,

Bariatric, Upper GI, Hernia and Colorectal surgeries and have hands on experience of

advanced procedures.



The FMAS program shall continue under the MAS as per the previously notified schedule and

criteria. There shall be four such programs in a year comprising of 36 didactic lectures over a

period of three days.

At the end of the didactic lectures, the theory and practical examination shall be conducted at the

same venue of the skill course.

Note - Curriculum Guidelines for the above mentioned courses are available separately