By Zeb. Background Information At home I recycle more than 30 plastic bottle a day, Half of that is...


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Talent 21 ProjectResearch & Experiment Information

By Zeb

Background InformationAt home I recycle more than 30 plastic

bottle a day, Half of that is water bottle.

Causes and EffectsHow will what you do change your local environment?

Causes Effects

People recycle more bottles Less air pollution from factories

Less bottle made. More animals living because of the animal mistakes

Less bottle Less liter

5W’s and an HQuestion Think about your topic and the background.

Who invented the item you are conserving?

Alexander Parkes

What is the history of your item?

Plastic bottles were first used commercially in 1947

Where is it made?

Plastic bottle are made all over the world

When was it invented?


Why is it used? To fill with water and other liquid

How can you conserve or reduce your use?

You can reduce the use by getting a water bottle a plastic on but the one that last a long time

Resources CitedWhere did you get your information from? Put the name of the place where you got the information, the URL and date you found it on the Web, publisher, page numbers, etc.


HypothesisWrite a hypothesis about how you think this change will help your environment and your ecological issue.If, Then Statement

If , then I will reduce my ecological footprint on my local environment.”

I predict the more people who recycle bottle the less pollution

Sample: •an If, then statement, "If all of the lightbulbs in my house are switched to CFL’s, then our energy bill will be reduced and I will reduce my ecological footprint on my local environment.”

ExperimentWhat will you do in your experiment?Recycle bottlesWhat will you be measuring in your

experiment? How big my recycle bin goesWhat do you think will happen? (I Think my

family is going to get and high amount of bottle in are recycle bin
